Drawing of Kid Sitting With Ballcap From Behind

Parent Category: Incident Alert Archives
Category: Construction Accidents

Construction Accidents Page #12

This page was last updated on  05/06/2010

Construction worker killed at site for Barcelona high speed rail link (a 35 year old workman has died in an accident in one of the tunnels railway station where work is taking place to bring the high speed rail link - he was crushed by a loaded lorry which overturned when he was operating its attachment by remote control - reports say its gross weight could have been up to three tons)

UPDATE Worker dies from injuries (a man, 51, who sustained serious head injuries in an industrial accident has died - he suffered the injuries in an accident at a building while two workers were removing scrap metal from the ceiling of a building that was being demolished when one of the men fell from a forklift with serious head injuries)

Construction Worker Free After 3 Hours In Trench (it took over three hours for rescue personnel to free a construction worker stuck waist-deep in the mud in a 12-foot trench - the hole opened up and trapped the worker when a mound of dirt supporting pipes collapsed in a roadside trench)

Worker dies in seven-story fall down elevator at Lauderdale condo (a worker died after falling seven stories down an elevator shaft - the man was working on the elevator and opened its door when he fell)

Worker killed by blow from digger bucket (a man, 57, was killed instantly after being struck by the bucket of a mechanical digger on a building site - he was working when a bucket is believed to have become detached from a mechanical digger, falling on him and killing him instantly - the digger was moving slabs of concrete at the time of the accident)

Worker, 59, dies after ladder fall (a man, 59, died in hospital after falling 15ft while carrying out work on an empty building - he suffered severe head injuries and was unconscious when he was found at the scene of the accident - one theory is that he had balanced a ladder on top of scaffolding - he then slipped, knocking the scaffolding over and sending him plunging to the ground - he would have been working about 15ft above the ground)

Railing falling off building kills worker ( a falling railing killed a worker instantly after it crashed down off a high-rise building - the man, who police describe as a carpeting worker in his 40s, was standing on the ground with a group of workers outside the building an area under construction)

Workers Survive Scaffolding Collapse (two construction workers are recovering after surviving a scary scaffolding collapse - the men were working on an eight story building when a cable malfunctioned, dumping the men from the platform - safety harnesses kept them from falling all the way to the ground - luckily, some firefighters were nearby and were able to make a quick rescue - one of the men suffered a broken leg - the other worker had cuts on his head)

Gas line broken; workers evacuated (a construction worker accidentally dug into and broke a 4-inch natural gas line downtown - hundreds of construction workers and downtown office workers were evacuated for more than an hour - a subcontractor working on the tower ruptured the gas line)

Worker falls from rooftop (the construction worker lost his balance and fell, feet-first, 60 feet onto the wooden roof of the neighboring building - no other details)

Builder breaks leg after falling off scaffolding (a man had to be airlifted to hospital with a fractured leg after falling off some scaffolding - the man, who was carrying some breeze blocks at the time, stepped off some low scaffolding and fell, around a metre, onto some pallets which broke as he landed on them)

Construction worker falls, dies (a construction worker died after the machinery he was operating fell several stories to the ground - investigation is ongoing)

Highway worker struck by truck, thrown 21 feet (a town highway worker was knocked 21 feet into the air when he was struck by a runaway recycling truck - he was cleaning leaves out of a drainage ditch when the accident occurred about 10:50 a.m. - a garbage truck and recycling truck were working in tandem - they had both stopped to pick up bags - the recycling truck apparently slipped out of gear and started rolling backward - he was operating a leaf-collecting vacuum from a parked street sweeper nearby at the side of the road, had his back to the trucks and couldn't hear them)

Excavator crushes man (man, 30, was crushed to death when the excavator he was driving toppled from a trailer - man was unloading the excavator from a truck when the accident occurred)

CONFINED SPACE ACCIDENT Construction Worker Injured in Accident (worker was drilling concrete in a sewage storage tank when he became entangled with the drill and then complained of neck and back pain - no other details)

Worker hurt after falling from forklift (a man is in hospital with serious head injuries after falling from a forklift - the accident occurred at a building - two workers were removing scrap metal from the ceiling of a building that was being demolished when one of the men fell from a forklift)

Worker dies in fall at Penn Hills demolition site (a worker,64, died after falling 40 feet from a building he was helping demolish - no other details)

Worker Injured In Accident ( deputies are still investigating a mid-morning accident that injured a worker standing on the side of the road - the accident happened around 9:00 a.m. along Highway 43 - county dispatcher says an 18-wheeler was in the middle of unloading when a passer-by in an SUV hit one of the workers)

Gilmer schools close after worker dies (the sole maintenance man, 47, for the County Schools died while working on a broken heating and air conditioning unit - he was likely was electrocuted sometime in the afternoon)

Welder's torch sparks fire; three displaced (sparks from a welding torch started a fire at the apartments - workers were welding metal steps onto an apartment building when sparks and heat from the torch set the building on fire)

Thai Worker Hit By Car At Road Construction Site ( a car driven by a woman ploughed through a construction barricade and ran into the 40-year-old worker who suffered hand and back injuries)

UPDATE Worker trapped in WB building collapse succumbs to injuries (the construction worker who was buried under rubble during a Dec. 10 demolition died Thursday afternoon)

Worker dies in accident at the workplace in El Ejido (a 35 year old worker was killed when he was run over by an excavator - it happened at his workplace, a cement company - emergency services could only record his death on their arrival)

Worker killed when hit by forklift at school site (a construction worker was killed when he was hit by a forklift truck at the construction site of the new High School - the victim, 58, was an electrician - the accident occurred about 11 a.m. - he was among a group of workers who were crossing a parking lot after attending a meeting in the building - the forklift driver was headed around a curve and apparently did not see him - he was run over by the right rear tire of the forklift truck)

Worker tumbles off church roof (while repairing the roof of the Church, a 25-year-old worker slid down the shingles and landed in bushes, fracturing his right leg and right wrist - according to police reports, the accident happened at 1:20 p.m. - the victim, climbed a ladder to the pitch of the church and lost his grip and fell to the ground)

Death of construction worker investigated (authorities are investigating to determine the circumstances that led to a construction worker falling to his death from a rooftop - worker, 31, landed on his back and died from the fall - the County Medical Examiner's office reported that he died from internal injuries with bleeding - none of the other workers witnessed the fall - the crew had finished the roofing work a day before he fell, and no one knows why he went back up on the roof)

Seven Construction Workers Injured After Scaffolding Collapses (seven workers were injured after scaffolding collapsed at a construction site - three workers were seriously injured and several others had broken bones - workers were laying bricks for a new shopping center when the 20-foot-high scaffolding gave way - one worker was on the scaffolding loading bricks and authorities believe the weight of the bricks may have caused the structure to collapse on top of the six others on the ground who were injured - other workers on scene acted quickly to free the victims from the structure - officials said their attempts to help could have caused more injuries - the two victims most seriously injured were underneath the scaffolding when it fell - photos @ link)

Roof Collapses, Killing a Worker and Injuring Two (a construction laborer working on the ground floor of a five-story apartment building was killed when the roof of the building collapsed - the building had a history of construction violations and complaints by neighbors, according to city records - worker was going to quit his job by Friday, relatives said - the dead laborer, 33, died in a torrent of brick and plaster that cascaded through the empty shell of the building - two other workers were injured in the collapse, one of whom was rescued by firefighters from Rescue 1 who rushed into the building and cut him free of the debris - more than 100 firefighters responded to the scene)

Man killed in roofing accident in Thompson (a construction worker was killed on the job after falling 17 feet off scaffolding that was mounted against a house - worker, 47, was part of a roofing company crew installing a new roof on a two-story home when he fell off aluminum scaffolding around 11 a.m. - he was transported to Hospital by ambulance - he succumbed to injuries sustained from the fall and was pronounced dead at 11:42 a.m.)

Concrete slab pins worker during Continental Inn demolition (a man working on the demolition of the Inn was injured when a concrete slab from the ceiling fell on him - he has (a) very, very serious injury to his foot - firefighters spent an hour working to free the man, who was pinned beneath a slab of concrete that was 3 to 5 inches thick and measured 6 by 15 feet across)

Two Men Critically Injured in Construction Accident (two male workers were constructing a building when they both fell from a high-reach hitting the concrete slab platform below - the platform was elevated 20 feet from off the ground - one worker broke his leg)

Wall falls on man (a retaining wall fell over on a construction worker but he was not seriously injured - the accident happened about 10:45 a.m. at a residence as workers were digging around an older wall so that they could add a newer wall to reinforce the first one - instead the wall toppled onto the worker, who was in his 20s, but other workers were able to help him out from under it)

Parent Category: Incident Alert Archives
Category: Construction Accidents

Construction Accidents Page #11

This page was last updated on  05/06/2010

UPDATE Casino exec: Injured worker wasn't wearing harness (a steel worker injured at the construction site apparently was not wearing a safety harness when he fell about 30 feet from the lower section of the casino roof)

Men injured on Swampscott Road job site (a man working injured a leg after an accident involving a piece of equipment, possibly a front-end loader - no other details yet)

Highway worker injured when hit by vehicle (a highway worker, 26, for a private company was struck by a vehicle  when she was placing construction barriers - she had entered the highway and placed a barrel in the travel lane - on her way back to the roadway, she entered the path of a passing vehicle and was struck)

Falling tree kills worker (a man was killed when a tree fell on the track hoe he was operating - was working on property to remove trees on the property - was removing dirt from the base of a tree, which divided into two large above-ground branches - while pushing the trees over with the fork of the track hoe, one fell away from the equipment and the other landed on the boom and on the operator's compartment)

Man Injured In Construction Accident (link problems)

One man dies, another breaks leg when wall tumbles onto work crew (a 39-year old man died in a construction accident when he was crushed by a wall - man was part of a crew erecting a large wooden wall - as the wall was being raised, a support cable detached and the wall dropped toward the men working below)

Worker killed in South Side construction accident ( a construction worker, 37, was killed when a concrete section of a building he was working on collapsed)

Jefferson Officer Risks Life to Help Trapped Worker (a painter remains hospitalized after he fell 30 feet to the bottom of a water tank - worker, 37, was painting the tank when he slipped and fell inside)

5 hurt when van hits IDOT truck on Bishop Ford (five people, including three Illinois Department of Transportation workers, were injured when a contractor's van rear-ended an IDOT truck - about 9 a.m., the highway workers were riding in the truck retrieving orange safety cones that had been set out earlier for a bridge project that had been canceled because of snow squalls in the area)

Work halts as worker's death investigated (work has stopped on a construction site for a new substation after a worker fell to his death - no other details)

Construction worker burned on face (a construction worker helping renovate a home was seriously burned when a fire that was started to thaw a pile of sand flared up in his face - the man, 35, was working when someone in the construction crew started a fire on sand that had become wet and froze)

Construction worker in Forked River injured after fall (a construction worker was hospitalized after falling roughly 20 feet from a ladder today at a home - was climbing a ladder at a residence in an attempt to reach a third floor
deck - as he reached the top, the ladder slid sideways and he plunged to the ground, landing face first onto lumber)

Trench collapse injures one (a man working on the septic system at his home is lucky to be alive this morning - after the trench collapsed, his wife ran out and found him completely buried - by the time firefighters arrived, she had dug around his head so that her husband could breathe and talk)

Crane crushes three cars Massive vehicle topples on Hackensack ... ( a 45-foot, 50-ton construction crane, employed for structural work at the apartment complex, toppled onto a string of parked cars - according to police, the massive crane was off-loading equipment for the work - operator in the back of the cab, felt the cab begin to tip - he must have felt something wasn't right because he jumped out and yelled, 'Run, run')

Roadwork crane plunges into yard (a crane operating on the shoulder of northbound I-5 tipped over - the crane's boom fell down an embankment and landed in a residential back yard - the cab of the crane remained on the shoulder of the freeway - the crane did not break apart - boom crushed a small shed in the back yard of a home - no injuries as a result of the 2 a.m. incident)

Worker dies after being dragged down street by trailer (a construction worker died after he fell between a co-worker's truck and trailer and was dragged 83 feet - worker, 45, went to the back of the truck to remove something - driver did not notice him behind the truck, drove forward - he tried to keep up with the moving truck, but slipped and fell beneath the trailer)

UPDATE Building firm fined after worker fell from ladder (company was fined more than £4,000 after one of its workers broke his back when he fell 20-feet from a ladder on a construction site - plummeted to the ground after the ladder he was working from slipped backwards on smooth concrete)

Construction Worker Falls More Than 20 Feet ( a construction worker was hurt after he fell more than 20 feet - an attorney representing the contractor at the sight said the worker went into an off-limits area that was barricaded)

Worker dies at library site (the man fell and died on the council's new library construction site  - the man fell 10m from a roof he had been working on - under investigation)

12:14 pm | Worker critically hurt in accident (worker, 45, was working at a construction site when a 4,000-pound wall being lowered by a crane fell, trapping him)

Worker injured in fall at Las Vegas condo construction site ( a construction worker was injured after he fell about 30 feet down an embankment at a construction site - worker is being treated for chest and leg injuries)

Ice Contributed to Construction Accident (icy conditions contribute to a fall at a construction site - crews were working on a concrete trench that is part of a major expansion - a 20-year old construction worker was going down into the trench on a scissor-lift. He slipped on a piece of ice and fell into a concrete channel)

Man electrocuted, falls off building ( a 25-year-old wall painter was killed after falling off the fourth floor of a building after being electrocuted - the two were painting a building when he touched a live wire and fell off the fourth floor - he died instantly)

Four hurt in Netherlands shopping centre blast ( the explosion appeared to have been caused by a gas leak as a local energy company was carrying out repairs - at least one of the four people injured was a construction worker)

Workers from Boone business hurt in construction site accident (three workers from the construction business were injured when a wall and scaffolding collapsed - at about 8:15 a.m., a scaffolding about 18 feet off the ground came down with two of the workers on it, and one underneath)

UPDATE Worker was buried in trench (a civil engineering firm, was laying storm sewers in June 2003 when a trench collapsed on a worker, who was the son-in-law of the company's owner - the victim suffered bruising to his ribs, a twisted right knee and torn ligaments)

UPDATE SoCal jury awards $30 million in sewage tank collapse lawsuit (a jury awarded $30 million to construction workers injured when a roof collapsed over a sewage tank they were building in Carson, plunging some down six stories and impaling two on metal reinforcement bars)

2 workers saved from dirt burial ( two construction workers were pulled from under a mound of dirt and rocks after a wooden platform collapsed and sent them falling into a mud-filled trench)

Restaurant roof collapse kills construction worker ( a 28-year-old construction worker was killed and three others were injured when the roof collapsed on the addition they were building)

Electrical accident at West Town sends two Mall employees to ... ( a Mall employee is at Vanderbilt Medical Center's burn unit with facial burns after an electrical accident - two workers were tending to an electrical box  - they believe something sparked a brief flash fire, causing facial injuries to one worker - the other victim had more minor injuries and was seen talking with medical personnel while being loaded in an ambulance)

Tragic accident kills Brockton worker in Florida (link issues)

Worker Dies In Anderson Construction Site Accident (worker, 60, was getting ready to pour a concrete footer along a private drive when the machine he was riding flipped forward - hit his head and was dead by the time rescue crews arrived at the home)

UPDATE OSHA Seeking Maximum Fine In Worker's Death ( one of the company's employees was killed on July 20 when the bank of an 8-1/2 foot deep water line excavation collapsed on him - an inspection by OSHA after the accident found that the excavation did not have cave-in protection)

Construction worker rescued from collapsed trench (the foreman at a construction site was trapped for about 45 minutes after the 8-foot-deep trench he was working in collapsed around him, burying him waist-deep - was trapped between a large boulder and a backhoe bucket - was working to tie into the Water District's recyclable water main at the time of the accident)

Laborer falls to his death at Chicago State University ( a construction worker fell to his death while working on a project - no other details)

Construction worker badly burned (worker, 36, apparently had been trying to warm up sand for mortar mix in a container that had been placed on top of a 55-gallon drum - drum was filled with burning construction scraps - when they arrived, paramedics reported he was standing in the street with second and third degree burns on his face and neck, and was having difficulty breathing)

Construction Worker Injured In Fall Onto Queensboro Bridge (a construction worker was seriously injured after falling from scaffolding - the construction worker was injured just after 10 a.m. when he plunged two stories from scaffolding above the bridge onto the roadway below)

Vista Worker Falls from Scaffold By RICHARD BRENNEMAN (construction worker fell 45 feet from atop a scaffold where he or she was applying stucco - no other details)

Gas leak disrupts downtown Beloit ( several businesses were evacuated after a contractor drilled into a natural gas line -  a company had been boring holes for demolition of the "superblock," which is the parking deck and hit a 2 inch gas main - he did not know how the worker hit the pipe as it had been located)

Worker Dies In Construction Accident (a worker was killed when the roller he was driving fell about 35 feet from an off ramp at an Interstate 40 construction site - no other details)

UPDATE Cal OSHA Investigates Worker's Fatal Fall By RICHARD BRENNEMAN ( a 58-year-old man, sustained fatal injuries when he fell four stories while working on the new community college building)

Man's leg severed in job-site accident (a 33-year-old man's leg was severed in an industrial accident - leg got caught in a trencher, a small tractor with a chainsaw-like digger attached to the back, while a co-worker was digging a septic line - leg was severed at the knee)

Worker rescued from trench (emergency crews rescued a construction worker who injured his back after falling into a trench at a fiber optic cable work site - the worker fell into a hole that was about 7 feet square and 7 feet deep - the 21-year-old told rescuers he heard his back snap when he landed in the pit, which had been dug to install a concrete cable junction box)

Worker suffers injuries (the man was opening the curtain of a rail wagon to unload packets of medium density fibreboard - one of the packets fell out of the wagon landing on the worker's legs)

Worker injured by falling wall in Olympia (a construction worker was injured when a wall he and others were putting up fell on him - workers were building a house - workers pulled their colleague out from under the wall, which was about 10 feet high and 20 feet long, and had already been sheeted)

Worker killed in road construction accident (a Department of Transportation employee was killed when he stepped in front of a moving 25-ton roller - worker, 49, was working at a road construction site when the accident occurred - witnesses said he stepped in the machine's path as it was backing up - the machine, known as a pneumatic roller, compacts pavement)

Cave-In at Construction Site Buries One Worker in NE. China ( a worker remained missing ten hours after a cave-in occurred at the construction site of an over bridge - accident took place when workers were digging a pit for a pile - a worker at the site fell into the five-meter deep pit when the cave-in happened and was then buried by mud and sand)

Welding Accident Starts Hospital Fire ( some welders working on remodeling a conference room when a small fire erupted - the fire was immediately contained by hospital staff and no patients had to be relocated)

UPDATE Report: 'Scared' Roofers Fled Church Fire (two roofers using blow torches on the roof of the historic Pilgrim Baptist Church left the scene because they became scared when they couldn't extinguish what would become a devastating fire)

Worker dies in construction accident in Stony Point ( a 33-year-old worker died an hour after being struck by an excavator digging outside a house - was hit by the excavator's bucket and forced into the side of the house)

Beam kills worker (worker, 51, died from crushing injuries after a steel beam fell onto him - appeared to be adjusting a cable attached to the beam before the beam fell)

Indonesian worker buried alive in landslide at work site (link issues)

1:00 pm | Charlotte construction worker hurt (a construction worker reportedly was injured at the site - the worker was found in a hole - firefighters are working to treat and stabilize the injured worker)

Fire at new Bangkok airport leaves one dead; will still open in ... (a construction worker died at the facility - one person died in the fire and three people were injured, mostly from jumping out of windows as the fire engulfed the building - fire was caused by an accident during construction)

One killed, two injured when building collapses in Holyoke (a construction worker died and another was seriously injured after the top floor of an unoccupied building they were demolishing collapsed - were on the fourth floor of the building when two outside walls buckled and the roof and floor caved in, dropping them to the third floor)

Railway tunnel flooding traps 11 workers in central China (eleven people were still stranded more than 12 hours after a flooding occurred at a railway tunnel construction site - accident took place when 14 workers were working inside a tunnel of an under-construction railway)

UPDATE Two Toronto-area construction companies fined $115,000 each for health and safety violations (a labourer was spraying oil onto concrete "forms" (structures into which concrete is poured) for a wall in a building when the labourer fell about 15.2 metres (50 feet) from the 10th floor to the roof of the fourth floor. The labourer had been walking backwards towards the edge of the building when the fall occurred through a 0.9-metre (three-foot) gap in a metal guardrail. The labourer died as a result of injuries)

Crane tips over near I-75 (a crane tipped over near Interstate 75 injuring the driver and spilling several hundred gallons of diesel fuel - it was unclear why the crane had tipped)

Trapped Worker Jokes About Angry Wife (a worker trapped under four-feet of dirt managed to keep his sense of humor as rescuers dug him and another man out of the ground - the two became trapped when a trench wall collapsed - the two were working on a 20-inch pipeline at a water tower when the accident occurred)

Industrial Accident Kills One in Virginia Beach ( a construction worker died when a machine malfunctioned at a job site - there was a machinery malfunction, and one of the workers got caught up in the conveyer belt - the machine is used to crush stone)

600 Residents Without Gas Service After Gas Line Accident (a contractor was excavating, where a traffic signal will soon be placed, when a gas line was struck and punctured )

Fire Forces Evacuation Of Hartford High School ( a high school was evacuated after a transformer exploded and then caught fire - three electrical workers were injured in the accident - the crew was doing routine work in the transformer room when the explosion happened )

Roofer Dies After Falling 7 Stories Onto Metal Fence (a worker repairing the roof of a condominium died after falling seven stories, landing on a metal fence - t he 55-year-old worker was operating a trolley hoist, lifting roofing supplies, when he and the machine came crashing down )

Worker injured on construction site ( a worker in the process of paving a parking lot was seriously injured when he was run over by a dump truck)

Man Injured In Fall At BWI Dies ( was one of two workers who fell into a hole about 25 feet deep while installing a fueling system at the airport's north cargo complex )

Construction Worker Injured On 44th Floor Of High-Rise ( a construction worker is recovering after he took a 15-foot fall from a high-rise under construction )

Worker suffers leg injury at Homes by Keystone ( worker, 21, was listed in satisfactory condition after his leg was injured in an industrial accident -  no details)

Construction worker crushed to death near Oceana ( a construction worker was snatched up by a mammoth rock-crushing machine and was crushed to death - a machine that was breaking up an old runway across from the base malfunctioned)

HFD, utility workers make short work of gas fire (workers cutting a gas linesparked a fire in the basement of the former school - torch ignited the fire )

Fire spoils lunch at Clifton eatery (a flash fire on the roof of the newly opened resturant emptied the building during the busy lunch - a contractor using a blow torch to apply adhesive to the roof accidentally started the fire)

Labourer dies in site collapse (a labourer was crushed to death and another seriously injured after scaffolding collapsed - men were among four labourers trying to dismantle the temporary scaffolding — which had been put up to move medical equipment)

Crane Snaps In Aberdeen (the machine was lifting a slab of cement when it snapped and came within inches of crushing the cab he was sitting in - authorities aren't sure why the crane snapped - workers were lifting a 50,000 pound cement slab as while working on a parking ramp - that's when the crane, that's supposed to be able to hold 142 tons, snapped - photo @ link)

UPDATE C.L. Construction & General Contractors Limited fined $100,000 for health and safety violation (workers were engaged in the forming and pouring of concrete foundation walls when an extendable boom on a concrete pump truck  came into contact with an energized, 27,600-volt overhead powerline. The truck operator suffered burns to a thumb and foot. A second worker, who was holding a hose connected to the boom, suffered severe burns to both hands and feet. The electrical current also flowed into an adjacent ready-mix concrete truck causing a third worker, who was standing on the truck's rear platform, to be knocked to the ground. While the third worker was being assisted by a fourth worker, the electrical current caused one of the ready-mix concrete truck's tires to explode. Both the third and fourth workers were struck by the tire and thrown through the air, landing on hard surfaces)

Construction Worker Dies In Morning Accident (a construction worker was critically injured Wednesday morning after getting hit in the head with a pipe - a pipe either fell or was dropped on the worker)


Injured worker awarded $1.89M (a jury has awarded a construction worker $1.89 million for injuries from a 2001 fall - worker, 40, fell roughly 20 feet while helping to erect the second story of a hotel - a 4,000-pound precast concrete slab landed on him after an improperly designed beam that was supposed to hold the panel in place twisted) Miami construction worker stuck in a trench (a 38-year-old construction worker fell into trench - it was considered a long fall, which means the trench was more than 10 feet below ground - no other details) Bulldozer Accident (a local construction worker was run over by a bulldozer - a man got off the bulldozer, but left it running..that's when it started to roll backwards - when he tried to climb back onto the bulldozer he slipped, and fell under one of the tracks) DOT worker hit by driver reportedly drag racing (a Department of Transportation worker suffered minor injuries this morning when a motorist lost control, allegedly while drag racing through a Ga. 400 work zone with another vehicle, and struck the pickup truck in which the worker was sitting - the worker was injured when one of the racing vehicles clipped a tractor-trailer, careened onto the shoulder and pushed the worker's pickup truck into traffic — where it was struck by another vehicle that was not involved in the race)

Caltran Worker Injured In Hit-And-Run (a worker was seriously injured in a hit-and-run accident - a trailer on the back of a landscaping truck broke loose - worker was sent to the hospital with major injuries, including a broken leg)

Bluffs worker falls off roof (man was seriously injured when he fell from a roof while working on a building project - fell through a hole in the roof - suffered a fracture in the ball of his hip joint, two cracked ribs, a bruised lung, a compound fracture in his arm, internal bleeding and a cut on his chin)

Worker injured in construction accident on South Side (the worker was using a large saw to cut through fences and trees - the saw kicked back on the man, slicing him)

Worker electrocuted in waterfront mishap (a co-worker tried cardiopulmonary resuscitation when he discovered the 23-year-old not breathing and without a pulse - the man was welding on a floating dredging barge when the accident happened)

Construction Accident Injures 2 Near Wilson Bridge (the accident occurred when a crane overturned where workers are building a new interchange)

Train Service Resumes After Construction Accident (a construction worker in his 50s suffered non-life-threatening injuries when he fell 10 to 12 feet into the unshored trench - train service was stopped because officials feared vibrations from the rail traffic would cause the ditch to collapse)

6:15 pm | Man's arm nearly severed in accident (a worker at a construction site was taken to Carolinas Medical Center after his right arm was almost severed in an accident - arm was trapped in a boring machine in a trench - the man's clothing had been caught in the machine, pulling his right hand and arm into the machinery)

Construction worker in stable condition, bridge construction ... (a journeyman carpenter, injured in a construction accident at the bridge site, is in stable condition - was part of a crew laying support beams - the accident occurred when one of the beams broke - it was suspended from a crane at the time of the break and fell to the ground)

UPDATE Wrecking firm fined for accident that killed Allan Manchester (a wrecking company was fined $250,000 for failing to stabilize a massive steel door that fell on a man during the demolition work - died of injuries sustained in the industrial accident - a supervisor and one of his coworkers was also fined)

70-ton segment of I-280 bridge falls during test at North Toledo ... ( a 70-ton precast concrete bridge segment fell 18 inches to the ground after a mechanical failure at the I-280 construction site injuring no one but disrupting the project for the second time in two weeks - a 6-inch-diameter shaft in a hoisting assembly called a manipulator broke as the segment was lifted slowly off the ground during a test - workers had just installed a different manipulator on the gantry crane being used to assemble bridge spans because construction had proceeded to a stage in which unbalanced precast segments are involved)

Worker injured in Dan Ryan hit-and-run ( a construction worker was slightly injured on the Dan Ryan Expressway when struck by a vehicle, which then fled the scene - employee suffered minor injuries and refused medical treatment at the scene)

Roofing company worker electrocuted in Pompano Beach (a 29-year-old roofing company worker was electrocuted during an on-the-job accident - was moving a 28-foot long aluminum extension ladder when the ladder came in contact with live power lines)

TXDOT Worker Dead After Vehicle Avoiding Accident Strikes Him (a 32-year-old man died in an auto-pedestrian accident - a vehicle traveling northbound swerved from the right land to the left lane - in an effort to avoid a crash with this vehicle, several other vehicles swerved to the median)

Road worker dies after accident (the road worker hit by a truck has died - no other details)

Worker pinned between forklift, car at construction site (worker was airlifted to an area hospital after he was pinned between a forklift and a car at a construction site - no immediate information on the cause of the accident or nature of the man's injuries)

Construction worker falls to death Plummets 15 feet while working ... ( a married father of two young children, was a metal worker - was working alone on a high steel beam that was approximately 15 feet high - he was fastening rivets and bolts when witnesses said they saw him lose his footing and fall directly to the ground)

Four workers die as earth caves in at building site (four workers were killed when the earth caved in where a compound wall for a housing project was being built - at least four others were injured in the accident)

Nobody Injured When Crane Topples Over At Santa Monica Pier (a large crane toppled over at the Santa Monica Pier, but no one was hurt - the 28,000-pound crane was being used to lift construction materials as part of an ongoing project to strengthen the pier when it toppled over - the crane "slowly rolled over" onto its side)

US 395 construction worker killed in industrial accident ( a construction worker had been killed in a heavy equipment accident - the construction worker was operating a grader, a large vehicle similar to a tractor, on a hillside - for unknown reasons, the worker lost control of the grader and it drove off a roadway and down an embankment - the worker came out of the grader and was crushed by the machine)

Concrete truck tips, kills 20-year-old worker ( a 20-year-old construction worker was killed after the arm of a concrete-pumping truck collapsed while pouring - worker was pinned beneath the concrete-pumping boom - three other workers who were not identified also suffered moderate to minor injuries, including a broken leg - construction crews were pouring concrete at a rural, unfinished housing development when the truck tipped forward onto its front wheels)

Investigation: accident at Anchorage dump site ( a concrete worker took a pretty serious fall - during those repairs that the accident happened - according to reports, that man fell some twenty feet, suffering a serious injury to his head)

Man critical after fall at Haverstraw work site ( a construction worker was in critical condition yesterday after falling four stories when the scaffolding he was standing on gave way - worker, 29, was standing on a 2-by-6 plank and installing a wall shortly before 11 a.m. when the scaffolding collapsed)

UPDATE $1.35m award over crane accident ( a jury today awarded $1.35 million to a man whose pelvis was crushed when an eight-tonne concrete panel being lifted by a crane was dropped on him - lawyer said the accident might have been avoided if the snatch block on the crane had been fitted with a locking pin, estimated to cost about $10, a practice introduced since his client's accident)

Highway worker killed in accident ( a highway construction worker was killed in an accident involving heavy machinery - the 38-year old Austin man was working on a machine that lays pavement on the highway when he somehow became entangled in it - the individual was working in front of the machine and accidentally became entangled in the auger that was on the machine and was killed )

Man dies in construction accident (two subjects had fallen from the roof and one was in critical condition - they were putting the trusses on the roof - the accident occurred when a truss he was standing on broke the two men fell approximately 14 feet)

Worker killed in Reno construction accident identified (a construction worker killed when a pipeline trench collapsed was identified as a 20-year-old man who had worked for the company only two weeks - another man trapped by the cave-in remained hospitalized in critical condition - worker, 40, was buried up his chest for almost four hours before being rescued from the muddy trench - they were installing a pipeline when the banks of the trench gave way, burying them around 2:30 p.m.)

Worker killed as trench collapses at golf course (a collapsed construction trench trapped three workers at a golf course, leaving one dead and two injured - four men were in the 10-foot-deep trench installing a storm sewer drain -- part of routine maintenance -- near the second hole of the Country Club golf course when the dirt gave way, burying three of the workers)

Worker hurt at Yeager Airport (a man operating a dump truck at the Airport's runway extension project was injured when the vehicle's cab twisted away from its dump bed and overturned as he was offloading a cargo of mud - was operating an articulated truck, where the dump bed and cab are connected by a swiveling pivot - he was dumping mud out of his truck that had been scraped off the haul road to get it dried up)

Fort Myers office/apartment building fire under control (the unidentified man was on a ladder holding something that  he was using to try to melt down some tar he'd just installed - the man suddenly headed down the ladder and said, "Don't pay me now. I just started a fire," )

2 Die in Public Works Accident (two workers died and one was badly injured when a piece of heavy earthmoving equipment fell into the trench where they were working)

Ministry investigates man's fall from crane bucket ( officials are investigating an accident that sent a man to a hospital after a 20-foot fall from a truck crane bucket - the man was in a "cherry picker," an elevated platform attached to a truck, and was changing a light bulb in a street lamp when the truck apparently moved - its extendable boom got caught in an overhead cable and bent, tipping the bucket and resulted in the worker falling 20 feet to the ground)

Painter fell trying to aid others, witnesses say (a temporary maintenance deck broke under the bridge - safety harnesses saved three of the workers, and live television showed them being pulled to safety after dangling below the bridge deck - he fell into the river in an attempt to help his dangling co-workers - GREAT Video of the suspended workers and rescue @ Worker Falls From JB Bridge; Rescuers Save 3 Others )

UPDATE Reno man becomes second person to die in trench collapse ( a man died at a hospital, four days after he was buried in a trench collapse at a golf course - the 39-year-old worker became the second person to die in the accident - crew was installing a storm drain pipeline when the sides of the trench gave way)

Two injured after crane accident [17/02/2006] (two workers were seriously injured when they fell from a crane - the two men, aged 34 and 39, were doing some work in the crane when the cabin got dislodged and fell a height of about seven metres into a field with the two men inside)

UPDATE Company Cited In Trench Collapse (a construction company has been issued a citation in the collapse of a trench that buried one worker and trapped another - neither worker was seriously injured - accident happened Jan. 27 where the two men were working on a 20-inch pipeline - OSHA says one worker was able to breath during the collapse only because he was wearing a welding mask)

Construction Site Accident Leaves One Dead (worker, 38, was killed in an accident - had been with the company for a year - died during a paving operation - there was a large piece of machinery paving the overpass itself, and the individual was working in front of the machine and accidentally became entangled in the augger that was on the machine and was killed)

Worker dies when trench collapses (a 25-year-old plumber died after he was trapped beneath the surface of a trench that collapsed - man was installing water and sewer lines for a new house - had worked for the company for three years)

Crane moving palm tree crashes into breezeway (a crane crashed into a hallway connecting two condo buildings during the grand opening - no one was hurt when the crane came crashing down about 1:34 p.m. - the crane's operator was bringing a palm tree over a breezeway that connects two buildings at the complex - firefighters do not know what caused the crane to fall but they do not think the tree's weight was the culprit)

Coroner: Electrical accident killed man (worker, 40, was electrocuted while renovating a house - accidentally pinched a live wire with a jack while he was working on the home's foundation)

Metro Worker Injured After Crane Accident (a crane operator, 45, was trapped for 50 minutes after a crane fell and crushed its cab - crane tipped over, smashed against the unit he was trying to transport (and) compressed him inside - suffered a broken ankle and wrist as well as leg trauma)

Worker is crushed to death in Ulster County construction accident (a man,47, was killed while operating an exactor - 47, had pinned himself between the excavator and a tree - while he attempted to exit the cab, he hit a lever that caused the cab to rotate and trap him)

2 injured in construction accident (Worker said to have been buried alive - no other details)

Worker falls off of Jupiter building and dies ( a man died after falling off the roof of a two-story home where he was doing construction work)

Construction worker killed after fall (an experienced construction worker has died after falling 16 feet from a roof - worker, 33, was working with four other men building a house when he fell - had worked for his company for 15 years and was experienced in his field - is survived by a wife and a 3-year-old son)

Bypass bridge frame collapses (the Highway 49 Bypass saw its second accident since work started in 2004 on the project when the falsework for a bridge spanning Sutter Creek near the city's sewer treatment plant crashed into the creek below - no one was injured in the accident - collapse is still under investigation - photo @ link)

Construction worker falls in 18 foot trench ( a construction worker is recovering after falling 18 feet into a trench - the man was walking near the trench when he fell in)

I-4 Construction Worker Hit by Car (a construction worker was injured when a car crashed through cones and hit her - the ramp is closed, and there were orange construction cones blocking the ramp, but a vehicle crashed through the cones and hit her - she suffered a compound fracture)

Worker buried alive in Free State (one worker was buried alive and his colleague injured when a trench collapsed - the trench, about three metres deep, was being dug to lay water pipes)

Backhoe accident leaves one dead ( (a construction worker was killed when he became pinned under the arm of a backhoe at a home construction site - man had been operating the machine by himself and had apparently walked around to the back when he became entangled in the mechanisms)

Worker dies after mishap at Bay View ( a man died from severe injuries he suffered after he and a co-worker were run over by an all-terrain forklift - forklift truck driver was backing up at the site of the expansion sewer hole when one of the truck's wheels hit and ran over the workers)

Man falls onto power line and is electrocuted (a 28-year-old man who was working at a residential construction site was electrocuted when he lost his balance and fell onto a power line - he was on a two-story scaffolding attached to a home when he fell)

UPDATE Week Later, Worker Who Fell Into Mississippi Still Missing (the accident happened one week ago Friday. rescuers still haven't recovered his body)

2 Workers Rescued After Trench Collapse ( f irefighters rescued two men trapped in a trench collapse - one construction worker was buried completely while the other had mud up to his chest - a city fire official says the accident happened at a new home site where an excavating company was digging a sewer connection)

Construction Accident Kills Worker In Virginia Beach - UPDATE ( the 31-year-old construction worker was working with a stone crushing machine when investigators say the machine malfunctioned - the worker got caught up in the conveyor belt and was crushed to death)

Worker may have been electrocuted at plant ( it appears the worker, 22, was electrocuted while installing some lighting in one area of the factory, which is scheduled to be open for production this year - investigators said a number of workers in the plant heard a loud crashing sound and found the worker having an apparent seizure on the floor)

Worker dies after pit collapses ( a construction worker died when a hole being excavated collapsed around him - the worker was trapped in about 4 feet of dirt in a hole - two workers were installing trench boxes about 30 feet down in a hole wider than a tractor-trailer when the north side of the hole collapsed - one worker escaped, but the other was buried)

Construcion worker hurt in fall this morning (a 25-year-old construction worker was injured when he fell 15 feet from the second story of a building to the concrete below)

Construction Worker Killed By Falling Clay ( a welder, 30, was killed when ground clay fell on him as he was working to unclog a 120-ton steel tank - was covered and apparently suffocated - he was standing on a conveyor belt below the opening of the 34-foot-tall tank, which was being installed - the tank holds the powdery ground clay, and he was using a torch to cut sections of steel I-beams and channels clogging the tank opening - some of the material caked on the side of the tank apparently loosened and fell on him)

Blowtorch sets Plaza stairwell on fire (a worker using a blowtorch accidentally set a stairwell at  hotel ablaze - the fire did not spread and no one was hurt - had no guests because it closed in April 2005 for renovations and partial conversion to condominiums)

Helicopter Rescues Man From 310-Foot-Tall Crane In Los Angeles (a Fire Department helicopter plucked a worker with chest pains from atop a 310-foot-tall crane at a construction site - crane operator could not climb down the ladder from the crane cab and because there was no other operator on site, the crane itself could not be used to lower the man)

Worker hurt in fall from rooftop on Governors (a man, 30, was seriously injured when he fell off the top of a building - was working on an air-conditioning unit on top of a building when he fell about 20 to 25 feet)

Fire damages new construction: Spark from welding torch ignited ... ( the fire started when construction workers welding on the second floor of the three-story building accidentally set the exterior insulation on fire - a n errant spark from a welding torch ignited plastic insulation on the exterior of an office building under construction - estimated the damage at $20,000)

Fire at EKU Student Apartment Building ( t he fire started just after 11 a.m. when roofers working with hot tar and a torch lit part of the building on fire)

Sparks cause fire at RB&W factory (an acetylene torch ignited a fire at a factory that is being torn down - demolition crews were using a torch to cut steel girders and it sparked the roofing material)

Man buried alive in trench (one worker was buried alive and a colleague injured when a trench collapsed - the accident happened while the men were working in the trench - the trench, about three metres deep, was being dug to lay water pipes)

Truss collapse will delay work for two weeks (construction will be delayed about two weeks after wooden trusses collapsed at the site - as workers assembled the trusses on the roof of the planned shopping plaza one fell, causing a domino effect)

Parent Category: Incident Alert Archives
Category: Construction Accidents

Construction Accidents Page #10

This page was last updated on  05/06/2010

(AGI) - Rome, Italy, Sept. 1 - Workers were setting up a stage at St. Peter's square, when they lost their balance and fell five meters. A 50-year-old worker died while a 38-year-old worker was rushed to the hospital and is in critical condition. The stage was being prepared for an upcoming ceremony to be held by the pope. (AGI)

Bridge worker drowns
By David Conti and Jim Ritchie TRIBUNE-REVIEW Saturday, August 30, 2003
A worker on the Fort Pitt Bridge construction project drowned in the Monongahela River Friday afternoon after falling out of a boat used to transport workers from a pier work site. The Allegheny County Coroner's Office identified the victim as James Warren, 29, of Conneaut, Ohio, an employee of Cleveland-based L.M. Lignos Enterprises. Trumbull Corp., of West Mifflin, the contractor on the Fort Pitt Bridge and Tunnel rehabilitation, hired Lignos to handle the painting. "It's a real tragedy, and our real concern is with the employee and his family," Trumbull President George Mezey said. Mezey and PennDOT project manager Jim Foringer said this was the first major work-related accident on the decade-long project to rehabilitate the bridge, tunnel and nearby roads. It occurred as Trumbull is wrapping up work on its $84.2 million contract with PennDOT to overhaul the bridge and tunnel.

Trapped worker dies despite emergency response
By RYAN GILLIS, Journal Staff Writer 8/29/2003
WELLSVILLE — Emergency crews from around the area converged on Wellsville Thursday after a worker became trapped while digging near a gym on Wells Avenue extension. Despite the number of people responding to the accident scene, the victim did not survive. The county coroner's investigator was at the accident scene and is investigating. Wellsville police deferred questions about the accident to the coroner's office, but no one from that office could be reached for comment Thursday night. Investigators were releasing no details at the accident scene, but the man apparently was installing pipe near the Curves For Women gym at 557 Wells Avenue, when, according to unconfirmed reports, the hole he was working in collapsed around him. It is not clear if the man was working alone or as part of a team when the accident occurred. Unofficial reports at the scene suggested the man already was dead as firefighters worked to dig him out of the hole. Some could be seen lifting 5-gallon buckets of earth from the accident site. There was no sense of urgency in their actions. Drivers on state Route 7, which runs parallel to the Wells Avenue extension, were pulling over and stretching to get a better look across the highway at the group of police, firefighters and ambulance crews swarming between the gym and the Riverside Roadhouse. After what was at least two hours of digging, the victim's body was removed from the hole and loaded into an ambulance. Almost simultaneously, calls went out for a medic as one of the firefighters at the scene succumbed to the heat and collapsed. Men and equipment from the Wellsville police and fire departments, Liverpool Township Fire Department, Follansbee Fire Rescue, Highlandtown and Irondale volunteer fire departments were working at the accident scene.

Construction Worker Hurt in Accident on Job
OLATHE, Kan. -- A Kansas City Metropolitan Area construction worker was hurt Friday in an accident on the job. The 42-year-old man was in stable condition after he was pinned between a piece of construction equipment and a steel beam, KCTV5's Robb Yagmin reported. It happened at about 11:40 a.m. as the man was working a new addition to a building at Garmin International in the 1700 block of South Mahaffie. He somehow got stuck between the basket on a crane and a steal beam. Some co-workers saw that something was wrong and lowered the boom to see what happened. The man was unconscious for about 30 seconds, and then medical personnel arrived. They rushed him to the hospital with a collapsed lung, which doctors re-inflated. He just started working for a company called Building Erection Services, a subcontractor for a general contractor called Turner Construction. Robb investigated the background of Turner Construction and found the Kansas City company had faced eight OSHA inspections in the state of Kansas since 1976 with one citation in 1993. In the state of Missouri, the company was cited four times for safety reasons in 2000, Robb reported on KCTV5 News at 4:30 p.m. The company paid a $10,000 fine, and three of the citations were deleted, he said. Officials didn't know exactly how the accident happened because the man was under heavy sedation, but his boss said he was expected to be okay.

Man Dies In Fort Pitt Bridge Project Accident; Bridge Worker Falls From Boat
POSTED: 4:47 p.m. EDT August 29, 2003
PITTSBURGH -- A man working on the Fort Pitt Bridge project fell from a boat and drowned Friday afternoon. The 29-year-old victim went to get on a safety boat from scaffolding under the bridge when the boat moved and caused him to fall into the Monongahela River. Pittsburgh river rescue crews pulled the man's body from the river around 12:30 p.m. Friday. He was not wearing a life preserver. The man's name has not been released. He was a worker with an Ohio-based company, L&M Lignos Enterprises. The company was subcontracted by Trumbull to work on the bridge. L&M Lignos has been cited by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration 20 times since 1992. The most serious incident was in 1992. A worker fell from scaffolding in Cleveland and died. OSHA is aware of Friday's death and will inspect the site, but it is not known when officials will go to the area. Stay tuned to Channel 11 News for more on this story.

Construction worker injured in Olathe
A construction worker was critically hurt today while working on an expansion of Garmin International, 151st Street and Ridgeview Road in Olathe. The man suffered severe chest injuries about noon and was flown by Lifenet helicopter to a trauma center, said Jeff Johnson of Med-Act. Olathe Fire Department spokesman Mike Hall said the man's injuries did not result from a fall. Hall declined to comment further. The man's name was not released.

Falling steeling beam injures construction workers in Purcellville
By Scott Cissel 08/29/2003 Ties-Mirror Staff
Two construction workers doing renovations on an old bank building in Purcellville were struck and injured by a falling steel beam Thursday. Brent Ausherman, 26, of Rocky Ridge, Md., received serious injuries and was airlifted to Washington Hospital Center. His co-worker James Vines Jr., 48, had non-life-threatening injuries and was taken to Loudoun Hospital Center. The men were building an addition to the former bank, now an office building, in the 110 block of East Main Street.

New building on Iowa campus catches fire
By The Associated Press
IOWA CITY -- A University of Iowa building with sections still under construction caught fire Friday, forcing the evacuation of a nearby residence hall and two other campus buildings. Investigators said the fire was caused when welding sparks ignited a tarp covering an exterior wall of the 58,000-square-foot Blank Honors Center. There were no reports of civilian injuries, but two firefighters were injured during the three hour battle to control the blaze. Extent of the injuries was not immediately available. Fire officials said Daum Hall, a dormitory designed to be connected to the new $14 million Blank building, was evacuated. The botany and chemistry buildings also were cleared and police also closed several downtown streets to traffic. Several area fire departments were called to the scene about 11:30 a.m. to assist Iowa City firefighters.

N.S. man killed in fall from roof
JOSEPH B. NADEAU , Staff Writer 08/29/2003
BELLINGHAM -- A North Smithfield man suffered fatal injuries after falling from a roof at 710 Pulaski Boulevard Thursday. David R. Marchand, 45, of 10 Mill St., had been working on the roof of the three-story home at Pulaski and Brisson Street with other workers from Cote Remodeling Co., when the 2:19 p.m. accident occurred. "He appeared to trip on an air hose on the roof being used in the repairs, lost his balance and slid off the roof," said Bellingham Police Sgt. Peter Lemon. The two-family home was reported to be undergoing a renovation involving the addition of third-floor living space, according to local officials. Marchand suffered severe neck and back trauma in the fall and was initially assisted by local rescue personnel, according to Lemon. A LifeFlight helicopter was called to the scene and a landing zone set up at the South Elementary School, Lemon said. But after the helicopter arrived, the victim's worsening condition prompted the aircraft's flight surgeon to recommend ground transport to Landmark Medical Center in Woonsocket, he said. Marchand was pronounced dead at Landmark after an examination in the hospital's emergency room, he said. The owner of Cote Remodeling was at the scene at the time of the accident, as was the owner of the home, Lemon said. Family members were notified of the accident and responded to the emergency room, he said. The Police Department secured the job site and began an investigation. Participating in the review are the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), State Police Crime Scene Services, Worcester CPAC, and the town building inspector's office, he said. Lemon said he could not say if any charges would result and noted that OSHA was leading the investigation. "OSHA is there, as we speak, taking measurements," he said. The federal agency could not be reached for comment Thursday night.

Fire slows construction
Livingston Fire Department responded to an attic fire at the new apartments on Country Club Drive at 2:53 p.m. on Friday, August 15. Welders working on the apartments, which are not yet complete, accidentally started the fire and then left. Construction workers on the scene called 911. Livingston Fire Department was on the scene within three minutes. According to one firefighter, the attic was engulfed in flames when they arrived and smoke could be seen as far away as Lake LU and the Livingston Fire Department building. Firefighters that responded were Andy Slayton, Antoine Berry, Keith Booker, Dexter Johnson, Chris Scott, Park Edwards, Nancy Larkin, Russell Keene, Erik Shirley and ShyAnn Sasser. Public Safety officers that responded were Chief Ashley Welborn and Josette White. Hiram Patrenos and Brian Crawford own the new apartments, which have not been named yet. Patrenos said that he did not have a dollar figure as to the damage, but said that the fire would set construction back about two months.

Man saved from fallen ditch; Public safety officials seek criminal charges against injured worker
By Sasha Talcott, Globe Correspondent, 8/23/2003
As the construction worker sank deeper into a quicksand-like mixture of muddy water and silt, he spoke desperately of two things: his pregnant wife and his young daughter. Buried up to his chest in khaki-colored sludge, he struggled to pull himself out of the 11-foot-deep trench, begging firefighters to help him. But every time he moved, he slipped down deeper. Boston sewer workers started vaccuuming the liquid out of the trench and two firefighters leapt into it, digging at the sludge around him, which was thick and glue-like. Finally they were able to free him. ''We told him we weren't going to get out of that hole unless we took him with us,'' said firefighter Kevin Ranahan. ''The water was burying him.'' The painstaking, nerve-wracking rescue near Dudley and Vine streets in Roxbury required 20 firefighters, emergency, and Boston Water and Sewer workers and took 2 1/2 hours. But the state Executive Office of Public Safety said the accident should never have happened. Commissioner Joseph Lalli said the offie plans to seek criminal charges against the injured worker, who they said was operating excavating machinery at the site without a license. The department is also weighing charges against the company in charge of the project, Free Flow Plumbing and Drain King, which was apparently replacing a sewer line at the scene. ''We have a man who was taken to the hospital with serious injuries,'' Lalli said. ''There are going to be penalties all the way down the road. In today's day and age, when we have made trench safety so important, there is no excuse.'' Four Free Flow Plumbing and Drain King employees at the trench declined comment. A worker in the company's office referred calls back to employees at the scene. It was about 11 a.m. yesterday when the worker, whose name has not been released, was digging near a sewer line at private property near the corner of Dudley and Vine streets in Roxbury. Suddenly, the trench began to sink, filling with water and sludge. Firefighters at the scene said they thought the injured worker or another employee ruptured the sewer line, though investigators are still determining what caused the collapse. When 24 emergency workers arrived, they found three workers in the rapidly filling trench, two attempting to pull the trapped worker to safety. The firefighters instructed two workers who were in a shallow part of the trench to get out, then fitted the trapped worker with an oxygen mask and attached him to a safety harness to prevent him from falling deeper. Even with the harness, the worker was practically glued to the bottom the trench, and firefighters feared they would tear his body into two if they tried to pull him out right away. ''He kept telling me, `Just get me out of here,' '' said firefighter Bob Kilduff. A firefighter said the injured worker had been taken to Boston Medical Center. His condition was not available, but his injuries are not life-threatening, he said. Late yesterday afternoon, officials at the state's public safety office were still trying to determine what had caused the accident. The office will also probe whether the trench, which firefighters said was about 4 feet deep before it sunk, should have had reinforcements to keep it from collapsing. Aaron Peterson, a trench specialist who works with the company United Rentals, said that the men should have reinforced the trench if they were going to be ducking down below ground level. Massachusetts law requires trenches deeper than 5 feet to have some kind of reinforcement, he said. ''It obviously wasn't done, or else they wouldn't have gotten hurt,'' he said.

Crushed worker rescued after accident
Aug 22, 2003, 14:19:00
A Black Country worker was taken to hospital by air ambulance today after his legs were crushed by steel which fell on him. An air ambulance landed on a dual-cariageway in Brierley Hill after the 48-year-old man suffered injuries to both legs at J Barnsley Cranes. Emergency services were called to the Pedmore Road Industrial Estate at 11.33am. The helicopter flew the injured man to Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham. Police stopped the traffic in Pedmore Road so that the helicopter could land near to a BP garage. An ambulance crew from Tipton was first on the scene. The injured worker had had both legs caught beneath a 30ft steel box section which had fallen on to him. His colleagues managed to lift the section that weighed more than two tons before a fire crew arrived on scene. He was given pain-killing drugs by paramedics until the air ambulance arrived. No one from the company was available to comment about the accident.

One injured, 12 homeless in South Heights fire; Fire started during construction work causes $25,000 in damage
BY PHIL ROCKROHR Times Staff Writer
SOUTH CHICAGO HEIGHTS -- One man was injured, 12 people left homeless and $25,000 in damage caused when an apartment building caught fire behind Village Hall Friday morning. About 40 firefighters from at least 11 departments helped extinguish the fire at Eagle Ridge apartments, 3343 Commercial Ave., within 30 minutes, said Larry Nardoni, assistant fire chief of South Chicago Heights. The fire started when workers were soldering pipes in a vacant apartment on the second floor of the two-story building, said Brock Hanna, an owner of the complex. Don Nyblom, a maintenance worker at Eagle Ridge, suffered second- and third-degree burns to his hands trying to extinguish the fire, Hanna said. Nyblom was taken to St. James Hospital and Health Centers in Chicago Heights, Nardoni said. Hospital officials could not be reached for comment Friday afternoon. South Chicago Heights Fire Department received an emergency call about the fire at about 9:14 a.m., Nardoni said. "Our first unit arrived within minutes," he said. "Smoke was coming off of the second floor, from two apartments on the south side of the building. Our people started to attack the fire, and we went to the box (alarm) level due to the heat." Firefighters responded from Crete, Steger, Steger Estates, Sauk Village, Chicago Heights, Park Forest, Lynwood, Homewood, Flossmoor and University Park, Nardoni said. "Everybody else helped out," he said. "Everybody got out of their apartments safely." All of the 10 apartments at 3343 Commercial Ave. suffered smoke damage, and at least four suffered water damage, Nardoni said. Four of the apartments were destroyed and must be rebuilt, Hanna said. Firefighters had to cut a whole in a roof owners just recently installed, he said. Both Hanna and Nardoni estimated the damage at about $25,000. Hanna said he contacted the Red Cross to offer assistance to residents who were displaced. Hanna also offered to help them himself, if possible. Eight apartments must be vacated, he said. "Our tenants are not that well-to-do," Hanna said. "Pretty much all their worthy possessions are here. I don't know who has insurance. We're going to try to help them the best we can." Hanna said he will let residents out of their leases if they want to find new apartments while the damaged units are repaired. "They're our customers," he said. "We've gotten to know quite a few of them and we care about them. Some are very upset, as you can imagine." Residents said they were confident Hanna and other owners would provide accommodations, if necessary. John Quantanilla, 34, whose apartment is next door to the one that caught fire, said he has relatives in South Chicago Heights, if the owners are unable to provide a place for him to stay. Juanita Robson, 58, and Kathy Manley, 54, who also live in the building, said they have renter's insurance that should cover their losses. June Hanaman, 82, who lives on the first floor, said she does not have insurance, but owners of the complex offered to provide accommodations, if necessary.

UPDATE Hewden faces £16m bill over crane deaths
HEWDEN Stuart, the Glasgow plant hire group, faces a damages bill of more than £16m after losing a legal case over a fatal accident. The Court of Appeal has rejected Hewden's claim over the collapse of a crane at Canary Wharf in 2000, when three workers died. The case is seen as setting a precedent for the way contracts in the construction industry are set up. The appeal had been lodged after the Technology and Construction Court found last November that the company's former subsidiary, Hewden Tower Cranes, was liable to pay damages to construction groups Cleveland Bridge and Yarm Road following the accident. Hewden appealed on the basis that they were not responsible, since the accident happened during an operation to increase the crane's height by a process known as 'climbing', where extra sections are inserted into it. Roger Stewart QC, counsel for Hewden, argued that under the hiring contract, the erection of the crane which Hewden was responsible for did not include the increase in the height of the crane by climbing. He claimed that it was wrong to say that at the time of the collapse it was still being erected. But the construction firms argued that the climbing process formed part of the crane erection role which Hewden had been responsible for. The original cost of the claim was £8m, but it is now understood the total bill has risen to £16.6m. The damages figure - mainly made up of losses caused to the construction firms - will be considered at another court hearing. As well as the three fatalities, the 150-ton crane's collapse caused serious injury to two other workers, extensive property damage and substantial delays and disruption to the construction works. It is thought Hewden is considering an appeal against the judgment, which could see it take the case to the House of Lords. The company was not available to comment. The crane was working on the 44-storey HSBC headquarters building at Canary Wharf in Docklands when the accident happened. It was one of five tower cranes hired from Hewden by the construction firms. In their judgment, the appeal court judges stressed there was no implication that the accident was due to actions by Hewden staff, and that the cause of the accident was as yet unknown. The Health and Safety Executive is still investigating the incident, and earlier this year issued an industry discussion paper on the safe use of climbing frames on tower cranes, prompted by the accident. Hewden sold the tower cranes unit to PC Harrington in October last year in a deal thought to be worth £16m, but liability over the court case remained with the Scottish firm. The latest figures show the company made a pre-tax profit of £40.4m last year - a 12% rise on the previous year on turnover up by 4% to £262m. The company's managing director, Paul Jarvis, recently left his Scottish post after almost three years to become head of the power systems division of Finning, based in Vancouver, Canada. He has been replaced by Nick Lloyd, who was head of Finning UK until 1999 and has recently been running the Canadian group's business in Chile. Last month the company bought Jersey-based tool hire firm Blandin Light Plant in a £1m deal which it said would move it close to a 30% United Kingdom market share. Hewden Stuart was bought in 2001 by Finning in a £322m agreed takeover deal. The company was founded in 1968 through the merger of Hewden Plant, led by Matthew Goodwin and Frank Jamieson, and Stuart Plant, headed by Ronald Stuart. The firm, which floated at the time of the merger, became the United Kingdom market leader in plant hire.

Crane collapse crushes 5 cars, large truck in Fort Lauderdale
By Shannon O'Boye sun-sentinel.com August 21, 2003, 2:59 PM EDT
FORT LAUDERDALE -- A large construction crane collapsed on Thursday, crushing five cars and a flatbed truck parked on the ground far below. No injuries were reported. Witnesses said there was no warning. Some compared the sound of the collapse, which lasted for 15 to 20 seconds, to an earthquake. The collapse of the crawler crane occurred around 9:40 a.m. on the 500 block of Northeast Second Avenue where a five-story apartment building is being built. It was not immediately known what caused the accident, which involved a 135-foot tall tower and a 150-ton crane with a 140-foot-long boom, or luffing jib. A sign on the crane said Sims Crane. The crane operator, who was not immediately identified, was lifting a large load of forms when the collapse occurred. He was not injured, but the load of forms, described as the size of a railroad car, dropped to the street below. No other details were immediately available.

Construction Worker Survives 60-Foot Fall Down Cliff
MARION COUNTY, Fla. -- A Marion County construction worker is recovering after he fell down a 60-foot cliff. It happened around 10 o'clock Thursday morning at Alliance Construction Materials northwest of Ocala. The man wasn't seriously hurt. The 60-foot drop was steep and covered with cinderblocks. Charles McCrone was supposed to be dumping the blocks. Instead, he and his front-end loader went in. His boss says he never should have been using equipment this heavy. The drop didn't crush the passenger cabin. So, McCrone pried himself from the mangled mess and made it half way up the 80-degree incline. Then he ran out of gas. That's when the technical rescue team arrived. "My initial reaction was how lucky the patient appeared to be, that he was awake and alert and oriented," says rescuer Derek Bracewell. Three rescuers used an elaborate system of ropes to repel down to McCrone. They say he was happy to see them. "He was in good spirits. He just wanted to get out of there, get out of that situation," says rescuer Scott Ramage. The rescuers used something called a Stokes basket. They strapped him in tightly so he couldn't move much, in case he broke his back or neck, while the firefighters gingerly moved McCrone into the basket on the steep cliff. The cinder block footing couldn't have been less stationary. Rescuers say many of their steps sent the blocks tumbling to the bottom. "If you're not 100 percent on your game, you're going to the bottom, just like the front-end loader," says Bracewell. Once McCrone was strapped in, it was up to another team on level ground. They were able to get McCrone safely to the top and on to a hospital. The Marion County firefighters involved go through hundreds of hours of training for rescues like these.

Construction worker dies after collapsing at college
08/21/03 Staff Report
A construction worker collapsed Tuesday while working on a project at Spring Hill College and later died, college officials said. Juan O. Casilla, 47, who lived in Gastonia, N.C., was pronounced dead at Springhill Medical Center following his 3 p.m. collapse, according to Greg Walker, a spokesman for the college. Casilla, originally from Mexico, was working on a concrete project on the third floor of the structure. He had to be removed from the library by crane. Casilla was employed by a subcontractor, Walker said Tuesday.

Worker rescued from hole
By LEN MANIACE THE JOURNAL NEWS (Original publication: August 21, 2003)
RYE — Emergency crews yesterday rescued a masonry worker who was trapped in a nearly 9-foot-deep hole for more than 2 1/2 hours after the excavation walls collapsed. Joseph Malone of Port Chester was hoisted from the hole at 12:40 p.m. alongside a home at 140 Soundview Ave., where he had been making waterproofing repairs to a foundation, Police Commissioner Williams Connors said. Malone, said to be in his 60s, is employed by Ox Masonry of Greenwich, Conn. Malone was buried only to his waist, but the rescue was a painstaking one because officials feared the narrow hole, which measured approximately 2 feet by 5 feet, would collapse further. "All he said was 'Get me out' and 'Be careful,' " said police Officer Julio Rossi, among the first emergency workers to arrive. Malone was taken to Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla, but a report on his condition was not available; a spokeswoman cited the new federal medical privacy law. Malone appeared to be in good condition when he was removed from the hole, Connors said. Dozens of emergency workers from Rye, Port Chester, New Rochelle and Greenburgh participated in the elaborate effort. Malone was quickly placed in a harness that hung from the end of a firetruck ladder that extended over the hole, while workers used wood planks to shore up the hole against further collapse. Malone was given an air mask to help with his breathing, a fan blew fresh, cooling air into the hole and he was later given intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration. Various pumps, excavation equipment and additional rescue workers stood ready in a front yard, where black-eyed Susans, phlox and marigolds bloomed. Emergency trucks waited on Soundview Avenue, a dead-end street off Boston Post Road adjacent to the Rye Golf Club. Overhead, three helicopters from television stations hovered. Because the hole was so small, Malone had to help with his own rescue, using a small shovel to remove some of the soil that pinned him. The mishap is under investigation by the federal Occupation, Safety, and Health Administration and the Rye Building Department, Connors said. The accident might have been prevented, Connors said, if the sides of the deep and narrow hole had been shored up before Malone and another worker began the waterproofing job. The other worker was not in the hole at the time of the collapse. "That's how these things happen," Connors said. "They take a chance; they don't think about the danger."

Fire breaks out in Delhi cinema hall
Wednesday, 20 August , 2003, 16:08
New Delhi: A minor fire broke out on Wednesday at a cinema hall being demolished for Delhi Metro construction in West Delhi. The fire erupted in the sound-proofing system of Vivek Cinema in Patel Nagar area at 0900hrs Wednesday morning. The cinema hall was vacant as it was being demolished for the construction of Barahkhamba-Dwarka metro line and hence there were no casualities. "Fifteen fire tenders immediately rushed to the spot as it was a fire in the hall and they worked till 1320hrs to ensure that the blaze was completely put down," fire department sources told UNI. They said that the fire broke out when the metro workers were carrying out welding in the empty cinema hall. However, according to Delhi Metro spokesman Anuj Dayal the minor fire broke out in the sound-proofing system of the hall and it was 'brought under control within five minutes.'

UPDATE Kentucky Construction Worker Dies After Accident
Man Suffers Injuries Monday
A Kentucky road worker has died from injuries he suffered while working on a street in Villa Hills, Ky., a suburb of Cincinnati. Frank Chandler, 58, of Independence, Ky., was standing between two trucks on state Route 8 Tuesday morning when one of them was hit by an oncoming car. Chandler got trapped in the middle. The driver of the car has not been charged.

Under construction medical college building roof caves in
KOCHI: The roof of the power station building of the Kochi Cooperative Medical College (CMC), Kalamassery, being constructed, caved in on Tuesday night, allegedly after some outside elements removed supporting poles at the site. Work on the roof was completed at around 5 p.m. on Monday and it collapsed at around 1 a.m. on Tuesday. It is alleged that an ongoing dispute between the construction company and some outside forces over the awarding of a sub-contract had led to the `sabotage'. The construction company has now registered a complaint with the Kalamassery police for arresting those behind the antisocial act. Cooperation Minister M V Raghavan, however, has issued directions to continue with the works so as to complete them before September. Co-operative Academy of Professional Education project engineer, P J Jose Maria, who is in charge of the construction activities at CMC, said that there is no possibility of an accident occurring due to technical problems. He refuted allegations that the supporting poles did not have the sufficient strength to hold the concrete mixture. If the poles did not have sufficient capacity, they would have collapsed when several workers were carrying out the works on top of the ceiling, he said. ``It takes around two hours for the concrete mixture to settle initially and eight hours to settle finally. During this time, the weight decreases and there is no possibility of roof collapse due to technical reasons,'' he added. Several persons, with the backing of various political leaders, had approached the college authorities requesting to award them sub-contract for the works. The construction company had to turn away several people as they could not meet the eligibility criteria. Kalamassery Municipal councillor, P P Ramakrishnan, who represents the ward where the medical college is coming up, expressed doubts over the whole episode. ``The contractor removed the debris soon after the roof collapsed. If there was any foul-play, they would have conducted an investigation,'' he said. Shilpy Constructions Managing Director F Edision said that the works have to be completed by September and here was not much time to wait for an investigation. There were several attempts from `outside forces' to disrupt the works. Someone might have purposefully removed the poles of the ceiling to tarnish the image of the construction company and delay the works, he said. According to the present plan, work on the four blocks, including the administrative block, would be completed by September. The construction company will concentrate on two out-patient departments and a teaching block after that. The Rs 50-crore construction work is expected to be completed by the end of this academic year and the medical college with 500-bed capacity will become operational by that time. Meanwhile, the dispute between the Co-operative Medical College and the Kalamassery Municipality over the permit fee for the construction is still continuing. Earlier, Kalamassery Municipal Chairman had stayed the construction and later allowed to resume the work, till a final decision is taken by the Local Administration Ministry. SECURITY TIGHTENED: Following the collapse of the roof, the medical college authorities have decided to strengthen the security arrangements at the spot, especially during night. At present there is only one security guard and two more persons will be deployed with immediate effect. Steps would also be taken to complete the compound wall immediately, they said.

Crane tips over; causes minor injuries
By Bill Bryan Post-Dispatch 08/18/2003
Two construction workers were injured at about 7:30 a.m. today when a crane tipped over into a building site where they were working. The accident occurred in the Park View Estates subdivision on Kiefer Creek Road in Ellisville, police said. The injuries were not believed to be life-threatening, said Ellisville Police Chief Wayne Prince. One workman sustained a cut on his leg and was taken to St. John's Medical Center in Creve Coeur. The other workman had a bloody nose and a back injury; his status was unclear, Prince said. The two men were on the second floor of an apartment building under construction and were receiving a pallet of plywood from a crane when the crane tipped over and struck the building, Prince said. The crane's stabilizer legs had not been spread out, Prince said.

Mason dies after falling 10 feet at construction site
Tuesday, August 19, 2003 Daily News staff
A construction worker died after falling about 10 feet Monday afternoon in East Naples, officials with the Collier County Sheriff's Office said. The worker was identified as 40-year-old Gumaro Rodriguez of 478 Mississippi Ave., Fort Myers. Sheriff's officials said Rodriguez fell at 12:37 p.m. Monday at 3919 Forest Glen Blvd. and was pronounced dead by paramedics. Rodriguez worked as a mason for a construction company. Investigators said Rodriguez was moving concrete blocks on the second story of a home under construction when he fell through an opening in the floor and struck his head. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the government agency that oversees workplace safety, was notified Monday. An OSHA representative was expected to arrive in Collier County sometime Monday to investigate, officials said. Officials said they did not know the name of the company for which Rodriguez worked.

No injuries in Thursday fire
A structure fire Thursday afternoon near Seafield resulted in property damage but no injuries. At approximately 1:15 p.m. Thursday, the Wolcott Fire Department responded to a report of a fire in a swine barn at the Irvin and Shirley Furrer farm, County Road 2357 N-600 W, about a mile north of US 24 and two miles east of Wolcott. The Reynolds Volunteer Fire Department and Remington Volunteer Fire Department responded with tanker and pumper trucks and mutual aid. According to Wolcott Assistant Fire Chief Jack Buntin, the floor of the building was being redone, so no animals were inside the building at the time of the fire. The fire is believed to have been caused by a stray spark from a welder, he said. "They took all the precautions they could," said Wolcott Assistant Chief Jack Buntin. "It was just one of those freak things." No damage estimate was available Thursday.

Worker dies after fall in Talcher
ANGUL, Aug. 17. — In yet another fatal accident, a 35-year-old contractual worker Srikanta Kumar Lenka died after falling down from a height of 40 m at a bunker located at Unit-4 of Talcher-Kaniha Power Project. He was working as a welder in Endfab Company, engaged in construction of Talcher Super Thermal Power Project. He had no safety belt despite repeated warning to the agencies, police said. The incident occurred on Saturday. Injuries on his head, he succumbed on way to hospital. — SNS

Worker Injured In Scaffolding Collapse Dies; Officials Investigate Cause Of Scaffolding Collapse
POSTED: 1:39 p.m. EDT August 15, 2003
MADISON, N.C. -- A worker critically injured when scaffolding on a Rockingham County water tower collapsed has died, authorities said Friday. The man who fell was identified as Pedro Hernandez Encarnacion, 34. He was flown to Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, where he died, according to a hospital spokeswoman, who wouldn't say when the death occurred. Two other men dangling from ropes when the scaffolding fell Thursday later were rescued by emergency workers at the tower, located at the intersection of U.S. 220 and N.C. 704 just east of Madison, according to authorities. One of the workers who dangled from the scaffolding, identified as Victor Estrada, 35, was taken to Moses Cone Hospital in Greensboro. A hospital spokesman said Estrada was in good condition Friday with minor injuries. The second worker didn't require treatment. The cause of the scaffolding collapse was unclear Thursday.

Cave-in Accidents Kill 4,Injure 13 in NE Province
Four people were confirmed dead Sunday as a result of cave-in accidents at two construction sites in this capital of the northeastern province of Heilongjiang Saturday. The accidents, which occurred almost simultaneously around 19:30 Saturday, also injured 13 people and trapping more. Quite a few builders were working in the subbasement of Renhe Century Square project when an accident occurred, killing three people and injuring eight. Witnesses heard a rolling sound before the ground with an area of some 50 square meters suddenly caved in and saw some passers-byfalling into the sunken area. The exact number of people trapped underground and causes for the accident are still under investigation. The other accident in Harbin Engineering University killed one person and injured five. Officials from the Heilongjiang Provincial Government and Harbin City Government are coordinating rescue efforts at the accident sites.

STAFF August 15, 2003
A gas leak on North Grand Street, caused when workers moved a construction refuse bin was quickly contained, city officials said. The accident occurred around noon when Tyler Solid Waste workers were removing a temporary construction container, or roll-off box, from 1010 N. Grand St., where PSC Construction was working on a house. "When we pulled the roll-off box it hung up on the gas line," said Todd Lestage, Tyler Solid Waste special projects coordinator. "We immediately called the gas company and the fire department got there and everything got taken care of." Lestage said the city places the container where the contractor wants, and the gas line was only about 8 to 10 inches underground at that location. No injuries were reported.

UPDATE Truck fire claims life of 2nd man; Survivor recalls spilled lacquer
By John Tuohy and Tom Spalding August 14, 2003
A second man has died of injuries he suffered when a paint truck caught fire on I-465 late last month. Officials said Otis Turner, 46, Indianapolis, died Tuesday in a Fort Wayne hospital, where a few of the burn victims were taken. Eight co-workers remained hospitalized Wednesday, and three have been released. Meanwhile, one of the men injured in the inferno said Wednesday that painting crew members were smoking in the tightly packed vehicle when the fire started. "There were a few of us smoking, I'm sure. You know, (because) we all smoke," said painter Tom McElroy, 26, who was released Wednesday from Methodist Hospital. He was interviewed by The Indianapolis Star's news-gathering partner, WTHR (Channel 13). Indiana State Police are investigating whether any of the 13 painters who were crowded in the back of the truck are criminally responsible for causing the blaze. Police said the investigation was focusing on the intent of the person whose cigarette or lighter caused the fire. The men were seated in the cargo area, where paint supplies were stored. The fire occurred July 29. "Was it the innocent lighting of the cigarette or was it something else?" State Police Sgt. Dave Bursten asked. Investigators have to determine whether the person who started the fire knew there was a reasonable chance his action could result in injury. If so, charges could be brought against him. McElroy said he believed the fire was simply an accident. "No, it wasn't nothing intentional," he said. "Not to my knowledge, it wasn't nothing intentional, anyway." McElroy, who suffered second- and third-degree burns on his legs, hands, arms, shoulder and face and has undergone skin grafts, said the fire started when a can of lacquer spilled. "I remember the flames going up and me trying to get out of there," he said. He is recovering at home. It could be months before the State Police investigation is complete, Bursten said. The pace has been slow because fire investigators and police have been unable to interview most of the painters, many of whom face long hospital stays and multiple surgeries. Six of the eight who remain hospitalized are in critical condition. The men worked for RPT Painting of Franklin. The blaze ignited as the truck was traveling south on I-465 on the Southwestside. Allen County Deputy Coroner Ralph Taylor said Turner died at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in St. Joseph Hospital in Fort Wayne. The preliminary cause of death was undetermined burn injuries, Taylor said. Turner was single and had no children. He grew up in Saginaw, Mich., where he worked for years as a welder, said his sister, Inez Tyson, of Saginaw. "He was a great brother," said Tyson, 47, one of four siblings in the family. "He had this great big smile and was a very giving person." She said she was angry about the circumstances of her brother's death. "I think it was terrible to have them all crammed in back there with all those chemicals and no ventilation," she said. Two of the victims, Daniel Maple, 32, and J.R. Bryant, 20, both of Indianapolis, are suing RPT, alleging that negligence by the company led to the fire. Another victim, John W. Webster III, 30, Greenwood, died July 29, the fire's first fatality. Besides McElroy, two others, Josh Littleton, 27, and Charlie Newell, 18, both of Indianapolis, have been released from hospitals.

Update Dump truck driver won't be charged in death of worker
Associated Press
GAFFNEY, S.C. - A dump truck driver who struck and killed a worker at a road construction site will not be charged, the Highway Patrol says. Buford Phillips, 57, was backing up a state-owned dump truck hauling 8 tons of asphalt Monday morning when he hit 46-year-old David Allen Stapleton, a flag man for the state Transportation Department. Phillips said the alarm that was supposed to sound when he backed the truck up was not working when he struck Stapleton. The alarm was working when his shift began, Phillips said. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is investigating the accident, spokesman Jim Knight said. The agency requires certain vehicles at construction sites to have an alarm that sounds when the truck is in reverse, Knight said. Those alarms must be tested regularly, he said. Information from: Herald-Journal

Two Hurt in Gas Line Accident; Fire department says plumbing crew caused pipe to blow up
By Mark Hall
Two Shoreline Plumbing workers were injured Wednesday after they accidentally ignited as natural gas line between 1995 and 2005 Moyo Drive. According to the Lake Havasu City Fire Department, the workers were sweating a water line with a torch. Believing that an adjacent pipe was a water bubbler line, they continued their work until the line blew up. River Medical transported one worker to Havasu Regional Medical Center for moderate burns he suffered to the face and hands, fire personnel said. The other worker stayed at the scene. Flames spewed out of the hole in the ground from 8:33 to 10:10 a.m., before UniSource Energy Services (formerly Citizens Arizona Gas) workers and firefighters smothered the flames with water and clamped the gas line. The hole was located south of two apartment buildings that were evacuated by the fire department. Workers attempted to gain access to the line by digging a hole into the pavement on Moyo Drive, which was located in front of the leak. However, they were unable to find the line, therefore the smother and clamp procedure was executed. While flames spewed out of the ground, firefighters sprayed nearby vegetation to prevent it from being damaged by the heat.

Worker Rescued From Largo Metro Project; Steel Beam Hits Man In Tunnel
LARGO, Md. -- Emergency workers in Prince George's County pulled off a tricky rescue Thursday. A large steel beam was being moved by a crane when it struck a construction worker. He was injured and trapped in a large trench the site of the future MetroRail Blue Line track to Largo. Rescuers went down into the trench and treated the man. Then they removed him from the area using a rescue basket and a crane. The injured man was taken to an area hospital for treatment.

Two rescued from Commerce trench collapse
(Commerce-AP) -- Two men were rescued in Commerce Thursday morning after a trench they were working in collapsed. The men's names were immediately released. Commerce Police say the two were repairing sewer lines in a 10-foot trench behind a bank when the walls caved in. Commerce is located in the Tar Creek area where sink holes and mine collapses have occurred after years of lead and zinc mining.

Prince William school catches fire during construction
Associated Press August 14, 2003
HAYMARKET -- A high school under construction in Prince William County caught fire when a worker accidentally ignited foam insulation on the roof. A plumber using a cutting torch lit the petroleum-based insulation at about 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, said Battalion Chief C. Hadden Culp of the Prince William Department of Fire and Rescue. It took 60 firefighters from Prince William, Loudoun, Fauquier and Fairfax counties and Manassas one hour to control the fire, which destroyed a stack of insulation and charred the roof. The side of the building sustained heavy smoke stains. Damage costs were not available. The unnamed school is in the Dominion Valley area north of Haymarket. A high school under construction in Woodbridge also caught fire in May when a worker accidentally ignited foam insulation. Part of the roof at that school was destroyed. No one was hurt in either fire.

UPDATE AGL fined $100,000 over electrocution
Energy retailer AGL Electricity was fined $100,000 for safety breaches which led to the electrocution of a 36-year-old Melbourne carpenter. Paul Psaila received a fatal electric shock when he touched a piece of metal carrying a 240-volt current from a live electricity cable attached to the garage roof of a suburban Rosanna home unit on February 9, 1999. But outside the court, the victim's widow, mother of three daughters Marie Psaila, said she thought the punishment "grossly inadequate, given that what happened cost my darling Paul his life". But she said even if the firm had been fined the maximum of $250,000, it still would not be enough. "There is no adequate (monetary) penalty for a company like AGL -- the true punishment is in the conviction." She said her youngest daughter, the then four-year-old Madeleine, who witnessed the accident needed psychotherapy treatment for two years and suffered from post traumatic stress disorder. Judge Michael Strong in the Victorian County Court said work on installing the cable had been carried out by two qualified and experienced linesmen seven weeks before Mr Psaila died. "On this occasion the job was done incompetently," the judge said. Insulation on the cable became damaged and a metal bracket "charged with electricity became a death trap". Mr Psaila died when he touched the bracket. The judge said the two linesmen, who were not charged with any offence, were men of experience and their work involved, or should have involved, checking the connection. There was a need for electricity suppliers to realise that linesmen, however competent and experienced, will occasionally make mistakes with potentially lethal consequences, Justice Strong said. It was clear that what was lacking was an independent system of inspection, the judge said. "The court must respond to the jury's verdict by sending a clear message to this industry that more rigorous scrutiny is required of work by linesmen," he said. AGL was last week convicted by a jury of failing to ensure that people other than its employees were not exposed to health and safety risks. The maximum fine for the offence is $250,000. The judge said it would be wrong to impose the maximum sentence because the breaches were not "blatant". After the sentencing, WorkSafe Victoria executive director John Merritt said: "This case supports WorkSafe's proposition that it is practicable to have a system for auditing and inspecting the installation of power cables and that doing these things can save lives." "Our concern is that this is a real public safety issue. In this case, the actions of AGL Electricity put others at risk and resulted in a man dying." A spokeswoman for AGL said the company had no comment to make on the sentencing remarks made by the judge.

Ivy Tech Construction Worker Injured
Web Producer: Kerry Corum
A construction worker was hurt after cutting through a live electrical wire at Evansville's Ivy Tech State college. The unidentified worker was taken to the hospital for observation. He works for a Michigan company, and company officials say the injuries are not life threatening. Authorities were told, the man was cutting through wiring in the ceiling of a building that's being rennovated, when the accident occured.

UPDATE Judge: Contractor liable in pedestrian bridge collapse
August 13, 2003, 3:43 PM EDT
UTICA, N.Y. -- The general contractor working on a pedestrian bridge that collapsed last October, killing one construction worker, is liable for injuries suffered by another worker, according to a court ruling. A decision last week by State Supreme Court Justice Robert Julian found that Department of Transportation employee Theodore Fox Jr. fell 30 feet from an elevated work site that did not have required safety devices. The bridge wasn't properly shored and braced to prevent its collapse, Julian said. That makes Tioga Construction Co. of Herkimer liable for Fox's injuries under New York State Labor Law, Julian ruled in a decision released Tuesday. Fox and seven others were injured when the 170-foot bridge twisted, buckled and collapsed 20 feet to the ground on Oct. 10. Fox is suing Tioga for $70 million. According to his lawsuit, Fox broke his pelvis, dislocated his right shoulder and broke a bone in his left arm. Another worker, Scott Couchman, died in the collapse. Terence Hannigan, the lawyer for Tioga, said the company disagreed with Julian. "This isn't a situation where these people weren't given proper safety equipment," Hannigan said. "This is a case in which the structure they were hired to build failed through no fault of Tioga or the men and woman standing on it." Hannigan said he expected to appeal. Seven other lawsuits by those injured in the collapse have been filed in the Court of Claims in Albany. They range from $25 million to $50 million. In New York, workers' compensation law prevents a worker from directly suing his employer in cases such as the bridge collapse. That means Fox couldn't sue the state since he worked for DOT. The plans for the pedestrian bridge have been scrapped. It was part of a highway project about 45 miles east of Syracuse. The bridge was being built over a new section of a four-lane highway, a project that started in the late 1970s and is expected to be completed next year.

UPDATE Workers recover bulldozer from park lake
People leaned against trucks and lined up lawn chairs Tuesday morning to watch the recovery of a 20-ton bulldozer from the south lake of the former Hallett's Quarry. And as thick cables from three heavy-duty wreckers hauled the rig out of 30 feet of water some 50 feet from the shoreline, the joke of the day was the big fish that could be caught at the new Ada Hayden Heritage Park. It was during construction of the new park that the accident occurred Monday morning. David Wood, an employee of Peterson Contractors, Inc. of Reinbeck, was using the bulldozer to push a boulder down the bank of the lake when he came too close to the edge and lost control. City officials say the bulldozer went under water with Wood in the cab. He was able to free himself and swim to the surface without injury. Wood's age and hometown are unknown. Cordell Peterson, owner of Peterson Contractors, was unavailable for comment. Employees at the company's headquarters and at the recovery site also declined comment. Tuesday's ecovery took hours. A diver went down, then marked the site of the rig with a small buoy about 50 feet from shore. A skiff was sent out to stretch the finger-thick cables, then a diver attached the cables to the bulldozer. The three wreckers worked together to drag the bulldozer to shore. "It was really in there good," said Jim Hanifen, owner of Hanifen Inc., of Des Moines. "It as at a 45-degree incline, and pulled up a lot of concrete and other (debris)."Hanifen said this was not the first time he has orchestrated an underwater rescue. The cost of the recovery will be less than $5,000, he said. Peterson Contractors is responsible for all recovery costs. The bulldozer, a Caterpillar D6R tractor, has a standard operating weight of 40,400 pounds, according to Caterpillar, Inc., offices in Peoria, Ill. The cost of the basic machine is between $220,000 to $225,000. Official details of the accident are still unclear, since the first emergency call Monday was placed to Story County Sheriff's Office instead of th mes Police Department, which has jurisdiction in the area. The first vehicles on the scene were Gilbert First Responders and county deputies. By the time an Ames officer arrived, the scene had cleared, according to Loras Jaeger, Ames Chief of Police. "There was some confusion," Jaeger said. "Not all the (Story County) deputies realize that is our area."

Gas line accident Portland forces evacuations
By SOPHIA TAREEN The Courier-Journal
More than two dozen people were evacuated from their homes this morning after construction workers hit a gas line in the Portland neighborhood, according to Capt. Ronel Brown of Louisville Fire & Rescue. About 9:30 a.m. workers for Tom Brown Construction Inc., who were working on 19th Street near Duncan Street, accidentally hit a two-inch plastic gas line, said Doug Bennett, a spokesman for Louisville Gas and Electric Co. The contractor, working for Louisville Water Co., was putting in a new water service for an apartment building in the area, said Barbara Crow a spokeswoman for the water company. Louisville Fire and Rescue evacuated homes within a block of the gas line break, Brown said. Residents, many in their pajamas, waited outside for about an hour and half while LG&E worked on installing a replacement gas line. Dominique Miller, who lives in a house at 303 N. 19th St., adjacent to the site of the break, said that she was sleeping when she heard a loud noise about 9:30 a.m. She said she evacuated a couple of minutes later.

Roof work sparks fire at SE Portland school
08/13/03 LYS MENDEZ
Fire investigators say a four-alarm fire Monday at Binnsmead Middle School was started by roofing contractors using a propane torch to apply roofing materials. Jack Finders, spokesman for the Portland Fire and Rescue Bureau, said the fire smoldered for several hours before burning through the roof. Because the fire was confined to the auditorium roof, school will start as scheduled on Sept. 3, said Lew Frederick, Portland Public Schools spokesman. Finders said the fire did $1.5 million in structural damage plus $300,000 in damage to the contents of the Southeast Portland school. Most of the damage inside the auditorium was caused by water. This was the seventh school fire, some intentionally set, in the Portland and Vancouver areas in the past year. Portland schools are self-insured, but Frederick said MacDonald Welte, the roofing contractor, is expected to cover the costs of this fire. Construction crews were working on a $2 million project to repair the roof at Binnsmead and were almost done with the auditorium, said Pam Brown, director of facilities at the school. Brown said two months' worth of work on the auditorium was lost. Workers had attached flashing to the roof, heating it with torches to make the self-adhesive backing stick, before leaving the site at 3 p.m. Monday. The Fire Bureau received a call about the fire at 6:10 p.m. and arrived at 2225 S.E. 87th Ave. in four minutes. Only two small classrooms and office space in the back of the auditorium were damaged, making it unlikely that the school year will be delayed, Frederick said. "We still have to determine how safe the school is," he said. "We have to do air monitoring and check the structure, but this will be taking place over the next few days." About 770 sixth- through eighth-graders attend the school. About 45 percent speak English as a second language, presenting school officials with the challenge of sending out notices to families who speak more than 22 languages, Frederick said. A hot line will be available for parents who want information about the fire in the five primary languages of the school: English, Spanish, Cantonese, Russian and Vietnamese. Frederick said Monday's school fire has caused the most damage, surpassing the $1 million in damage caused by a fire at Lent Elementary in Southeast Portland on Feb. 17. The cause of that three-alarm fire was determined to be arson. No arrests have been made in connection with the Lent fire. Binnsmead's auditorium is used at the beginning of the school year for welcoming assemblies, which now will take place in the cafeteria or the gym, Frederick said. Monday's fire was fought from the sides of the auditorium because firefighters couldn't determine how much weight the roof could hold, making it difficult to contain the fire. A trench was cut in the middle of the roof, and the fire was controlled at 7:56 p.m. A firefighter cut his hand, but there were no serious injuries. Frederick said that staff and parents were at the scene Monday night to express their support to the school. "This is a close-kni community," he said, "and this is going to pull the community closer together."

Fire breaks out at Motera
Express News Service
Ahmedabad, August 11: A fire broke out at the Sardar Patel Gujarat Stadium at Motera on Monday afternoon destroying more than 200 discarded wooden and plastic chairs and other material. Besides, the transformer room of the stadium was partially damaged in the incident. However, nobody was reported injured. According to Ahmedabad Fire Brigade (AFB), the fire was caused when a burning piece of metal fell on the chairs and fibre and plastic sheets near the scoreboard where some electric welding work was in progress. In minutes, all the inflammable material stored near the scoreboard, on the western end of the stadium, caught fire. The fire brigade used three fire tenders, six water tankers and more than fifty to put out the flames in about 45 minutes. According to fire brigade officials, the fire was caused as the workers, engaged in the electric welding work, had not taken care to remove the inflammable materials away from the vicinity of their place of work. A statement released later in the day by President of the Gujarat Cricket Association Narhari Amin said the fire had caused a loss of about Rs 20,000-25,000. However, GSA's Honorary Secretary Vikram Patel said there was no negligence on part of any staff working at the stadium and it was merely an accident.

Construction Worker Survives 60-Foot Fall From Scaffolding
COCOA, Fla. -- Cocoa firefighters claim a construction worker is lucky to be alive after he fell more than 60 feet this morning. Not strange enough? Read more strange news from WFTV.com. He was working on some scaffolding at the Whitley Bay Condominium project in Cocoa. Firefighters were amazed that the man may have only a severely broken leg. Apparently he hit one of the balconies on the way down. That may have broken his fall before he hit the sand. There's no word on what led to the accident.

Construction worker injured in fall
RALEIGH -- The N.C. Department of Labor is investigating a construction worker's fall early today while working on the Glenwood Avenue bridge over Wade Avenue. Orlando Leon Sattlerwhite, 48, of Warrenton was admitted to WakeMed with a back injury, according to a police report. The incident occurred at about 1:13 a.m. on the 1400 block of Glenwood Avenue. Sattlerwhite was working for C.C. Mangum Contractors LLC of Raleigh, according to the report.

Workers injured in truck accident
By Bill Ruthhart August 12, 2003
Three concrete workers were hospitalized Monday after the truck they were riding in ran off a rural Hamilton County road. Sheriff's Maj. Mark Bowen said the box truck was southbound on Spring Mill Road just before 7:30 a.m. when it slid off the west side of the road after passing a mo-ped. Bowen said the driver then overcorrected, and the truck crashed into the ditch on the road's east side. Police said the driver, 37-year-old Vitalino Jimenes-Arenas, was airlifted to Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis. His condition was not available Monday afternoon. The driver's son, 22-year-old Jose Jimenes-Arenas, and Lorenso Bastanante-Lopez, 35, were taken to Methodist by ambulance. Their conditions also were not available Monday. Bowen said Jose Jimenes-Arenas was complaining of pain all over his body, while Bastanante-Lopez had lower back pain, injuries to his arms and glass in his eye. Both passengers were conscious, and the driver was semiconscious when he was airlifted, police said. The three worked for Custom Concrete and were on their way to a job, Bowen said. Officials from the Westfield company refused to comment on the accident Monday afternoon. Bowen said the three workers had been sitting in the front seat of the truck. Police had no estimate as to how fast the vehicle was moving in the 40 mph speed zone.

Trench accident
WALTHAM -- Richard A. Kelly, 22 of Faribault, was injured Monday evening in a drainage trench accident. According to a Mower County Sheriff's Office report, Kelly was part of a crew working for Hodgman Drainage at the new municipal sanitary sewer project at Waltham. The mishap occurred while the workers were digging a trench near 8 p.m. Monday, according to the report. He was first attended at the scene by a Hayfield Ambulance Service crew and then flown by Mayo One to Saint Mary's Hospital, Rochester.

Workers Rescued From Collapsed Trench; Two Men Trapped As Trench Walls Cave In
CHICAGO -- A trench collapse on the city's north side Tuesday afternoon trapped two city workers. Emergency workers succeeded in pulling both men from the trench in a methodical rescue effort, according to Tom LaPorte, with the Chicago Water Department. Both rescued workers were taken by ambulance to Illinois Masonic Hospital. Three ambulances were initially called to a construction site near Wilson and Kedzie avenues following the collapse of the walls of the trench in which the men were working. The workers were reportedly buried up to their waists and unable to remove themselves from the trench. Firefighters trained in subterrain rescue have begun working to extract the workers. NBC5 reported that the effort was complicated by the threat of further collapse of the already compromised trench walls.

Bulldozer sinks to bottom of park lake
By: Beth Anderson, Staff Writer August 12, 2003
A bulldozer overshot a ledge on the shore of the southern lake at the former Hallet's Quarry and landed under 12-feet of water late Monday morning. The driver was not injured. The accident happened in the southeast corner of the southern lake, near U.S. Highway 69, where crews are stabilizing the shore of the lake as part of the creation of Ada Hayden Heritage Park. "As the bulldozer moved out to push a boulder (toward the lake), he got too far out, and the shore gave way," said Paul Weigand, director of Ames' public works department. The water level in that area is estimated to be 20 feet deep. The equipment is owned by Peterson Contractors, Inc., or PCI, a Reinbeck construction firm contracted by the City of Ames to build the 437-acre park. PCI is responsible for removing the equipment from the lake and any environmental clean-up, which should be minimal, Weigand said. PCI declined to comment when contacted this morning. Recovery of the bulldozer was expected sometime today. Divers had arrived at the lake by mid-morning. The bulldozer had been involved in the process of installing a pump on the south lake. The pump will be used to lower the lake level so that crews can stabilize the banks. Weigand said he was not too surprised that a bulldozer had gone into the water. "Because of the gravel mining and sand mining (at the old quarry), the banks drop off immediately," he said. "That's why we won't allow swimming in the area." Ada Hayden will be a passive recreation park, with facilities for boating and fishing. There will be no swimming area and no playground.

Lightning Strikes Worker At Local High School
A bolt of lightning struck DeLand High School on Monday afternoon. A construction worker says he felt a high voltage jolt. The electrician was treated on the scene. He was working on the school's new auditorium when he felt the shock. The first day of class at DeLand High School always exciting, but never like this. Students may not have seen it, but many of them heard it. It didn't hit the school, but close enough. It hit an electrical contractor working on the new auditorium nearby. The strange thing is, he was actually inside the building when he was hit. There is a roof on the building, but it's not finished. It's made of metal; that's how it conducted the electricity to his body. The worker said he felt his body tingle. He immediately got off the lift and went for help. We're told the worker recovered quickly and was back to work about an hour later.

Parent Category: Incident Alert Archives
Category: Construction Accidents

Construction Accidents Page #9

This page was last updated on  05/06/2010

SCDOT Worker Killed Near Blacksburg; Fellow Worker Runs Over Victim With Dump Truck
POSTED: 2:04 p.m. EDT August 11, 2003
BLACKSBURG, S.C. - A South Carolina Department of Transportation worker is dead after an accident near Blacksburg. It happened around 8:45 this morning on Bluebird Lane. Troopers told WYFF News 4 that Buford W. Phillips of Gaffney was backing up a dump truck loaded with eight tons of asphalt when he ran over another DOT worker. The worker was pronounced dead at the scene. He has not yet been identified. No charges have been filed. Stay tuned to WYFF News 4 and TheCarolinaChannel.com for the latest information.

Injured construction worker released from Medical Center
A construction worker at the Physics and Astronomy Building work site was released from the hospital Saturday after being pinned by a forklift Aug. 4. The accident happened around 12:30 p.m. when Anthony Roman, 22, an employee of glass contracting company Marc Anthony Glazing, attempted to stabilize the forklift's load of more than 30 panes of glass, according to witnesses at the scene. "I just stopped for a minute, and the next thing I knew I was caught under (the forklift)," Roman said Aug. 7 from the intensive care unit at the UCLA Medical Center. According to an investigation by the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Roman was pulled under the forklift when his right foot interfered with the tire tread as the forklift wheeled around the perimeter of the construction project. Roman said his legs suffered no injuries other than a dull aching, but the driver side's front tire broke seven ribs and his left shoulder. The right side of his face was forced against the ground, leaving him bleeding from his mouth, nose and ears, according to CAL OSHA. Roman was in critical condition when he arrived at UCLA Medical Center. Amy Waddell, a spokeswoman for the hospital, said patients who are in critical condition display unstable vital signs, may be unconscious or are in jeopardy of dying. The accident occurred a week after Marc Anthony Glazing arrived on campus to install windows in the new Physics and Astronomy Building. The forklift was driven by David Strobridge, another employee of Marc Anthony Glazing, according to CAL OSHA. Strobridge did not return multiple phone calls for comment last week. CAL OSHA investigator Jose Cedro said it is not clear what caused the accident and that his investigation is focusing on whether Marc Anthony Glazing is at fault. The owner of Marc Anthony Glazing could not be reached for comment after several phone calls last week. Though Roman said he was scared when he was trapped under the forklift and bleeding heavily, he is not upset about what happened. "I'm over it; accidents happen," he said. "The important thing is I am alive." Accidents regularly happen on construction sites, but they're rarely of this caliber, Cedro said. "I have seen several accidents with forklifts, but this is the first time the whole body was run over," he said.

UPDATE Family of Highway Flagman Crushed to Death to Receive $3 Million in Settlement of Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against JDM Materials, Inc.
8/11/03 2:24:00 PM
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 11 /U.S. Newswire/ -- As a highway safety flagman on the Route 202 reconstruction project, Robert Boyle, 60 of Philadelphia, knew how important it was to be visible to anybody behind the wheel, whether the vehicle was a passenger car or a six-ton concrete truck. But on July 23, 2001, being clearly visible in the rear-view mirror of the driver of a JDM Materials, Inc. concrete truck he was directing wasn't good enough. Tragically and inexplicably, Anthony Matthews, the driver, backed his more than 35-ton truck right over Boyle. The firm of Saltz, Mongeluzzi, Barrett & Bendesky, represented Robert's widow, in a lawsuit against JDM Materials. Shortly before the case was scheduled for trial in Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas, the case was settled with JDM agreeing to pay compensatory and punitive damages in the amount of $3 million. But for Joan Boyle the personal suffering, and her concern for the safety of other construction workers, is far from over. "Bob was so careful on the job and so concerned for the safety of his co-workers that Joan and others who loved him can only hope and pray that work zones become safer places because of her husband's sacrifice," said Robert J. Mongeluzzi. "There was absolutely no reason for the driver of that truck to continue backing up at a high rate of speed once he saw Robert in his mirror. His haste and negligence cost Robert Boyle his life," added Mongeluzzi's co-counsel John T. Dooley. Saltz, Mongeluzzi, Barrett & Bendesky, PC is dedicated to the representation of people who have been seriously or fatally injured. With offices in Philadelphia and Cherry Hill, New Jersey, the firm specializes in highly complex cases including those involving catastrophic construction site and other workplace accidents, product and premises liability, and medical malpractice. Mongeluzzi is also President of the Philadelphia Trial Lawyers Association.

Collapse kills 7
An under-construction factory warehouse collapsed on Saturday afternoon, burying more than 80 workers in Xiamen, Fujian Province. As of yesterday morning, seven workers had been confirmed dead and 38 others injured seriously. City officials said yesterday that the two-story building was being built without ap-proval from local authorities. No professional personnel organized the construction work. Lin Tianhou, a local villager, was hired to do the work, Xiamen officials said. The building was being constructed for the Qunxin Machinery Factory in Gaolin Village, in the city's Huli District. Workers were pouring cement into the structure at about 5:30 pm when the building caved in, burying the 80-odd workers, according to national media reports. More than 40 workers escaped and by 10 pm, another 43 were recovered and taken to a hospital. Officials that it was the most serious work site accident in the local construction industry in the past few years. They confirmed that the workers, mostly without necessary qualifications, went against safety standards, used fewer construction materials than designed, and hurried the work process to meet a deadline, all attributing to the cave-in. The structure, with a planned floor area of 3,000 square meters, was also poorly designed, they said. The vertical supporting structures couldn't stand the weight of the concrete and collapsed after only 20 percent of the concrete had been poured, officials said.

Gas Main Leaking, Local Roads Closed
A ruptured gas line along Highway 124 in Gwinnett County shut down traffic between Lenora Church Road and Ashworth Lake Road Monday afternoon. A construction crew severed the line about 10 a.m. Monday, authorities say. The accident resulted in the evacuation of about 200 people at a nearby medical complex. A 300 foot hotzone is being maintained, while authorities have yet to confirm when the leak will be repaired and the closed roads reopened. Gwinnett Fire, Hazmat, and Atlanta Light and Gas crews were called to the scene.

One Dead, 15 Migrant Workers Injured as Building Collapses
At least one migrant worker was killed and 15 others injured in a building collapse in east China's Fujian Province Saturday evening. Workers at the site said nearly 100 migrant workers were at the construction site in Xiamen when the building collapsed, and many were buried. An unspecified number of injured workers have been sent to several local hospitals, and Zhongshan Hospital handled 16 injuredmen. One of the workers died from with serious head injuries. A rescue operation was still underway and the total number of the casualties was still not clear by press time. The workers were adding a second storey to the building when the accident took place at around 6 pm.

UPDATE Worker died from head trauma, autopsy finds
By JENNIE TUNKIEICZ Last Updated: Aug. 9, 2003
Racine - A fall from a great height and severe head trauma will most likely be listed as the the cause of death of a Milwaukee man who was involved in a construction site accident in Racine last week, Racine County Medical Examiner Thomas Terry said Thursday. Terry said an autopsy by the Milwaukee County medical examiner's office revealed no heart problems or other natural causes that would have caused Zebedke Richardson to fall 30 to 40 feet from a scaffolding Monday. Terry said he had not received a final report from Milwaukee County, but it is not believed that any other findings will be released. Robinson fell from scaffolding and was impaled on a 5-inch bolt at a construction site near Batten Airport at Mount Pleasant St. and South St. He was 55. Richardson was a 12-year employee of C.D. Smith Construction of Fond du Lac. The company is building a basin for the city's Water and Wastewater Utilities. The accident happened Monday afternoon, and Richardson died at 8:50 p.m. after neurosurgery at St. Mary's Medical Center, Terry said. Terry said the Occupational Safety and Health Administration was investigating the incident. A review by the Racine Police Department concluded that the incident was an industrial site accident and not a criminal incident, Sgt. William Macemon said.

Construction worker listed critical after fall

WHITE PLAINS — A construction worker was in critical condition yesterday after falling headfirst three stories down a duct shaft at the $325 million City Center project in White Plains. Louis Ackerman and another worker were in the shaft, located next to a stairwell, about 11:30 p.m. Thursday when police said Ackerman accidentally fell about 50 feet to the bottom of the shaft. He was rushed to the Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla, where he underwent emergency surgery for a skull fracture, spleen injury and blood on his brain. Ackerman, who police believe is in his 40s, was listed in critical condition yesterday. Police did not have his address, but were told by fellow workers that he lives in Brewster. City building inspectors and officials from the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration were called to the site immediately and returned yesterday to try to determine the cause of the accident. White Plains Building Commissioner Michael Gismondi said that work on the site has not been halted, but that developer Louis Cappelli "will be issued a minimum of three or four summonses for safety violations by us, plus whatever OSHA decides to do.'' He would not elaborate, but police said the men were apparently working without safety rails on the scaffold and were not wearing safety harnesses. "I can't tell you the specific violations right now, other than to say they are for safety issues,'' Gismondi said. "It's an ongoing investigation.'' Brian Connolly, assistant director for OSHA's regional office in Tarrytown, said he knew little about the accident late yesterday afternoon. "Our inspectors are out there right now, and I'm waiting to hear from them,'' he said. "The investigation has just begun.'' Cappelli did not return a call seeking comment yesterday. Police said Ackerman works for Precision Carpentry. Officials from the White Plains-based company could not be reached for comment yesterday. Police Lt. Nick Kralik said witnesses told investigators that Ackerman and another man were finishing up their work when Ackerman asked the other man for a measurement. The man told police he heard a noise, turned around, and saw Ackerman fall down the shaft. "We've determined that there was no crime committed, and we've turned over all of the witness statements to OSHA,'' Kralik said. The accident marked the second time this year that a worker has fallen down a shaft at the City Center site, at Main Street and Mamaroneck Avenue. In March, Alvin Burgos of Yonkers was injured when he fell from the 16th to the 13th floor of a 35-story apartment tower under construction at 222 Main St. after removing wooden support beams from an elevator shaft. Burgos' fall was broken by plywood on the 13th floor. Earlier, a worker was injured when he stepped into a hole and hurt his leg; in another incident, a worker was hit by a pipe. On June 17, 2002, Richard Ellis of Thornwood, a 40-year-old worker, was killed after a bundle of concrete reinforcing bars fell more than 50 feet and crushed him at a hotel-apartment construction site Bank and Main streets in White Plains. Another worker was hurt. Scheduled to open in October, the City Center will contain 15 movie screens, a community theater and thousands of square feet of restaurant and retail space. The project also includes two 35-story apartment towers. A $40 million garage is being constructed by Cappelli and the city.

Rabat worker still on danger list but in stable condition
by Charlot Zahra, di-ve news (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
GWARDAMANGIA, Malta (di-ve news) -- 09 August 2003 1215 CET -- Clint Borg, the 18-year-old man of Rabat who fell off around one storey from a scaffolding while doing works on the façade of a building at Bahrija on Wednesday afternoon, was still reported to be on the danger list but was in a stable condition, Police told di-ve.com on Saturday morning. The accident took place at around 1830 CET at Raddet ir-Roti Street in Bahrija, when for some reason or another the worker lost his balance and fell off. A fellow worker of Bahrija called for an ambulance to be sent on site. Borg was taken to St. Luke's Hospital, where he was certified with grievous head injuries and in danger of dying. Duty Magistrate Giovanni Grixti is conducting the inquiry on the case and has appointed various experts to assist him. Police Inspector Marthese Micallef from the Rabat District is leading the investigations on this case.

Gas leak forces Miromar evacuation
reported by Jessica Ritter
ESTERO, August 8, 2003 — Thousands of people doing some rainy-day shopping at the Miromar Outlets had to be evacuated just before 11:30 a.m. Friday after a construction crew ruptured a natural gas line. Business returned to normal by early afternoon, thanks to crews that controlled the leak and Mother Nature, whose strong winds helped dissipate the gas. A worker from an electric company broke through the pip with a backhoe. Greg Hughes was cooking inside Wallaby Joe's when he says he smelled the leak. "The restaurant filled up immediately. We had the back door open and the gas leak's 20 feet away," Hughes said. Construction worker Steve Denton was even closer. "You just hear it rushing out of the pipe," Denton said. "It was under the ground when he put its forks in and hit it. He ran and I ran and just told everybody to get out of the building." The 16,000 square foot expansion project is about half way complete. But all work came to a halt as firefighters evacuated the entire complex. Mall managers say nasty weather early Friday pulled thousands of people indoors to shop. And although it hurt business, they say the evacuation was necessary. Shopper Claire Merchant agreed. "I think it's better to be safe than sorry, especially when you've got children," she said. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is reportedly investigating the incident. The electric company, Current Electric, had no comment on the accident.

Man freed from collapsed trench
By Associated Press Saturday, August 09, 2003 - ANCHORAGE
An industrial accident Thursday night left a man trapped in a trench for about three hours Thursday near Eagle River. Homeowner Forest Crane was working a 9-deep trench behind his mobile home about six miles up Eagle River Road when the trench collapsed. "He was covered up to about mid-thigh. There were a lot of rocks and stuff around him. He just couldn't move," said firefighter and paramedic Ward Hepper told KTUU-TV. About 20 firefighters from the Anchorage Fire department's special trench rescue unit responded. They used plywood to stabilize the sides of the banks before they climbed down to rescue the man. "They used the air system in the trench rescue, shored everything up, made everything safe and clean, got down in the bottom and just had to keep digging. Finally got him loose," Hepper said. "There was a lot of water in the bottom of the trench, along with the dirt, so it was kind of like an Inlet-mud rescue inside a trench rescue." Hepper said one part of the bank had a crack in it. "When the cars were driving, or the heavy trucks were driving on Eagle River Road, it was making the crack move. That's why we had to stabilize everything so it didn't cave in."

Crane overturns onto construction site, man injured
Sunday, 10 August 2003
MALE, Aug 10 (HNS) -- A crane overturned on Saturday onto a construction site of H. Athireege in Male, seriously injuring a man. Adam Mueen, who was observing the work on the site, ducked from the falling crane and jumped to the ground, landing heavily, breaking his right leg and receiving injuries to his left leg. Around 4:15pm local time, the crane belonging to Maldives Transport and Contracting Company overturned onto the construction site of Athireege, the residence of Maldives' first president Mohamed Amin. Construction work is carried out by Laiko Construction and its supervisor Ali Husham told Haveeru that the framework of the first floor of the building was damaged in the accident. MTCC officials refused to comment on the accident when contacted. However, in an interview to Voice of Maldives by police, Major Ibrahim Latheef said that the crane overturned because the planks supporting the crane's pivots snapped, and that one of the pivots had also sunk into the ground. This may have occurred because the crane may have been burdened beyond its supporting capacity, Latheef said.

Construction worker killed in scaffolding accident
August 6, 2003 (Chicago) — A construction worker was fatally injured when a falling object struck him on the head at a site on the city's North Side. The 45-year-old was working at the Sunrise assisted living residence in the 2700-block of North Clark around 2 p.m. when the accident occurred. OSHA is on the scene. The man, whose identity has not been released, reportedly worked for Schwindler Construction Company.

Carl Junction Worker Injured
Wednesday, August 06, 2003
A construction worker is injured while working on the Carl Junction Intermediate school. The worker fell through the roof, falling more than 20 feet. He was working on the damage from last May`s deadly tornadoes. The man was working through western fireproofing, a subcontractor through RES Construction. The man was taken to Freeman hospital for possible hip injuries. Construction has stopped until a cause of the accident can be explained.

UPDATE Contractor Fined For Deadly Trench Accident; OSHA Says Company Failed To Train Workers
A Warwick-based contractor is facing almost $90,000 in fines stemming from a February trench collapse that killed a worker. Walter Gorski, 33, of East Providence, was working on an 11-foot-deep sewer line in Woonsocket when the walls collapsed. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration said the accident could have been prevented had Gorski's employer supplied proper protection against cave-ins. OSHA said the workers had not been trained to recognize trenching hazards. Gorski worked for Greenwood Plumbing, Heating and Solar Inc. The plumbing contractor did business as Mr. Rooter.

Worker finally freed after 5 hours in mud
By Robert Perez Sentinel Staff Writer August 6, 2003
SANFORD -- Kelly Gibson probably didn't think twice about climbing out of the hole he and his co-workers had dug in the alley behind Dorothy Brazzell's house. He had climbed out of hundreds of holes and trenches during his 15 years with the Sanford utility department. But Tuesday he found his leg stuck fast in the trench. The wet, heavy mud at the bottom clung to him like a leech, and there was little the 39-year-old could do to free himself. When Gibson's co-workers jumped in to dig him out, they accidentally broke a line that began to fill the hole with water and quickly turned what was an embarrassing situation into a five-hour rescue drama. Dozens of firefighters from Sanford and Seminole County worked against time and the elements to free Gibson. Victims in trench collapses can die from compression injuries caused by tons of dirt and sand pressing on their extremities. The longer they're trapped, the greater the danger. But this situation was different. Rescuers were faced with pumping out hundreds of gallons of mud from around Gibson, who was buried up to his waist. But the more they pumped out, the more mud filled the hole, said Stan Human, Seminole County battalion chief. Crews who worked in and around the hole behind 807 Rosalia Drive made little progress against the thick, black muck that held Gibson captive about 6 feet below the surrounding dirt and grass of the alleyway. Even after three hours of feverish work by rescuers using shovels, 5-gallon buckets, a backhoe and a truck with a giant vacuum cleaner, Gibson was no closer to being free. Efrem Session, who looked on from a fenced yard about 20 feet from the trench, pleaded with firefighters. "Hey boss man, make sure you get him out," he called out. "That's my brother man." Session said he has known Gibson for 10 years, about as long as his sister, Felicia, has dated Gibson. "I know he's scared and probably anxious to get out of there," he said. As the rescue wore on into its fourth hour, the weather began to work against firefighters. Dark clouds moved in from the northwest, and heavy rain and lightning came down by 4:30 p.m. That's when rescuers changed their tactics. Instead of continuing the losing battle to pump the mud out, they decided to dig a deeper hole next to Gibson and let the mud fall away from him. Felicia Session looked on nervously and complained of a pounding headache as a backhoe dug deep into the wet ground next to her fiancé. She tried to joke with friends and family but admitted she was scared and anxious. "I just want to see him," she said. But she didn't worry as much about how Gibson was handling himself. Two years ago, Gibson nearly lost part of his foot in a lawn mower accident, but he remained calm throughout the incident, Felicia Session said. "He's a hero because he doesn't panic," she said. Shortly after 6 p.m., a light rain resumed over the rescue, then suddenly Gibson was being pulled out. A cheer erupted from the crowd of onlookers as his arms, then head, came into view. Soon Gibson's nearly limp body was being put onto a medical stretcher for the trip to Central Florida Regional Hospital. He showed little emotion, but his face was a portrait of exhaustion and relief. Calls of, "God is good" came from the crowd with the refrain, "All the time." Dr. Todd Husty, Seminole County's medical director, said Gibson was doing remarkably well. Gibson's vital signs were monitored throughout the five-hour ordeal and remained steady. "If I were his doctor, I'd send him home tonight," Husty said.

Worker burned in house fire
By Andrew Lightman / Staff Writer Tuesday, August 5, 2003
An unidentified contractor was burned when a fire erupted around him in the third floor of the Lake Avenue apartment he was renovating, fire officials said. The homeowner, Wangni Tian, said the employee of the contractor, SteveWorks, was up on the third floor sanding and varnishing the floor at about 3 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 5, when the fire began. Tian was on the first floor, and evacuated as soon as she heard the alarm go off. Firefighters were quick to arrive, and observed burns on his arms and chest, before he was taken away in an ambulance to Newton Wellesley Hospital. His status was unknown as of deadline. Tian, who lives in the downstairs apartment, was renovating the upstairs so she could rent it out. Looking on as firefighters cut away pieces of her roof to keep the fire from re-igniting, she could only blame the worker. "A man was working on the floor," she said. "I think they were putting on the first coat [ofvarnish]. That's the combuster maybe." "Definitely combustible fumes," said fire chief Joseph Lacroix. "It's the source of the ignition that is unknown." A spark or a hot object likely could have started the fire, Lacroix said. The fire spread up to the roof, but the second floor suffered only water damage. The first floor was not harmed in the fire. When told by Lacroix that most of the floor the worker was varnishing had been destroyed, Tian was horrified. "They should have known better," she said. "I am so sorry to hire these people." Two alarms were sounded to reinforce firefighters who had been in full uniform for two and a half hours. Earlier in the afternoon, a water-main break on Needham Street forced firefighters to dress in their 100 lb. gear. They were called to Lake Avenue immediately after. Several firefighters, covered in sweat and soot, were given oxygen once the blaze had been put out. None required more serious medical attention.

Fire ruins attic
Tuesday, August 05, 2003 By Christine Tognetti
SAN MARTIN - What started off as a normal installation of a water softener turned into an attic fire Monday afternoon causing more than $250,000 worth of damage. Elouise Hartman was coming home from a quick trip the store when she noticed gusts of smoke in the sky. "I could tell it was in my neighborhood, but as I got closer I started to realize this might be my house," Hartman said. The smoke was pouring out of her attic at 12600 Sycamore Road in San Martin, where an employee of Culligan Water was installing a new water softener pipe. According to California Department of Forestry Fire Capt. Paramedic Mike Matheisen, while installing the pipe, the sparks from the welding ignighted the insulation causing the fire. CDF/South County responded quickly with five fire engines, 22 firefighters and two fire chiefs. They were able to contain the fire quickly and minimize the damage. The fire was located directly above the master bedroom. Matheisen said firefighters used an approach where they located the fire, drew a line and then pushed the fire back by entering the ceiling from the area not yet burned. "We approached the fire very aggressively, and we're lucky to have had this contained when we did," Matheisen said. "The wind was blowing and some of the skylights were open in the attic. We could have lost much more." Hartman sat on the lawn and watched the firefighters save what they could of her home. "I just can't believe this," she said. "I just had a new roof put on two months ago."

ISU project scorched
By Steven Friederich and Tanna Barry - Journal Writers
POCATELLO - It took only moments for a fire to start on the roof of Idaho State University's yet-to-be completed performing arts center on Monday, and it took firefighters less than an hour to put it out. Damage did not appear to be extensive. The fire on the roof of the L.E. and Thelma E. Stephens Performing Arts Center started when sparks from a welder's torch ignited insulation and tar paper on the west side of the concert hall roof around noon. The fire spread quickly from the rubber roofing material to the foam underneath, filling the sky with "one huge, big, black plume" of smoke, according to Travis Packer, who was working at the nearby Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' stake center. Pocatello Fire Department Division Chief Kevin Quick confirmed the sparks as the fire's source. He said a welder was on the roof when the fire started, but the welder and 104 other construction workers on site were evacuated within 50 feet of the building. No one was hurt. ISU officials said construction crews uld estimate damage today to determine how long the construction was delayed and how much it will cost to replace the charred roofing, said ISU's Vice President for University Advancement Kent Tingey. Workers started the roofing only last week, said Sletten Construction spokesman Josh Guisti. Sletten is the main contractor for the $35 million building, which is scheduled for completion next fall. Steel underneath the roof served to protect the rest of the building from any fire damage, Quick said. When Darrell Buffaloe, ISU's physical plant director, arrived on scene, he said it looked like flames reached 20 feet above the roof of the concert hall. He could see the orange flames jumping while the dark smoke filled the sky. "It scared the daylights out of me, but it looked worse than it really was," he said. "It is just unfortunate." Buffaloe said he doesn't believe the fire will slow construction much because the fire was limited to just the roof over the concert hall. The fire was reported at 12:21 p.m. and it took about 40 minutes to extinguish, Quick said. After the fire was officially out, firefighters stayed on the roof to control "hot spots." Quick said he had to call in almost everyone on his force - including a couple off-duty firefighters - to control the blaze. A tower truck was used to handle the fire because stairs do not reach the roof. Tingey said the building is insured by both Sletten and the state.

Worker electrocuted while renovating Casselberry movie theater
CASSELBERRY, Fla. A construction worker helping renovate a movie theater was electrocuted Tuesday.
The worker was rushed to Florida Hospital in Altamonte Springs shortly after the 1 p.m. accident, said Lt. Dennis Stewart, a Casselberry Police Department spokesman. The worker's name was not released. Moments after the accident, a co-worker rushed next door to the Seminole County sheriff's district 5 office looking for help, said Steve Olson, a sheriff's office spokesman. A sheriff's investigator and a sergeant responded, Olson said. "They didn't do CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) because he was breathing and had a pulse," Olson said. "They were trying to talk to him, but he wasn't responding." Casselberry police and the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration will investigate the incident, Stewart said.

Construction Worker Injured When Tree Falls On Bulldozer
POSTED: 5:02 p.m. EDT August 4, 2003
RALEIGH -- A construction worker was injured Monday when a tree fell on his bulldozer at a work site in Raleigh. The accident occured at the 700 block of North Ridge Drive. A contstruction crew was working to clear area trees when one fell on the bulldozer injuring the operator. The worker was taken to WakeMed with injuries to his head and back. Officials did not reveal the extent of the man's injuries.

Crane Topples At Flagler County Resort; No Injuries Reported
PALM COAST, Fla. -- A large crane that was being used at a Flagler County resort construction site toppled Tuesday morning. The accident at the Ocean Beach Resort caused substantial damage to a condominium under construction at the site, WESH NewsChannel 2 reported. No injuries were reported, and most of the construction workers were inside when the crane toppled, reports indicated. The Ocean Beach Resort is part of the Ocean Hammock subdivision near Palm Coast. Stay with WESH NewsChannel 2 and WESH.com for further details.

Woman injured during demolition
Aug 05, 2003
A woman is in Auckland Hospital with minor injuries after a wall collapsed onto two cars in Greenlane. Police say the building was being demolished when the accident happened at the intersection of Great South and Greenlane Roads shortly before 6pm. An eye witness, Mark Winter, says the back of a crane smashed into the wall, sending rubble crashing over the footpath and onto the road. He says the entire passenger side of the woman's car was crushed under a pile of bricks. Mark Winter says had the woman been six inches closer to the footpath she would have been crushed. Police had blocked surrounding roads, amid fears people could be trapped under the rubble and fire and ambulance crews from throughout the city rushed to the scene.

Worker stuck in chest-high mud rescued
By MARCIA LANGHENRY Atlanta Journal-Constitution Staff Writer
A construction worker stuck in chest-high mud was rescued by firefighters at noon today. The man's identity was not released but he was not injured, said Forsyth County Fire Chief Danny Bowman. The construction site is behind Lowe's on Peachtree Parkway in the Johns Creek area of south Forsyth County near the Fulton County border. Bowman said he was not certain how the accident happened. There was a large backhoe in the area, he said, and he guessed it appeared to the construction worker that the ground was more stable than it was. When he stepped off the backhoe, he became trapped when he sunk in the thick mud up to his chest. The rescue took 35 minutes and involved 15 firefighters. Bowman said they laid out an extension ladder to form a solid base to work from, then surrounded the man with plywood. Firefighters then stood on the plywood and manually pulled the man upward and free of the suction created by the mud and water. The ground is saturated from recent rains, Bowman said. On Sunday, the county received 2 inches and recently set a record for rainfall in July.

2 labourers die after fatal fall
Express News Service
Pune, August 2: Two labourers had a fatal fall from the third floor of a building under construction near Chinchwadgaon old octroi post today. Police said the accident occurred while the labourers were removing the bamboo scaffolding. Police identified the duo as Suresh Suhan Verma (30) of Kunal Residency, Thergaon, and Sunil Pujari (25) of Pavana Nagar, Kalewadi. The incident occurred at Krunal Riverside, a building coming up near Moraya Mangal Karyalaya adjacent to octroi post. A case of accident has been registered.

UPDATE Firm fined over worker's death
A building firm has been fined £150,000 after one of its employees was run over and killed by a forklift truck. Harold Moran, 54, was knocked down as the truck reversed out of a compound at the site at Ashdown Downs in Kirkby, Merseyside, in September 2000. On Monday, McLean Homes North West and Cheshire Ltd was fined £150,000 and ordered to pay £56,017 costs after being found guilty of a breach of health and safety regulations. The firm had pleaded not guilty, but was convicted at Liverpool Crown Court. Mr Moran was struck by the truck as he walked across a gateway at the site, where 91 homes were being built, and died at the scene. 'Analyse dangers' The Health and Safety Executive is warning other firms about the importance of managing vehicle safety. Neil Jamieson, Health and Safety Executive inspector, said: "On average around 70 people are killed and 1,200 seriously injured each year in workplace transport accidents. "These accidents are mainly caused by people being struck or run over by moving vehicles when reversing particularly in areas where people are not properly segregated from vehicle movements. "It is vital that managers of all types of workplace - not only construction sites - analyse the potential dangers posed by workplace transport and then take suitable safety measures to avoid these risks."

Safety worker hit by car, dies in construction zone
By Pedro Ruz Gutierrez Sentinel Staff Writer August 2, 2003
Grady Thomas Hill, 38, lived and breathed safety. As a highway traffic-maintenance supervisor, Hill knew the hazards of roadway construction sites. On his last night of installing tape stripes on the express E-Pass lanes on the Central Florida GreeneWay, Hill was killed when a motorist slammed into a construction areaearly Friday morning.Two other workers -- Paul Kimbro, 44, of Oviedo and Charles Starett, 43, of Geneva -- suffered serious injuries. "He supervised safety and lane markings for traffic shifts and was responsible for seeing that all the safety precautions were taken," said Dave Freytag, a friend of the Hill family and fellowworshipper at First Baptist Church of Tuscawillain Seminole County. "It's kind of ironic." Hill worked for Martin K. Eby Construction of Maitland,which is remodeling the University Boulevard interchange. Kimbro and Starett worked for subcontractor Sun Ray Paving and Construction. A few hours before the 1:55 a.m. accident, Hill had helped set up the bright-orange cones and the lighted arrow signaling the closed left southbound lane. The Florida Highway Patrol arrested Corey C. Price, 34, of Wellington on charges of vehicular homicide and DUI manslaughter. State records show Price is a convicted DUI offender with arrests in Volusia County for driving a car under the influence in 1994 and operating a boat while drunk in 1995. FHP troopers described him as "intoxicated" but aware that someone had been killed. "He was a little unsteady on his feet," said FHP Sgt. Ron Behnke, a traffic-homicide investigator. "And he knew he had killed somebody. He kept making remarks that there was a body lying over there, so he's aware of what happened." FHP Trooper Kim Miller, an agency spokeswoman, said Price's 2000 Nissan Maxima was estimated to be traveling between 60 and 80 mph when he hit the workers as he entered the E-Pass lane. Miller said witnesses reported seeing Price's car swerve from side to side andknock down the orange cones. Authorities said the area is under constant construction and that shifting lanes may add to the confusion. Some motorists have complained, said Bryan Douglas, communications and marketing manager fortheOrlando-Orange County Expressway Authority. The dangers of working in such high-traffic areas are obvious, Douglas said, and that is why most of the work is done at night or when it is not raining. "Whether you do it at night or at the peak of traffic hours during the day, it's just a dangerous place to be doing construction work," Douglas said. Construction crews sometimes employ off-duty FHP troopers to alert drivers of their work, but it's not a requirement. There were no troopers on duty Friday. A Martin K. Eby officialwould not discuss the use of troopers. "The issue here is speeding at night so, people, please slow down in construction zones," said Tom Haisch, a Martin K. Eby operations manager. "It's not a happy place here." Hillis survived by his wife, Audrey; twin daughters Traci and Marilyn, 11; son Timothy, 9; and daughter Cathy Jo, 8. He was active in his church, where he served as chairman of the deacons. He also was involved in ministries to help the needy and young people. In a statement, the family urged the public to be cautious when driving through construction zones, not to drink and drive, and to oppose efforts to extend alcohol sales to 4 a.m. The statement noted that a husband, father, son and brother has been lost. "Why? Because a drunk driver speeding through a construction zone took his life," the statement said.

Construction worker falls 60 feet
From staff reports 08/01/2003
A construction worker was critically injured in Fairview Friday afternoon when he fell nearly 60 feet into a sewer excavation pit, fire officials said. The worker, whose name was not immediately available, fell onto a piece of metal wire and was impaled in his chest. The man was transported via Careflite to Methodist Hospital in Dallas. His condition has not been made available. Chief investigating agency, Fairview Fire Department, called McKinney's high-angle vertical rescue team to assist with the man's rescue. Fire fighters removed the construction worker from the 30-foot excavation pit, which was located inside another 30-foot cement casement being set for the town's sewer system. McKinney Asst. Fire Chief Frank Roma said this is the specialized vertical rescue team's first year in McKinney.

2nd Skyway Construction Death Of Summer
Saturday Aug. 2, 2003, 3:10 p.m.
(Chicago) -- A worker fell 50 feet to his death Friday after he stepped on an unsupported platform while working at a construction site on the Chicago Skyway, marking the second fatality from the area in less than a month. The victim, identified by the medical examiner's office as David Stevens, 36, fell at about 1 p.m. from the Skyway at 75th Street and Greenwood Avenue, Gresham District Sgt. Robert Orlando said. Stevens was laying a platform to pour concrete from when he stepped on a 3-by-4-foot piece of plywood that had no support under it, according to a Calumet Area detective. The worker plunged 50 feet and struck his head on the ground, the detective said. He did not know the name of the construction company the victim worked for. Stevens, of 14256 Luna Av. in Midlothian, was pronounced dead at 1:47 p.m. at Stroger Hospital of Cook County, according to a Cook County medical examiner's office spokesman. An autopsy was scheduled for Saturday, the spokesman said. This was the second time in less than a month that a construction worker was killed falling from the Skyway. Dennis McNamara, 63, 249 Lincoln Ct. in Wood Dale, was working on the Skyway near 77th Street when he plunged to the ground at about 11:10 p.m. July 9. He died from his injuries at 12:15 a.m. July 10, according to the police and a medical examiner's office spokesman. The Skyway viaduct from 75th to 79th Street has been undergoing reconstruction since September 2001 as the first phase of a $250 million project to improve the safety and traffic flow, according to the city Department of Transportation's Web site. Work to on the viaduct deck between 77th and 79th streets, which involves removing the superstructure and replacing it with a filled embankment, was scheduled for completion in November.

Rockford Woman Killed in Construction Zone Accident
by Sean Lewis
A Rockford woman was killed early this morning when she was struck by a drunk driver while working in a construction zone near Schaumburg. And news of the death is hitting friends and family hard here at home. 51 year old Deborah Wead was holding the "slow down" sign in a work zone at about 1:00 this morning when she was killed. Police say a 28-year-old Lemont man was driving drunk when he hit Wead, lost control of his car and crashed into a concrete barrier. News of Deborah's death is hitting friends and family hard here in Rockford. Sometimes the hardest lessons in life are learned when another life is cut short."I learned how to be a good person, how to be true, how to be real and how to live," says Rachel Otto who knew Debbie Wead very well. They were roommates for 2 years, and had known each other for 4. To Rachel, Debbie was like a second mom. "I've never met somebody who'd just give up anything to give to somebody else to help them out. She did everything she could for me," says Rachel. And for her family, she was a mom, and a grandmother. Rachel says she was a friend who taught life lessons well, and who'd also talked about the danger of getting hit by a car while working on a road crew job, one she'd only started in October of last year. "So many times when you talked about Debbie--we called her Weadie--talked about how this could happen to her and it was never real. It was never real to me until now," says Rachel. She says this accident was the waste of a good life, one she already misses. "I walk around my house, and this is like 7 o'clock this morning when she usually come home and she didn't come home, and it hurts--it really hurts. It really hurts that somebody this stupid went and did something stupid like that because they don't realize what they're doing to someone else. And now they've ruined somebody else's life. Because I lost a lot when I lost her last night," says Rachel. What she won't lose are those lessons, especially the one she wants drivers to remember on the road before anther life, another friend is lost. "I can live on with her legacy. Try to do the best I can for her.. now that she's gone... to pass on. But it's just something you never get over. It doesn't go away," says Rachel.

2 workers die after scaffolding hits electrical wire
07/29/2003 By MEAGHAN WIMS Journal staff writer Updated 12:35 p.m.
WEST WARWICK -- Two construction workers were killed and a third was severely burned this morning when the metal scaffolding they were carrying came into contact with a 7,200-volt electrical wire, the police said. The men were working at a three-story house on Pleasant Street when the accident occurred at about 9 a.m. Jared Gendron, 18, from the Scituate village of Hope, and Thomas Walker, 24, of Coventry were electrocuted, an official at Kent County Hospital said. The third man was in good condition at the hospital. The men were moving the scaffolding when they apparently lost control of it, police said. It touched the bare, copper wire, which is about 30 feet off the ground and runs parallel to the house. "We are not putting blame on anyone," said police Lt. Albert A. Giusti Jr. "They were hired to do a job, and, unfortunately, this accident occurred." The men had a permit to do roofing and siding work on the three-family home at 22-26 Pleasant St. They had been working at the house for the past several weeks, according to neighbors. -- With reports from the Associated Press.

I-95 northbound reopens near Jacksonville after crane wreck
Associated Press July 29, 2003, 11:00 AM EDT
WORLD GOLF VILLAGE -- The northbound lanes of Interstate 95 reopened early Tuesday, about 12 hours after a crane being hauled by a truck struck and heavily damaged the overpass at the World Golf Village exit south of Jacksonville. All northbound traffic had been detoured to State Road 16 while temporary repairs were made to the overpass and a broken concrete bridge span was removed, the Florida Highway Patrol said. The southbound traffic was not affected by Monday's accident. Two westbound lanes and one eastbound lane remain open on International Golf Parkway, which crosses the interstate on the overpass. Truck driver Marvin Castleberry, 38, of Hilliard, was flown by air ambulance to Shands Jacksonville Medical Center, where he was listed in good condition. ``The gentleman working for the company, Southern Crane, was doing a job at the World Golf Village, forgot to put the boom down, was getting northbound from IGP (International Golf Parkway),'' Florida Highway Patrol Sgt. Etcher said. ``With it up in the air, it struck the overpass.'' While the crash was not related to the current road construction in the area, Superior Construction, the contractor for the widening of I-95, was used to remove the damaged beam and make repairs to the overpass, the Department of Transportation said. The Florida Department of Transportation estimates preliminary work to make the overpass safe cost $200,000, and planning will begin for a permanent fix. ``They've got to cast a new beam, and they've got to go ahead and schedule that construction work,'' DOT engineer Jim Gant said.

Elementary school construction accident sends 2 to hospital
(Columbia) July 26, 2003 - An accident happened shortly before 11:00am Saturday in front of Burnside Elementary School. Construction workers have been building a covered walkway here but Saturday their work site turned dangerous a sheet of metal hit two of them. One end of the walkway was already covered with sheet metal Saturday the construction crews started working on the roof on the opposite side. They were using a crane to lift the sheet metal when officials say it became unbalanced and slipped hitting two young workers. Both of the workers had serious injuries. One of the patients that was transported had injuries to the head and chest area. Another patient was transported for near amputation to the foot and toe region. Both were conscious and alert at the time of transport. The two men are said to be in stable condition Saturday night at Palmetto Richland Hospital. No word yet on what exactly caused the accident or if the men were wearing protective gear when the accident happened.

Man Killed When Trench Collapses
(LOUISVILLE, July 29th, 2003, 2:30 p.m.) -- A Senninger Plumbing Company employee was killed Tuesday in a trench cave-in on Dixie Highway. Pleasure Ridge Park Fire Chief Doug Atwell says the man never had a chance when the dirt walls fell just after noon. Atwell says the man was repairing a water line under a Circuit City parking lot. Crews were still trying to unearth the man's body from more than a ton of dirt late Tuesday afternoon, and were expected to continue working well into the evening.
It's the first fatal trench collapse in Jefferson County in the past 10 years.

Millsboro man killed by nail gun; Brothers were working on new house
By CHIP GUY Sussex Bureau reporter
A 29-year-old Millsboro man was killed this week when his brother accidentally shot him in the chest with a nail gun as the two worked on a house in Ocean View, police said Thursday. Camillo Juandelos died at Peninsula Regional Medical Center in Salisbury, Md., Wednesday evening, after being taken there by helicopter after an afternoon incident in a house under construction in the Village at Bear Trap Dunes. Ocean View Police Chief Kenneth McLaughlin said the victim and his brother, Jesus, 25, were framing a wall about 4 p.m. Wednesday. Jesus Juandelos bent over the floor using the compressed-air nail gun, then stood up quickly and turned around to call for his brother, who he thought was across the room, McLaughlin said. Camillo Juandelos, though, already was behind his brother and walked into the nail gun as Jesus turned around. The gun discharged, firing a 3-inch nail into Juandelos' chest, McLaughlin said. "I think it was just a strange thing that happened," McLaughlin said. "It looks like a very, very unfortunate accident." Police said Thursday they were continuing their investigation. The federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration also was investigating. Because Juandelos died in Maryland, the body was taken to Baltimore where an autopsy was to be performed. The incident was the second involving a nail gun at a housing construction site in Ocean View within the last year. In August, a 37-year-old Dover man injured himself when he pulled a nail gun by its cord. The gun fired a 3-inch nail into his chest, seriously wounding him. Federal workplace safety officials said they do not track the number of accidents involving nail guns. But a spokeswoman for the safety agency said Thursday that fatal injuries are three times more common in the construction industry than in all other industries. The average number of fatalities for all industries was 4.3 for every 100,000 workers in 2001, according to Leni Uddyback-Fortson, in the agency's Philadelphia office. The construction industry's rate in 2001 was 13.3 for every 100,000 workers. Camillo Juandelos was employed by a subcontractor from Arlington, Va. The owner of that company, Frisly Rosales Construction, could not be reached Thursday. In a prepared statement issued Thursday, the developer of The Village at Bear Trap Dunes - Carl M. Freeman Communities - said all contractors and subcontractors working at the site would be reminded of required safety procedures. A spokeswoman could not be reached for more details. McLaughlin said the nail gun has been turned over to the federal agency for analysis. Uddyback-Forton said the agency's investigation could take up to six months and could lead to fines.

Worker in danger of dying after fall
by Charlotte Bonavia, di-ve news (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
VALLETTA, Malta (di-ve news) -- 28 July 2003 - 2100CET -- A 40-year-old Fgura man is in danger of dying after falling a height of three storeys while working at Old Hospital Street, Valletta, on Monday afternoon at around 1600CET. Police said that the accident occurred when the man fell off a plank while he was carrying out some works in a shaft of a block of apartments situated in the zone known as Camarata. An ambulance took the man to St Luke's Hospital where he was certified as suffering grievous injuries and that he was in danger of dying. The duty magistrate was informed about the incident and appointed various experts to assist in the inquiry. Valletta district police are leading the investigations.

Worker Falls 20 Feet At Nelson-Atkins Museum; Officials Expect Victim To Survive
KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- A construction worker was injured Monday morning when he fell 20 feet into a shaft outside the Nelson-Atkins Museum, KMBC's Brenda Washington reported. The accident occurred just after 7 a.m. on the southeast side of the museum. The worker, an employee of J.E. Dunn Construction, was hoisted out of the hole and rushed to an area hospital. Officials said he suffered injuries that were not life-threatening, Washington reported. The construction company is working on an expansion project for the museum. The injured worker's name has not been released.

Bulls Head man partially severs arm in accident
A Bulls Head man partially severed his arm while using a circular saw at home yesterday. Neighbors heard Carmine Mazza, 42, of Goller Place, cry out for help around 9:20 a.m. after the lower part of his left arm was partially amputated in an accident that occurred during a home improvement project, police said. He was rushed to Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan where doctors worked on reattaching his arm, said Police Department Spokeswoman Carmen Melendez. A hospital spokesman said Mazza was in stable condition yesterday. "When I heard him scream, I knew something real bad had happened," said a shaken next-door neighbor, Valerie Lopiano. Mazza often works on his house or helps other homeowners on the block, neighbors said. He lives with his wife and two young sons in a semi-attached house near Willowbrook Park. It was unclear what kind of project Mazza was working on yesterday, but neighbor Rosita Benzaken saw him on the deck in his back yard shortly before the accident. "He's a wonderful neighbor," she said yesterday. "He will help anybody. If you need him, he's there," added Mrs. Lopiano. The two women credited another neighbor, Angie Careccia, with tying Mazza's partially severed arm with towels and keeping ice on his hand until emergency service workers arrived.

3 Fla. Construction Workers Struck By Lightning
CLEARWATER -- Three construction workers eating their lunch under a large magnolia tree were struck by lightning Monday when a sudden storm came upon them. The workers were transported to local hospitals and their injuries did not appear to be life threatening, Clearwater emergency officials said. "They are feeling pretty lucky," Clearwater Fire Lt. Wendy Cason said. The workers were eating lunch shortly after noon at an overpass construction site on U.S. Highway 19 in central Pinellas County when the tree was struck, Cason said. Other workers were near, but were not injured by the strike. The lightning was moving ahead of the storm and the workers had no warning, Cason said. "It had not begun to rain until after we arrived at the scene," she said. "People need to be aware the lightning often proceeds the storm.'' The workers were complaining of muscle tremors and internal pain, she said. "With that amount of electricity, there are possible internal injuries,'' Cason said.

UPDATE Fatal Fall at Brandeis University Worksite Leads to $46,200 in OSHA Fines for Danvers, Mass., Contractor
METHUEN, Mass. -- The death of a worker who fell two stories to his death at a Waltham, Mass., construction site could have been prevented if his employer, William A. Berry & Son, had supplied required fall protection, according to citations issued by the U.S. Labor Department's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). William A. Berry & Son, of Danvers, Mass., general contractor on the construction of a new dormitory at Brandeis University, faces $46,200 in fines for alleged willful and serious violations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, following the March 2 fatality. A crew of laborers was dismantling a temporary work platform on the second floor level of an unfinished stairwell when one of them fell through the partially dismantled platform to the basement level. OSHA's inspection found that the employer had not provided fall protection for the workers. This exposed these workers to falls of almost 26 feet from the work platform. The workers had also not been instructed to recognize and avoid such fall hazards. "Falls are the number one killer in construction, having cost the lives of more than 400 American workers in 2001," explained Richard Fazzio, OSHA's area director for Middlesex and Essex Counties. "This case shows in the starkest terms why fall protection is an absolute necessity when employees are working six feet or more above the next level." Berry & Son faces a fine of $42,000 for failing to provide the fall protection, while a $4,200 fine is proposed for the lack of training. A willful violation is defined by OSHA as one committed with an intentional disregard of, or plain indifference to, the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and regulations. A serious violation as one in which there is a substantial probability that death or serious physical harm could result, and the employer knew, or should have known, of the hazard. The company has 15 business days from receipt of its citations and proposed penalties to either elect to comply with them, to request and participate in an informal conference with the OSHA area director, or to contest them before the independent Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission. OSHA's Methuen, Mass., area office conducted the inspection. Its telephone number is (617) 565-8110. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is dedicated to saving lives, preventing injuries and illnesses, and protecting America's workers. Safety and health add value to business, the workplace and life. For more information, visit www.osha.gov.

Bridge construction accident injures six
The Associated Press Saturday, July 26, 2003
Crestline — Six workers were injured Thursday when a beam gave way on a bridge being constructed in southeast Kansas. The accident occurred about 4 p.m. at a construction site on Old Highway 96 between Crestline and the Missouri state line. Employees of Beachner Construction Co., St. Paul, Kan., have been working since December to replace the bridge over the Spring River. One worker was taken by helicopter with serious injuries to Freeman Hospital West in Joplin, Mo. The other five were taken by ambulance to area hospitals with less serious injuries, said Cherokee County Undersheriff George Kelly. George Dockery, a engineer with the Kansas Department of Transportation, said all six workers were standing on the beam, placing braces on it and preparing it for placement. One worker had just released a cable to move to another spot on the beam when the beam started to topple, throwing the workers off, Dockery said. The workers could have been more seriously injured if they had not been wearing lifelines, Dockery said. They would have fallen the 25 or 30 feet to the ground. The most seriously injured worker rode the beam all the way to the ground, suffering cuts to the head and face and leg injuries. The other workers suffered scrapes, bruises, sprains and possible broken bones, officials said. Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration officials probably will be called in to investigate, but it is up to the construction contractor to contact the agency, Dockery said. The highway was closed in December 2002, when construction began on the $2.6 million bridge replacement project. Dockery said the accident probably would delay completion of the new bridge, which was scheduled for November.

Construction work ruptures gas line; No evacuations at any Eisenhower Drive businesses.
By NANCY POSTER Evening Sun Reporter
Friday, July 25, 2003 - An unsuspecting worker digging a post hole behind the Wal-Mart Supercenter on Eisenhower Drive struck a natural gas line Thursday morning, sending a hissing rush of vapors into the air. The gas leak did not force the evacuation of the department store, said assistant manager Ron Kerlin. The line that was struck feeds the south side of Eisenhower Drive westward to the Rex TV store at 381 Eisenhower Drive, said Hanover firefighter Jeff Spielman. Officials at Giant Food Store and the Wendy's and the Red Lobster restaurants said they experienced no problems related to the gas outage. Because the line is fed from two sources, workers had to dig in two locations to finally shut off the flow of gas, he said. That was accomplished by 11:30 a.m., nearly an hour and a half after the 9:53 a.m. accident. Columbia Gas workers arrived at 10:14 a.m. and had the leak stopped by 11:30 a.m., said company spokesman Rob Boulware Thursday night. There was no interruption of gas service to any other customers in the vicinity, he said. An easterly wind carried the gas plume away from the store where it dissipated over Broadway, Spielman said. "There was great concern over the necessity of it," Spielman said of the possibility of an evacuation of the retailer. While the leak occurred at the rear of the store, behind a storage area, meters were set up inside the store to monitor the air. Part of the store's air handling system was shut down to prevent gas from seeping into the store, Spielman said. "We were sent out here to fix damage done by an 18-wheeler truck to the fence," said Ivan King, a worker with the contractor, which he declined to identify. The workers were using a Bobcat tractor to install a post that had held a "do not enter" sign, he said. "While digging the hole, we happened to find a gas main," King said. Immediately, the workers saw a plume of vapors rise and heard the hissing of gas. They found the store's manager and called 911. "It was just a tough situation," King said. Despite the presence of emergency officials outside, it was business as usual inside the Wal-Mart. "The store was not affected in any way, shape or form," Kerlin said, adding the store's concern was for its sales associates and customers. Two or three store managers monitored the situation outside the store throughout the emergency, he said.

UPDATE Investigation continues into Henrico job-site accident
Lance Martin Herald Staff Writer
JACKSON -- The Northampton County Sheriff's Office will continue to investigate a construction site accident in Henrico Monday. Three workers for the South Hill, Va.-based Howerton Construction were injured when the scaffolding they were on gave way at a job site in the Whippoorwill Hills Subdivision. Chief Detective Bill Wheeler said he will review notes taken by Deputy Fontay Macon and conduct his own investigation. Macon forwarded the investigation to the detective division. Four men were on the scaffold when it tilted, causing three of the workers to plunge to the ground. Injured were Frankie Howerton, Frank Edmonds and Brandon Jones. One worker sustained a back injury, one hurt his foot and the other sustained a wrist injury. Two of the workers were transported to Community Memorial Health Center in South Hill while another was taken to Halifax Regional Medical Center in Roanoke Rapids. Their condition reports were not available. A company representative did not immediately return phone calls this morning.

UPDATE Road construction worker's death is ruled a homicide; Streator man, 25, faces charges in May traffic crash
July 25, 2003 By OMAR SOFRADZIJA of the Journal Star
PEORIA - A Streator man was legally drunk, driving aggressively and lacking a valid license in a crash that fatally injured a road construction worker in LaSalle County in May, a Peoria County coroner's jury was told Thursday. The jury eventually ruled the death of worker John W. Crozier Jr., 40, of 805 N. Wasson St. in Streator as a homicide, concurring with LaSalle County prosecutors who earlier charged driver Douglas Black, 25, with reckless homicide and other criminal counts in connection with the death. Crozier died of head injuries at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center on May 26, four days after he was struck by a sport-utility vehicle driven by Black on Illinois Route 23 just south of Ottawa. Crozier was a flagger in the work zone, and Black was driving north. On the day of the crash, Black "veered sharply left to the southbound lane to try to get around stopped and slow traffic in the construction zone," said LaSalle County sheriff's Sgt. Gregory Jacobsen, before clipping the rear of a dump truck, swerving back into the northbound lane and striking Crozier around 11:15 a.m. Black had "been driving erratically" prior to the crash, Jacobsen said. "Traffic was stop-and-go in the area at the time due to the construction zone." Jacobsen said Black had a blood-alcohol level in excess of 0.08 percent - the state's threshold for intoxication - but he did not have precise results from a blood test. Police found several cans of beer in the rear passenger area of the SUV and an opened can of the same brand outside the vehicle at the crash site. Black had been carrying five passengers, including three children between 3 and 10 years of age. One passenger, Bryan Campagna, 24, of Streator, who was the owner of the SUV, also was injured. Earlier, prosecutors said Black - who had been taking his passengers on a fishing trip - left the scene with two of the children and attempted to hitch a ride with a bystander. Police later caught up with Black, who reportedly admitted being intoxicated. Crozier was an employee of project contractor Advanced Asphalt, a member of Ottawa Laborers Local 911 and a certified flagger. Along with two counts of reckless homicide, Black has been charged with two counts of child endangerment and single counts of driving under the influence of alcohol, driving with a blood-alcohol level in excess of 0.08 percent, failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident, and driving with a suspended or revoked drivers' license, Jacobsen said. Black was being held this week in the LaSalle County Jail in lieu of $300,000 bond.

Worker is killed in construction accident
A construction worker was run over and killed by a heavy piece of equipment yesterday at a work site in Northeast Philadelphia. The worker, John Myers, 42, of Bensalem, was pronounced dead at Albert Einstein Medical Center. The accident occurred about 8:15 a.m. near Algon Avenue and Levick Street in Oxford Circle. Police accident investigators said Myers walked from behind a truck and apparently fell and was hit by a large backhoe-type vehicle that was backing up. The operator, identified as Willie James, 61, of West Philadelphia, did not see Myers, investigators said. James was taken to Jeanes Hospital after the accident, suffering from chest pains. He was listed in stable condition. No charges were lodged. Both men work for Seravalli Inc., a contracting firm in the Northeast. A spokesman there yesterday said, "We sincerely regret the incident and we are cooperating fully with all the parties investigating it."

Gas explosion injures three in Brentwood
By Lara Bricker
BRENTWOOD - Three people were injured, one seriously, in a bizarre gas explosion at a condominium development Wednesday morning. Fire officials are still investigating what led to the explosion at the Windsor Meadows condominiums on North Road at 9:30 a.m., Brentwood Deputy Fire Chief Joe Bird said. The fire department received the 911 call from a third party after the fact as the three injured men drove themselves to the hospital. Their names were not available as the fire department did not transport them, but it is believed the most seriously injured man was transported to a Boston hospital, he said. Two of the men were from Tri-State Sprinkler and one was a plumber. They had gone into a utility building on the property to repair some sprinkler pipes using a soldering torch, Bird explained. The building has a small opening in the floor, which leads to a small basement area that is about 6 feet by 8 feet in size. One man was in the basement with the torch, while another looked on through the opening in the floor and the other stood by, Bird said. "He lit the torch and when he lit the torch it caused a flash explosion," Bird said, adding the man looking down into the hole was seriously injured. "He caught the full blast." The three managed to get into a van and head to the hospital. "They were very lucky," Bird said, adding the injuries could have been much worse. The fire department, with the help of the fire marshal's office, spent all day Wednesday trying to determine what kind of gas had caused the explosion. Air samples from the area have been sent out for testing. "We're not sure exactly what it was yet," Bird said. In the meantime, the utility building has been blocked off so that no one can enter.

Council Bluffs man killed in forklift rollover
COURTNEY BRUMMER , Staff Writer 07/25/2003
OMAHA - A Council Bluffs man was killed Thursday morning at a construction site in Omaha when a forklift rolled over on top of him. James Kirk, 42, of Council Bluffs was pronounced dead at the scene. The accident occurred at the Quality Pork International worksite in southwest Omaha around 11:20 a.m. Kirk, a forklift operator, was working for KFR Inc., a company subcontracted by Dietzel Enterprises to work on installing a support wall at the business, according to Omaha Police Sgt. Cathy Cook. Kirk was operating an extended reach forklift when the accident occurred. "It appears he had been going down a narrow, dirt road and got too close to the edge," Cook said. While the hill on the side of the road wasn't steep, it was enough for the forklift to lose balance and start to slide. Cook said Kirk either tried to jump from the forklift or he may have thought the forklift had stopped moving and tried to get out when it turned over. When the forklift overturned, it pinned Kirk underneath. The forklift was estimated to be roughly 18,000 pounds, Cook said. Two people at the scene witnessed the rollover and called for emergency rescue. Cook said it is believed another piece of machinery was used to lift the forklift off Kirk, and she added the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is still investigating.

Marysville man electrocuted on the job identified
LAKE STEVENS -- The Snohomish County Medical Examiner's Office has released the name of a man who died after being electrocuted at a work site Tuesday afternoon. William Ross, 51, was using a cable to guide a piece of steel to the ground at Concrete Nor'West in the 15400 block of 84th Street NE. The crane lifting the steel hit a high-voltage power line, according to Snohomish County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Jan Jorgensen. The Marysville man was taken to Providence Everett Medical Center, where he died a short time later. The medical examiner's office ruled the death an accident. The state Department of Labor and Industries will conduct a standard investigation to determine if the company failed to protect the worker's safety, said department spokeswoman Elaine Fischer. That investigation likely will take two to three months, she said.

Hathaway Bridge Accident
One worker died and three others were hospitalized Wednesday morning in a construction accident on the East bound lane of the new Hathaway Bridge in Panama City Beach. The accident happened around 6:45 a.m. when a section of scaffolding collapsed and fell about 50 feet into the water. Four men went into the water with the scaffolding. One man who was fastened to the scaffolding with a safety harness, apparently was trapped under water. The rescuers were unable to reach him in time. He died at the scene. He is identified as 44-year-old Alan Stockton of Panama City Beach. Two others were rescued and taken to a local hospital for treatment. The fourth man managed to survive the fall uninjured. Another worker, who jumped in to help rescue the trapped man, was injured and he too was taken to the hospital.

Contractor electrocuted on top of light tower
The Associated Press 7/24/2003, 2:37 p.m. ET
JOHNSTOWN, Pa. (AP) — A contractor who was replacing lights on top of a 90-foot baseball stadium light tower died of electrocution, authorities determined Thursday. John H. Lill, 72, died Wednesday at the historic Point Stadium in Johnstown, said Jim Zangaglia, Cambria County chief deputy coroner. The light standard carried 4,100 volts of electricity. "I don't know how much went through him but there's that much juice that lights up that tower," Zangaglia said. Lill, retired city electrician, was replacing lights in preparation for a baseball tournament at the ballpark when he stopped responding to radio contact, Johnstown Recreation Director Cliff Kitner said. Firefighters climbed the steel tower and found Lill unconscious. He was pronounced dead less than an hour later. Because Lill worked for himself, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration won't be participating in the investigation, Zangaglia said. Information from: The Tribune-Democrat

Small Fire in Civic Center
Bismarck firefighters spent the afternoon handling a small fire..in a *big* building. There was a flareup in the Bismarck Civic Center arena just before 1:00 this afternoon. A crew was doing some welding... and sparks ignited some blankets that were covering the seats. About five rows of seats were damaged. But the battalion chief says that's not the worst of the damage. Kurt Leben/Battalion Chief: Put out quite a bit of smoke so it also activated the sprinkler system so we're probably going to have a little more with water and smoke damage than with actual fire damage. No one was hurt in the fire.

PENNDOT worker hit by vehicle
A state Department of Transportation worker helping to resurface Banetown Road in Amwell Township was injured about 1 p.m. Monday when he was struck by a vehicle. Robert Puskas of Marianna was putting yellow tape on the road to mark the center line when he was hit by a vehicle driven by Gertrude Roupe of Washington. Puskas was admitted to Washington Hospital, where he remained Tuesday. Jeff Breen, Washington county maintenance manager forPENNDOT, said the crew had just finished paving that portion of the road. He said it was a signed construction area with warning signs. State police said Roupe will be cited for failure to drive at a safe speed. Breen said that Puskas is the first PENNDOT employee to be hit by a vehicle in a Washington County construction area in several years.

Wall falls on construction worker
By: Greg Pallone, News 14 Carolina
HUNTERSVILLE, N.C. -- One worker was seriously injured Tuesday when a wall that was under construction at a Huntersville shopping center fell on him. It happened at the Rosedale Shopping center off of Gilead Road. A two-story office building was under construction, and the worker was helping stand a stud wall -- a wall that has no sheetrock or plywood -- on the second floor. Officials estimated the wall weighs about 400 pounds and is 30 feet long and 10 feet high. Officials said the workers did not have enough people to put it up. Officials said they were not sure as to the extent of the injuries. The wall came crashing down, and all but one worker were able to get out of the way. The wall fell on top of the 160-pound worker. Firefighters said once they arrived on the scene, other workers had pulled him out from under the wall. Paramedics said he was suffering from back and neck injuries and was in an extreme amount of pain. "When we got here, the fellow workers had already removed him from the debris and he was just lying on the floor," Huntersville Volunteer Fire Chief Larry Irvin said. Officials said they were not sure as to the extent of the injuries. The worker was transported to Carolinas Medical Center for treatment.

Trench-digging yields gusher on Willamette campus
TARA MCLAIN Statesman Journal July 23, 2003
Marigolds at Willamette University got more than a sprinkle Tuesday when a facilities worker hit a city water main while digging a trench. A geyser of muddy water erupted from a 6-inch pipe running under the lawns between Waller Hall and State Street, just south of the state Capitol. The hourlong gusher caused no damage, although two nearby university buildings lost water service for a short time. Tom Neal, Willamette's facilities director, said the work crew knew the location of the pipe but thought it was buried deeper. The crew was digging shallow trenches for an irrigation system near the Star Trees with a trencher machine. The trencher's rotating blades clipped off an old, capped connection that was closer to the surface than the rest of the pipe, which was not damaged, said Bud Armstrong, a maintenance foreman with the city's Public Works Department. Armstrong estimated that the pipe was installed between 1910 and 1920. The city had recently surveyed the area for other construction work nearby and had marked where the pipe was, Armstrong said. "It's one of those where they knew it was here, but they were hoping it wasn't that shallow," he said. Although there was no estimate of the water loss, it was nothing compared with the 2 million gallons that spewed from a broken 24-inch main downtown in late May. That break caused thousands of dollars in damage to vehicles and businesses near Liberty and Ferry streets SE. Tara McLain can be reached at (503) 399-6705.

Three injured in scaffolding accident
Lance Martin Herald Staff Writer
HENRICO -- Three construction workers were hospitalized Monday morning when scaffolding they were working on tilted over, the Northampton County Sheriff's Office said. A construction worker at the scene off River Road in the Whippoorwill Hills subdivision said the workers, including the job foreman, fell between 15 to 20 feet while working on a house. The worker for Howerton Construction of Gasburg, Va., offered no other details. Deputy Fontay Macon said a construction worker told him around 9:15 a.m., four men were on the scaffold when it tilted, causing three men to plunge to the ground. Injured were Frankie Howerton, Frank Edmonds and Brandon Jones. No ages or addresses were available. Macon said one worker sustained a back injury, one hurt his foot and the other sustained a wrist injury. Macon said it was not clear who sustained which injury. Two of the workers were transported to Community Memorial Health Center in South Hill, Va., while another was taken Halifax Regional Medical Center in Roanoke Rapids. Macon said it was not clear which man was transported to which hospital. Macon planned to turn the accident over to the detective division for further investigation.

Five electrocuted in crane accident
From correspondents in Beijing 24jul03
FIVE workers died when they were electrocuted as the arm of their mechanical crane grazed high-tension wires in Shijiazhuang in northern China, state media reported today. The accident occurred yesterday as the workers were moving the crane across a construction site at a cement factory. Five of the workers were electrocuted and the driver was ejected from the seat of the vehicle. He was taken to hospital where he remains with serious burns. Police sources cited by Xinhua said the cause of the accident is under investigation.

Construction Worker Rescued From Downtown Building; Worker Suffers Strained Back
Story by WESH.com
ORLANDO, Fla. -- A construction worker was rescued from a building under construction in downtown Orlando Wednesday. It happened at the new Lynx building at 455 N. Garland Ave., WESH NewsChannel 2 reported. The worker apparently strained his back, and had to be placed in a Stokes basket and lowered to the ground, Orlando Fire Department Deputy Chief Kathy Miller said. tokes baskets have metal frames and allow patients to be moved over rugged or hazardous areas, Miller said. The worker suffered minor injuries and is expected to be OK.

Man injured in construction accident
The Wayne County Sheriff's Department is investigating an accident at an industrial site in the Town of Rose Monday morning that injured a construction worker. The unidentified man was taken by Mercy Flight to Strong Hospital. The Wayne County Sheriff''s Department tells NEWS 10NBC the accident happened on Galen Road. The man was working underground in a junction box and was apparently testing some pipes, when according to the Wayne County Sheriff''s department an explosion of some type occurred. The Wayne County Sheriff''s Department is not releasing any more information.

Firecrew help fall worker
Jul 22, 2003, 14:49:00
Firefighters went to the aid of an injured workman at Kidderminster's new Weavers Wharf shopping complex. The workman, who had fallen off a ladder and had a suspected broken bone in his foot, was on scaffolding 30ft up when he was hurt yesterday afternoon. Sub officer Mick Rowlands of Kidderminster fire station said a turntable ladder from Worcester was sent for, and the workman was lowered to the ground on a stretcher before being taken to hospital. Mr Rowlands said: "He was a young, fit man and was not in any distress."

Labourer killed, another injured in wall collapse
Aida Ahmad
PENANG, Mon. A labourer was crushed to death and another seriously injured when part of a wall collapsed on them while they were doing renovation works at a pre-war shophouse in Lebuh King today. Tan Ka Khoon, 39, of Kampung Melayu in Air Itam, was killed on the spot after being buried under the rubble. His co-worker, Tan Chun Hua, 24, was warded at the Penang Hospital. Twenty firemen rushed to the scene after receiving a call at 11.40am. They recovered Tan's body 20 minutes later. The department's superintendent, Nazri Zakaria, said the collapse might have been caused by renovation works carried out by the two. "The piling on the foundation apparently caused a vibration, resulting in the collapse of the wall." A worker at the nearby Poe Choo Seah Association, who only wanted to be known as Choong, said he made an emergency call to 999 at 10.45am "but no one answered". "It was frustrating because after that, I called the Civil Defence Department and still no one answered the call. It was only 10 minutes later that I finally got through to 991." The association's caretaker, Khoo Kay Hin, 86, said he heard a loud noise at 10.30am upon returning from breakfast. "There were debris and dust ... I could not see what was happening." Padang Kota State Assemblyman Teng Chang Yeow, who was at the scene, said the Penang Island Municipal Council building inspector should have ensured that renovations were done according to procedures. Council president Mahadi Mohd Ibrahim, who was also present, said he had instructed his officers to investigate whether approval was given for the renovation works.

I-85 In Durham County Reopens After Construction Accident
DURHAM, N.C. -- Traffic is flowing again on Interstate 85 through Durham County. Both lanes of I-85 South near Roxboro Road were shut down Monday afternoon when a piece of construction equipment fell over into the road. Crews had to bring in a crane to lift it out of the way. The interstate opened again around 5 p.m.

One woman killed after massive crane crushes pickup in St. John's
Canadian Press Monday, July 21, 2003
ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) - One woman was killed Monday when a 170-tonne crane truck lost control and crushed a pickup in downtown St. John's. The crane truck had exited a major highway onto New Gower Street when it veered off the road, collided with a utility pole and and struck the pickup. Police did not release the name of the woman killed. "The woman was . . . trapped inside," said Staff Sgt. June Layden of the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary. "The regional fire department is arranging for extraction of the body." The mobile crane also hit two parked cars, but there were no other injuries. The accident also temporarily knocked out power to much of the downtown.

Worker dies after Santee Cooper trench collapse
(Georgetown-AP) July 18, 2003 - A man who had been on a construction job for two weeks was killed when dirt collapsed on him while he was digging a trench at Santee Cooper's Winyah Generating Station. Georgetown County Coroner Kenny Johnson said 30-year-old Scott May was suffocated Wednesday. He had been working with North Charleston-based Landmark Construction after being laid off from Georgetown Steel on June 29th. The crew was building a foundation for a structure at the power plant on US Highway 17. May became the fifth person killed in a construction accident since December in Horry and Georgetown counties and the second person working construction to die this week.

Worker pinned by machine, dies
By Pamela Perez, Palm Beach Post Staff Writer Friday, July 18, 2003
BOCA RATON -- Investigators are probing the death of a construction worker who was crushed by a lift machine Monday in a work-related accident. Firefighters found 49-year-old Aldo Lopez about 1 p.m. pinned to the ceiling of a parking garage by a platform lift machine at 101 Renaissance Centre, according to police. Emergency workers struggled for several hours to free Lopez's body. Occupational Safety and Health Administration officials are investigating how Lopez became trapped by the Genie Z-30/20 platform lift he had been operating. Lopez, an assistant superintendent, worked for two years as a labor foreman and carpenter for local Mummaw & Associates Inc., which is building the structure for Penn-Florida Companies and PBM Development. The work-related death is the first major accident on a Mummaw & Associates construction site, the firm said. OSHA inspectors found no violations of federal safety standards during two surprise inspections at the site this year. Being pinned by a machine, electrocuted, struck, and falling are the four most frequent causes for construction fatalities, OSHA area Director Louis R. Santiago said. Mummaw & Associates obtained visas and airfare for Lopez's two adult children to fly from Argentina and join their mother for a funeral.

Shock sends worker to hospital
By Doug Murphy Staff Writer
A workman was shocked and slightly injured while wiring lights at Desert Vista High School around 12:30 p.m. Tuesday. Fred Van Aller was working with fluorescent light wiring in the physical education building when he was shocked and fell off a ladder, according to co-worker Dwight Price. Both work for KSK Electric, based in Tempe. Van Aller received a burn to his hand and was shaken up in the fall, "but he's talking and breathing and everything," Price said. Phoenix paramedics transported Van Aller to Chandler Regional Hospital for treatment.

Man killed in scaffold tumble, ag worker injured in city fall
By Herald-Tribune staff
An elderly painter was killed in a worksite accident Thursday in Wabasca. Mounties said the 70-year-old-man died after falling more than 4.5 metres from a scaffolding he was using while painting the interior of Wabasca's new swimming pool. Foul play is not suspected, and police have turned the investigation over to Alberta Occupational Health and Safety. Wabasca is about 120 kilometres northeast of Slave Lake. Occupational Health and Safety is also investigating an incident that occurred at Agricore United's fertilizer storage and blending facility in Grande Prairie. A employee of Spray-Air Technologies, a company contracted to do some routine maintenance, fell off a fertilizer deck onto cement six to 7.5 metres (20 to 25 feet) below. The man was transported to University Hospital in Edmonton, said Linda Park, spokeswoman with Occupational Health and Safety. Agricore United general manager of operations TJ Hinton said they'll be working with the company and occupational health and safety on the investigation.

Mechanic crushed to death at Ocean Breeze work site; Gruesome accident kills 47-year old in side yard of private home
A 47-year-old mechanic was killed in Ocean Breeze yesterday when he was crushed by a front-end loader. The gruesome construction accident happened around 1:15 p.m. in the side yard of a private home at 720 Liberty Ave. John Willis, of Staten Island, was repairing the loader when its shovel, which had been in the up position, suddenly shifted downward, according to Detective Brian Sessa, a police spokesman. The downward motion pinned Willis underneath one of the mechanical arms that connect the shovel to the loader's frame. He was squeezed between the arm and the frame and ultimately crushed. Willis was pronounced dead at 1:50 p.m. in Staten Island University Hospital, Ocean Breeze, Sessa said. He was a mechanic employed by the Midland Beach branch of The Tool Depot, a firm that rents and sells tools and construction equipment. He had been sent to the site to repair a rented loader that workers were using to clear the home's yard. Neighbors who came to aid Willis said it looked as if he got caught in the loader's machinery while working on the vehicle. One neighbor, Manuel Perez, said the yard workers reacted in horror as they saw Willis being crushed. "I heard somebody screaming," said Perez, who was at a friend's house across the street from the accident scene when he heard the workers wail for help. The yard workers joined Perez and a few more neighbors in a bid to free Willis from the machine. Three or four men who were working on a house under construction on nearby Buel Avenue also joined the rescue attempt. But the work was difficult. "We were struggling to get leverage," said Perez, who said it took about five or 10 minutes to free Willis. By the time he was pried from the machine, Willis was critically injured. Perez said he showed no sign of a pulse. "He was non-responsive," Perez said. Willis was loaded into an Emergency Medical Service ambulance that arrived at the scene in response to a 911 call. He was rushed to the hospital emergency room a few blocks away, but his injuries were too severe to be overcome. Detectives from the 122nd Precinct examined the accident scene yesterday and began an investigation into the incident. No charges had been filed against anyone as of last night. Calls placed to The Tool Depot's Midland Beach, Port Richmond and New Brighton offices were not answered. The owner of the home at 720 Liberty Ave. could not be reached for comment.

Worker Dies In Elevator Shaft; Fell to death at Stony Brook school
By Samuel Bruchey and Chao Xiong STAFF WRITERS July 17, 2003
An Oakdale man working inside a junior high school in Stony Brook died yesterday after falling down a two-story elevator shaft, Suffolk police said. Andrew Amarando, 32, and at least one co-worker were installing telephone cables inside the Robert C. Murphy Junior High School at 351 Oxhead Rd., Homicide Det. Sgt. Vincent Posillico said. At about 9 a.m., Amarando stepped through a press board covering in the attic of the two-story building and fell down the shaft, Posillico said. "It really wasn't designed to hold much [weight]," he said. Amarando became wedged between the elevator car and the wall of the shaft, Posillico said. The elevator car had to be dismantled before Amarando's body could be removed. It took police and Setauket firefighters four hours to extricate his body and remove it from the shaft, Posillico said. It was unclear exactly when he died. But "nobody heard him calling out from the shaft," a police source said. Amarando was pronounced dead at the scene and taken to the Suffolk County medical examiner's office in Hauppauge for an autopsy. Amarando's relatives declined to comment. His employer, Cable Reddy of Selden, did not return calls for comment. Posillico said it was Amarando's third day working at the school. There were no children in the building at the time of the accident, Three Village District Superintendent John Sonedecker said. Other contracted workers and school maintenance staff were present in the two-story red-brick building when the accident occurred, he said, adding that a custodian reported the incident.

Flagger crushed by dump truck - Investigators puzzling together how man died
2003-07-17 by Catherine Hawley Journal Reporter
BELLEVUE -- A 56-year-old construction flagger was killed Wednesday when he apparently was crushed by a dump truck on Northeast 162nd Avenue. No one witnessed the accident, and investigators spent much of the rest of the day trying to figure out exactly what happened. Larry McMurchy of Seattle was pronounced dead at the scene. He was discovered under the 90,000-pound truck about 7:40 a.m. after another worker saw his flagger's sign lying in the road but did not see him, said Marcia Harnden, Bellevue police spokeswoman. ``The driver didn't know anything happened'' until a co-worker called to him to stop, Harnden said. Bellevue Fire Department crews extricated McMurchy, but he could not be revived. He was declared dead just after 8 a.m. Parts of 162nd Avenue and Northeast 26th Street in the residential area near Interlake High School were closed for five hours so that officials from local and state agencies could investigate the accident. McMurchy was part of a six-member crew from Emerald Construction of Seattle replacing a water line for a city utilities project. Just before the accident, the dump truck emptied a load of gravel, Harnden said. It was then backing south on 162nd when a worker noticed the flagger missing. The dump truck driver was a 39-year-old man from Eatonville, Harnden said. A chaplain from Eastside Fire and Rescue was called to the scene to speak with McMurchy's co-workers. Efforts to reach Emerald Construction officials for comment were unsuccessful. The accident was the second in six weeks on the Eastside in which a dump truck crushed a flagger. On May 30, a truck backed over county roads worker Tonya Riexinger, 40, on Southeast Middle Fork Road near Snoqualmie. The state Department of Labor and Industries investigation into that incident won't be complete for another month or two, said spokeswoman Elaine Fischer. Officials will compare the two accidents, she said, though it's too early to speculate in either case why the worker could not get out of the truck's way. ``Flagger safety is a huge concern,'' Fischer said. An autopsy by King County Medical Examiners may help explain what happened. Also investigating were Bellevue police and Washington State Patrol, which oversees commercial-vehicle accidents. Wednesday morning, investigators took measurements and photographs. They used a rolling board to slide beneath the truck and inspect the undercarriage. The truck's warning signal could be heard when it was backed up a few feet. While they worked, a little farther down 162nd Avenue a long-handled stop sign, the kind flaggers use to direct traffic, rested upside down against a telephone pole.

UPDATE Hurt carpenter receives $2.4M
By Michael Zeigler Staff Writer
July 17, 2003) — A Greece construction worker has accepted a $2.45 million settlement for serious injuries he suffered while helping build a prison in Seneca County. James M. Weiser, 41, settled on Tuesday with an insurance company indemnifying New York state after one day of testimony in a trial in the state Court of Claims in Syracuse. The trial was being held to determine how much Weiser was entitled to in damages. Judge Nicholas V. Midey Jr. had previously ruled that the state was responsible for Weiser's injuries because of the failure of state-required safety devices. Weiser, a carpenter, received a broken right hip and a back injury when he was pinned between a concrete wall and a metal panel used to form the wall at Five Points Correctional Facility in Romulus on June 25, 1999. The $180 million maximum-security prison opened the next year. Weiser was standing on top of the wall, secured with a safety harness and lanyard, as he directed the removal of the panel by an excavator. But the adjacent panel, to which his lanyard was attached, also was pulled loose, causing him to fall into the gap between the panel and the wall. The panel swung back and pinned him between the wall and the panel, crushing his hip. Weiser can no longer work as a carpenter, which had paid him up to $70,000 a year, said his lawyer, Joe Moran of the Rochester law firm of Moran & Kufta. Nearly half of the settlement - $1.2 million - will reimburse Weiser for lost wages and benefits over his lifetime, Moran said. An insurance company insuring the state against the claim offered $1.25 million several days before the trial began, Moran said. A settlement that nearly doubled that offer was reached after negotiations and the beginning of the trial.

Blaze at Bayside co-op; Plumbing repair work linked to 3-alarm fire
A stubborn three-alarm fire in Bayside yesterday may have been touched off by workers using a propane torch to do plumbing repairs, a fire official said. Fire Chief Patrick McNally said the blaze started at 1:36 p.m. yesterday in the basement of 217-24 73rd Ave. in the Windsor Oaks Apartments complex. Tenants were safely evacuated. Six firefighters suffered minor injuries and were treated at area hospitals. It took about 138 firefighters to bring the fire under control at 4:05 p.m. Four apartments in the two-story brick building were affected. One apartment on each floor sustained the most damage, McNally said. McNally said the fire spread from the basement, where the plumbers had been working, and then up to the second floor through the building's wooden floorboards. Fire marshals are investigating the cause of the blaze. Celeste Dippel, 46, said firefighters allowed her to rescue her parakeet, JoJo, from her second-floor apartment after she received a phone call at work that the building was on fire. "We had our life in there," said Dippel, who has lived in the complex for 15 years and has brought up her daughter, Julia, 9, there. Dippel said she and tenants in her building had been without hot water for some time, and that Tuesday, contractors had been working on the building's boiler. "They had been fixing it for the past couple of days," said Dippel, a former co-op board member. Displaced tenants were provided shelter at area hotels through the Red Cross. Dippel said she would stay with friends. "Accidents happen. What can you do? It didn't mean to happen," Dippel said. Windsor Oaks Apartments, a co-op community with some rental apartments, has 900 units on 37 acres of land.

Chesapeake Police Believe Norfolk Repairman Electrocuted to Death
Chesapeake police believe a Norfolk repairman was electrocuted to death Wednesday afternoon while repairing a retail store's air conditioning system. Around 5:00pm, emergency personnel responded to the Ames Department Store in the 1900 block of South Military Highway after store personnel lost contact with 38-year old Eric Bean. Bean, of the 2900 block of Murry Court in Norfolk, was on the roof of the Ames store repairing the air conditioning. Rescuers found Bean's body in the store's duct work. While police believe Bean was electrocuted, his body was sent to the Medical Examiner's office to determine the exact cause of death. Bean worked for Technical Services of Chesapeake.

Man Killed In Metro Construction Accident
POSTED: 11:39 a.m. CDT July 17, 2003
OKLAHOMA CITY -- A 71-year-old man helping build a home was killed in a construction accident. Wayne Brown was using a front-end loader Wednesday to hoist a 1,000-pound, 16-foot piece of angle iron when the iron came loose, slid down the loader's arms and hit him in the head, Oklahoma City fire Maj. Brian Stanaland said. Brown was pronounced dead at the scene.

Construction digging creates 2 gas leaks; Pipes shifting over time may have contributed to the accident, officials say.
By Ebony M. Moore Contributor to The Shorthorn by Kateryna Ivanova The Shorthorn staff
Two gas leaks caused fire fighters to block off a segment of Cooper Street from UTA Boulevard to Division Street Tuesday afternoon. An eight-inch gap in the major gas line that goes through the city was discovered at the corner of Cooper and Main streets, said Battalion Chief David Stapp of Arlington Fire Department. The second, smaller leak occurred at Cooper and Abram streets and was much easier to repair, he added. The Arlington Fire Department evacuated several businesses in the area, including the Diamond Shamrock gas station at Cooper and Abram streets and the Parks and Recreation Building and Bobby Davis Bail Bonds at Cooper and Main streets. Officials said the accident was caused by a road construction crew working on the street. Workers were digging at the intersection of Cooper and Main streets when they cut the line for the first time, Stapp said. When it became impossible to work at the site due to the smell, they moved a block up the street, where they dug into the pipes again, he said. Stapp said he did not know what company hired the construction workers or who made the report about the gas leaks. Road maps distributed to the workers are not always accurate and can be up to 10 years old, said Lieutenant Randy Ingram, Arlington Fire Department public information officer. Ground tends to shift over the years and pipes are slowly displaced in one direction or another, he explained. "Obviously, they don't have X-ray vision — they have to assume that there's nothing below them, so they just start digging," he said. Oncor Gas Company was in charge of the repair. Workers planned to expose the gas line, fit a clamp around and tighten it to stop the leak, Ingram said. They will come back later to mend the hole in the pipe. The line runs through the major parts of the city, providing gas to a number of businesses and households, he added, which is why the company does not want to shut it down. It would also take a long time to start the system back up — and that is too much work, he said. "Oncor has no idea how long it's going to take," Stapp said. "We have crews who are monitoring the surrounding area for accumulation of gas using gas monitors." Stapp said the major issue facing repair crews is heat. The firemen have to be rotated every few minutes because they are wearing full fire gear, he explained. Hot weather, however, will not affect the gas, he added. Sergeant Richard Grimmett of the Arlington Police Department said traffic is usually light for the intersections, so no major road problems are expected. "Everything is pretty well-contained right now, and the repair crew is doing their job. [Oncor] does it all the time — they're very professional," he said. "But if they cause a spark while they're trying to repair it, it can be catastrophic."

Parent Category: Incident Alert Archives
Category: Construction Accidents

Construction Accidents Page #8

This page was last updated on  05/06/2010

4th Grand Strand construction worker dies since Dec.
(Myrtle Beach-AP) July 16, 2003 - A construction worker has died after falling about 40 feet from the roof of a building in Horry County. Horry County Coroner Robert Edge said 41-year-old Alfonso Morales of Loris died Tuesday afternoon. Morales is the fourth worker to die in a construction-related accident on the Grand Strand since December. Last year there were 27 construction-related deaths in South Carolina, according to the state Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation. The most common causes of construction deaths in South Carolina are falls, being struck by an object and electrocution.

Man burned as drill hits power vault
ALAMEDA -- A subcontractor who accidentally drilled into a power vault at Alameda Point sustained critical third-degree burns Tuesday morning, Alameda officials said. The Stockton man was airlifted to Eden Valley Medical Center in Castro Valley and later transferred to the burn unit at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, where he remained in critical condition Tuesday night, city officials said. "Apparently the burns are really, really bad," said Deputy Fire Chief Steve Jones. The 28-year-old man, whose name wasn't released, was severely burned on both hands, on at least one side of his body, and on one foot. Witnesses started CPR, and an emergency helicopter arrived within five minutes of the accident, Jones said. Charles Sanford, owner of Charles B. Sanford Construction, said his employee accidentally drilled into a 12-kilovolt primary distribution circuit serving the area. He was trenching to install telephone equipment, city officials said. The worker started work with Charles B. Sanford Construction in Winton on Monday, Sanford said. Sanford said he is a friend of his sons. "I believe that unfortunately it was an accident," said Sanford. "He was operating a drill, which doesn't require much safety training." Sanford said the area had been checked by two groups who tested for, but did not locate, the circuit. Matt McCabe, a spokesman for Alameda Power & Telecom, which operates and maintains the electrical system that was drilled into, said the incident occurred 11:30 a.m. on West Ranger Avenue. The distribution circuit was installed initially by the U.S. Navy to serve portions of the former Alameda Naval Air Station. Sanford Construction is a subcontractor to Mobile Modular. The company is retained to install temporary facilities to house a Head Start project being run by the Alameda Point Collaborative. The incident resulted in an electrical outage to approximately 300 customers. Alameda Power & Telecom crews restored power within an hour.

UPDATE Condition Of Worker Injured In Hit-And-Run Improves; Former Local Weatherman Charged In Crash
POSTED: 5:13 p.m. EDT July 15, 2003
CLEVELAND -- A construction worker injured last week in a hit-and-run crash is now in good condition. NewsChannel5 reported that Brad Davis, 20, was hit while working on Interstate 480 near the Jennings Freeway. Another worker was slightly hurt but was treated and released. Police said former Cleveland weather forecaster David Rogers was allegedly behind the wheel. Rogers has been charged with two counts of aggravated vehicular assault and leaving the scene of an accident.

Construction accident at new bridge injures worker
By BLAKE NICHOLSON, Associated Press Writer
A Texas man working on the new Four Bears Bridge west of New Town was seriously injured in a crane accident, officials say. Ballwin, Mo.-based Fru-Con Construction Corp. said the worker was injured June 26 when he was hit and knocked to the ground when a track on a crane came loose while a piece of equipment was being moved. The worker was airlifted to a Minot hospital and later taken to a hospital in Texas, Fru-Con spokesman Cam Green said Tuesday. Green said the company is not identifying the man and not releasing information on his injuries. "He is recovering," Green said. He said the cause of the incident is still being investigated, "and will be for some time." "We know how it happened; we don't know why it happened," Green said. Bruce Beelman, area director in Bismarck for the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration, said the agency is investigating the incident. "It takes time to interview employees," he said. "It's just unpredictable as far as how long it can take as far as getting all the information we need to get to make a decision." Paul Braun, a spokesman for the North Dakota Department of Transportation, said the state is referring all questions to Fru-Con. Construction of the new $55 million bridge got under way in May and is scheduled to be done by the fall of 2004. The mile-long bridge is replacing a structure that has been deemed too narrow for modern traffic. It is being financed with state and federal funds. The bridge will have two 12-foot-wide driving lanes with 8-foot-wide shoulders, and a 10-foot-wide walkway. The current bridge is only about 20 feet wide.

Construction worker injured near Denver Athletic Club
Written By: Susan Wells
DENVER - A city public works employee was seriously injured Tuesday after a roto mill construction machine ran him over. The accident happened around 11:15 a.m. at 14th and Glenarm in front of the Denver Athletic Club. The victim was transported to Denver Health Medical Center. Police officers on the scene say he was breathing but was seriously injured. A roto mill is a machine that picks up concrete and grinds it. The crew was working on Glenarm from Colfax to 15th St. milling, or taking up the old pavement.

Ditch cave-in claims worker; Limestone man killed; probe under way
Tamara Sharman , The Daily Journal July 15, 2003
Emergency personnel labored for more than seven hours to free the body of a young worker who became entombed when a ditch collapsed at the Kankakee Roper plant Monday. "Almost always these cases are asphyxia cases," Kankakee County Coroner James Kelly said. "I think that he died very quickly, probably within minutes," Kelly stated. An autopsy will be performed today, but Kelly expects the results will confirm that Barber asphyxiated when his body was compressed by the heavy, wet clay. OSHA is investigating the incident. At presstime it was unclear whom Barber was working for at the time of the deadly accident. But he was part of a crew that was tending to a leaking water or sewer pipe beneath the floor at the plant at 2207 W. Court St. The workers had removed concrete and dug a trench approximately eight to 10 feet deep, three feet wide and 12 feet long. "It appears that they did not shore the trench at all," Kelly said of the workers. Barber was trapped when the trench collapsed. "He was 90 percent buried," recalled Assistant Chief Ron Young of the Kankakee Fire Department. Firefighters were summoned to the old factory at 1:22 p.m. and arrived four minutes later, Capt. David Harmon said. Help also came from the Kankakee County Tactical Rescue Team, which consists of firefighters from area departments. Barber's co-workers tried unsuccessfully to save him. The initial rescue efforts by Kankakee police and Kankakee firefighters also failed. Rescue workers were at risk from further collapse of the unstable trench, Harmon said. A concrete slab was then cut away and the sides of the trench were shored up to stabilize the area, according to firefighters. Then came the hours-long effort to free Barber. "It's a very tedious, time-consuming effort," Young said. The accident highlights the dangers inherent in trench labor. "An unprotected trench can collapse in under a second," Harmon noted. Emergency personnel from Aroma Park, Bradley, Bourbonnais, Limestone, Kankakee Township and Limestone Township fire departments assisted. Kankakee County Sheriff's Police also were at the scene. Young believes the response to the tragic accident shows the ability of area firefighters to work together in times of crisis. "It definitely demonstrates the need to have a well-trained tactical rescue team," Young said. None of Barber's co-workers was injured. A firefighter received a minor eye injury. Funeral arrangements for Nathan Barber are pending at the Kankakee chapel of Schreffler Funeral Homes. "Our sympathies and condolences go out to the family of the victim," Young stated.

Construction worker injured
7/15/2003 4:45 PM By: Capital News 9 web staff
A construction worker fell 20 feet to the ground in Warren County Tuesday. The county sheriff's office said Ronald Bauer fell off a roof at a job site on Garnet Lake Road in Johnsburg. Authorities said when Bauer fell, he struck his head on a stone wall on the way down. The 67-year-old Johnsburg man suffered serious head injuries. Paramedics responded to the scene and Bauer was later airlifted to Albany Medical Center, where he remains in critical condition.

Welder electrocuted at Gainesville construction site
GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) -- A welder was apparently electrocuted while working on a metal balcony at a construction site, authorities said. Javier Gonzales, 37, of Norcross, Ga., died in Sunday's accident, said Sgt. Keith Faulk, an Alachua County Sheriff's Office spokesman. Workers told authorities that Gonzales, an employee of Allen Steel Products of Arlington, Tenn., was installing a metal subfloor on a balcony using an 8,000 watt welding machine. A co-worker said he left Gonzales to retrieve some material and returned to find him unconscious and not breathing. Workers performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation until emergency medical workers arrived. Although detectives are awaiting the results of an autopsy, authorities believe he was electrocuted by the welding machine, Faulk said. The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration is investigating, Faulk said. Associated Press

Construction worker dies in accident
Written By: Susan Wells
DENVER - A construction worker died after an accident Monday morning on Yosemite just south of the I-225 interchange. An asphalt truck hit and killed a construction worker. Police say it was an accident. A Denver Public Works spokesperson says it was a paving crew of general contractors hired to pave some roads in Denver that was involved. The worker who died was not from the Denver area. We will have more on this story as it becomes available.

Suspected drunk driver critically injures freeway construction worker
ABC13 Eyewitness News
(7/07/03 - HOUSTON) — A man faces charges of intoxication assault after officials say he hit two construction workers with his car while he was drunk. Sheriff's deputies say the workers were fixing a drainage pipe on the North Freeway and Louetta Saturday morning when the car hit them. One worker had his leg amputated by the accident and was taken to the hospital. Right now, he's in critical condition. The other worker only suffered a few scrapes and bruises.

Norwalk worker remains critical
KATIE GALLAGHER , Morning Journal Writer 07/12/2003
CLEVELAND -- The Norwalk college student seriously injured by a driver while working on a road project remains hospitalized in critical condition, according to hospital officials. Brad Davis, 20, of Norwalk is listed in critical condition at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland, according to the hospital, as a result of the early Thursday morning accident on Interstate 480. Davis and Lake Erie Construction Company co-worker Jeremy Prelipp, 25, of Willard, were reportedly hit by a Land Rover driven by David Rogers, 44, of Orange about 4 a.m. as they repaired a guardrail on I-480 westbound near the I-176 northbound exit, according to Cleveland police reports. Rogers is a weatherman for WCBS-TV in New York City, according to the station. A statement from Lake Erie Construction Company in Norwalk said that MetroHealth doctors have successfully contained internal bleeding from Davis' spleen following surgery Thursday morning. ''That surgery returned his blood pressure to levels that allowed additional surgery T ursday evening to reset the broken bones in Brad's legs,'' the statement said. Prelipp was treated and released from MetroHealth on Thursday, according to the statement. Lake Erie Construction Company Safety Director Ken Bleile said Prelipp suffered cuts and bruises, had stitches and may have problems with his knee. Bleile said that Prelipp has worked for the company for two or three years. ''We're hoping that he's back next week,'' Bleile said. ''He's a pretty tough guy.'' Rogers was charged yesterday morning with two counts of aggravated vehicular assault and one count of leaving the scene, according to Detective Nancy Dominik, assistant public information officer for the Cleveland Police Department. Rogers is scheduled to appear in Cleveland Municipal Court today at 8:30 a.m. for his arraignment on the two felony charges, according to police. Judge Robert Triozzi was scheduled to preside over the case, according to Ed Ferenc, public information officer for Cleveland Municipal Court. Don Shantz, 24, of Milan, who was working alongside Davis and Prelipp at the time of the accident, said the six Lake Erie Construction Company employees had only been at that job for 10 or 15 minutes when the accident occurred. The employees were repairing a guardrail on I-480 near I-176 northbound, commonly referred to as the Jennings Freeway split, Shantz said. Shantz said they were clearing debris from the damaged guardrail when he heard tires squealing and a co-worker shout, ''Get out of the way!'' Shantz looked up and saw a car driving alongside the workers on the gravel berm, he said. The car drove along the berm for about 500 feet, according to Shantz, before returning to the road. Shantz then realized that his co-workers had been injured, he said. Prelipp was limping and Davis was lying on the ground, Shantz said. His three other co-workers were assessing the situation, he said. Shantz quickly climbed into a company vehicle and chased after the driver along I-480. ''I had two guys laying on the ground hurt, and I didn't wnt him to take anyone else out,'' he said. Shantz caught up with the driver about one mile away from the scene of the accident, he said. He found the Land Rover off on the berm on I-480 near State Road, according to police reports. Shantz noticed damage to the right side of the vehicle and that the car had a flat tire, he said. ''He was unaware that he even hit anybody,'' Shantz said of the driver. ''He didn't seem to know what was going on.'' Shantz said he wrote down the vehicle's license plate number and waited with the driver for police to arrive. ''It's terrible that this had to happen to anybody,'' Shantz said. Shantz said that Davis has been working with the company since May on summer vacation from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. ''He's a good kid. He really is,'' Shantz said. ''He's innocent. Just out there trying to make money for school.'' Bleile said that Davis' father, Don, has worked for Lake Erie Construction Company for 25 years. ''Our focal point should be on him because he's in the hospital,'' Shantz said of younger Davis. ''It could have been avoided and it should have been avoided.'' In Shantz's five years working for Lake Erie Construction, this is his first encounter with this type of accident, although he has seen cars hit cones before, he said. ''People don't pay attention to what's going on,'' he said of highway drivers in construction zones. Shantz said that the workers have their backs to traffic about 90 percent of the time. Shantz said this accident is going to open his eyes more. ''Be more cautious on watching your back and watching your surroundings,'' he said. ''Watch yourself and watch your co-workers.'' There were 6,808 work zone crashes throughout Ohio in 2002, according to Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) information sheets. Twenty-six of those crashes were fatal. The ODOT information sheets also show that 120 to 130 workers die each year in road construction activities in the United States. Of the fatalities, 23 percent are a result of pedestrian workers being struck by traffic vehicles, according to the information sheets. Paul Wasilewski, ODOT District 12 spokesman said that Lake Erie Construction Company is a subcontractor of Kenmore Construction of Akron for the I-480 reconstruction. Wasilewski said safety procedures for construction zones follow the Federal Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. He said the speed limit in a permanent construction zone is 50 mph. ''If anything, slowing down and paying attention is the message we consistently enforce when traveling through work zones,'' he said. Karen Mateo, director of communications for WCBS-TV, said that Rogers is a meteorologist for CBS News in New York. He was in Cleveland this week on vacation, Mateo said. Rogers worked as the chief meteorologist for WKYC-TV3 in Cleveland from 1997 through 2000, according to the CBS New York Web site. A statement from Mateo said that Rogers will not appear on the station until further investigation. ''Our thoughts and prayers are with those injured in the accident,'' the statement said. Bleile says that he could care less who is responsible for the accident. ''Our only thoughts are with Brad and his family and with Jeremy too,'' he said.

Injured worker pulled from trench at KSU
By Abby Slutsky Special to the Beacon Journal
KENT - A construction worker installing underground pipe at Kent State University injured his back and had to be rescued from a trench at least 20 feet deep Friday. Police and fire departments from Kent and Ravenna worked quickly to get the man out of the trench. Rescue workers started an intravenous drip before securing him to a backboard that was attached to a backhoe by several ropes. At the top of the trench, the man was transferred to a gurney and wheeled to a waiting ambulance, which took him to Akron City Hospital. He was not immediately identified. The accident occurred shortly before 1 p.m. near Kent Hall by the university's front campus. It was not known how the man was injured. Initially, rescue workers thought mud had fallen on the worker. However, Tom Euclid, director of architecture and engineering at the university, said that didn't happen. Euclid said that the man twisted his back either while using a wheelbarrow or after being startled by a mudslide that occurred outside the trench. The injury occurred while the man was working in a safety box, which prevents the walls of the trench from caving in.

Man falls from pickup truck, is killed on I-77
A 28-year-old Pearisburg man was killed Wednesday afternoon when he fell out of the back of a pickup truck and was run over by the trailer it was towing, police said. Virginia State Police Trooper J.L. Mullins said the accident happened about 5:40 p.m. in the Fort Chiswell area of Interstate 77, about a mile and a half south of its intersection with Interstate 81. Charles Eugene Stowers was on his way back from North Carolina in a pickup truck with seven other men - five in the large cab and two in the bed, which was covered with a camper shell, Mullins said, when he fell out of the truck and was run over. The men worked for an independent construction company that did commercial tile work and had been working on a project for Campbell's Soup Co., Mullins said. They had been in North Carolina for a few weeks and were on their way home. The truck was hauling a small box trailer loaded with tools, clothes and other supplies, Mullins said. The pickup truck was the only vehicle involved, Mullins said. Mullins said foul play is not suspected. "It's really sad," he said. "Just a tragic accident." No charges will be placed. A law that makes it illegal to ride in the back of a truck applies only to people younger than 16.

Worker Hurt in Fall
By Tomoeh Murakami STAFF WRITER July 12, 2003
A Ronkonkoma man was in serious condition last night after falling 25 feet into a cement hole at a Melville construction site. Salvatore Valensisi, an employee of McLean Contracting of Melville, was inside a waste treatment plant he was helping to build at 171 Half Hollow Rd., the site of a 1,300-home community called Greens at Half Hollow, when he plunged into the hole, authorities said. "One of the grates [covering the hole] was removed and he fell in," said David Kaplan, assistant chief of the Melville Fire Department. Valensisi, 55, suffered internal bleeding, a broken leg and various back, rib and abdominal injuries, authorities said. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is investigating. A man identified as a representative of the employer by an OSHA investigator who was at the scene of the incident Friday declined to immediately comment. It took Melville firefighters, assisted by rescue teams from the East Farmingdale and Huntington Manor fire departments as well as Suffolk County police, 50 minutes to hoist Valensisi out of the 10-foot wide hole on a stretcher, Kaplan said. Valensisi was transported to Nassau University Medical Center in East Meadow. He was later taken to Winthrop-University Hospital in Mineola, where he remained in serious condition last night, a hospital spokesman said.

Hereford man injured in power line accident
The Amarillo Globe-News
MIAMI - A Hereford man working here on the new railroad expansion was injured Thursday when a crane became entangled in power lines. Roberts County Sheriff's Deputy Rick Smithey said Anthony Abeyta, 19, working for Messer Construction of Hereford, was unloading concrete railroad ties from a work train to the new rail bed using a link-belt crane about 11 a.m. When workers raised the crane, the boom got into some power lines above the crossing on North Main Street and Railroad Avenue, Smithey said. Abeyta was holding onto the clamps on the rail tie and suffered electrical shock. He was conscious with noticeable burns to his hands and feet, Smithey said, and was flown by Lifestar to University Medical Center in Lubbock. Abeyta was the only one injured in the accident, Smithey said. Xcel Energy officials arrived on the scene to check the lines, and Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad officials shut down the site for the day, Smithey said.

Gas line broken by contractor snarls traffic
Friday, July 11, 2003 By PRECIOUS PETTY The Express-Times
BETHLEHEM -- Downtown traffic slowed to a crawl for several hours Thursday after construction workers ruptured a high-pressure gas line at West Union Boulevard and Monocacy Street about 9:30 a.m. Emergency crews blocked part of West Union Boulevard between Third Avenue and New Street and part of Main Street between West Broad and Goepp streets while a UGI Corp. crew worked to repair the gas main. Homes and businesses along Monocacy Street between West Union Boulevard and Goepp Street and along West Union Boulevard between Conestoga and Main streets were evacuated from 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. as a safety precaution, said Fire Marshall Eugene Novak. A city contracted crew accidentally hit the main while digging trenches to install conduits for a traffic light at the intersection, said Director of Public Works Michael Alkhal. AJ Trunzo, Inc., the contractor working at the site, "did everything by the book," Alkhal said. "They did what they could ahead of time to avoid hitting the gas main," he said. A firefighter responding to another call saw a plume of gas rise from the main when he drove by the scene and immediately began isolating the intersection, Novak said. UGI spokesman Barry Wentzel said 28 area customers were left without service for a time after the gas main break. Service was expected to be restored by 3 p.m., Wentzel said early Thursday afternoon. Nearly 60 employees evacuated from Cigars International on Monocacy Street gathered at Monocacy and Goepp while they waited to find out if it was safe to return to work. "We've had power outages from storms before, but never an evacuation because of a gas leak," said Victoria Esterly of Bethlehem, a Cigars International worker. Normally, workers package 2,000 boxes of cigars a day, but productivity is likely to suffer because of the nearly three-hour break in the work day, Esterly said. City Firefighter Ray Alpha was treated for a cut hand at Lehigh Valley Hospital-Muhlenberg and released, Novak said. A police officer overcome by gas fumes was taken to a local hospital for treatment and released, officials said.

Fire damages William Blount roof
2003-07-13 by Anna C. Irwin of The Daily Times Staff
A fire on the roof at William Blount High School was the first of three fires in quick succession late Friday and early Saturday in Blount County. The fire at the school caused minimal damage and Blount County Schools Director Alvin Hord credited the person who reported the fire as well as the quick response by firefighters. ``It could have been a lot worse, if the fire had spread,'' Hord said. Alicia C. Mathes, who lives on County Farm Road, near the school, reported the blaze at 11:46 p.m. Friday. She said she could see orange flames and heavy smoke coming from the roof at the back left corner of the school. Blount County Fire Department was notified at 11:50 p.m. Firefighters were on the scene minutes later but were initially hampered by the difficulty in reaching the roof of the two-story building. Greenback Fire Department sent a ladder truck to the scene and provided a way for firemen to get on the roof with hoses and water. Blount County Fire Department had 12 firefighters and six trucks at the school. They were assisted by Greenback, Alcoa and Maryville Fire Department personnel who came to offer their help. The roof fire was brought under control at 12:37 a.m. and the last of the firefighters left the scene at 2:45 a.m. Hord said work on the roof is in progress and it appeared the fire might have been caused when a spark escaped from welding equipment, then smoldered for several hours after workers left Friday afternoon. He said the construction company's insurance is expected to cover the cost of repairing the fire damage. ``Only a small section of the roof was burned, and it was over a locker area near one of the bathrooms. They were able to sweep the water that got inside the building to a drain in the bathroom,'' Hord said. ``A copy machine got wet, but we don't yet know if it can be repaired or needs to be replaced. ``I was surprised there was very little odor inside the building. The wind was blowing, and it must have carried most of the smoke away,'' he said. According to Hord, the section of flat, tar roof that burned and the attic area below it will be cut away and replaced in plenty of time for the school's registration day set Aug. 1 and the first day of classes Aug. 8. As firemen were responding to the blaze at William Blount High School, a fire alarm began to sound at Mentor Market, 2503 Mentor Road, Louisville. Deputy Gail Anderson said she arrived at 11:55 p.m. to find flames coming from the rear of the building at a small loading dock. Blount County firefighters, including some diverted from the fire at the school, found smoke rolling from the front of the market and the back wall of the building ablaze. Three Blount County fire trucks and seven men brought the market fire under control and were able to leave the scene an hour later at 12:53 a.m. Saturday. The market, owned by David T. Edmonds, Pink Hatcher Lane, Louisville, closed at 8 p.m. Friday, and the clerk left around 8:15 p.m. The cause of the fire is undetermined but is apparently considered suspicious. Blount County Sheriff's arsonpecialists are investigating. Blount County firefighters were still at the market when a 911 call at 12:47 a.m. Saturday reported a mobile home on fire in Rockford. The fire department was notified at 12:52 a.m. and firefighters reached the William H. Wilson residence on Homer Avenue at 12:57 a.m. Five Blount County fire trucks and nine men, including those who were at the market, responded along with Alcoa Fire Department personnel, an Alcoa rescue truck and an Alcoa pumper. The mobile home fire was under control at 1:06 a.m. but not before more than half the trailer was destroyed. Firefighters left the third fire scene at 2:06 a.m. Saturday, just over half an hour before those at the school fire were able to return to their stations.

Worker rescued from trench
By K. Manikandan
CHENNAI JULY 12. Fire Service personnel today struggled to rescue a worker who was trapped after the mud caved in and fell on him while he was working to lay sewer lines at M.G.R. Nagar in K. K. Nagar this evening. The personnel rescued 25-year-old S. Maari, who got trapped when he stepped into the 20-foot ditch this afternoon, after a 90-minute effort. Maari, along with his younger brother, Muthu, and younger sister, Devi, and scores of other labourers, was working to lay the main 1200-mm diameter sewer lines on K.K.Salai, as part of Metrowater's Clean Rivers Conservation Project. Maari entered the huge trench that was dug up to lay the main pipelines. He got down along with six others to measure the width of the levelled area, when mud from the western side of the trench caved in all of a sudden. While four of them managed to claw their way out and climb up the trench, Maari and two others still lay trapped. Noticing this, a local shopowner alerted the Fire Service personnel. While two others were immediatey pulled out of the trench, they found it difficult to retrieve Maari, as the wooden and iron beams placed on either sides to prevent the earth from falling into the trench, had also fallen on him, along with the mud. The Fire Service personnel from Ashok Nagar, who actually pulled out Maari, said that at first sight, they were able to notice Maari buried under the mud only till the waist. "He responded to our querries and even drank water", one of the Firemen said. They first pulled out the wooden slabs and iron beams manually and also using cranes before clearing the mud gradually. Devi, the younger sister of Maari, said the family belonged to Tindivanam and that they had settled down in Chennai some years ago. Along with her two elder brothers, she too was working on this project for the past two weeks. She and her father, Subramani, a cobbler, having a shop near the accident spot, had to be consoled by other workers even as the rescue attempt was on. It was a relief for the personnel, policemen, other labourers and hundreds of on-lookers, when Maari was finally pulled out of the mud and taken in an ambulance. Scores of local residents who had gathered atop terraces cheered as the Firemen took away Maari on a stretcher. According to police officers, who confirmed that Maari was out of danger, investigations would be taken up and the contractor penalised for negligence if found guilty. The trench, dug up for a depth of 20-foot and a distance of 100-feet was barricaded and made out of bounds. Police used lathis to prevent curious youth from venturing close to the trench. This road with the trench is used by thousands of school students everyday, causing worry to the parents who send them by vans and autorickshaws.

Historic warehouse hit by fire must be razed
TACOMA -- The owner of a historic warehouse destroyed by fire will have to tear it down. The fire at the Alpine Cold Storage building, a brick warehouse downtown, broke out early Wednesday and was still burning in spots yesterday, said Ron Stephens, an acting deputy chief with the Tacoma Fire Department. Investigators believe the fire was started by workers using a torch to remove metal plating from the building's old wood floor. Structural engineers went into the 56,000-square-foot warehouse yesterday and determined it had to be demolished. The owner purchased the building just two months ago for $400,000 and will have to bear the cost of the demolition, Stephens said. Because the potential for collapse remains, the streets around the building are still closed to traffic. At least two fire crews will remain at the site until the building is down, Stephens said, to ensure the fire does not flare up again.

Fire evacuates the Old State Capitol Building
Updated: 7/10/2003 By: Kathleen Keener & Web Staff
Work on the old State Capitol Building causes more problems than repairs. The roof caught fire on Wednesday, forcing firefighters to evacuate the building. There were about thirty people in the building but this was a small fire and no one was hurt but streets in the area were closed for hours and it caused some excitement for people who were uptown. Joseph Washington was hard at work at his hotdog stand when he heard the sirens. "I just saw a lot of fire trucks pulling up, and sirens, and Capital City Police running," said Washington. "I didn't know what was going on." A small fire started in the dome of the Capitol while workers were trying to repair leaks. Welding caused the wood below the copper to smolder, and smoke spread quickly. "As soon as that fire alarm went on, it was so shrill that everyone started going out the door, we had no problem getting people out the door," said Capitol Director Carol Henderson. Firefighters put it out quickly and nothing in the building was damaged. "You certainly think about the historical significance of the building," said Raleigh Fire Battalion Chief Tommie Steysons. "There are artifacts here that can't be replaced. You're always thinking ahead to those things." Workers credit their safety to the buildings' fire alarms and smoke detectors. "If this had happened 20 years ago, or even 15 years ago, it might not have been such a happy ending." This is not the first fire at the Capitol building. In 1831, a soldering tool sparked a fire and destroyed the building.

Fire engulfs trailer
RUSS OLIVO , Staff Writer 07/10/2003
WOONSOCKET -- A smoky fire destroyed a cargo trailer filled with hazardous construction debris on Privilege Street Wednesday morning after a welder who was repairing the roof inadvertently ignited the contents of the vehicle, firefighters said. The 48-foot long, metal container was packed with asphalt shingles, asbestos tubing and other construction materials, said Acting Deputy Fire Chief Thomas Williams. To minimize the runoff of potentially tainted water from the site, firefighters relied heavily on fire-suppressing foam to combat the blaze. They were concerned about contaminating the nearby Mill River, which feeds the swimming area at World War II Veterans State Park. On orders from the state Department of Environmental Management, which runs the park, workers closed off the intake valve at the holding pond for the swimming area on East School Street, several blocks away from the fire. Peter Lambert, the caretaker of the park, said chlorine levels in the holding pond were also boosted while firefighters responded to the blaze. DEM and city firefighters both called Lambert shortly after the fire broke out at about 7:30 a.m. Wednesday. "They were concerned some of their water was going to get into our place," Lambert said. "We don't think any did. All of our actions were strictly precautionary." No one was injured in the fire, which broke through the walls of the cargo container and blackened the tail end of another container parked a few feet away. Williams said the containers are owned by STG Service Transport Corporation of 28 Privilege St. The company, whose principal trade is environmental cleanup, runs a truck depot at the site. Among those who responded to the fire were the fire department's hazardous materials (Haz-Mat) team and workers from DEM's hazardous materials division. Williams said it took firefighters about 45 minutes to bring the fire under control using "Class A foam," a harmless material that looks like soap lather. "It smothers the fire, like a blanket," said Williams. The asphalt-based products stored in the container were fully engulfed in flames when firefighters arrived, and some areas were very hard to put out, said Williams. Some of the materials inside were made from petroleum, he said, which fueled the fire and burned intensely. Williams said asbestos materials do not burn, but they pose a hazard if they are dispersed into the atmosphere where they can be inhaled. Firefighters protected themselves by breathing through special oxygen tanks while fighting the fire. Normally, the fire department has its own personnel to refill the tanks, but on Wednesday North Smithfield firefighters filled in because the local facilities have been sidelined by a modernization project at the Cumberland Street fire station. Williams said an STG worker had climbed onto the roof of the container to do some welding when sparks from his equipment apparently ignited materials inside. The welder fled safely and the fire was later reported by workers from STG, said Williams, calling the fire accidental. "It was a lot of smoke," said Jimmy McElroy, who runs L&R Auto Parts, across the street from the STG depot. "I'm surprised they're out of here so quick. I thought this was going to be an all-day affair." Workers from the highway department were called in to build a sand dike across Privilege Street to keep the runoff from the fire from getting into the Mill River, which runs from Harris Pond to East School Street, past the STG depot. "We can't let it spread all over the ground over here, we just have to keep it contained," said Firefighter Steve Preston, the leader of the Haz-Mat team. "Asbestos is a respiratory hazard, but it doesn't burn. There's no real hazard." A private company, TMC Services Inc., was in charge of cleaning up the site after firefighters left. "We'll do most of it in-house," said a man who would identify himself only as an employee of STG. He said that TMC Services is one of the company's usual subcontractors for environmental cleanup work.

UPDATE Worker dies in fall from HRN; Man died after falling from scaffolding on the eighth floor of Hamilton College House
By Laura Sullivan July 10, 2003
A construction worker fell to his death from scaffolding on the south side of Hamilton College House while working on renovations to the high rise building nearly two weeks ago. University officials would not release the victim's name, but said that he was in his early twenties. "Unfortunately on June 27 at [1:40 p.m.] we had an employee... fall from the eighth floor off the scaffold," University Director of Fire and Emergency Services Ted Bateman said, noting that the drop was approximately 85 feet. The victim was taken to Hahnemann University Hospital, where he was pronounced dead shortly after the accident. "The day of the unfortunate incident operations were ceased," Bateman said. "Out of respect for the employee, his family and the other workers at the site, operations were ceased on Monday as well." The death comes on the heels of a stabbing, which left another construction worker in critical condition at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. On June 23, David Ingraham, 38, was arrested after allegedly stabbing Sam Hrynczyszn, 25. The two workers reportedly got into an argument over their work schedules and Ingraham allegedly pulled out a knife and stabbed Hrynczyszn three times in the stomach and upper chest. Ingraham has been charged with criminal attempt to murder, aggravated assault, simple assault and recklessly endangering another person. Commending the officers on the scene, Vice President for Public Safety Maureen Rush noted that "had it not been for their actions we probably would have had a 26 year old victim who would not have survived." After the most recent accident, University officials say they are working to improve safety measures at the site. "There were a number of meetings subsequent to the accident and they included representatives from Penn Public Safety, the general contractor on site, the subcontractor and representatives from Penn Facilities and Risk Management to address... the site safety considerations," Bateman said. Aiming "to take some remedial action before the site would be open again," the crew has implemented several changes according to Bateman. These changes include inspections of the guard and end rails on the scaffolding mechanisms at the beginning and end of each work day. The glazers -- those whose work at the site requires them to be out on the scaffolding -- will also be tied in as per new safety measures. Bateman also noted that there would be "trained and qualified supervision on the site at all times and all operations -- including the scaffolding operations -- would be monitored throughout the day." All personnel -- including those who work on the scaffolding -- will be retrained, according to Bateman. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is currently investigating the death. "Penn Public Safety and other responsible parties at Penn are in constant contact with OSHA," Bateman said, noting that a closing meeting will be held once the investigation is complete.

Construction worker wounded in drill accident
Publishing date: 07-09-2003 5:28 PM
(KAAL) -- A construction worker trying to drill into a piece of metal winds up heading to the hospital after the drill bit slips and punctures his chest. 27-year-old Brian Neeley was holding the metal up to his chest and drilling towards himself, when the drill bit slipped it went into his chest about 1 to 2 inches. Neeley was conscious and alert but in a lot of pain and bleeding badly. Neeley was transferred to St. Mary's hospital via gold cross ambulance and is in fair condition.

Champaign explosion injures 2
CHAMPAIGN – Investigators are theorizing that magnesium dust may have played a role in the explosion that injured two people in Interstate Research Park on Wednesday afternoon. The explosion occurred shortly before 3:30 p.m. at the Wayne H. Choe Technology Center, 1401 Interstate Drive. Two construction workers doing cleanup work there were taken by ambulance to Carle Foundation Hospital in Urbana for treatment. Their identities were not disclosed. Champaign Fire Department spokeswoman Dena Schumacher said Cerion Technologies, a former occupant of the building, had made compact discs and had left what investigators believe was magnesium dust in dust collectors. When the two workers used an acetylene torch to cut some pipes Wednesday, it caused a small fire, she said. "But when the workers used a fire extinguisher to put out the flames, it atomized what we believe to be magnesium dust and set off a dust explosion," Schumacher said. Schumacher said a structural engineer has determined that the rear third of the building will need to be demolished as a result of the explosion. Emergency personnel were called to the building at 3:26 p.m. following a report of an explosion. Seven fire department trucks and six to eight police units responded. When the first firefighters arrived, they found a fire, extensive damage to the rear of the building and two injured people. White smoke was showing toward the back of the building. "The south wall is history, and a portion of the roof was raised a few inches," Schumacher said. Gas and electricity were shut off to the area as a precaution, Schumacher said. Firefighters extinguished the blaze within two minutes. No evacuations were necessary because firefighters judged the neighborhood to be safe, she said. "We had police here immediately in case we needed to evacuate neighborhoods, but we did not need to do that," she said. The building, owned by Wayne H. Choe, is occupied by two businesses, Servicemaster of Champaign-Urbana and the Institute of Advanced Technology. According to Schumacher, the rear of the building, where the explosion occurred, was unoccupied. Choe had hired two people from Huls Construction Co. to clean out the 5,000-square-foot vacant area on the south side of the building and work on interior finish, flooring and walls in preparation for a new occupant. "They were just about finished with their work, and today was to be their last day of work in there," Schumacher said.Jim Crisman, co-owner of Servicemaster of Champaign-Urbana, said he was working at his desk at the time of the explosion. "It sounded like something heavy was dropped on top of the building," Crisman said. "It was pretty startling and scary; probably the loudest thing that you would hear in any given day. I knew right away that something wasn't normal." Crisman ran around the east side of the building to see what happened, while the other co-owner, Dwayne Roberts, ran around the west side. "I saw a couple of guys staggering out," Crisman said. "They weren't very coherent; they were on their feet but staggering and burned pretty bad. One guy had a shoulder that was injured pretty badly. We got them to the front of the building and had them sit down until the ambulance showed up." Crisman said none of his 10 employees inside the building was injured. Servicemaster reopened for business this morning. "There wasn't any structural damage in our part of the building," Crisman said Wednesday. "I can't imagine that they won't let us back in there Thursday." This morning, Choe said the Institute of Advanced Technology had reopened for regular operations. Schumacher said it was fortunate that only two people were injured. Crisman said it was ironic that his firm is a professional service company that specializes in fire and water damage restoration. "After everybody sorts things out, we may have some service to provide in our own building," he said.

More smoke than fire in tank
Thursday, July 10, 2003 By KAY RUDDEROW Staff Writer
BRIDGETON -- A fire caused by workers using a torch to dismantle an empty fuel tank at Woodruff Energy on Water Street created a lot of smoke, but little danger or damage Wednesday. According to Bridgeton Fire Chief Dave Schoch, a call went out at 11:51 a.m. and the fire department responded to the scene of the fire, about three blocks from the station, within minutes. The Hopewell-Stow Creek Fire Company also responded with an engine and some manpower, Schoch said. "They respond as part of our automatic mutual aid system.". The workers were dismantling one of the tanks at the rear of the property and there was no fuel involved, according to Woodruff Energy spokesman Bob Woodruff. "We have to do this every five years or so, to clean the tanks and have them inspected," Woodruff said. Inside the tanks is a type of floating roof over the fuel that would be contained in the tanks, which is edged in rubber against the sides of the tank, he said. The sparks from the workers' torch set the rubber gasket on fire, causing a lot of black smoke, but little flame, he said. "Dave Schoch and his men deserve a big hand. They were here in a couple of minutes and did a great job," Woodruff said. "Fortunately, the fire was minor." The fire company and Bridgeton Emergency Ambulance Association were on the scene for a little more than an hour.

Workers injured in Kimmel collapse to get $12.7 million
The Associated Press
PHILADELPHIA - Seven workers who were injured, several of them completely disabled, in a scaffolding collapse during construction of Philadelphia's new performing arts center will receive amounts ranging from $200,000 to $3.1 million to settle lawsuits in connection with the accident. Attorneys worked out the $12.1 million settlement in three days of negotiations before mediator Ronald Sherr. The accident occurred Feb. 10, 2000, as hundreds of tons of concrete were poured into a form built to create an underground parking garage ramp at the 435,000-square-foot Kimmel Center, which opened in December 2001. The workers standing on the form plunged nearly 40 feet into the wet concrete and broken scaffolding below The agreement calls for payments of $3.15 million to David B. Jennings III, $3 million each to Rodney Jones and Christopher Rizzo, $2 million to Michael Warnick, $1.2 million to Michael Berardi, and $200,000 each to Allen McCray and Earven E. Pettaway. Attorneys for the worker said the blame was shared by several companies involved, because designs for the concrete form had never been completed, and contractors went ahead and built it without any plans. he injured workers sued the form designer, Peri Formwork Systems Inc.; the concrete contractor, Pietrini & Sons; the general contractors, L.F. Driscoll and Artis Ore Inc.; and the Regional Performing Arts Center, the company that owns the Kimmel Center. Robert J. Mongeluzzi, one of the attorneys for workers, said the plaintiffs' attorneys focused on proving that all the defendants shared in the liability. Peri Formwork was under contract to provide a design for the form but never did, and Pietrini built the form "without the benefit of plans," according to a memo by the plaintiffs' attorneys outlining their case. L.F. Driscoll had overall responsibility for safety, but the company's safety manager at the site acknowledged in a deposition he hadn't seen a formwork project before and wasn't aware of relevant safety regulations, "for which the plaintiffs have paid a very heavy price," the memo said. Joel Paul Fishbein, an attorney for L.F. Driscoll and Pietrini, said the settlement was acceptable. "This was about as reasonable a settlement as one could expect considering the liability issues, the nature of the accident and the quality of the plaintiffs' attorneys," Fishbein said. Information from: The Legal Intelligencer

Construction accident causes break in gas main
The Associated Press 7/8/03 11:39 AM
IRON MOUNTAIN, Mich. (AP) -- A crew worked Tuesday to fix a natural gas main that ruptured the previous day, prompting authorities to evacuate 10 businesses. Construction workers using earth-moving equipment accidentally broke open the gas main Monday morning, said John Austerberry, spokesman for Michigan Consolidated Gas Co., which owns the line. The eight-inch pipe carries gas that is pressurized to 150 pounds per square inch, making it a high-capacity main, Austerberry said. But enough gas remained in the system to prevent service interruptions, he said. Despite its pungent odor, the gas presented no health dangers to people in the area, he said. The evacuations were ordered to reduce risk of igniting the gas. The MichCon crew, based in Grand Rapids, was expected to finish repairs Tuesday afternoon. The evacuated businesses were to remain off-limits until then, Austerberry said.

Town highway worker injured by truck
(New Milford-WTNH, July 7, 2003 Updated 5:03 PM) _ A town highway worker was seriously injured Monday when he was run over by a paving truck he was driving. The accident happened at about 3:00 p.m. on Long Mountain Road in the Gaylordsville section of town. A town official says the worker got out of the truck and somehow the truck started rolling down the hill, striking the man. He was taken to the hospital. The man has not been identified.

Highway Worker Struck By Pickup While Redirecting Traffic; 39-Year-Old Sent To Hospital With Internal Injuries
POSTED: 4:12 p.m. EST July 7, 2003
REMINGTON, Ind. -- A state highway worker directing traffic around the scene of an Interstate 65 accident was injured when he was struck by a pickup truck Monday, police said. The worker was hit about three hours after two southbound tractor-trailers collided in Jasper County about 25 miles north of Lafayette, causing one of the rigs to burst into flames and injure the driver, Indiana State Police said. That tractor-trailer and its cargo of aluminum cans were destroyed by fire in the 4 a.m. accident. The driver was hospitalized with minor injuries. The driver of the other tractor-trailer wasn't hurt, police said. Southbound traffic was diverted off the highway and allowed to re-enter four miles away. James M. Salkeld, a 39-year-old Department of Transportation worker based in Gary, was directing traffic on foot when a southbound pickup struck him. The pickup's driver later told investigators he had been working overnight and was tired. The driver reported he had been traveling 65-70 mph before the crash, and tried to brake before hitting Salkeld. Salkeld was being treated at Jasper County Hospital for internal injuries to his pelvis and back, state police said.Welder sparks fire at Camp Williams
CAMP WILLIAMS, Utah (AP) - A spark from a contractor's welding ignited a wildfire that blackened more than 500 acres of grassy, open land Tuesday at the Camp Williams National Guard facility. The fire was about 70 percent contained as of 4 p.m., said Salt Lake County fire Captain Jay Ziolkowski. The nearby communities of Eagle Mountain and Saratoga Springs faced a low threat, but there were no evacuations. The fire was contained to the guard camp, located about 30 miles south of Salt Lake City. More than 100 fire personnel, an air tanker and two helicopters fought the blaze. The fire moved quickly under high winds and low humidity even though the welder had two people monitoring for fire safety, Ziolkowski said.

Man dies doing what he loved: Working
By DEBORAH GATES Daily Times Staff Writer
FRUITLAND -- Wallace Foxwell turned 65 and called it quits at the job he had held for more than three decades. But like other retirees wanting to stay active, he went back to work. Foxwell, the oldest employee for the City of Fruitland, died last week from an accident doing what he knew and loved -- climbing a ladder. Fruitland's code enforcement officer and housing inspector for the last seven years would have turned 79 next Thursday. "He's been in construction work all of his life," a tearful Wanda Foxwell, of Salisbury, said of her husband. "He loved it." Her husband was inspecting a house under construction on Fruitland's East Main Street when a ladder supporting him apparently slipped, she said. A construction worker discovered Foxwell on the ground beside the ladder the morning of June 30, Fruitland City Manager Rick Pollitt said Tuesday. It was unclear whether the ladder slipped or Foxwell became ill and fell, he said. "We're speculating he might have fallen off," Pollitt said. The injury paralyzed Foxell, and he was flown by helicopter to the Maryland Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore from Peninsula Regional Medical Center, Wanda Foxwell said. "He could talk. We were hoping he'd get better," she said. Foxwell died two days later and the Dorchester County native was buried Monday in Cambridge, where he worked 35 years at the Charles E. Brohawn Co. construction company, his wife said Tuesday. The couple moved to Salisbury after Foxwell's 1986 retirement, renting a place for a while, then eventually building a new home. "He didn't build it himself but he checked on the builders, checked what they were doing," Wanda Foxwell said. Foxwell took a job as an inspector at George Miles and Buhr, a Salisbury architectural firm doing business with Fruitland, Pollitt said. "That's how we got to know him," he said. "We took him away." At the time, Fruitland was facing a housing boom with no housing inspector, and Foxwell stepped in part-time to fill the void, Pollitt said. Soon, he doubled as the town's code enforcement officer. "He made his own hours, usually (working) in the early morning until about noon," Pollitt said. "We were in the process of hiring a full-time code enforcement officer and have him do building inspection. We will have to re-evaluate the whole program."

Trench accident sends two to hospital
ORANGEDALE,N.S. (CP) - The collapse of a trench near Orangedale, Nova Scotia late Monday afternoon sent two construction workers to hospital with serious injuries. The mishap occurred on the Orangedale road, a short distance from the Trans Canada Highway in Inverness County. The two workers, employed by Blair S. Francis Construction, were initially taken to hospital in Baddeck and then air-lifted to Cape Breton Regional Hospital. Hospital spokesperson, Greg Boone, says they suffered multiple injuries, including fractures, and are now in fair condition. A spokesperson for the Department of Labour, Penny McCormick, says the department is investigating and ordered the contractor to backfill the trench to prevent any further accidents.

Water Main Break Leaves Atchison Without Water
Damage to a water main left Atchison residents without drinking water for nearly 24 hours. Workers for an excavating company were installing a six-inch water main Monday when they accidentally cut into a 24-inch water main pipe. The accident prompted the city to immediately close down its water plant. The pipe is the only water source for Atchison from the Missouri River. The damage was repaired by early Tuesday, but residents weren't able to use the water until about noon. They also were told to boil the water before consuming it because it will have extra chlorine for several hours. City Engineer Joe Drimmel says the excavators were using outdated maps of the water lines that don't show the water main that was cut.

Air conditioning work sparks fire at school
BY ROBERT BLASZKIEWICZ Times Porter County Editor
PORTAGE -- A welding torch being used to install air conditioning at Jones Elementary School is believed to have sparked a small ceiling fire Thursday afternoon, sending smoke through the building before the blaze was quickly put out. The fire burned through insulation and ceiling tiles and was hot enough that it damaged the rubber membrane roof in the one-story section of the school, said Dean Shatz, Portage Township Schools director of auxiliary services. Fire Chief Tim Sosby said the fire was contained to Room 8, a computer lab, but a neighboring classroom and nearby hallways sustained smoke damage. No summer school classes were in session at the school and no injuries were reported. Sosby said it would be difficult to estimate the amount of damage until school officials could assess the contents of the room. The computer lab contained 28 to 30 new Dell computers, still in their boxes, which appeared to be undamaged. A lone multimedia projector remained anchored in the ceiling, surrounded by the framework of the drop ceiling with the damaged tiles torn out. Shatz said it appeared the school would have an extensive cleanup ahead, similar to the cleanup that took place two months ago at Portage High School West after vandals released fire extinguishers throughout the school. Portage school Superintendent George McKay remarked that maintenance crews recently spent three days cleaning Jones, work that now would have to be repeated. Firefighters were called to Jones at 1:14 p.m., after maintenance crews heard yelling that there was a fire. Workers with the air conditioning contractor, O.J. Shoemaker Inc. of South Bend, were doing welding in Room 8 when the fire broke out. Firefighters were on the scene in five minutes and had the fire struck at 1:32 p.m. Sosby said the department's initial findings indicated the fire was caused by sparks from a welding torch, but that a full investigation into the cause would be done. A representative of O.J. Shoemaker at the scene directed questions to school and fire officials. The installation of air conditioning at Jones is part of a $15 million bond issue in the township to revamp heating systems and air condition schools that have gone without. McKay said that before the fire, air conditioning work at Jones was expected to be done by August. South Haven and Burns Harbor fire departments assisted Portage, while Ogden Dunes, Union Township and Porter departments were on stand-by. An engine from Portage Station No. 1 was delayed from arriving at the scene by a freight train that slowed and eventually stopped, blocking the CSX tracks on McCool Road, just south of the school. Sosby said the blocked crossing could have been a big problem if the fire had been larger. A dispatcher ended up calling the railroad to get the train moved. Sosby said the increased train traffic in the city does pose a concern for emergency responders and that they try to avoid railroad tracks whenever they can.

Worker killed at 29/Trancas work site; Martinez man struck by a piece of construction equipment
Friday, July 4, 2003 By MARSHA DORGAN Register Staff Writer
A construction worker was struck and killed by a piece of heavy equipment at the Highway 29/Trancas Street interchange project on Thursday afternoon. John Castro, 45, of Martinez, died around 2 p.m. at Queen of the Valley Hospital. Castro was part of a crew working in the northeast corner of the construction site. He was struck in the lower back by a bucket attached to backhoe, according to Acting Fire Capt. Phil Stith. "When we got there, the victim was lying on the surface of the dirt up against a berm, away from the bucket," Stith said. Co-workers said the bucket hit Castro in the lower back and pushed him into the dirt, Stith said. "He was breathing at the scene and was talking a little bit in the ambulance on the way to the hospital," Stith said. "He was taken to surgery and expired at the hospital." The site was cordoned off with yellow plastic tape. By 3:30 p.m., most of the workers had left the site, replaced by detectives who were looking for clues. The monster backhoe that dealt the fatal blow sat idle, its bucket resting on a pile of dirt. At this time Castro's death is being handled as an industrial accident. The investigation has been turned over to California Occupational and Health Safety Administration. This is second industrial fatal in the county within a month. Nelson Rivera, 39, of Angwin was killed June 16 when he was crushed to death in a trash compactor at the Pacific Union College landfill on Highland Springs Road, north of the college. Rivera worked for PUC since 1996. Investigators believe he slipped and fell into a four-foot pit where he was raking trash. He was killed instantly when the compactor engaged, crushing him. Cal-OSHA is still investigating the accident. The $55 million Highway 29/Trancas Street interchange project has been under construction since the spring of 2002 and is scheduled to be completed next year. The freeway will be submerged beneath Trancas Street/Redwood Road. The Napa Valley Wine Train tracks will remain at grade.

Tragedy as slab crushes work pals
Jul 3, 2003, 15:34:00
A Moxley man and his workmate were crushed to death in a freak accident when a one-and-a-half tonne concrete slab fell on them as they worked together on a building site. Today devastated friends and family of John Clarke, aged 42, of Belmont Gardens, were trying to come to terms with his death, which happened less than a month before he was due to get married. Mr Clarke was to marry his girlfriend of four years in a summer wedding planned for the end of July. He died alongside his good friend Barry Greatrex, aged 58, of Lunt Road, Bilston. Both suffered multiple injuries in the accident which happened at around 12.30pm on June 27 in Carver Street, Ladywood, Birmingham. Today Rob Davies, aged 41, said he was one of Mr Clarke's best friends and spoke of him as a skilled worker and a well liked and respected man with many friends. "I am still shaking now and I can't get over it. He would do anything for anyone and he would always help you out," he said. "He could put his hand to anything and was a very skilled an. He liked playing pool a lot and was a very good player. "We were in the same year at Darlaston Comprehensive. They were a very close family and everybody is devastated. "He had plenty of friends and was very well liked." Mr Greatrex leaves his wife Cynthia, who he was married to for around 30 years, and three grown-up sons and a daughter. His funeral is expected to take place on Monday July 14. A Health and Safety Executive spokeswoman said the men were working inside a three-storey building which is being renovated by Humphries Demolition. "It appears that the men were removing a concrete floor slab which was 2m by 1.5m and weighed one-and-a-half tonnes. This slab landed on them and crushed them to death," she said. An inquest on the two men was today opened and adjourned by Birmingham coroner Aidan Cotter.

Fire Destroys Stonington Plant, Damages Homes; Investigators Focus On Renovation Work
STONINGTON, Conn. -- Investigators may have a lead into what caused a massive fire that struck the former Monsanto plant in Stonington. Thursday's fire destroyed the five-acre harborfront mill site, which was undergoing a $30 million renovation into a luxury residential and commercial complex. Crews said demolition workers were using torches inside the building to cut down old pipes hours before the fire. Investigators have not yet ruled on any official cause. It took firefighters from several communities at least three hours to bring flames under control. No one was hurt, but several homes were damaged by intense heat and smoke. The long-vacant mill employed thousands of borough residents for more than 150 years, first as a firearms factory and more recently as a plastics manufacturer.

Two men found dead inside Guilford manhole
7/6/2003 9:30 AM By: Associated Press
(WHITSETT) -- Sheriff's deputies and safety regulators want to know how a father and his adult son died inside a manhole in Guilford County. Family of David and Christopher Michael found their bodies yesterday morning at a construction site in Whitsett. Their cause of death -isn't- yet known ... autopsies are scheduled for today. The two men had been helping install a water line for the City of Burlington. They were last seen alive Thursday night. State Occupational Safety and Health Administration investigators were at the accident site yesterday.

House-painter electrocuted in Topsham
Michael Reagan Times Record 07/02/2003
TOPSHAM - A 20-year-old Topsham man died Tuesday after the aluminum ladder he and a co-worker were carrying touched a power line next to an Elm Street residence. Andrew McMillan was declared dead Tuesday afternoon at Parkview Adventist Medical Center in Brunswick, said Lt. Chris Lewis of the Topsham Police Department. McMillan was working as a painter with two other employees of College Pro Painters at a home at 16 Elm St. at the time of the accident, which was reported at 2:55 p.m. The other co-worker who was carrying the ladder, Brett Dumont, was taken by ambulance to Maine Medical Center in Portland. Lewis said Dumont was in stable condition. According to Lewis, Dumont and McMillan were moving a 40-foot ladder when it appeared they lost their balance and the ladder came into contact with power lines that run parallel to the side of the residence, Lewis said. The third worker was not injured. Central Maine Power Co. officials said the power line had about 7,200 volts running through it, Lewis said. A team from the Occupational Safety & Health Administration in Portland responded to the accident, said Bill Freeman, area director. Investigations can take one to two weeks. Representatives of Central Maine Power Co. were also called to the scene.

Man trapped in mud: Franklin worker in hospital after ordeal on Northbridge project
By Sara Withee / News Staff Writer Wednesday, July 2, 2003
NORTHBRIDGE -- A Franklin construction worker whose legs were stuck in mud for nearly three hours yesterday was under medical evaluation for possible hypothermia last night, rescue officials said. Robert Giordano, 22, of 13 Skyline Drive, was taken to the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in Worcester yesterday morning after firefighters freed his legs from two feet of mud on the Riverdale Mills property, firefighters said. Giordano, employed by Lewis Concrete of Franklin, was laying a cement foundation for a 118,000-square-foot expansion of Riverdale Mills Corp. Giordano was working along a wall near the basement ceiling when he climbed down a ladder to the ground to retrieve some tools, Northbridge Fire Chief Gary Nestor said. The wall Giordano was working along borders a man-made water stream called a tailrace that serves an on-site hydropower operation, said property owner James Knott Sr. It reconnects with the Blackstone River about 500 feet from where Giordano was stuck in the mud. Giordano's legs got stuck when when he stepped in a muddy area created by water spillover from the hydropower operation, Nestor said. Employees spent an hour trying to help Giordano negotiate his legs out of the mud, Nestor said. They then called Northbridge Fire Department for assistance at 8:10 a.m. Pulling Giordano's legs free did little good except to cause him pain because the mud had created a strong suction, Nestor said. Other firefighter efforts, such as digging and trying to drain water from the ground with a Northbridge Public Works Sewer pump, were equally unsuccessful, Nestor said. "The thing just kept filling up with water, more and more and more so that's what made it difficult," Nestor said. Nestor finally called in the Southern District 14 Technical Rescue Team. The group of firefighters from Southborough, Ashland, Milford and Hopkinton is trained for rescues in trenches and small spaces. About 16 members of the group responded around 10 a.m., said Ashland Fire Lt. Scott Boothby, the district's team coordinator. They found Giordano with one leg knee-deep in mud and the other leg covered up to the thigh. The rescue team stabilized the ground around the mud, then freed Giordano's legs from the mud with a compressor and a soil pick -- a tool that pushes air through a pipe, Boothby said. "Within ten minutes of us getting there, the patient was extricated from the mud and taken to the hospital," Boothby said. By that time he was freed, Giordano was visibly bothered by the cool water temperature, Boothby said, though officials say he did not lose consciousness. "He was getting to the point that he was getting a little hypothermic," Boothby said. Knott, who purchased the mill in 1979, is acting as general contractor for his company's expansion, which started in May 2002 and scheduled for completion next September. He is expanding because his company, Riverdale Mills Corp., which manufactures wire-mesh lobster traps, has been growing since beginning production of "Wire Wall" security fences several years ago. Knott has clashed with the town over the expansion several times over the past year, first over a tax break the Board of Selectmen denied because it was requested after Knott began construction and over a $33,000 building permit fee. Knott has filed a lawsuit against the town over the fee, saying it is nearly 10 times the amount he was charged for a 1996 expansion approximately half the size of the current project. The Harvard graduate has powered his mill with hydrolectric turbines, feeding off the Blackstone River, since 1985. "It saves me about $100,000 a year (in electricity) that I don't have to buy," Knott said. Knott said he recently shut the turbines down for several months during construction. The construction site was completely dry before he turned off the operation. Yesterday's accident gives him no reason to turn the operation off again, he said. Giordano could have avoided problems by simply relaxing and slowly pulling his legs from the mud, Knott said. "Every one in the world does know or should know your body is only half the density of quicksand," Knott said. "You float in it."

Worker injured at ISU site
By: Jason Kristufek, Staff Writer July 02, 2003
A construction worker was injured on Tuesday at the site of a new community center on the Iowa State University campus. Authorities identified the injured worker as Michael McCool, 37, of Ogden. He was transported by ambulance to Mary Greeley Medical Center for treatment of injuries to his arm and wrist. A spokesman for the hospital had no information on McCool this morning. University officials said McCool is an employee of Miron Construction Co., based in Wisconsin. The company does have a branch office in Des Moines. McCool was part of a construction crew working to complete the Union Drive Association Community Center. The building will have a cafeteria and commons area for use by students. It is located between State Gymnasium and Friley Hall on the west side of campus. ISU Police Capt. Gene Deisinger said workers were unloading several cement columns with a forklift. Apparently, a strap that held one of the columns in place broke and pinned McCool's arm, he said. "He had several hundred pounds on top of his arm," Deisinger said. "The other employees used the forklift to raise the object off of him." The Ames Fire Department and rescue units responded, as did officers from ISU Police. Authorities said the injuries did not appear to be life threatening.

Large construction crane topples at D/FW airport
07/02/2003 From Staff Reports
A large construction crane toppled over early Wednesday afternoon at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport's Terminal D. No one is known to have been injured in the accident, which airport officials are investigating, airport spokeswoman Star Ormand said. No cause or damage estimate is immediately available, Ms. Ormand said. Terminal D is D/FW's future all-international flight terminal and is currently under construction. It is slated to open in 2005 as the airport's fifth terminal.

UPDATE Woman sentenced for killing construction worker while driving drunk
ABC13 Eyewitness News
(7/01/03 - HOUSTON) — A local woman will go to jail for 15 years for killing a city worker while driving drunk. Thirty-four-year-old Yvonne Marie Webber pleaded guilty to intoxication manslaughter with a vehicle Tuesday. Back in late February, Webber was driving drunk when she hit Benny Allen Junior while he was doing street repair work on Braeswood near Braesridge in southwest Houston. Allen later died at the hospital. Police say at the time of the accident, Webber's blood alcohol level was .32, four times the legal limit.

Worker killed, 14 others seriously injured in lift crash
JOHOR BAHRU July 1 - An Indonesian construction worker was killed and 14 of his co-workers were seriously injured when their service lift developed brake failure and crashed to the ground from the eighth floor of the 17-storey condo block under construction at Tampoi near here Tuesday. Johor Bahru Selatan OCPD, SAC II Hashim Mohamad Yusof said some of the seriously injured suffered broken limbs and were now warded at the Hospital Sultanah Aminah here. He said the person who died at the scene was identified as 40-year-old Paidi. Speaking to Bernama, he discounted sabotage as the cause of the accident which occurred at 8.15 am. He said the service lift which operated from the outside of the building could carry about 10 people at any one time. The workers aged between 20 and 40 were going up when the accident occurred. There was a sombre mood among the Indonesian workers who gathered at the scene to ponder on the fate of their colleagues. Kempas Assemblyman Osman Sapian who visited the site said the condo block as part of the Johor Education Foundation (YPJ) Holdings privatised project and was scheduled for completion next year. Two other blocks of the Amona Condominium Project had been completed and occupied and 40 units of the block now under construction had been bought by the Johor Government for state civil servants, he said. Meanwhile a spokesman for Amona Consolidated Holdings Sdn Berhad when contacted said officials of the Occupational Safety and Health Department visited the scene and gave permission for construction work to go ahead but grounded the service lift.

Three workers injured in blast after underground cabling work fails
By Johnson Choo
Three workers were injured in an explosion at the junction of Tanjong Katong Road and Dunman Road on Tuesday. They were in a manhole carrying out cabling work for a residential development when the accident happened. One of the injured, a 37-year-old man, had 30 percent burns and was sent to the Singapore General Hospital for treatment. The other two suffered minor burns and had refused to go for outpatient treatment. According to PowerGrid, the accident happened when the cables' insulation failed. This resulted in a short circuit and an explosion followed.

Man in stable condition after accident at work
SAN DIMAS — A 28-year-old San Dimas man received a cut to his forearm Monday evening in an industrial accident, sheriff's deputies said. Jeff Vandenburg was working at Straight Arrow Construction at 466 W. Arrow Highway at 7:05 p.m. when he cut himself on some sheet metal, said Los Angeles County sheriff's Lt. Chris Branuelas. Firefighters said the cut severed an artery in his forearm, causing major blood loss. Vandenburg was taken to San Dimas Community Hospital where he was listed in stable condition, firefighters said. The cause of the accident was being investigated, deputies said.

Seward man killed in accident
By JENNI DILLON Peninsula Clarion
A 24-year-old Seward man was killed Saturday in an industrial accident at Afognak Construction in Seward. Pete Fretwell, a former mechanics student at the Alaska Vocational Technical Center in Seward, was changing the tire on a dump truck when a split rim blew off the tire, striking Fretwell in the forehead and killing him instantly, according to Alaska State Troopers. Sgt. Brandon Anderson, stationed with the troopers in Seward, responded to the call, which came in about noon Saturday. Anderson said Fretwell was working on reinstalling the front tire of an older dump truck when the accident occurred. Like many older trucks, the vehicle had a split rim ‹ a steel ring that helps hold the tire in place. Anderson said split rims have been considered hazardous for many years, and tires usually are inflated within a steel cage to protect workers from possible split rim accidents. Afognak Construction personnel acted according to that procedure, Anderson said, inflating the tire within a cage Friday. "It held firm" Anderson said. It wasn't until a crew rolled the tire outside and was using an air wrench to put the lug nuts on that the split rim blew. "It blew off with explosive force," Anderson said. The piece of metal struck Fretwell in the forehead. Troopers and Seward police responded to the accident, and Seward Emergency Medical Services also were called. Fretwell was pronounced dead at the scene.

Construction accident leads to death
A 59-year-old man who worked for a Fairburn construction company was crushed and killed June 23 by a back-hoe on Autry Mill Road. The incident occurred at the Atlanta-Fulton County Water Treatment Plant, near the Autrey Mill Nature Preserve, at about 8:30 a.m. Leonard Albert McCright of Monroe was killed when the bucket of a back-hoe driven by his brother, John E. McCright, 60, was lowered, crushing him. he victim had been standing on a ladder about 15 feet off the ground that was leaning against the top of a temporary steel plate, which covered a pipe. He was waiting for the back-hoe to lower a chain so he could attach it to the plate so workers could pull it off the ground. The victim was on one side of a 16-foot concrete wall and the back-hoe was on the other. McCright reportedly yelled for his brother to lower the arm of the back-hoe over the wall. No one saw what happened after that, police said. It appears when the bucket came down it pinned the victim between the top of the plate and the bucket. The two brothers worked for Reynolds Inc. construction company.

Crane Accident at Construction Site Kills Five
Five workers were killed yesterday morning when a crane beam broke and fell at an apartment construction site in Pyongtaek, Kyonggi Province. Four others were seriously injured and are receiving medical care at nearby hospitals. The workers were working above the crane when its beam broke, causing them to fall 45 meters to the ground below, killing five instantly. Police are investigating the exact cause of the accident.

Man killed in building collapse in Little Elm
06/30/2003 From Staff Reports
One man was killed and two others were injured after a storage building collapsed as they tried to dismantle it, officials said. A 38-year-old man was killed when the 20-foot-by-20-foot building collapsed on him and he and the two men, said Little Elm firefighter Robert Brown. The men were tearing down the small, square-shaped shed at Oakwood and Boys Club roads in the Rocky Point neighborhood near Lewisville Lake when it collapsed around 9 a.m., said Shawn Russell of the Little Elm Fire Department. Two men were taken to Denton Region Medical Hospital, one with a broken leg and the other with cuts and bruises. Officials declined to release the name of the men pending notification of relatives. The men worked for a local construction company, said sheriff's Lt. Kevin Patton. Little Elm is about 20 miles northwest of Dallas.

HSWA Section 7(a) prosecution of site foreman
Mr John Cullen, a site foreman employed by O'Rourke Civil and Structural Engineering Limited, has been fined £1,500 with HSE costs of £1,380 after he pleaded guilty at the City of London Magistrates' Court on Wednesday 25th June, to a breach of Section 7(a) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. Mr Cullen's prosecution related to an accident at the new Sutton Police Station project in Surrey on 12th November 2001, his employers were the project Principal Contractors. Unsafe system of work - Mr Cullen was given the task of establishing the site, which included the erection of a site hoarding around the perimeter. Several large advertising billboards were in place around the site, and had to be removed to accommodate the hoarding. The client had agreed to remove the billboards, but there were several delays in this being carried out. The foreman had already arranged for some of the advertising billboards to be removed by having them lifted into the site with an excavator and a lifting sling. However, the Project Manager told him to stop, as arrangements were made for the client to remove the billboards, and it was not part of the O'Rourke method statement. On Monday 12th November 2001 Mr Ron Given began work on the site as a joiner, employed to help make sections of the site hoarding. That afternoon it was decided to remove a large advertising billboard. This required access at height, to remove the frame of the billboard. Under the supervision of Mr Cullen an excavator assisted them. The bucket was turned around on the machine, and Mr Given climbed into the bucket to be lifted to the top of the billboard, a height of approximately five metres. The bucket fell from the machine tippingout Mr Given who fell to the ground with the excavator bucket falling onto his legs. Unable to work again- Mr Given sustained two badly fractured legs and it is unlikely that he will be able to work again, he can still only walk a short distance with the aid of sticks. HSE investigation revealed that the safety pin had not been inserted in the quick-hitch, and that the warning buzzer on the quick-hitch switch was not working. Nevertheless, Mr Given would not have been injured if Mr Cullen had intervened to prevent this highly unsafe system of work. Section 7(a) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 states: "It shall be the duty of every employee while at work to take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and of other persons who may be affected by his acts or omissions at work."

Fire at mall
No evacuations were needed late Friday morning when a welder accidentally ignited a grease fire in an exhaust duct in a mechanical area that is off-limits to the public but situated near the food court at the West Ridge Mall, a Topeka Fire Department official said. A mall security guard felt shortness of breath after trying to put out the blaze from the building's roof and was taken to a Topeka hospital to be checked out, said Battalion Chief Edward Gerhardt, of the Topeka Fire Department. Gerhardt said the blaze did an estimated $500 damage inside the mall at 1801 S.W. Wanamaker Road. Firefighters were called at 11:33 a.m., said Fire Department Shift Commander John Lord. Gerhardt said the fire was ignited in a mechanical area just below the roof in an exhaust duct that leads outdoors from a grill at a former Burger King site in the food court. That mechanical area is off-limits to the public. A worker was welding a new section of duct work to the existing section when grease inside the older section ignited ccidentally, according to Gerhardt. He said firefighters were able to put out the blaze easily.

N.C. firefighters rescue worker buried in ditch; Labor officials investigating site incident
The Associated Press
GOLDSBORO, N.C. - A man helping to install a sewer tap was buried for 20 minutes Friday morning when the ditch in which he was working collapsed. Firefighters who answered the call for help found only an arm sticking out of the mud when they arrived at the construction site. Fire Chief Bobby Greenfield said rescuers slid an oxygen mask to the trapped worker, so he could breathe while they dug him out. The trapped man's arm was numb because of the pressure on it from the dirt, assistant fire chief Jerry Langston said. But he was breathing fine when he was unearthed. "I feel like he will be OK," he said. "The guys did a great job getting him out." The man was taken to Wayne Memorial Hospital. The hospital and the fire department did not release his name or condition. The worker was installing pipe to a private residence, Greenfield said. A sewer tap is where pipes from a house line connect with a city sewer line. No one else was in the ditch when it collapsed. Greenfield said the area around the ditch was damp, and that could have caused the walls to cave in. City plumbing inspector Russell Lawrence said the contractor working on the site was Mark Burlingame. Efforts to find a telephone number for him were unsuccessful. Greenfield said officials from the N.C. Department of Labor were investigating the accident, and he didn't know if charges would be filed. Labor spokeswoman Dolores Quesenberry said the department would not comment until it finishes investigating.

Worker Freed After Crane Collapse; No Word On Worker's Condition
Story by Boston Channel
REVERE, Mass. -- A worker was rescued in Revere Thursday afternoon when a huge crane he was operating collapsed in an industrial area. The scene of the accident was the Global Oil Company in Revere. The worker eventually was extracted and there is no word on his condition. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is investigating whether the company and the crane's owners, Glancy Crane based in Avon, had complied with all safety measures.

Part of house falls on worker; Man in critical condition after crushed in Thursday accident in Livermore
By Scott Steinberg STAFF WRITER
Saturday, June 28, 2003 - LIVERMORE -- A Newark man was in critical condition Friday, a day after part of a house fell on him. Victor Rivas was a member of a six-person crew from Pleasanton-based Call and Haul. The crew was demolishing a single-story, 1,100-square-foot home at 1894 Elm St. in Livermore, the fire department said. While removing some of the interior walls, the roof -- which was intact -- fell through the house about 7:50 a.m. Some of Rivas's co-workers dragged him out of the house, although he was still covered with part of the roof until firefighters extricated him, Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Capt. Paul Legasa said. Rescue crews erected a temporary shore before removing Rivas from the rubble. An ambulance took the injured construction worker to Junction Avenue Middle School, where he was airlifted to the Eden Medical Center in Castro Valley. Rivas was under the roof for 16 minutes, Legasa said. Jeff Cobkins, president of Call and Haul, spent most of Thursday at the hospital with Rivas and his family. He said Rivas is in his 20s and does not have a wife or children. "He's a good person," Cobkins said. "It's rough, really rough. Our prayers are going out towards Victor." He added that this is Call and Haul's first accident. Part of the roof also fell on a gas meter, forcing Pacific Gas & Electric Co. to cut away the structure and shut off the valve. Legasa said the fire department brought three engines, one ladder truck and a rescue rig designed for collapsed buildings, along with 16 rescue personnel. The captain added that Rivas was conscious before he was transported to the hospital. The state's Occupational Health and Safety Administration is investigating the accident.

Texas man dies when building collapses
06/29/03 By MAX SMITH Staff Reporter
A demolition worker from Texas was killed in southeast Mobile County on Saturday after the eight-story building he and four others were working on collapsed prematurely, authorities said. Darrel Sallas, who was in his 40s, was weakening girders with blowtorches at the base of an abandoned building owned by BASF Corp. on the Degussa Corp. property off Rangeline Road, according to Lt. David Hill, supervisor of the Criminal Investigations Division of the Mobile County Sheriff's Department. BASF is the North American affiliate of BASF AG of Germany. The building collapsed about 1:30 p.m. as the men were working, Hill said. Four of the men ran one way and escaped, while Sallas ran another way and never made it out. Sallas' body was visible at the edge of the rubble, Hill said. "He was so close to making it," Hill said. It appears that one of the beams or some concrete hit Sallas as he was trying to make his way out, Hill said. His body was turned over to the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences to determine cause of death. "You can imagine eight stories collapsing in on itself," Hill said. "It was pretty chaotic ... a rough scene." Sallas was working for a demolition company based in New Jersey, Hill said. Further information on Sallas was not available, because he wasn't carrying identification. Keith Jones, a spokesman with Degussa, identified the demolition company as R. Baker and Sons All Industrial Services. The building that collapsed was the last major building left of BASF's acetal plant on the property, according to Wolfgang Heim, manufacturing supervisor for the plant. Demolition started in January. The BASF plant made acetal under the brand name UltraForm. The material is an acetal copolymer resin, which is a type of industrial plastic used in conveyer systems, gears, automotive parts, appliances and toys. UltraForm was started in 1988 as a joint project between BASF and Degussa, Heim said. In 1999, BASF decided to buy the whole venture, then decided to stop production last summer for financial and economic reasons. Degussa remained the owner of the property where the plant was built, Heim said. The New Jersey demolition company won a bidding process for the project and has previously worked in Alabama, Heim said. Representatives with R. Baker and Sons could not be reached for comment Saturday.

Dump truck backs over road worker
CAMDENTON, Mo. (AP) -- A 58-year-old road worker was killed Thursday morning when a dump truck backed over him, the Missouri State Highway Patrol said. Harold Morrison, of Macks Creek, was working on a construction project along Missouri 5 near Camdenton around 8:28 a.m. when the dump truck backed up to dump asphalt and ran over Morrison, the patrol said. Morrison didn't notice the truck was backing toward him, the patrol said. Morrison was pronounced dead at the scene.

Excavating Crew Causes Manchester Gas Leak
BY KRISTA PRIMROSE, Times-Union Staff Writer
NORTH MANCHESTER – Natural gas clouded North Manchester when a Bunn Inc. excavating crew accidentally hit an 8-inch steel gas main line around 3 p.m. Monday. The gas main, which provides service to a large section of North Manchester, began releasing gas after a bulldozer struck a service "T" at the corner of Main and Mill streets. Gas rushed out of the hole, sounding like a waterfall, until 9 p.m., when a properly equipped NIPSCO crew arrived on the scene. North Manchester Fire Department was notified of the leak about 3 p.m. and contacted NIPSCO immediately. At 3:17 p.m. a second call requesting immediate assistance was made and minutes later, homes and businesses within four blocks of the leak were evacuated. NIPSCO service trucks arrived at 5 p.m. but found that, due to the size of the leak, special equipment was needed. A welding crew from Monticello was needed to stop gas flow to the line in both directions. The gas flow was finally stopped around 9:30 p.m. and workers finished repairing the main about :30 a.m. today. Larry Graham, NIPSCO spokesman, said isolating the gas flow and shutting off only the damaged section was in the town's best interest. Though the leak could have been stopped immediately, by disconnecting service to the line, a large portion of North Manchester would have been without gas services until the line was fixed. The Bunn excavating site superintendent, who declined to give his name, said the line was supposed to be abandoned, thus accommodating his team's work. He declined to state whose responsibility it was to ensure the line was inactive. According to Graham, the gas line was on NIPSCO's schedule for lowering next week. This change in depth was planned to accommodate digging for the CVS construction. Estimates regarding how much gas escaped are not yet available. No long-term effects are expected from the leak.

WTC Site Worker Killed; Death in accident is first since 9/11
By Alfonso A. Castillo STAFF WRITER; Staff writers Carrie Mason-Draffen, Graham Rayman and Tom Demoretcky contributed to this story. June 26, 2003
A Farmingdale man became the first worker in the rebuilding of the World Trade Center site to die on the job when he was crushed while painting part of a commuter rail station, authorities said. Officials said Hugo Martinez, 36, was being carried in a construction lift about 20 feet off the ground when he was crushed. He was found dead yesterday morning by other workers. Martinez had been painting the temporary PATH station being built at the site, but the exact sequence of events was unclear yesterday. Allen Levine, of L&L Painting in Hicksville, where Martinez worked for about eight years, said the victim was working in a basket as one of five employees at the time of the accident. "I'm not aware of all the facts. OSHA [The Occupational Safety and Health Administration] has taken charge of the investigation. They have taken the lift away and have sent us a letter requesting certain information," Levine said. "I get a chill every time I think about it. It's a terrible thing." Pasquale DiFulco, a spokesman fo r the Port Authority, which owns the site, said OSHA was investigating. "It is the first accident-related fatality since September 11, 2001," DiFulco said. "The safety record there has been exceptional." Relatives said Martinez exemplified the American dream in his Sunset Avenue home, where he lived with his wife of six years, Marta, and three sons ages 1 to 5. Martinez immigrated to New York about 15 years ago from his native Paraguay, where his family lived humble lives. He lived in Flushing and worked various jobs while studying English until he became fluent. Along the way, he met and fell in love with Marta and soon started a family of his own. He found work as a painter and made a name for himself through his steadfast work ethic - sometimes working two jobs. He eventually saved enough money to buy his home in Farmingdale, but still kept his family in South America a top priority. He bought his mother a house there and was putting his sister through college, the relatives added. "He lived for his family over there," said Martinez's sister-in-law Florencia Nuñez, who lived with the couple. "He took such good care of them." Martinez's living room was filled with mementos of a life well lived. A photography enthusiast, Martinez kept dozens of framed photos of his family on walls and counters - his sons sitting on the lap of a department store Santa Claus, he and his wife in an embrace on their wedding day. Nuñez thumbed through hundreds of other recently developed photos - pictures from his oldest son Palermo's 5th birthday party, his youngest, Cameron, playing in the tub, and the three boys lying next to each other on the couch. Ivan, 2, grabbed one of the photos and held it with both hands as he gazed at it with familiarity. Nuñez said Palermo took the news hard. "He knows that when somebody is not well, they go to heaven," she said through tears. "He said, 'I'm not going to have food anymore.'" Nuñez said funeral arrangements are being handled by Arthur F. White Funeral Home in Bethpage. The family plans to fly the remains to Paraguay for burial. Officials with Martinez's union, District Council 9 of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, did not return a phone call yesterday. L&L Painting, which employs about 300 people, is working as a subcontractor for a Yonkers, Tully, Pegno joint venture under contract with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. According to OSHA records, the agency fined L&L several times in the past six years, but the violations didn't involve fatalities. The fines ranged from several hundred dollars to several thousand and included citations for scaffolding defects and inadequate fall-protection equipment. Staff writers Carrie Mason-Draffen, Graham Rayman and Tom Demoretcky contributed to this story.

Construction worker tumbles to death from ninth storey
The Gazette Wednesday, June 25, 2003
Fatal fall at construction site: Second major accident in two weeks at new e-commerce project downtown. A construction worker in his 40s plunged almost 30 metres to his death Monday at the site of the Cité de la Commerce Électronique after part of a platform he was working on collapsed. The work-related death was the second major accident in two weeks at the construction site, the future home of the provincial government subsidized e-commerce complex. Urgences Santé technicians travelling south in an ambulance on Crescent St. watched the final seconds of the worker's descent before he landed in a pile of rubble. The worker, whose name has not been made public, had ventured onto a platform on the ninth floor, where the safety jacks had apparently been removed. It took several minutes to free the man from the debris. He was pronounced dead at a hospital. The construction site is at the corner of René Lévesque Blvd. and Lucien L'Allier St. The Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail, the provincial workplace health and safety board, has opened an investigation of the death. On June 10, a pedestrian suffered a broken leg when a load of steel pipes fell from a crane and rolled over him. After that accident, the board was called in to investigate and immediately found flaws in the safety process. The sidewalk between the crane and the construction site had not been closed to pedestrians and there were no clear markings to warn passers-by of the danger.

UPDATE Crane falls at construction site, injuring worker
An internal investigation continues today to determine why a section of a crane fell six feet onto a construction worker's leg at the site of what will be a new indoor football practice facility adjacent to Jack Trice Stadium. Leslie Johnson, 46, of Omaha, Neb., was part of a three-man crew that was shortening the crane's boom on Wednesday afternoon. A section fell on his left leg trapping him for a matter of minutes. He was freed by workers with equipment on the construction site before fire and medical crews arrived to stabilize him. Johnson was taken to Mary Greeley Medical Center where he was treated for a broken leg and listed in fair condition Wednesday night. A hospital spokesman said this morning that Johnson had been transferred, but no further details were available. "One of the things that really helped was the fast reaction of the employees that were here, that realized the situation and got other equipment on site to the scene and got things under control," said Mike Tousley, the president of the eitz Co. The 60-ton crane had its boom resting on the ground when the accident occurred. Workers were removing several pins from a joint in the boom when a section fell to the ground and injured Johnson, Tousley said. The crane was being shortened to pick up and place a section of steel, he said. "All proper safety issues were followed," Tousley said. He would not comment on how the accident occurred or the process that workers go through when dismantling a crane's boom. Tousley cited the ongoing investigation as the reason for not offering many details of the accident. The Weitz Company is the project's contractor and the company that hired the crane subcontractor, J.P. Cullen & Sons, Inc., which is based in Wisconsin. Johnson was employed by the Cullen company, Tousley said. The $9.6 million practice facility is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year. Construction crews sent many workers home a few hours early on Wednesday. Workers returned this morning. Tousley estimated 15 to 20 workers were on the construction site when the accident occurred. "It was a tough situation for everyone involved," Tousley said. "Everyone was concerned with the welfare of the employee."

Construction Worker Injured In Memorial Stadium Renovation
POSTED: 8:52 a.m. CDT June 20, 2003
NORMAN, Okla. -- A construction worker is in critical condition after falling 68 feet from the new second deck being built on the University of Oklahoma football stadium. Ian Cox, 19, suffered a broken back and brain swelling, officials said Thursday. Project officials said they haven't completed an investigation into the accident, but said Cox fell about 1 p.m. Wednesday while working on handrails at the Gaylord Family-Oklahoma Memorial Stadium. "It was just a freak accident," said Mark Rose, a spokesman for Advanced Masonry, a subcontractor on the project.

Two injured at American Tobacco
By: News 14 Carolina Staff
Two men working on renovations at the American Tobacco Complex are recovering from an onsite accident. The two were on scaffolding about 15 feet in the air when part of a brick wall fell and knocked them to the ground. Both were taken to the hospital with minor injuries.

Punctured gas line leaves many without
June 21, 2003
Two major Camarillo retail centers and hundreds of residents were without gas Friday as Southern California Gas Co. employees worked to restore service to about 1,000 customers after a line was struck by a construction worker. The stores of Target Center, Camarillo Outlets and Old Town Camarillo were among those whose gas was cut off when the worker hit a 6-inch line while installing a storm drain at 21 Lewis Road, near Highway 101, in conjunction with a highway project. Shortly before 1 p.m., fire officials got a call about the break. While workers tried to isolate where the line was damaged, the company shut off gas south of the freeway from Lewis Road west to Las Posas Road. Traffic on Ventura Boulevard was redirected. Gas Co. officials expected employees to work all night Friday repairing the line. Tags with a phone number to call to have service restored were left on doors where occupants were not home. Anyone who still doesn't have gas service today should call (800) 427-2200.

Water main ruptures in city of Shasta Lake
Scott Mobley Record Searchlight June 20, 2003 — 2:12 a.m.
Shasta Lake officials asked residents to squelch their water use Thursday while crews fixed a ruptured main. Some 30 households around the Montana Street leak went without water much of the day. Workers had to cut them off to replace about a foot of severed steel pipe. The leak hit the city's 50-year-old main transmission line, which brings in water from the west, said Chuck Robinson, water treatment supervisor. "It was kind of a fluke," Robinson said. "We get leaks all the time. This one just happened to be in a bad spot." The Bella Vista Water District shipped Shasta Lake some water to help it survive until crews finished repairing the line around 3 p.m. The two jurisdictions help each other out in emergencies under an agreement inked during the early-1990s drought. The pipe ruptured shortly after 3 a.m. Thursday. The city lost about 120,000 gallons of water over the next 12 hours, Robinson estimates. The city of Shasta Lake typically consumes 4 million to 5 million gallons of water per day. Jose Castro, a lead worker for the city's public works department, blamed the leak on construction damage. A grader had scratched the pipe where it burst, he said.

Parent Category: Incident Alert Archives
Category: Construction Accidents

Construction Accidents Page #7

This page was last updated on  05/06/2010

East Mall fire bill tipped to exceed $10,000
Friday, 20 June 2003
THE DAMAGE bill could be up to $20,000 following a fire in two adjacent residential units in the East Mall on Wednesday afternoon. The fire, on the first floor above the Uphill and Schaefer Real Estate office, started in the roof of one of the units. Three builders who had been working on a renovation of the units were treated by ambulance officers for smoke inhalation after they had attempted to put the fire out. Police said that, during some welding operations, the sparking had ignited and ceiling wood work had also caught fire. Armidale Fire Brigade station officer, Mick Howard, said firemen wearing breathing apparatus used a pressure fan to ventilate the roof void. The fire was extinguished and salvage work carried out. "The roof was severely damaged in one unit and the remainder of the upper levels were damaged by heat, smoke and water," Officer Howard said. "Water went through the floor of one of the units, so there was also minor water damage in the Uphill and Schaefer office below. Officer Howard estimated that damage would run between $10,000 and $20,000.

Worker Critically Injured In 20-Foot Fall
HOUSTON -- A construction worker was injured when he fell into a ditch in northeast Houston Thursday. Officials said a piece of construction equipment snapped, and a cable hit the 27-year-old man in the chest. He then fell into a 20-foot hole, according to authorities. The accident happened around noon on Dell Dale, near Wallisville. The victim, who was not identified, was transported by Lifeflight to Memorial Hermann Hospital. He is listed in critical condition. The accident is under investigation.

Man injured in fall from ladder
June 19, 2003
A Giles County man was seriously injured Thursday afternoon in a 20-foot fall from a ladder. Contractor Robbie O'Malley was working on a barn in the Blue Creek area when a gust of wind knocked another worker's ladder into the ladder on which O'Malley was standing. The Giles County Ambulance Service met O'Malley on the way to Richland School and transported him to the school grounds where he was airlifted to Vanderbilt University Medical Center. O'Malley suffered serious bruises, two broken wrists, a crushed left arm and several head injuries requiring 20 stitches. Doctors will decide this week if further treatment or surgery is required. O'Malley said he has received numerous calls from his friends and customers since the accident and is pleased that his employees are continuing to maintain his business obligations as he recuperates.

Police: Construction Worker Hit By Drunken Driver; Richardson Is In Good Condition
WEST JEFFERSON, Ohio -- A man is in jail after police said he hit a construction worker with his pickup truck Wednesday while driving drunk on Interstate 70 in Madison County. Police said Ronald G. Delozier II, of Grove City, was traveling east through a construction zone when he struck Robert E. Richardson with his Toyota pickup truck while the worker was standing about 3 or 4 feet inside the closed right lane. Richardson was taken by medical helicopter to The Ohio State University Medical Center with possible internal injuries. He is listed in good condition. Several motorists said they saw Delozier's pickup truck moving erratically and recklessly for several miles before the accident. Police said that as Delozier approached the work crew, he swerved into the closed right lane and struck several orange barrels and the construction worker. The worker was thrown to the ground, police said. Police said Delozier slowed down, but then returned to the open left lane and continued driving. A fellow worker got into an Ohio Department of Transportation truck and chased Delozier, forcing him to the shoulder of the road. Delozier is in the Tri-County Jail in Mechanicsburg. He is charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, aggravated vehicular assault, hit-skip and failure to control a motor vehicle. Delozier is scheduled to appear in court Friday.

UPDATE Investigation continues in accident at Carquinez Bridge
Benicia The investigation continues today into an accident that left a construction worker injured on the new span of the Carquinez Bridge. Authorities say the man was on a catwalk up the north tower of the new span when a cable broke, wrapped around him and knocked him to the floor of the catwalk. The cable which broke is used to move buckets of paint, tools and other equipment up and down the tower. Officials say the man was saved from falling 200 feet to the water by bars along the sides of the catwalk. He suffered abdominal injuries and cuts. Construction on the bridge began in 2000 -- and officials say this is one of the more serious accidents in a relatively safe three years. The new span is set to open in November.

UPDATE Underground Services (1983) Ltd. fined $150,000 for health and safety violation
BELLEVILLE, ON, June 19 /CNW/ - Underground Services (1983) Ltd., a Bolton, Ont. construction company, was fined $150,000 on June 17, 2003 for a violation of the Occupational Health and Safety Act that resulted in the death of two workers. On October 26, 2001, workers were removing "jersey barriers" (concrete road barriers) at a highway road and bridge repair project when a cable on a crane, which was being used to lift the barriers, came in contact with a 44,000-volt overhead power line. The incident occurred as one of the workers, who had been signalling the crane operator, went to speak to a second worker. At the time, the crane was in a stopped position. While the signal worker's back was turned, the crane started to back up and the second worker yelled for the signal worker to alert the crane operator of the nearby overhead wires. However, before the signal worker could warn the operator, the crane's cable came in contact with the power line, which was located 11.58 metres (37 feet, 11 inches) above the highway, and the crane became energized. The signal worker was electrocuted while trying to get between the crane and centre median to warn the operator. The operator was electrocuted while trying to leave the crane's cab, possibly after seeing the signal worker fall. Both workers died as a result of their injuries. The incident occurred on Highway 401 near Highway 62 in Belleville. Underground Services (1983) Ltd. had been contracted by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation to conduct the highway repairs on Highway 401 between overpasses on Highways 37 and 62. Underground Services had, in turn, contracted some of the work to a crane company, which employed the two deceased workers. As constructor, Underground Services had overall responsibility for the safety of all employers and workers on the project. Underground Services (1983) Ltd. pleaded guilty, as the constructor, to failing to ensure warning signs were posted in prominent locations where there was a potential hazard from energized overhead power lines, as required by Section 44 of the Regulations for Construction Projects. This was contrary to Section 23(1)(a) of the act. The fine was imposed by Justice of the Peace Sheila Matchett of the Ontario Court of Justice in Belleville. In addition, the court imposed a 25- per-cent victim fine surcharge, as required by the Provincial Offences Act.

Officials look into San Pablo accident; Livermore man crushed
By Scott Steinberg STAFF WRITER Thursday, June 19, 2003
State safety officials are investigating a San Pablo construction accident that killed a Livermore man this week. Sathaniel Menzie was crush-ed to death Tuesday while demolishing a former Chinese restaurant, which also was once a bank, officials said. The 31-year-old was sweeping debris near the area of a gutted walk-in safe when the vault's door toppled, killing him instantly, the Contra Costa County coroner's office said. A spokeswoman for the state Occupational Safety and Health Administration said the door of the vault was left standing because the contractor intended to salvage it. The department is trying to determine how the door was supported structurally, OSHA spokeswoman Susan Gard said, adding that an investigation could take a few months. San Pablo Sgt. Ken Bays said the door was standing by itself and did not appear to be secured by other walls. But he said the police department was confident it was an industrial death. "It was obvious the construction guys were pretty shaken up," Bays said. Another employee used an excavator to lift the door off Menzie. The door was about 10 feet tall, 6 feet wide, and 16 inches thick, the sergeant said. Ken Manning, owner of Soil Enterprises Inc., would not comment about the accident. The company's job was to finish demolishing the Jasmine Restaurant and clean up the site. The state previously has cited the demolition company for workplace violations, Gard said. In December 1998, CalOSHA fined the company $3,000 for a violating hard-hat rules, and $125 for having an earth-hauling vehicle without a windshield or lights. In November 1994, CalOSHA fined the company $262 for not supplying a written assessment of the hazards of a particular demolition job, and $87 for missing an element of the employee injury and illness prevention program. Following the passage of stricter employee safety legislation in 2000, the price of workplace violations are costlier. OSHA can levy fines up to $70,000.

Construction worker drowns while taking a break
The Associated Press - TOWNVILLE, S.C.
A Georgia construction worker has died after he jumped into Lake Hartwell to clean up, authorities say. Witnesses said Moises Aguilar, 17, struggled as soon as he jumped into the lake Tuesday afternoon, and soon disappeared, County coroner Karl Addis said. Sheriffs Office divers found Aguilars body about an hour later, Addis said. Aguilar, of Calhoun, Ga., and a co-worker decided to take a swim after getting dirty working on a company van, the coroner said. Aguilar was part of a crew building a house on the lake, Addis said.

Portion of building being demolished collapses
The Associated Press 6/18/03 11:17 PM
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) -- The body of a construction worker was found Wednesday night in the rubble of a partially collapsed downtown building. A Michigan State Police cadaver dog located the body about 10:30 p.m. EDT, Lt. Larry Frye said. The victim's name was not immediately released. The body was to be released to the Kent County Medical Examiner's Office after it was removed from the accident scene, radio station WOOD-AM reported. State safety regulators were to begin an investigation Thursday, the station said. The collapse occurred shortly after 11 a.m. just inside Welsh Auditorium, a portion of the Grand Rapids Convention Center that was due for demolition Sunday as part of a $212 million renovation project. "We know that there were two men working within an enclosed stairwell in Welsh Auditorium," said Annette Guilfoyle, spokeswoman for the city of Grand Rapids. "One left to get tools and when he returned, there'd been a collapse within a stairwell. One worker is unaccounted for." The missing man's parents and pastor were called to the scene, she said. The structure is attached to the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel by a second-floor skywalk. The two workers were at the top of the first floor when the accident occurred, Guilfoyle said. Rescuers used plastic buckets to scoop debris away from the scene and 150 construction workers from the site volunteered to help clear a path, she said. Authorities said engineers surveyed the structure to determine how to continue with rescue efforts. Crews used a special search camera obtained from a fire equipment exhibition at nearby DeVos Hall to assist rescue efforts. "They had a small piece of conduit and fed the camera into the search site," Guilfoyle said. Jon Nunn, executive director of The Grand Action, a private organization that helped put together the convention center development deal, said workers recently had begun asbestos abatement efforts in Welsh Auditorium. The auditorium was to be demolished and replaced by a 40,000 square foot ballroom, part of an expansion and renovation project that when completed was expected to cover about 1 million square feet, Nunn said.

Man Trapped Under Crane
A construction worker is in the hospital tonight after being trapped beneath a crane in Ames. It turned into a very scary afternoon for the Less Johnson and those who rescued him. At about 1:30 this afternoon there were roughly twenty workers at Jack Trice Stadium when a sixty ton crane came crashing down. Weitz Construction company and some subcontractors were trying to take apart sections of the crane's boom. It took three men to get the job done, but something went wrong. The crane was about six feet in the air when it fell to the ground pinning 46-year-old Johnson beneath it. The crane landed mainly on Johnson's left leg. His fellow construction workers were able to free him in a matter of minutes. Construction workers are still trying to figure out what caused the crane to drop. Johnson, is in fair condition at Mary Greeley Medical Center with a broken leg. Severe weather did hit this area this afternoon, but the president of the construction company says that had nothing to do with the accident.

Worker Bruised in Bridge Accident
Posted: June 17, 2003 at 3:43 p.m.
VALLEJO (BCN) -- Vallejo resident Ron Hinds suffered bruises but no broken bones or internal injuries when he was hit by a tramway line on the new westbound Carquinez Bridge this morning, Caltrans spokesman Bart Ney said this afternoon. Hinds will probably be held overnight at the John Muir Trauma Center in Walnut Creek for observation, Ney said. The Vallejo Fire Department reported Hinds was injured this morning when a 2-inch diameter feeding cable broke and struck him around 7 a.m. Ney said Hinds was taking down a temporary tramway when he was hit by the line and rolled about 20 feet down a footbridge on the new span of the bridge now under construction. Hinds works as a laborer for the FCI Constructors Inc. and Cleveland Bridge Inc. joint venture companies constructing the new span, Ney said. The accident happened on the northwest side of the bridge on the catwalk just under the main support cables, fire department spokesman Bill Tweedy said. Firefighters packaged the worker in full cervical spine precautions and used high angle rescue equipment to lower the worker to the ground with a braking system and a stokes basket, Tweedy said. Nine firefighters responded and the injured worker was on the ground 42 minutes after the original call was received, Tweedy said. Ney said the accident didn't cause any traffic backup other than that of the normal morning commute. The $200 million project is expected to be completed by the end of the year. The new span will have three mixed flow traffic lanes, a carpool lane and a pedestrian-bicycle path.

3 hurt in East High construction accident
Three construction workers were taken by ambulance to Wesley Medical Center today after some scaffolding they were working on collapsed outside East High School. Wichita Fire Department battalion Chief Mike Menges said two of the men fell 18 to 20 feet to the ground when the wooden scaffolding gave way. The third escaped a fall but ended up with his leg pinned by some concrete blocks. Rescue crews said one worker sustained minor injuries while two others had potentially serious injuries. Their names were not immediately released. School district spokeswoman Susan Arensman said the three were working on a new gymnasium when the accident occurred about 1:30 p.m. Two workers badly burned in explosion. Two construction workers suffered severe burns and smoke inhalation this afternoon when a chemical they were using to waterproof a house ignited. "It was a big boom," said Miguel Briceno, a third construction worker who was not injured. "It threw me to the ground." The men were using a petroleum-based material to fill a crack in the back of a home, 902 N. Lawrence Lane. The material somehow ignited, caused a flash and started a fire in the back of the home, Wichita Fire Battalion Chief Mike Menges said.

Workers survive cave-in
By Barb Ickes
A dramatic rescue that enlisted some 30 workers from a nearby bridge construction project ended with one victim helping save the other. Two workers from Peoria-based Custom Underground were standing above a hole in a ditch just south of the Rock River bridge in Moline while laying cable Wednesday afternoon when the ground suddenly gave way. Both were sent tumbling into the hole with dirt pouring in behind them. One of the men was buried only to his knees and was able to quickly escape, but the soil completely buried the second man. Neither victim was immediately identified by police. The 2:15 p.m. accident occurred at precisely the right place, though — just yards from an Interstate 74 bridge construction site where a crew of workers, trained in excavation rescue, heard screams for help and rushed to the collapsed hole. As workers from Civil Contractors dug furiously at the dirt with shovels and hoes, the victim who had escaped the hole climbed into a track hoe and began removing dirt with the precision of a tablespoon. Meanwhile, workers from Civil Contractors laid plywood on the roadway and began cutting pieces to fit into the hole, creating walls to hold back the dirt. Others held a sheet over the hole to protect the victim from the afternoon sun while employees of the nearby Montana Jacks restaurant kept the rescuers supplied with cold water. Portions of 27th Street were barricaded by police during the nearly three-hour rescue effort, fearing the weight and vibration of passing vehicles would cause further collapse. The street closing forced drivers to find alternate routes in an area already heavily congested by the I-74 construction project near the Quad-City International Airport. At one point, Civil Contractors workers rushed a power saw into the hole when they realized the victim's foot was stuck in an underground pipe. Nearby, a MedForce helicopter landed on a dime at the Interstate 280 overpass, waiting to transport the victim to a nearby hospital. Throughout the ordeal, the victim reportedly continued to communicate with his rescuers, who took turns holding an intravenous fluids bag over the hole. Bradley Forret, the president of Laborers' Local 309 in Rock Island, rushed to the scene after hearing about the accident. He initially feared the victims were from Civil Contractors, many of whom are members of his union. "This is what all that training paid for," he said, his voice trembling. "We get to send two guys home to their wives and kids today. "All these men just jumped in, no questions asked," he said. "They heard them calling out for help and dropped everything they were doing." As firefighters and paramedics stood ready with a stretcher, Forret crossed himself and looked to the ominous clouds moving toward the rescue site. "It's truly amazing, these workers standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the rain coming," he said, the emotion obvious in his voice. "It makes you want to get up again in the morning, doesn't it? "Rain could really cause some problems here," he said nervously. "But they're getting close, got to be getting close." As the helicopter fired up its engines, a body board was lowered into the hole. Moments later, the board and the victim emerged. And as the chopper rose from the roadway, the first raindrops fell.

Work crews strike gas line
News Herald reports
CLAY TOWNSHIP -- A construction crew broke a gas line on Smith Drive north of Genoa city limits Monday afternoon. Bergman Paving was working in the 1500 block of Smith Drive, and about 1:30 p.m. Clay Township police received a call that workers struck a gas line, according to police reports. The Allen-Clay Joint Fire District was called and checked out the scene. No one was evacuated, and the gas company was called to repair the damage, police reported.

Floor Collapses In Hotel Under Construction
HOUSTON -- Part of a hotel floor under construction in downtown Houston collapsed Wednesday afternoon, officials told News2Houston. A 20-by-30-foot section of the eighth floor of the old Texas State Hotel, 720 Fannin at Capitol, caved in and fell to the basement around 3:30 p.m. Witnesses described the collapse as a loud series of explosions. "It was boom, boom, boom, boom -- from the ninth floor on down," said Roy Vargas. "And then the smoke, then the glass. And I looked at my customers and we were like, 'Man, did you see that?'" All of the 50 workers inside the 300-room building were accounted for and no injuries were reported, officials said. The workers were stationed on the ninth floor or higher when the collapse happened. A worker told News2Houston that they were working with pneumatic jackhammers at the time, and the vibrations may have contributed to the collapse. The 75-year-old hotel has been under renovation since February. The building has 16 floors in the 200,000-square foot structure. It was built in 1926 and has been vacant since the 1980s. In 1931, seven Houstonians met at the hotel for lunch and created what became the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, one of the Houston's largest annual events. Last month, firefighters were called to the same hotel for a fire on the 12th floor. A torch in an elevator shaft was believed to the cause. No one was injured in the fire. The cause of the cave-in is under investigation.

15:00 - 17 June 2003
An Investigation is under way into the death of a Bath building company worker from a fall at the city's new spa development. Today police and the Health and Safety Executive were due to visit the city centre site for the first time since the incident to carry out an inspection. John Cox fell several feet while checking work on the £23m project, which is due to be opened in August. Mr Cox, who was born in Bath, was taken to the Royal United Hospital. But he died two weeks later of his head injuries after being transferred to Frenchay Hospital in Bristol. Mr Cox had worked for Mowlem, the spa project's main contractor, for 26 years. The 54-year-old was carrying out inspection and snagging works at the site when he fell. Det Sgt Mike Porter, who is leading the police investigation, said that they were trying to establish how Mr Cox sustained his head injury. "There are no other parties involved. We are looking at this as an industrial accident. We are simply investigating the circumstances surrounding it." An i nquest is likely to be held later this year. A spokeswoman for the HSE, the Government body responsible for workplace safety, said it was in the early stages of its investigation. "All we know at this stage is that he fell from a height of several metres and sustained serious head injuries. "There were no witnesses to the incident." Mr Cox lived for most of his life in Bath before moving to Kingswood, Bristol. He was educated at the former Westhill School, now known as Culverhay, and later worked as a carpenter. He was a member of the Exiles (Bath) Cricket Club from the age of 15. A statement from Mowlem, whose Bath-based Ernest Ireland arm is carrying out the spa work, said: "We can confirm that Arthur John Cox (known as John) has died as a result of a serious head injury suffered in an accident at our Bath spa project. "We extend our deepest sympathies to John's family and friends, particularly his wife, son and daughter." A spokesman for Bath and North East Somerset Council's spa project team said staff wanted to express their sympathy to Mr Cox's family. Mr Cox, who fell last month and died earlier this month, had been transferred from the RUH to Frenchay Hospital in Bristol.

Louisiana man's fatal 1,200-foot fall investigated
The Associated Press 6/17/03 1:57 PM
GOEHNER, Neb. (AP) -- A faulty piece of safety equipment may have led to the death of a worker who fell 1,200 feet from a television transmission tower, the Seward County sheriff said. Carlos J. Munoz, 22, of West Monroe, La., was attached to the tower through a harness system moments before he fell, Sheriff Joe Yocum said. A piece of the harness system apparently hooked to the tower was found bent "at a disturbing angle," Yocum said Tuesday. "That definitely jumps off the page at me," he said. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration was called in to help with the investigation. Yocum said the federal investigators will be asked to help inspect and analyze the safety equipment, including the bent piece. Munoz was one of the five employees of SpectraSite Broadcast Group of Irving, Texas, who had been working on the 1,500-foot tower 30 miles west of Lincoln for the last two weeks, Yocum said. The crew had been working to reinforce the KOLN/KGIN transmission tower after a high-definition television antenna was added to it last fall, Yocum said. "We're working together with OSHA and local authorities to investigate the incident fully. We have no further comment at this time," said Noreen Allen, a spokeswoman for SpectraSite's corporate headquarters in Cary, N.C. It was the state's fourth death involving a tower accident in the last 14 months. All involved workers who were performing tasks associated with upgrading towers for high-definition television transmissions. In September, two men were killed when a 1,965-foot television tower collapsed near Hemingford as they worked reinforce it. Another man was killed in April 2002 by falling debris from a 1,524-foot tower near Bassett. In the latest accident, the victim was one of three workers who were on the tower, and two others were on the ground when the accident happened about 4:40 p.m. CDT Monday, Yocum said. "The others say the victim was attached to the tower moments before he fell," Yocum said. "We are going to focus our investigation on the harness system and safety equipment in place at the time."

Worker Hurt in Blast
SOUTHAMPTON TWP., NJ-June 17, 2003 — Medics are rushing to help at least one injured person at a New Jersey construction company after a tank exploded on the job this morning. It happened at the D'Amico Concrete Plant in Southampton Township, where officials say an air tank has exploded. The explosion has injured one person. A medical chopper is heading to the scene to fly the victim to a local hospital. There's no word on the person's condition, and no word yet on what caused the tank to explode. Stay tuned to Action News throughout the morning for more about breaking story as it becomes available.

Workers' tools spark blaze in SJU dormitory basement
By Tien-Shun Lee 06/12/2003
An electrical worker was burned when a flash fire broke out last Thursday in the basement of one of the St. John's University dormitories. A flash fire broke out in the basement of a St. John's University dormitory around 2 p.m. last Thursday, causing burns to the face and chest of a worker who was installing equipment to improve cell-phone reception in the building. About 60 firemen responded to the call, and the fire in a storage utility room of Hollis Hall was under control within 10 minutes, said Sean Johnson, a spokesman for the Fire Department. "Aside from the worker being injured, it was a fairly minor incident," said Jody Fisher, a spokesman for the university. The injured worker was taken to Cornell Medical Center in Manhattan, where he was in stable condition on Tuesday. He was one of two employees of the Highland Construction Co. in Rockland County who were installing the equipment at the university's dormitory. The second worker was not injured. According to Fisher, the two workers were installing the electrical equipment side by side, using handheld tools that emitted sparks. Sparks from the tool of one of the workers fell into a bucket filled with a type of glue substance as he was mounting the equipment on the wall. The glue ignited in a flash, burning the worker in the face and chest. Fisher said he did not know what the glue substance was. Calls to the Highland Construction Co. were not returned. At the time of the fire, the dormitory was closed to students for the summer and occupied only by a person at the front desk and one or two other employees, Fisher said. The few employees were evacuated from the building when the Fire Department responded. "The fire was very far away from the employees, in a basement room made out of cinder-block construction," Fisher said. "And there's fire-proofing material throughout the entire building." Fisher said he was glad that the injured worker's condition had improved. The cell-phone antenna work would be finished at a later date, he said.

Fire leaves Norwalk man severely burned
NORWALK - Ramiro Rodriguez, 29, who was severely burned in a Norwalk house fire on Saturday, is still in critical condition at Bridgeport Hospital's burn unit. Rodriguez was installing a new roof in Norwalk when a propane torch ignited the fire. He has burns on more than 80 percent of his body. Sergio Rodriguez, Ramiro's brother, finds it hard to cope with what happened. He was also on the roof Saturday and suffered minor burns to his forehead and right arm. Sergio says he did not see the fire when it started but looked across the roof when he heard his brother screaming. He says he desperately tried to get to his brother who was being engulfed in flames. He said the fire's intense heat forced him away. A co-worker, Antonia Sandow, was also injured in the fire and was treated at Norwalk Hospital for minor burns.

Bridge Construction Worker Crushed To Death
June 16, 2003
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- A construction worker on the Wonderwood Connector project was killed Monday morning by a falling concrete piling. A Fire-Rescue spokesman said the man working on the western approach to the bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway was crushed by a concrete pillar being set in place. Jacksonville Sheriff's Office homicide investigators were called to the scene. "A concrete post snapped in half," JSO Lt. Mike Beckmann said. "It was up on a large crane and (workers were) securing it. It snapped in half and struck him." The man's identity was not released, pending the notification of his family. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration will also investigate the death. The death occurred on the 2-mile, $36.8 million Wonderwood project, which will connect east Arlington to Mayport. "Our hearts go out to the family, and we will do everything we can to help ease their pain," the contractor, Eby Construction Co., said in a statement. Construction on the site was suspended until Wednesday. This is the second death of a worker on the Wonderwood Connector project. Last July, 51-year-old Beverly Brittain drowned when she dove into the water off a tugboat to free the tug's propeller.

Fire Damages Hinsdale Church
Sunday, June 15, 2003, 10:37 a.m.By Bob Roberts WBBM Newsradio 780
(Hinsdale) -- Fire caused minor damage to a church in west suburban Hinsdale. But the senior minister of the Union Church, Verlee Copeland, says "we have a lot to be thankful for," and says services will go forward as scheduled on Sunday at the church at 137 S. Garfield Ave. Copeland says firefighters blame the fire on a welding accident. Construction is going forward on an addition to the church complex near the spot where the fire began. Copeland says the church organ was located beneath the section of roof that caught fire. She says it "was a bit out of tune" but playable after firefighters finished putting out the fire, and that giant fans were being used to draw the smoke out of the sanctuary. But she says it should not prevent services from taking place, and says when the average person walked through the sanctuary it's impossible to tell where the fire occurred. Nonetheless, Copeland says the organ will be checked in the coming week to make sure there is no serious damage. Firefighters from eight suburs battled the fire, breaking through the roof to put it out. One firefighter required treatment for heat exhaustion, but was not hospitalized.

Fall injures worker
A worker was flown to a Baltimore trauma hospital Saturday after falling more than 15 feet off a building under construction in Parole, county police said. Nicholas Ritzer, 28, of Damascus, was taken to the Shock-Trauma Center at University Hospital, where he was in serious condition this morning, a hospital spokesman said. Mr. Ritzer and another man were putting up roofing trusses on the building at 2623 Riva Road about 11 a.m. when one broke and hit them, causing Mr. Ritzer to fall, police said. He suffered a large cut to his head, back pain and told paramedics he had diffculty feeling his lower extremities, police said. The other worker, William Manges, 30, of Emmittsburg, did not fall and declined medical treatment at the scene, police said.

Worker killed in brick wall fall
A MAN was killed when a 3m wall of bricks fell on his him at a Sydney building site today. Police said the wall of bricks, which had only just been laid, collapsed on to the 50-year-old man about 10am (AEST) today. The man was one of five workers at the unit block construction site in Military Road at North Bondi. WorkCover and police were investigating.

Steel and Tube worker hurt in accident
17 June 2003 By JOHN HENZELL
A Christchurch workman has suffered a crushed leg in an accident at Steel and Tube. The man was taken to hospital by ambulance after the accident at the Blenheim Road distribution centre about 5.30pm yesterday. No further details were available. The accident is being investigated by Occupational Safety and Health. Last month, Christchurch Coroner Richard McElrea heard that Steel and Tube had made big improvements in its safety practices since the death of contract truck driver Rory Herrick at the Blenheim Road site in October 1999. Mr Herrick, 27, was getting something from his toolbox while securing a load of steel rods on to his semi-trailer when a forklift nudged a wooden pallet the rods were on, sending them crashing from the deck of the truck. He died instantly. At the time, Steel and Tube had recently introduced a health and safety policy that made it mandatory for forklift drivers to attend safety courses. The forklift driver had not yet attended the course. A prosecution of Steel and Tube ended with te company being discharged without conviction. Judge Graeme Noble found that "the nature of the offending had nothing whatsoever to do with the unfortunate fatality". The inquest was told that in June last year, Steel and Tube reached its goal of no lost-time accidents in the previous 12 months compared with 86 such accidents in 1996.

Welder sparks small fire at A.C. condos
From Press staff reports
ATLANTIC CITY - A contractor sparked a minor fire on the sixth floor of a high-rise building Wednesday while working with a welding torch, fire officials said. Firefighters responded to the Ritz condominium building at 2715 Boardwalk at 3:10 p.m., authorities said. The sixth floor had filled with smoke after the contractor, who was cutting a steel beam while doing remodeling work, sparked the fire when the welding torch ignited debris in the wall, Battalion Chief Charles Ritzel said. Firefighters controlled the flames quickly by using a small hose the contractor had on hand as part of the fire code safety requirements necessary for welding work, the chief said. Firefighters were at the scene for about 50 minutes and damage to the building was minimal.

Worker struck by semi in I-80 construction zone
ELKO, Nev. (AP) - A Nevada Department of Transportation worker was injured Thursday when he was struck by a semi in a construction zone on Interstate 80 east of Elko. Ron Holt, 50, Elko, was flown to Northeastern Nevada Regional Hospital in Elko following the 10:30 a.m. accident, Nevada Highway Patrol Trooper Rocky Gonzalez said. Rescuers told radio station KELK that Holt was conscious and stable but suffering from internal injuries. Gonzalez said he suffered two broken legs and a broken pelvis as well as head trauma. The westbound trucker, Marion Klocek, 53, Chicago, was hauling a load of frozen food. He was not hurt. Authorities said he was able to brake and steer sharply while trying to avoid the worker. The highway patrol was investigating. Gonzalez said a preliminary review indicated Holt was working in a closed zone but may have stepped into the travel lane. Witness told authorities the worker was thrown into the median by the impact but was not run over. The interstate's westbound lanes were closed for about an hour backing up traffic 2 to 3 miles.

Worker Trapped In Sewer Pipe
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. -- A dramatic rescue to free a construction worker trapped in a sewer pipe ended well Wednesday and the victim could be out of the hospital later today. The construction worker was working on a sewer line on Northwest 6th Avenue in Fort Lauderdale when his foot was sucked into the sand. Rescue crews and coworkers spent nearly two hours digging him out, at times digging by hand. For some coworkers the accident serves as a reminder of how dangerous the job can be. "Everyday we come to work and you know you think about it -- it's safety. Safety first man. It's got to be safety first and this is something that just happened in the spur of the moment and you think it's not such a deep hole -- that it won't happen and it happens," said one worker. Once freed, the man was taken to Broward General Medical Center for treatment. Luckily he suffered only a sore back.

Construction Mishap Traps 2 Workers in Pit
By Karl B. Hille The Winchester Star
Two workmen were trapped in a hole by the boom of a 4-ton industrial forklift Wednesday when the vehicle's body slipped into an adjacent pit. Lt. Kevin Yost of the Winchester Fire and Rescue Department said the men were freed by quick-thinking coworkers and escaped serious harm. "They were unpinned when we got here," he said. "A couple of other workers raised the arm a little on the lift and freed them." The men, who have not been identified, were taken to Winchester Medical Center with non-life-threatening injuries. Yost said they were conscious and talking when they were transported. A worker who declined to give his name walks away from the scene of a construction accident Wednesday on Jubal Early Drive. This 4-ton industrial forklift slipped into a trench, causing the front lift to tilt down and trap two men in an adjacent pit. The men were spared from serious injuries thanks to the quick-thinking rescue efforts of their coworkers. A WMC nursing supervisor would not comment on their condition, citing a federal patient confidentiality law. The law allows hospitals to provide information about patients who sign confidentiality waivers. However, Valley Health System, which operates WMC, enacted a stricter policy denying all patient information to representatives of the media. The men were working around the foundation of the future Children of America building, a child day-care and learning center in the 600 block of West Jubal Early Drive. John Reines, a foreman with Melco Inc., said they were setting a 6-inch pipe through the foundation to feed the building's sprinkler system. "As far as how all this happened, the only people that know are the two people that were in there," Reines said, pointing to the hole where they were trapped. The men work for subcontractor John Morrison Excavation, he said. A John Morrison manager at the scene said he could not identify the men unless authorized by his supervisor.

Worker rescued from Lauderdale trench cave-in
After a massive, 90-minute rescue effort, a construction worker was freed from a sewer trench that collapsed on him Wednesday morning as he worked to lay a new sewer pipe in Fort Lauderdale. The worker, whose name has not been released, apparently suffered a broken ankle, and was taken by ambulance to Broward General Medical Center for treatment. An employee of Miami-based Astaldi Construction, the worker was inside a trench at the 800 block of Northwest Sixth Avenue at about 10:30 a.m. Wednesday when mid-morning rain caused the trench to cave in, trapping him, said Fire Rescue Battalion Chief William Findlan. He tried to push the sand back, creating a vacuum that sucked him deeper into the four-foot-deep hole, eventually covering him waist-deep in wet sand. ''It was a bad situation, but he was never in any danger,'' said Findlan. ``The water wasn't going to rise above his head. But there was a lot of pressure on his body.'' Within five minutes of receiving a 911 call from other construction workers on site, Fort Lauderdale Fire-Rescue dispatched 21 paramedics and rescue specialists. Fire-Rescue water pumps sucked the water from the trench while a front-end loader dug a deeper hole nearby to help drain the water. ''The pumps and hole helped because for a while the mud would slide back into the trench, which just made our job harder,'' Findlan said. Covered in mud and sweating profusely, rescuers hooked up an intravenous line and separately administered nitrous oxide. ''He was in a great deal of pain, so we gave him something to ease that,'' said Findlan. When the man was finally pulled from the hole and placed on a stretcher, cheers erupted among emergency workers and a crowd of onlookers. ''He wasn't saying a whole lot,'' said Shawn Levine, a Fire-Rescue paramedic who had been on the scene since the 911 dispatch. ``He looked like he was going to be all right though.'' Tom McCormick, the program director of the Fort Lauderdale utility unit on the scene said trench collapses are not unusual. Astaldi stopped operations for the day, he added, to emphasize to its workers the importance of following safety rules while performing trench work. ''To be caught by the rain is something that is part of the job,'' he said. ``We make sure everyone knows the rules and are quick to respond if things look dangerous.'' McCormick said he is unsure if there was anything specific the worker could have done to avoid getting trapped. Bobby Day, an Astaldi construction worker who witnessed the accident, said he and his co-workers fear accidents like this. ''You wake up every morning and hope that it doesn't happen and then it happens,'' he said. ``It was bad. When you come in you've got to think, safety first. Always.''

Worker injured in 401 collision
By Daily News Staff Wednesday, June 11, 2003 - 09:00
Local News - Eastbound traffic on Highway 401 west of Chatham had to be diverted for much of Tuesday following a two-vehicle collision, which also resulted in injuries to a construction worker. The two eastbound lanes and one westbound lane were closed for seven hours as Chatham-Kent OPP investigated the collision involving a tractor trailer used for hauling garbage from Toronto and a construction truck. Ernest Arsenault, 30, of Acton, had to be extricated by volunteer firefighters after the vehicle he was travelling in was hit, sending it into a ditch. Staff Sgt. Doug Babbitt said Arsenault was part of a five-vehicle crew involved in repainting lines along the highway when the incident occurred shortly after 10:30 a.m. Arsenault, who was taken to hospital and treated for minor injuries, was in a parked 2002 GMC truck owned by Metro Pavement Markings Ltd. of Acton. Robert Joseph Gerencser, 35, of London, was travelling eastbound on the highway in an unloaded 2003 Volvo tractor-trailer, owned by REDTREE Contract Carriers of Etobicoke, when it collided with the construction truck. He was not injured. "I just saw the (vehicle) fly across. I was the first one down to the guy in the truck," said Joy Laframboise of Amherstburg, who was on her way to Chatham. She said the man, who was suspended upside-down inside the cab, which landed in the median, was conscious, coherent and complaining of neck pain. There was debris from the accident covering approximately 50-100 feet in length and across both lanes and into the centre median. OPP technical traffic collision investigators were at the scene for much of the day. The investigation continues.

Co-workers free man trapped in trench
A 22-year-old West Virginia man was injured Tuesday when he was trapped in a ditch on Old National Pike in Donegal Township. Richard Charnock of Valley Grove was taken by helicopter to UPMC-Presbyterian hospital, Pittsburgh, where he was in good condition Tuesday, according to a hospital spokesman. Donegal Township police said Charnock was trapped in the ditch about 10 a.m. while he was installing a sewer line along the road. It was Charnock's second day on the job with Terra Excavating Inc., which was installing the line for Interstate Trailer Park. Charnock had been removed from the ditch by co-workers before rescue workers arrived.

Owensboro museum catches fire
Reporter: Casey Stegall
Owensboro, KY June 7 -- Firefighters say a roofing company is responsible for a fire at the Owensboro Museum of Fine Art. Bruce's Tri-State Roofing crew members were using a torch while working on the roof when the fire started around 1:30 Friday afternoon. It quickly consumed the roof of the house connected to the museum. The fire was primarily contained to the attic and roof of the Smith House, which connects to the museum. It took four engine companies and about 30 firefighters to finally get the situation under control. The good news is nobody was hurt, and most of the artifacts were saved.

Electrocution confirmed in area worker's death
NEW LONDON — A 30-year-old Hortonville man who died Thursday while working on a highway crew was electrocuted, Outagamie County Coroner Ruth Wulgaert said Friday. An autopsy conducted by a forensic pathologist of the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner's Office confirmed the cause of death for Kevin Johnson, she said. Staff Sgt. Bob Bekx, of the Outagamie County Sheriff's Department, said police investigators were unable to determine the source of the fatal shock, but concluded the death was not suspicious. Johnson was setting off explosives using an electronic detonator when the mishap occurred at about 10:30 a.m. on County D, about three miles south of New London.

Spark ignites gasoline in soil near mall; I-40/75 widening work stops; worker burned by eruption
By DON JACOBS, June 11, 2003
Utility work across from West Town Mall in preparation for widening Interstate 40/75 was halted Tuesday after underground gasoline ignited and burned a worker. Flames shot up a 30-feet deep hole about 8 a.m., burning an employee of a Minnesota drilling company. The worker, Matt Alm, was treated at the University of Tennessee Medical Center and released. The flames were the result of sparks from a steel drill bit that struck rock in the hole that is 6 feet in diameter. "They have ceased that work until they find out what's causing the contamination," said Chris Jenkins, safety coordinator with the Tennessee Department of Transportation. Jenkins said Tri-State Drilling Inc., was drilling the first of four shafts for steel utility poles at the intersection of Kingston Pike and Buckingham Road when the flames erupted. Kingston Pike near the mall is slated for widening as part of the widening project on I-40/75, Jenkins said. Jenkins was unsure Tuesday how the utility work stoppage would affect the overall widening project. Steve Wilson, manager of the underground storage tank program for the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, said the work has been halted until "a contractor can analyze the soil to make sure there are no environmental issues." Soil contaminated with gasoline dug up by the drill was being hauled away Tuesday evening, Wilson said. Flammability readings at the top of the hole after the fire showed the continued presence of gasoline, Wilson said. Because gasoline fumes are heavier than air, Wilson said the flammability reading at the bottom of the 30-feet hole probably would be higher. Wilson said an Exxon gas station used to occupy a corner of the intersection, about 80-feet from where the hole was drilled. The underground gasoline tanks for that station were removed in 1999 and there were no environmental concerns after the removal, he said. But Wilson said the gasoline pocket struck Tuesday would be uphill from where the Exxon gas tanks were in the ground. "At this point, there is a question of where the contamination came from," Wilson said. Workers covered the hole with plywood and cordoned off the area with plastic, yellow tape until work can resume.

Man injured in laundry-room fire
Sunday, June 8, 2003
ENGLEWOOD - A laundry room fire Saturday sent a plumber to the hospital suffering from smoke inhalation, police said. The plumber, whose name was unavailable, was taken to Englewood Hospital and Medical Center, said fire Capt. John McLoughlin. The blaze at the office complex at 15 Engle St. was ignited by a spark thrown off by a plumber welding pipes at the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Center, McLoughlin said. The blaze was reported at 8:28 a.m. and was called under control about 45 minutes later, McLoughlin said. Englewood was assisted by Tenafly, Fort Lee, and Teaneck firefighters. Although the fire was contained to the laundry room, the office complex was evacuated before firefighters arrived. McLoughlin said the fire caused smoke damage throughout the second and third floors of the building.

Worker dies in fall
By Michelle Muellenberg / News Staff Writer Tuesday, June 10, 2003
HUDSON -- A Plymouth construction worker died yesterday morning after suffering head injuries from a 23-foot fall at a Central Street work site. Scott Callender, 37, of 104 Brook Road, Plymouth, was taken by helicopter to UMass Memorial Medical Center University Campus in Worcester, where he was pronounced dead, according to Police Chief Richard Braga. Callender worked for Barnes Building and Management Group of South Weymouth. The company declined to comment. Callender and other employees were working on the construction of a metal-framed building at 282 Central St., Braga said. Police received a call about 7 a.m. that a man had fallen. When officers arrived they found Callender lying on the ground with people trying to assist him. "He was not conscious," Braga said. Callender was working on a metal structure used in roof framing, he said. "Both my department and OSHA are investigating this matter," Braga said. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration compliance officer was on hand yesterday morning, said Richard Fazzio, OSHA's area director in Methuen. "It is an ongoing inspection," he said. Fazzio did not know when the investigation would be complete and said the time varies by case. According to OSHA's Web site, Barnes Building and Management Group has not been the subject of previous accident or health investigations.

Trench Collapses, Kills Worker; Man Dies At Scene
POSTED: 12:20 p.m. PDT June 9, 2003
DIAMOND BAR, Calif. -- A trench collapsed and buried a worker Monday as crews were building a retaining wall at a gated community in Diamond Bar, authorities said. The man died at the scene of the accident that occurred in the 2600 block of Rocky Trail Road about 8 a.m., said Capt. Mark Savage of the Los Angeles County Fire Department. Construction crews were working in the yard of a home when the excavation collapsed upon the man, trapping him, Savage said. Emergency crews, including an Urban Search and Rescue Team, worked to remove the body from the trench.

Worker dies in Hanscom base accident
By Stephen Hagan / CNC Staff Writer Saturday, June 7, 2003
BEDFORD -- In what local officials from the Middlesex County District Attorney's Office claim was an accident, a construction worker was killed Thursday night at Hanscom Air Field during a re-paving project in the parking lot of the airport's Civil Air Terminal. Killed was Gardner's Robert Bourgeois, 43, a worker for the P.J. Keating Co. of Fitchburg. He apparently died when he was crushed by an asphalt grinder, according to Lincoln firefighter Joe Cavanaugh. Cavanaugh said fire officials responded to the emergency call at 9:11 p.m. Thursday. State Police, Lincoln firefighters, Hanscom Air Force Base fire officials and Massport officials responded to the site of the accident, which was located in the town of Lincoln. He said a crew of three was operating the machinery at the time of the accident. They were grinding up the old pavement, said Cavanaugh.. He was found partially under the machinery and he had crushing injuries to his lower extremities and pelvis. He was unconscious when we arrived. Seth Horwitz, press secretary for the Middlesex County District Attorney's Office, said Friday that his office determined the death to be accidental. It was apparently an accident, Horwitz said. There will be no further investigation by our office. Cavanaugh said Bourgeios was being administered CPR and in full cardiac arrest when Lincoln firefighters arrived and was taken by ambulance by paramedics to Emerson Hospital. The emergency helicopter, Boston Med-Flight, had been initially alerted, but according to Cavanaugh, fire officials generally do not use emergency helicopters when victims are suffering a heart attack. Med-Flight operations are based at Hanscom. Cavanaugh said the incident is being investigated by State Police, Massport, and by officials from the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration. He was partially underneath the machine and was being extricated by Hanscom firefighters, said Cavanaugh. Massport spokesman Jose Juves said OSHA officials will investigate the incident and then present their findings to P.J. Keating and state officials. Juves would not speculate on the cause of the accident. It's too early to tell, he said. The investigation is ongoing. It was a milling machine which grinds old asphalt so a new layer can be applied. Juves said the parking lot project had been underway for the past three weeks and added that because of the accident, work on the project has been halted.

Worker grievously injured but not critical after fall
written by MM News - 10 Jun, 2003
A 55-year-old man suffered grave injuries but is not in danger of dying after he fell from a height of one storey in a construction site at Qormi on Tuesday morning. The police report the man, from Naxxar, was taken to hospital by ambulance and given treatment for his grave but not critical injuries. Duty Magistrate Myiam Hayman is conducting an inquiry, while the Qormi District Police are investigating.

Worker Killed By Four-Story Fall
June 10, 2003, 11:07 PM EDT
A 22-year-old concrete worker fell four stories to his death through an elevator shaft Tuesday at the site of a new courthouse in the Bronx, officials said. The man, whom officials did not identify, was pouring concrete on the seventh floor of the Criminal Court site when he backed toward the shaft. He fell to the third floor, said Mary Costello, spokeswoman for Bovis Lend Lease, the site's main contractor. Ilyse Fink, a Buildings Department spokeswoman, said the shaft had the necessary safeguards. She said the worker's death was "a very, very tragic accident." No action would be taken against the contractor or site, Fink said. Antonio Martins, a project manager at J & A Concrete, which was working on the project, said the man worked there for about two months. Martins added that the man was single but a "family man." He would not elaborate. "It's a tragic accident," Martins said. "It's a little rough right now."

Construction Accident May Delay I-40/West Hills Interchange
T-Dot Officials say construction on the I-40/West Hills Interchange could be delayed after a construction accident stopped work at Kingston Pike and Buckingham Road. About 8:00 Tuesday morning, workers from Tri-State drilling were installing utility poles when their machinery hit some sort of contaminated material. State agencies are investigating and have halted operations at this site until further notice. A Tri-State employee is being treated for minor burns to his eyes and face.

Explosion shuts I-74
Star report June 11, 2003
Indiana State Police temporarily closed off a portion of I-74 on the Southeastside today after a piece of highway construction equipment struck a gas pipeline and set off an explosion. Police said the accident occurred about 11:30 a.m. west of Post Road. No injuries were reported. However, a 16-mile stretch of I-74 between Ind. 9 and I-465 was closed to traffic until about 1:30 p.m. while emergency workers worked to shut down the gas line. Gas had continued to feed a fire that was centered on the construction equipment, which one neighbor and State Police described as similar to a trenching machine. "At about 300 or 400 feet, you could feel the warmth of the fire," said Brian Neary, who lives in the 3100 block of South Franklin Road. Neary said the trencher appeared to be a machine being used in the reconstruction of the eastbound lanes of I-74. "They were digging probably four or five feet below the surface level," he said. Joy Heath, a 79-year-old retiree who lives in the 3100 block of South Franklin Road, said she heard a series of booms punctuated by the loudest blast. "When that explosion happened there wasn't no mistaking that," said Heath. "It was big around and solid red, that orangey red. It was solid flames, just solid flames." She said she called her son for help, but it was a Franklin Township firefighter who came to her door and evacuated her to a safer location a few doors down. Heath, who uses a cane, said she would have driven herself to safety - but the electricity went off and her garage door wouldn't open for her to use her car. "It was quite scary, yes. The flames were shooting so high in the air it was frightening." Indiana Department of Transportation spokeswoman Jessica Stevens said she did not know what type of machinery was involved. State Police Sgt. Ray Poole said the gas line was an older line that apparently wasn't detected by construction workers. Traffic already was restricted to two-way travel on the westbound lanes during the reconstruction. Stevens said westbound traffic was diverted north on Ind. 9 through Greenfield to I-70.

Road Worker Killed
A Madison county road department worker was killed in an accident Tuesday. It happened at the intersection of King Ranch Road and Highway 22 in Canton. Forty-six-year-old Bennie Dent of Jackson was driving a county dump truck filled with gravel when another vehicle reportedly ran a stop sign and hit the dump truck. Dent swerved to avoid the collision, but the dump truck flipped. A co-worker riding with Dent was taken to U.M.C. and later released.

Worker struck by car in construction zone
STREETSBORO: A state worker was injured Monday night when he was hit by a car in a highway construction zone on state Route 43 in Streetsboro. Robert B. Potopsky, 41, of Strongsville was in stable condition at Cleveland's MetroHealth Medical Center, a hospital spokeswoman said Tuesday. Police said Potopsky, an Ohio Department of Transportation worker, was hit by a Chevrolet Beretta driven by Richard D. Makley of Uniontown. No charges have been filed because the incident is under investigation, police said. Makley, 41, also was injured when his car hit construction equipment. He was in good condition Tuesday at Robinson Memorial Hospital, a hospital spokeswoman said.

Accident in Construction Site Kills One in Beijing
A exhibition hall collapsed at a construction site in Beijing's Haidian District Wednesday, leavingone dead and four injured. At approximately 6:00 p.m., the steel-structure hall collapsed without warning, burying five builders, one of whom died on the spot. Another three escaped from the collapsed building, accordingto local police. The four injured workers are being treated in a nearby hospital, and the cause of the accident is under investigation.

Contractor Blames Rain For Building's Collapse
June 4, 2003
A contractor says heavy rains in recent weeks may have contributed to the collapse of a building that was being renovated on Cleveland's east side. Three construction workers escaped moments before the building collapsed in a cloud of dust on Monday. The building spewed bricks and lumber into the street and surrounding pedestrian alleys, but no one was injured. Contractor Joe Korfant says the three workers heard the temporary support beams creaking and fled. He speculated that all the rain may have had something to do with the collapse. The National Weather Service measured six and a half inches of rain in Cleveland in May, more than 1.5 inches on Saturday alone.

Fire Delays Ceremony
By Marcus Blair TIMES RECORD
SALLISAW — A dedication ceremony was supposed to be held Tuesday for the new Arby's in Sallisaw, but corporate managers arrived to find the restaurant a dripping, blackened mess. The building sustained heavy smoke and water damage after a fire ignited in a wall and the attic. It will be closed until repairs can be made, District Manager Chris Griffin said. Arby's was open only nine days before the fire, Griffin said. The company does not yet know how long it will take to rebuild. Thick black smoke already was pouring through the restaurant when Sallisaw firefighters arrived shortly before 7 a.m. They had to use chain saws to rip through the walls and roof to reach the blaze, which was located in wood behind the building's facade, said Mike Tubbs, Sallisaw fire chief. "It was a slow, smoldering fire," Tubbs said. "There was not much fire damage, but we had to cut into it and spray it down." The blaze appeared to be caused by an electrical malfunction near a lighted sign under the south entrance, Tubbs said. Tubbs could not estimate the cost of the damage but said it will be significant. He saw two roof beams and other key structural points that were incinerated. It was the second fire to heavily damage Arby's since construction began. Workers building the roof were using a propane torch to melt sealant when wood beams caught fire and caused about $10,000 damage, Tubbs said. The damage was much less costly than Tuesday's fire because the restaurant was incomplete.

Pompa Bros. owner dies in equipment accident
JIM KINNEY, The Saratogian June 04, 2003
MIDDLE GROVE - Nelson Pompa, owner of Pompa Bros. Inc., was killed Tuesday evening while using earth-moving equipment at his company's sand pit on Coy Road, north of Middle Grove. Pompa, 74, lived on Rowland Street in Ballston Spa. Saratoga County Undersheriff Michael Woodcock said Pompa was working on an access road above one of the pits to the back of the property shortly before 5 p.m. The equipment, described as a grade-all, tumbled down a 15-foot embankment onto large rocks. It came to rest upside down, with Pompa trapped in the partially-crushed cab. Woodcock said another worker discovered the accident and called 911 at about 5 p.m. "It is unknown how long Mr. Pompa was there before he was discovered," Woodcock said. Firefighters from the Middle Grove, Porter Corners and Greenfield Center fire companies responded. They used a bulldozer and a front-end loader to shift the grade-all's weight enough to give them access to the cab. Then, they used hydraulic cutters to open the cab and remove Pompa. Woodcock said this extrication took 30 to 40 minutes. Albany Medical Center had sent its MedFlight helicopter on the 16-minute trip to MiddleGrove from Albany. The helicopter set down on Coy Road at the entrance to the pit, about 11/2 miles from the accident scene. The medical crew went into the pit to help, but returned at about 7:15, loaded an empty stretcher back into the helicopter and flew off. Woodcock said Saratoga County Coroner Thomas Salvadore pronounced Pompa dead at the scene. His remains were removed to Saratoga Hospital for a post-mortem examination. Woodcock said the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration would investigate the accident. Pompa and three brothers started Pompa Bros. in 1947 as a heavy construction firm. Its last big construction job was building Ballard Road in Wilton in the early 1970s. Pompa moved the company into mining for sand and stone, first on Route 29 in just west of Saratoga Springs. Company headquarters are still at Route 29 and Petrified Sea Gardens Road. Pompa's son, Ed Pompa, runs the company asphalt plant. His daughter, Mary, works in the firm's office. The company owns 1,800 acres off Coy Road, about 11/2 miles north of the hamlet of Middle Grove. Pompa has asked the town to rezone the area and allow more quarrying, a move hotly opposed by many neighbors. The issue is still before the town.

Fire erupts at ASU West dorm
06/03/2003 By NEWS CHANNEL 3 / azfamily.com staff
A dorm that was under construction at ASU West erupted into fire Monday. Firefighters from the Northwest Valley battled a third-alarm blaze which broke out at an Arizona State University West dorm that was under construction Monday afternoon. About 80 crewmembers fought the fire that reportedly started between the third floor and the attic of the building near 47th Avenue and Thunderbird Road. Four hours after crews quieted the blaze, hot spots and smoke were spotted flaring up from the roof of the structure. An ASU West spokeswoman said she believes a spark from a welding torch may have set off the fire. A Phoenix Fire Department spokesman said crews initially had a hard time getting lines to the structure. Excessive heat and the unstable nature of the building forced fire investigators to switch into defensive mode. Although firefighters were not able to save the dorm building, which was completely destroyed, crews were able to save structures to the north and east of the burned-out building. Those buildings, which make up the Las Casas dormitory are scheduled to open Aug. 15 in time for the return of students. No injuries were reported.

Worker hurt in fall from ladder; He was helping refurbish a store at the North Hanover Mall
By JOSEPH DEINLEIN For Dispatch/Sunday News
Tuesday, June 03, 2003 - A medical helicopter flew a man to York Hospital yesterday after he fell 12 feet from a ladder while refurbishing a store at the North Hanover Mall. A crew foreman said Irv Smolko, 50, fell in the former Fashion Bug store about 1:10 p.m. Smolko was listed in stable condition this morning at York Hospital, said a nursing supervisor. He suffered back and facial injuries, said Hanover Fire Commissioner James Roth. Smolko was one of three people in the store, which is being converted to two smaller shops, said foreman Larry Levadnuk. The other two workers were in another area of the store and didn't see the fall, he said. Reports conflict on exactly what Smolko was doing. Levadnuk said Smolko was installing a water line and was atop a ladder. But mall manager Dirk Brown said Smolko was putting up a wall for Crown American Realty Trust, which owns the North Hanover Mall. "The rest of the accident is under investigation," Brown said. Hanover Ambulance Captain Bruce Yealy said Smolko fell through a ceiling in the store. He wasn't sure what the circumstances were. Because of the distance Smolko fell, paramedics called for a helicopter to transport him to York Hospital's trauma unit, Yealy said. Hanover Police Department and Medic 46 also were dispatched.

Town Hall fire escape proves safety hazard
By Susan Nolan
EXETER - A construction worker who fell through a Town Hall fire escape last week was uninjured, said town administrator George Olson. "He was holding on to the rail," said Olson. "My understanding is that he held on and that there was no injury involved," said Olson. The fire escape was roped-off immediately after the accident and was later condemned by the fire department. The construction worker was an employee of Target New England, a Wolfeboro company hired to install an elevator in the Town Hall. Olson said an engineer will assess the fire escape next week to decide whether it can be repaired, or whether it needs to be completely replaced, said Olson. In the meantime, the number of visitors to the top two floors of the Town Hall will be limited to 50 at a time, he said, because of fire-safety codes. Town officials roped-off the fire escape shortly after the worker fell through the structure on Thursday, May 22, Assistant Fire Chief Kenneth Berkenbush said Wednesday. Berkenbush said he walked by the Town Hall shortly after the incident and noticed the area in question. He said he evaluated the fire escape and found it to be unsafe. "It had already been roped-off by, I believe, (town maintenance supervisor) Kevin Smart," said Berkenbush. "The rest of the stairs looked as if they may be in need of repair," he said. Since it did not meet the life-safety codes, he had no choice but to condemn it, said Berkenbush, who is the town's fire prevention officer. Funds for the elevator installation - $40,000 - were approved by voters at Town Meeting in 2002. The remainder of the $100,000 cost was raised by the Exeter Arts Committee through private donations and grants. The arts committee uses the second floor of the Town Hall for art exhibitions. Olson said the Exeter Art Association puts on "a variety of shows throughout the year" and that limited access to the art room in the Town Hall will interfere with that activity. "That is going to be a problem," said Olson. Olson said a rumor that the worker was advised not to file a worker's compensation form was untrue, as far as he knew. Voters this year approved funding to replace Town Hall furnaces, windows, gutters and downspouts, said Olson.

Construction worker injured by 1,800 lbs. bucket
6/3/2003 3:20 PM By: Associated Press
(THOMASVILLE) -- A Burlington man was critically injured at a construction site when an 1800 lbs. bucket fell on him. Officials say Felix Ortiz was installing new sewer lines for the area on Monday as part of a crew with Carl Norris Construction of Burlington. A worker noticed that a bucket had swung loose from an excavator and was falling into the trench. Ortiz was unable to move out of the way, and the bucket hit him in the head, fell onto his legs and pinned him in the trench. When EMS workers arrived, the construction crew had lifted the bucket off Ortiz, but rescuers weren't able to remove him without the trench collapsing. Rescuers spent two hours bracing the trench before Ortiz could be removed. Ortiz was taken to Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem. Rescue workers say he had injuries to his head and both legs, including a fracture near his ankle.

Amish Worker Killed
(Smicksburg-AP) June 3, 2003 — Officials say a 22-year-old Amish man working on a house demolition project was killed when a window he was trying to remove broke loose. The Indiana County Deputy Coroner says the man fell about 16 feet to the ground and the window crashed on top of him. The man died Saturday. Deputy coroner Michael Baker won't release the man's name because his family raised religious objections. But Baker says he was from the Smicksburg area, where many Amish families live.

Worker found dead after trench collapses
Associated Press
RIO GRANDE CITY -- A 24-year-old worker installing water lines died after the trench he was in collapsed, trapping him under an 8-foot-deep pile of dirt and rock for nearly 10 hours. Noe Cepeda Vela was alone in the trench along U.S. 83 just east of Rio Grande City when the 10-foot-high walls collapsed about 3 p.m. today, authorities said. His co-workers called 911. Justice of the Peace Dela Cruz pronounced Vela dead at about 7:15 p.m, after the body was unearthed enough for paramedics to check for vital signs. Crews with the Starr County Sheriff's Department and the Rio Grande City Fire Department finally pulled Vela from the rubble about 11:30 p.m. Monday. The search was delayed while rescuers tried to reinforce the trench walls to prevent them from collapsing again. Vela, of Rio Grande City, was working for MF Site Construction when the trench collapsed. MF Site Construction did not immediately return a call from The Associated Press. Rio Grande City is 70 miles northwest of Harlingen.

Construction worker dies after fall
June 3, 2003
A 60-year-old construction worker died Monday afternoon after falling two stories from a ledge at a construction site on Hungerford Drive in Rockville, county and city officials said. The man, Jose Francisco Reyes of Langley Park, would have turned 61 Saturday. He was installing a safety rail when he lost his footing and fell onto a concrete floor below, Rockville Police Chief Terrance N. Treschuk said. Work was temporarily halted at the site of Archstone at Rockville Town Center, a 221-unit rental complex just south of the new Giant grocery store and Rockville City Centre shopping plaza. Reyes was declared dead at the scene after suffering massive head trauma, county police spokesman Officer Derek Baliles said. Officials with the Maryland Occupational Safety and Health division are investigating the incident, Baliles said, but county homicide detectives have determined "there does not appear to be anything suspicious." Bethesda-based Clark Construction is the general contractor for the project, said Jim Wasilak, chief of long-range planning for the City of Rockville. A spokeswoman for Clarke Construction did not return a call Tuesday.

Trench collapses, buries construction worker; Emergency teams on scene into the evening
By Shanna McCord and Moshay Simpson UNION-TRIBUNE STAFF WRITERS May 29, 2003
RAMONA – A construction worker apparently suffocated yesterday afternoon when a trench collapsed and buried him while he was working on a sewer line, authorities said. The accident happened about 2 p.m. on a vacant lot between two homes on 11th Street near San Vicente Road. Rescue crews from the California Department of Forestry and the Santee Fire Department late yesterday were hoping to find the man alive. All of the digging was being done by hand, CDF Capt. Tom MacPherson said. "We've been filling up little buckets." The man's body was recovered around 9 p.m. The victim, an employee of Waples Backhoe, was with a crew digging a sewer line that is to extend from 11th Street to 10th Street, McPherson said. The trench is 14 feet deep. A representative from the Ramona Municipal Water District said the contractor had recently obtained the permits to begin construction on the line that is to join the public sewer system. The private line is being built to district standards," said Tom Brammel, a spokesman for the district. A boy, 13, walking home from Olive Pierce Middle School said he saw "a bunch of cops, a few fire trucks and ambulances and a bunch of people trying to calm" a woman at the scene. Other agencies involved in the attempted rescue included the Ramona Fire Department, the Sheriff's Department and a crisis management team from Poway.

Multiple Car Accident Closes I-80
Des Moines, May 29, 2003 - A multiple car accident on Interstate 80 shut down part of the roadway overnight. It happened just before midnight near the 2nd Avenue exit on eastbound I-80. A silver car hit a white truck that was painting in a construction zone, starting a fire. Another motorist stopped to help put the fire out. That's when a passing semi veered to the side of the road, hitting one of the drivers. Two people went to a local hospital, one is in serious condition. Their names have not been released. In 2003, there have been a total of two workzone deaths in Iowa. The Iowa Department of Transportation says two years ago, they recorded eight deaths in just one month. In that same year, there were 327 workzone accidents across the state.

UPDATE Hydro One Network Services Inc. fined $100,000 for health and safety violation
TORONTO, May 29 /CNW/ - Hydro One Network Services Inc., a Toronto-based company which provides maintenance, repair and operational services to Hydro One Networks Inc., an electricity transmission and distribution subsidiary of Hydro One Inc., was fined $100,000 on May 27, 2003 for a violation of the Occupational Health and Safety Act that resulted in serious burns to two employees. On October 11, 2001, two construction workers were taking measurements and verifying positions of parts they were making at a Toronto transformer substation when a metal measuring tape being used by one of the workers came in contact with energized equipment. The worker suffered burns to the right bicep area, the arms, hands, face and neck. The second worker suffered flash burns to the eyes and a temporary loss of vision. At the time of the incident, the first worker was on a scaffold platform and the second worker was on a ladder leading up to the scaffold platform. One end of the scaffold was located 1.5 metres (five feet) away from the energized equipment. The workers had been fabricating a framework for a wall that was to be used to extend the walls between transformer bays at the transformer substation, which was owned by Hydro One Networks Inc. at 83 Charles Street in Toronto. Hydro One Network Services Inc. pleaded guilty to failing, as an employer, to ensure that tools, ladders, scaffolding and other equipment and materials capable of conducting electricity were not stored or used so close to an energized electrical installation, equipment or conductor that they could make electrical contact with an energized conductor, as required by Section 194 of the Regulations for Construction Projects. This was contrary to Section 25(1)(c) of the act. The fine was imposed by Justice Robert Bigelow of the Ontario Court of Justice at Old City Hall in Toronto. In addition, the court imposed a 25-per-cent victim fine surcharge, as required by the Provincial Offences Act.

Fire damages Courier-Journal printing plant project
A portion of The Courier-Journal's $80 million printing plant, which is still under construction, caught fire this morning. No one was injured in the fire, according to Linda Pursell, vice president of market development. Details of damage from the fire are not yet available. Pursell said the fire that was caused when sparks from a grinder ignited insulation in the roof. The grinding was being done by a worker with Lykins Steel, a subcontractor for Louisville-based Messer Construction Co. Fire department units, which arrived just after 9 a.m., were called to extinguish the fire after workers tried to put out the fire with extinguishers but were unable to contain the blaze, she said. Pursell said it is too soon to say whether the fire will affect the timetable for the project. She added that all damages will be covered by insurance. The new printing plant, an $80 million project that includes about $17 million in construction costs, is expected to be in operation by September 2004. The project includes building a multistory facility with more than 500,000 square feet. It will house the newspaper's new printing presses.

UPDATE Lorry driver died in lifting operation accident
An inquest jury at Hexham Magistrates' Court has returned a verdict of accidental death after listening to evidence describing a lifting operation in July 2002 that ended the life of lorry driver Marc Channon, 31, in an accident. Mr Channon, an employee of Dowse Crane Hire of North Durham, was delivering a portacabin to a Northumberland construction site, but during the lifting and slinging operation the chains supporting the portacabin broke free from the crane lifting hook and fell on him inflicting such injuries that he died at the scene.

UPDATE High Court compensation award for roof fall victim
Peter Bieliauskas, 51, has been awarded more than £1,000,000 at the High Court in compensation for his loss resulting from injuries sustained in a roof fall during August 2000 at his Midlands employer's boat building premises in Stoke Prior. His brain injury has placed severe limitations on his life. Mr Bieliauskas had been inspecting the roof when he fell through a skylight. Previously, employers J L Pinder and Sons were prosecuted for breaching S.2(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. The company operated without employers' liability insurance and ultimately its landlord's insurance company met the settlement without liability being admitted.

Lorry driver 'caused worker's death'
TWO construction workers employed by SembCorp Engineers and Construction have died because of negligence at their workplace. It was reported just last week that one of them had died when he fell off the scaffolding early this year. Now, an inquiry has found that another SembCorp Engineers worker had died on May 16 last year because of a lorry driver's negligence. The man who died had fallen from a lorry and was then crushed by a beam that fell off the vehicle. State Coroner John Ng blamed lorry driver Lim Kok Chye, 44, for causing the death of Intahjina Kittichai, 43, because he had failed to secure the beams to the lorry. Mr Lim is a sub-contractor and not a SembCorp employee. The lorry was moving the beams to a location within the Ponggol-Sengkang light rail transport construction site, when the beams started sliding off the vehicle on a slope. As a result, Mr Intahjina lost his balance and fell to the ground. Then one of the beams landed on him. A crane was brought in to lift the beam from Mr Intahjina. H e was later pronounced dead at the scene from multiple injuries. At the coroner's court last week, Mr Lim, elected to remain silent in his defence. Said Mr Ng: 'The cause of the accident was the failure to secure the beams to the lorry. 'The question is who had the responsibility of ensuring that the beams were secured to the lorry.' A Manpower Ministry spokesman said that the ministry's investigations revealed that no lifting supervisor was appointed to check that the beams were lifted safely. And for that, SembCorp Engineers was fined $1,000. The company was fined $100,000 earlier this month for their second offence under the Factories Regulations. It had failed to provide a ladder for workers to reach platforms and this resulted in the death of Mr Yang Jin Mei, 41, a Chinese national, on Jan 14.

Tractor-Trailer Knocks Road Worker Off Repair Truck; 35-Year-Old Man In Critical Condition
May 28, 2003
A tractor-trailer reportedly crashed into an Oakland County Road Commission repair truck early Wednesday morning, knocking a worker who was fixing a traffic light to the ground. The 35-year-old Grand Blanc, Mich., man and his coworker were repairing a traffic light at Long Lake and Beach roads around midnight when the accident occurred, according to police. They were parked along the shoulder and had the boom of the repair truck over the road while they worked on the light, police said. The light had reportedly been damaged earlier in the evening from another accident. The workers were completing the repairs when the tractor-trailer heading east on Long Lake Road struck the bucket on the end of the boom, and knocked the 35-year-old worker to the ground. The victim was taken to Royal Oak Beaumont Hospital where he was listed in critical condition. His family has been notified, but his name has not been released. The driver of the tractor-trailer, a 48-year-old Ontario man, was questioned and released, according to police. Police continue to investigate. They said alcohol was not involved in the crash.

UPDATE Flagger dies; driver charged
By Greg Stanmar Pantagraph correspondent
OTTAWA -- A Streator man faces reckless homicide charges following the death of a road-construction worker he is accused of hitting with his vehicle. Douglas Black, 25, was charged with reckless homicide on Tuesday. He already faced two counts of aggravated driving under the influence along with single charges of driving under the influence, driving on a revoked license, driving under the influence on a revoked license and failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident, LaSalle County authorities said. John Crozier, 40, also of Streator, died Monday at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria. Police said Black was driving under the influence of alcohol when he passed cars stopped at a highway construction site May 21 on Illinois 23 north of Streator. Black's car reportedly hit Crozier, who was working as a flagman. Crozier was then flown to the Peoria hospital. Crozier had been a flagman for 10 years and was working his first day on the Illinois 23 project, said Tim Roseberry, spokesman for the Laborers International Union of North America. Crozier's obituary is on Page A8.

Construction worker hurt as backhoe overturns at Pronghorn Resort; Operator was wearing seat belt and was not seriously injured
From bend.com news sources
May 27 - A 43-year-old Terrebonne man was flown to a Bend hospital, but avoided serious injuries when his backhoe rolled onto its side Tuesday during construction work at the Pronghorn Resort between Bend and Redmond, Deschutes County sheriff's deputies said. Deputies, Redmond fire crews and Air Life of Oregon responded shortly before 11 a.m. to the reported injury accident. Michael Matheny, a worker with Hap Taylor & Sons Construction, had been back-filling around a pressure-reducing valve station when the edge of the dirt gave way and the backhoe rolled onto its side, hitting the cinder-block structure, said sheriff's Sgt. Dan Swearingen. Matheny was wearing a seat belt at the time, and was able to crawl out of the John Deere backhoe and walk a few feet away before needing assistance, Swearingen said. When officials arrived, members of the construction crew were helping the victim. An Air Life helicopter landed a short time later. Flight medics assessed the patient and, with the aid of Redmond fire-parameics, the man was placed on the chopper for the flight to St. Charles Medical Center in Bend. A nursing supervisor said he was treated for minor injuries and released.

Construction workers hurt in blast; Explosion forces evacuation of homes
By Peggy Breister the reporter
A natural gas explosion and fire Tuesday afternoon in the Town of Taycheedah sent two Green Bay construction workers to the hospital and forced an evacuation of several homes in a nearby subdivision. The men, Todd C. Degeneffe, 35, of Green Bay and James S. Herman, 54, of Gillett work for Ronet Construction of Green Bay. They were transported by Mount Calvary Ambulance and Fond du Lac Fire Department Ambulance to St. Agnes Hospital with significant burns, said Lt. Rick Olig of the Fond du Lac County Sheriff's Department. Both men were listed in fair condition this morning at St. Agnes Hospital. A back hoe operated by an employee of the sewer utility company struck and broke a 2-inch gas main about 1 p.m. on Abler Road near Park Ridge Court, Olig said. The company is installing a new sanitary sewer line for St. Peter Sanitary District. Ronet is a subcontractor working for the project's main contractor, Kruczek of Green Bay. "As construction workers at ground level were attempting to clamp it off, the gas ignit ed and there was an explosion," Olig said. Two other workers in the trench were not injured. About 120 homes were without natural gas for about two hours while the line was repaired by Alliant Energy crews. When Town of Calumet firefighters arrived, flames were leaping 8 to 10 feet out of the four-foot wide by 12-foot deep trench, said Fire Chief Lee Gilgenbach. The injured men had already been removed, he said. "From our standpoint, the gas flames coming out of the trench were a good thing because then we know exactly where the gas is coming from," Gilgenbach said. "If it hadn't touched off and started on fire, we'd never know where the gas is and then any little spark anywhere could start an explosion," he said. "The two individuals in the trench that were injured were unlucky. We were lucky because we were able to identify the source." Firefighters were on the scene until about 3:30 p.m. Gilgenbach said he doesn't know what ignited the gas from the line that was about 30 inches below ground. "It could be something very little, next to nothing," he said. Town of Calumet was assisted by Mount Calvary firefighters. Occupational Safety and Health Administration is expected to inspect the site today and investigate the accident.

Construction Accident
The soggy ground is to blame for an accident that sent a crane truck into a Henrico home Tuesday. It happened while workers were taking down tree limbs in front of the house. A jack that supports the truck sunk into the mud, sending the truck onto its side. It clipped a portion of the house. No one was home at the time.

Torch gets blame for fire at Target; Tuesday night blaze damages Fort Gratiot store
By LORI PAIONK Times Herald
FORT GRATIOT -- Months of renovation work at the Target store in Birchwood Mall was days away from completion when sparks from a torch touched off a blaze inside the walls Tuesday night. A contractor using an acetylene torch to cut a steel beam at about 10:45 p.m. accidentally ignited insulation within the store's front wall. No one was injured. The store was closed when the fire began. A cleaning crew was evacuated by the contractors. A store manager on scene declined to comment on when the store would reopen. Birchwood Mall security officer Ryan Roberts said some smoke escaped into the mall, which will be open today. He said he wasn't sure if, or when, Target would reopen. It was unclear how much Target merchandise was ruined because of fire, smoke or water. Through the front glass doors, witnesses could see white smoke filling the interior. "I don't know how much smoke made it in, but it wouldn't take much (to do damage)," said Lt. Jim DeLacy of the St. Clair County Sheriff Department. He said the fire was difficult to extinguish because flames spread easily through wall insulation. Fort Gratiot Fire Chief Ron Nichols was not available for comment at the scene. Firefighters from Fort Gratiot and Burtchville townships remained on the scene after 1 a.m. Ironworker Dave Zimmerman of Kimball Township was using a torch on the outside of the store's front exterior to cut a beam for a renovation project. A spark must have flown under a fire-proof blanket spread on the wall, he said. "I moved the blanket and knocked out the wall out to check (the smoke) and I couldn't get back there to put it out," said Zimmerman, who works for Dietzel Co. of Fraser. Construction supervisor Tom Dea said renovations on the store front began in January and workers were almost finished. "This was it -- two more days," said Dea of Gioffre Companies in Dublin, Ohio.

Roof work may have started fire that damaged storage units
By Deanna Boyd Star-Telegram Staff Writer
Workers doing roof repair may have sparked a fire Thursday morning at a storage unit warehouse in Burleson, officials said. The fire started about 8:40 a.m. in one of the storage units at the U-Haul Storage Warehouse, 2121 S. Burleson Blvd. The flames spread, damaging three other large units or about a third of the building, said Burleson police Sgt. Cindy Aaron. "There were some workers on the roof repairing some damage from the February ice storm," Aaron said. "They were welding and the hot metal dripped down into the building. They think that's what started the fire." The service road of Interstate 35 was shut down to make room for responding water tanks and after reports were received that some of the storage buildings may have contained nitrous oxide and ammunition, Aaron said. Firefighters from Alvarado, Briaroaks, Crowley, Joshua, Keene, Rendon and the Tarrant County Fire District assisted the Burleson Fire Department in putting out the two-alarm fire. "The Cleburne Fire Department covered our city while our units were tied up out there," Aaron said. A Briaroaks firefighter was treated at the scene for exhaustion. A worker at the facility had an asthma attack at the scene but did not require hospitalization, she said. The fire was contained about 11 a.m., but crews remained on the scene throughout the day putting out flare-ups. Construction crews were called out to raze the burned units, Aaron said. No damage estimates were available Thursday.

Construction worker in critical condition; Flagger, 32, was hit Thursday near Ottawa
May 24, 2003 By KRIS WERNOWSKY of the Journal Star
OTTAWA - A construction site flagger who was hit by a car Thursday near Ottawa was in critical condition Friday at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria. John Crozier, 32, of Streator was taken to Community Hospital after the accident and transferred Thursday night to St. Francis. The accident prompted an appeal from the Illinois Department of Transportation for motorists to use caution. "You just have to ask yourself why? Why this happens?" IDOT Secretary Tim Martin said in a news release. "And I'm often frustrated when I find out tragedies like this can be avoided if people would just slow down and use caution in and around construction zones." Authorities say the driver of the car that hit Crozier was Douglas Black, 29, of Streator. Black appeared Friday in LaSalle County Circuit Court, where he was charged with two felony counts of aggravated driving under the influence of alcohol. One count charges Black with striking Crozier, said LaSalle County State's Attorney Joe Hettel. The other charges him with driving while on a revoked license from a 2002 drunken-driving incident in Grundy County. Black also was charged with driving on a revoked license and failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident, both misdemeanors, Hettel said. He was being held Friday in the LaSalle County Jail on $300,000 bond. Hettel said Black could face additional charges because three children were in the car at the time of the accident. His case is to be brought before a LaSalle County grand jury on June 4. Authorities say Crozier was hit at about 11:30 a.m. Thursday in a construction zone at Illinois Route 23 and Fosse Road south of Ottawa. Black was driving in the northbound lane when he noticed traffic was stopped for construction. He then drove his car into the closed lane and hit a dump truck, according to the LaSalle County Sheriff's Department. The impact pushed his car back into the northbound lane. His car then slid off the road and struck Crozier, police said. Crozier, an employee with Advanced Asphalt, is a member of Ottawa Laborers Local 911 of the Laborers International Union of North America. "Our prayers and thoughts go out to our brother's family," Ed Smith, vice president and regional manager of the international, said in a news release. "Every year, thousands of workers and motorists are killed despite our efforts to keep construction work zones safe." IDOT said construction will be suspended and lanes will be opened where possible to help motorists get around during the Memorial Day weekend.

Falling beam injures worker
By Martin B. Cassidy Staff Writer May 24, 2003
A construction worker was seriously injured yesterday at an East Elm Street construction site when he was struck by a steel beam knocked over by a bucket loading machine, according to Lt. Mark Kordick of the Greenwich Police Department. Authorities did not identify the injured man, pending notification of his family. The accident occurred shortly after 10 a.m., while the worker was in the foundation of the site at 96 E. Elm St. A bucket loader had just poured stones into the foundation and knocked over an unsecured 34-foot metal beam which fell on the man, striking his head and neck, Kordick said. The injured man was trapped by the beam, but workers lifted it off him before authorities arrived, according to Fire Chief Daniel Warzoha. Greenwich police officers and Greenwich Fire Department technical rescue teams removed the man from the foundation. Warzoha said the victim was fitted with a neck brace because of the apparent seriousness of his injuries. The Greenwich Emergency Medical Service transported the victim to the Trauma Center at Stamford Hospital, Kordick said. He said the man was badly injured. The name of the excavating company operating the bucket loader was unavailable yesterday afternoon. Calls to Albert Orlando, the owner and developer of the property, where a two-family house is being built, were not returned yesterday. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration yesterday began investigating the accident to see if there were any federal safety regulation violations on the site, and interviewed the owner of the property and the contractor, according to Kang Yi, supervisor of the Bridgeport OSHA office. "We're going to find out how it happened," Yi said. No police report was available yesterday and no further details were released.

Ulsterman dies in New York accident
A Co Down man has died after a fall in Brooklyn, New York. Lee Keenan, 27, who hailed from Mayobridge, died after falling six stories from a scaffolding at a residential building in Brooklyn on Saturday May 17, New York police said. "Mr Keenan appeared to have slipped," said Detective Mike Wokowski, at the 83rd precinct in Brooklyn. "Mr Keenan fell six stories from a scaffolding on Central Avenue and Noll street in Brooklyn at 8:15am. The medical examiner pronounced him dead on arrival at Woodhull Hospital in Brooklyn. Mr Keenan, who was a construction worker for Hickey Construction, lived in the Irish neighbourhood of Maspeth in Queens. His funeral took place in Queens on Monday and the body arrived in Ireland on Tuesday. Relatives had flown to New York to claim the body. The family will be making arrangements to have him buried closer to home. Mr Keenan was well known in the Irish community, said John Guiney a local footballer. New York police have concluded the incident was an accident but an investigation into the safety on the site is continuing. The Department of Buildings Inspectors has visited the site. Hickey Construction was unavailable for comment.

Pipes fall off trailer, kill worker
LODGEPOLE -- A construction worker from Hays died after an accident at a gravel site two miles north of here, Fort Belknap Police Chief Rob Williams said. James Robert Essert, 52, died early Thursday when a stack of large pipes fell off a trailer and killed him, officials said. Officials said Essert, a former bus driver at the St. Paul's Mission School in Hays, recently began working with the construction crew contracted by the Bureau of Indian Affairs Roads Department. Foul play isn't suspected but Essert's body was sent to Billings for an autopsy. The Fort Belknap Criminal Investigation Department and the Blaine County Coroner's Office are investigating the death.

Road worker hit at construction site
STREATOR -- A Streator construction worker struck by a car while controlling traffic remained in critical condition Friday night. John Cozier, 40, was flown to OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria after the accident at noon Thursday on Illinois 23 between Streator and Ottawa. Authorities said a drunken driver struck the Advanced Asphalt employee, throwing him into a field. Douglas Black, 25, of Streator, was charged with aggravated drunken driving, driving while his license is revoked and failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident. He remained in LaSalle County jail Friday night in lieu of posting $3,000.

UPDATE Woman Who Ran Down Highway Worker Draws Two Year Sentence
A woman who was drunk when she plowed into a road construction site and killed a 32-year-old father of five was sentenced to two years in prison on Friday. On May 14, 2002, 24-year-old Tanzania Jackson swerved into a coned-off area on Northrop Avenue in Sacramento, striking Jim Bridges Junior. Bridges was seriously injured, lingering for 12 days in the hospital before passing away. Jackson could have been sentenced to up to four years in prison, but a plea bargain reduced that time to two years. Jim Bridges' friends and family were in court, wearing orange road crew vests in his honor. His sister said today's sentencing brings with it an important message for all motorists. "If you've been somewhere and you've been drinking, call somebody for a ride," said Donna Patterson. "Don't just get into a car. You don't only kill the person, you kill their entire family." Before she was handcuffed and taken from the courtroom, Jackson made a brief statement, saying she was sorry for the pain she has caused her victim's family. Following sentencing, Jackson was taken to the women's prison in Chowchilla to begin serving her sentence.

Bulldozer accident claims life
By ANDREW PERALA/West Hawaii Today
A 37 - year - old Honaunau man died Friday afternoon when the bulldozer he'd been driving ran over him, police said. Jesse Young, an experienced heavy - equipment operator, had been clearing a sloping, three - acre lot in Makalei Estates off Mamalahoa Highway when he somehow fell beneath the 17,000 - pound machine. The 3:43 p.m. accident likely killed him instantly, a police spokesman said. Funeral arrangements are pending, as police investigate the sequence of events resulting in Young's death. The home lot had a steep slope on the upper end that Young had bladed smooth earlier. Young may have been walking the land when the Caterpillar D4H bulldozer suddenly took off in reverse, "but we may never know," a police spokesman said. Unmanned, the bulldozer continued running in reverse, police said. About 125 feet after running over Young, the bulldozer's right - corner blade clipped the left post of an electrical box before crossing the subdivision's main street and climbed up and over the road's rain gutter. Then, tipping backward at an angle down a steep embankment, the bulldozer crashed through a six - foot tall chainlink fence surrounding a 15,000 - gallon water tank, police said. The bulldozer missed the tank by about 30 feet, according to measurements of the tracks. The fence, uncut though damaged beyond repair, leashed the runaway bulldozer, police said. Entangled in the bulldozer's undercarriage, the more than 100 feet of fence and concrete - embedded posts swung the bulldozer uphill until it ground to a halt. The bulldozer had traveled more than 300 feet without its driver, police said. Police found Young's ballcap about 50 feet and his cellphone 25 feet upslope from his body. A police spokesman confirmed Young had severe leg injuries, as well as massive trauma to the rest of his body. Young was taken to Kona Community Hospital, where he ws pronouced dead. An autopsy has been scheduled to determine the exact cause of death, police said.

Parent Category: Incident Alert Archives
Category: Construction Accidents

Construction Accidents Page #6

This page was last updated on  05/06/2010

UPDATE Worker dies after backhoe accident
WEST PATERSON - A construction worker accidentally run over by a backhoe on a work site this week has died, police said. Juan Pupo, 53, of Paterson died at St. Joseph's Regional Medical Center on Tuesday, one day after a fellow construction worker ran him over with a backhoe, police said. Pupo had sustained severe injuries to his pelvis and leg. Police said he was conscious but seemed to be in shock before paramedics took him to the hospital. Pupo was walking alongside a backhoe driven by Stanley Machuszek, 35, of Totowa when he tripped and fell underneath the vehicle's wheels, police said. Authorities said Pupo was working on a construction project at 271 Overmount Ave. Felix Esposito, the borough's code enforcement official, said the work site would eventually be a small commercial strip mall. Police earlier this week said it was a residential construction site. Pupo was working for SNM Contractors of Totowa, a subcontractor of Tower Ridge Company, LLC, Esposito said. That company has a post office box in Pine Brook. The company's head, Patrick Dellacave, could not be reached for comment Wednesday. Police found that the backhoe had not been registered with the state Department of Motor Vehicles since 1995 and gave the contractor two summonses. Police and the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration are investigating the accident.

Worker is buried alive when dirt caves in; Burton man killed when walls collapsed
By Taryn Asher
Burton — (05/21/03)--An 18-year-old Burton man died in a construction site accident. Michael Meshraky was killed in Owosso Tuesday when the ground caved in on him. ABC12's Taryn Asher had more of the details. Meshraky works for his family business, S&M Building and Remodeling. Around 3 p.m. Tuesday, he was at a site, working to dig a sewer line when the dirt walls collapsed, burying him alive. Mershaky's coworker quickly directed emergency crews to his construction site on Arrow head Lane in Owosso. Firefighters worked to dig Mershaky out and rushed him to the hospital, but it was too late. Mershaky's grandmother and the rest of his family want to know what caused the cave in. "Becasue of the depth of the trench, which was approximatley 9 feet, my understanding there is a box safety device lowered into the trench to protect a worker from a cave-in such as this and there were no such devices in the trench," said Shiawassww County Sheriff Jon Wilson. That's why Wilson says state workplace safety investigators has been called in. S&M Building and Remodeling in Burton and Reiner Wedel Custom Homes out of Corunna are being investigated. With 25 years experience, Shiawassee County Drain Commissioner Bernard Butcher says in his opinion the dirt slopes at the site were too steep. "There's certain areas you need to be very careful of that could break lose with little notice," he said. MIOSHA is investigationg the incident to find out what happened and what laws may have been violated. We're told that investigation could take several weeks.

UPDATE Cal-OSHA complete Noyo Bridge accident investigation
By TONY REED /Of the Advocate Thursday, May 22, 2003 -
Pacific Coast Steel has been fined $18,000 by the state Division of Occupational Safety and Health after a two-month investigation into the collapse of a rebar column in February that killed one man and injured another. According to CAL-OSHA reports, the citation was issued to Pacific Coast Steel April 17, for what they called a "serious" level violation. Investigators concluded that "the vertical reinforcing steel column at the north end of the Noyo Bridge was not guyed and supported to prevent collapse." The collapse, which took the life of ironworker Jose Quintero and injured foreman Rex Kamoss, has been under investigation since it occurred. According to the CAL-OSHA report, Kamoss and Quintero were working 108 feet up the 123-foot-tall column, in order to release and reposition one of four supporting cables attached to the column. At the time, concrete had been poured up to the 60-foot level, leaving the top half of the column yet to be filled. "Employees were attempting to remove a twist in the assembled rebar structure prior to continuing with a future scheduled [concrete] pour," said the report, "when the foreman (Kamoss) removed the wire rope guy from the top of the column, and forcefully tugged on the cable, still anchored at the ground level. The column moved out of plumb and folded like a jack knife, bending in half, with the top of the column striking the deck below." The report noted that Kamoss was able to position himself in such a way as to soften his impact, while Quintero fell to his death. "The collapse was caused by the removal of an existing stabilizing wire rope guy by the foreman directing the work," the report concluded.

Fall from roof kills worker
By Deuce Niven Correspondent
TABOR CITY - A man working on the roof of the former Planter's Tobacco Warehouse died of injuries suffered when he fell through a skylight Tuesday morning. The worker, who was from Mexico, had not been identified as of late Tuesday, police Chief Roy Norris said. "This looks to be an accident, nothing criminal," Norris said. Rodriguez was taken to Loris Community Hospital, where he died. Columbus County Coroner Lynwood Cartrette said he would not investigate the death. A group of investors - Kyle Cox, Trent Burroughs, and lawyer Dennis Worley - recently purchased the warehouse and is renovating it, Burroughs said last week.

UPDATE Worker Death at Detriot's Ford Field Results in Penalties Totaling $556,000
May 21, 2003
The Michigan Department of Consumer and Industry Services (CIS) announced last week the conclusion of the nine-month investigation of a fatal work accident at Ford Field with citations and penalties against Brockman Equipment, Inc. for $286,000, and Thomarios Painting for $270,000. The CIS Bureau of Safety and Regulation (BSR) is responsible for administering the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act (MIOSHA). Thomarios Painting was a subcontractor on the Detroit Lions' Ford Field stadium construction site. Brockman Equipment, Inc. rented two aerial lifts to Thomarios, including a Condor 150S aerial work platform with an articulating and extensible boom. On July 30, 2002, Thomarios painter Gjon Gojcaj was in the Condor and was painting trusses more than 120 feet above the surface on the east side of the stadium. At about 10:15 a.m., the outrigger of the Condor lifted off the ground for the second time and the lift fell to the east, landing in the lower concrete seating area and fatally injuring Gojcaj, according to CIS. "Ford Field is a shining gem for the Detroit Lions and for the city of Detroit. It saddens us deeply that its construction legacy includes the death of worker Gjon Gojcaj," says Governor Jennifer M. Granholm. "This needless tragedy could have been avoided if either company had fulfilled their safety and health responsibilities." A total of nine willful violations are alleged against the two companies–five against Thomarios Painting and four against Brockman Equipment. Thomarios was cited for a willful violation of the General Duty clause for failure to protect their worker from a hazardous condition and a willful citation for failure to have operators perform a pre-operation inspection. Brockman received a willful citation for failure to inspect and maintain the aerial lift platform. Both companies received three Willful citations for: inadequate training, no manuals provided, and missing warning decals/stickers. A willful violation is defined as one committed with an intentional disregard of or plain indifference to the requirements of the MIOSHA Act and regulations. Based on provisions in the MIOSHA Act, Public Act 154, as amended, every willful violation, which is connected to a fatality, is referred to the Michigan Attorney General's Office for criminal investigation and/or prosecution. Thomarios received a total of 14 citations, and Brockman received a total of 10 citations, for alleged safety violations. The companies have 15 working days from receipt of the citations to comply or contest the violations and penalties. "It became apparent from our MIOSHA investigation that each of these two companies abrogated their own safety and health responsibilities and relied on the other company to protect the workers," says CIS Director David C. Hollister. "These citations today send a clear message that in a situation involving multiple companies--every company will be held accountable for the willful disregard of worker safety and health."

Roofer hurt in fall
A roofer was seriously injured Tuesday when he fell four stories from the top of a building at Florida International University's south campus. The unidentified worker is an employee of a Broward County company contracted to fix the roof of a campus building that houses classrooms and offices, according to a university spokeswoman. Classes were in session at the time of the 2 p.m. accident at the DM building at the corner of Southwest Eighth Street and 112th Avenue. Miami-Dade fire rescue transported the worker to an area hospital. His condition is unknown.

Roof Collapses On Manlius Business
Edited by Dave Pieklik
An investigation is underway into the collapse of a roof at a Manlius business Tuesday. The roof collapsed around 2:30 p.m of the building on Fairgrounds Drive. The roof was being constructed for a bakery undergoing repairs. Fortunately, the workers who had been erecting the roof had left hours before the collapse. No one was inside the building, and there were no injuries. The building was heavily damaged. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration will investigate the accident to determine what caused the collapse. The building was being repaired after a bakery located inside burned down last year.

Spark from welding torch blamed in school fire
(Gadsden-AP) -- The state Fire Marshal has determined a welding spark is blamed for causing a fire that destroyed most of Highland Elementary School last week. Arson investigators said the blaze ignited in a room where workers had been cutting away old metal-frame windows. Construction crews apparently did not realize there was wood behind the metal frames. The fire, which was discovered shortly after 8 pm Thursday night, caused extensive damage to most of the school -- the school's gymnasium and two recently built classrooms were spared. Etowah County Superintendent Tommy Mosley said yesterday the school will be rebuilt. He said portable classrooms will be used until construction on the new school is completed in 12 to 18 months.

OSHA investigates death of worker at Millbrook construction site
The Associated Press 5/20/03 12:41 PM
MILLBROOK, Ala. (AP) -- The Occupational Health and Safety Administration is investigating a Millbrook construction site where a worker died last week when a trench collapsed on him. Steve Owens, 40, of Tyler died Friday while working in a subdivision, police reports said. Owens was working for Liberty Construction of Montgomery. Company officials could not be reached for comment. Police reports said crews weren't using a trench box at the time of the accident. Federal regulations require the sides of a trench be supported when workers are in place, or that a trench box be used to protect the workers in case of a collapse.

T-REX has first fatal construction-zone accident
By News Staff May 20, 2003
The first fatal accident in a T-REX construction zone happened when a woman driving a small sedan south on I-25 plowed into the back of a heavy "impact truck" at 1:34 a.m. Monday just north of Interstate 225. Detective John White, a police spokesman, said the car then hit two workmen. One worker suffered broken bones and other injuries, and the other received minor treatment, White said. He said the truck had flashing lights to signal drivers to keep left of it. He did not know if alcohol or fatigue played a role in the crash.

Worker badly injured after getting caught under wheels of backhoe
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
WEST PATERSON - A construction worker was seriously injured Monday when he was accidentally run over by a backhoe, police said. Juan Pupo, 54, of Paterson was working on a residential construction project at Overmount Avenue and Rifle Camp Road at 9:53 a.m. He was walking next to a backhoe, Detective Capt. Robert Reda said, when he became caught underneath the left wheels. The backhoe driver told police that Pupo somehow tripped. He was taken to St. Joseph's Regional Medical Center. "He's got injuries to his left leg and pelvis," Reda said. "He's in bad shape." Reda said the accident is still under investigation. Officials from the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration went to the scene several hours after the accident occurred, an OSHA spokesman said. Police wrote the construction company, SNM Contracting, two summonses because the backhoe was uninsured and had not been registered since 1995, Reda said. "A lot of times these vehicles are off the road," he said, explaining how the vehicle's missing registration went unchecked.

Fort Pitt Tunnel damage may exceed $1 million; Cause of fire unknown, but construction stays on track
Tuesday, May 20, 2003 By Joe Grata, Post-Gazette Staff Writer
When more than 100 engineers, suppliers and support staff gathered at a Green Tree hotel in February for an all-day pre-construction workshop about Fort Pitt Bridge and Tunnel repairs, they discussed circumstances that could affect safety and the schedule. Fire was on their long list, because a piece of equipment caught fire last year during work on the lower, outbound deck. But no one expected what happened Friday night, when equipment parked at the south end of the inbound tunnel caught fire. Although no serious structural damage occurred, other damage appears likely to exceed $1 million. Nobody was injured; work in the inbound tunnel had ended for the night and it was empty. A state fire marshal and a city arson investigator are expected to rule on the cause later this week. The outbound tunnel, being used during construction for inbound traffic, was closed by the fire. It reopened Sunday morning. Traffic on the inbound Parkway West/Interstate 279 was back to what passes for normal yesterday, with the numerous pre-existing restrictions caused by the $84 million Fort Pitt project. Joe Primo, assistant project manager for consulting firm Michael Baker Corp., and Dick Skrinjar, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation spokesman, conducted a news media tour of the damaged tunnel yesterday. Primo said that when workers ended their shift at 11 p.m. at the far end of the tunnel, they drove vehicles back to the south end and parked them, as usual, about 100 feet inside the portal. A lift truck, a Bobcat loader and four all-terrain vehicles that are called "mules" by construction workers were destroyed by the fire that erupted there. Four PennDOT employees on duty in tunnel control rooms smelled and then spotted smoke, notifying the city Fire Bureau at 11:18 p.m. As flames reached the ceiling and the tunnel portal, they ignited long wooden beams and boards stretched across the ceiling for construction purposes, fueling the fire. The heat was so intense that it blackened and popped off ceramic tiles and melted bolts holding the aluminum letters on the granite facade that displays the tunnel name. A 16-foot-high, 150-horsepower tunnel ventilation fan, one of four at the south portal, sucked up much of the heat and smoke and may be damaged beyond repair. A worker said it could cost $300,000 to replace. Three nearby fans were not affected. The intense heat charred conduit, controls, electrical cables and electrical junction and breaker boxes that control mechanical and communications elements of the tunnel. Fire also ruined a "multiplexer," where wires from remote TV surveillance cameras feed into a fiber-optic cable serving PennDOT's traffic management center in Collier. Skrinjar said 48 of 62 surveillance cameras were not working yesterday, mostly those monitoring traffic on the Parkway East/Interstate 376 and Parkway North/I-279. Although workers said equipment appears to have started the fire, Primo said he and others "have no clue" and are waiting word from investigators. PennDOT expressed confidence that the fire will not prevent Trumbull Corp., the prime contractor, and subcontractors from finishing work on the inbound tunnel and inbound bridge deck by Labor Day and rebuilding the exit ramp to Grant Street and the Parkway East by Halloween. "This doesn't help," Primo said. "Once we determine what needs to be done, everybody will have to work more hours and extra weekends."

UPDATE Contractor in building collapse gets 3 years probation
By SAMUEL MAULL Associated Press Writer May 20, 2003, 3:23 PM EDT
NEW YORK -- A contractor was sentenced Tuesday to three years probation and 250 hours of community service in connection with a Manhattan building collapse last year that killed one worker and severely injured three others. Shunkun "Michael" Tam, 49, was sentenced by State Supreme Court Justice John Bradley on his April 8 reckless endangerment conviction. The judge could have sentenced him to as much as a year in jail and fined him $1,000. Tam told the judge he had been "very surprised" by the collapse and expressed tearful remorse. "I feel very sorry for what happened," he said through a Cantonese speaking translator. "Everyday I have prayed for the victims." Bradley fined Tam's now-defunct contracting company, Tamco Corp., $5,000. The jury acquitted Tam of second-degree manslaughter in the death of Antonio Romano, 41, a Mexican immigrant who was crushed by concrete blocks and other debris on May 16, 2002, while renovating a five-story townhouse on East 61st Street. Tam was also found innocent of three assault charges in connection with serious injuries to three other workers. The town house was being renovated for Fabio Granato, owner of the Serafina restaurants. The workers were hurt when concrete blocks, loaded atop an improperly secured platform on the building's top level, caused the walls to collapse inward. A dozen other $55-a-day workers staggered out with minor injuries. Assistant District Attorney Daniel Cort had asked Bradley to sentence Tam to the maximum of one year. "The defendant wanted to make money and do this job on the cheap," Cort told the judge. "The defendant committed these crimes because of his greed." Tam's lawyer, Barry Turner, said his client had lost all of his money, and his company is out of business. The lawyer said Tam is now working for other contractors. Turner alleged that the site foreman, Cheung Keat "Ken" Ai, 33, caused the accident because he failed to follow Tam's instructions. Ai has pleaded guilty in the case and will be sentenced later to a minimum of one to three years and a maximum sentence of two to six years in prison.

Two bricklayers injured in accident at hospital
Two construction workers were injured at Mary Washington Hospital when they were struck by a falling piece of glass. The accident occurred at about 10:30 a.m. May 8 at the 94-bed addition now under construction on the front side of the hospital. A plate of tinted glass fell from the fourth floor of the addition and struck two bricklayers who were working on the ground, said K.C. Haile, vice president of Whiting-Turner Contracting Co., the general contractor. One of the workmen was treated and released in Mary Washington's emergency room, Haile said yesterday. The other man was more seriously injured and remains hospitalized, Haile said. His condition could not be determined yesterday. Haile said the cause of the accident is still under investigation. The glass had been hung earlier and was not being worked on when it fell. After the accident, work on the building was halted so that all new glass could be checked. Construction resumed the next morning. The new tower is expected to open by early next year.

UPDATE Contractor fined for deadly Rockville garage collapse
A contractor has been fined $11,275 for safety violations discovered after a Rockville parking garage collapse that killed three North Carolina construction workers, state regulators announced Monday. Cracks were also found in the section of the garage that collapsed Nov. 15, according to the report by the Maryland Occupational Safety and Health agency. State investigators said they couldn't determine if the James G. Davis Construction Corp., a Rockville-based contractor overseeing construction of the seven-story garage, made sure the portion that eventually fell could withstand the weight of the building's concrete floor slabs. Davis has not been able to prove that it or any subcontractors used a qualified structural engineer to design the section that fell, the report states. The cracks, found by an independent inspector, should have indicated the building supports were about to fail, an investigator said. "This accident might have been prevented ... if the project engineer had recognized the cracks along the anchor bolts as a possible sign of impending failure," wrote Roger Campbell, a MOSH investigator. Davis is challenging the decision and will discuss the citation with state officials at a May 29 meeting, said MOSH spokesman Joseph Seidel. Stanley Manvill, Davis' vice president for safety, did not return calls by The Associated Press on Monday seeking comment. Davis was the lead contractor for the construction of two federal office buildings and the seven-story concrete parking garage. The job included a handful of subcontractors and private inspectors hired by Montgomery County to conduct regular safety and progress checks. One of those contractors was Graham, N.C.-based C.P. Buckner, which had 15 workers laying beams on the top few floors of the building Nov. 15. The 248,000-square-foot, $7 million garage was nearly 75 percent complete at the time. Workers who survived said they heard a pop right before a 118-foot wide and 37-foot deep section of the building fell, with the concrete floors pancaking down on top of each other. Killed were Jose Ramirez, 36, of Raleigh, N.C.; Carl Gene Fisher, 42, of Wadesboro, N.C.; and Hubaldo Medina Andrade, 28, of Chapel Hill, N.C. Isidoro Garcia Lara, 37, was injured in the accident. State investigators later found a long fracture in a section referred to as C-3, leading them to believe that was the portion that caused the collapse. Davis built the C-3 section according to the design of a similar part of the garage, even though the two sections were meant to carry different amounts of weight, the report said. Investigators also couldn't find any record that plan was properly reviewed. "I have been unable to find plans, drawings or any other documentation that would indicate that the C-3 pier as built, was designed in that manner for that location by a person qualified in structural design," Campbell wrote. One of inspectors hired by the county later found the cracks and brought them to the attention of the project engineer, Smislova, Kehnemui & Associates, or SK&A. A SK&A official said the cracks could be fixed, but there is no evidence any action was taken, the report states. A woman who answered the phone at SK&A referred all calls to Davis.

Building Collapse At Upper East Side Construction Site
(New York-WABC, May 20, 2003) — The front of a building at an Upper East Side construction site has collapsed onto the sidewalk. No injuries were immediately reported at the construction site at 204 East 74th Street just before 9 a.m. A building at the site was being demolished when the front of the structure fell. It collapsed onto the scaffolding surrounding the building, and all the material then fell onto the sidewalk. None of the workers were injured, and it did not immediately appear that anyone on the sidewalk was hurt. East 74th Street is closed while authorities secure the scene.

Crane Topples
A crane came toppling down in downtown Fresno, putting several lives in danger. It happened at the construction site for the new federal building at Tulare and P Streets in downtown Fresno. The crane crashed down just after 8:00am Monday morning, falling on a semi trailer. No one was hurt. The accident is being attributed to operator error. Construction officials are now working on a way to right the fallen machine.

Accidents kill 2 on Gulf Freeway
Houston Chronicle
Houston police said two people were killed in separate motor vehicle accidents on the Gulf Freeway this morning. A pickup burst into flames, trapping the driver inside, about 2:30 a.m. in the 15000 block of the southbound Gulf Freeway. The driver apparently lost control and struck a guard rail, causing the truck to roll on its side, police said. "The driver was burned beyond recognition," said HPD spokesman Joe Laud. About three hours later, a construction worker was killed after being hit by a vehicle at a work site in the 6800 block of the Gulf Freeway. The driver, possibly a woman in a red pickup, struck the worker shortly before 6 a.m. and then fled the scene, police said.

Construction Worker Dies After Falling From Scaffolding
(New York-AP, May 17, 2003) — A 27-year-old construction worker died Saturday when he fell six stories off scaffolding at a residential building in Brooklyn, police said. Lee Keenan of Maspeth, Queens, appeared to have slipped, said Carmen Melendez, a police department spokeswoman. Keenan was pronounced dead on arrival at Woodhull Hospital at 9:10 a.m., less than an hour after the fall. The incident occurred in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn. No other injuries were reported, Melendez said.

UPDATE Crane-hire company fined for worklace death that was 'wholly avoidable'
Robert Grant, an employee of Rumney Crane and Engineering Ltd, Rumney, S.Wales, lost his life in what a Welsh judge described as a "wholly avoidable accident" in March last year. Mr Grant died from injuries he sustained in a 10-metre fall from a crane at his employer's premises as he undertook electrical work. The company admitted breaching S.2(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 in the circumstances of Mr Grant's death and was fined £15,000 with £1,266 costs at Cardiff Magistrates' Court. Steve Scott, HSE Principal Inspector commented: "Wearing a suitable safety harness would undoubtedly have saved Mr Grant's life. Firms whose employees work at height should operate the 'two-metre rule'. In essence, workers should not work within 2 metres of an open edge from which they might fall more than 2 metres unless appropriate precautions have been taken."

Welders Caused County Building Fire
A fire that destroyed the headquarters of Charles County's Department of Community Services this week was caused by welders who were renovating the 52-year-old building's heating and air conditioning system, federal and Maryland investigators said. The fire caused more than $2.5 million in damage and destroyed the only copies of waiting lists for the Section 8 low-income housing program, county spokeswoman Nina W. Voehl said yesterday. Officials have stopped taking housing applications until a new list can be made, Voehl said. The fire began in an attic-type space above the building's boiler room, where a contractor was welding, said W. Faron Taylor, a spokesman for the state fire marshal. Fire marshals and investigators with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives could not determine whether the fire was started by sparks from the welding or from a surge of electricity that welding sends through material, Taylor said. No charges will be filed in connection with the fire, Taylor said.

Man survives 30-foot fall
Friday, May 16, 2003 By Zeb Carabello
GILROY - An Eagle Ridge construction worker suffered minor internal head injuries Thursday afternoon when a bridge structure he was working on collapsed, sending the man on a 30 foot free fall into a trickling creek. The worker was Francisco Torres, 44, according to Torres' work partner, who declined to give his name. Rescue crews arrived on the scene around 3:30 p.m. at the south end of Eagle Ridge Court near Bullybunion Drive where Torres fell, eventually pulling him out of the creek and transporting him a quarter mile up the road by ambulance where he was met with a helicopter ambulance that transported him to a Santa Clara Valley hospital. Rescue workers on the scene said Torres was lucky to have full body motion and did not appear to suffer paralysis, and Torres was released from the hospital this morning. "I was on one side of the bridge and Francisco was on the other when it just collapsed," said Torres' co-worker. "I saw him and all the materials fall and he was just laying there not saying anything. When I got down there blood was coming out his ears." Shapell Industries is the developer of the Eagle Ridge area, although several separate construction contractors are believed to be building within the division. When contacted this morning a Shapell official said she was not aware of the accident or which construction company employed Torres.

One Dead In Lancaster Accident
May 16, 2003
LANCASTER, S.C. -- Emergency officials are on the scene of an accident that killed one person in Lancaster. The accident involved four vehicles on Highway 521 south on the bypass. The victim was driving through a construction zone when the car was struck by a vehicle Highway Patrol says was speeding. The victim's car then went into the median and struck an asphalt truck. Troopers say the car of the driver who was speeding went down an embankment. Authorities say traffic is backed up in the area as a result of the accident.

Ethanol plant worker shocked, but doing OK
Associated Press
BROOKINGS, S.D. - A worker at an ethanol plant under construction in Brookings County was brought to the hospital after getting an electrical shock. Robert Rassel, 39, of Iowa, was conscious and doing OK after the accident Thursday afternoon at the Vera Sun Energy plant near Aurora. He went to the Brookings hospital as a precaution but has since been released. The sheriff said the accident happened when a back hoe unearthed a buried cable and it came in contact with chains being used to move equipment. Rassel was shocked when he touched the chains.

UPDATE Bosses charged over chimney deaths
TWO company bosses have been charged with manslaughter after a pair of steeplejacks were killed by a fireball which engulfed them while demolishing a chimney in Greater Manchester. Paul Wakefield, 40, and Craig Whelan, 23, were working inside the 200ft tower in Westhoughton, near Bolton, when there was an explosion. Their deaths at the Carnaud Metalbox tin can plant triggered an investigation by Greater Manchester Police and the Health and Safety Executive. Now two of the company's managers have been charged with manslaughter and police say a third manager, believed to be from Swansea, is to be summoned. Ian Billington, 39, of Conisber Close, Egerton, and Colin Stevens, 57, of Barford Grove, Lostock, each face two counts of manslaughter. They will appear before Bolton magistrates on Tuesday. Father-of-two Paul Wakefield was due home to celebrate his wife Lyn's 39th birthday and their 17th wedding anniversary when he died. He phoned her at their Nottingham home to say he loved her minutes before he started work on a cradle inside the chimney. But two hours later he and his workmate were engulfed by a huge fireball. They both died instantly in the inferno, which spewed 30ft-high flames into the air for 40 minutes. Mr Wakefield's widow said after the tragedy: "Paul and I loved each other. That's the last thing we said to each other and I'm thankful for that. He was a wonderful, devoted family man." Their daughters Kelly, 16, and Nicola, 12, are still struggling to come to terms with their father's death. Craig Whelan's fiancee Jill Wallace, 24, is also struggling to come to terms with the tragedy. The couple, also from Nottingham, had been looking forward to their wedding, which was planned for February this year. They had been living together since they were 17 and had a three-year-old daughter, Katie, who was the "apple of her daddy's eye". Miss Wallace said: "Daddy's girl just didn't describe it. All she had to do was flutter her eyelashes and he'd do anything for her." The force of the explosion, which happened on May 23 last year, dislodged a 180ft ladder. The investigation had to be delayed while the site was made safe. The tragedy has shocked fellow workers at Churchill Steeplejacks, in Ruddington, Nottingham. A company statement after the incident said: "The devastating tragic event has left us all shocked and numb. "Our deepest heart-felt condolences and thoughts are with their families." Mr Wakefield had worked for the family-run firm for eight years. Mr Whelan had been employed there for over two years. Steve Thomas, a spokesman for Carnaud Metalbox's parent company Crown, Cork and Seal Ltd, said: "We can confirm that two employees are facing charges following the industrial accident at our Westhoughton plant. "The conclusion of our internal investigation of this dreadful accident is that these employees acted at all times conscientiously and with consideration for the safety of others. "They continue to receive our full support as we work with the police and the Health and Safety Executive to establish the cause of the incident."

Fire extinguished at construction project
FITCHBURG -- Firefighters put out flames caused by a construction project Tuesday afternoon inside the UEL Construction building at 270 Airport Road. Deputy Chief Andrew Gallant said welders working on a project to enlarge the building accidentally set fire to insulation inside the building. Firefighters isolated and removed the insulation and put out the fire in about a half hour. Gallant said the fire caused a few thousand dollars worth of damage to the interior of the building. No one was hurt.

Worker Falls At Soldier Field; Suffers Head Injury After Landing On Head
May 14, 2003
CHICAGO -- A construction worker was hospitalized Wednesday night after falling 8 feet while working on the renovations to Soldier Field. The accident happened just before 11 a.m. The worker suffered lacerations to the head after falling on his head. He was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital, where a representative said he was in stable condition Wednesday night.

Freeways Reopen After Crane Accident; I-5, I-805 Shut Down For Several Hours
May 14, 2003
SAN DIEGO -- A crane collapsed on Interstate 5 early Wednesday, pulling down power lines, snarling traffic and causing a chaotic commute. The accident closed stretches of Interstates 5 and 805 until midmorning. A southbound stretch of Interstate 5, a main traffic artery linking the North County to downtown, was the last to reopen at noon, more than nine hours after the accident. The closures left tens of thousands of commuters with nowhere to go and nothing to do but wait. About 270,000 vehicles a day that come through this interchange, so it's a lot of traffic. It impacted all the surface streets and freeways both north and south. It was a headache for commuters and officers," California Highway Patrol Officer Mark Gregg said. A pregnant woman stuck in traffic called 911 about 6:30 a.m. to report that her water broke. Paramedics were able to reach her and get her to a nearby hospital. Earlier, a truck driver stuck in the backup was arrested for drunken driving, according to CHP officer Phil Konstantin. Amtrak and the Coaster, a commuter railway from Oceanside to San Diego, also were held up for hours. The accident occurred about 2:30 a.m. as Caltrans construction crews were working overnight on a project to widen the I-5 and I-805 merge. A crane was attempting to lift 145 tons of steel rebar into place when it collapsed and knocked down power lines that cross the highway. No one was injured, but nearly 3,000 nearby homes and businesses were left without power for several hours. About 700 people still remained without power as of Wednesday afternoon. Those affected are mostly businesses in the Torrey Pines area, 10News reported. Around 6 p.m. the California Highway Patrol reclosed both lanes of I-5 and northbound I-805 around the merge and State Route 52 to repair power lines. According to 10News, traffic flow was back to normal as of 7 p.m. and cars moved freely on the freeways. San Diego Gas and Electric said it could take several days to fully repair three high-voltage transmission lines and two distribution lines that were damaged.

Davis Commuters Hit Unpleasant Suprise
May. 15, 2003 Sandra Yi reporting
Davis County commuters get their patience tested when a big construction project hits an unexpected roadblock. Highway 89 was closed all morning, much to the surprise of commuters. And parts of highway 89 are still closed. Part of the problem is construction crews were installing a sewer line and dug a trench, only to see it begin to collapse. It looked like rush hour-- at noon. Chris Lloyd/Driver: "NOBODY LIKES TO GET STUCK IN TRAFFIC FOR A LONG TIME, THAT'S FOR SURE." But drivers in Davis County had a tough morning commute as a construction project on highway 89 hit a roadblock. Tom Hudachko/UDOT: "AND THIS IS REALLY WHERE WE HAD THE MAJORITY OF OUR PROBLEMS THIS MORNING. YOU CAN SEE WHERE THE ASPHALT STOPS AND THE ROAD BASE BEGINS. ABOUT 20 FEET WIDE." Crews installing a sewer line ran into trouble when a 10 foot trench sloughed on some unstable soil and expanded. Workers would have to tear up the asphalt and repave. Tom Hudachko/UDOT: "WE'RE STILL HAVING SOME PROBLEMS WITH THE TRENCH HERE WHERE YOU CAN SEE SOME OF THE PRESSURE IS RELIEVED AND WE'VE GOT SOME CRACKING IN THE ASPHALT HERE." The problem, though unexpected, caused major headaches and delays for drivers who had no idea the highway was shut down. It was supposed to reopen at 5 am. Chris Lloyd/Driver: "OH, IT WAS ABOUT A HALF HOUR DELAY." By 10:00 this morning only one southbound lane would open to traffic. Jennifer Cate/Traffic Specialist: "UP IN DAVIS COUNTY, WE STILL HAVE THAT DETOUR." All northbound lanes are still closed, leaving commuters to think again about the drive home. Trever Breuhn/Driver: "THEY HAVEN'T POSTED IT OR ANYTHING SO I DIDN'T KNOW THAT IT WAS CLOSED OFF UNTIL JUST NOW WHEN I GOT HERE. SO I'VE GOT TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET HOME COMING THE BACK WAY." Gary Birell/Driver: "NOBODY KNEW WHAT WAS GOING ON." "SO WAS IT FRUSTRATING?" "VERY FRUSTRATING, VERY FRUSTRATING." Chris Lloyd/Driver: "I'M NOT GOING TO BE TAKING IT TONIGHT." Highway 89 northbound lanes will be closed until tomorrow morning at 5. The detour is at the Farmington exit. If you take Main Street, you can get back on 89 at Cherry Hill. If you're heading north, you can stay on I-15 and take the Kaysville exit. A reminder that Lagoon Drive is also closed. UDOT says this project will help ease traffic in Davis County, so the headaches now will be worth it in the long run.

Fire destroys Anderson carpet store
May 14, 2003 - 4:51 pm By Ron Barnett STAFF WRITER
Fire destroyed a 50-year-old building and $500,000 worth of carpet and hardwood flooring in Anderson on Wednesday, but no one was seriously hurt, officials and the owner of the business said. he blaze, at the Carpet Fashions/Carpet One store at 1620 North Main St., apparently was sparked by roofers using torches, according to Anderson Fire Department spokeswoman Kim Strickland. Businesses within 2 1/2 to three blocks around the building were evacuated because of possibly noxious fumes, she said. Firefighters tried to douse the flames from above with a ladder truck but couldn't make much headway, Strickland said. "It became too dangerous for firefighters to actually walk on the roof, so we did have to evacuate everyone from the roof and the inside of the building and do an exterior attack," she said. David Rumph, who owned the carpet business but not the building, said he managed to get computer records out before the building was fully engulfed, but nothing else was saved. There were no customers in the store at the time the fire started, around 1:15 p.m., he said. The business employs eight, most of whom were inside at the time. "Everybody got out safely, but the store started filling up with smoke pretty quickly," he said. The business was in a former Winn-Dixie building that dated to the 1950s, he said. The value of the building wasn't immediately known. Rumph was at lunch when he got word that there was a problem on the roof. "They were just about to finish up and were in the back of the building," he said. "They had put the torch in and were heating up the last bit of the roof and evidently burned through and caught the roof up underneath on fire. "Once it hit, it just went up. That stuff was so dry and old, it was a lost cause." An official of the roofing company could not be reached. Two or three firefighters were taken to a rehab unit for treatment of smoke inhalation or heat exhaustion, Strickland said, but no one was sent to the hospital. Fire officials were concerned about the possibly noxious smoke from the smoldering carpet and evacuated businesses in the area, including a child care center about 200 feet behind the burning building, a restaurant and a strip mall, she said. There were also calls from nearby residences about the smoke, she said. Firefighters were expected to remain on the scene dousing hot spots through the night, but there was no apparent danger of the fire spreading, Strickland said.

Man crushed to death by steamroller in freak accident
By Donal Hickey
A MAN was yesterday crushed to death in a freak accident involving a steamroller. The Health and Safety Authority launched an investigation after 54-year-old Tom Flaherty, of Keel, Castlemaine, Co Kerry, died while carrying out roadworks for Kerry County Council. The accident occurred at Lougher, Annascaul, around 10.30am. A number of men were working on the road and it is believed the steamroller rolled back dragging Mr Flaherty underneath. Traffic was delayed for about an hour as emergency services dealt with the accident, the second of its kind on Kerry roads in the past two years. Mr Flaherty is survived by his wife, Eileen, three sons and a daughter. He was described locally as a hard-working, family man who was well respected. Meanwhile, an 18-year-old woman was killed when her car collided with a truck at Lea Road, Portarlington, Co Laois. Two other women in the car, both in their late teens, were seriously injured. The crash happened around 10pm on Tuesday night. One of Dublin's busiest roads was closed yesterday for a number of hours after two trucks, one containing nitric acid, crashed. Dublin fire brigade, the Hazardous Chemical Unit and gardaí attended the scene on Ashbourne Road.

Wall collapse injures one man
By James Haynes Wednesday, May 14, 2003
City building officials and OSHA are investigating after a partial wall collapse at 407 Rear Mystic Ave. sent one man to the hospital. EMS medics transported one employee from L.Feinman and Sons, an Acushnet based facility maintenance company, to Massachusetts General Hospital with a possible head injury shortly after 1 p.m. on May 6, after the concrete block wall he and other employees were working on collapsed suddenly. Medford Police and Fire responded to the incident, although the fire department stayed for only a brief period, as Somerville's fire department arrived on the scene first. Somerville Fire reported the worse injured worker appeared to have suffered a skull fracture. In an incident report, a Somerville firefighter noted, "Two other minor injuries to other workers." Steve Gubbins, a licensed contractor working for Feinman and Sons, and supervisor of several projects, including the 407 Mystic Ave. job, said the man was not seriously injured. "He was back on the job the next day, as a matter of fact," said Gubbins. Feinman and Sons were apparently removing blocks from the front and rear walls at AMI Leasing, one of the tenant of the business park at 407 Rear Mystic Ave. The crew was reportedly doing masonry work, repairing and remortaring, when a block fell from the wall and apparently struck one of the workers on the head. Building Commissioner Paul Mochi said work on the site was done without a permit. "There was crew out there and they didn't have a permit. There was no one there supervising the work, which was done by two or three young kids," said Mochi. "We also were told by some of the people who work in AMI that they didn't have hard hats on." Gubbins, however, disputes some of the Building Department's claims. He said the injured man was the foreman on the site. He also said the crew was doing minor repairs, and he did not believe it required a building permit. "We were just doing patch work, so to my understanding you don't need a building permit to do patch work," said Gubbins. "Unless they changed the rules, as they do all the time. And there was a foreman in charge on the job." Gubbins said he had visited the AMI site that day, as part of his rounds. Donald Bolanger, another inspector for the city investigating the incident, said there were several evident safety lapses at the building site. "They didn't have a permit. What they were doing was not secured properly. They were busting some block out of the back wall, but they weren't really doing anything properly," said Bolanger. "I know there was some electrical lines that went to the used oil tanks in the back that were still attached to the wall. You had the gas meter right out on the outside of the wall, the same side they were breaking the wall down." Richard Fazzio, Occupational Safety and Health Administration director for Northeastern Massachusetts, confirmed OSHA is investigating the accident, but declined to offer details. Feinman and Sons, according to a search of OSHA enforcement inspections, does not appear to have any prior citations. Mochi said a representative at AMI told them he was not aware that the work was done without a permit. Mochi said he is requiring AMI to hire a structural engineer to design repairs, hire a licensed contractor to carry them out, and apply for the appropriate building permits before work could resume on the building. AMI Leasing also did not return calls for comment on the collapse.

Road worker critical after A47 accident
May 14, 2003 11:44
STAFF at a road engineering firm today spoke of their shock at hearing a colleague had been critically hurt while carrying out repairs on the A47. Marcus Frost, 26, of Low Common, Swardeston, was taking measurements on the busy road on Monday afternoon when he was hit by a dark blue Saab 9.5. He suffered serious head and leg injuries and is being treaetd at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge. Mr Frost, who had been working with a colleague for East Anglian engineering contractors Atkins, was initially taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King's Lynn. The driver of the Saab, a 67-year-old man from Leicestershire, was not injured in the crash which happened less than a mile from the Swaffham side of Church Road, West Bilney. Richard Scrase, marketing manager for the Atkins Group, said the firm wished Mr Frost a speedy recovery. He added: "We were shocked and saddened to learn of the accident and our thoughts and prayers are for Marcus, his family and friends. "We take incidents of this sort extremely seriously and will be conducting our own inquiry. We will cooperate fully in any investigation by the Health and Safety Executive into the circumstances."

Fallen crane causes power outage: Driver escapes injury, but Natick homeowners are inconvenienced
By Jon Brodkin Wednesday, May 14, 2003
NATICK -- A crane attempting to move a tree tipped over yesterday morning, pulling down wires and causing a power outage to 1,900 homes. The driver, Ernie Tupper of Framingham, escaped serious injury, needing only bandages for cuts on his hand. Tupper was removing a tree for a homeowner at North Avenue and Tibbets Street around 11 a.m., when the three-axle vehicle tipped over, causing the crane to drag down wires. That set off a chain reaction which broke a nearby pole, officials said. Deputy Fire Chief Gene Sabourin said the long crane likely was holding the tree at an angle too close to being parallel with the ground, causing the whole vehicle to tip. "It's just a matter of too much extension and too much lean," Sabourin said. The longer the crane, the higher it should be, especially when holding heavy objects, he said. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration is leading the investigation into why the crane tipped. Officials were still on the scene as of 6:30 last night. It was taking them many hours to lift the truck upright because of OSHA's investigation and delays in getting the proper equipment to the scene. The crane was eventually righted and towed just away before dark. The last fire crew left just after 9 p.m. NStar crews, though, worked into the night trying to restore power. Tupper, 35, declined to comment, except to say that his hand was not hurt badly. Natick Sgt. Robert Davis said one of four outriggers used to steady the vehicle broke, another possible cause of the accident. He also said OSHA officials likely will look into whether the tree exceeded the allowed weight the crane can carry. The longer the boom, he said, the less weight it is supposed to haul. NStar spokesman Mike Monahan said all but about six of the 1,900 customers who lost power had it restored within 45 minutes. NStar could not replace a transformer to restore power to the other six until several hours later, when OSHA finished its on-site investigation, he said. Because of the nature of the accident, local officials were required to notify OSHA, which did not arrive until almost two hours after the mishap. Residents who had lost power in their homes milled about the scene, as NStar employees worked to put the lights back on and firefighters and police officers tried to determine how the crane fell. Tupper, whose vehicle was labeled All Time Crane Service, apparently was unsure about why the accident occurred. At one point, he asked several local officials for their opinion on why the crane tipped over. The tree he had been removing from next to the house lay broken on the street. The driveway in which the crane had been working was cracked in the fall. A 38-year-old Tewksbury worker died in a crane accident in Waltham last November. Dennis O'Neil was riding in the extended bucket of a crane when the truck tipped over. In yesterday's accident, there was no bucket on the crane. Sabourin said the tree was secured to the crane by a cable with a hook.

Backhoe accident cuts Boston Net service
By Hiawatha Bray, Globe Staff, 5/14/2003
An errant backhoe blade wrought havoc on Internet service throughout Boston yesterday, and The Boston Globe's Internet site, Boston.com, was among the victims, as was the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority. Workers accidentally sliced through a fiber-optic data cable used by Dallas-based Allegiance Telecom Inc., a telecommunications company that hosts the server computers of Boston.com and other local businesses. The accident, which occurred at about 6:45 a.m., disrupted Internet services throughout the day. ''In the Boston area, all of our data customers are affected,'' said Allegiance spokesman Michael Caputo. ''They have no service to the public Internet.'' Other customers who used Allegiance to carry their telephone traffic also lost voice communications, but Caputo wouldn't identify the customers. Allegiance began to restore service by late afternoon, with the help of Veroxity Technology Partners Inc., a Boston-based Internet provider, which shared some of its Internet capacity with Allegiance. ''It was a unique situation where we could lend a hand,'' said Michael Papell, Veroxity's director of business development. Randy Brandenburg, Boston.com vice president of product and technology, said the website actually never lost contact with the Internet because it has a secondary data connection. Unfortunately, the domain name service (DNS) computer for the site was still operated by Allegiance, and was knocked offline. A DNS computer is part of a global network of machines that direct visitors to the correct Web servers. If DNS is down, it doesn't matter whether the Web server is working, because Internet users will have no way of reaching the server. Brandenburg said that Boston.com was aware of the danger before the outage occurred. Next month the site was to adopt a new system that included its own DNS computer. But the cable cut ''got in 16 or 17 days ahead of us,'' said Brandenburg. Boston.com moved quickly yesterday to set up a new DNS computer, but Brandenburg said that it wouldn't do any good until some time today. That's because the Internet's entire DNS network must be told how to contact the new DNS computer, and the worldwide directory is updated only once a day. Fortunately, Veroxity came to the rescue, lending 100 megabits of data-carrying capacity to Allegiance. This put the Allegiance DNS computer back on line and restored service to Boston.com at around 5:30 p.m. yesterday.

Gas explosion destroys home
By Town Crier staff
Santa Clara County firefighters extinguish flames at a Cupertino home that exploded after utility workers accidentally punctured a gas line while working on a home down the street near the Los Altos border May 6. Gas from the damaged gas line filled the house and ignited when it came into contact with a lit pilot light, authorities said. The explosion nearly leveled the home. Nobody was injured in the explosion. The owner told local news stations that he had left for the store to purchase a box of screws for a project he was working on just before the disaster occurred.

OSHA proposes $49,300 fine for Panhandle bridge worker's death
The Associated Press 5/14/03 3:30 PM
PANAMA CITY, Fla. (AP) -- Federal officials have proposed that two construction companies be fined $49,300 for alleged safety violations found after a bridge worker fell 90 feet to his death. Richard Martin James, 33, of Fountain, hit part of the bridge on the way down before falling into St. Andrew Bay on Dec. 14. The eight-lane bridge on U.S. 98 is expected to be completed later this year. It will replace an existing four-lane bridge connecting Panama City and Panama City Beach. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is seeking fines of $29,000 against Granite Construction Co. of Watsonville, Calif., and $20,300 against Granite-Rizzani de Echer, a joint venture between Granite and an Italian company. OSHA investigators found two violations contributed to the death: failure to properly secure ladders and lack of proper equipment to prevent falls such as safety harnesses or guard rails, said James Borders, the agency's Jacksonville area director. Borders said six other violations unrelated to the death were discovered including the lack of a facility where workers could wash corrosive materials from their eyes, tripping hazards and exposed steel rods that could impale a falling worker. All of been corrected, Borders said. The companies have 15 working days to contest the citations and proposed fines before an independent review commission. Granite spokesman Michael Lawson said his company, the senior partner in the joint venture, will decide how to respond after meeting with Borders some time before the deadline.

A fire at a Moscow building site has killed ten people and hospitalised one worker. Initial investigation suggests it was sparked by welding equipment being used in the construction of a three?story parking facility. It's being reported that migrant workers from former Soviet Republics who work there were forbidden by the private security to talk to the media or to ask for assistance when the fire started.
Source: WorldWatch

EMS Crashes On Way To Rescue Worker; Roof Collapses At Construction Site
May 13, 2003
A construction worker was reportedly trapped as the result of a roof collapse in Chesterfield Township Tuesday morning. The accident happened at 10:50 a.m. on the construction site located on 23 Mile Road, near Interstate 94. Chesterfield Township police said this is the third time the roof has blown down due to high winds since the building has been under construction. The construction worker reportedly suffered a broken leg. The Chesterfield Township Fire Department said an emergency medical services crew responding to the scene was delayed because it was also in an accident. There were no reported injuries in the EMS crash at 23 Mile Road and Gratiot Avenue. Stay with ClickOnDetroit.com and Local First News for the latest developments.

Construction worker killed in accident
A construction worker was killed on Monday in an industrial accident in Kingston. Kingston police said Neil Metcalf, 62, of Stillwater, died when a 12-foot steel I-beam fell on him. The accident occurred at the site of the former Mack Truck Co. building, 135 S. Wyoming Ave., at 1:06 p.m. The building is being renovated for new occupancy. Police said Metcalf died after the I-beam he was welding shifted and fell, striking him in the face and chest. The I-beam was being placed over a doorway approximately 12 feet high and was being held by a forklift. Police said one side of the I-beam was welded, and the weld broke lose, causing the beam to fall on Metcalf, who was on a ladder. Metcalf was transported by Kingston Emergency Medical Services personnel to Wilkes-Barre General Hospital, where he later died from the injuries. Coroner Dr. George Hudock performed an autopsy at 6:15 p.m. and ruled that Metcalf died from multiple traumatic injuries. Police are not filing any charges and the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration has been called to investigate.

Safety a concern after fire
By W. MATT MEYER May 13 2003
As a downtown trash bin fire spewed billowing black smoke in the air, John Allen looked up from his work a few blocks away. Allen was overseeing repair work at one of his downtown buildings hurt in last week's tornado. When he first saw the smoke, he didn't think much about it. Then he realized where it was. The trash bin was outside Allen's Liberty Square Apartments, at the corner of Lafayette and Liberty streets. The building, along with several other of Allen's properties, had sustained roof and water damage during the tornado. The repair job at Liberty had just been finished Monday afternoon. But about 4 p.m., a trash container filled with old asphalt roofing ignited and the intense heat singed the outside of the building and damaged some windows and exterior trim work. Several dozen downtown workers gathered to watch as four fire trucks struggled to put out a stubborn tar fire. No one was injured. "Bring some hot dogs, we'll have a wienie roast down here," Allen said on a cell phone as he surveyed the activity. "I just don't believe this." Jackson Fire Chief Kenneth Lay said he was unsure what caused the blaze. He guessed that some of the roofing materials might have ignited through spontaneous combustion. Allen, a general contractor, thinks something was thrown into the dumpster and ignited the fire. "That's the only thing that makes sense to me," he said. The apartments are mostly occupied, but no one was home at the time. Allen said another tenant was supposed to move in this week. "Oh well," he said. A doctor staying in the apartment that received the most exterior damage during Monday's blaze had moved into Liberty Street because he had been burned out of his Gordon Street house last month, Allen said. "He's not going to believe this, two fires in one month," Allen said. This is also the second fire at Liberty Street in the last four months. A spark from a torch repairing the roof in February set a fire that damaged the roof and part of the third floor. Repair work from that accident had just ended the eek before the tornado struck, Allen said. "And the hits just keep on coming," Allen said. "I'd have to get better now before I could die." Lay said the incident should remind all who are cleaning up from the tornado and involved in rebuilding efforts to redouble their safety efforts. Though he was unsure of the cause of this fire, Lay said mixing certain chemicals - like carpet adhesives or roof tar - can cause fires to ignite easily. Lay also warned cleanup crews to not place debris where it might trip someone. "Some people might trip on it unless it is clearly marked," Lay said. Also, debris should not cover up fire hydrants, he said. Wes Forsythe, co-owner of Nando Jones, was outside cleaning up on Lafayette and could see the commotion of the downtown fire Monday afternoon. He said he is trying to keep his debris away from the building to stay safe. "It's a monumental cleanup job," he said. "I'm just trying to get a handle as to what we can do."

Buildings evacuated after gas line break
News Herald reports
PORT CLINTON -- A construction crew restoring West Perry Street broke a 3-inch gas main Monday, causing about two dozen people to be evacuated from local stores for more than 40 minutes. Workers and shoppers at Great Scot grocery and Goodyear-Fanmark Tire & Auto Service were asked to leave the stores until the gas was shut off, said Port Clinton Fire Chief Chuck O'Neal this morning. "We checked the buildings afterwards once they did come in and shut the main off," the chief said. "It was at lunch time so it affected the businesses." Construction crews broke the main right at noon, and it took a little more than an hour for Columbia Gas to get the line shut off and repaired. Since the break was closer to Jackson Street than to Monroe Street, authorities shut down Jackson until the gas flow was stopped. No one was injured in the hour-long ordeal. It could not be determined this morning which construction crew caused the break.

Worker hospitalized after fall from Davenport construction site
UPDATED: 5/13/03 1:59 PM
DAVENPORT – A worker is hospitalized after he fell from the roof of the Super Wal-Mart under construction in Davenport. Jose Martinez, 26, was working at the site of the new store in the 3100 block of West Kimberly Road. He apparently was lifting some building materials and stepped onto an unsupported area of the roof. Martinez fell 22 feet onto concrete. He was taken to Genesis East, and later flown to University Hospitals in Iowa City. There is no word on his condition at last report.

Lightning Injures Two Men In House
By: By BILL JONES/Staff Writer Source: The Greeneville Sun 05-07-2003
Two men were injured about noon Tuesday in a freak incident in which a lighting bolt struck the southern Greene County house on which they were working. A Sheriff's Department report identified the victims as Ronnie Hensley, 51, of Chad Shelton Road, and Dan Macon, 59, of Cedar Creek Road. Initially reported as an explosion, the lightning strike occurred shortly before noon Tuesday at a house under construction on Davy Crockett Drive across the Asheville Highway from the Victory Church of God. Authorities said the lightning strike was accompanied by a loud explosion-like sound, which was heard over a wide area extending at least from the South Greene Volunteer Fire Department, located south of the Nolichucky River, to the south side of Greeneville itself a few miles away. Robbie Babb, an Emergency Medical Service technician who was manning the Response One "medical first responder unit" at the South Greene VFD on Tuesday, said he heard the sound there. Babb was subsequently dispatched by Greene County 911 to Davy Crockett Drive, where he examined Hensley and Macon. The two were injured when lightning struck a house adjacent to 170 Davy Crockett Drive on which they had been doing inside work. Both men later were transported to Laughlin Memorial Hospital by EMS ambulances, according to a report filed by Deputy Sheriff Howard Gale. A hospital spokesman said this morning that, because of new federal privacy regulations, the hospital could not release any information about the condition of either victim. However, a subsequent check with officials at the Johnson City Medical Center indicated that Hensley had been transferred there and was listed in good condition this morning. Deputy Sheriff Gale said he was told by witnesses at the scene that Hensley had been standing on a fiberglass ladder inside the house drilling a hole through a rafter through which electrical wiring was to be passed when the lightning bolt struck. Macon, who also was injured, was standing nearby at the time of the lightning strike. Damage to the house near a second-story window on the north end of the house indicated that the lightning bolt apparently struck there. A powerful electrical charge from the lighting bolt literally blew apart the electric drill Hensley was using, according to Gale. Witnesses at the scene told a Greeneville Sun photographer that the fiberglass ladder on which Hensley had been standing at the time of the lightning strike might have somewhat insulated him, and that his injures probably would have been worse had he been standing on a metal ladder. Also responding to the "explosion" were Sheriff's Lt. Jakie Christy, two Tennessee Highway Patrol troopers, and units of the South Greene Volunteer Fire Department. Lt. Christy, a Sheriff's Department veteran, said he had never before heard of an incident in which someone inside a house was injured by a lightning strike.

Ten Moscow builders die in basement parking fire
MOSCOW, May 12 (Reuters) - Ten building workers died on Monday in a fire that tore through a partially-built elite housing complex in Moscow, the Russian capital's fire service said. It was in a basement, where the underground parking will be. There were 10 dead," a spokesman said. The Alye Parusa (Scarlet sails) complex of three yellow towers sits on the banks of the Moskva river in northwestern Moscow, and has been marketed as a high-quality housing development for Russia's rich. Television footage showed smoke billowing from windows on the lower floors. TVS television said the fire was caused by exploding gas cylinders used in high-temperature welding. "According to preliminary information, we can say there was a violation of security regulations," Vladimir Rodin, deputy head of the city fire service, told TVS. In a separate incident, three people were killed and one injured in a fire at an industrial estate in Russia's second city of St Petersburg, Interfax news agency reported.

Worker seriously injured
Staff Reporter
A worker was seriously injured yesterday after he fell off a wooden plank two-and-a-half storeys up, police said yesterday. The 34-year-old Syrian worker, from St Paul's Bay, who was carrying out plastering and painting work in an office in Zachary Street, fell into an internal yard. The accident, which took place at around 3pm, happened after the plank became dislodged, police said. Valletta police are investigating.

Construction Accident Costs Man Part of Leg
5/9/2003 by Stephanie Scurlock
Memphis,TN- A day after a construction worker amputates part of his leg in a construction accident he is listed in good condition at the Med's trauma unit. The construction crew were he worked continues its job replacing a city of Memphis sewer line. They are working in a tunnel underneath railroad tracks near Wells Station Road and Chelsea. The injured construction worker is identified as 48 year old Gldino Santiana. The owner of White Contracting, where he worked says Santiana stepped in a hole and got his leg caught on a auger. The auger is used to clear dirt out of the tunnel. "It looks like a drill bit inside a tube. And, that's what it is. When he stepped off in it. The drill bit or auger pressed his leg against the exterior tube or casing and that's what cut his foot off,"says Charlie White. White says santiana worked for his company for about 5 months and knew his job well. This he says is just a horrible accident. "He's used to it. Everybody knows the auger is there. They know it's dangerous. We try to watch these people and unfortunately it just happened,"says White. White says those who continue to work on the job a day after the accident know the job can sometimes be dangerous. accident. "They understand accidents. Unfortunately, in our business we're around a lot of heavy machinery and equipment. It doesn't happen often, but sometimes it does happen,"says White. Doctors had hoped to reattach the part of Santiana's severed leg but they couldn't. However according to physicians, it is better for him that he amputated his leg below the knee than above it. It's makes the fitting of a prosthesis a little easier.

Worker buried alive as mud wall collapses
By Karthik Subramanian CHENNAI MAY 11.
A casual labourer who was digging a well inside a candy factory in Old Washermanpet on Sunday was buried alive when the sand wall collapsed on him, due to the lack of proper safety procedures. The mishap, reported to have occurred at around 2.15 p.m., when the labourer, V. Ramakrishnan, dug the well with three others including his wife, Shanti, inside a candy factory on Telugu Chetty Street to a depth of around 15 feet. Another labourer, Janardhanan, was also caught when the sand caved in but he was rescued as he was above Ramakrishnan. The Fire and Rescue services said they received the rescue call at 2.29 p.m. and a unit from Old Washermanpet station was rushed to the spot. Even while Janardanan was rescued immediately with the help of the locals, Ramakrishnan was already buried under four feet of sand. A police team headed by the Deputy Commissioner (Washermanpet), A.G.Maurya, said the owner of the factory, A.P. Natarajan, had not acquired proper permission with Metrowater to sink the well nside the factory premises. Mr. Natarajan has been arrested. The police were not willing to accept the statement that the well was being dug for rainwater harvesting purposes. Clearly, the well was being dug inside a roofed factory premises, the officer added. The Fire and rescue services headed by the Divisional Fire Officer (North), K.Bakthavatchalam, determined that the well was dug up without placing concrete sleeves along the circumference of the well to prevent the sand from sliding in. "We could not risk letting anyone else enter the well as there was a possibility that they too would get stuck," the officer said. In effect, the rescue operation was reduced to a `recovery' operation and dragged for nearly four hours with five rescue units working together. Meanwhile, tension was building on the street outside with a large crowd gathering to witness what was going on. For the public, it was almost a replay of the accident in another North Chennai locality, Mannadi in August 2001 when six-year-old Tamilmani died after falling into an incomplete open bore well. The wife of the labourer, Shanti, who was a witness to the `rescue' operations was getting hysterical with every passing hour, even while the Fire Service personnel struggled to get the hardware needed for the rescue operation, such as `S-shaped' hooks. The police tried to pacify the crowd and even prevented some of Ramakrishnan's relatives and colleagues who were willing to risk an accident and get into the well. "We cannot risk more lives as we fear that he is already dead," an officer said. By 6-30 p.m., when the body of Ramakrishnan was removed from the well by dragging the rope with a clamp fixed to his body, the streets outside were near empty resembling a curfew of sorts. The public were not allowed to pass through the street. Only a few political volunteers and the local councillor, Vannai Ganapathy (ward 9) were present. The body was transferred to a waiting ambulance and taken to the Stanley Hospital for post mortem. Meanwhile, the local residents pointed out that the acute water scarcity was prevailing in the region and wondered what precautions would need to be taken, as more wells would be sunk in the coming months.

Construction Worker Loses Leg
May 9, 2003
Memphis, TN - A construction worker is hospitalized this afternoon after falling 75 feet and losing a leg in the process. The accident happened near Chelsea and Well Station roads in northeast Memphis. The construction worker is identified as 48-year old Galdino Santiana. He is recovering at the Med. Santiana worked for White Contracting. He was a part of a work crew putting a tunnel under a railroad track on Wells Station. The owner of the company says he severed the part of his left leg near his ankle. The worker was flown to the med in critical condition along with his amputated leg. Doctors are working to see if it can be reattached.

UPDATE OSHA cites firm for alleged safety violations
By Christine Gillette
NEW CASTLE - The Occupational Safety and Health Administration will fine a Portsmouth contractor $57,100 in connection with a worker's four-story fall at the Wentworth by the Sea Hotel. Courtcon Inc., of Portsmouth - an affiliate of Ocean Properties, the company that owns the Wentworth - is being cited by OSHA for what the agency called "alleged willful, repeat and serious violations" of safety laws. The citation for a willful workplace hazard, carrying a proposed fine of $49,000, is for circumstances surrounding the January fall of a Courtcon worker that resulted in serious injuries. The worker fell 40 to 50 feet and required hospitalization, said David May, OSHA's New Hampshire area director. The accident occurred when Courtcon was using a forklift to raise a pallet of material to a wall opening for transfer into the building, according to OSHA. An employee removing material from the pallet fell when that material shifted unexpectedly. The citation was issued, May said, because the worker should have been ted or secured against a potentially fatal fall. "When you're working close to an edge or open wall or floor, you either need something like a guard in front of you. Probably the best thing they could have done was use a safety harness," May said. "They didn't have or were not using that equipment for the operation." The citation is classed as willful, defined by OSHA as "one committed with an intentional disregard of, or plain indifference to, the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and regulations." While neither OSHA nor Ocean Properties officials would detail the extent of the injuries suffered, the worker has not returned to work since the accident and is undergoing physical rehabilitation, Richard Ade, Ocean Properties chief financial officer, said Thursday. "He's presently in therapy. Our benefits person spoke to his sister just this past Monday and he seemed to be doing well," Ade said. "It was an unfortunate accident. We've done what we can think to assist him and the timing for OSHA is just coincidence, I guess." The historic hotel is scheduled to reopen on May 15. In addition to the citation issued in connection to the fall, OSHA is proposing additional fines for other violations, $5,100 for an exposed electrical panel and fall hazards associated with misuse of stepladders and failure to train employees in their safe use, and $3,000 for an alleged repeat violation for improper storage of oxygen and acetylene cylinders. Courtcon was cited in August 2002 for what OSHA called a "substantially similar hazard" at the same site. Courtcon has 15 days to appeal the proposed fines or request an informal conference with OSHA to discuss the penalties. Ade said no decision has been made yet on whether the company will appeal. "I just got copies of (the citations) today," he said. "We haven't yet had a chance to review them. After we have some time to review them, we'll decide which way we'll respond." Courtcon is a safe company to work for, Ade said. "We make every effort to have a safe work environment, to abide by OSHA rules. Construction sites at some times have some risks and we try to mitigate them the best we can."

£75,000 fine for Imperial Museum worker death firm
Following the death of a worker in 1998 from scaffolding erected around the Imperial War Museum in London, the steel erection company responsible has been fined £75,000, it has been announced. One of UK's largest steel erection companies, William Hare Limited of Bury, Lancashire, was fined yesterday after Norwich-based scaffolder Brian Knights fell to his death in April five years ago. Knights and another man, Richard Bartram who escaped serious injury, had been standing on a wooden staging board resting on two horizontal steel beams, 13 metres above the ground. They were retrieving a ladder that gave access to the top of a column of scaffolding where steel channels had been bolted into position a few days earlier. The board became unbalanced and tipped both men off. William Hare pleaded guilty to breaching section 21 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, which states that, 'It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of al his employees.' Inspector for the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) said that the scaffolding had not been constructed well enough to cover the erection of steel channels. This had led to the firm bodging together a makeshift system: 'This dreadful accident has highlighted the need for the most detailed planning and preparation for all high-risk activities such as steel erection. This accident could have been avoided if the company had specified a safe system of work undertaken with suitable supervision,' he said. The prosecution is a positive action for the HSE which is currently the target of a National Audit Office investigation into whether the safety body is using public money wisely in combating deaths in the construction industry. In 2001-02, 79 workers were killed in the construction industry, the highest contribution of any sector out of the total 249 worker deaths the UK. A further 4,700 construction workers suffered serious injuries, and many more suffered and died from long-term health effects such as musculoskeletal disorders: 'Our examination will focus on whether the Health and Safety Executive has effective strategies in place to secure improvements in the health and safety record of the construction industry and what effect the strategies are having,' say the NAO.

Construction worker dies when drill touches power line
A Temple Terrace man was killed when the drilling pipe he was using touched 7,200-volt electrical lines, officials said. Daniel Rivera, 43, was pronounced dead about one hour after the incident, which occurred late Thursday morning. Rivera worked for Nutting Engineers of Florida Inc., officials said. Pasco County sheriff's spokesman Jim Campbell said the death was "avoidable," but that investigators found no evidence of criminal wrongdoing. John Pita, one of Rivera's co-workers, said the drillers relied on drawings provided by Rimkus Consulting Group. Michael Powell, a co-consultant at Rimkus, told Campbell he had "misaligned the drawing 180 degrees," a mistake that put the drilling too close to power lines.

Workmates rescue stricken steelworker
09 May 2003 By BERNIE NAPP
A steelworker suffering convulsions high up scaffolding in Wellington was saved by workmates and elite rescue crews. "He tripped on a piece of scaffolding tubing. He reached out to break his fall, grabbed at the rails of the protective barrier, missed that – he struck the side of his head or neck on the bottom rail," Sergeant Andrzej Kowalczyk, of Wellington, said yesterday. The man had a seizure and started writhing toward the edge of the Victoria University construction site platform. Two Atco Steel co-workers then held him down to stop him falling several metres on to Kelburn Pde, Mr Kowalczyk said. Police interviewed two people who saw the accident at 8.50am at the Easterfield Building where a new entrance is being built. Occupational Safety and Health will investigate. Wellington Free Ambulance Rescue Squad members and Fire Service officers fastened the man into a fibreglass stretcher and lowered it on secured ropes to a waiting ambulance for transport to Wellington Hospital. Rescue Squad leader Wayne Gray said rope techniques were used in only a few emergency operations in Wellington each year. "We told him to keep his hands together on the way down so he wouldn't snag on anything. He was conscious enough to know what he was doing." The managing director of university contractor McKee Fehl, Maurice Clark, said the man, a sub-contracted rigger from Atco Steel, had been working on a a canopy for the new entrance. The man had fainted, rather than tripped, Mr Clark had been told. Seizures in such events were not unusual. The patient was expected to be discharged from hospital. Victoria University public affairs director Jude Urlich said the new entrance was part of a $14 million campus upgrade.

Construction Worker Rescued From Collapsed Trench
A Tri-state construction worker who became trapped in a collapsed trench Friday morning has been rescued after more than two and a half hours. Nita Lunsford, 32, of New Lebanon, was working at the De Sales Plaza construction site, at the intersection of Madison and Woodburn in Walnut Hills, when an old foundation collapsed around her. Lunsford, who works for Reece-Campbell Construction Company, was stuck in between two walls 12 feet below ground while rescuers worked to dig her out. The rescue took more than two and a half hours because Urban Search and Rescue crews had to shore up the ground around Lunsford to keep the old foundation from collapsing more. Lunsford's main injury was to her left leg, which was the only part of her body that had become trapped. She was alert and talking with emergency crews during the entire rescue which ended at 1:45 p.m. Friday. Lunsford's sister was on the scene during the rescue and called her a 'strong woman who has been through a tough ordeal.' DeSales Plaza in East Walnut Hills will include shops and apartments when it is completed.

Workers Trapped In Southern Iowa Trench Collapse; Investigators Blame Rain, Soft Soil For Accident
May 8, 2003
MOUNT PLEASANT, Iowa -- Officials in Mount Pleasant said Thursday all the rain may have been a factor in a trench collapse Wednesday, which trapped two city utility workers for about 15 minutes. Randy Carver, of Mount Pleasant, and Jake Syfert, of Salem, were working in the trench when it caved in. Lori Glanzman, of Mount Pleasant Municipal Utilities, said Syfert was buried up to his hips and Carver was buried above his chest. Other utility workers quickly dug the men out. Glanzman said the hole was dug correctly, with the sides shored up and reinforced. She said the ground in the area had been dug up before, and combined with the rain, made the ground soft.

Worker Suffers from Electric Shock
May 9, 2003 — A worker suffered a serious electric shock atop a ladder today. It happened at 12th and Chew in Fern Rock at 2pm. The man was putting siding up on a house and one of the pieces of siding hit a line and the man was shocked. After being shocked the 50 year old man fell approximately 50 feet onto concrete and brought wires down with him. He was rushed to Einstein Hospital. PGW and PECO responded to the scene. The man was working on an area line which can carry anywhere from 4-13 thousand volts. A fire department battalion chief reported a strong odor of natural gas when he arrived at the scene. PGW said they are investigating the cause of the leak at this time. Power is currently out in the area.

5 Die in Explosion, Landslide Buries 30 Others in China Accidents
VOA News 11 May 2003, 15:38 UTC
At least five workers are dead and the fate of more than 30 others is unknown after two accidents in southern China. The official Xinhua news agency says both accidents occurred Sunday morning. More than 30 road construction workers were buried in a landslide Sunday outside the village of Baoutou in Guizhou Province. Xinhua did not say whether any of the highway builders survived. It said Guizhou's Communist Party secretary, governor and other officials are leading rescue efforts. Five factory workers died in a chemical plant explosion in neighboring Yunnan province. The news agency said a sixth worker was seriously injured in the blast at the factory in the capital, Kunming.

Worker crushed to death under crane
CHIBA -- A construction worker was fatally crushed Thursday when a 47-meter long crane came falling down on him in Abiko, Chiba Prefecture, police said. Takashi Kokubun, 54, died instantly. Two of his colleagues were also hurt in the accident. Police said the crane was trying to lift a wall at a construction site. It toppled when the arm of the crane was stretched to the maximum 47-meters, construction officials said. The area was very windy at the time. Police are also investigating a claim that operators of the crane forgot to put weights on the crane to prevent it from toppling. (Compiled from Mainichi and wire reports, Japan, May 8, 2003)

Two workers hurt in A.C. scaffold collapse
By BRIDGET MURPHY Staff Writer, (609) 272-7257, E-Mail
ATLANTIC CITY - Two construction workers were injured Wednesday when a scaffold collapsed beneath them as they were repairing brick work on a South Pennsylvania Avenue office building. Authorities said one man suffered a compound leg fracture and the other may have broken both his ankles. The incident happened just before 3:30 p.m. at 26 S. Pennsylvania Ave. Construction worker Phil Crites said his two colleagues were on ladders atop the scaffold and fell about 25 to 30 feet to the ground as he watched in horror. "We were just about to pack up," said Crites, 20, of Ocean City, who has a phobia about working on ladders. "That's why they left me on the ground. They know I hate ladders. Now they know why." Firefighters and medics responded to the scene, giving the victims oxygen while securing them to backboards and stretchers. Both victims were conscious. A bloody white sock, a baseball cap and two work boots lay among the broken pieces of red scaffold authorities secured behind police tape while waiting for investigators from the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration, who probe construction accidents, to arrive at the scene. Crites identified one of the victims as his cousin, 39-year-old Jim Waterman, of Somers Point, who owns the company, Waterman Plastering, that was doing the brick-repair job. The other victim, who also appeared to be in his late 30s, he knew only as "Danny." Authorities couldn't immediately provide the victims' names or ages. Acting Fire Battalion Chief Bob Palamaro said it appeared as though the accident was caused by the force of the ladders pushing against the building while they were on top of the scaffold, but that further investigation is necessary. The three-story brick office building houses several businesses, including an accounting firm, law offices and the Civil Rights Division of the state Department of Law and Public Safety. It was unclear Wednesday who had contracted for the construction work.

UPDATE Crane accident again claims man from firm; Same company employed workers killed at Miller Park
By LINDA SPICE Last Updated: May 7, 2003
A Minnesota man killed in the city's first fatal crane accident since the 1999 Big Blue crash worked for the same company that employed the three ironworkers killed in the Miller Park tragedy. According to a Milwaukee County medical examiner's report, Edward Dern died Tuesday afternoon when an 616-pound steel beam fell on him during construction of Cathedral Place, a $52 million development near N. Jackson and E. Wells streets that will include parking, condominiums and offices. Dern, a married father of four who was working for Danny's Construction Co., based in Shakopee, Minn., died at the accident scene. An ironworker since age 16, Dern, 35, had Preacher written on his hard hat. Outside of his construction work, he was the pastor of Apostolic House of Prayer in Worthington, Minn., and was studying with Aenon Bible College to finish pastoral credits, according to obituary information released by Dingmann Funeral Home, which is handling services for Dern in Minnesota. He was hired as the varsity soccer coach for the Worthington Senior High School and recently took the U-14 traveling team to the state level, winning two gold medals. He was active in his community's YMCA and with other youth groups. Dern was to celebrate his wedding anniversary on Friday with his wife, Angela, the funeral home reported. George Yoksas, area director for Occupational Safety and Health Administration, said the incident was the first crane accident causing a fatality in Milwaukee since Jeffrey Wischer, William DeGrave and Jerome Starr died on July 14, 1999, when the Big Blue crane toppled while lifting a 450-ton roof piece on the Miller Park project. The three men were employed by Danny's Construction. Company officials at the Minnesota office for Danny's Construction referred a reporter to the Milwaukee office, where officials said they had no comment about Tuesday's incident nor about Dern. Government documents on the OSHA Web site confirm that the company also was involved in the Miller Park project. Yoksas said Tuesday's accident remained under investigation. He said two people from OSHA were interviewing witnesses, employees and contractors and would be checking into worker training in the next few weeks. Milwaukee police Lt. Eric Moore said the case is also being investigated by the Milwaukee County district attorney's Office. Developer Joel Lee, one of four owners of the Cathedral Place building, said OSHA officials had just visited the work site two weeks ago and reported no problems. He said Danny's Construction was a subcontractor hired by another subcontractor working for KBS Construction, the general contractor. "Everything seemed to be OK," he said. "We just got word about this late yesterday. Everybody around here is just very upset by it. It's unfortunate. We just don't have any idea as to what the cause of it was. It just seems to be basically an industrial accident. It's a tragic one, too." The medical examiner's report says Dern died of crushing chest injuries as well as other injuries to his head and extremities as a result of blunt force trauma from the falling beam. Preliminary accounts contained in the report indicate Dern and another worker were in a parking lot near the construction site linking two steel beams to a crane. Dern's job was to place the choke on the beam and hook it to the crane. The choke is located in the middle of the beam and tightens when the beam is lifted, according to the report. The accounts indicate the crane had lifted two beams 50 to 100 feet in the air when the other worker noted that the lower beam was not hooked up right. The crane operator, a third worker, was given instruction to lower the beam down. When it was about 26 feet from the ground, the lower beam fell off the hook and landed on Dern.

Construction Site Accident Causes Explosion
May 7 — A bizarre accident at a construction site in Cupertino ended with an explosion and a fire that burned down the house next door. It happened at Imperial and Granada avenues around 2:45 Wednesday afternoon. The fire department says a construction worker hit a gas main with a backhoe and vapors drifted to the house next door. The explosion was a shock to everyone. One woman was injured with minor injuries and was taken to a local hospital. A male with minor injuries was treated at the scene.

Worker may have incurred spinal injury
Aworker who was installing Sheetrock in a new housing development in Salinas fell Wednesday and may have suffered a spinal injury. The 22-year-old was contracted to work on the Creekbridge development near the Twin Creek Golf Course off Constitution Boulevard. He apparently lost his balance and fell backward on to a pile of Sheetrock, said Salinas firefighter paramedic Paul Fenwick. The man, whose name and employer were not released, told paramedics he could not feel anything below his diaphragm. A helicopter was called to rush the man to Valley Medical Center in Santa Clara, Fenwick said.

House explosion kills worker; Flooring chemicals may be root cause of blast, officials say
05/07/2003 By L. Anne Newell ARIZONA DAILY STAR
A 37-year-old man was fatally injured Tuesday afternoon in an explosion at a Sabino Canyon-area home he was helping to remodel, officials said. Russell Norman Behrman was pronounced dead at Tucson Medical Center at 3:10 p.m., about an hour and 45 minutes after the explosion at a home at North Moccasin Trail and East Sunrise Drive, said Deputy Steve Easton, spokesman for the Pima County Sheriff's Department. Behrman, an independent contractor, suffered severe head injuries in the incident, which also hurt his 18-year-old co-worker, David Brown, Easton said. Brown was treated and released at TMC. Rural/Metro Fire District Chief George Good said Behrman and Brown had been installing a new floor throughout the home, including laying wood laminate above a sunken floor in the living room. Investigators said the work involved ether-based chemicals, which produced vapors that became trapped between the two layers of floor. They suspect a spark from a nail gun ignited the vapors, causing an explosion powerful enough tthrow Behrman head-first into the 8- to 9-foot-high ceiling. The explosion also caused a blast wave that shattered windows in the house, Good said. It did not start any fires, but left residual smoke, he said. "From what I saw in there, it was a pretty severe explosion," Easton said. The noise brought neighbors rushing outside to see smoke drifting out the front door. "It was huge," said Cristine Fridena, who lives across the street from the home. Margarete Sokser, who also lives across the street, was talking with a friend when she heard the blast. "I heard a loud sound and said to my friend, 'Did you hear that? It sounded like an explosion.' I looked out the window and couldn't see anything," she said. "Five minutes later, the police and the firetrucks were out there." Sokser said the workers had been at the house since last week, performing heavy work. She'd even stopped to chat with them the day before. The owner was expected to come in Friday, she said. "It's so tragic, I can't believe it," she said. Brown, of the 8100 block of East Speedway, called 911 on his cell phone at 1:24 p.m., officials said. Neither he nor his family could be reached for comment. Efforts to reach relatives of Behrman, who lived in the 800 block of South Stewart Place, also failed. One of the many people who stopped to watch the aftermath of the explosion was the home's former owner, Mike Katz, who said he and his wife sold the home last August but stayed there as renters through April. His family still lives in the area and he was driving past Tuesday when he noticed all the trouble outside his old home and stopped. "I'm flabbergasted," he said. He and his family bought the home new 19 years ago and had extensive work done, he said, starting a complete remodeling project five years ago. "There's been construction for years and we've never had problems," he said. "My wife and I are beyond words. That's all I can say. We've got memories for 19 years there, my kids grew up there and we never had an accident once in that house. I wish I knew what happened."

Beam falls, kills construction worker; Downtown accident under investigation
By KELLY WELLS May 6, 2003
A 35-year-old construction worker was killed Tuesday when a steel I-beam being lifted by a crane fell on him at a downtown Milwaukee construction site, authorities said. The man was working on the parking structure for the Cathedral Place development being built on the southeast corner of N. Jackson and E. Wells streets. He was in a small lot on the east side of Jackson St. when he was killed. Authorities declined to release the man's name or to say for which construction firm the man worked because his family had not been notified. When rescue personnel arrived, the man's co-workers had already lifted the beam off him, Milwaukee Fire Department Lt. Randy Hamburger said, but the man died at the scene. Hamburger estimated the beam weighed between 800 and 1,000 pounds. KBS Construction, the general contractor for the project, said the man who was killed did not work for KBS. Larry Breneman, vice president of Madison operations, said he was at the site at the time of the accident, but he declined to speculate on what went wrong, saying the accident was under investigation. "Our heart goes out to his family," Breneman said of the man who died. A representative of the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration who was at the accident site also declined to comment and referred questions to the agency's Milwaukee office, which had closed for the day. Cathedral Place, a $52 million development, will include parking, condos and offices.

PM's jet hangar collapses
By ALISON REHN in Canberra 08may03
TWELVE workers were injured when an $11 million hangar being built for Prime Minister John Howard's VIP jets collapsed yesterday. Dozens of workers fled as the structure at the Fairbairn RAAF base at Canberra airport fell inwards from its centre before noon. Airport managing director Stephen Byron said the gradual collapse of the roof allowed most of the workers to escape serious injury. "The roof did collapse slowly so that the structure was taking the weight as it was collapsing," he said. "We're very fortunate in that it did allow a number of the workers to ride the roof down and other workers to move clear of the falling structure. The cause . . . is unclear, however the site has been closed and the builders will be co-operating with ACT Workcover who will undertake the primary investigation." Of the 55 people on site, Mr Byron said "a number" were on the hangar's roof when it collapsed. One worker sustained serious head injuries and had to be treated on the collapsed roof before being rescued by the ACT Fire Brigade. Five workers suffered suspected spinal injuries, while another six received minor injuries. All were taken to Canberra Hospital. A Department of Defence spokeswoman said it was being built through a lease with the Canberra International Airport and will house the Government's fleet of VIP aircraft, which transport the Prime Minister, Governor-General and other government ministers around Australia and overseas. The fleet includes two Boeing 737 business jets and three smaller jets. "The hangar was designed to house five special purpose aircraft," the spokeswoman said. The hangar was due for completion in July.

Worker dies in fall
A Bangladeshi worker was killed when he fell from the second storey of a building under construction in Juffair yesterday. Joynal Miah Abdul Kadir, 26, fell at about 9.15am and was taken by his co-workers to Salmaniya Medical Complex, where he died at about 10am. Friends said Mr Kadir was unmarried and had worked in Bahrain for over a year. Labour and Social Affairs Ministry safety inspectors later visited the site. Bangladeshi Embassy officials are reportedly co-ordinating with the employer and the ministry to send the body home.

Ruptured gas main closes two Lansing schools
By James McCurtis Jr. Lansing State Journal
The Beekman Center and Forest View Elementary School were shut down Wednesday after workers ruptured a gas main at the south Lansing center. Lansing School District employees were installing playground equipment at Beekman, 2901 Wabash Road, when they broke the 2-inch pipe about 8:21 a.m. Beekman students were on buses when the accident happened and never entered the school, said district spokesman Mark Mayes. Beekman students were taken to Forest View about a quarter mile from the center, but officials detected gas there as well. Forest View students were then taken to the Hill Center for Academics & Technology for the remainder of the day. Beekman students were taken home, but if a parent wasn't home they were taken to the Hill Center. Both schools are expected to re-open Thursday, Mayes said.

Workers hurt in 2 accidents; Falls leave 1 man in critical condition
Brent Whiting The Arizona Republic May. 6, 2003 12:00 AM
Four Valley workers were injured Monday in unrelated accidents about 90 minutes apart in Peoria and Anthem. One was rescued by firefighters after a 25-foot fall from scaffolding at a job site in north Peoria. Tino Patterson, 40, suffered head injuries after plunging to the bottom of a hillside concrete reservoir. He was flown to a Phoenix hospital, where he later was reported in critical condition in the intensive care unit. In Anthem, two workers fell 20 feet when roof trusses gave way about 8 a.m. at an Ace Hardware store under construction. A third worker on the ground was injured when he was struck by one of the falling trusses, officials said. The male workers, whose names were not released, were taken to Phoenix hospitals with injuries that were not believed to be life-threatening, said Dave Nielsen, a captain for the Daisy Mountain Fire District. One of the workers broke both of his feet when he landed on the ground, said Bob Rohn, regional vice president for RAS Builders Inc., a Phoenix firm that is the general contractor for the Ace Hardware project. The three injured workers are employed by BPR & Sons, a subcontractor, he said. Officials at the Phoenix firm could not be reached. Darin Perkins, director of the state Occupational Safety and Health Division, said BPR received safety citations last year for failure to build a guardrail on scaffolding and failure to instruct employees. The citations resulted in two $1,875 fines. An investigation has been launched into both accidents, Perkins said. It may take at least two months to complete the probes, he said. Both mishaps underscored the danger of falls, the second leading cause of industrial deaths in Arizona. OSHA investigated 94 workplace deaths in Arizona in the two-year period ending Dec. 31. Falls accounted for nine deaths. Thirty-two died from being crushed or struck by an object, the leading cause. The others died from electrocution and other causes. In north Peoria, Patterson, the fall victim, was breathing on his own when firefighters got to him, said Tom Pendley, a Peoria fire captain. "He was moving and awake, but he wasn't talking to us," Pendley said. "That's typical in a head-injury situation." Firefighters used ropes, a basket and a construction crane to raise Patterson to the top of the reservoir, then into a waiting rescue helicopter. The industrial accident took place at a reservoir near 91st Avenue and Jomax Road that will serve WestWing Mountain, a master-planned community. Archon Inc., a Gilbert firm, is the general contractor for the project. Patterson was identified as a worker for a Gilbert subcontractor, Waco Scaffolding & Equipment. Jeff Dangel, a Waco branch manager, declined comment on the mishap, but added, "We're just praying that all goes well for Tino and that he has a speedy recovery." Perkins of OSHA said Waco was last investigated in July 2001 but had no citations.

Worker Hospitalized After Falling From Roof
A construction worker was injured Monday morning when he fell from the roof of Rice Creek Elementary School at 4751 Hard Scrabble Road, said George Rice, spokesman for Richland County Emergency Services. The worker, whose identity wasn't immediately known, was taken to Palmetto Health Richland where he was listed Monday in good condition, Rice said. Details about the accident at the Richland 2 school were unavailable Monday.

UPDATE Blame laid in deadly construction accident
MONTREAL - Quebec's workers health and safety commission blames the engireening and the construction firms for the deadly collapse of an overpass. The du Souvenir overpass collapse killed one man and injured two others in June 2000. The overpass is located on Highway 15, north of Montreal. Gilbert Vinson was killed when huge concrete beams fell onto the car in which he was travelling. The Commission de la Santé et de la Securité du Travail, or CSST says since the accident, it has implemented measures to avoid such a tragedy. The CSST has identified the factors which contributed to the collapse of the overpass: here was confusion on the construction site between the engineers and the workers: the engineers didn't give the workers proper instructions as to how they had to attach the concrete beams to the ground an inadequate system was being used to attach the beams. Basically, the beams were only hooked to the overpass by one single metal rod. Nothing was holding them onto the ground. As a result, the beams were left dangling. The concrete beams were so unstable, the wind pushed eight of them on the ground, resulting in the deadly accident. The CSST has decided it will inspect more often these types of contruction sites. It will work with Quebec's order of engineers to make sure they understand the importance of detailing their plans more. The commission says ultimately the engineering firm is responsible for the plans. It is uncertain whether enginieers or construction companies will face lawsuits as a result. Although coroner Gilles Perron completed his inquest in the matter last November, he has not yet published his report.

Workers Hurt in Scaffolding Collapse
May 6, 2003 12:19 pm US/Eastern
Moon Twp (KDKA) A construction accident in Moon Township this morning has sent three workers to the hospital. The men were injured when the scaffolding they were working on at the Forest Glenn Apartments -- near Moon Township High School collapsed shortly before noon. Two of the workers have been flown to an area hospital. The third was taken by ambulance to another hospital. Officials have not commented on their identities or the extent of their injuries.

TEANECK - The roof and walls of a West Lawn Drive home were moderately damaged by fire, said police Lt. Thomas Sikorsky. Sparks from welding tools being used by a plumber ignited the two-alarm blaze Saturday afternoon, Sikorsky said. The homeowners were inside when the fire started and immediately called the Fire Department. Several fire engines responded and the smoky blaze was extinguished within 15 minutes. - Catherine Holahan

UPDATE OSHA penalty is paid, $7K fine levied in training lapse
By NANCY POSTER For Dispatch/Sunday News
Monday, May 05, 2003 - A Hanover contracting company fined in connection with a worker's death in January has paid the fine but says it does not admit any wrongdoing. The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration fined Conewago Enterprises $7,000 -- the maximum the agency can assess -- over the training of the employee who was operating a crane involved in the Jan. 16 death of William D. Coulter, 44, of Fairfield, Adams County. The company also was fined $5,000 -- later reduced to $3,500 -- for a violation not related to the accident, said Robert Fink, director of OSHA's Harrisburg office. Coulter, who had worked for Conewago for 4 months, was killed Jan. 16 when a bridge crane struck the elevated scissors lift on which he was standing into a precast shop roof. Coulter was pinned against the roof. Adams County Coroner Patricia Leinbach said he died from asphyxia due to blunt force trauma to the neck. OSHA levied the $7,000 fine after determining Conewago did not have each crane operator "designated or trained to operate an overhead bridge crane," according to the OSHA citation and notification of penalty, which is dated April 4. The employee who was operating the crane the morning Coulter was killed had not been trained to operate the equipment, Fink said. Company's position: Conewago Enterprises president Donald Smith confirmed that "OSHA investigated the accident and felt there were two areas where we could have done a more thorough job in training. We do not necessarily agree with their assessment." In a prepared statement, Smith said the company "has one of the best safety and training programs in the industry and in fact have received awards from The Associated Builders & Contractors Association." Accidents do occur, he wrote. Smith said the company made a business decision to settle the matter with OSHA without admitting any violations "while continuing our efforts to train our employees to work in a safe manner." Coulter's death was the first fatality at the company, according to Smith. Last week, Conewago verified that the violations had been corrected and the fines were paid. The second fine, Fink said, was for allowing employees to work in proximity to electric power circuits without protecting them against electric shock by de-energizing and grounding the circuits or shielding the circuits with insulation. After a conference with the company earlier this month, OSHA reduced that penalty to $3,500, Fink said. "They were very cooperative," he said of the company. Conewago Enterprises, based on Edge Grove Road, does construction work on commercial buildings and public works facilities. The company was formed 10 years ago and is a subsidiary of Conewago Contractors Inc., a 45-year-old Hanover firm. Coulter was married and the father of two children. He was an Army National Guard veteran and had spent 10 years in the Navy.

Buckled sign scaffolding bottlenecks SPID; Some are trapped on the highway for more than an hour
By Mike Baird Caller-Times May 4, 2003
A damaged and dangling 18-ton sign bridge that buckled while being removed caused traffic to be closed in both directions for several hours early Saturday on South Padre Island Drive. The sign bridge, a road sign-holding metal scaffolding that stretched across all six lanes of the highway, buckled while being removed by a 100-ton crane near the fly-over construction on SPID between Kostoryz Road and Ayers Street. Workers were forced to leave the damaged sign bridge dangling on the crane until Texas Department of Transportation workers could safely cut off about a third of it with an acetylene torch. The Corpus Christi Police Department provided 15 units to help reroute traffic, which quickly bottlenecked on access streets and side roads, said Lt. Carlos Rios, police department traffic supervisor. Dozens of drivers were trapped on SPID for more than an hour while police worked to clear the highway, police said. Mathis residents Deborah Dodd and her 10-year-old son, Gus, were delayed nearly an hour while commutng to the science fair at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. "I was pretty worked up by the traffic delays," Dodd said. Buckled just before 8 a.m. The sign bridge was to be removed at 7 a.m., said Cliff Bost, transportation department spokesman. "It was in the way for the expansion project close to the interchange, where the fly-over is being constructed," Bost said. "It got hung up on the metal supports and about a third of it buckled just after 8 a.m." Because of the way the sign bridge was bent, the crane couldn't move it until another crane was brought in and the structure was cut into two pieces, he said. "Anytime you have construction, traffic patterns can change hourly, and people need to expect things - today was a good example of that," Bost said. Police received a call for assistance about 11 a.m., and Rios said their units had cleared the southeast-bound traffic by 1:50 p.m. Northwest-bound traffic was clear by 2:30 p.m., he said. At least one police sergeant was trapped by the unexpected traffic mess. Sgt. Tim Revis, who works in robbery and homicide investigations, couldn't get off SPID for an hour and 20 minutes, he said. The delay was long enough that he couldn't get to a suicide investigation. "It was a mess," he said. "Some people were backing up, going the wrong way." One accident that occurred near the congestion couldn't be directly linked to the SPID traffic problem, police said.

Parent Category: Incident Alert Archives
Category: Construction Accidents

Construction Accidents Page #5

This page was last updated on  05/06/2010

Man critical after construction accident
By Rodney Tanaka Staff Writer Thursday, May 01, 2003 -
A construction worker was in critical condition Thursday after a piece of equipment from a crane fell on him at Mt. San Antonio College. The Los Angeles County Fire Department responded to the injury at 9:13 a.m. at Temple Avenue in Walnut. Adrian Camacho, 34, was hit on the right shoulder and back and driven to his knees by an arm used to pump concrete from a crane, fire Capt. Ron Nixt said. Camacho works for subcontractor Correra Concrete. He stopped breathing and did not have a heartbeat, so Mt. SAC security guard Jeff Parker performed CPR on the man until firefighters arrived, Nixt said. Camacho was taken to Harbor- UCLA Medical Center, where he was listed in critical condition Thursday evening, according to a hospital spokeswoman. The California Occupational Safety and Health Administration is investigating the injury. The Fire Department will give Parker a letter of commendation, Nixt said. West Covina resident Loretta Riddle, 34, who was driving by when the injury happened, said she wanted Parker to be recognized for his life-saving efforts. Parker continued CPR even after Camacho vomited in his mouth, she said. "He saved this man's life,' Riddle said. "He is a hero.'

Napa cop spots fire, averts disaster for businesses
Thursday, May 1, 2003 By MARSHA DORGAN Register Staff Writer
A Napa police officer happened to be in the right place at the right time to stop a fire, not a crime. Officer George Ulitin, who was responding to an earlier call of a possible disturbance at the shopping center at Redwood Road and Solano Avenue, most likely nipped a serious structure fire in the bud when he discovered flames poking out between the common back wall shared between Weight Watchers and Dazzling Donuts. "I was checking out the back alley behind the business when I saw flames coming out between the wall shared by the two businesses," Ulitin said. "I called the fire department and told everyone in the businesses in that building to get out." In addition to Weight Watchers, other businesses in the smoldering building included Round Table Pizza, Dazzling Donuts and Bicycle Works. All were evacuated, but Weight Watchers, which was closed at the time, was the only business damaged. The cause of fire has been traced to a construction company that was doing asphalt paving patch work behind the businesses, Napa Fire Battalion Chief Steve Stuart said. Workers were using a heating torch along the edge of the buildings, Stuart said. The fire, found in the rear exterior walls of Weight Watchers, was heading for the roof, Stuart said. Armed with axes and chain saws, firefighters munched away at the exterior walls of the business to prevent the fire from rising to the roof. Scristoval Gonzalez, a baker at Dazzling Donuts, said he was baking donuts when he smelled the smoke. "I smelled something burning, and then the police were banging at the door telling us to get out of the building," he said. "There were three of us inside -- no customers -- and we left." Round Table Pizza employee Kyle Owens said the police also alerted him and the other employees to evacuate the restaurant. "There weren't any customers inside the restaurant, just about 10 employees," Owens said. "We just left the restaurant and are waiting to find out when we can go back inside." Using an ax, chain saw and circular saw, firefighters ate away at the exterior walls of the Weight Watchers business to make sure the fire didn't find its way to the roof, Stuart said. The damage, estimated at $5,000, was confined to the exterior and interior walls of the business, Stuart said.
"The was no loss of contents."

Charges against parent firm dismissed in electrical deaths
By Shamus Toomey Daily Herald Staff Writer Posted May 02, 2003
A federal judge Thursday threw out criminal charges against the parent company of an electrical firm accused of improperly training two workers electrocuted atop high-tension wires in the suburbs. U.S. Magistrate Judge Geraldine Soat Brown dismissed the charges against MYR Group Inc. but left in place criminal charges against its subsidiary, L.E. Myers Co. of Rolling Meadows. Both were indicted Dec. 11 in the deaths of Blake Lane and Wade Cumpston. Lane, 20, was killed atop a Mount Prospect electrical tower in 1999 on just his second day on the job. Cumpston, 43, was killed in a Plainfield accident in 2000. The judge said the men did not qualify as employees of MYR Group under the law, and therefore the parent company could not be accused of failing to properly train them. "The accidental deaths of Lane and Cumpston were tragic," Brown said. "However, a criminal charge must have a foundation in law establishing criminal responsibility." U.S. attorney spokesman Randall Samborn said the office is reviewing the decision and will likely appeal. L.E. Myers faces fines of up to $2 million if convicted.

UPDATE Woman Found 'Not Guilty' In Fatal Construction Crash, Defendant Faced Conviction Under 'Andy's Law'
May 2, 2003
A Macomb County jury found a local woman not guilty on Friday for the Aug. 9, 2002, accident that caused the death of one road construction worker and injured another. Stacey Ann Bettcher (pictured, left) was the first person charged under a law enacted in 2001 known as "Andy's Law" -- named after worker Andy Lefko, who was paralyzed on a Interstate 275 construction site in 1999. The law cracks down on drivers who cause injury or death to road construction workers. Bettcher had pleaded guilty to the charges in August 2002, but changed her plea in February to force the case to trial, Local 4 reported. The families of the victims were surprised and upset by Bettcher's last-minute switch, Local 4 reported. Police say Bettcher had a long list of prior driving offenses including driving with an open alcohol container and driving with an expired license at the time of the crash. Bettcher could have faced up to 15 years in prison if convicted.

UPDATE OSHA: Lack Of Shoring Could Have Contributed To Deadly Cave-In
May 2, 2003
OKLAHOMA CITY -- A man died Thursday when he was trapped for more than an hour underground after a cave-in at a construction site in the western part of the city. Marvin Young, 30, was helping connect a new sewer line to the city sewer line in a 12-foot-deep, 6-foot-wide ditch about 1 1/2 miles south of Interstate 40. Young was in the trench when it started to cave in about 11 a.m., said Maj. Brian Stanaland, a spokesman for the Oklahoma City Fire Department. "He jumped to another area and was completely buried over his head, about 9- to 10-feet deep," Stanaland said. Rescuers reached Young's body about 12:15 p.m., but were unable to remove it from the trench for several hours, Stanaland said. Workers used hand shovels and could only remove 5-pound buckets of dirt at a time or risk another collapse, Stanaland said. Young's body was removed from the ditch about 3:30 p.m. Ron Watkins, a safety specialist for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, said that large of a trench should have some kind of shoring. "At this moment, it looks like there was none," Watkins said. Dirt samples removed from the ditch will be analyzed, he said. Young was part of a crew from HMS Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning that was installing the sewer line for a building under construction, Stanaland said.

Construction Cave In
Wednesday, April 30, 2003
Tense moments at a local construction site,as rescue workers are called to assist an injured man. A contruction worker was rescued from a trench after a cave-in at a construction site this morning. The site was located near north St. Louis and Zora Avenue in Joplin. Med flight airlifted the injured worker to St. John`s Regional Medical Center in Joplin after he was rescued by local firefighters. Officials say a 15 foot trench collapsed around the worker just after 8 this morning. The construction crew was installing a sewer line for a new housing addition when the accident happened. "While they were doing some excavation one of the workers stepped outside of the trench box which is a box that helps protect against any fall down and the side of the trench actually collapsed in on him,"said Steve Lea, Joplin Fire Department. Authorities say a trench collapse in our area with the type of soil found here, can exert up to 700 pounds per square inch of pressure. Officials say the worker was in quite a bit of pain after being rescued, but his exact condition is not know at this time. Reported By: Jim Jackson

Worker killed in accident at high rise construction site
By ABC13 Eyewitness News
The worker was killed while working on Tremont Towers in southwest Houston Wednesday. An accident at a high rise construction site killed a worker Wednesday. It happened around noon at the Tremont Towers on Yupon and Westheimer in southwest Houston. Workers were moving a load of corrugated steel with a crane when the load shifted. The load fell and hit a worker on the ground. He was rushed to Memorial Hermann Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Houston police and the OSHA are investigating the incident.

Thursday, May 01, 2003
A construction worker is dead, after a trench collapsed on top of him. The accident happened about eleven this morning in Oklahoma City, just South of Interstate Forty. The construction crew was working to connect two sewer lines. When the twelve foot trench he was working in collapsed. 30 Year old Marvin Young had been buried by nine to ten feet of dirt. Crews worked for nearly an hour trying to reach him. But by the time they pulled him out, he was dead. The accident will be investigated.

Freak Cement Truck Mishap Kills Driver
EASTON, PA-May 1, 2003 — A cement truck driver was killed Wednesday on Route 33 when the vehicle's mixing barrel dislodged and crushed the truck's cab. The right front tire on a truck being driven by Raymond L. Conley, 31, of Orefield, blew out, causing the truck to skid off the highway and into a culvert, police said. When the truck stopped, its mixing barrel dislodged and rolled over the cab, trapping Conley inside, police said. "The culvert stopped it, and the weight on top of the truck came forward on the driver," state police Cpl. Robert Mahady said. Conley was driving for Catasauqua-based Rock Hill Materials Inc. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Construction worker critically injured in accident on the job
By ABC13 Eyewitness News
(4/29/03) — The Harris County Sheriff's Department is investigating a Tuesday morning accident at a northwest Harris County construction site that left one worker critically injured. The man suffered a leg injury when an earth-moving truck backed up over his leg at the site on Hollister and Blue Creek Ranch. He was taken to Memorial Hermann Hospital by Lifeflight and at last report was listed in critical condition.

Construction workers buried alive
Posted Wed, 30 Apr 2003
The bodies of two construction workers who died after they were buried under tons of rock, sand and clay when the trench they were digging collapsed, were recovered by rescue workers on Wednesday afternoon. The men were part of a 20-man team laying stormwater pipes for a new shopping centre in Okavango Road in Kraaifontein when the accident happened around noon. Metro rescue spokesman Dr Hitesh Bhoola, who was on the scene, said rescue workers including the fire department and construction workers had dug away furiously to reach the two men but their efforts were in vain. Bhoola said the identities of the two workers, whose bodies were being taken to the mortuary, would only be released once their families had been notified. "This incident now becomes a crime scene because the workers died an unnatural death," Bhoola said.

9 construction workers choke in tunnel
By: Rajendra Aklekar April 30, 2003
On April 24, nine construction labourers working 70 feet under the ground in a tunnel at Appa Pada in Malad were suffocated following a short circuit in the compressor of a drilling machine which led to a minor explosion and fire. The injured workers were shifted to Suchak Hospital and six of them were kept in the ICU under medical observation for 24 hours. The condition of all nine are now reported to be "out of danger". The police say the BMC had given the contract for laying water supply pipelines by building a tunnel measuring 11.9 km from Bhandup to Charkop to a Vikhroli-based Hindustan Construction Company. Work for the project, including tunnel boring, was on from the shafts at Liberty Garden in Santosh Nagar to Appa Pada. The labourers had dug a 10-feet-wide and 1,250 metre-long tunnel for the purpose. Twenty people were working in the tunnel at the time of the fire, but only nine labourers who were working close to the compressor were injured. The police state, while the work was in progress, a short circuit occurred at 7.15 am in the compressor, leading to a minor explosion. The fire from the explosion started spewing out poisonous fumes of vinyl, which were inhaled by the workers, which caused nausea, giddiness and breathlessness. The names of the six injured workers who were admitted to the ICU are Dinesh Parkar (30), Ramkumar Thakkar (40), Sunil Shinde (32), Kalu Jana (29), Govind Dhumal (36) and Kale (45). The other three whose condition was reported to be stable are Shyam Sundar (27) Satyawadi Pradhan (56) and Mohan (26).

UPDATE Failure to apply brake caused death
April 29, 2003 19:13
A LORRY driver who died under the wheels of his runaway vehicle had failed to apply the parking brake, an inquest heard. Andrew Bone, 29, of Carraways, Witham, was delivering scaffolding to a site in London when his lorry began rolling towards rush-hour traffic. Mr Bone, who was employed by Essex-based Pole Position, died from multiple injuries in The Strand on July 23 last year while trying to stop the fully loaded Mercedes lorry careering into the path of pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. Westminster coroner Dr Paul Knapman, who had ordered a police investigation into the vehicle's condition, recorded a verdict of accidental death at the inquest yesterday after deciding Mr Bone's error was to blame. "The death was caused by Mr Bone not putting the parking brake on. It is as tragic as that. If the family were looking for negligence by other people, that has not been forthcoming," he said. "On the evidence we have it does seem the most likely explanation that the parking brake was not applied." Mr Bone was seen by fellow workers running alongside the lorry trying unsuccessfully to reapply the trailer brake, then trying to disconnect a vital braking airline before the lorry suddenly jack-knifed, crushing him under the wheels. His death left widow Cheryl to raise their four-year-old daughter Kelsey and a second child born eight months after Mr Bone was killed. The inquest had heard from scaffolder Bradley Whitnell, from Bow, east London, who had helped Mr Bone disconnect the trailer brake by hitting it with an eight-foot length of timber. "I gave it a clunk and it started rolling. He tried the brake, he pumped it three times and he's running beside the trailer, telling everyone to move back," he said. Mr Whitnell revealed the same trailer had suddenly rolled forward two months earlier during a separate job, crashing into two parked black cabs. Pole Position manager David Lunn, from Chingford, told the inquest the earlier incident had been put down to driver error. He added the vehicle had been checked every six to eight weeks and no defects were found. Accident investigator Pc William Wright said the handbrake had not been on the lorry when it had been checked after Mr Bone's death. Speaking after the inquest, Mrs Bone said she and his family had been devastated by his death. Mrs Bone was two months' pregnant at the time of the fatal accident and has since given birth to the couple's second child, Tierney. "At the end of the day he died trying to save the lives of a lot of people. It would have been his 30th birthday this year. It has been really hard with two children," she said. "However, at least I have them - it has helped me cope. He was a wonderful man. His family have been great."

Fire Destroys Uncompleted Raspberry Falls House
Dan Telvock and Allen Browning
Apr 28, 2003 -- A $450,000 house in Leesburg was destroyed by a fire Friday night and burned undetected for a few hours before firefighters were called to the scene. The Loudoun County Department of Fire and Rescue stated that the single-family home at 41616 Swiftwater Drive was under construction and no one was living in it. The Fire Marshals Office deemed the fire was accidental; a welder who was working in the house Friday, April 25, with a cutting torch ignited nearby combustibles. The fire burned undetected for a few hours until it was discovered at around 5:30 p.m. Leesburg, Lucketts, Ashburn, Hamilton and Loudoun fire and rescue personnel responded. Leesburg Volunteer Fire Chief Tom Goss said the house was fully engulfed when firefighters arrived. No one was injured. Raspberry Falls subdivision neighbors believe the fire started in the back of the house. Several neighbors said they saw black smoke pouring from an upper story, rear window that quickly erupted into flames. The cloud of smoke could be seen as far away the Rt. 15/Rt. 7 interchange and firefighters had to battle the rush hour traffic on Rt. 15 north before they could even begin to fight the flames. The firefighters set up two "collapsible ponds," into which fire tanker trucks deposited water, from which the hose crews drew upon to fight the fire. "Inside of 10 minutes of calling [911], the whole house was in flames," said Matt Martin, a nearby neighbor The house is still owned by the developer, Van Metre Company. The buyers were Vince and Didi Spina, who are still renting a home in Leesburg. They were set to close on the house in about one month. "This is not how we wanted to get in the paper," said Didi Spina. "We're devastated."

UPDATE Firm has history of violations; Safety officials investigate accident scene
By SYDNEY B. LEAVENS Monitor staff
PEMBROKE - The Pembroke-based company that employed the construction worker who died last Friday afternoon in an excavating accident has been cited for more than 40 violations of federal worker safety standards over the past decade. Randy Twombly, 39, of Deerfield was killed Friday afternoon when the excavator he was operating on F.L. Merrill Construction Inc.'s North Pembroke Road sand pit tipped and rolled down into the ditch below, landing on the roof and crushing the cab. Twombly had worked for the company for two years. Mine Safety and Health Administration officials were on the scene yesterday investigating the cause of the accident. Twombly's death was the first the construction company has reported in at least 10 years. (Companies are required to report to inspectors fatalities or accidents in which three or more workers are injured; F.L. Merrill Construction has reported neither.) But during that time, the company was cited for violating safety codes at its roadside sites as well as its gravel and sand pits, according to inspections conducted by the Mine Safety and Health Administration and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, both divisions of the U.S. Department of Labor. F.L. Merrill Construction has received 28 citations from the Mine Safety and Health Administration for its two Merrimack gravel pits since 1998, the first year for which records are available. Three 2003 violations are still pending. Between 1994 and 2000, OSHA found 17 violations at the company's roadside excavation sites, at least nine of which officials called "serious," or likely to cause injuries that would require more than on-the-job first-aid care, from partial disabilities to death. The Pembroke company has paid about $38,000 in fines since 1994, the two administrations' records indicate. Company officials could not be reached for comment. F.L. Merrill Construction's long record of violations is not necessarily unusual for an excavating company, said David May, OSHA's area director. Because construction has a higher injury and fatality rate than other lines of work, government officials inspect construction companies more than most. "Just being in construction creates more of an opportunity for violation if (the company) is not paying attention," May said. Excavation, one of the more dangerous types of construction, is under particularly close scrutiny, May added. Under a special excavation program, inspectors are required to stop and inspect any excavation sites that are at least five feet deep and do not look adequately secured. As a result, many of the excavation companies the administration inspects are cited for violations, May said. (In all, inspectors find some violations at about 70 percent of all sites, he said). F.L. Merrill Construction has paid about $3,500 for the 28 violations at its sand and gravel pits. Those violations included, in 2000 and last December, failing to correct defects to safety equipment in a "timely manner to prevent creation of a hazard to persons." The company was cited in both 2000 and 2001 for not properly guarding machines so that workers did not come in contact with moving parts. (Mine Safety and Health Administration could not be reached yesterday to comment on the particular circumstances of each citation.) At roadside excavation sites, OSHA inspectors fined the company on several occasions for inadequately protecting its workers. In 1998, for example, inspectors found that a trench in which two F.L. Merrill Construction employees worked was not shored against the collapse of its walls. Initially, inspectors alleged that the company had prior knowledge of the violation and proposed a $35,000 fine. But on reviewing the matter with company officials, however, they determined the offense, though serious, was not willful and settled on a $2,550 fine. F.L. Merrill Construction has not been cited - or inspected - by OSHA since 2000. Twombly's is the seventh death nationwide to take place on the job at a sand or gravel pit this year, according to the Mine Safety Health Administration's Web site. Inspectors hope to conclude their investigation of the accident this week.

Trucker Not To Be Charged In Death Of Construction Worker
April 29, 2003
GREENSBORO, N.C. -- A construction worker was killed early Tuesday on Interstate 40/85 when a tractor-trailer hit him as he worked on a painting crew. The victim is identified as Thomas Ray Myers of Troy, an employee of Blythe Construction Company in Greensboro. The crash occurred about 5:30 a.m. in the northbound lanes of the interstate between Burlington and Greensboro. A work crew was painting lane stripes on the highway and the state Highway Patrol said Myers was trying to retrieve a small piece of equipment in the road. Myers tripped and fell into the path of the tractor-trailer, according to investigators. Authorities said the truck wasn't speeding and the driver tried to avoid hitting Myers. Officials said no charges will be filed against the trucker.

Fire damages Utah Water Research Lab roof
LOGAN, Utah (AP) - Fire damaged the roof of the Utah Water Research Laboratory Monday, but no injuries occurred. There was no immediate damage estimate. Utah State University police Lt. Steve Milne said the fire started on the roof near the middle of the building where contractors were using a propane torch to repair the roof. Workers were heating a temporary patching substance so it would adhere to the roof's surface.

Traffic Accident
Traffic is back to normal at I-295 and Route 1 in Henrico County, but it was quite a different story Monday afternoon when a dump truck hit an overpass there. The driver had just left a nearby construction project at Virginia Center Commons and apparently forgot to drop the truck bed. It hit the sign, causing $100,000 in damage. The bridge appears to be okay. The trucker is charged with reckless driving.

Friar on danger list, worker injured in a fall written

by MM Staff Reporter - 29 Apr, 2003
A Dominican friar is on the danger list after fell down at the stairs in a Zabbar residence on Monday evening, while a worker was severely injured after he fell from a height on a constructions site at Attard on Tuesday morning. The 57-year old friars from the convent at Vittoriosa slipped on the staircase of the residence and during the fall he suffered severe injuries on his head and broke several ribs. An ambulance rushed him to St. Luke's hospital, where he was placed in the Intensive Therapy Unit. The Cospicua district police are leading the investigations, while the duty magistrate launched an inquiry. In the other accident, the 39-year old workers from Naxxar fell down from a plank he was working on in a construction site at around 0715 CET. Members of the Civil Protection Department rushed to the scene and rescued the man, who was suffering from severe injuries. He was taken to hospital for treatment. The Birkirkara district police are leading the investigations.

Gas Line Capped at Evacuated School
Web Editor: Sean Rowe Last Modified: 4/29/2003 11:13:48 AM
A ruptured gas line that forced the evacuation of Redan Elementary School Tuesday morning has since been capped. Students and school staff should be able to return to the building by noon, according to DeKalb Schools spokesman Spencer Ragsdale. Students were temporarily taken to New Covenant Ministries, located less than a mile away from the school. DeKalb fire Lt. Eric Jackson said a contractor working in the area struck and broke the line. Authorities have not reported any injuries due to the accident. More details as they become available.

Worker falls into trench
Firemen pulled an unidentified Asian worker to safety and rushed him to the Adan Hospital after he allegedly slipped and fell into a 15-meter deep trench in Martyr Fahd Al-Ahmad Area. A medical source at Adan Hospital was quoted by Al-Qabas daily as saying the condition of the worker, who is seriously injured, is stable.

YOUNGSTOWN Man killed at site of demolition; Both men ran to avoid the falling beam, but Charles Thomas ran into its path.
YOUNGSTOWN — A Youngstown man died in an accident at a downtown demolition site Saturday. Charles Thomas, 55, of 131 Boardman Street, was crushed by a falling steel beam at the corner of Front and Phelps streets just after noon. The William Pizzuto Co. is tearing down a parking garage on the block bordered by Front, Phelps, West Boardman and Hazel streets. According to police reports, a worker for the construction company was using a crane to lift a steel beam, but the cables on the crane became stuck on a piece of wood and the beam began to fall. Thomas, talking to another man, was standing on the sidewalk in the vicinity of the demolition work, the report shows. Reports say both men began to run in opposite directions when they saw the beam falling, but Thomas ended up in the falling steel's path. Police said he died before help arrived. The steel beam that hit Thomas is used to protect streetlight poles from falling debris during the demolition process. Under investigation A spokesman for the Youngstown Poice Department said it is unclear if any charges will be filed. He said police are still investigating. William Pizzuto, owner of the demolition company, said Thomas had been a common sight around the demolition area. He said workers had asked him to leave the area several times before the accident, but he would usually come back. "When I left to go to lunch, [Thomas] was standing there on the corner in front of the [Trinity United Methodist] church," he said. According to Pizzuto, the area around the demolition site was roped off. Family and friends of Thomas', a steel worker on disability, said it was a part of his nature to be around construction or demolition sites, making conversation with whomever he could. His sister, LaJena Solomon, said he just liked to watch the work. She had gathered Saturday evening with friends of her brother's outside Amedia Plaza, West Boardman Street, where he lived. "He was always just the type of person that was just there — no matter where you looked, he would be there, talking and being friendly," she said. Several of Thomas' neighbors described him as a caring man who was always looking to make new friends and lend a hand when needed.

Deadly Crash Slows I-95 In St. Johns County
April 28, 2003
A Palm Coast man was killed and thousands of motorists on Interstate 95 were delayed after a crash between a pickup and a dump truck in southern St. Johns County before dawn Monday. The Florida Highway Patrol said the accident occurred in the northbound lanes just before the county Road 206 exit around 5:30 a.m. Police say a dump truck driven by Marian Nash turned around in the median after dumping a load of asphalt. She was hit by the white Chevrolet pickup truck as she pulled into the northbound lane. Laurence Holler, 61 -- driver of that pickup -- was pronounced dead at the scene. No one else was hurt in the accident. The Florida Highway Patrol said that the speed limit in the area is 60 mph despite this area's designation as a construction zone. Troopers said they are not sure how fast Holler was going when the accident occurred, but their investigation is continuing. Investigators also say fog may have contributed to the crash. Channel 4's Tammie Fields reported that only one northbound lanes was open for more than three hours until the accident was cleared. Northbound motorists experienced 25- to 30-minute delays due to the congestion.

Man in critical condition after scaffolding fall
By LARRY LUNNIN April 15, 2003
A 38-year-old man working at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln was in critical condition after falling from scaffolding that collapsed Monday afternoon. UNL Police Sgt. Douglas Petersen said Guillemo Castillo, an employee of Gagner Construction, fell from a set of scaffolding set up at Woods Hall while other employees were trying to move it. Castillo toppled into a stairwell when one of the scaffolding's bars jarred loose, he said. Van Vuong was working at the service desk when she heard about the accident. According Vuong, a junior art and math major, the falling scaffolding broke out a window at Woods Hall and prompted several employees inside to run to Castillo's aid. "It looks like (the scaffolding) just swung around," she said. To make matters worse, Vuong said, the ambulance might have had trouble finding the building. Woods Hall, home to the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts, is not as well-known as other buildings on campus, she said. Petersen said Castillo was conscious when help arrived. But he was taken to BryanLGH Medical Center West for emergency surgery after suffering a fractured skull from the fall. Vuong said the injuries seemed serious. "When they carried him away it did not look like he was moving at all," she said.

Downtown gas leak leads to evacuation
April 16, 2003 By Jeremy Craig Staff Writer
A gas-line breach on Ellis Street on Tuesday morning caused the evacuation of an entire downtown block, including more than 300 pupils at Curtis Baptist School. Emergency workers responded to the accident, caused when construction crews on Ellis Street hit the gas line at about 11 a.m., said Battalion Chief J.E. Clark, of the Augusta-Richmond County Fire Department. No one was injured, he said.

Cement Worker Electrocuted In Suffolk
(AP) - A construction worker was killed on the job Wednesday when a hydraulic pump struck a high-voltage power line in Suffolk. Fire department spokesman Jim Judkins identified the victim as 37-year-old Keith Withrow of Virginia Beach. He says another construction worker - 57-year-old Benjamin Porter of Virginia Beach - was injured in the accident and was taken to a local hospital. Judkins said the two men were working for a cement subcontractor and pouring a foundation for a duplex when the pump struck a 20,000-volt power line just after 5:00pm. He says a co-worker performed CPR on Withrow, but could not revive him. Dominion Virginia Power officials are investigating the accident.

Broken Crane Halts Rail Traffic and Closes Streets in Jersey City
ERSEY CITY, April 17 — A broken construction crane teetered 40 stories above Washington Boulevard today, forcing the closing of several city blocks and a four-hour suspension of light rail service on this city's waterfront. The 330-foot Manitowoc crane was being operated on a high-rise apartment building when a cable broke shortly before 10 a.m., said Sgt. Edgar Martinez, a spokesman for the Jersey City police. No injuries were reported and no one was evacuated, Sergeant Martinez said. The mishap at the Marbella Luxury Apartments, a 42-story building under construction downtown, reminded many people here of a more serious accident last year. In January 2002, the arm of a 460-foot crane at an office building also on Washington Boulevard malfunctioned, forcing the evacuation of 850 residents and the closing of several blocks for four days. "Last year we were dealing with a German-made crane and it took several days to get the experts and equipment into town," Sergeant Martinez said. "Fortunately this is an American crane, and it only took a matter of hours to secure the site." Sergeant Martinez said, "The workers expect the whole process to take about six hours, so traffic will continue to be disrupted, but we hope everything will return to normal by Saturday." This afternoon, the crane's owners, Vergona Construction of Englewood, dispatched two smaller hydraulic cranes to the site and secured the Manitowoc as workers continued to make repairs, said Joseph Vergona, a co-owner of the company. "The only difficulty was getting up to the top to do the repair," he said. "It's a pretty easy job — we'll replace the broken parts and it will be ready to go back to work." The accident suspended service on New Jersey Transit's Hudson-Bergen Light Rail system at the Harsimus Cover station for about four hours. New Jersey Transit provided shuttle service to the displaced passengers before full service was restored at 2:45 p.m., said Ken Miller, a spokesman for the transit system. Shortly before 8 p.m. tonight, the streets were reopened and traffic was back to normal.

Roofing Glue Accelerated Leesburg School Fire
Allen Browning
Apr 18, 2003 -- Roofing adhesives being used in the construction of Frances Hazel Reid Elementary School in Leesburg contributed to Monday's blaze at the site and may be the cause of flames that engulfed a Loudoun County firefighter, building authorities said Thursday. The fire began when a construction worker using a cutting torch ignited insulation sheets that were stacked on the roof awaiting installation. It was the presence of at least one of two roofing adhesive compounds on the roof that burned Loudoun County firefighter Brett Harne, according to Loudoun County Public School Superintendent for Support Services Evan E. Mohler and Tucon Construction President Keith Maddox. Harne was flown by helicopter to a Washington, DC trauma center for treatment. He was released from the hospital later than night and has returned to duty. Despite the spectacular fire that created flames and smoke that could be seen for miles Monday, school administrators and building authorities says students will have nothing to fea from the materials being used in the roof construction. The entire roofing system to be installed at Reid Elementary is called a ballasted Firestone EPDM (ethylene-propylene-diene-terpolymer) roof. Firestone is one of the largest of several manufacturers who market EPDM systems, which are used on flat-roofed buildings. The system consists of a series of Firestone products that are laid over corrugated steel plates, which are welded to steel roof girders. The first layer is the insulation made by Firestone called ISO 95+, which was the stacked insulation that caught fire on the roof of the school. The next layer is a rubber membrane material, for which the roofing system is named, called EPDM. It comes in rolls that are unfurled into sections that cover the ISO 95+ panels, followed by gravel or rocks used to weigh the EPDM down so it does not shift or blow away with the wind. While ISO 95+ insulation panels and the EPDM will burn, they are not nearly as flammable as the various chemical compounds used to connect the sections of EPDM membrane to one another. And it is those chemicals that Mohler, Maddox and a host of other building officials believe ignited Harne, because according to Building Officials and Code Administrators (BOCA) code "flame spread" scales, the ISO 95+ panels are less flammable than wood. "[The panels] have a flame spread of 25," said Mohler. "That's not as high as dry wood, which is rated at 100. "Asbestos is rated at zero," Mohler noted. With a flame spread of 25, the ISO 95+ insulation qualifies as a Class I material, which encompasses the least flammable materials available. By contrast, untreated wood is a Class III material, which makes it among the most flammable materials in use. Class III materials have a flame spread ranging from 76 to 200 while Class II materials range from 26 to 75. However, the adhesive chemicals present on the roof are very flammable, according to the Material Safety Data Sheets that accompany the products. Firestone Bonding Adhesive BA-2004 contains acetone, toluene, and xylene, all of which are flammable, while Firestone Lap Seam Sealant LS-3029A-1 contains naphtha, a flammable ingredient that is also used as cigarette-lighter fuel and in barbecue-lighter fluid. While the roofing adhesives are flammable, Mohler said once the roof is installed they will no longer be present at the construction site. As for the burned area, engineers for the school system and Tucon have already evaluated the damage and steps are being taken to repair it. "We're replacing seven bar joists," said Mohler. "It's quicker to replace them then to mess with cleaning and repainting them." In addition, two layers, or courses, of cinder blocks at the top of a nearby wall are also being replaced. In the meantime, construction of Frances Reid is still proceeding on other areas of the project. Attempts were made to reach the Loudoun County Fire Marshal's Office for comment.

Worker burned in job-site accident
Jodie Sinnema The Edmonton Journal Friday, April 25, 2003
EDMONTON - A 29-year-old man suffered second-degree burns to 80 to 90 per cent of his body after an explosion shook a new residential development in southwest Edmonton Thursday afternoon. The man worked for a flooring company and was skinning linoleum in a new house south of Ellerslie Road near 119th Street. He was using a flammable solvent to take out linoleum, which was the wrong colour and needed to be replaced. Fire investigators said the vapours came in contact with the furnace duct in the basement and started the fire in a flash explosion. Damage is estimated at $150,000. One of the man's employers was nearby when the blast occurred and called the man on his cell. "I beeped him as a joke to say 'Did you blow up the house?' But he didn't answer," she said, visibly upset as she stood outside the house, slated to be finished by month's end. "I guess the joke was on me. ... We hope he's OK." Emergency crews got the call at around 4:15 p.m. and could see smoke rising in the sky from about one kilometre away, fire captain Lorne Sherstobitoff said. "It flashed and the main floor and part of the upstairs was involved with fire," Sherstobitoff said. "All of the vents were blown out or twisted and by the time we got here, the man was lying in front of the double doors of the garage." The man was the only person in the house. "It's a very serious fire because of the explosion and if anyone else was in there, they would have been hurt very badly as well." Sherstobitoff said all the house windows were closed, but while that may have contained the fire, it may also have slowed the ventilation of the fumes. Supt. Rod Homeniuk of EMS operations said the man is in critical condition and is being treated at the burn unit at the University of Alberta Hospital. "It's potentially life-threatening," Homeniuk said. Cara Yager, who lives across the street, said she knew it was serious when she saw the 29-year-old on fire in the garage. "He was burning head to foot," said Yager, who immediately called for help. She said his hair was burned off, as were most of his clothes. All that was left were his socks, his shin pads and his leather work belt. Neighbour Brad Melnyk came running with a jug of water to pour on the burning man. When flames continued to burn the garage, Melnyk used his garden hose to douse the fire. "It was a little unsettling," Melnyk said. He had just taken possession of his house on Wednesday and was getting ready to move in on the weekend. "Hell of a welcome to the neighbourhood." Yager said the man was conscious the entire time and said his name was Spencer. To keep him calm, she asked him details about his past and reassured him. "It's a scary thing to have happen," Yager said. "It's horrible. He's a young guy, so hopefully, he'll heal quickly."

Lincoln church suffers damage after morning fire
BY WIL SHANE Northwest Arkansas Times Thursday, April 24, 2003
Roofers working on a church in Lincoln on Wednesday accidentally started a fire that ripped through the building, causing extensive damage, and rekindling the pastor's memories of another church fire over a decade earlier. Rev. Jerry Mizell, pastor of the First Assembly of God Church, said the fire started at about 10 a.m. when roofers were applying a product called Torch On. The material is heated and rolled over roofs to seal leaks. "The heat caught a bird's nest on fire and it spread through the attic and ceiling," Mizell said. The pastor was dubbing cassette tapes from an Easter Cantata in the church when he smelled smoke, he explained. "I went up on the roof and talked with the roofers, but everything looked fine," Mizell said. "So I came back down and went back to dubbing tapes." A few minutes later, Mizell heard "a yelling, panicked sound" coming from outside. "I thought someone had fallen off the roof and hurt themselves," Mizell said. As he was coming out of the Fellowship Hall's back door, Mizell was met by one of the roofers, who said there was a fire. "I called 911 and started carrying out what I could," Mizell said. He managed to save several musical instruments including keyboards, a drum set, some microphones, a Peavy bass guitar and a Takeminie acoustic guitar. A crew from the Prairie Grove Fire Department was first on the scene and a crew from the Lincoln department arrived later. When asked why the Lincoln department, which is stationed within a half mile of the church, didn't arrive first, Mizell declined to comment. "We're fully insured so we're not too worried," he said. "These things happen." It happened to Mizell once before in 1990 when he was the pastor of an Assembly of God Church in Barling. During a remodeling project, that church burned completely to the ground, he said. "The police woke us up at 6:30 a.m. and told us the church was on fire," Mizell recalled. Mizell's wife, Sue Mizell, said this latest fire was much less serious than the earlier blaze. "We couldn't rebuild the church in Barling, but we'll be able to fix this one," she said. "In the other fire, we lost everything, even Jerry's library." No cause was ever determined in the earlier fire, she added. Other than "a little smoke inhalation" incurred during his efforts to retrieve the musical instruments, Mizell suffered no injuries in the incident, he said. EMT T. J. Howerton, stationed at the Lincoln department, said most of the fire damage was in the ceiling. "When we got there, it was mostly contained in the back and in the roof," he said. "It moved all the way through the attic and caused some pretty extensive damage." Howerton said it was pretty clear what started the fire, but said he would make no official comment on the case until an investigation is completed. Mizell said he will meet with representatives from the church's insurance carrier today to determine a damage estimate and to see how long it will be before the repairs can be completed.

UPDATE Fatal fall at Fairmount accidental
STEVE HORRELL , Of the Intelligencer 04/25/2003
The death of a 26-year-old man who stepped off the edge of the grandstand roof at Fairmount Park Raceway and fell 30 feet to the sidewalk was ruled an accident Wednesday by a Madison County coroner's jury. Marty Nesbitt, of St. Louis, died on the afternoon of March 15 as he measured a part of the northeast corner of the grandstand roof at the raceway in Collinsville. He had been working for the EZJ Construction Co., of Salem, Mo., along with eight other workers who were measuring the roof and laying PVC pipe. Six of the roofers were on a nearby section as Nesbitt and another man were working together. Nesbitt's partner told Collinsville Police Detective Rich Wittenauer that just before the accident, Nesbitt had grabbed one end of the tape and walked to the edge of the roof, about 50 feet away. "He said he noticed the tape coming toward him and Marty was no longer there," Wittenauer testified. None of the workers say they saw Nesbitt fall. Wittenauer investigated the scene and said he noticed what appeared to e handprints at the edge of the roof which Nesbitt grabbed in a futile attempt to save himself. His body was found prone on the asphalt sidewalk below. Later, Wittenauer interviewed Larry Gill, a foreman for EZJ, who confirmed that Nesbitt was not wearing a safety harness at the time. Nesbitt had not been working close enough to the edge for the company to consider using a monitor who could have warned him when he got too close to the edge, Gill told Wittenauer. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is investigating the death to determine whether a monitor should have been used. Nesbitt began working for EZJ six months ago after his release from the military. A toxicology test showed no alcohol in Nesbitt's system. Madison County Deputy Coroner Ralph Baahlmann said that at some point prior to the accident Nesbitt had used marijuana and that he may have been under the influence of marijuana at the time of the accident.

Construction worker crushed by equipment
A construction worker died yesterday after he was crushed by equipment while working on the Harvard-Denison Bridge, which crosses Ohio 176 in south Cleveland, police reported. The man, whose name was not available while police tried to notify relatives, died at the scene. He was working underneath the raised hydraulic bed of a machine that vacuums concrete when the bed collapsed on him at 6 p.m., police said. Police suspect the man accidentally kicked a lever that released the bed.

Downtown traffic accident
JACKSONVILLE, FL (Downtown) -- Emergency crews, fire trucks and police cars are lining a downtown-area street after a traffic accident Thursday before 5pm. Some construction workers were putting out cones when the accident occurred. It happened on the main street ramp to I-95 south just south of the Main Street Bridge. A detective in a JSO homocide van crashed into the rear of a work crew truck that was picking up cones. He was taken to the hospital with broken legs.

Plumbing subcontractor rescued from trench
A Glen Burnie man was trapped for about three hours yesterday when a trench he was helping to dig in north county partially collapsed. Antonio Loverde, 23, a subcontractor for Linthicum Plumbing, was pulled from the hole after a coordinated effort by scores of emergency workers who flocked to the scene. Mr. Loverde was taken to the Shock-Trauma Center at University Hospital in Baltimore as a precaution. He was in fair condition this morning. Paramedics said he suffered injuries to his right hip, thigh and ankle. He also sustained injuries related to the compression in the trench and exposure to the cold, said Division Chief John Scholz, a county Fire Department spokesman. Despite yesterday's relatively warm weather, moisture in the soil could have caused hypothermia. Mr. Loverde and Chris Milan, who both work for Suburban Contracting Co. of Kingsville, were repairing the sewer line at the home of Jennifer and Jeff Hodges at 311 Cheddington Road in Linthicum. They had dug a trench measuring 16 feet long, 4 or 5 feet wide and 8 feet deep in some parts, and had removed the shoring to find the gas line when it collapsed, Mr. Milan said. "We walked to the edge of the hole to see what our next move was and the bank gave way," he said. Linthicum Plumbing owner Timothy Young said this was the first time something like this has happened in his company's history. The workers followed all the procedures for inserting shoring, or a trench box, in the hole, he said. Firefighters and paramedics from Anne Arundel and Baltimore counties, as well as the Howard County Special Operations Unit, the Maryland Occupational Safety and Health Administration and surgeons from Shock-Trauma's Go Team arrived to help Mr. Loverde, who was trapped up to his thighs and was conscious. Rescue personnel inserted large boards into the trench to shore up the walls. Emergency personnel blocked off Cheddington Road because they were concerned about vehicles causing vibrations and disrupting the trench more, Chief Scholz said. With darkening clouds and sporadic rain, they also were concerned about any moisture that could have hindered the rescue, he said. Rescuers also pumped heat into the trench - moisture in the soil could have caused hypothermia - and oxygen to help Mr. Loverde breathe and an intravenous line, Chief Scholz said. Mr. Loverde also was at risk for crush syndrome, which Chief Scholz described as what happens when toxins build up because of a lack of circulation. When the circulation returns suddenly, septic contaminants could course through the body rapidly, he said. Mr. Loverde's fiancee, Kristina Miller, and his brother, Phil, looked on anxiously as rescue efforts progressed. "I'm just hoping he's all right," Ms. Miller said. Rescuers finally pulled him out using a basket at 4:50 p.m., to the applause of dozens of residents of Crestwood, a neighborhood of about 200 homes. OSHA officials will handle the investigation of what happened.

Fire damages Greece church
Patrick Flanigan Democrat and Chronicle
(April 24, 2003) — GREECE — A Greece church was damaged by fire Wednesday, but the church's pastor does not expect any interruptions to today's scheduled services. "The damage was isolated to one room off the front vestibule," said the Rev. John Forni, pastor of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church on West Ridge Road. "We'll do a little cleanup and be back in business." Bud Phillips, chief of the Greece Ridge Fire Department, said the fire was reported at 10:30 a.m. and under control within 20 minutes. It was ignited accidentally by contractors from Alliance Door & Hardware Inc. who were using an oxygen acetylene torch to replace a window in a meeting room on the west side of the building. The fire spread to the ceiling and wall. Firefighters had to break into the wall from the outside to attack the blaze. "You could hear it moving through the wall when we got here," Phillips said of the fire. Lou Bivone, owner of Alliance Door & Hardware, said a spark from the torch got into the ceiling. The torch was opeated by a two-person crew -- one who works the torch, and one who reacts in case of a fire. The crew members immediately called 911 and began battling the flames with extinguishers when the fire started, said Bivone, who noted fire-resistant blankets had been placed on the floor to keep sparks from igniting the carpet. "They did everything they were supposed to do," Bivone said of his crew. "It's just unfortunate that a spark went in the wrong place. This hasn't happened in the 25 years I've owned the company." Bivone said he expects his company's insurance policies to cover the cost of the repairs. Forni said he did not know how long it would take to completely repair the damage but said the timing of the fire could have been worse. "Better this week than last week," he said, referring to Holy Week, which precedes Easter Sunday and is one of the most active weeks on the Catholic calendar. St. John the Evangelist is the home parish for about 2,700 families. A Communion service is set today for 6:25 a.m. and a Mass for 8:15 a.m. To learn whether schedules have changed, call (585) 225-8980.

Gas leak forces elementary school evacuation
By JEANNA CUNY , Staff writer 04/23/2003
About 750 students from Wyatt Elementary School at 8900 Coit Road were evacuated Tuesday morning after a gas leak in the area. 'The kids looked on it as an adventure and we made the best of it," Principal Nancy Roberts said. "I think our system worked quite well in keeping all the kids safe. That's our No. 1 priority." Plano Fire Department officials received a report of a gas odor at 10:02 a.m. The leak occurred when workers damaged a 3-inch gas main on the southwest corner of McDermott and Gifford, while doing construction work on the McDermott Road Church of Christ building, 200 yards east of Wyatt Elementary, she said. Officials with the Oncor gas company were notified of the damage and were on the scene to repair the line. "When our crews went to the school, Plano ISD maintenance officials had already initiated evacuation of the school," said Fire Department spokeswoman Monique Cardwell. s a precautionary measure, elementary school students, teachers, parents and administrators walked to Rice Middle School at 8500 Gifford until the area was declared safe at 11:17 a.m., she said. No other buildings were evacuated as a result of the accident, Cardwell said. Students returned to class about 12:30 p.m., district spokeswoman Nancy Long said.

Blazing bitumen sets fire to roofs
Apr 23, 2003, 13:42:00
Workmen accidentally set fire to a roof they were repairing at a bungalow in Staffordshire when hot bitumen ignited. Within minutes flames spread from the garage roof to the house and a conservatory, causing damage running into thousands. The occupants were out at the time. Fire crews had to break in to rescue two dogs. It happened in Sunningdale Drive, Kingston Hill, Stafford, yesterday when a gas bottle became detached from a blow-torch and ignited the bitumen. Within seconds the men were faced with fierce flames and raised the alarm. The flames whipped across the bungalow roof and damaged the conservatory at the rear. Stafford fire service sub-officer Ian Jones said: "The flames spread very quickly but luckily no-one was hurt and we forced entry into the bungalow to get the dogs out. "It would appear the men had no extinguishing materials to hand, such as a small bucket of water, and we would urge anyone carrying out similar jobs and using such inflammatory material to think twice about safety precautions. "However, the men did the right thing in dialling 999 and not trying to tackle the blaze themselves." The conservatory was worst hit and the garage and bungalow roofs were also damaged.

UPDATE Firm fined £8,000 over near escape
A CONSTRUCTION company was fined £8,000 after a dumper truck overturned on a building site in Leeds. A man driving the truck escaped uninjured. Morrison Construction admitted putting labourer Anthony Mongey at risk during work at Headingley Water Treatment Work on May 16 last year. The city magistrates were told that Mr Mongey, 59, was working as a sub-contractor for the national company, which was building a concrete water tank at Yorkshire Water's site at Otley Road. The work was being carried out in partnership with Earth-Tech Engineering. Mr Mongey drove the eight-tonne truck on a one- in-four gradient, a manoeuvre that was against safety advice. It overturned. He was taken to the accident and emergency department at Leeds General Infirmary but was uninjured and returned to work four hours later. Sarah Hague, HM inspector for Health and Safety, said: "There was certainly potential for a fatal accident here. Dumpers on gradient feature prominently on accidents of this sort. "The company has co-operated fully with the HSE investigation." Paul Burnley, for Morrison Construction, which has 100 sites nationally and employs 1,900 people plus 200 sub-contractors, said: "Mr Mongey, who has 40 years' experience in the construction industry, was unscratched. Although a sub-contractor, he had been on a full induction course. "Despite safety training , procedures were not followed. "The company was obviously shocked at what happened. An internal investigation was held and this incident is now used in training sessions." The firm was also ordered to pay £1,409 costs.

Gas explosion levels home, Nicor employee injured
April 23, 2003 — A construction accident in Blue Island led to an explosion that destroyed one home and damaged at least two others. There are reports that one person was injured. Officials say Nicor was called to the scene after workers struck a gas line in the area. The explosion occurred just after they arrived in the 3100-block of 141st Street in Blue Island. A Nicor worker was reportedly injured in the explosion. His condition is not known at this time.

Expatriate falls to death from crane in Hulhumale
Tuesday, 22 April 2003
MALE, April 22 (HNS) - An expatriate worker from Thailand died Monday after falling from a crane in Hulhumale. The accident occurred around 11:00am in the mega-island that is being reclaimed in the lagoon of Hulhule which houses the Male International Airport. The Thai expatriate was a worker involved in road construction in Hulhumale, according to officials. Road construction in Hulhumale is subcontracted to the Thai company, Italian-Thai Developers Public Limited. The private ADK Hospital in Male, where the injured man was taken to be treated, pronounced him dead on arrival. A witness told Haveeru that the man received severe injuries to his head when he fell and that blood gushed out of his ears. "He immediately lost his consciousness. There was blood everywhere on the boat" in which he was brought to Male, the witness told Haveeru. It is not established how high the crane was, on whose top the expatriate was working when he fell.

Gas leak causes evacuation
As gas fumes spewed out of rubble at a demolition site at Grayson County Airport Monday afternoon, construction workers, first response officials and evacuated occupants of two nearby buildings remained calm in the sunshine waiting for the all-clear. Wendell Williams, with Grayson County College, said a demolition crew was working off a survey of the area that was completed about a week ago. As they drove heavy equipment across a building, they struck a capped service riser which had not shown up in the survey. Williams said the crew hit a wall and the above-the-ground riser. Oncor official Martha Dorman said when the wall came down, it knocked the riser off and let gas escape. As the drama played out, gas visibly spewed into the air. Grayson County Airport fire trucks and police took precautions to reduce the risk of explosion. Within minutes, the Grayson County College cosmetology center was evacuated and the Juvenile Detention Center also got the word to move out. JDC officials vacated the eastern-most building, which houses the probation department and the detention center, and moved everyone over to the Boot Camp side of the complex. Director Bill Bristow said the evacuation was handled calmly and orderly. Grayson County College's cosmetology class was in progress with about 60 students working and several clients having work done to their hair and nails, all of whom were sent outside for safety. Some of the nail work continued on the outside as others waited on hair permanents to set. Dorman said it took Oncor crew members about an hour to find the line feeding the gas. They cut off the valve, plugged the line and, said Dorman, the risers are now abandoned and removed. "We always tell our customers, and it's our policy, to 'call before you dig.' That's also Texas law," Dorman said. "This is for everybody's safety, so there won't be problems (such as Monday's gas leak)."

Man Killed At Fairfax Construction Site
Reported by: 9News Web produced by: Liz Foreman 4/21/03 12:08:59 PM
A man has been killed in an accident at a construction site on Red Bank Road and Fair Lane in Fairfax. Police said the man was digging a trench around 11 a.m. Monday when he was hit by a 2,000 pound steel plate being handled by a crane operator. An Air Care helicopter quickly arrived on the scene but there was nothing emergency crews could do to save the man's life. The victim's name has not yet been released.

Crane falls on Wal-Mart roof; store is closed
JIM STERN, Gazette Staff Writer April 18, 2003
RAYNHAM -- A construction crane toppled onto an addition of Wal-Mart, severely damaging store infrastructure and forcing the indefinite closure of the mega department store yesterday. No one was injured and the cause of the accident is being debated by various officials. Fire Department officials said a crane being used to load a heating and air conditioning unit onto the roof of the new Super Wal-Mart fell forward shortly after 4:30 p.m. yesterday. The 100-ton crane severely damaged rooftop support beams, a back wall, gas pipes and electrical lines inside the store, Building Inspector Rodman Palmer said. Palmer said the store will remain closed until a structural engineer determines the building to be sound. Construction officials on scene declined to comment yesterday. Lettering on the fallen crane read "Astro Crane," of Stow. An official cause of the collapse was being debated last night. Fire Lt. James Januse said officials from Astro Crane said a strong wind gust knocked the crane over. Several fire officials said they were skeptical of the explanation, as fire sources said they did not believe the wind was strong enough to push over a 100-ton piece of machinery. Palmer said he was led to believe from interviews and personal observations the jib on the crane extended to far low and back, causing the mechanical crane to drop and the back end of the crane to fall forward. The store was closed for the remainder of the day and Palmer said it was uncertain when the store would re-open. As of 9 p.m., yesterday, a Wal-Mart hired engineer was traveling from Arkansas to study the damage at the store. Palmer said a store construction crew would be working overnight. The State Department of Public Safety and Special Operations were on scene last night. Inspector Paul Wakem declined to answer any questions from reporters. The accident scene created heavy interest among onlookers. Two hours after the crane had fallen, more than 50 people had gathered at the scene. Many carried binoculars and video recorders. One family sat in lawn chairs.

UPDATE OSHA Cites Florida Contractors for Exposing Workers To Fall Hazards That Led to Fatal Accident
FT. LAUDERDALE, Fla. -- The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration has cited two contractors for failing to protect workers from fall hazards at a Jensen Beach job site. The agency issued citations, with proposed penalties totaling $158,500, to Continental Painting, Waterproofing & Restoration, Inc., and one citation, with a proposed penalty of $2,500, to Safway Steel Products, Inc. Continental employees were replacing balconies and restoring the exterior stucco of two ten-story condominium buildings on South Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, when the fatal accident occurred. Safway Steel provided the scaffolding systems for the project. On Oct. 17, in preparation for the installation of balcony rails, a Continental employee was drilling holes in the new concrete floor of a balcony when he fell seven stories to the ground. He died later that day at a trauma center. "OSHA's safety standards for fall protection are designed to prevent a tragedy such as this," said U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao. "We are proposing the maximum penalties in this case, because Continental has been cited in the past for similar violations." According to Luis Santiago, OSHA's area director in Ft. Lauderdale, the agency issued five repeat citations to Hollywood-based Continenal Painting, Waterproofing & Restoration. One, directly related to the accident, carries a proposed penalty of $35,000 for failing to provide workers with proper fall protection equipment. The others, each with a proposed penalty of $25,000, cited the company's failure to provide workers with appropriate personal protective equipment and scaffolding with proper fall arrest systems and guardrails. A repeat citation is issued when a company has been cited previously for a substantially similar condition and the citation has become a final order of the independent Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission. The company received citations for other alleged serious safety violations, with $23,500 in proposed penalties. Safway Steel Products, Inc., received a serious citation, with a proposed penalty of $2,500, for failing to properly install the suspension scaffolds. OSHA issues a serious citation when there is substantial probability that death or serious physical harm could result from a hazard about which an employer knew or should have known. The companies have 15 working days to contest the citations and proposed penalties before the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission. The inspection of the work site was conducted by OSHA's Ft. Lauderdale office at the Jacaranda Executive Court, 8040 Peters Rd., Bldg. H-100; phone: (954) 424-0242. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is dedicated to saving lives, preventing injuries and illnesses, and protecting America's workers. Safety and health add value to business, the workplace and life. For more information, visit www.osha.gov .

UPDATE Argonaut to open in August; Fire had delayed hotel's premiere for more than a year
George Raine, Chronicle Staff Writer Thursday, April 10, 2003 San Francisco Chronicle
The opening of the Argonaut Hotel at Fisherman's Wharf, delayed for more than a year because of a fire at the construction site, is now planned for August, its developer said Wednesday. Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants of San Francisco, of course, is opening the hotel in the midst of an anemic economy. Hotel performance has been on a downward spiral nationwide during the past two years, putting a strain on the ability of many property managers and owners to cover expenses, noted the hospitality research group PKF Consulting. However, Gary Carr of the San Francisco PKF office noted that Fisherman's Wharf hotels have higher occupancy rates than the rest of the city -- 72.8 percent for 2002 compared with 65.4 percent for the whole of San Francisco. Even in the off month of January, wharf hotels had a rate of 57.6 percent compared with 53.3 percent overall, Carr said. Moreover, PKF expects an upturn in the hotel business and economy in general in the second half of this year, "and by that time the hotel will be up and running and that should coincide nicely for them," he said. The hotel is housed in the 96-year-old Haslett Warehouse, which early in the last century was the largest fruit and vegetable cannery in the world. Construction of the hotel was in an early phase on the night of March 16, 2002, when a five-alarm fire damaged the fourth floor and destroyed the roof of the historic warehouse -- vacant since the 1980s -- at Jefferson and Hyde streets near the Hyde Street cable-car turnaround. The San Francisco Fire Department concluded the fire was a construction job accident, the source a welding operation. Damage was estimated at $5 million. The 198,000-square-foot Haslett Warehouse is owned by the National Park Service and is leased to Kimpton, which is creating the 252-room boutique hotel in the San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park at Fisherman's Wharf. Accordingly, Kimpton said Wednesday, there will be a nautical atmosphere at the Argonaut Hotel -- wooden plank floors and portholes in the lobby walls, for example. Brass telescopes will be placed in suites for guests to track ships in the bay. The new hotel's ground floor will include the maritime park's new visitor center, and Kimpton said rent it pays will be used to help preserve the park's historic ships -- the Balclutha, C.A. Thayer, Hercules and Eureka, at Hyde Street Pier. The developer of the $40 million project is Maritime Hotel Associates LP, an affiliate of Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants. Kimpton's pattern is to couple its boutique hotels with a restaurant, and adjacent to the Argonaut will be the 134-seat Blue Mermaid Chowder House, designed by Robert Puccini Design and Development of San Francisco. The warehouse fire and its aftermath caused major difficulties for tenants of the Cannery, said Chris Martin, president of Cannery Properties LLC. "It has meant dirt, noise, impact to sidewalks and streets and, obviously, we look forward to the opening of the hotel," Martin said. He said he expects the opening to coincide with an upward movement in the economic cycle. "You want to hit it on the way up," and the hotel, at the high end of wharf hotels, will be well positioned, said Martin. Jim Whelan, executive vice president of Kimpton Hotels, said, "This is a world-class city and Aquatic Park is a world-class destination. People will always come back to San Francisco. We expect them to come back to San Francisco when the current tumult subsides." The four-story, timber-and-brick Haslett Warehouse was built between 1907 and 1909 by the California Fruit Canners Association. After its service as a cannery it changed hands several times and, in 1978, was transferred to the National Park Service. It was later included in the San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park, which was established in 1988. The City of San Francisco declared the Haslett Warehouse a historic landmark in 1974.

Battle to save man trapped in mud
Emergency services are battling to rescue a workman trapped in 6ft of mud after a trench collapsed on him. The man, in his 50s, had climbed into the trench he and colleagues had been digging only for the sides to fall in, Gwent Police said. "The sides appear to have collapsed on him, burying him in a depth of 6ft of mud," a spokesman added. About 30 firefighters are at the scene in Malthouse Road, Llantarnam, Cwmbran, and an ambulance is standing by to take the man to hospital if necessary. The man was working for Bristol-based contractors MJ O'Connor Ltd when the accident happened shortly after 4pm. Firefighters began trying to extricate him shortly before 6pm.

Trench collapse kills construction worker
09/04/2003 - 12:17:31 pm
An Italian man has died after a trench collapsed on top of him at a construction site near Ennis, Co Clare, this morning. The man was working on a Bord Gais pipeline in Clarecastle at the time of the accident. Health and safety officials have been notified and gardai are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death.

UPDATE Accident will not delay construction; Two workers recover from injuries from last Thursday's mishap at Emmet Street garage site
Mary Pumphrey Cavalier Daily Associate Editor
Despite last Thursday's accident at the Emmet Street parking garage construction site, facilities management officials said the project is proceeding in a timely manner. They also have determined the workers were correctly following safety guidelines when the accident occurred. Two construction workers sustained injuries when the concrete slab they were standing on fell 11 feet. Both were taken to the University Medical Center, treated and subsequently released within a day. "One guy was back at work the same night" after being treated for a sprained wrist, Project Superintendent Mike Dilley said. The other worker, who tore a ligament in his back, was released from the Medical Center at noon the next day. He is expected to return to work early next week, Dilley said. Site officials said they were grateful the accident had not caused more damage. "It could have been worse -- it was a 56,000 pound piece of concrete that fell 11 feet," Dilley said. The accident initially raised questions as to whether appropriate safety precautions had been taken at the site. "My understanding is that they were following the established procedure," said David Sweet, University facilities management senior project manager. The accident did, however, cause the involved contracting company to reevaluate their safety guidelines, Sweet said. "Since the accident, the company has added to their procedure to ensure that it doesn't happen again," he said. The accident occurred because a concrete slab, which had been placed in the structure, had not been properly welded. When workers attempted to move a second concrete slab into place, they caused the first concrete slab to shift sideways and then to fall, Project Manager Kurt Weinfurther said. "It's as simple as someone forgetting to make a weld," he said. "In this instance, the weld was not in place prior to" the slab being moved into place. Workers now will be required to securely weld pieces of concrete that they have placed in the structure before they attempt to move other pieces into place, Sweet said. Officials expect the garage, which will accommodate 1,200 vehicles, will be completed by Sept. 25, 2003. While the project currently is running slightly behind schedule, it is still expected to meet its anticipated opening date. "I think it's going very well and is very close to being on schedule," Sweet said. The project experienced repeated delays last semester, when the Lewis Mountain Road Neighborhood Association protested the construction of the garage. The association asserted that the increased traffic flow to the garagecould lead to a reduced quality of life for neighborhood residents. Students living in the area also may be adversely affected by increased traffic flow. Second-year College student Anne Deady, who plans to live in the International Residential College next year, adjacent to the Ivy-Emmet intersection, said she fears the traffic increase that could result from the project will produce a noisy environment for IRC residents. Despite these misgivings, Deady said she likely will take advantage of the structure's proximity. "I'm actually really excited," she said. "Right now I have a parking pass at the Cavalier Inn and its really expensive because I don't want to walk all the way to U-Hall in the dark by myself."

UPDATE Contractor Acquitted Of Manslaughter
By Karen Freifeld Staff Writer April 8, 2003, 9:59 PM EDT
A Manhattan jury Tuesday night acquitted a contractor of manslaughter charges in the death of a day laborer in an Upper East Side construction accident, but found the contractor guilty of reckless endangerment for an unsafe worksite. Shukun "Michael" Tam, 49, owner of Tamco Corp., was found not guilty of manslaughter in the second-degree for the death of Antonio Romano, 40, an undocumented worker who died when an unfinished floor at 33 East 61st St. loaded with hundreds of 64-pound cinder blocks gave way on May 16, 2002. The contractor also was found not guilty of assault for the injuries to three other day laborers in the collapse. Though it is unusual to bring criminal charges under such circumstances, prosecutors had argued that Tam "consciously disregarded a substantial and unjustifiable risk of death and serious physical injury when he ordered 28,000 pounds of cinder blocks to be stored on the top floor of 33 East 61st Street," as Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Daniel Cort told jurors in his summation. Prosecutors claimed Tam wanted the cinderblocks off the sidewalk out of greed. During the trial, Cheung Keat "Ken" Ai, 33, Tam's foreman, had testified Tam told him to move them so union officials wouldn't see the load and demand he hire higher-paid union workers or erect an inflatable raft at the site. Many of Tam's workers were undocumented Mexicans like Romano who were paid $55 a day. Ai, 33, a Malaysian immigrant with no construction experience before he came to New York in 2001, pleaded guilty to manslaughter last month with the promise of 1 to 6 years in prison in exchange for testifying against Tam. But jurors said they were not convinced that Tam consciously knew there was a substantial risk to loading the blocks on the unfinished floor. "There was just too much doubt ... [that Tam] was definitely aware of the risk," said juror Vicki Donner, a photographer, after the verdict about 6 p.m. last night, following more than six hours of deliberations. Tam, who could have received up to 15 years in prison if convicted of manslaughter, faces up to one year in jail and $1,000 fine and could receive as little as probation. State Supreme Court Justice John Bradley set sentencing for May 20. Juror Sean Reilley, 29, a consultant, said the jury convicted Tam of the reckless endangerment because "there was a public safety concern," pointing out that no scaffolding had been put up, and that there were no guard rails. The workers also did not have hard hats or safety harnesses. Defense attorney Barry Turner was satisfied with the jury's verdict. "I think it was a fair verdict and reflected their being upset with the general nature of the worksite," he said. Tam had no comment, but his daughter, Irene, said, "I'm relieved."

UPDATE OWSJ Supplies Ltd. fined $50,000 for health and safety violation
TORONTO, April 8 /CNW/ - OWSJ Supplies Ltd., a Mississauga, Ont.-based supplier of structural steel for industrial buildings, was fined $50,000 on April 4, 2003 for a violation of the Occupational Health and Safety Act that resulted in injuries to two workers at a construction site in Toronto's north end. On December 22, 1999, two ironworkers were positioning roof decking on top of a steel structure when a section of the structure collapsed. The first worker fell about 12 metres (40 feet) to the ground while the other was able to hang on to a bundle of decking that was being placed on the roof by a mobile crane. The first worker suffered serious injuries, including fractured and broken bones and internal and external bruising. The second worker received minor injuries after being lowered to the ground by the crane operator. A Ministry of Labour investigation found the workers were wearing full body harnesses equipped with lanyard (a connecting line from the harness to an anchor to protect the workers against falls), but their lanyards were not tied to anything. The incident occurred on Fenmar Drive in the Weston Road- Finch Avenue West area of Toronto, where an industrial building was being constructed. Following a trial, OWSJ Supplies Ltd. was found guilty, as an employer, of failing to ensure the workers wore a fall arrest system in a situation where they could fall a distance of more than three metres (10 feet), as required by Section 26(1)(a) of the Regulations for Construction Projects. This was contrary to Section 25(1)(c) of the act. The fine was levied by Justice of the Peace Gary Miller of the Ontario Court of Justice at Old City Hall in Toronto. In addition, the court imposed a 25-per-cent victim fine surcharge, as required by the Provincial Offences Act.

UPDATE Company Cited For Alleged Willful Violation In Trench Collapse Federal OSHA issues citations for cave-in that buried workers
SAN FRANCISCO -- The Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor has cited a Lompoc-based excavation company for serious and willful violations of federal safety standards following an investigation into the death of an employee when a trench collapsed. R. Williams Construction Company received three citations dated March 17, 2003, that carry proposed penalties of $91,000, for violating federal laws which require specific precautions to prevent cave-ins. The federal OSHA investigation of R. Williams was prompted by the Sept. 19, 2002 death of an employee working at the Chumash Casino Project near Santa Ynez. The employee was working at the bottom of a 70-foot long, ten-foot deep trench being prepared for a new sewer line. The employee and a co-worker were buried when the trench collapsed on top of them. The co-worker was rescued quickly, and survived with serious injuries. The violations are particularly egregious because the employer was hired based upon its expertise with underground construction. "OSHA excavation and trenching standards clearly state what safeguards must be in place to protect workers in this type of construction," said Chris Lee, OSHA deputy regional administrator in San Francisco. "This employer knowingly placed workers at significant risk by failing to take the most basic precautions against trench collapse." According to OSHA investigators, several workers claimed the employer asked them to sign a statement that they had received training in trenching work when, in fact, they had not. The workers also reported that the statement was in English although some employees, including the injured employee, could not speak, read or write English. R Williams received a citation for one alleged willful violation, with penalties of $70,000, for failing to comply with requirements that trench walls be sloped at an angle of no more than 34 degrees. According to OSHA investigators, the trench that failed had vertical walls from the bottom of the excavation to a height of about five feet, and then sloped back from the trench at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. The company received a citation for three alleged serious violations, with fines of $7,000 each. The alleged serious violations were failure to provide a stairway, ramp or other means of escape; failure to have a qualified person inspect the excavation and all protective systems on an ongoing basis during the work shift; and for not instructing employees in how to spot and avoid unsafe conditions in the hazardous excavation environment. R. Williams also received a citation for a single violation, without penalty, for failing to protect workers from being injured by lose rock or soil falling into the excavation. The company 15 working days from the date of the citations to submit an appeal. OSHA is dedicated to saving lives, preventing injuries and illnesses and protecting America's workers. Safety and health add value to business, the workplace and life. For more information, visit www.osha.gov.

Construction worker dies in fall from Holt bridge
The Associated Press
Police identified a Tuscaloosa construction worker who fell to his death last week while working on the Eastern Bypass bridge in Holt. Otis Morrow, 46, fell 100 feet to his death Friday after stepping onto an unsecured piece of metal being placed by other workers on top of the bridge, police said Monday. Authorities had withheld Morrow's name until his family had been notified. "It appears to be accidental," said Tuscaloosa police Lt. Loyd Baker. "It's still under investigation with our department." Morrow is the second man to die while working on the bypass bridge. Bobby L. Wade Sr. of Moundville fell and died in October 2001. Wade and Morrow both were employees of R.R. Dawson Bridge Co. of Bessemer, which is building the bridge for the Alabama Department of Transportation. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration cited the company for unsafe working conditions after investigating Wade's death. The agency said employees on the bypass bridge project were not properly trained for potential fall hazards. Information from: The Tuscaloosa News

Addison man killed in crash identified
By Beth Sneller Daily Herald Staff Writer Posted April 07, 2003
Police have released the identity of the construction worker killed over the weekend after being hit by a car while working along Interstate 57 near 159th Street. David Swiderski, 31, of Addison died in the accident, Illinois State Police said Sunday. One other construction worker and the driver of the car remained hospitalized Sunday. The accident occurred at about 2:40 p.m. Saturday when a car driven by Theodore Montgomery, 65, of the 1600 block of East 74th Place in Chicago, swerved into a construction zone, police said. Another construction worker, Carl Tesinski, 26, of the 5600 block of South Melvina Ave. in Chicago, also was injured in the accident and brought to St. Francis Hospital in Blue Island. Hospital officials listed him in fair condition Sunday. Montgomery told police he blacked out and lost control of his car. He was brought to Advocate Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn and remained in good condition there Sunday, hospital officials said. Montgomery was ticketed for improper lane usage and driving without insurance, said Master Sgt. Wayne Winterberg. After an accident investigation and toxicology report, police will determine whether any further charges will be filed.

Parent Category: Incident Alert Archives
Category: Construction Accidents

Construction Accidents Page #4

This page was last updated on  05/06/2010

UPDATE Work deaths result in fines
By Robert Boyer, STAFF WRITER April 05, 2003
Three contractors have been cited for safety violations in connection with a High Point construction accident that killed a Randleman man six months ago. Charles Edward Weiss, 55, died Oct. 3 when he fell onto a concrete floor while installing corrugated metal decking onto the rafters of a building under construction in the 600 block of Pegg Road. Samet Corp., the Greensboro general contractor in charge, along with two Randleman subcontractors, Contract Erectors and W-3 Decking, Weiss' company, were cited for "not utilizing fall-protection devices" that were on site, said N.C. Department of a Labor spokeswoman Dolores Quesenberry. Samet was fined $2,100, Contract Erectors $1,750 and W-3 $1,050, Quesenberry said. W-3 was fined an additional $1,050 because investigators determined that the company had a controlled decking installation area that was too large. Quesenberry said under state regulations, decking installers are allowed to work without wearing safety devices in such areas, provided the area is smaller than 90-by-90-feet. The rulings came after a nearly six-month state Occupational Safety and Health Administration investigation. Two of the contractors said Friday they aren't at fault. "The (safety) equipment was there and it was being utilized," said Mark Stinson, Contract Erectors general manager. Weiss, said Stinson, was wearing a safety harness, but "didn't have it tied on" when he fell from a height of 26 feet. Stinson said according to regulations that went into effect March 2002, workers less than 30 feet above ground don't have to be secured to a safety line. Stinson said the secure decking area in use the day of the mishap wasn't too large. "We don't agree with it," Stinson said of the ruling. "We did everything we were supposed to do." "We still feel that at the time of the accident, we were in compliance with the regulations," said Samet Vice President Marshall Tuck. Tuck and Stinson said they will talk with state labor officials in an effort to overturn the citations and fines. A W-3 official couldn't be reached for comment. Quesenberry said companies have 15 days from the date of notification to request an "informal conference" with an area OSHA supervisor to appeal such rulings. Settlements are usually reached within several weeks of a conference, she said. Weiss' death was the second in less than three weeks at the site. Juan Jose Mayo Uyoa, 30, of Randleman, died Sept. 16 when a crane boom lifting about 5 tons of rafters snapped and dropped the load, crushing Uyoa underneath. Investigators blamed his death on a broken piston rod that caused the boom to move downward and snap when it hit the wall. An investigation cleared the three contractors of any violations or responsibility in Uyoa's death.

Westminster garage collapse injures 3; Construction workers 'rode down' concrete; accident is investigated
By Athima Chansanchai and Jennifer McMenamin Sun Staff Originally published April 4, 2003
A section of a parking garage under construction in Westminster collapsed yesterday morning, sending part of a 30-ton concrete deck crashing to the ground and injuring three workers. Authorities and workers at the site said that construction crews were installing a 60-foot- by-12-foot concrete section on the top tier of the three-level garage when something went wrong. "It was a piece of the flooring that you'd drive your car on. They were installing that, and it was not completely in place," said Maj. Dean A. Brewer of the Westminster police. "It came down, and part of it caught the second level." The concrete slab, known in the construction business as a "double-T beam," was split lengthwise in the collapse. Parts of it remained hanging from a crane amid a pile of rubble. Two of the injured men apparently were working on the top deck at about 10:15 a.m. when the concrete gave way and the workers "rode it down," a paramedic on the scene said. Terry Dee White, 40, a construction foreman from Bunker Hill, W.Va., and welder Serafin Louis Soto, 34, of Arlington, Va., were flown by helicopter to the Maryland Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore. Both men were released at 6:30 p.m., a nursing coordinator said last night. Tom Rio, 47, a Taneytown firefighter and emergency medical technician who helped Westminster paramedics attend to the injured men, said that both had bruises and that Soto complained of leg pain. The two were flown out because of concerns about possible internal bleeding and spinal injuries. A third worker, Herbas Pablo Cano, 42, was taken by ambulance to Carroll County General Hospital with minor injuries. He was treated and released by 12:30 p.m. All three men work for Baltimore-based E.E. Marr Erectors, Inc., the crane company working on the garage project, according to Kirk Edwards, the company's vice president. Witnesses, police and construction workers at the site offered conflicting versions of what happened, alternately describing a cracking of the concrete or a snapping of the crane cable that was hoisting the large beam atop the garage. Brewer said that inspectors with Maryland Occupational Safety and Health Program told him there was "no breakage of the cable," but that someone who specializes in cables will inspect them. Edwards declined to comment. Craig A. Musser, human resource manager and safety director with Nitterhouse Concrete Products Inc. of Chambersburg, Pa., was at the accident site yesterday afternoon but also would not discuss the collapse. Mangers with Kinsley Construction, the general contractor on the job, declined comment at the parking garage and did not return a call to their York County, Pa., office. Rio was volunteering at a downtown support center for the mentally ill when he heard the crash. He said he ran to the scene and found paramedics working on the injured men. Rio said the workers described the falling concrete and how they "rode it down." Two MedEvac helicopters landed in the Westminster City Playground, just across the street from the $2.85 million parking garage going up in the Longwell parking lot between City Hall and Main Street. But White and Soto were flown out in the same chopper. The collapse left chunks of the concrete section dangling from two taut cables and a third slack wire. It created a backup of trucks waiting to deliver concrete slabs for installation in the parking decks. And it shook nearby houses and businesses, drawing out office workers, shoppers and motorists to gape and speculate. "Dust was flying, the sound was unbelievable and guys were running and calling, 'It's falling in,'" said Sharon Cornish of Westminster, who had just arrived at a nearby parking lot when she and her friends heard a loud boom. "I started praying right away." Jaime Paz, 32, of Arlington, Va., who also works for the crane company, said he saw the concrete section "start to crack before it fell." "I heard the noise, I ran and the floor caved in," he added. Gerri Gartrell, 22, of Westminster, described seeing the concrete section jackknife either before or as it fell. "I looked up and the beam was straight across and then it was like the beam snapped in the middle," Gartrell said. "All the workers on the roof came running down. If it breaks that easily now, how will it hold cars?" Karen Napolitano, a spokeswoman with the state Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, said that MOSH is investigating the accident. Brewer said the construction project - which had been slated for completion in July - is on hold indefinitely. "Construction is at a standstill until [state inspectors] release the scene," he said. "It could be a day. It could be a week." Sun staff writers Mary Gail Hare and Ellie Baublitz contributed to this article.

UPDATE State fines Grand Ledge company
Lansing State Journal
The state has ordered a Grand Ledge construction company to pay $5,100 in fines after a trench accident in January killed a Portland man. The state Department of Consumer and Industry Services' Bureau of Safety and Regulation cited Precision Plumbing for four serious violations under construction safety standards. The company must pay and correct the problems. It can appeal within 15 days. Arthur Krass, 43, was trapped 15 feet below ground when a ditch's dirt walls collapsed while he was installing plumbing at a home under construction in a Holt subdivision. Neither Krass' family nor the company could be reached for comment Thursday. The violations are: No accident prevention program was developed, maintained or coordinated with employees. Fine: $1,050 No ladder or other type of proper access or egress was provided to employees. Fine: $1,050 The excavation was not properly sloped for safely making a sewer and water tap. Fine: $1,500 Precision failed to report the death of an employee within the required eight hours. Fine: $1,500

Worker's Leg Caught In Trenching Equipment
Friday April 04, 2003 1:53pm
Oklahoma City (AP) - A man suffered serious injuries this morning when his leg became caught in a trencher in Oklahoma City. The man's name was not immediately released. Fire Major Brian Stanaland says the man was working to install a conduit for underground electrical lines at a construction site. Stanaland says the man's leg became caught in the digging chain nearly up to his thigh. Stanaland says rescuers unbolted the belts to the chain and cut through a safety bar to free the man's leg.

Two injured in garage construction accident
Lisa Florkowskicavalier Daily
Yesterday's accident at the Emmet Street parking garage site occured when a concrete slab attached to a crane fell from its fixture. The two workers who were riding on the beam at the time sustained injuries and were taken to the University Medical Center for treatment. Two workers sustained injuries and broken bones yesterday at the construction site of the new Emmet Street parking garage when a concrete slab fell, according to University Police Sgt. Melissa Fielding. "About 1:45 today there were two constructions workers on top of a concrete slab that was being lifted by a crane," Fielding said. "The concrete slab holding the employees dropped 20 feet, injuring them." The problem stemmed from a piece of metal that was already supposed to be welded to the slab, she said. Fielding could not detail the injuries sustained by the workers, whose names have not yet been released. Both were taken to the University Medical Center. "All I know about their injuries is that they were transported to the emergency room for treatment," Fielding said. At the site of the accident, Kurt Gould, an employee with Donley's Construction, Co., shed some light into the nature of the accident. "Basically, we had an erection error -- very simple," he said. University Spokesperson Carol Wood offered some details of the events that transpired. "At about two this afternoon a precast concrete T fell at the parking garage construction site," she said. Wood added that one worker "immediately was taken to the hospital with back injuries. He was conscious and alert."

UPDATE Potentially Fatal Westwood, Mass., Construction Accident Results in OSHA Citations and $224,000 in Proposed Penalties for Employers
BOSTON -- Exposing employees to potentially fatal safety hazards at a Westwood, Mass., construction site has resulted in two Massachusetts employers and one Vermont employer being cited and fined a total of $224,000 by the U.S. Labor Department's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). OSHA has cited Jan Five, doing business as Alexandra Construction, and Epernay Design and Construction, Inc., both of Newton, Mass., as well as Northern Construction Dynamics of Hyde Park, Vt., for alleged willful violations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act after the agency investigated an Oct. 1, 2002, accident at the Westwood High School construction project. In the accident, a 55-foot steel column toppled over after it had been placed on its foundation as soon as the crane line holding it was released. "Fortunately, no one was injured in this incident, which could have had tragic consequences," said U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao. "These companies knew the safety standards they should have been following, and they all are being cited for willful violations of the law." According to Brenda Gordon, OSHA's area director for southeastern Massachusetts, Alexandra Construction, as the general contractor on the site, is being cited for three willful violations, including: allowing steel erection to begin before foundation material was sufficiently strong, and before giving written notification to the steel erector; allowing steel erection to begin before giving written notification to the steel erector that anchor bolts had been repaired; and modifying anchor bolts in an unsafe manner without the approval of the engineer of record. This company is also being cited for one other-than-serious violation for failing to secure a compressed gas cylinder. The total proposed penalty for this contractor is $126,000. Epernay Design and Construction is being cited for a willful violation, with a proposed penalty of $56,000, for modifying anchor bolts in an unsafe manner without the approval of the engineer of record. Epernay Design and Construction was in charge of preparing the foundation of the building prior to steel erection. Northern Construction Dynamics, the steel erection contractor, is being cited for one willful violation for beginning to erect steel before receiving written notification from the controlling contractor that foundation material had sufficient strength to support the steel. It is also cited for an other-than-serious violation for providing a discharged fire extinguisher for emergency use. The company's total proposed penalty is $42,000. A willful violation is defined by OSHA as one committed with an intentional disregard of, or plain indifference to, the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and regulations. OSHA's area office in Braintree, Mass., conducted the inspection. Its telephone number is 617-565-6924. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is dedicated to saving lives, preventing injuries and illnesses, and protecting America's workers. Safety and health add value to business, the workplace and life. For more information, visit www.osha.gov.

Construction Accident Injures Workers In Westminster.
Apr 3, 2003 1:02 pm US/Eastern
A crane operator says he was laying a concrete slab when it fell onto the top of the garage causing a partial collapse, which knocked 3 workers off the structure. Two of the workers were flown to Shock Trauma, a third worker was taken by ambulance. So far, there's no word on the three workers conditions.

Cedartown man killed in construction accident
04/03/03 By Matt Tuck, Copy Editor
A 25-year-old Cedartown resident was fatally injured in a construction accident on Monday, March 31. The Cedartown Fire Department reported that the victim, Joaquin T. Domingo, was part of the construction crew charged with widening US 27. At approximately 2:27 p.m., members of Bruce Albea Contracting of Rockmart were burying what is being called "large water runoff pipes." Fire Department officials said that normally when installing the pipes, one of the workers will stand inside the section as it is being placed into the ground. A Track Hoe is then used to position the pipe after the worker is at a safe distance. It is believed that Domingo was guiding the section of pipe as it was lowered, but was not out of harm's way before the Track Hoe was used. "The Hitachi EX230LC operator was backing the machine after pipe alignment," the report said. "He was given the 'all clear.'" No one was aware that Domingo was still in the pipe when the "bucket" or "scoop" of the Track Hoe was lowered into the work site. The ictim was accidentally struck across the head and upper body. EMS and police officials were quickly on the scene. When they arrived, Domingo was lying unconscious in the trench with severe head injuries. Sgt. Joy Nolen said that the victim was breathing when EMS officials arrived. "We secured the area and directed traffic," she said. "Pretty much, we got out of the way and allowed emergency personnel to work on [Domingo]." Initially, Nolen said, a helicopter was dispatched to the accident scene; emergency officials soon felt it was too late. "We secured the Kroger parking lot for a Life Flight, but it was cancelled," the officer stated. Domingo was later pronounced dead.

Worker killed at construction site
A man was killed Wednesday morning when roofing beams fell onto him during construction of a house in Yorba Linda, police said. David Valdonivos, 26, of Santa Ana was standing near the truck from which bundles of six roof trusses each were being lifted by a forklift. Six or seven bundles fell nine feet, striking him on the head and pinning him. The bundles weigh about 300 pounds each. Workers quickly removed the trusses by hand and found Valdonivos dead. He was wearing a hard hat. Valdonivos was working for a plumbing subcontractor not associated with the operators of the forklift. The accident happened in the 17000 block of Coriander Street.

Man injured in fall from roof
By Dorrance Johnson, Staff Correspondent April 03, 2003
BRANFORD - The State Labor Department's Division of Occupational Safety and Health is investigating a local mishap in which a construction worker was injured last Wednesday morning when he fell from a scaffold that was erected for renovations on a house at 65 Summer Island Road. Fellow workers, who did not actually witness the fall, found the 36-year-old man apparently unconscious on the ground. The workers were last aware that the man had been working atop the scaffold, which was estimated to have been approximately 25 feet off the ground. Branford Fire Department Paramedics were summoned to the 10:34 a.m. incident and raced to aid the injured worker. When they arrived, they found him to be conscious and suffering from the effects of the fall. According to Deputy Fire Chief Thomas Mahoney, the worker was apparently involved in either "roofing" the house or performing other work in the roof area and may have been in the process of ascending a "catwalk" when he fell to the ground below. "His injuries appeared to be serious," Mahoney said. The injured worker, who is employed by Beavis Roofing and Siding, was stabilized by paramedics at the scene and transported to Yale New Haven Hospital where, at last report, he was undergoing treatment for injuries to his head, chest and legs. Authorities withheld the injured worker's name pending notification of his family.

Wall crushes construction workers to death
A wall crashed on two construction workers as they were dismantling a Tokyo building on Thursday, crushing them to death, police said. Police said the workers were at the site in Tokyo's Meguro-ku when an outer walling of the building suddenly collapsed at about 2:05 p.m., pinning them underneath. The men were rushed to hospital after the accident but had died by the time they arrived of heart and lung failure. Tokyo Fire Department officials said the wall that fell on the workers was about 3 meters tall, 5 meters wide, and 20 centimeters thick. The building from which the wall fell was three stories high, and the wall had fallen on the men from the second floor, officials said. (Mainichi Shimbun, April 3, 2003)

Concrete slab crushes, kills construction worker
PHILIPSBURG--A construction worker was fatally injured when a slab of concrete fell on him, crushing him against a wall in Saunders Tuesday morning. Eyewitnesses said the man Dennis Ettenatte (29) from Dominica had been cutting the back part of a concrete slab housing GEBE's fuse box and meters with a concrete cutting machine when the solid concrete panel started to fall backwards. As a result the victim was trapped between the slab and the wall of a house on Arbutus Road. The man apparently screamed, trying to alert people in nearby houses. The person living in the house in front of which the accident took place looked outside, but said he hadn't seen anything unusual. Passersby stopped and managed to slightly move the heavy piece of concrete, freeing the trapped man. The victim slumped down in front of the wall and died a few minutes later. Police were called. Before the Ambulance Department arrived, officers had already determined that Ettenatte didn't have a pulse. A sheet was placed to cover the body unt the funeral home employees came to take it away. A family member, presumed to be a sister of the deceased, could be heard wailing. The incident, which took place around 8:15am, drew a large crowd. Management of GEBE also came to the scene, later followed by the technical department TOD of police and head of the inspection department of ROB Henry Ellis. Witnesses were interviewed and with the help of a GEBE truck the incident was reenacted. The slab was placed back against the wall, to determine how the victim had been trapped. Ettenatte worked for Joe Construction, a subcontractor that has been working in the area for several weeks, putting in underground cabling for GEBE. The victim, who lived in Reward Estate, was preparing the slab to be placed in a nearby hole. The slab had been resting on a couple of rocks to stabilize it. The area where the slab was resting was uneven. Witnesses questioned safety conditions, saying that Ettenatte should not have been working alone when cutting the slab. The victim apparently died of internal injuries, stated Police Spokesman Inspector Geronimo Juliet. The body has been confiscated for an autopsy.

Stairway collapse injures 2 workers
Wednesday, April 2, 2003 By ASHANTI M. ALVAREZ STAFF WRITER
PATERSON - Two construction workers were seriously hurt Wednesday morning when a staircase landing collapsed beneath them inside a building they were renovating at Passaic County Community College, authorities said. The workers - Edward Lock, 50, and Dan Fisher, 32 - were demolishing concrete stairs at 218 Memorial Drive and were between the first and second floors when the landing gave way at 11:30 a.m., said Deputy Fire Chief Joseph Murray. Other construction workers ran out to get help, and by happenstance, found police Sgt. Diane Hanley and Mark Veenema, chief of paramedics at St. Joseph's Regional Medical Center, nearby. Both men were taken to St. Joseph's, where Lock, of Rockville Center, N.Y., was in critical but stable condition with head, back, and leg injuries; and Fisher, of Middle Island, N.Y., was stabilized with multiple fractures in one leg. The landing was left hanging by reinforcement bars in the middle of the concrete building, Murray said, preventing the massive block of cement from landing on top of the men. The city Building Department and the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration were notified, Murray said. The building is the future site of a community technology center, PCCC President Steven Rose said. Rose said that OSHA officials suggested ways to make the work site safer, but said that the workers took proper precautions by wearing harnesses. The college leased the building from the city of Paterson in 2000, and has been using a $400,000 federal grant along with other funds to renovate the interior and exterior, Rose said. Tuesday's accident did not impede the construction schedule, he said.

UPDATE Bayview-Wellington Homes (Port Union) Inc. fined $400,000 for health and safety violations
TORONTO, April 1 /CNW/ - Bayview-Wellington Homes (Port Union) Inc., a Concord, Ont.-based residential construction company, was fined $400,000 on March 27, 2003 for two violations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act that resulted in the death of a young worker at a townhouse development in Toronto's east end. On November 23, 1999, a worker was moving a 7.3-metre-high (24-foot) aluminum extension ladder from one townhouse to another when the ladder came in contact with live 13,800-volt overhead power lines. The lowest of the power lines was 6.4 metres (21 feet) off the ground and about 4.9 metres (16 feet) away from the front of the two-storey townhouses. The worker received an electrical shock and died three days later at Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto. The incident occurred at a townhouse construction project in the 5400-block of Lawrence Avenue East in Scarborough. The townhouses were being developed by Bayview-Wellington Homes (Port Union) Inc., which had subcontracted the eavestrough work to an aluminum company, which, in turn, had subcontracted the work to another aluminum company, which employed the deceased worker. Following a trial, Bayview-Wellington Homes (Port Union) Inc. was found guilty, as a constructor, of: 1. Failing to ensure the ladder was not brought within three metres (9.8 feet) of an energized overhead electrical conductor rated between 750 to 150,000 volts, as required by Section 186(1) of the regulations for Construction Projects. This was contrary to Section 23(1)(a) of the act; and 2. Failing to ensure the worker was not endangered by electrical shock from overhead electrical conductors and that the conductors located adjacent to the construction project were covered or otherwise made safe for workers. This was contrary to Section 23(1)(c) of the act. Justice of the Peace Stephen Waisberg, of the Ontario Court of Justice at old City Hall in Toronto, fined the company $200,000 on each count. In addition, the court imposed a 25-per-cent victim fine surcharge, as required by the Provincial Offences Act.

UPDATE Silvercreek Commercial Interiors Inc. fined $87,500 for health and safety violations
BURLINGTON, ON, April 1 /CNW/ - Silvercreek Commercial Interiors Inc., a Georgetown Ontario-based company that provides commercial construction services, was fined $87,500 today for two separate violations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act that resulted in the injury of two workers. Both incidents occurred during the renovation of a commercial building on Fairview Street in Burlington. On July 25, 2001, a worker, employed by a subcontractor, was removing a tarpaulin from the roof of the commercial building. The worker was walking backward while pulling the tarpaulin and tripped over a curb surrounding an opening in the roof and fell through the hole. The worker suffered a cracked vertebra, a laceration to the head and a bruised shoulder. A Ministry of Labour investigation determined that the opening in the roof was not protected by a guardrail or a protective covering. Silvercreek Commercial Interiors Inc. pleaded guilty, as a constructor, to failing to ensure that a worker was protected from falling through an opening on a work surface. This was contrary to Section 26.3(2) of the Regulations for Construction Projects and Section 23(1)(a) of the act. The court imposed a fine of $37,500. On August 29, 2001, a worker, employed by a subcontractor, was spraying fireproofing material to the ceiling of the same building from the top of a movable scaffold. The scaffold, on wheels, was positioned over a trench dug in the floor to install piping and supported by a metal plate. Before brakes could be applied, the scaffold rolled into the trench and toppled, causing the worker to fall. The worker was rendered unconscious, and suffered a fractured pelvis and multiple scrapes and bruises. A Ministry of Labour investigation determined that the worker was not protected by a fall arrest system. Silvercreek Commercial Interiors Inc. pleaded guilty to failing, as a constructor, to ensure that a scaffold mounted on castors or wheels is not moved while a worker is on it, unless the worker is protected by a fall arrest system, and the scaffold is being moved on a firm and level surface. This was contrary to Section 129(3) of the Regulations for Construction Projects and Section 23(1)(a) of the act. The court imposed a fine of $50,000. The fines were imposed by Justice of the Peace Barry Quinn of the Ontario court of Justice in Burlington. In addition, the court imposed a 25-per-cent victim fine surcharge, as required by the Provincial Offences Act.

2 workers crushed when guardrail falls; OSHA investigating deaths of men who were installing rail
MOORESBORO - Two men died Monday afternoon after a guardrail they were going to install crushed them when it fell from a truck, Cleveland County sheriff officials said. Cipriano Cortez of Spartanburg died instantly. He was 33. Abelardo Ortiz Resendiz, whose age and address were unknown, was taken to Cleveland Regional Medical Center in Shelby and later transported to Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, where he died. Cortez's family refused comment Monday night. The accident happened about 2 p.m. on U.S. 74 west of Mooresboro east of the N.C. 120 intersection. Both men worked for Bagwell Fence Co., a Spartanburg-based company that installed fences and guardrails for the N.C. Department of Transportation. This is the first fatal accident for the company of about 50 employees, said co-owner Bill Bagwell from his Spartanburg home Monday night. "One of them had only worked for us for three weeks," Bagwell said. "The other had come in November. It is pretty upsetting." The Occupational Safety and Hazard Administration was notified of the accident and is investigating.

Helicopter lands in local schoolyard
03/30/03 00:00:00
An elementary schoolyard doubled as a helicopter-landing pad for an air ambulance Friday morning when a man severed a major artery in a construction accident in the northwest end of the city. The man fell from scaffolding at a construction site near Fletcher's Creek Boulevard, in the area of Chinguacousy Road and Bovaird Drive, at 11:20 a.m. He cut his arm with a saw, severing a major artery, according to reports from Peel police. He was flown to a Toronto hospital and his condition was unknown at press time Friday. The Ministry of Labour is investigating.

Man crushed in wind farm accident
Tuesday, 1 April 2003
A 49-year-old man is believed to have sustained serious injuries in an accident at the Challicum Hills Wind Farm yesterday. It's understood the man was crushed between two blades of a wind turbine. Rural Ambulance Victoria media officer Joanne Hill said paramedics who had treated the man at the scene reported that he had sustained internal chest injuries. ``He was in a serious condition,'' she said. The victim was taken from the scene by air ambulance and flown to the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne. Three road ambulances were also called to the Challicum Hills site following the accident which happened about 1.30pm. A spokesperson for Pacific Hydro, the company which owns the wind farm currently under construction, had no details available on the accident late yesterday.

Investigation under way after crane topples onto highway
Investigators are trying to determine the cause of an accident Saturday evening involving a hydraulic boom crane at the I-280/Maumee River bridge construction site. Luckily, the road was closed because of the construction and the accident did not hinder traffic. The stretch of the highway where the incident occurred was expected to open at 6 a.m. today. The crane was lifting a 58,000-pound concrete form when it tipped over into the northbound lane of I-280 about 5:30 p.m. The name of the operator, who was treated for a cut finger at a local hospital, was not released by the bridge contractor, Fru-Con, Inc., of Ballwin, Mo. The crane was working on a section of the bridge approach between Front Street and Starr Avenue. Joe Rutherford, an Ohio Department of Transportation spokesman, said the I-280 shutdown was the fourth of 10 planned weekend closings related to construction of five concrete piers that support the roadway leading onto the new bridge. "Anytime we're going to be doing lifting of heavy equipment over traffic, we don't want any traffic on the road at all. That's the reason we close," he said. Workers spent yesterday cleaning debris from the accident and removing the damaged crane and form, which fell from a height of about 60 feet. He said Fru-Con is looking for a new crane. The expressway is scheduled to be closed this weekend for additional pier construction if the company finds a replacement crane and form in time, he said. Such cranes can lift up to 250,000 pounds. Construction of the cable-stayed bridge began a year ago and is scheduled for completion in 2006. Additional I-280 closings for other bridge construction work also are scheduled. But Mr. Rutherford said during the heavy traffic period of Memorial Day through Labor Day, weekend closings will be dropped in favor of 7 p.m.-6 a.m. weekday closings.

NEW: Construction worker falls four stories to his death
By Sonja Garza Express-News Staff Writer Web Posted : 03/31/2003 5:30 PM
A worker for a local plaster company died today after tumbling four stories from a hotel under construction just east of downtown. Martin Machado, 43, fell at about 2:15 p.m. while working on a new Holiday Inn Express at 1309 E. Commerce St. He was dead upon arrival at Brooke Army Medical Center, a hospital official said. San Antonio police officer K. Bender said the fall appears to be an accident, but police are investigating. Witnesses reported hearing a commotion immediately before Machado plunged about 40 feet to the pavement, police said. Eyewitness Dan Martin said the man tried to grasp a bar on the way down before he flipped, struck a stack of bricks and hit the street below. Clint Baker, construction project supervisor, said it was unclear whether the worker lost his balance while atop a ladder or fell from the scaffolding. Machado was employed by Arahed Lath & Plastering Corp.

A construction worker fell four floors
A construction worker fell four floors to his death while working inside a West Village building yesterday, police said. Cops said the man was working inside an unoccupied building at 600 Washington St. at 11:30 a.m. when he plunged from the fourth floor.

Carpenter injured in LBT fall
From Press staff reports
LONG BEACH TOWNSHIP - Long Beach Township Deputy Chief Leslie Houston said that a 46-year-old carpenter from Forked River fell 15-feet off a ladder while working outside the Haven Beach Yacht Club on Wednesday. The worker, who was airlifted from the scene by New Jersey State Police's SouthStar helicopter, may have suffered "possible spinal injuries." The accident took place at 112th Street and Long Beach Boulevard, where Houston believed renovations were being done. She could not confirm what hospital the man was taken to. The man's name was not released. Four Long Beach Township officers responded to the scene as well as EMT workers from the Beach Haven First Aid Squad's Ship Bottom division. Houston said that a call came in at 8:51 a.m. from Haven Beach Yacht Club employees who witnessed the fall.

Gas Fumes Float Into Local School, Students Hospitalized; Trench Collapse Damaged Gas Line Near Building
CINCINNATI -- Several children were hospitalized after natural gas fumes wafted into a local school Thursday afternoon. Five students at White Oak Middle School on Jessup Road in Green Township were taken to local hospitals just after noon after complaining of illness, WLWT Eyewitness News 5 reported. The gas fumes were traced to a construction site near the school. A spokesman for Cinergy said that a trench collapsed at the site and damaged a gas main. The school's principal said that the windy, warm weather prompted some teachers to open classroom windows Thursday afternoon, and the wind blew the fumes into the school. Cinergy shut off the gas flow to the line, leaving about nearby 15 homes without power. Crews from Cinergy checked out the school, but no leaks were found in the building. Additional details are not available. Stay tuned to WLWT Eyewitness News 5 and refresh your ChannelCincinnati.com page for updates.

UPDATE Manslaughter trial starts for contractor in building collapse
By SAMUEL MAULL Associated Press Writer March 26, 2003, 6:45 PM EST
NEW YORK -- Recklessness and greed caused a Manhattan building collapse that killed one worker and severely injured three others last summer, a prosecutor charged Wednesday at the opening of a contractor's manslaughter trial. Assistant District Attorney Daniel Cort said the tragic mishap occurred because Shunkun "Michael" Tam, owner of Tamco Corp., used inexperienced laborers and rushed or ignored some preparatory work so he could save money. The result of Tam's reckless approach to renovating the townhouse on East 61st Street was the death of 41-year-old Antonio Romano on May 16, 2002, Cort said. Tam, of Brooklyn, is charged with second-degree manslaughter in Romano's death. "This is the story of a homicide committed by the defendant (Tam) because he was greedy," Cort told the State Supreme Court jury in opening remarks. Tam's lawyer, Barry S. Turner, called the collapse a "tragic accident" for which his client was not responsible. Turner said Tam was rarely at the site _ two or three times a week _ and that his foreman, Cheung Keat "Ken" Ai, 33, caused the accident because he failed to follow instructions. Turner noted that Ai, who will testify for the prosecution, has pleaded guilty to second-degree manslaughter in exchange for minimum sentence of one to three years and a maximum of two to six years in prison. Tam faces up to seven years if convicted. Tam, 49, is also charged with assault and reckless endangerment because of injuries to Swee Kheong Tang, 37, Jian Zhang Zheng, 31, and Kok Choy Yeen, 41, in the collapse. The workers were hurt while renovating a five-story town house for Fabio Granato, owner of the Serafina restaurant. Granato said he planned to put in a Japanese eatery called Geisha and a triplex apartment for himself on the top floors. After the workers gutted the building and removed its roof and wooden support beams, they improperly installed steel beams _ called joists _ to support the remaining walls, Cort said. He said the workers then laid steel decking over those beams. Meanwhile, he said, the workers used pulleys to raise thousands of pounds of cinder blocks onto the unsecured steel decking. Soon, Cort said, the cinder blocks' weight caused the improperly supported walls to collapse. Granato, the first witness, said he had stopped by to check the progress of the work when the collapse happened. "I was there having a meeting and then I hear a big noise," he said. "Everybody ran out onto the street and I ran out onto the street." The prosecutor said Tam had seen the dangerous condition created by the piles of cinder blocks. "But he didn't stop the loading," Cort said. "He didn't do that because any delay might have cost him money." More than a dozen $55-a-day workers were buried under debris, police said at the time. Most staggered out with minor injuries, but three were badly hurt and Romano, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, was crushed under the cement and metal and killed. Cort said only two out of 20 workers had any safety equipment, and Tam had built no protective shed to protect passers-by from falling debris.

Firefighters rescue man from 350-foot chimney
By Alicia A. Caldwell Sentinel Staff Writer Posted March 26 2003
DEBARY -- A worker helping to dismantle two smokestacks that tower over Interstate 4 in southwestern Volusia County was lowered to safety from the top of one of them in a dramatic rescue Tuesday morning. The Controlled Demolition Inc. worker, whose name was not released, began suffering severe abdominal pain shortly after 8 a.m. and could not climb down from the 350-foot smokestack on his own, Volusia County Fire Services spokeswoman Mary Dorn said. Firefighters from Seminole and Volusia counties scaled the tower at the Florida Power & Light Co. plant to reach him. About 50 firefighters helped in the dangerous rescue, Dorn said. Once rescuers determined the man was stable enough to be moved, they were faced with the tricky proposition of how to get him safely down. They initially planned to bring him down inside the smokestack but instead decided it was safer to lower him down the caged ladder outside the stack. It is just a straight drop inside and is riddled with jagged edges," said Kathy Weaver, deputy chief of Volusia's Fire Services. The man, who was estimated to weigh 225 pounds, was strapped to a rescue harness and basket and lowered feet-first via a rope-and-pulley system while Seminole firefighter Heath Gifford guided him down. Aaron Nix, from Volusia Fire Services, was below the man as Gifford eased him down the enclosed ladder. "He was kind of nervous," Nix said of the construction worker. "But this is what you train for. We've practiced this time and time again." Nix and other Volusia firefighters have practiced for this type of emergency several times during the past few years. Weaver said when demolition started on the smokestacks, fire officials contacted the demolition company to develop a response plan for just such an emergency. "It worked like clockwork," Weaver said. The trio safely reached the bottom about 11:30 a.m., and the man was taken to Florida Hospital Fish Memorial in Orange City, where he was treated and released, a hospital spokeswoman said. The red-and-white-striped towers near the t. Johns River, landmarks since the 1970s, are no longer needed because of the plant's nearly completed switch from oil to natural gas. The towers are being brought down piece by piece, because they are too close to other plant structures, including natural-gas lines, to use explosives.

Three injured when scaffolding collapses
Last updated: Mar 24, 11:26 PM
ORMOND BEACH -- Three construction workers were injured Monday when 15-foot-high scaffolding they were on collapsed, fire officials said. None of the injuries were life threatening following the 2 p.m. accident at the Discovery Professional Plaza construction site near the intersection of Granada Boulevard and Interstate 95, said Ormond Beach Fire Department Capt. Jim Shaw. The men were not wearing safety harnesses, and it's not clear if there were any guardrails on the scaffold that crumpled into a twisted pile after it failed, officials said. The injured men were in a rear area of the office building they're helping to construct. Two of the men did not appear to be seriously hurt, and one walked a short distance after the collapse, Shaw said. But the third man fell onto some 8-inch by 16-inch cement blocks and had some of the blocks on top of him when he was found laying face down, Shaw said. That third man was in stable condition when he was taken by EVAC ambulance to Halifax Medical Center, he said. One of the other men was also taken to the hospital, and the remaining worker refused treatment, Shaw said. Officials at the scene said they did not know the men's names, but Shaw said one appeared to be in his 40s and the other two were in their 20s. Inspectors from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration were notified and are expected to be on the site today. A city government inspector and fire inspector examined the scene Monday afternoon.

Landslide kills road worker
HANAYAMA, Miyagi -- A worker died and another was injured after being hit by a landslide during road repair works here Tuesday morning, police said. At around 9:50 a.m., a landslide occurred along the Honsawaaki Dori street in Hanayama where road repair works were under way and buried a man and a woman working at the site, police said. One of them, Mitsuo Honda, 56, died after being rushed to hospital with serious injuries. The other, 61-year-old Satako Sato, suffered serious injuries but her condition is not life threatening, police said. (Mainichi Shimbun, March 25, 2003)

Lewiston police investigate elevator accident
Tuesday, March25, 2003, 1:59 PM By NewsRadio WMTW Staff 870/1470 AM and 106.7 FM
LEWISTON -- Lewiston police are investigating a report of an elevator accident at 76 High St., a building of doctors' offices adjacent to Central Maine Medical Center. Lt. Paul Harmon said they received a call around 12:45 from someone who said the elevator had fallen "some distance." Lewiston police said a construction worker suffered minor injuries when he fell about 20 feet while working inside an elevator shaft. News 8 WMTW has a crew on the way to the scene and will bring you more details as they become available.

UPDATE Trenching Fatality at a Denham Springs, La., Worksite Brings OSHA Citations Alleging Willful Violations Of Safety Standards
DALLAS -- A Watson, La., homebuilder's alleged failure to protect employees from a trench cave-in that allegedly caused the death of one employee has resulted in proposed penalties of $76,750 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor. Atlas Corp. was cited with two alleged willful and four alleged serious safety violations following an OSHA inspection that began Jan. 7 after a trenching fatality that occurred at the company's worksite in Denham Springs, La. The company, which employs about 21 workers, was installing sewer pipes in a developing subdivision. The alleged willful violations were for failing to protect employees working inside trenches from cave-ins and failing to properly slope or shore trenches and take appropriate action when a cave-in hazard is recognized. A willful violation is defined as an intentional disregard of, or plain indifference to, the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. The alleged serious violations were issued for failure to perform daily excavation inspections, failure to provide trained personnel in first aid response, and failure to instruct employees on how to recognize and avoid unsafe conditions. A serious violation is one that could cause death or serious physical harm to employees from a hazard about which the employer knew or should have known. The company has 15 working days from receipt of the citations to comply, request an informal conference with the Baton Rouge area director, or to contest the citations and penalties before the independent Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission. Employers and employees with questions regarding workplace safety and health standards can call the Baton Rouge OSHA area office at (225) 298-5458. Or, OSHA's toll-free hotline number may be used to report workplace accidents, fatalities, or situations posing imminent danger to workers. The number is 1-800-321-6742. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is dedicated to saving lives, preventing injuries and illnesses, and protecting America's workers. Safety and health add value to business, the workplace and life. For more information, visit www.osha.gov.

Big Dig worker killed in construction accident
By Associated Press, 3/24/2003 17:18
BOSTON (AP) A Big Dig construction worker was killed Monday after he was hit by a weight attached to a crane, authorities said. The accident happened at a Big Dig work site at D Street and Hall Road in South Boston at about 10 a.m., said Lt. Richard Powers of the Boston Fire Department. The victim, a 55-year-old Roxbury man, was apparently standing behind the crane while working on the Interstate 90 portion of the Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel project, said Big Dig spokesman Sean O'Neill. His name was not immediately released pending notification of relatives. He is the fourth worker killed while working on the Big Dig, which began in the late 1980s. Central Artery officials, OSHA, the Department of Public Safety and the Suffolk District Attorney's office are investigating whether reckless conduct, mechanical issues or negligence may have contributed to the worker's death. David Procopio, a spokesman for the Suffolk District Attorney's office, said the crane operator was taken to Boston Medical Center, where he was treated for stress-related symptoms. The $14.6 billion Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel project includes the Ted Williams Tunnel under Boston Harbor, an underground connection from Interstate 90 to the Williams tunnel, miles of underground highway in downtown Boston replacing the old elevated Interstate 93 Central Artery, and the new Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge.

UPDATE Contractor fined $50,000 for death of worker
A CONTRACTOR has been fined the maximum $50,000 for causing the death of a worker through a worksite soil slide last December. Chinese national Tian Zhi Kuan, 35, was buried waist-deep in soil when the side of a 2.9m-deep excavation collapsed suddenly. He died in hospital from multiple injuries. Caravelle Construction and Development, the main contractor at the Jalan Bukit Merah worksite, pleaded guilty on Tuesday to failing to provide adequate piling and bracing against the side of an excavation that was more than 1.5m deep. The contractor was also fined $10,000 for failing to place excavated material at least 61cm away from the edge of the excavation. The court heard that Mr Tian and a co-worker were trimming the side of the excavation with shovels on Dec 4 last year, when the soil from the side slid down suddenly and trapped Mr Tian. Caravelle had been awarded a Housing Board contract for major upgrading works at the site, and it had sub-contracted the building of a multi-storey carpark to IRE Corporation, Mr Tian's employer. Investigations showed that at the time of the accident, the sides of the excavation were not protected by shorings, bracings or pilings to prevent the soil from collapsing on the workers who were inside. Also, excavated soil was placed too close to the edge, which could have resulted in soil falling on the workers. The Ministry of Manpower yesterday reminded factory occupiers and contractors to ensure the safety of employees working inside an excavation. It added that it would take legal action against any factory occupier or contractor found flouting safety rules.

Aircraft lands on vehicle at Taiwan airport runway
TAIPEI - A Taiwanese aircraft with 170 passengers squashed a utility vehicle on the runway as it landed at Tainan Airport in southern Taiwan, injuring two construction workers, an airline official has said. The utility vehicle was performing routine repair and cleaning work on the runway when the TransAsia Airways Corp passenger jet landed on top of it on Friday night, said Mr Cheng Yuan-chieh, head of the airline's Tainan office. The two workers were hospitalised with injuries that were not life-threatening, he said. One man suffered slight concussion while the other was admitted to hospital with bone fractures. Pilot Liu Feng told local media that the control tower had given him the all-clear to land as he approached the airport. However, as the plane neared the runway, he was shocked to see the utility vehicle in his path. 'I had to apply the emergency brakes,' the China Times quoted him as saying. According to local reports, 170 passengers on board the flight were thrown into a panic after the plane hit the utility vehicle, but no-one was injured. Mr Cheng said the plane, an Airbus A321, suffered minor damage and is parked on the runway for a government investigation of the accident. TransAsia Airways, with headquarters in Taipei, transports passengers and cargo mainly on domestic flights in Taiwan, and serves some international routes in South-east Asia. A TransAsia Airways cargo jet crashed into the sea off Taiwan in bad weather last December while heading for Macau. The two pilots were killed. --Bloomberg News

Contractor fined S$50,000 under Factories Act for death of worker
A contractor, Caravelle Construction and Development Pte Ltd, pleaded guilty in court on March 18 for causing the death of a worker under the Factories Act. The Manpower Ministry says the contractor was fined the maximum penalty of S$50,000 for failing to provide adequate piling against the side of an excavation of more than 1.5m deep. Workers were exposed to the hazard of falling or sliding materials from the excavation's side. The contractor was also fined a further S$10,000 for failing to place excavated material at least 610mm back from the edge of the excavation. The accident happened in December last year.

Man dies in fall; Anderson repairman was fixing roof top
An Anderson man who was working to repair a roof damaged in a January fire at an automotive parts warehouse slipped and fell to his death early Saturday morning. John Schoettmer Jr., 44, was pronounced dead at the scene when firefighters and police arrived at Auto Tech, 695 N. Miller Ave., at about 8:18 a.m. Saturday. Marion Fire Department Capt. Brian Swanner said Schoettmer, 2118 Rosewood Drive, Anderson, was on the building's roof doing repairs when he stepped backwards onto an unsecured piece of plastic that crews had left out to protect the building from rain. "He knew it was there, but took a couple of steps back and fell through the roof," Swanner said. Schoettmer plummeted more than 20 feet to his death, landing on the warehouse's concrete floor. Grant County Deputy Coroner Kevin Evans said the initial cause of death is listed as blunt force trauma to the head, but an autopsy will be performed today at St. Joseph Hospital in Fort Wayne to confirm the findings. Schoettmer had been working for Weiland Inc., repairing the building's roof after a Jan. 15 fire decimated the building's southwest corner, Swanner said. He and another worker were on the roof but were not secured to the roof with any safety gear.

Worker electrocuted after hitting power line
Associated Press
Published March 21, 2003 ELEC22
KENOSHA, Wis. -- A man was electrocuted and a co-worker was hurt when they hit a buried power line while sinking a well. The 20-year-old Union Grove man was operating equipment for Hoover Well Drilling Co. Inc. when the gear touched the 4,800-volt power line Thursday morning in Trevor, authorities said. His name was not released. A 28-year-old co-worker suffered a shock while trying to help the victim. The co-worker was hospitalized in satisfactory condition late Thursday.

Worker Injured As Downtown Crane Topples; Man's Condition 'Stable' At Northwestern Hospital
March 20, 2003
CHICAGO -- A construction worker was injured when a crane he was operating tipped over at a Loop work site Thursday morning. The worker was operating the crane at the site, the intersection of Franklin and Monroe streets, when the machine somehow tipped over, according to Central District Sgt. William Kelly. Emergency crews received a call about the pin-in accident at 8:29 a.m., according to First Battalion Chief James Mindak. ithin 15 minutes or so, crews were able to remove the operator, who appeared to be in his 30s, from the cab of the crane. The man was believed to be in "stable condition" and was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital as of 9:05 a.m. Four to five firefighters helped removed the operator from the crane at about 8:55 a.m. The man appeared to be bleeding from the head, but was still conscious and alert, Mindak said. He added that crews had to negotiate "between machinery" to remove the man. A representative of Northwestern Memorial Hospital could not immediately say whether the hospital eceived the patient. As of 9 a.m., the crane still was tipped over on the south side of Franklin Street, which had been closed off from Madison to Monroe streets. The street has since been reopened to traffic. During the rescue process, four fire trucks and an ambulance lined the streets around the construction site. There were also two red sport utility vehicles commissioned to the Fire Department. A nursing supervisor at Northwestern confirmed that the construction worker was brought there, but could not immediately provide his condition or age. An Occupational Safety and Health Administration representative said they sent an investigator to the scene and could not immediately provide any more information.

Worker dies in fall from roof of Lombard home
by Bonnie MacKay
A 30-year-old Elmwood Park man died after a fall from the roof of a Lombard home Thursday morning. Police and fire officials responded to a home in the 300 block of North Fairfield just before 9 a.m. on March 13. According to Lombard fire Battalion Chief Mike Kalina, paramedics found a man unconscious on a concrete surface. Kalina said the man apparently fell off the roof, 12 to 14 feet, to a concrete patio. "He was critical," Kalina said, adding that Lombard Fire Department paramedics transported the man to Good Samaritan Hospital in Downers Grove for a severe head injury. Lombard police Deputy Chief Dane Cuny said Mariusz Lemanski, a contractor, was pronounced dead at the hospital. Lombard detectives responded to the accident scene to conduct an investigation. "Preliminary indications [show] it was a work-related accident," Cuny said, adding that an autopsy and further forensics investigation is being conducted by the DuPage County Coroner's Office.

Construction Worker Electrocuted
Lake Milton Gerry Ricciutti
A North Lima man is dead, following an accident in a highway construction zone. State troopers say 37-year-old Peter DeLucia, Jr. was killed Wednesday morning along Interstate 76 near Lake Milton. Investigators say the victim was part of a construction crew working on a paving project on the interstate. He reportedly was moving concrete barricades with the help of a crane, when the crane came into contact with power lines overhead, electrocuting DeLucia.

Firefighters called to free man trapped by scaffolding
A DECORATOR was taken to the Great Western Hospital after he slipped and became trapped under scaffolding while working in a house in Old Town. The man, who has not been named, suffered concussion and minor injuries in the accident, which happened at a house in Quarry Road at 3.40pm yesterday. Ambulance staff were unable to reach him because the collapsed scaffolding was unsafe, so the fire brigade were called in. Station Officer, Bruce Weatherston, said: "There was a partial collapse of the scaffolding the man was working on while painting the wall. "The man slipped and fell and the ambulance crew were unable to get close to him safely so we used ropes and chopping equipment to move the scaffolding, releasing the man." The man was freed from the scaffolding by 4pm and was today recovering in hospital.

Man unhurt after being struck by truck
3/19 By TODD HARPER For The Lebanon Reporter
WHITESTOWN -- A man was unhurt after being struck by a pickup truck along County Road 650 East near Whitestown Tuesday morning. Wayne Flowers of Columbus, Ohio, was placing warning markers along C.R. 650 East just north of C.R. 400 South when he was struck by a silver pickup truck about 10 a.m. The driver of the pickup truck, Mark A. Boil, 39, Whitestown, fled the scene, but returned a few minutes after the accident. Flowers, who was driving a large flat-bed trailer, parked along the road after his vehicle broke down. He was attempting to make a delivery in Whitestown. "I could tell he wasn't going to stop, and when he hit me I then kind of flew in the air," Flowers said, adding that the pickup truck was "not going that fast." According to Flowers, Boil's truck was traveling south on C.R. 650 East when he came to Flowers disabled vehicle. He said because of a construction truck on the west side and his trailer parked in the east lane, Boil should have stopped and waited for a clear path. "I realized I was going to be hit and then was hit by the hood of his vehicle," Flowers said. Indiana State Police Trooper Robert Trimp said, Flowers and Boil gave different accounts to the accident. According to Boil's report, Flowers jumped into the path of his truck, and Boil had no time to stop to avoid hitting Flowers. Trimp said, Boil's truck was traveling at around 10 mph when the accident occurred. Trimp said he will give his findings to the Boone County Prosecutor's Office, but said he was unsure what action may or may not be taken. Flowers was examined by medics and released at the scene.

Surveyor killed on highway
The Edmonton Journal Tuesday, March 18, 2003
EDMONTON - A construction worker was struck and killed by a sport utility vehicle during a surveying operation Monday afternoon in Nisku. RCMP told Global Television that the construction worker doing survey work was hit when he tried to cross the road. Weather and road conditions were good at the time. The road was closed to traffic for several hours at Sparrow Drive just south of Highway 625 because of the accident.

Man dies in accident with cement truck
March 18, 2003
A worker preparing to clean a cement truck died when he fell and became pinned inside the vehicle's spinning drum. Frank Wilson, 59, of Marienville, was on top of the front-load model truck when he fell for an unknown reason at the J.J. Kennedy Cement Co. in Paint Township. Wilson, who sustained injuries to his neck and upper and lower torso, became pinned between the spinning drum and stationary parts of the cement mixer, authorities said. Officials say Wilson had returned from his final trip of the day. He was pronounced dead at the scene Monday by Clarion County Coroner Roland Burns.

Victim of Overland Park construction accident identified
The Kansas City Star
A worker who died Monday when a trench collapsed at 129th Place and Metcalf Avenue, Overland Park, was identified today as Samuel Mera, 29. Mera, who lived in Kansas City, Kan., was waterproofing the foundation of a town house that was under construction when a wall of earth caved in. Rescuers think the man died immediately when the earth slammed him against the concrete foundation. Two other workers who were in the trench escaped. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration began investigating the accident Tuesday.

Fumes nearly claim contractor
Andrew Blejwas, Register Staff March 18, 2003
SHELTON — A contractor overcome by carbon monoxide while working at a city home Monday owes his life to two men who helped shove his unconscious body through a basement window, fire officials said. Firefighters who responded to the scene credited homeowner Sante Faustini, of 23 Suren Lane, and contractor Steve Meehan with the quick thinking that brought Florentino Torres to safety Monday. "They definitely saved his life," said Assistant Fire Chief Daryl Osiecki. "If the guy was alone he would probably be dead." Osiecki said Torres, whose age and address were unavailable, and Meehan, both workers for Creative Contractors of Trumbull, were working in the basement of an addition at Faustini's home shortly before 10 a.m. when Torres passed out from carbon monoxide poisoning. "They were cutting down some concrete walls in the basement with a cutting saw. The basement probably wasn't very well ventilated and he was overcome by the fumes and passed out," said Osiecki. Faustini said workers excavated room for the ba sement as they built the addition to his home, but did not immediately tear down a wall between the old and new portions because they did not want to let cold air into the house. Workers built the addition to the home on top of the basement and, as a result, a basement window, approximately 3 by 1.5 feet in size, was the only access to the new basement, he said. On Monday, with temperatures reaching the mid-60s, Faustini said, work on tearing down the wall began. To do that, Osiecki said, Torres and Meehan climbed into the new basement, with only the window as ventilation, and began to cut the wall with a gas-powered saw. Because of a lack of ventilation, carbon monoxide in the room quickly built up and Torres collapsed. "I heard (Meehan) yelling for help and I went to help," said Faustini. "We had to pull the guy out through a little window. We tried to get him some fresh air and put some wet towels on his head, and my wife called 911, that's about all we knew to do." Osiecki said Torres had regained consciousness by the time firefighters arrived. Torres and Meehan both narrowly escaped a tragic accident. Officials said measurements taken in the room indicated carbon monoxide levels at around 500 parts per million. Osiecki said carbon monoxide levels in an average room typically range between 10 and 15 parts per million. Torres was taken to Bridgeport Hospital, where he was treated and released, a hospital spokesman said Monday. "He's lucky to be alive," said Fire Chief John Millo. "Those guys deserve a lot of credit; they saved his life."

Trench Collapse Kills 1 Person; 2 Workers Taken To Hospital
5:18 p.m. CST March 17, 2003
OVERLAND PARK, Kan. -- Emergency crews responded to a trench collapse that killed one person Monday. The collapse was reported around 2 p.m. near 129th Place and Metcalf Avenue. Crews were working on basement foundations for a new townhome in the Deer Creek Reserve subdivision, KMBC's Bob Werly reported. Three workers were preparing to waterproof the foundation when one of the trench walls gave way. Crews immediately began working to shore up the collapsed wall, and the Overland Park Fire Department was called to the scene. Emergency crews found a worker who was buried in dirt up to his knees. The worker apparently died of a head injury, Werly said. "It appears that there was part of the shore, the ditch, approx 10 to 15 feet long gave way, and pretty much slammed him up against the concrete basement wall," said chief Dennis Meyers of the Overland Park Fire Department. Two other workers were taken to a hospital with minor injuries, Werly reported.

State investigation follows fire at downtown demolition site
By Megan Woolhouse The Courier-Journal
State safety officials have opened an investigation after Louisville firefighters said they had to make demolition workers leave a smoky building they were tearing down. But the company, CRS Demolition of Louisville, says workers evacuated the building and returned only after all danger had passed. Maj. John T. Lyons of Louisville Fire & Rescue said he was surprised to find employees of CRS Demolition still at work inside the building at Eighth Street and Broadway when firefighters arrived about 11:30 a.m. yesterday. ''We had to make them leave the building,'' Lyons said. The workers had been using welding torches to dismantle portions of the former car dealership when they accidentally set a pile of rubber debris on fire. The fire was small but filled the air with dark smoke visible for several blocks, Lyons said. Jon Davies, president of CRS Demolition, 1547 S. Seventh St., said firefighters arrived after workers had put out the fire with fire extinguishers and evacuated the site. Workers stood outside the building while firefighters investigated, he said. A foreman ordered the men back to work, he said, because there was minimal smoke and the group was working on the second floor, not the first floor where the fire broke out. Davies said the company told workers to return to the job because the building was made mostly of concrete and there was little chance for the fire to spread. ''We knew it (the building) couldn't burn,'' he said. Lyons said he called the Kentucky Occupational Safety & Health Program to request the investigation. The agency's spokesman, Eddie Jacobs, confirmed that an investigation had been opened but said he could not comment further.

Fire destroys Harvey firms
BY PHIL ROCKROHR Times Staff Writer
HARVEY -- More than 75 firefighters from throughout the South Suburbs and Northwest Indiana quelled a five-alarm blaze here Friday that gutted two neighboring construction companies worth more than $1 million. Both buildings collapsed, but no one was injured, Harvey Fire Chief Greg DeGroot said. Firefighters came from as far as Crete, Tinley Park, Calumet Park and Munster. Smoke clouds were visible 10 miles away. Harvey firefighters responded to an alarm at Prairie Brick Co., 1220 W. 171st St., at 11:35 a.m., but the fire may have started earlier and employees may have tried to quell the blaze before firefighters arrived, DeGroot said. "We believe they tried to fight it themselves, by the amount of fire here when we pulled up," he said. "Dispatch said there were multiple calls. We believe there was a delay in the alarm." The fire was started by a Prairie employee welding company equipment in a garage, Harvey officials said. "The worker said he turned around and the next thing he knew the whole place was on fire," Harvey Mayor Nickolas Graves said. "There were propane tanks popping like mad." The garage was filled with propane to operate fork lifts, diesel fuel, paint and cleaning solvents, DeGroot said. The solvents included paint thinner, Capt. Steven Ciecierski said. A witness said Prairie employees ran from the garage as explosions started inside. When Harvey firefighters arrived, all 20 employees had evacuated, Ciecierski said. "They were in no hurry to stay," he said. A Prairie cement truck driver, who declined to identify himself, confirmed the fire started on the company's property. The driver, who said all employees were sent home early Friday afternoon, said he was not certain how the fire started. The force of the propane explosions blew out the Prairie garage's rear wall, which abuts the rear wall of Best Homes, Inc., 1230 W. 171st St., DeGroot said. Both buildings, which sit on the southern border of Harvey outside East Hazel Crest, were destroyed, Ciecierski said. He estimated the damage at more than 1 million. Scott Arquilla, vice president of Best Homes, estimated his company's loss alone at $1 million. "We'll have to totally rebuild," Arquilla said. "It's a total loss." Best Homes, which has operated out of the Harvey location since 1962, did $6.5 million in business last year, he said. The company employs 30 to 55 employees depending on the time of year, Arquilla said. Best Homes employees tried to stay in the building and work after the fire started, Ciecierski said. "Those people, we had to evacuate," he said. "They didn't want to give it up." "We wanted to (stay), but we didn't think it was that serious," said Arquilla, who was present when the fire started. "All our employees left quickly and safely." Alan Haach of Portage, a carpenter for Best Homes, said firefighters were unable to use water until 25 minutes after they arrived. Firefighters used some 1,200 feet of hose to reach the buildings, which were set back almost that far from 171st Street, Ciecierski said. "It was very unwieldy," he said. "It's a pain to lay all that line." Best Homes employees informed Arquilla at about 11:30 a.m. that a Prairie building had caught fire, Arquilla said. "The flames were quite high," he said. "Five minutes later we started hearing explosions. The fire caught our building and spread through the whole building." Firefighters were able to save more than $250,000 in lumber in a block-long yard on the Best Homes site and to prevent the fire from spreading to neighboring Alpha Construction, also owned by Arquilla's family, he said. Some $65,000 in lumber burned inside the building, but most of the $1 million in damage was caused to the building and the company's equipment, Arquilla said. Best Homes manufactures roof trusses, floor trusses and wall panels, he said. The fire spread very quickly because sawdust had collected on the wooden trusses, and the roofs of both building were made of wood, DeGroot said. "The fire just literally ran over their heads," the chief said of people inside. "The explosions from the propane tanks spread the fire. There was a tremendous amount of fuel in the building." The intense heat caused metal joists in both buildings to expand and knock down walls, including cinder-block walls in Best Homes, DeGroot said. A 100-foot antenna collapsed and narrowly missed firefighters as they sprayed about a dozen hoses on the blaze, he said. "There's not too much you can really do on something like this, but pour water on it," DeGroot said. "The main thing is to get the people out." By 1:30 p.m. Friday, DeGroot said the blaze was 95 percent extinguished. By then, the once black cloud of smoke blowing northeast had transformed to gray. Since 1962, both Best Homes and Prairie Brick have maintained good safety records with Harvey officials, DeGroot said. Best Homes did not contain sprinklers because the structure was built before they were required, he said. "When they rebuild, they will be required," DeGroot said. Haach said he was concerned about his and fellow employees' future. "I've been working here for 17 years. I don't know what I'm going to do," he said. "We're all family people here."

UPDATE Worker becomes 4th fatality in Shizuoka Pref. wall collapse
Yomiuri Shimbun
A demolition worker who was seriously injured when the exterior wall of a building in Fuji, Shizuoka Prefecture, collapsed on Thursday, died Saturday morning at a hospital in the city, police said. Takakazu Sato, 27, was the fourth person to die of injuries suffered in the accident. A demolition crew had been cutting away the exterior wall when it fell 10 meters onto three vehicles in the street below. The collapsed wall killed two people and severely injured two others in the vehicles that had been stopped at a traffic light. The other person killed was the demolition crew chief, Hiroki Watanabe, 39, who died shortly after the accident. The police resumed their examination of the building's interior at 10:20 a.m. Saturday and questioned those involved in the demolition work about how the fatal accident had occurred. Yoshiwara Honmachi-dori street in front of the building had been blocked after the accident, but was reopened Saturday after debris on the street was cleared. Cars were allowed to pass through on e side of the two lane road.

Work falls three stories at White Plains City Center
By SUSAN ELAN AND RICHARD LIEBSON THE JOURNAL NEWS (Original publication: March 15, 2003)
WHITE PLAINS — A construction worker fell three stories down an unfinished elevator shaft at developer Louis Cappelli's $320 million City Center yesterday. Alvin Burgos, 38, of 1119 Mile Square Road in Yonkers, was removing wooden support beams from an elevator shaft shortly after 10:30 a.m. when he fell from the 16th floor to the 13th floor of a 35-story apartment tower currently under construction at 222 Main St. Burgos was taken by ambulance to the Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla, where he was listed in critical condition. White Plains police Capt. Anne FitzSimmons called Burgos "very lucky. He landed on some plywood, which broke his fall. He was conscious and talking and didn't appear to have life-threatening injuries. He said he just lost his balance.'' Work at the site continued while city and federal inspections into the incident began. "No violation of city code has been issued at this time," said Michael Gismondi, White Plains' building commissioner. FitzSimmons said people were being interviewed to determine "whether it was anything other than an accident, and we're looking to see whether safety regulations and procedures were being followed.'' It has not been determined whether Burgos was wearing a harness or had taken other precautions for work at heights, Gismondi said. He said there was no indication that pressure to meet an October deadline set by Cappelli for completion of the project has resulted in unsafe work conditions. "We don't believe safety has been compromised," Gismondi said. "We would see more accidents or more of a trend." Peter West, a spokesman for the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration in Tarrytown, said Burgos "should have been protected from falling by something, whether it was a harness or guard rails." Yesterday's was the third accident at the City Center site. One worker was injured when he stepped into a hole and hurt his leg, Gismondi said. A second worker was hit by a pipe. There have been prior complaints about conditions at the site, West said. One of the complaints brought against George A. Fuller, a Cappelli company, resulted in fines, West said. Two other complaints are still under investigation. OSHA also is investigating a fatal accident in June at Main and Bank streets, where a $140 million luxury hotel-apartment complex is under construction, West said. Richard Ellis, 40, of Thornwood, died during surgery at the medical center after he was crushed by a bundle of steel rods that dropped more than 50 feet from a crane. Burgos was working at the City Center site as an employee of subcontractor Carlton Concrete of Floral Park, Queens. Officials from that company did not return calls for comment. Sal Fusaro, a spokesman for Laborers International Union of North America Local 1000 in Poughkeepsie, called Burgos "a good man and a good laborer." Burgos has been a member of the local for five years and does concrete work, Fusaro said.

Investigator describes Trefoil crash as tragic
An air safety investigator has described as tragic a light plane crash off North West Tasmania which killed four people. Investigations are continuing into Friday night's crash on Trefoil Island. The Cessna four-seat plane was taking constructions workers on the short trip home after a month's work on the island and crashed shortly after taking off. Killed were the 52-year-old pilot, a 25 year-old construction worker and two teenage apprentices, all from Tasmania's north-west. Investigator Sam Webb, from the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, says it is hoped findings from the investigation may help prevent similar accidents in the future. "It's especially tragic and that's why we are here to see if we can ascertain anything from the accident that we could use to enhance safety in the future, we feel sad for the sad and families and we'd just like to pass on our condolences."

Gas line rupture sickens 21 at Lemon Grove school
By Mark Arner UNION-TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER March 15, 2003
Nineteen children and two adult workers from a Catholic school in Lemon Grove suffered minor respiratory problems yesterday after construction workers severed a nearby natural gas line. The accident at 11:45 a.m. prompted evacuation of St. John of the Cross Catholic School on Lemon Grove Way, which has 422 students in preschool through eighth grade. It also halted natural gas service to 20 homes for an hour before it was restored by San Diego Gas and Electric, a utility spokeswoman said. Kaiser Zion and Alvarado hospitals in San Diego and Sharp Grossmont hospital in La Mesa treated 16 children and one adult for minor respiratory problems ranging from headaches and dizziness to nausea. Representatives of the hospitals said they expected to release all the patients last night in good condition. It was not known immediately where the other three children and adult received treatment. The accident was being investigated by SDG&E yesterday, and it was not clear if the gas line had been properly identified on a utility map. The line was severed by J. Fletcher Creamer and Sons, a contractor hired by Helix Water District to install a 10-inch water main near the school, said Helix General Manager Mark Weston. Sister Marilupe Mier-y-Teran, a school spokeswoman, praised adults from the school and neighborhood, who quickly moved students away from the gas leak. "Thank you to every single adult who helped," Sister Marilupe said. "They all did an excellent job."

Accident traps man in mud two hours
By PEGGY O'HARE Houston Chronicle
A man was trapped chest-high in mud for more than two hours Friday before firefighters freed him. Robert Sauseda, 55, of Bryan was taken from the southeast Houston construction site where the accident occurred to Memorial Hermann Hospital. He was listed in good condition later Friday. Sauseda was trapped after the ground gave way while he and other workers were measuring grades and elevations for pipes to be installed around underground storage tanks at a new Shell station at Reed Road near the South Freeway. Despite his predicament, Sauseda remained calm throughout the ordeal. The accident happened at 1 p.m., when Sauseda stepped back and the ground caved in beneath him, trapping one of his legs. The situation soon became desperate as he continued sinking in the mud. "At first, it was just one leg stuck in sand. I ran to get some boards to help him out," said Sauseda's nephew Joe Samarrippas, 39, who was also working at the construction site. But Sauseda could not budge from the wet sand -- then the underground tanks gave way and began to roll, his nephew said. Fortunately, the tanks rolled away from the trapped man. "If the tanks had rolled toward him, it probably would have sucked him under," said Samarrippas. After calling 911, Samarrippas, also of Bryan, threw a chain down to his flailing uncle and hooked one end of it up to a truck so the man would not sink any farther. Because Sauseda was only 50 to 75 feet away from Reed Road, emergency officials diverted traffic to keep the ground from shifting even more. About 35 firefighters used ladders, ropes and a life preserver to free the man and gave him an oxygen mask to wear during the ordeal. They pulled him to safety around 3:15 p.m. and loaded him into an ambulance. Emergency personnel said Sauseda appeared to have suffered no major injuries, his nephew said. Sauseda was expected to be kept overnight at the hospital for observation.

Worker plunges 20 feet inside W. Side manhole
ROMANO CEDILLOS Tucson Citizen March 13, 2003
A pipeline construction worker was injured yesterday when he tripped and plunged 20 feet inside a manhole on the West Side, a firefighter said. The accident occurred about 3:30 p.m. at West Riverview Boulevard and North Dragoon Avenue. The area is near West Grant and North Silverbell roads. Francisco Montoya, 24, of Tucson, an employee of Spiniello Co., suffered hip and leg injuries in the fall, said Capt. Paul McDonough of the Tucson Fire Department. "Because of the confined space the man was in, it took rescue personnel an hour and a half to get him out," McDonough said. "He was conscious the entire time." Montoya was treated at University Medical Center. A report on his condition was not immediately available. Don Morrow, superintendent of the Morristown, N.J.-based company, said Montoya was unloading equipment from a company truck near the manhole when the accident occurred. "He had just taken the racks off the truck and was beginning to offload equipment to set up over the hole when he tripped," Morrow said. "The (two) other guys with him had their backs to him and didn't see him fall in, but they heard him yell." Frank Torres of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration said his office was investigating the accident.

Three dead in Japan building fall
March 13, 2003
(12:58) Two motorists were crushed to death when a section of concrete wall of a building being demolished collapsed onto a shopping street in Japan. A construction worker was also killed in the accident, and at least three other people were injured. It happened around mid-afternoon in the shopping district of Yoshiwara in Fuji, 130 km southwest of Tokyo. The two drivers died in their cars, which appeared to have stopped at a traffic light. A 15-metre square concrete slab from the five-storey building suddenly fell on the street running alongside and completely flattened several cars at a crossroads. 'One of the injured broke both of his legs, while we heard a small child was also among the injured,' a police spokesman said. The rescue operation was continuing with police searching for any people still buried under the debris.

UPDATE Cal-OSHA blames employer in bridge death; Contractor denies violating safety rules in Cotati man's fall from Golden Gate span
A Cotati man killed in a construction accident on the Golden Gate Bridge last summer may have died because his employer didn't have proper safeguards in place, authorities said. Shimmick/Obayashi Joint Venture, the lead contractor in the earthquake retrofit project on the bridge, also "put up roadblocks" that impeded the investigation into the death of Kevin Noah, a California Occupational Safety and Health Administration spokesman said. "They exercised their legal rights almost to the point of abusing them," Dean Fryer, a Cal-OSHA spokesman, said. He said the company resisted the investigation from its outset, forcing investigators to issue repeated subpoenas to obtain interviews and documents. "That is simply not true," said Scott Fairgrieve, chief financial officer of the Hayward-based contractor. He said the company's attorney had "simply required that they follow their own rules to the letter and follow their investigation by the book." Noah, 42, a veteran carpenter, fell about 50 feet to his death Aug. 13 while working in the south anchorage, a huge concrete structure that helps support the 66-year-old bridge. Early reports suggested Noah's safety harness had failed and he fell from a mechanized basket used to lift workers and materials. But investigators concluded he "probably was standing on and tied off to rebar" embedded in the anchorage wall when he fell, Fryer said. There was no scaffolding in place in the area, the Cal-OSHA report says, and "as a result, an employee fell ... and was fatally injured." Shimmick/Obayashi was cited for three serious violations, the second-most severe level possible. Cal-OSHA levied $26,025 in fines for those violations and three that were classified as less serious. The company has appealed the penalty. "We have a very large disagreement between our interpretation and Cal-OSHA's of safety rules in regards to scaffolding," Fairgrieve said. He said other safety measures were in place and scaffolding wasn't warranted at the time.

Johnson Police Officer Injured In Construction Mishap
Wed, Mar 12, 2003 The Morning News/NWAonline.net
SPRINGDALE -- Johnson police officer C.B. Caya was injured Tuesday after being pinned between his vehicle and a dump truck. The accident occurred at the construction site of the Clear Creek Club development, at Great House Springs Road and Arkansas 112. Johnson police spokesman Eric Evans said Caya, 47, had gone to the construction site shortly before 8 a.m. to pick up donated construction material for use at the police firing range when he was injured. Evans said Johnson had gotten out of his pickup to help direct a construction truck that was backing up. As he went to re-enter his vehicle, it apparently popped out of gear and began to roll, pinning Caya between the door of his pickup and a parked dump truck. Evans said Caya apparently was bruised, but he did not break any bones. He was treated at Washington Regional Medical Center in Fayetteville and released by midafternoon Tuesday.

Fire guts house
Barrie Examiner Wednesday, March 12, 2003 - 07:00
Local News - Bright red Christmas ribbons are practically all that is left of a home that was gutted by fire yesterday on 8 Maw Court in Barrie. A plumber's soldering torch set off the blaze in the basement of the north-end home. Within seconds it got out of control and engulfed the entire home in flames at about 10 a.m. More than a dozen firefighters were called into action. A retired couple and their mother all got away safely when the plumber alerted them to the fire. "It really went up fast," said the plumber, Jerry Johnson, who explained he was using a soldering torch when plastic insulation covering (vapor barrier) caught fire while he was doing some repairs. "When I realized I couldn't control it, I got everybody out." He said the mother, who was well into her eighties, did not want to leave the home. "She was sort of in shock and she just didn't want to come out," said Johnson. "I just grabbed her and took her out so that she was safe," he said. "I can't believe this," said a grief-stricken home owner Linda Wozniak, as she walked away from her home that backs on to a quiet ravine. "I just want to get my mother to a safe place." Her tiny mother, dressed in a skirt with pink-and-white sneakers and socks and bundled in a winter coat, clutched a plastic white shopping bag while fire fighter Tony Weir and the plumber gently held her elbows as they escorted her to a waiting car. "I just don't know what will happen next" said Wozniak, in shock. "I can't believe it. I don't even know if my cat survived … I don't know anything." But a neighbour, who did not want to be named, said the little black and white calico cat was "safe and sound" after she brought it to her home. Several people witnessed the smoke billowing out of the bungalow that sits in an eight-year-old subdivision just off Ferndale Road in the north end of Barrie. "I just feel sick for those poor people," said neighbour Arlene Lougheed as she clutched her hands to her chest and looked out her living room window, watching as flames licked through blackened windows of the home. "We didn't know them well, but we often saw them out puttering in their beautiful garden." Standing beside her, her husband Dan said he was shocked with how fast the home went up in smoke. "At first it looked like an innocent puff of smoke," he said. "It spread so fast. Within minutes there were thick, black, dark clouds of smoke billowing out the windows in huge puffs." While a bitter wind blew, it carried with it the acrid smell of smoke several blocks away from the scene, where walkers had to cover their noses and mouths with coat collars. Assistant fire chief Terry Dicks said it is undetermined whether the fire that started with the plastic insulation covering also ignited the underlying insulation. "In most cases the insulation is fairly fire retardant," he said. "We are still investigating. Bottom line is … fire is unpredictable and any accident can happen in any house." The owners did have home insurance and smoke detectors were installed in the house.

Labourer dies after treatment works fall
AN investigation was under way today after a labourer plunged to his death at a sewage treatment works. Robert Murdoch, 57, of John Allan Drive, Cumnock, was working at Linwood Treatment Works in Middleton Road, Linwood, Renfrewshire. It's thought he fell eight feet to his death as he put up scaffolding around 11am yesterday. He suffered serious injuries and was rushed by ambulance to the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley, where he later died. The Health and Safety Executive is investigating but it's believed to have been an industrial accident. A spokesman for Scottish Water, which owns the site, said: "The man was given first aid at the scene but he sadly died later in hospital. "He was working for Barrhead-based contractor George Leslie, a firm which has been working at the site on behalf of Scottish Water. "We will work closely with the Health and Safety Executive to establish the circumstances surrounding the man's death." A police spokesman said: "There would appear to be no suspicious circumstances and a report will be forwarded to the procurator-fiscal." No-one at George Leslie was available for comment today.

Construction Worker Dies as Roof Caves In
Javid Hassan, Arab News Staff
RIYADH, 13 March 2003 — One person was killed and five others were injured when a two-story building under construction collapsed on Tuesday night in the Mursalat area of northern Riyadh. Brig. Mesfer Al-Goayed, director-general of civil defense, said the workers were engaged in the construction of the roof when it came down "owing to bad execution". He said the dead person's nationality was not known. The injured were from Egypt, Pakistan and India. Speaking to Arab News on the phone, Dr. Mohammed Al-Mishary, vice president of Abdulrahman Al-Mishary Hospital and head of the emergency team, said 55 doctors and 100 nurses as well as paramedics were deployed for the treatment of patients under Code Yellow. He said one of the patients who had suffered a fracture in the skull and a broken spine had started to go into a state of paralysis. However, timely surgical intervention by a team of five doctors, two neurosurgeons, two orthopedists and one anesthetist helped him to recover. "He could have been paralyzed, as 80 percent of cases in such a situation end up in paralysis. "But, thank God, he's recovering and has started moving his legs. It was a dangerous but successful operation that lasted seven hours." In another case, Dr. Mishary said, the victim had fractured ribs and a tear in the lung. A team of surgeons attended on him. The patient, a Pakistani, is on the way to recovery. The third had concussion in the brain and lacerations in his face. Of the three, two may be discharged soon, while one is still in the intensive care unit. Dr. Mishary said coordination among the Red Crescent, the Ministry of Health and his own hospital was excellent. The other two patients are under treatment in the Al-Hammady Hospital. It is the second time in recent years that a building under construction in Riyadh had collapsed. Three years ago, an accident occurred in the Kingdom Tower when part of the scaffolding came down. However, the injured workers were given prompt first-aid and discharged.

Worker lucky to be alive after a fall at arena site
Brent Whiting The Arizona Republic Mar. 11, 2003 12:00 AM
GLENDALE - He fell more than 30 feet at the Phoenix Coyotes arena going up near 91st and Glendale avenues. And Richard Robinette, a Valley construction worker, said Monday that he considers himself lucky to be alive. Robinette, 59, of Surprise, said he could have plunged more than 100 feet to his death, but lower scaffolding broke the nearly three-story fall. His wife, Linda, 56, agreed, saying, "I'm glad to have him home. It was a very scary situation." The accident happened about 10 p.m. Friday while Robinette, a carpenter for Phoenix-based Perini Building Co., was working on tall scaffolding at the job site. He fell more than 30 feet and landed on lower scaffolding only 30 inches wide and still about 65 feet above the ground, said Elio Pompa, a Glendale fire captain and spokesman. Robinette was flown to a Phoenix hospital after four members of a technical-rescue team used a basket to lower him to the ground, Pompa said. It was a daring rescue in which firefighters, using a construction crane, not only climbed the scaffolding but tended to Robinette from the lofty perch, Pompa said. Robinette was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, where his wife picked him up Sunday morning and took him home, where he remained on medication Monday. Firefighters said the mishap marked the first major construction accident at the site. Perini, Robinette's employer, is the general contractor for the planned 17,500-seat hockey arena.

Metro worker rescued
by Tyisha Manigo Staff Writer March 10, 2003
An employee completing work a Metrorail tunnel in Seat Pleasant had to be rescued and transported to a local hospital after falling and sustaining serious injuries, according to the Prince George's County Fire/EMS department. The 49-year-old contract employee was operating on scaffolding 15 feet to 20 feet high when he fell onto the concrete floor Friday around 8:30 p.m., said chief spokesman Mark E. Brady. The department's Confined Space Team removed the victim—who was approximately one-quarter of a mile into the tunnel—and transported him to MedStar at the Washington Hospital Center. The worker sustained a possible concussion and internal injuries. His condition at the time of transport was considered serious but did not appear to be life threatening.

UPDATE Contractor to pay for GG Bridge death
BY J.K. DINEEN Of The Examiner Staff
The lead contractor on the massive Golden Gate Bridge seismic retrofitting project has been slapped with a hefty fine in the case of a carpenter who fell to his death last summer while working in one of the bridge's anchorage towers, according to a citation from the Division of Occupational Safety and Health. On Aug. 13, Kevin Noah, 42, was standing on a three-quarter-inch piece of rebar inside the south anchorage tower when he fell 50 feet to his death. The OSHA investigation fined contractor Shimmick/Obayashi $16,200 for failing to provide scaffolding for the tower workers and $5,850 for not having a proper failing arrest system. Noah's harness was tied to an open-ended piece of rebar, and slipped off as he worked. The rebar should have been "crossed" off in order to prevent slippage, OSHA said. "It is definitely a serious case," said OSHA spokeswoman Susan Gard. "The company was responsible for conducting the job in a way that protected employees properly, and that was not done in this instance." Shimmick/Obayashi will appeal the citation, according to attorney Robert Peterson. The early-morning accident happened as Noah was strengthening concrete footings inside one of the bridge's hollow concrete "anchorage houses." Noah died when he hit the dirt floor at the bottom of the anchorage house, which is where the bridge cables are anchored. Mary Virenzi, Noah's longtime girlfriend, said Noah was an adventuresome jack-of-all-trades who worked on projects big and small. He was as comfortable building a wooden house as working on the construction of 3Com Park. "Kevin was an everything guy -- he knew how to do it all," said Virenzi. "He'd leave a job and always be welcomed back on it no matter what." Noah left behind three sons, whom he took motocross riding most weekends. The Novato resident would offer to take the family to a movie and surprise them by ending up at a drive-in in Sacramento, she added. Noah frequently complained about the lack of safety precautions on the job, according to Virenzi. At one point he turned down an offer of a foreman's job because he didn't want to be responsible for other workers in an unsafe environment. Virenzi said she recently visited the work site and found some of the safety problems persist. "I know they are never going to say they are sorry, but God, they should at least fix it," she said. "He gave them his life and they should honor him."

Accident Shuts Down Portion Of Ridge Avenue
Reported by: 9News Web produced by: Liz Foreman Last updated: 3/11/03 11:55:52 AM
There's a bit of a mess at the intersection of Ridge and Highland in Columbia Township Tuesday afternoon. The boom on a construction truck hit wires overhead Tuesday morning, leaving the power lines hanging only four feet off the ground. The truck is used to transport bricks. The owner's name was not made available. Police are redirecting traffic in the area and Ridge Avenue is closed heading south at the intersection.

UPDATE Workers to face charges over theater blast
OSAKA (Kyodo) Police turned over to prosecutors Monday their case of suspected negligence against a demolition worker and a foreman regarding a fire that gutted the historic Nakaza theater in September. Osaka police, however, did not pursue charges against employees of Osaka Gas Co., which provided a map showing incorrect information on the gas main layout at the theater site -- one of the causes of an explosion that led to the fire, in which four people were injured. They also did not pursue charges against Takenaka Corp., the contractor of the demolition work. The companies are not considered directly responsible, a police official said. The 26-year-old demolition worker used a lighter to look for a part to close off a gas valve, even though gas was spewing from the valve, causing the explosion at around 3 a.m. Sept. 9. His 27-year-old foreman is also being held accountable. The worker and his colleagues were extracting gas from pipes to be removed under work subcontracted by Osaka Gas as part of the demolition work. Police determined the worker was negligent because he was aware gas was leaking from the valve, which was supposed to be closed, but nonetheless proceeded to ignite his lighter. The worker, a 32-year-old colleague and two firefighters were injured. Osaka Gas in October acknowledged responsibility for the incident and reprimanded nine people, including its president. The fire destroyed the theater in the Dotonbori district in central Osaka and damaged 19 restaurants and bars along neighboring Hozenji Yokocho lane. The theater for kabuki and stage dramas was established in 1653 and the building that burned down was constructed in 1948. The theater's operator, movie distributor Shochiku Co., closed it in 1999 as part of a streamlining effort.

Scissor lift accident victims recovering
RANCHO CUCAMONGA — An electrical contractor and his female employee remained hospitalized Sunday, two days after they were injured in a fall from a scissor lift. The contractor, Juan Francisco Garcia, 29, of Pomona, and his employee, 25-year-old Zulema Olvera of Pomona, were in satisfactory condition at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton, hospital nursing supervisor Joy Flint said Sunday. Garcia and Olvera suffered numerous broken bones and other injuries when a lift they were standing on at a business in the 11400 block of Sixth Street toppled over, sending them approximately 20 feet down to the ground, San Bernardino County sheriff's deputies. The pair were installing electrical conduit when the accident occurred. The accident is being investigated by Cal-OSHA, as well as by deputies from the Rancho Cucamonga Sheriff's Station.

UPDATE Fatal Manhattan Construction Accident Results in OSHA Citations & $60,000 in Proposed Penalties for New York City Employer
NEW YORK -- Exposing employees to fatal safety hazards at a Manhattan construction site has resulted in a New York City employer being cited and fined $60,000 by the U.S. Labor Department's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). OSHA has cited DCM Erectors, of 110 East 42nd Street, New York, NY, for alleged serious and repeat violations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act after the agency investigated an accident on Dec. 6, 2002, in which a company employee was killed in a fall at a construction site at 731 Lexington Ave. The most significant citation is an alleged "repeat" violation that directly relates to the accident, in which an employee fell through an unprotected floor opening and plunged to his death on a steel deck 35 feet below. The citation includes a proposed penalty of $50,000 and charges the employer with failing to provide proper fall protection for employees working next to an unguarded floor opening. DCM Erectors had been cited for a similar violation at the same site on Oct. 15, 2002. "This employer was cited previously for a similar violation on this same project, yet continued to expose employees to the same hazards knowing full well the potential for a serious accident," said Richard Mendelson, OSHA's area director in Manhattan. "This outrageous flaunting of the law had very tragic consequences." OSHA is also citing DCM Erectors for two alleged "serious" violations, each carrying a proposed penalty of $5,000, for failing to train employees exposed to fall hazards in how to recognize and minimize those hazards and for failing to require employees to use eye protection in hazardous situations. A serious citation is issued when death or serious physical harm could result from a hazard about which the employer knew, or should have known. A repeat violation occurs when a company has been cited for similar violations within the past three years and the citation has become a final order. DCM Erectors has 15 business days from receipt of their citations and proposed penalties to elect to comply with them, to request and participate in an informal conference with the OSHA area director, or to contest them before the independent Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission. The OSHA area office in Manhattan conducted the inspection. Its telephone number is 212-620-3200. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is dedicated to saving lives, preventing injuries and illnesses, and protecting America's workers. Safety and health add value to business, the workplace and life. For more information, visit www.osha.gov.

UPDATE Orangeburg company fined for violations before death
Associated Press
COLUMBIA, S.C. - The company that employed a man who died after he fell while working on a bridge was fined for several safety violations in the 1990s, records show. Carolina Bridge Co. officials were questioned by an Occupational Safety and Health Administration investigator Thursday after Jason Kinsey, 21, fell 80 feet into the Congaree River and died. Kinsey's safety harness was hooked to the scaffolding that landed on top of him. It was the Orangeburg company's first serious accident, OSHA documents show. But in June 1994, the company was fined $6,270 for six serious violations during construction on a bridge over the Broad River in Gaffney. Officials from Carolina Bridge Co. could not be reached Friday. The company failed to provide life jackets for employees working over water, ring buoys with at least 90 feet of line for rescues and a lifesaving boat, according to OSHA documents obtained by The State newspaper. The only other violation was in June 1991. Records show it also was serious and resulted in a $560 fine but didn't specifically say what the violation was. Carolina Bridge was close to completing a $612,163 contract with the state to repair the two-lane, 54-year-old bridge at U.S. Highway 601 between the Congaree Swamp and the headwaters of Lake Marion. Kinsey and two other men, Dan Nickel and Randall Jepson, were working on the bridge when the scaffolding collapsed Wednesday. Kinsey and Nickel fell into the water, while Jepson dangled from a rope he was harnessed to and was rescued 40 minutes later. Divers pulled Kinsey's body from the water Thursday. Nickel hit a barge that was floating near the bridge then fell into the river. He was taken to a hospital and released Thursday. Neither Kinsey nor Jepson was wearing a life jacket, officials said, and it was unclear whether Nickel was wearing one. The crew also had no OSHA-required lifeboat buoys in the water in case of emergency, rescuers said. OSHA's investigation into the scaffolding collapse likely will take several weeks, said Jim Knight, spokesman for the state Labor, Licensing and Regulation Department. Information from: The State

Midlands excavation collapse kills worker
A construction worker employed by Westbury Homes on a housing development in Leicester Road, Brownsover near Rugby, has died as a result of an accident. The man was buried at the bottom of a four-metre deep drainage excavation. A fellow worker tried frantically to dig him free but to no avail, emergency services later recovered his body.

1 killed, two hurt in Q.C. building accident
Police are now investigating a tragic accident inside an abandoned building in Cubao, Quezon City, which led to the death of a 37-year-old construction worker, while two others were injured on Wednesday afternoon. Initial reports identified the fatality as Jobar Remedio Alfaro, a resident of barangay Alas Asim, Mariveles, Bataan. Two other construction workers, Wilson Tapat and Sammy Oliveros, were injured in the incident that happened at around 5:40 p.m. Police Officer 1 Joel Gazara of the Central Police District Homicide Unit said the accident occurred inside the abandoned building of the Uniwide Warehouse Club on Aurora Boulevard in Cubao. He said the victims were working on the second floor of the building when a concrete slab suddenly collapsed and fell directly on the victims. Alfaro sustained serious head and body injuries after falling concrete hit and covered him before he could leave the place. He and his coworkers were rushed to the nearest hospital for immediate medical attention, but Alfaro died while undergoing treatment. Gagaza said operatives of CPD Station 7 in Cubao conducted initial investigation before turning the case over to CPD homicide section at 11:30 p.m. Probers are now digging deep into the circumstances surrounding the incident to determine who should be held responsible. Gagaza said the police will have to refrain from making speculative remarks as to who will be held liable for the death and injuries. He admitted that such accidents usually happen because of neglect of safety measures and reckless imprudence on the part of the workers themselves. Gagaza assured that the CPD will file charges against the construction company if it is proven to have been negligent of safety standards. Probers said the building has long been abandoned and had no maintenance, which could have resulted in the deterioration of the structure and the collapse of a portion of the establishment. M. Punongbayan

Bridge painter dies after scaffolding collapses
A worker painting the U.S. 601 bridge over the Congaree River has died after the scaffolding he was standing on collapsed, authorities say. Two other workers were injured in the incident Wednesday afternoon. Divers located the body of Jason Kinsey Wednesday evening, But he was still trapped in the scaffolding, and Natural Resources Department workers had to wait until Thursday morning to get the equipment needed to free his body, diver Anthony Walker said. An autopsy showed 21-year-old Kinsey, of Cordova, died from multiple trauma, Richland County Coroner Gary Watts said Thursday. Rescue workers and police did not know why the scaffolding broke loose. The state Occupational Safety and Health Administration will investigate. One of the injured workers, Dan Nickel, fell 80 feet into the river, but was rescued by a fisherman who happened to be nearby. The second injured painter, Randall Jepson, dangled by a rope for 40 minutes before being rescued by Columbia firefighter Wayne Melton, who had to rappel about 15 feet under the bridge to reach him. Both are expected to recover. The bridge, which spans the border of Richland and Calhoun counties about 30 miles southeast of Columbia, is one of the highest in the state.

Parent Category: Incident Alert Archives
Category: Construction Accidents

Construction Accidents Page #3

This page was last updated on  05/06/2010

Roofer shocked, airlifted to hospital
Thursday, March 06, 2003 By NICK FALSONE The Express-Times
HELLERTOWN -- Emergency crews pulled an injured worker off a roof Wednesday afternoon after he received a shock from coming in contact with a power wire, authorities said. The worker, a male who authorities at the scene declined to identify, was flown by helicopter to Lehigh Valley Hospital in Salisbury Township. There he received treatment for burns suffered as a result of the shock, authorities said. The rescue happened shortly after 2:30 p.m. on the roof of Rustic Exteriors, 631 Front St. Crews used an aerial ladder on a firetruck to get to the roof. Shortly before 3 p.m., a crowd of close to 30 people watched the rescue unfold. More than a half-dozen emergency workers on the roof used a backboard to move the injured worker. They placed him in the bucket of the aerial ladder and lowered it to the ground. The injured worker was carried to a stretcher and driven by ambulance to the nearby helicopter. Tony Branco, a supervisor for Dewey EMS, said the worker was laying metal sheeting on the roof when he lifted a piece of it. The sheeting touched a power line running above the roof, and the contact shocked the worker, Branco said. The rescue took awhile, partly because the conditions on top of the roof were dangerous, Branco said. The sheeting was slippery, and a portion of the roof was only covered with wood studding, he said. The worker remained conscious during the whole rescue, Branco said. "He suffered a couple severe burns," he said. "He was in good spirits." He was flown to the hospital as a precaution because of the unusual length of time it took for the rescue, Branco said. In addition to Dewey EMS, Bethlehem Fire Department, Bethlehem Volunteer Fire Co., Dewey Fire Co. and the Hellertown Police Department assisted in the rescue.

UPDATE Burned Dam Worker In Critical Condition
A 22-year-old Arkansas man was in critical condition Wednesday, a day after he was burned by electricity. Manuel Salazar was hurt about 11 a.m. Tuesday after the crane he was standing near hit a 115,000-volt line at the construction site of a backup dam at Lake Murray. Another worker had first-degree burns on his hand after trying to help Salazar, officials said. The state Occupational Safety and Health Administration is investigating, said Jim Knight, spokesman for Labor, Licensing and Regulation. The state OSHA department is part of LLR. OSHA, which is not required to investigate when only one person is hurt, stepped in because of the seriousness of Salazar's condition, Knight said. Salazar was flown to the burn unit at Doctor's Hospital in Augusta with second- and third-degree burns on 40 percent of his body, officials said. Salazar works for H.B. Mellott Estate Inc. of Pennsylvania, said Brian Duncan, SCE&G spokesman. The company is a subcontractor of Barnard Construction, overseeing the building of the backup dam. The $275 million construction began last month and is expected to be done in 2004. Construction resumed Wednesday after a safety meeting with work crews, SCE&G officials said.

Load topples trailer
By Advocate Staff Thursday, March 06, 2003 -
No one was injured Monday morning after a dump trailer toppled onto its side at the northwest end of the Noyo Bridge construction site. According to Caltrans public information officer Ann Jones, the driver of the truck was backfilling the abutment at the north end of the bridge when the accident occurred. When the long trailer lifted its dump bed into the air, the dirt failed to slide out, causing the trailer to become top heavy and off balance. No one was injured in the accident, and traffic was halted by Fort Bragg Police officers for approximately five minutes. By using one of the mobile cranes stationed at the site, MCM construction personnel were able to right the trailer. Caltrans personnel were also on scene to assist. Meanwhile Cal-OSHA investigators are still looking into the cause of the rebar column collapse that took the life of 38-year-old Julio Quintero, of Fairfield, and injured Rex Kamoss, 34, of Long Beach, on Wednesday, Feb. 19. According to Cal-OSHA reports, subcontractor Pacific Coast Steel has a good safety record, having had one fatal accident, with the fault attributed to another contracting company. Pacific Coast Steel and MCM construction officials speculate that the repair and replacement of the collapsed column will not delay the completion of the bridge as scheduled.

Hot Springs Accident Kills One
Story by News 4 Arkansas Posted 3/5/2003 12:02:54 PM
A construction worker is dead after a trench collapse. It happened about 10:45 AM Wednesday in downtown Hot Springs at the construction site for the new district court. Hot Springs police say there was a heating and air conditioning trench in front of the building site that collapsed. Two workers fell in. One got out, the other died. The men worked for a heating and air company out of Benton. We have a crew on the scene and will bring you the latest tonight on News 4 Arkansas at 5:00 and 6:00. Watch KARK News 4 for more on this story!

Construction Worker Killed In Accident; Emergency Workers Say Man Was Hit By Steel Beam
March 5, 2003
BOSTON -- A construction worker was killed Wednesday morning at a construction site outside Massachusetts General Hospital. Police said that a steel girder fell on Christopher MacInnis, 30, of Salem, N.H., who was working at the construction site at about 8 a.m. He was pronounced dead at the hospital at 8:30 a.m. The victim's father and brother were also working at the site when the accident occurred. MacInnis' father witnessed the accident. "Beams that were under construction collapsed. There is a large beam that did collapse, and it did strike the victim," Boston Fire Department spokesman Daniel McDevitt said. Another person suffered minor injuries in the accident. An emergency medical technician was at the hospital on another call. "We responded over to the scene and climbed up the ladder. We initiated treatment along with the Fire Department who began extrication. It was difficult extrication off the roof. We brought the patient down, via a crane, to the ground level. He was transported to the Mass General Hospital emergency room," emergency medical technician Rich Serino said. The victim was working on the hospital's new ambulatory care center. "(The victim's father) is very upset," Serino said. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is investigating the accident.

Accident involving crane, high-voltage wire halts work at Lake Murray
By LORA HINES Staff Writer
Work at the Lake Murray dam stopped Tuesday when a construction worker suffered a severe electrical burn after a crane hit a high-voltage line. The 22-year-old worker, who was not immediately identified, was burned about 11 a.m. after the crane he was standing near hit a 115,000-volt line, officials said. The man was in critical condition Tuesday night at Doctor's Hospital burn unit in Augusta, South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. spokesman Robin Montgomery said. Another worker suffered first-degree burns to his hands when he tried to help his burned co-worker, Lexington Emergency Medical Service supervisor Stuart Platt said. The man with the burned hands was treated at the scene. The man inside the crane was not hurt. The severely injured man, who had burns on his left chest and back, plus both arms and legs, was flown to Augusta from the dam's Saluda River side, where he was working, Platt said. The man works for Melott, a subcontractor, Montgomery said. He didn't immediately have information about the company. The construction crew stopped work for the rest of the day. It was unclear Tuesday night whether construction would resume today, Montgomery said. It's not unusual for people who stand near an object that's been energized with electricity to get burned, Assistant Lexington County Fire Chief Brian Hood said. "That's why we tell people not to stand under a tree in a storm. Electricity is looking for the closest and best pathway to the ground." The electricity that hit the crane probably arced and hit the man who was standing nearby, Hood said. "You have to remember that the arc is several thousands of degrees." The man who was inside the crane probably was safest, Hood said. "If you're in a car accident and you hit a live wire or pole, you want to stay inside the car," he said. "People get hurt when they try to get out and put their foot on the ground." Last month, as many as 90 people started building a backup dam at Lake Murray, Montgomery said. Construction started on opposite ends of the dam, moving toward the center. Work can occur simultaneously in two sections as long as those areas are at least 1,000 feet apart. But plans limit initial work to single sections for nearly half the wall, particularly those at the middle, where water pressure is highest. Construction is to be finished in 2004. The project will cost $275 million.

Broken crane crushes workers
From correspondents in Beijing 06mar03
EIGHT workmen were killed and four injured when part of a crane collapsed at a road construction site in eastern China, state media has reported. The men were working on a project to connect the cities of Huizhou and Hangzhou when the accident happened, the Xinhua news agency said. Twelve workers were sheltering in the work shed from the rain when the outstretched arm of a crane standing ten metres away from the shed suddenly broke off, falling on the shed roof," it said. Seven of the workers died at the scene, while another died on his way to hospital. The other four were treated in hospital for serious injuries. An investigation has been launched into the accident.

Gas leak a near disaster
Workers and shoppers were evacuated after the accident. Public school, workers told to clear the area. A MAJOR gas leak in central Albury yesterday forced the evacuation of Olive St and kept emergency services in overdrive for two hours. More than 15 businesses and Albury Public School were evacuated as clouds of gas erupted from a burst pipe on the footpath between Baker Motors and the school about 1pm. The pipe was ruptured when a Wagga drilling company, contracted to lay cabling for Telstra, hit the pipe with a horizontal boring machine. Police and fire authorities sealed off the Dean St and Smollett St entrances to the accident site as fears of an explosion grew. Traffic was diverted past Dean St from Kiewa St and Country Energy reacted quickly by turning off the electricity supply to the affected area. Country Energy also temporarily suspended service to surrounding residential areas as a safety precaution. Fire officials ordered mobile phones, two-way radios and anything that could emit a spark to be shut down. Albury Central fire brigade station officer, Mr John Todd, said the leak had the potential to create a disaster. He said fire crews saw dust billowing into the air from a high-powered gas vapour cloud at the scene. "A 450kpa high pressure main had been hit and to avoid a possible explosion we had to use fob nozzles to disperse the gas," Mr Todd said. "Anything that could throw a spark was switched off and we began to monitor the lowest levels of explosive gas. "We know that when the level of gas in the air drops to a certain level then it cannot explode." Mr Todd said the situation worsened after gas seeped into electrical conduit cables and tracked to the opposite side of Olive St. Origin Energy spokeswoman Ms Justine Leadbetter said it took workers 33 minutes to fix the problem. "Workers repaired the pipeline and made sure there was no threat of a further leak before declaring the area safe," Ms Leadbetter said. "The incident was reported promptly to Origin Energy by the contractor who struck the gas line, which made fixing it a lot easier. "We would like to thank everyone that was involved for their co-operation and communication in making sure that the incident was handled as quickly and efficiently as it was." A spokesman for the Wagga Directional Drilling Company said it was an unfortunate accident. He said the company had followed plans outlining the locations of each gas line but the one they hit had not been marked. "We just didnt know it was there," he said. Telstra Country Wide area manager for the Riverina Mr Andrew Cottrill said industrial work plans were generated by an agency, Dial Before You Dig, which gathered the locations of cabling, gas and water pipes from authorities.

UPDATE OSHA fines companies in fatal fall
By David Gilligan Advocate Reporter
UTICA -- The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration has fined two companies in the death of a construction worker who fell at Utica High School. OSHA cited general contractor Robertson Construction Services and its subcontractor, Exterior Systems Inc., for failure to remove scrap metal, roof decking and plastic from the roof of the high school, which contributed to the January death of Jason Thatcher, said David Wilson, spokesman for OSHA's Columbus regional office. Each company was fined $2,000. Thatcher, 32, of Delaware, died Jan. 15 after he fell at the site of the new Utica high school. Thatcher was an employee of Powell-based Exterior Systems. Specific information on the fall and the nature of Thatcher's injuries were not available before press time. Both companies have contested the case. Lawyers for the companies and for OSHA are preparing their cases. Neither company could be reached for comment Tuesday. There was no answer at the phone number listed for Exterior Systems, and the safety rector for Robertson Construction Services Inc. was not available. North Fork schools Superintendent Tom Slater was unaware of the result of OSHA's investigation until contacted by The Advocate and declined to comment on the findings until he could study them further.

Man critical after falling through roof
05 March 2003
A man is in critical condition in hospital after falling five metres through a roof in Petone yesterday morning. The 47-year-old man and a colleague were working on the roof of a building in Nelson St when the accident happened about 9.30am. Occupational Safety and Health were investigating the incident, a spokeswoman said. It appeared the two men had been dismantling a roof when they both fell through it, landing five metres below. One man was uninjured and the other had serious head injuries, she said. The injured worker was from Porirua-based company Fogartys Structural Services. Company director David Fogarty said he believed the men were setting up when the accident happened. "I just hope he's all right, he's a bloody nice guy," Mr Fogarty said on his way to the site yesterday. "We've never had an accident on a building site before, and normally our jobs all go very smoothly. He is not a man who is accident-prone – some people are, but not this guy, he's brilliant." Mr Fogarty hoped to find out more about how the accident happened after talking to his workers, but his thoughts were with the injured man. The man was taken to Wellington Hospital in a serious condition by Wellington Free Ambulance after the fall. A hospital spokeswoman said he was in intensive care in a critical but stable condition.

Ceilings collapse at Ridgefield Town Hall
RIDGEFIELD, Conn. (AP) - Some employees at Ridgefield Town Hall picked a good time to go to lunch Monday. Ceilings collapsed in the probate and human resources offices at about 1:30 p.m. after construction workers cut through a support beam while installing an elevator. The three employees who work in the two offices were at lunch at the time and the offices were closed, The News-Times of Danbury reported. No one was injured. Office lights, insulation and plasterboard came tumbling down as the attic floor collapsed onto newer, suspended ceilings. "We were holding a meeting about smallpox vaccinations in the lower-level conference room when there was a loud rumble and crash," First Selectman Rudy Marconi said. "I ran out into the hall and looked outside to where they're working on (preparations for) the elevator and saw a large pile of bricks and a huge cloud of dust," he said. The Ridgefield Fire Department evacuated the building. At 3:30 p.m., workers were shoring up the structural support of the attic and roof truss with 2-foot-by-6-foot boards. Town Hall was expected to open Tuesday at its usual time of 8:30 a.m. The elevator project has had previous problems. When construction began last fall, buried oil tanks were discovered and had to be removed. Construction also was delayed for two months when scaffolding was put too close to power lines in November and had to be moved. Ridgefield received a $500,000 Americans with Disabilities Act grant to pay for the installation. The town contributed $50,000 toward the project.

UPDATE Propane torch likely cause of blaze, investigators say
A propane torch used by roofing contractors was the likely culprit behind last week's blaze on Gottingen Street, Halifax regional fire investigators confirmed Monday. No criminal charges are pending in the accidental fire, which left 20 people homeless and destroyed three businesses, fire-prevention manager Mike LeRue and Craig MacDonald told a news conference at Halifax City Hall. The problems began when workmen from Five Star Roofing and Masonry repaired an outdoor canopy above the first floor of 2098 Gottingen St. "They were applying a roofing membrane that requires a propane torch to heat it to cause it to seal, to set it in place. This is a normal practice, and there are precautions that should be taken," said MacDonald, adding on-site fire extinguishers and a fire-safety plan were in place at the time. But the torch heated up a nearby wallspace, and the smouldering spread throughout the building's walls, floors and ceilings for 45 minutes before any flames were visible. Tenant John Bouris, also a contractor, spotted smoke coming up through his living room floorboards, alerting the roofers immediately. They used fire extinguishers and buckets of water on the area, and made periodic checks afterward. "I think it was an honest mistake," Bouris said as he wandered around the rubble looking for his cat Geronimo, missing since the fire. "It's a tricky business using torches on old houses. You have to be really, really careful, and they know that. I'm sure they feel badly enough. I'm just glad everybody got out." Bouris and partner Sheila Burke, who owned the Glamourama clothing store underneath their flat, lost everything. They had tried to get insurance several times, but were declined. Bouris hopes tenants will be fully compensated for their losses, but in the meantime, he's heartened by the fundraising efforts underway. "People have been wonderful. I'm amazed at their generosity," he said. Tonight, the Khyber Club at 1588 Barrington St. hosts a benefit show with Superfriendz, Dusty Sorbet and The Debonnaires, starting at 9 p.m. for a suggested donation of $8. After raising $1,000 on Sunday, the Marquee Club hosts another benefit show March 15 with The Heelwalkers and guests. Metro's Royal Bank branches are also taking donations for the North End Fire Relief Fund, through account number 1021195, transit 0003. The roofing company and property owner Steve Abbass, who also lost his home in the fire, did not return calls yesterday.

Worker Killed In Church Community Center Roof Collapse
POSTED: 7:58 a.m. EST March 3, 2003
FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, N.J. -- A church held a memorial service Sunday for a construction worker who died over the weekend when the roof of new community center collapsed beneath him. Geraldo H. De Oliveira Jr., 31, was pronounced dead at a hospital within an hour of Saturday's accident at Eternal Life Christian Center's new community and recreation center. The Brazilian man lived in Harrison. Miqueiaz Franco E. Silva, 19, also of Harrison, was treated for a leg injury and released, police said. The church's pastor planned to hang a plaque bearing De Oliveira's name at the community center after it is completed. "His death will not be in vain," Pastor Vollie Smith said. "We are going to make him an honorary member of our church and dedicate a plaque in his honor ... because his efforts will not be forgotten." The men worked for Myler Church Construction Co. of Indiana. Rick Pitre, Myler's northeast regional vice president, said the national firm had never had a construction site fatality before. The cause of the collapse was not immediately known. The construction site was closed Saturday while the Occupational Safety and Health Administration investigates. Franklin Township police Sgt. Marie Bandtlow said the department received no reports of problems at the site before the collapse and all permits were in order.

UPDATE Worker is killed in fall at Brandeis
By Peter Demarco, Globe Correspondent, 3/3/2003
WALTHAM -- A 39-year-old Malden man fell to his death while working on a new three-story dormitory at Brandeis University on Saturday, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration officials are trying to determine the cause. Mark Chopelas, a laborer working for William A. Berry & Son, a Danvers-based construction management firm, was in an inside stairwell in the partially completed structure at about 8 a.m. when he fell, his family and officials said. He was taken from the South Street construction site to Waltham Hospital and pronounced dead a short time later. Chopelas, of Malden, had been working on the dormitory since he joined the company in January. David Passafaro, a vice president at William A. Berry, said officials would meet soon to discuss ways to honor his memory. ''He was always with a smile on his face. Always willing to help anyone in need,'' said an uncle, Timothy Chopelas, of Melrose. Mark Chopelas, who would have turned 40 this month, was born and raised in Malden. His family ran Malden Square's Chopelas Cantina for more than 60 years before it closed in the 1980s. Rich Fazzio, area director of the Methuen-area office of OSHA, said he hoped the weekend's accident would compel other construction firms to review safety procedures. ''Falls are one of the leading causes of death and serious injury in the Commonwealth. I believe it is the leading cause in the last decade,'' he said. Fazzio said he would not give any additional details about the company's record because an investigation is continuing. Passafaro said he did not know whether William A. Berry, which was founded in 1857, had ever lost an employee to a job-related accident. The company has had a clean safety record in recent memory, he said. Construction on the 70,000-square-foot dormitory will resume today except in the section of the building where the accident occurred. Fazzio said the company could face fines if it is found in violation of safety regulations.

UPDATE Midlands company fined in deaths of two workers
(Columbia) March 3, 2003 - A construction company has been fined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration after an accident that killed two workers, 15 and 16-years-old. Rigo Beto Xaca Sandoval and Moises Xaca Sandoval died on January 28th when a trench collapsed at the future site of the Blythewood High School. OSHA fined Burriss Electric more than $42,000 for violating six safety violations. The violations included workers not wearing helmets and not having a competent person on site to inspect the trench.

Scaffold collapse sends workmen down lift shaft
The collapse of a scaffolding tower on the inside of a lift shaft led to the fall of three construction workers of WC Cornfield & Son some 10 metres down the partly constructed shaft on a construction site at Leegomery in Telford on Friday morning. Three men, aged 34, 38 and 51, were rescued from under the debris of the collapse by fire rescue services and were admitted to hospital with leg, back and chest injuries, a 4th man in the team escaped with less serious injuries, his condition was described as "walking wounded." HSE arrived on site in the afternoon to open an investigation.

UPDATE Turlock company fined in fatality
A Turlock construction firm has been fined $116,500 in connection with the death of an employee in a dairy manure pit, the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health reported Friday. Sergio Ortiz died of asphyxia while working in the bottom of the manure pit on Aug. 27 at the Rego Dairy in Gustine. Turlock Irrigation Construction, a private company, was cited for violating nine state regulations, which led to the death of the employee, Cal-OSHA spokesman Dean Fryer said. The dairy was not fined because it was not performing the work, Fryer said. "It's the employer's responsibility to provide the proper training and equipment, and the employer did neither," Fryer said. Turlock Irrigation Construction, which had been hired to replace a flow gate in the 12-foot deep pit, declined to comment Friday. The Merced County district attorney's office still is investigating the incident and could file criminal charges against the company and its employees. Eight of the nine violations committed by Turlock Irrigation Construction were described as "serious." "Anything over $100,000 we consider a large fine," Fryer said. "They have 15 working days to appeal or pay the fine." The company has been in trouble with Cal-OSHA before. It was fined $5,625, according to Cal-OSHA records, for violating safety standards on a Modesto trenching job in September 2000. The company failed to reinforce the trench walls, which could have collapsed, Fryer said. In the Gustine dairy death, Cal-OSHA's investigation concluded that Ortiz was overcome by methane gas while working in the manure pit. Methane is produced by cow manure. Ortiz was not trained to work in the dangerous conditions of a manure pit, Cal-OSHA found. Nor did he have the safety equipment or other protective respiratory gear required for the work. Other violations leading to Ortiz's death, Cal-OSHA reported, were that the manure pit was not empty, the air quality was not tested and employees were not trained in rescue procedures. A similar incident killed two employees of Aguiar-Faria & Sons Dairy in Gustine in February 2001. Neither worker was trained or equipped to enter the manure pit, and both died after being overcome by methane. Those deaths led the Merced County grand jury to indict Aguiar-Faria & Sons Dairy and two of its supervisors last month for involuntary manslaughter. In the Gustine death, the state's investigation found that Ortiz was at the bottom of the pit, one foot on a ladder and one on a pump, while working on the gate. Below him, a thick mixture of manure and water was creating the lethal methane. Ortiz convulsed and fell on his back into the liquid, according to another worker, and his head slipped under the water. The worker went down the ladder to try to rescue Ortiz, but was overcome by methane and had to exit the pit without Ortiz. According to Cal-OSHA, the Gustine Volunteer Fire Department was called, but the construction company had none of the required ropes, harnesses or other equipment needed for the firefighters to enter the pit. Ortiz was retrieved when someone looped a rope around his leg, which was still hooked in the ladder, and pulled him out. He was transported to Memorial Hospital Los Banos, Cal-OSHA reported, where he was pronounced dead. When interviewed by Cal-OSHA, employees said they did such manure pit work with some "frequency." When asked what they knew about working in a confined space, employees were vague, according to the report.

Construction worker dies in Waltham
By Jennifer Rosinski Sunday, March 2, 2003
WALTHAM -- A construction worker was killed while on the job at Brandeis University yesterday morning, campus police said. Campus police said the man, who they would not identify, was killed in an 8 a.m. accident on South Street, where a new residence hall is being built. The man, believed to be in his 20s, worked for William A. Berry & Son of Danvers. "We're heartbroken about this accident and the loss of one of our people," said David Passafaro, the company's vice president. "There's an ongoing investigation by us to find out what happened at the site this morning." A medical helicopter was called after the accident, but canceled when authorities realized the man was already dead, according to police communications. Campus police called the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which ordered all work to stop while the accident is under investigation. Officials with the Waltham police and fire departments and company representatives would not release the worker's identity until his relatives are notified. Details of the accident will not be released until the company can get a complete picture, Passafaro said. Several men were working on the new residence hall at the time of the accident. A Brandeis University spokeswoman was not able to provide further details.

Man escapes death in fall
Abu Dhabi | By Nissar Hoath | 02/03/2003
A construction worker escaped death by inches when he fell from a platform and landed on a scaffolding at a hotel construction site here yesterday. The accident occurred when the high platform on which the labourer was working slipped off its support because of gusting winds. The worker landed on another platform made of wooden planks, sustaining multiple fractures and bruises. He also sustained severe injuries when part of a wooden plank pierced his back. The South Asian worker remained suspended on the loose wooden planks in mid air until a rescue team from Civil Defence brought him down. The rescue attempt attracted a huge crowd, causing a traffic jam on Khalifa Street. The crowd was dispersed by police. The Civil Defence rescue team arrived with a crane, an inflatable air bed, ambulance and paramedics. The strong, gusting winds made their task difficult and slow. The worker was rushed to Central Hospital. According to a Civil Defence official, he is out of danger. Recounting the incident, another worker at the site said: "We thought he would hit the ground and die. But by the grace of God, the scaffolding below saved his life." The workers at the site were without proper safety equipment in the strong wind. The wooden planks were not secured firmly to the metal scaffolding, and some workers had no safety belts. After this accident, work was stopped at other construction sites in the city.

Painter dies while working on Big Bad Wolf at Busch Gardens
By the Associated Press March 2 2003
JAMES CITY, Va. -- A painter working on a roller coaster at Busch Gardens Williamsburg amusement park died Saturday morning after the high-reaching vehicle he was in overturned. Park spokeswoman Cindy Sarko said she did not know the details of the accident. Authorities said Bill Linnin of Hampton was dead when rescue workers arrived shortly before 10:30 a.m. Sarko said Linnin was employed by St. Louis-based Hartman-Walsh Painting Co. and had been working on the Big Bad Wolf roller coaster. The Big Bad Wolf, one of several roller coasters at the park, opened in June 1984. At its highest point, it is 110 feet tall. "We extend our deepest sympathy to the family," Sarko said. "It's just a terrible day here at the park." No one was available at Hartman-Walsh's company headquarters for comment Saturday. The park is scheduled to open March 22.

UPDATE Cal-OSHA investigates Noyo Bridge
By TONY REED Of the Beacon
California Occupational Safety and Health Administration investigators have yet to determine the reason that a tall rebar column folded and fell last Wednesday, killing one worker and sending another to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital. Area resident Dave Plummer reported witnessing the falling column from his living room. A large window in his North Harbor Street home faces the bridge, and he looked up just in time to see the column bend and fall. Plummer reported that the area of the structure closest to the concrete base appeared to have been the weak point, bending while the rest of the column remained straight as it fell. "There was a lot of rattling and screaming," said Plummer, describing what he heard before seeing the falling column disappear from view behind a tree in his yard. He said that one of the workers remained on the column until it reached the ground. Plummer immediately phoned 911. According to Plummer, no wind was evident at the time of the accident. He noted that the columns had withstood the winds of recent storms without swaying. Work has resumed at the site, but Cal-OSHA says its investigation into the accident is far from over. According to spokeswoman Susan Gard, Cal-OSHA has up to six months to complete its investigation. She said it's not uncommon for investigations of death in the workplace to take about two months. "We like to turn over every stone," she said, referring to occupational accident investigations. Cal-OSHA has completed the first part of its investigation, and will interview witnesses, review files and records, and look into whether or not the accident occurred due to safety violations. Subcontractor Pacific Coast Steel, of San Diego is one of the largest contractors of reinforcing steel in the state. Pacific Coast Steel also constructs rebar reinforcement for building foundations, concrete parking structures, stadiums and convention centers and even water reservoirs and dams. The large columns are constructed on the ground and moved to the pillar base by crane. There they are erected, and long guy wires are strung from the column to surrounding anchor points. Forms are then constructed of wood and steel around the rebar columns in the desired shape, and wet concrete is poured into the forms. Once the concrete has cured, the forms are removed, and rebuilt further up the column. Concrete is poured into the forms in three stages, from outside to inside, to ensure that the concrete bonds to the rebar and the previously poured cement. Much like the cheesecloth in fiberglass, the rebar, in conjunction with the surrounding concrete, makes a rigid unit that will withstand a great deal of pressure and support large amounts of weight. By themselves, neither concrete or rebar would support a great deal of weight. According to Cal-OSHA reports, Pacific Coast Steel has a good safety record, and was only investigated twice for alleged violations. In one instance, in June 2002, an accident involving a crane catching on a structure guy wire caused the death of a Pacific Coast Steel employee, but the general contractor was cited, and found to have been at fault. Another citation was issued in 2001 to Pacific Coast Steel for not having an adequate illness prevention program or a trained first aid responder. According to Caltrans spokeswoman Anne Jones, it has yet to be determined how far back the project completion will be pushed by the accident. General counsel for MCM Construction, Ed Puchi said that it was possible that the accident may not affect the completion date at all. Since the company is completing construction work in stages, crews may be able to catch up on the work while other pillars are being constructed, said Puchi. Some of the concrete which has been poured and has hardened around the rebar column will have to be broken away, to expose enough rebar to splice onto. Puchi said that Pacific Coast Steel will have to draft a proposal of how to repair the damage, to be reviewed by Caltrans officials soon. Pacific Coast Steel President Eric Benson said Tuesday that the company has made inquiries to Caltrans engineers as to how to correct the problem, and are waiting for their recommendation. As to the cause of the accident, Puchi said that even though they are the general contractor, the area where the accident occurred was solely the responsibility of Pacific Coast Steel. "We [MCM] had no work involved that contributed to the incident," said Puchi. All crews are continuing to work on other areas of the bridge construction, and results of the investigation by Cal-OSHA are pending.

A WORKMAN was buried alive when he fell in a 10ft deep trench inside a jail, a court heard yesterday. Dougie Tindal, 52, of Arbroath, was dead before he could be hauled clear. Morrison Construction, of Edinburgh, face three charges of breaching Health and Safety regulations over the accident in Friarton Prison, Perth, in October 2000. Glasgow-based BD&G Projects and English firm TPS Consult also face charges. The trial continues.

UPDATE New Jersey firm fined $53,000 in worker death as power plant chimney
February 27, 2003
A New Jersey construction firm will pay $53,000 in federal fines because a worker was killed in August when he fell 100 feet from a power plant chimney that was under construction. Hamon Custodis of Somerville, N.J., also agreed to provide fall-protection equipment to workers more than 6 feet above ground and to provide a full-time safety officer for any projects involving the building of concrete chimneys, under the settlement with the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration. OSHA investigated after Ronald Bush, 46, of Grayson, Ky., fell while installing metal grating inside the chimney at the Allegheny Energy Supply plant in Springdale, about 15 miles northeast of Pittsburgh. Bush was killed when he fell from a 400-high landing to another landing 100 feet below. It was the second fatality at the site. OSHA had fined the company $7,200 because another worker, Chris Beabout, 36, of Washington, Pa., fell 290 feet from a platform inside the same chimney in November 2001. Robert Szymanski, the OSHA director for the Pittsburgh region, called the $53,000 fine "fairly substantial." Jonathan Lagarenne, chief executive officer of Hamon Custodis, said the settlement with OSHA "focuses on safety enhancements" _ some of which have already been made. The chimney is part of a 540-megawatt power plant scheduled to open this summer, Allegheny Energy officials said. The plant will use three generators, two powered by natural gas and another by steam byproducts. Information from: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Greensburg man dies
Jim Cummings Staff Writer
Timothy Myer, Jr., 30, of County Road 480 East, was pronounced dead at Decatur County Memorial Hospital Wednesday afternoon after being crushed by a skid steer loader being operated by his father, Timothy Myer. The Myerses had just recently moved to the city after living in and operating their construction business out of St. Paul. Details on other family members in the area were not available at press time. At 4:26 p.m., the Greensburg Police department received a report of a male subject injured by an implement vehicle and lying on the ground near a home at 724 N. Franklin St. "The EMS crew was already working on him when I arrived," said Assistant Police Chief Bob Herbert. "The information I received was that he was pinned by the machine momentarily and released." Myer was treated at the scene and transported to Decatur County Memorial Hospital. He was later pronounced dead by Decatur County Coroner Doug Banks. "While this is still under investigation, all signs point to this being a tragic accident," Banks said. "The official cause of death will be listed as crushing trauma to his abdomen." Banks said he and the police are still attempting to contact several witnesses. Preliminarily, authorities are saying Myer was near the rear of the vehicle when he entangled himself in the New Holland LS180 with a turbo boom. He was apparently trapped between a metal bar at the rear and the hydraulic boom arm. The men were using the LS180 to lift pallets of wood, used in home building, at the time of the accident. Police will release more details as the investigation is completed.

UPDATE Family members bitter over death of E.P. man in trench collapse
Russ Olivo February 26, 2003
WOONSOCKET -- Walter "Gig" Gorski lived long enough to name his daughter, but not to see her born. Gorski, 33, is the man who died Friday in the collapse of a sewer trench on Ballou Street. Police are asking the attorney general to consider criminal charges in the matter because Gorski's employer allegedly violated state safety guidelines on the job, despite repeated warnings. Gorski's wife, Kyleen, is seven months pregnant with the East Providence couple's first child, Mrs. Gorksi said Monday. The child, whom they had named Emily, is due on May 12. "I'm extremely furious over what's been taken away from me and my family," Kyleen Gorski said. "I'm angry that we waited so long for this baby and he will never know her." Kyleen, 28, and other members of her family said they have hired a lawyer to look into the possibility of filing a wrongful-death suit against Walter Gorski's employer, Mr. Rooter. Police said the company is owned by Don Lapierre of Cranston, who did not return repeated telephone calls for comment on this story. "We know there's nothing we can do for Gig anymore," said Jane Roy, Kyleen's mother. "We have to protect Kyleen and the baby." Gorski had worked as a laborer for Mr. Rooter for about four months after 10 years with Slater Print Works in Pawtucket, family members said. Shortly after noon on Friday, police said, Gorski was working in a trench with his immediate supervisor, Shaun Rodrigues, also of East Providence, in front of the Ballou Home for the Aged, 60 Mendon Road, when he was killed. The Ballou Home had hired Mr. Rooter to excavate a sewer pipe leading from the nursing home to the main pipe in the street after problems with the plumbing a day earlier. Rodrigues had also hired a private backhoe operator to dig the trench. The crew had reached a depth of 12 feet, officials said, when the sides began tumbling in on Gorski and Rodrigues, who were both inside the hole. Rodrigues escaped and tried to dig out Gorski manually with the backhoe operator, Henry Whitford, who jumped off the vehicle to help. At one point, Whitford returned to the backhoe and tried using the bucket to remove a couple of scoops of soil and rocks from the roughly 25-by-5-foot hole -- to no avail. The state medical examiner ruled Monday that Gorski had died of "asphyxia due to obstruction of (the) airway and body compression." The ruling essentially confirmed what officials had suspected Friday when they said he had been buried alive, dying of suffocation and the crushing of his body. Officials say he probably died very quickly. Clad in his brown jumpsuit, Gorski's lifeless body was finally lifted from the hole by firefighters nearly six hours after the recovery effort began. Most of the time was devoted to locating a wood-and-steel brace to shore up the hole and prevent it from collapsing on recovery workers as they dug out the victim. After the rescue, public works officials and police said Mr. Rooter was in violation of a state law requiring such a brace -- they called it a "box" -- for trenches deeper than 6 feet. At the scene, Administration/Public Works Director Michael A. Annarummo said the company had been warned "twice, possibly three times" to abide by the regulation before the city OK'd the work, calling Gorski's death "a needless, needless tragedy." In an interview at their home on Farnum Street Monday, Gorski's relatives said they are so angry at Lapierre that they have refused to let him in their house and have forbidden him from coming to Gorski's wake on Thursday, at the Barrett Funeral Home in Warwick. Her husband talked about digging trenches as backbreaking work, but she never realized it was so dangerous, she said."He'd do anything to support his family," she said. Kyleen, who would have celebrated her third year of marriage in May, learned only a few weeks ago that she was having a girl. In anticipation of the baby, they had begun remodeling one of the rooms in the tidy ranch home in Riverside that she and Gorski bought from her parents recently. Kyleen called her doctor on Friday, worried about the impact of the emotional trauma on her pregnancy. Her doctor told her to check herself into the hospital at the slightest sign of trouble, and a cousin who is a nurse will be nearby during the wake and the funeral. She's doing fine so far, with support from family and friends. "Walter would have wanted me to be strong for the baby," she said. Besides his wife and future baby, Gorski, who grew up between two sets of fraternal twins, leaves three sisters and a brother, family members said.

Probe after worker killed Feb 26 2003
By Guy Newey, Evening Mail
Experts were today probing the death of a teenage construction worker who was killed in an industrial accident. The 19-year-old victim, who has not been named, was working on the site of road engineering works in Green Lanes, Wylde Green, yesterday (Tuesday). Circumstances of the accident are still not clear. Police and ambulance crews were called to the site, run by construction company McNicholas, yesterday morning. A spokesman for West Midlands Ambulance Service said the man died at the scene. The Health & Safety Executive has been called in to investigate. Company chairman Colin McNicholas said: "We express our deepest sympathy to the family over what has happened."

Rail worker electrocuted
A 32-year-old rail contractor has died after receiving an 11,000 volt shock in Sydney's south. The man was working on the new Heathcote East railway overbridge when the accident occurred, a spokeswoman for the Rail Infrastructure Corporation (RIC) said. She was unable to give further details as the area had been declared a crime scene and was under investigation by WorkCover. Earlier, an ambulance spokesman said the accident occurred shortly before 10am (AEDT) when a crane touched overhead wires on Wilson Parade at Heathcote. The man immediately had a heart attack and was taken to Sutherland Hospital in a critical condition where he died a short time later. It was believed the man was working near the crane when it touched the wires.

Two hurt after truck hits lift bucket; 1 worker tumbled 13 feet to ground
Wednesday February 26, 2003 St. Tammany bureau
Two construction workers were injured Tuesday when an 18-wheeler hit a lift bucket they were using to install traffic lights near North Shore Square mall in Slidell. One of the men suffered a broken wrist and ankle when he fell 13 feet to the street. The other worker landed on the 18-wheeler's box trailer and had minor injuries, police said. Employed by Diamond Electrical Co. in Baton Rouge, the men were installing a traffic light on North Shore Boulevard about 2:30 p.m. when the truck hit the lift bucket, knocking it to the ground, Slidell police Lt. Rob Callahan said. Sherman Sims, 23, fell to the pavement and was listed in serious condition at North Shore Regional Medical Center, where he underwent surgery on his shattered wrist and ankle, Callahan said. Oscar Harrison, 46, escaped serious injury by landing on the trailer, Callahan said. Firefighters used a ladder to reach Harrison, who was being held for observation Tuesday afternoon at Slidell Memorial Hospital. The accident happened in the southbound lanes near the Exxon station and the mall's north entrance. The bucket, which was attached to a truck in the closed right lane, was hanging above the left lane, which remained open to traffic, Callahan said. The 18-wheeler's driver, Dalton McGaffney, 40, of Magnolia, Miss., was not ticketed, police said.

Mysterious Fumes
An investigation is underway to determine what caused a Fresno construction crew to become sick while digging a ditch. The men were installing a sewer line at Elm and North Tuesday morning when they were overcome by fumes. The intersection is open, but early Tuesday police blocked off about a two-mile area for several hours as a precaution. There were no evacuations. Now, investigators want to know what made the workers so sick they had to be taken to the hospital. Heavy machinery sat in the position workers left it. The six-man crew was installing a sewer line at the intersection of Elm and North when they all started feeling ill. Matthew Waite, a working at the scene, recalled what happened, "We just came through a line and it started smelling real bad and everyone started feeling sick." The workers thought the nausea would pass, so they waited an hour before reporting the incident. But, the sick feeling didn't go away. Soon, a hazardous material crew arrived on the scene. Paramedics checked out each of the workers. They were then put in a tent and decontaminated as a precaution. Five men were taken to UMC by ambulance. Firefighters, armed with protective gear, oxygen, and high tech equipment, gathered samples of dirt and water from the ditch. Early analysis shows the men came in contact with a substance similar to benzene, a highly flammable gas. More tests need to be done before they know an exact cause. Investigators say it's not uncommon for crews to experience unusual smells when doing this kind of work. It will be another day before a cause can be determined. Investigators say the gas could have come from a previous fuel spill or an underground storage tank. All of the workers are now recuperating at home.

UPDATE Worker dead in cement hopper
Investigation continues into the death of a road construction worker who was recovered by emergency services from a cement hopper. The incident occurred at the weekend on works in progress near the A830 Fort William to Mallaig road in the Scottish Highlands on Saturday. Update: It is reported that the dead man is Ronald Brown, 25, a concrete plant operator, from Ayrshire. Mr Brown was working on the project being undertaken by civil engineering contractors, Barr Construction. Mr Brown is said to have been working alone at the time of the accident.

UPDATE Double Fatal Construction Accident Results in OSHA Citations & Over $27,000 in Proposed Penalties for Brooklyn, NY, Employer
NEW YORK -- Exposing employees to fatal safety hazards at a Manhattan construction site has resulted in a Brooklyn, N.Y. employer being cited and fined $27,200 by the U.S. Labor Department's Occupational Safety and Health Administration. OSHA has cited Atlantic Heydt Corp., of 1281 Metropolitan Ave., Brooklyn, for alleged serious and repeat violations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act after the agency investigated an accident on Aug. 23, 2002, in which two employees of the company were killed at a construction site at 300 Madison Ave. in New York City. The two most significant citations, both alleged "repeat" violations, relate directly to the accident, in which the two workers fell to their deaths when the material hoist on which they were working plunged 280 feet to the ground. One charges the employer with failing to provide employees working at an elevation of 280 feet with proper fall protection. The other is for failing to comply with the manufacturer's safety requirements for securing and rigging the material hoist on which the employees were working. "This employer was cited previously for similar violations on another project, yet exposed employees on this project to the same hazards with full knowledge of the potential dangers," said Richard Mendelson, OSHA's area director in Manhattan. "That's totally unacceptable." OSHA is also citing the company for five alleged "serious" violations, including: unsafe stacking of stored materials at the construction site; exposing employees to the hazards of uncovered floor holes; failing to require employees to use hardhats to protect against falling objects; failing to post the rated load capacity on material hoist cars; and exposing employees using unevenly spaced ladders to fall hazards. A serious citation is issued when death or serious physical harm result from a hazard about which the employer knew, or should have known. A repeat violation occurs when a company has been cited for similar violations within the past three years and the citation has become a final order. Atlantic Heydt Corp. has 15 business days from receipt of their citations and proposed penalties to either elect to comply with them, to request and participate in an informal conference with the OSHA area director, and/or to contest them before the independent Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission. The OSHA Area Office in Manhattan conducted the inspection. Its telephone number is 212-620-3200. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is dedicated to saving lives, preventing injuries and illnesses, and protecting America's workers. Safety and health add value to business, the workplace and life. For more information, visit www.osha.gov.

Fire Causes Downtown Deli To Shut Down; Water Damages Kitchen Area
February 25, 2003
INDIANAPOLIS -- It may be several weeks before a popular downtown delicatessen reopens following a Monday fire. The fire caused around $75,000 damage to Shapiro's Kosher Style Foods, but officials said it's the heavy water damage that will shut it down for three to five weeks, RTV6's Grace Trahan reported. "Thousands of gallons of water have flushed through the building," owner Brian Shapiro said. "The fire essentially started on a third floor and permeated all the way to the basement." Investigators want to make sure a mold problem doesn't develop, Trahan reported. The entire kitchen system was also ruined. The fire was sparked after a general contractor was welding on the roof. Shapiro said the fire department responded quickly but the sprinkler system put out the fire. Shapiro said he's relieved some of his personal items in the building were saved. "Where the fire occurred was in my great-grandparents' apartment, and that was built at the turn of the century. Fortunately, none of the antiques were harmed," Shapiro said. Around 100 customers were in the restaurant when the fire broke out. No one was hurt during the evacuation, Trahan reported.

Police investigate construction worker's death
Donna Kenny Kirwan February 24, 2003
EAST PROVIDENCE -- A 33-year-old East Providence man was killed Friday when the sides of a ditch he was working in outside a Woonsocket nursing home collapsed and buried him with dirt and construction debris. According to Woonsocket Police, Walter R. Gorski was helping to fix a clogged sewer pipe with aco-worker at the Ballou Home on Mendon Road when the accident occurred shortly after noon.Gorski's employer, Mr. Rooter Plumbing and Heating, of Warwick, had been hired to do the work. According to reports, Gorski and the co-worker, identified as Shaun Rodriguez, 30, of Riverdale, were inside the 12-foot hole when a backhoe operator watching the scene from above warned them that the sides were crumbling. Rodrigues reportedly was about to climb out after hearing the warning when the cave-in occurred. Rodrigues told police he was buried up to his knees, and saw that Gorski, working at the opposite end of the hole, was nearly covered by the debris.Rodrigues said that he managed to free himself and that he and the backhoe operator tried to free Gorski but were unable to, police said. More than 30 rescue workers responded to the scene, including firefighters from Providence and North Providence. It took rescue workers nearly six hours to remove Gorski's body. The job was especially difficult because the hole had to be reinforced to prevent further collapse, according to police.After several hours, workers placed a metal box into the hole to shore up the walls so firefighters could enter the hole. According to published reports, Woonsocket's director of public works said the plumbing company workers had been warned by city officials to reinforce the hole with a metal box if they dug deeper than 6 feet.Police said the incident is being investigated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the findings will be turned over to the Attorney General's office. After Gorski's body was removed from the hole, around 6:30 p.m., it was taken to the state medical examiner's office in Providence. Gorski's family could not be reached for comment and funeral arrangements are unknown at this time.

Soldering work ignited destructive blaze, Aspen fire marshal says
By Naomi Havlen Aspen Times Staff Writer
A soldering operation at a construction site in the Aspen Business Center near the airport caused last week's fire that resulted in $750,000 in damage, the Aspen fire marshal said. The blaze, which was reported shortly after 10 p.m. on Feb. 18, probably smoldered for hours after construction workers left for the day before erupting into the flames that destroyed about half the structure. Eight units are planned for the building, with one-, two-, and three-bedroom condominiums being refurbished by developer Greg Hills for sale on the free market. Aspen Fire Marshal Ed Van Walraven said the fire began in the ceiling of a basement-level mechanical room, where a leftover hot spot from a soldering operation on copper pipes that day ignited. The fire smoldered in the ceiling before turning into flames that moved up a shaft carrying pipes from the basement. Once in the attic and roof, the fire spread quickly. Firefighters gained full control over the blaze a little before midnight, although sheets of plastic covering large portions of the structure made visibility difficult. Seven fire engines and 30 firefighters responded. No one was injured. Van Walraven said fires caused by soldering work can be prevented if a worker checks thoroughly to make sure all hot spots are out with a fire extinguisher, and then keeps watch over the area for at least 30 more minutes to make sure nothing is smoldering. "It could have been prevented, probably with a little more diligence," he said. "This fella did what he thought he needed to do, but he didn't get all of the spots." Van Walraven added sometimes fires can erupt suddenly even though a worker was diligent. Last July a fire erupted for the same reason inside a wall in The Aspen Times. Van Walraven said the person soldering those pipes was careful about putting out hot spots, but added accidents do happen. "We're trying to get the word out to really check work when using a torch," he said. "The best way to prevent this from happening is to stick around and make sure nothing is ignited in the area being worked on."

Seattle man dies after crashing into DOT truck
A 28-year-old Seattle man died early yesterday from injuries suffered when the car in which he was riding crashed into a state Transportation Department truck on Interstate 5, the Washington State Patrol reported. The man was a passenger in a sport utility vehicle that plowed into the state truck at 11:45 p.m. Saturday near the Roanoke Street exit in Seattle. A worker in the truck was treated for shock but wasn't injured. The truck had stopped behind two southbound vehicles that had been in a minor wreck, patrol spokeswoman Monica Hunter said. The driver of the SUV was treated for minor injuries at Harborview Medical Center. The passenger's name was not available.

UPDATE Agency cites city construction company in worker's death
LAWRENCE FERCHAW, The Saratogian February 22, 2003
SARATOGA SPRINGS -- Federal officials this week cited a city construction company for alleged safety violations in connection with the December death of one of its workers. Jelenik Building and Renovation, however, is contesting the six alleged violations from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which charge the company did not properly install scaffolding, adequately train its employees on safety or provide safety equipment for workers. ''We don't think we did anything wrong,'' said David Jelenik, the owner of the company. ''It was just a freak thing.'' Jeffery Post, 42, of Milton Avenue in Ballston Spa, died from head injuries he suffered Dec. 7 when he fell from scaffolding at a work site on Vanderbilt Avenue. Jelenik said Post threw a load of shingles onto the scaffolding, which caused the plywood the brackets were secured to to give way. He fell about 10 feet to the ground. The company is subject to $3,750 in fines if the citations are upheld. OSHA alleges that employees were not trained to erect the scaffold according to the manufacturer's specifications and that employees working on the scaffolding were not provided with a guard rail system or ''personal fall arrest system.'' Terry Harding, the assistant area director for the OSHA office in Albany, said she could not comment in detail on the citations because the case is still open. OSHA is required to respond to the site of any worker death within one day. Jelenik said the scaffolding was installed correctly and that the brackets were attached to 1-inch thick plywood instead of the required 5/8-inch thick plywood. ''Safety equipment was available,'' Jelenik said. ''The training was there.'' After falling, Post was transported to Albany Medical Center, where he died the next day. Post's wife, Leslie, could not be reached for comment. The family had moved to the area from Florida less than two months before the accident. Jelenik said he and Post had been friends for about 10 years and that he gave him a job when he returned to the area to take care of his mother. OSHA's job, Jelenik said, ''is to come out and cite you with as many violations as they can.''

MARION -- A city water department worker from Marion was injured Friday morning when the wall of a trench collapsed on him. Clifford Hogue Jr. was taken to Heartland Regional Medical Center in Marion after suffering a broken wrist. Marion water commissioner Robert "Dog" Connell said that Hogue and five other workers were digging trenches to lay a new 12-inch waterline along Skyline Drive north of Illinois 13. The project involves replacing the current 4-inch waterline that feeds the General Dynamics facility. "We are replacing the line because they need additional fire protection capabilities," Connell said. "The project has been going for a couple of weeks." Hogue was down in the trench when the side wall caved in, hitting him in the legs. The force of the collapse knocked him into the opposite wall and when he attempted to brace himself against the fall is when he believes he broke his wrist. "He said it popped when he hit the other side," Connell said. Workers quickly pulled Hogue from the trench without any additional injury. No other workers were injured in the incident. Connell said that Hogue was never stuck in the trench, nor was his life in danger at any time.

City worker killed by drunk driver while fixing pothole
ABC13 Eyewitness News
(2/22/03) — A city worker is dead after being struck by a drunk driver as he fixed a pothole. Ederell White was on an area of South Braeswood shortly before 10am Friday morning, when 34-year-old Yvonne Webber struck him with her car. White, a 22-year city employee, was pinned between a dump truck and the car. He later died at Memorial Hermann Hospital. Police say Webber's blood alcohol level was .32%, four times the legal limit. She is charged with intoxicated manslaughter.

UPDATE Lightning strike man is stable
AN Indian man injured in a lightning strike in which his workmate was killed was yesterday said to be stable in Salmaniya Medical Complex. Construction workers Shanmugam Ramaswamy, aged 42, was killed and Varuvel Vincent, aged 42, was injured when lightning struck the scaffolding they were standing on, last Thursday. They were hurled seven metres to the ground, at a villa under construction in Janabiya. Mr Vincent suffered a broken left leg and multiple injuries to his left side. He underwent surgery on Friday, said sources. Mr Ramaswamy suffered a head injury and died at the scene.

Worker Suffers Burns in Small Explosion on Hy-Vee Roof
Friday, February 21, 2003, 3:00:43 PM
(Cedar Falls-AP) -- A construction worker has suffered burns in a small explosion in Cedar Falls. Officials say the worker was on top of a Hy-Vee grocery store this morning and was burned when a torch he was using ignited a glue basket. The man is being treated at University Hospitals in Iowa City. The incident happened about 7:30 a.m. The fire was out by the time firefighters arrived. The store's operations weren't affected.

UPDATE Man settles catwalk fall for $1.3 million
Democrat and Chronicle
(February 22, 2003) — A Rochester man was awarded $1.3 million for injuries he suffered when he fell from a catwalk in 2000. Frank Miller settled a lawsuit against Mott's in Williamson, Wayne County. Miller, a contractor for J.J. Young, a metal fabrication company in Sodus, was working at the apple plant in August 2000 when he fell through a broken grate in a catwalk he was repairing, according to a news release from his lawyer's firm, Moran & Kufta. Miller, who was 54 at the time, fell 15 feet, landing on his back. His injuries included a spinal fracture that required surgery. He has been unable to work because of his injuries, according to the release. The settlement, intended to cover Miller's future medical bills, lost wages and disability, came a week before the trial was to begin. Miller, who had been heavily involved in martial arts, taught children karate prior to the accident. A spokesman for Mott's was unaware of the settlement Friday and said he could not comment.

Bahrain construction worker killed by lightning
Lighting killed one man and badly injured another at a Bahrain construction site yesterday. Lightning struck the scaffolding the men were standing on, hurling them seven metres to the ground. Indian father-of-three Shanmugam Ramaswamy, aged 42, suffered head injuries and died at the scene. The mason for Jidhafs Construction was working on the first floor of a villa under construction in Janabiya, when the accident happened, at 7.30am. Varuvel Vincent, 47, who was working with him, suffered a broken left leg. He is employed by Ridha Abdulnabi Mansoor Hasan Establishment. Both workers' clothes were burnt by the lightning. More than 10 others who were also working at the site ran to help the two men. They tried to revive Mr Ramaswamy, but it was too late, said his brother-in-law Pathrose Satish, who works for another construction company in Jidhafs. Contractor Abdul Ridha Abdulla was at the site, inspecting the work, when the lightning struck. Mr Ramaswamy leaves a widow, Latha and three children, Shiney, aged 11, Sajini, five, and Rohith, two, who live in their native Thiruvithamkodu, in Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu. Arrangements are being made to fly his body home.

Worker injured when wall falls
Friday, February 21, 2003 From staff reports
BUSHKILL TWP. -- A worker was in critical condition Thursday night at St. Luke's Hospital after a construction site accident. Tim Horwath, 31, of Summit Hill, Pa., was injured when a wooden wall fell on him at a house construction site in Bushkill Center off Nolf Road, Bushkill Township police said. Horwath and four other men were trying to put the wall up when it fell on Horwath, police said. The wall hit Horwath on his neck and the back of his head, police said. Horwath was trapped in a sitting position under the wall, but his co-workers freed him, police said.

Accident kills at least eight at UTStarcom site
Reuters, 02.21.03, 3:36 AM ET
BEIJING, Feb 21 (Reuters) - An accident at telecom-equipment vendor UTStarcom Inc's (nasdaq: UTSI - news - people) unfinished research and manufacturing centre has killed at least eight construction workers and hurt another 18, a company spokesman said on Friday. A part of the facility located in the southern city of Hangzhou collapsed on Tuesday, crushing workers, UTStarcom's Richard Feng told Reuters. "There are no legal or financial impacts on our operations," he said, adding the centre would still open in early 2004 as planned. "This is a construction accident. The only relation with us is that when the building is finished, we will use it." The Hangzhou city government was investigating the cause of the accident, Feng said. The Nasdaq-listed equipment maker has sold about $1.5 billion worth of wireless phone network gear to fixed-line carriers China Telecom <0728.HK> (nyse: CHA - news - people) and China Netcom over the past two years. Both operators lack mobile phone licences but have been building limited-mobility wireless networks based on a technology known as the personal access system, or PAS. UTStarcom has said its PAS technology had more than 7.5 million customers in China at the end of 2002, or more than 60 percent of the country's market share for the sector. UTStarcom shares closed 26 cents lower at $18.25 in Thursday trading on the Nasdaq.

Quezon City mayor cheats death
Quezon City Mayor Feliciano Belmonte Jr. Friday cheated death when one of his aides pulled the mayor aside when a steel bar crushed into the official's car near a construction site in Cubao. Reports from the Central Police District (CPD) said Belmonte's Nissan Terrano, with license plate WCT 128, was hit by a corrugated steel bar that fell from a construction crane around 1:15 a.m. on E. Rodriguez Boulevard in Cubao. Belmonte and his aide, Alex Vidal, were on their way home after visiting the wake of the late mother of Metropolitan Manila Development Authority Chairman and Acting Public Works Secretary Bayani Fernando in Marikina, when they passed by a building undergoing construction. Police said Belmonte's car had no police escorts when they passed near the site of Metro Construction Co. when a corrugated steel bar, which was dangling from a construction crane, crashed at the left portion of the mayor's vehicle where he was seated. Fortunately, Vidal grabbed and pulled Belmonte aside and the steel bar misse the official's head. Vidal told Today that he was seated right next to Belmonte who was right behind the driver's seat, when the steel bar fell on the car, which was badly damaged after the accident. "Katabi ko lang siya. Sa ulo siya tatamaan kung hindi siya nakailag ng mabilis eh," he said. Vidal said there definitely was a lapse on the part of the construction workers who were erecting a private school in the area. He said there were no warning signs which should caution motorists nor were there enough lights to let drivers see the construction work. "Wala ngang radyo eh. Dapat may radyo sila sa taas at may radyo din sila sa baba para may magsasabi kung ano nangyayari," he explained. Vidal said the workers were transporting the steel bars using a construction crane which accidentally hit an electric cable, causing steel bar to fall. "Pagbaba namin ng sasakyan kitang-kita pa namin, pati ni Mayor, na nagsi-swing pa 'yung bakal eh. Ni wala ngang nagtatrapik," Vidal added. Vidal said Belmonte is not taking the matter personally but the mayor is more concerned about the safety measures being implemented in the construction site. Vidal said appropriate charges will be filed against the crane operator and the driver of the truck which transported the steel bars. They were identified as Senando Mateo, 36, the crane operator; truck drivers Erlito Arce, 25, and Rustico Bajan Jr., 27. All three went to the mayor's office Friday afternoon asking the mayor's forgiveness hoping that the charges against them would be withdrawn.

Noyo Bridge column collapse fatal
By Beacon Staff Thursday, February 20, 2003 -
A steel rebar column being erected for the Noyo Bridge Replacement Project collapsed Wednesday morning at 9:10 a.m. Capt. Kevin Broin of the Sheriff's Office reported they were called about a structural collapse near the north end of the Noyo Bridge. One construction worker was trapped under fallen debris, and a second worker was killed. The victim's name was not available at press time. Working to free the trapped worker, were members of the Sheriff's Office, the police department, Coast Guard, Caltrans and Fort Bragg Fire. At approximately 9:59 a.m. the trapped victim was freed and air lifted to Sutter Hospital in Santa Rosa for treatment. His condition was unknown at press time. The incident is under investigation. PG&E personnel were on the scene checking the power lines following the collapse. The large steel rebar columns, which will become the bridge support on the north side of the river will have concrete poured around the rebar before completion of the project. Spectators lined the bridge overlooking the accident scene, while families of the workers were granted access to the site while they waited to see if their loved ones were safe. Caltrans was contacted immediately but had no information to release by press time.

UPDATE Worker 'fell to his death from faulty platform'
A BUILDING worker plunged to his death after stepping on a badly cracked scaffolding platform, a court heard. Graeme Oliver, 39, from Rutherglen, fell four storeys after wooden boards collapsed as he worked in Brunswick Street in Glasgow city centre. A contractor had put up the scaffolding to allow ScotDem to carry out the work. But safety checks failed to spot a 6ft long crack on one of the platforms, a fatal accident inquiry has been told. The accident happened on a site behind the former Goldbergs store, owned by property developers Pathfinder, on February 21 last year. The court heard how one of the platforms was severely weakened by two split boards. Professor John Dunwoodie, a building safety expert, said: "It was asking a lot for the platform to support a 16st man. "Any competent foreman, carrying out regularly inspections, would have spotted the damaged boards." Contractors Lyndon Scaffolding of Broxburn, West Lothian, insists the platform was part of a "buttress" - used to support the front of a building - and was not supposed to be used by workmen. Foreman Robert Polea of Lyndon Scaffolding, who oversaw the platforms being put up, told the court: "The platform was outwith the main access scaffolding - I had no reason to believe it was going to be used. "With hindsight, the boards should have been removed altogether. The platform was in a no-go area and was not reinforced but there was a bar to prevent workers from gaining access. I accept it should have been brought to the contractor's attention before work began." The fatal accident inquiry before Sheriff Linda Ruxton at Glasgow Sheriff Court has been adjourned until March 5.

Worker pinned by wall 2 hours
John Stark, The Bellingham Herald
A young construction worker was pinned by the arm for about two hours Wednesday morning when a concrete retaining wall collapsed behind a house at 336 N. Forest St. Christopher J. Valeri, 20, was admitted to St. Joseph Hospital with a crushing injury to his right arm. A hospital spokesman described his condition as stable. Two co-workers on the home-remodeling job who declined to be identified said Valeri was digging in the small space between the rear of the home and the retaining wall when the wall toppled and trapped him. A Bellingham Fire Department rescue team arrived and determined that Valeri's injuries were not life-threatening, spokesman Corry Morris said. But firefighters feared that a hasty attempt to extricate Valeri could trigger a new collapse of the steep slope behind the house, or even the house itself. Morris said the heavy concrete slab slammed into the rear wall of the three-story house, buckling it inward. Firefighters waited while other workers at the site improvised some supports to reduce the danger of the house collapsing, and a city engineer inspected that work before firefighters began the rescue job in earnest. North Garden Street, above the accident scene, was blocked to traffic while the rescue was under way, because firefighters feared that the vibration of passing vehicles could send more dirt falling onto them and Valeri. While the painstaking work proceeded, Morris said Valeri was given painkillers. At about 11:30 a.m., firefighters deployed heavy-duty air bags that can be filled with compressed air to support many tons of weight. The bags were used to hold up the wall so Valeri could be pulled free. The two workers at the scene said they were employed by Seymour and Sons, a firm that buys houses and refurbishes them for resale. Attempts to reach a company representative for comment were unsuccessful Wednesday. One of the workers said Valeri would probably have been killed if the wall had fallen on top of him. "Luckily, it was just his arm," he said.

Crane Mishap + Accidents + Ramp Closure = Rough Day For I-85 Drivers; Construction Expected To Last Until 2007
February 20, 2003
DURHAM, N.C. -- Some drivers had a frustrating day in the construction zone on Interstate 85 in Durham. Crews from the state Department of Transportation had to temporarily shut down the U.S. 70 ramp onto Interstate 85 South in Durham County on Thursday, forcing some cars to detour to the I-85 North ramp on Club Boulevard and then back onto I-85 South. Some drivers stuck in the detour were not happy about it. "I think it could be a hazard for the traffic because you've got a major interstate, and traffic is lined up pretty far back there. It could be an accident," motorist Brenda Woodruff said. There were more driver/construction hassles in the I-85 work zone. During the morning rush, Durham police say there was a five-car pile-up at the intersection of Interstates 85 and 70. Police also say a crane knocked wires down briefly blocking the interstate. "I got to find a new route to get here," motorist Wesley Karl said. The I-85/Highway 70 interchange is now back open to traffic, but DOT officials said construction will last until 2007.

Schnack's fire ruled accidental
Mandy M. Goodnight / The Town Talk Posted on February 19, 2003
Fire officials have ruled as accidental a Monday evening two-alarm fire that damaged the storage building behind the former Schnack's building in downtown Alexandria. On Tuesday, businesses like Hibernia National Bank and Caplan's Men's Shops opened despite some smoke damage to their respective buildings. The fire started in an area where construction workers were using a cutting torch on a boiler, Tom Force of the Alexandria Fire Department's Fire Prevention Bureau said Tuesday. Workers tried to keep the boiler cool by pouring water on it, but it wasn't enough to prevent a fire from starting within one of the building's walls. Passing motorists reported smoke coming from the building about 5:15 p.m. Monday. Smoke covered the downtown Alexandria skyline, firefighters said. The Fourth and Desoto streets building, owned by Buddy Tudor and Mike Small, is being renovated into a restaurant. The blaze did not heavily damage the exterior of the building. Lumber and other items were in the storage room at the time of the blaze. A fire of that nature "could happen to anybody," Force said. Firefighters from four stations were able to contain the two-alarm fire before it spread to other buildings. No one was injured, and night employees at the downtown bank were evacuated as a precaution. Alexandria Hibernia President Wayne Denley said Tuesday that normal operations were ongoing and the lobby smelled "as sweet as ever." Jackie Caplan said Monday night that firefighters were able to get the smoke out of the men's clothing store, and the store was not planning a fire sale. Mike Grantham of the Alexandria Fire Department said a second alarm on the fire was called to provide extra manpower. He said firefighters did an "excellent" job containing the blaze and getting it out quickly.

Firefighters rescue injured construction worker
By: JUDY PACK, Citizen staff February 19, 2003
Local volunteer firefighters traded their bunker gear for ropes and pulleys Friday to rescue an injured construction worker at the bottom of a hole estimated to be 20 feet deep. "The injured man was an employee of a contractor developing some apartments at the intersection of Crenshaw and Beltway 8," Dewey Irvin, assistant fire chief for the Pasadena Volunteer Fire Department, said. The construction crew was in the process of boring a hole under Beltway 8 when a piece of pipe being lowered into the hole struck the man in the head, leaving him trapped inside the hole. When emergency crews arrived, he was alert and conscious. "Because the man had suffered head trauma and had an injured shoulder, it was a major ordeal to send six firefighters and two emergency medical technicians into the hole to start an IV and put him on a backboard," Irvin said. Eight more firemen were above ground at the same time, rigging up the pulleys to raise the injured man out of the hole using a stokes basket, he said. Once the rescue was completed, he was transported to the Medical Center in Houston by Life Flight. His injuries were not life-threatening, but any type of head trauma is automatically transported to one of two trauma centers in Houston. Both Ben Taub and Memorial Hermann Hospitals are equipped to treat injuries that cannot be detected by emergency personnel. "We had some heavy-duty equipment at the scene and two ambulance crews because we weren't quite sure what we were dealing with when the first call to 9-1-1 was received," he said.

Man injured from electric shock
Last updated: Feb 18, 11:15 PM
DAYTONA BEACH SHORES -- A 53-year-old Port Orange man was seriously injured Tuesday after getting an electrical shock while working on a drainage project on South Peninsula Drive, emergency workers said. Pedro Soto was standing on wet ground when the accident occurred at 3:26 p.m., just west of city limits near Van Avenue. R.A. Scott Construction officials said Soto, a popular crew member who has worked for them about four years, was helping put a steel well point into the soggy earth when he was knocked unconscious by an electric jolt. The well point was being used to drain water from the site so work on sewer lines and water mains could proceed along what construction officials called a $3 million project between Oceans Boulevard West and Dunlawton Avenue. The electrocution occurred when the arm of an excavator attached to the equipment Soto was guiding came close to overhead electric lines, creating an arc, construction officials said. Soto's breathing and heartbeat were stopped by the 3- to 4-second shock, rescue officials said. Daytona Beach Shores Department of Public Safety officers and EVAC paramedics used a defibrillator to restore Soto's heartbeat and breathing before he was taken to Halifax Medical Center. He was unconscious on arrival and was being treated in the emergency room late Tuesday night. "It's upsetting," said Gary Hurst, 48, who was operating the Volvo excavator when Soto fell. "I hope he'll be OK." -- Jay Stapleton

Dublin man electrocuted in building site accident
February 19, 2003
A 27-year-old Dublin man was electrocuted when machinery he was operating came in contact with overhead lines at a building site in Bray in County Wicklow. Gardaí and Health and Safety officers have examined the scene of the accident at Upper Dargle Road in Bray.

Propane Tank Fire Prompts Evacuation Of Downtown Ottumwa
(Ottumwa)--A fire Tuesday afternoon forced part of downtown Ottumwa to be evacuated, but it was put out without much problem. The problem started on the construction site for the Americ-inn when a propane tank fell down due to melting ice. At the time, the tank was attached to a torch inside -- and when it fell, the fire shot back through the hose to the top of the tank. "It was shooting out pretty good, yeah," says John Jones, a laborer working on the hotel, "Don't know what it's going to do with that propane, it could explode and you never know where the tank's going to go when it explodes, so it could've took right through the building." Firefighters used a ladder truck to douse the flames from a safe distance within a couple minutes, but still enforced an evacuation of everyone within a block of the construction site. Nobody was seriously hurt during the incident -- although one woman fell and scraped her knee while being evacuated.

Core-driller loses part of left arm in accident
GISELLE MAMMANA Tucson Citizen Feb. 19, 2003
A Tucson man is recovering at University Medical Center after unsuccessful surgery to reattach part of his arm that was severed Sunday in a work accident. James Jarred, 27, was doing core sampling near Oracle Junction when he said part of his left arm got caught in the John Henry drill he was operating. The drill severed the arm just below the elbow. "I was trying not to lose my head," Jarred said today from his bed at UMC. "I thought to myself, 'just do the right thing.' " The accident happened at 1 p.m. when Jarred was taking core samples along State Route 79 near Oracle Junction, four miles north of the Pinal County line. A co-worker walked with Jarred and carried the severed limb about a quarter of a mile to a company truck. From there they drove six miles to the Golder Ranch Fire Department, where a medical helicopter was called. The helicopter took him to Tucson Medical Center, he said. He was later transferred to UMC. Neither hospital would provide further information. Jarred, who is right-handed, was in stable condition this afternoon at UMC and said he felt "pretty good." He said this is the only construction accident he has ever had.

Worker Caught In Cave-In In South Oklahoma City; Injuries Do Not Appear Life-Threatening
February 18, 2003
OKLAHOMA CITY -- A construction worker on the Interstate 35 widening project escaped serious injury after being caught in a cave-in this morning in southeast Oklahoma City. The man's name and age were not immediately available. Fire Maj. Brian Stanaland said the man was working to remove water from a trench on a service road alongside I-35 when the trench began collapsing. Stanaland said the man was able to run to an incline at the end of the trench and was trapped up to his waist about 10 feet below ground level. "The situation was that they deemed it safe enough and entered the hole and dug him out by hand," Stanaland said. "He was out very quickly." Firefighters dug the man out within 20 minutes of the accident, Stanaland said. Stanaland said the man suffered possible fractured legs, but no injuries that appeared life-threatening.

Double-decker ripped open in fork-lift crash
A FORK-LIFT truck sliced open a bus like a tin opener as the double-decker drove down one of the Capital's busiest streets. One passenger, a 38-year-old man, had to be taken to hospital after torn metal from the side of the bus ripped open his left knee. Passengers told how they heard a loud bang as the forks punctured the metal sides of the bus, tearing a three-feet-long gash of ragged metal along its front left side. The forks left another rip almost 12-feet long down the bus's rear left side. The injured man had been sitting at the very front of the bus on the left-hand side when the accident happened shortly after 2.20pm yesterday. The number 10 Lothian Bus was travelling up Leith Walk, past the junction with Albert Street, where the fork-lift truck was trying to enter the Walk. Emergency services feared mass casualties when reports of the accident first came in. A female passenger, who asked not to be named, said there had been about two dozen people on board when the collision happened. She said: "We were just passing Albert Street when I heard a bang and the sound of glass breaking. "A woman from downstairs went upstairs and asked whether everyone was all right and somebody said no, there's a guy been hurt at the front of the bus. "A girl came down and said metal had gone into his leg and she had tied a tourniquet around it. "I got off after about ten minutes because I was so shaken up and the driver of the fork lift came on and asked whether everyone was all right." Emergency services were on the scene within minutes. A spokesman for the ambulance service confirmed that only one passenger needed treatment. He said: "A 38-year-old male was taken to casualty at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary with lacerations to his left knee." The fork-lift truck was being operated by a sub contractor working for Ballast, a construction firm which is building a five-storey block of flats in Albert Street. David McKenzie of Ballast said: "We understand that the fork-lift truck was stationary with his handbrake on [at the time of the accident]. We are doing everything we can to ensure that the injured party is in good care, and that the police have all the assistance they need . "The fork-lift was licensed to be on public roads, and the driver - a very experienced, certified, fork-lift truck driver - would have been following a frequently-travelled route, turning on to Leith Walk in order to access a second site road." A spokesman for Lothian Buses said: "We are working with Lothian and Borders Police to establish exactly what happened. "As in any accident that happens, the driver was shaken, he was certainly not expecting something like that as he was driving up Leith Walk." A spokesman for Lothian and Borders Police confirmed the force was investigating the cause of the accident.

Monday, February 17, 2003
A truck driver is still in the Montague County jail following a fatal accident on U.S. Highway 287 south of Bowie in November. Forty-one year old Ted Richard Couch is being held on $100,000 bond facing charges of intoxication manslaughter and intoxication assault. The accident happened when Couch was driving south on Highway 287. The Department of Public Safety says Couch swerved to the right crashing into a construction crew, killing 26-year old Brock Phillips of Burnet, Texas, and injuring several other workers. The case will now go to the grand jury.

Roller kills traffic woman
By Ben Martin and Pamela Magill
A WOMAN controlling traffic at roadworks in Wanneroo Road, Neerabup, yesterday was killed by an out-of-control multi-wheeled roller. The woman, 20, whose name has not been released, was a trained traffic controller contracted to the Main Roads WA site. WorkSafe officials were investigating the incident last night but had been unable to interview the driver of the roller, who was in hospital suffering from shock. t is believed the roller hit a kerb about 10am and went out of control, driving in a wide arc and running over the woman. The roller is believed to be relatively simple to operate and workers do not need a certificate specific to that type of machine to qualify to drive it. Machinery operators said the roller would have a top speed of just 20kmh. The driver was employed by a labour hire firm contracted to the company employed by Main Roads. It is believed he has experience driving similar machines. The traffic controller had been employed by Midland-based Advanced Traffic Management for less than a year. A company official said she had industry-based training in controlling traffic. Her death is the second involving heavy plant machinery in less than three weeks. A 35-year-old Falcon man was crushed by an earthmoving machine on January 25 while working on a new housing subdivision in Ocean Keys Boulevard in the northern suburb of Clarkson. The man was on the ground giving instructions to a fellow worker in a scraper when a second scraper reversed over him. WorkSafe is investigating.

1 Dead, 4 Injured In Roof Collapse
February 17, 2003
EDISON, N.J. -- One man died and four people were injured when an aluminum roof collapsed Monday at a job-training school, police said. The identity of the man who died was not immediately released. The injured had broken bones and scrapes, said Lt. William Bunting of the Edison Police Department. They were taken to hospitals. The roof was covering a smoking area outside the Edison Job Corps Academy, Bunting said. He said a combination of wind and snow accumulating on the roof caused the collapse. Authorities were digging through the rubble to determine whether anyone else was trapped after the noon collapse. Also Monday, the roof of a Rite Aid drug store in Clifton collapsed, according to Lt. Ken Dalpos of the Clifton Police Department. He said EMS workers were checking to see if anyone was trapped. It was not immediately known whether the drug store was open at the time.

Church fire
Welders accidentally caused a fire Thursday afternoon on the roof of St. Isidore Church in Macomb Township, where a $7 million expansion is under way. Macomb Fire Chief Ray Ahonen said fire crews were called to the church at 23 Mile and Romeo Plank roads around 3 p.m. after residents spotted black smoke coming from the site. Officials said the fire began from combustible materials on the roof where welders were working. Firefighters were able to stop the fire from penetrating the main building. Damage was listed at $10,000, Ahonen said.

UPDATE Fort Hancock to rebuild destroyed school
Darren Meritz El Paso Times
FORT HANCOCK -- Eighth-grade student Alejandra Luna was in shock Nov. 2 as she watched Fort Hancock Middle School burn. "I can't explain what I felt," she said. "It just caught me by surprise." Luna is one of 150 students who were left without a place to learn after the fire, which school officials say has changed the community's sense of security and has prompted residents to pay careful attention to an oft-forgotten adage: Be prepared. Fort Hancock and the school district are building a new middle school that will cost insurers $2.2 million. Officials said little will remain of the old schoolhouse, built in 1925. "The only thing we're going to keep is the old bell tower," said Jose Franco, superintendent of the Fort Hancock Independent School District. "We're going to try and salvage it and create a monument." Franco said middle-schoolers, who have been going to classes in the high school down the road, can expect a new, modern school in about eight months. The fire was started by an acetylene torch that cut through metal and ignited a piece of wood at the school. It probably could have been extinguished if Fort Hancock, which has about 400 residents, had its own fire department, said Stacy Myers, Fort Hancock school nurse and EMS coordinator. The closest help for a fire is more than 30 minutes away in Horizon City. Since then, the Horizon City Fire Department has donated a fire truck to Fort Hancock, and residents are assembling a small fire department of 16 volunteers, she said. "All of us who work for EMS only had medical training. None of us had fire training," Myers said. "Horizon City Fire Department is where we're going to go and be part of their training. And they'll train our staff as well."

UPDATE Concord company fined $100,000 for health and safety violation
BRAMPTON, ON, Ontario Limited, a Concord, Ont.-based contractor which specializes in assembling and erecting formwork used to build concrete walls, was fined $100,000 on February 4, 2003 for a violation of the Occupational Health and Safety Act that resulted in injuries to an employee. On September 8, 2000, a crane operator was moving formwork into place along a retaining wall when the crane's boom collapsed and the hook block, weighing about 272 kilograms (600 pounds), fell onto a carpenter's head. The worker suffered serious head and other injuries. A Ministry of Labour investigation found 556347 Ontario Limited had not ensured that, before operation, the crane was in safe operating condition. The crane's boom angle indicator, which is used to determine the angle of a lift, was not functioning properly. In addition, the wrong load-rating plate was affixed inside the crane. The crane operator knew about these deficiencies. At the time of the incident, the crane's load was about 70 per cent over capacity. The incident occurred at a new terminal building under construction at Lester B. Pearson International Airport in Mississauga. Ontario Limited pleaded guilty to failing, as an employer, to take the reasonable precaution of ensuring that, before operation, the crane was in safe operating condition, including ensuring the boom angle indicator was functioning properly and the correct load rating plate was on the crane. This was contrary to Section 25(2)(h) of the act. The fine was levied by Justice of the Peace Darlene Florence of the Ontario Court of Justice in Brampton. Previously, on August 6, 2002, the crane operator pleaded guilty to failing, as a worker, to ensure the crane wasn't subjected to a load in excess of its load-bearing capacity. This was contrary to Section 151(1) of the Regulations for Construction Projects and Section 28(1)(a) of the act. The worker was fined $9,000 by Justice of the Peace Laurie Pallett of the Ontario Court of Justice in Brampton. In addition to the fines, the court imposed a 25-per-cent victim fine surcharge, as required by the Provincial Offences Act.

UPDATE Tamarack Developments Corporation fined $150,000 for health and safety violation
Tamarack Developments Corporation, an Ottawa- based housing developer, was fined $150,000 on February 10, 2003 for a violation of the Occupational Health and Safety Act that resulted in the death of a worker at a residential construction site in Ottawa. On January 10, 2001, a surveyor was measuring a site for a house foundation when the surveyor was struck on the back by a power shovel and pinned into a pile of dirt. The shovel operator had been taking excavated dirt from an adjacent lot to a dump truck for removal when the incident occurred. The shovel operator's supervisor had gestured to alert the shovel operator to the surveyor's presence behind a debris pile, but the shovel operator had misinterpreted the hand signal as confirmation to proceed. The supervisor, along with the surveyor's assistant and a truck driver, waved their arms trying to signal the shovel operator to stop, but it was too late. The shovel operator couldn't see the surveyor from the vehicle's cab. The surveyor was pronounced dead on arrival at hospital. The incident occurred at a construction site on Pinehill Drive in Ottawa. Tamarack Developments Corporation was the owner and constructor of the project. Tamarack subcontracted the surveying, grading, excavation and debris removal work to four different companies. The deceased worker worked for the surveying company. Tamarack Developments Corporation pleaded guilty to failing, as a constructor, to ensure a shovel operator and a signaller jointly established the procedures by which the signaller was to assist the operator, as required by Section 104(3) and 104(4) of the Regulations for Construction Projects. This was contrary to Section 23(1)(b) of the act. The fine was levied by Justice of the Peace Lorraine Watson of the Ontario Court of Justice in Ottawa. In addition, the court imposed a 25-per- cent victim fine surcharge, as required by the Provincial Offences Act.

Parent Category: Incident Alert Archives
Category: Construction Accidents

Construction Accidents Page #2

This page was last updated on  05/06/2010

UPDATE Tower workers warned, 2 say
LINCOLN - Workers at a 1,524-foot television tower near Bassett, Neb., ignored warnings to replace a weather-beaten and allegedly inadequate steel hoisting cable before an April 22 accident that killed a Mississippi man, two site supervisors said. In the accident, the steel cable snapped, hurling debris that struck and killed Tim Culpepper, one of three workers trying to hoist a heavy transmission line up the tower using the steel cable, a pulley and a winch. His body dangled from the tower 1,200 feet off the ground for eight hours before rescuers could reach it. Webb Hatten, a former supervisor for Pro-Com Communications of Groves, Texas, and Leo Opp, a systems engineer with the Nebraska Educational Television Network, both warned subcontractor East Mississippi Tower Services that the cable not only appeared inadequate for the job, but also might have deteriorated after hanging for five months on the tower. The 5/16-inch cable had been installed by another tower crew that abandoned the job in November 2001. Federal safety officials have alleged that the cable was not only inadequate but also showed signs of damage. Hatten said the accident could have been prevented. "They were ordered not to use the cable that broke," he said. Several phone messages left with Roy Rogers, the owner of East Mississippi Tower, went unanswered. Monte Davis, a co-owner of Pro-Com, disputed the stories of Hatten and Opp, saying the steel cable had been inspected and cleared for use. "In this instance, it's still an accident," Davis said. "No one would have foreseen that the cable would have snapped." The supervisors' comments cast new light on the fatal accident, one of two on tall TV towers in Nebraska last year and among a rash of accidents in that industry. Some industry officials have called for more stringent safety requirements of crews working on tall towers, citing safety shortcuts taken by some crews hurrying to meet deadlines. Deadlines apparently were an issue at Bassett, where one crew had quit working in November 2001. Another crew, the East Mississippi crew, did not arrive to complete the job until five months later. That crew, and the firms that hired it, faced fines if the work wasn't completed, an NETV spokeswoman confirmed. A day before the fatal accident, the East Mississippi crew had an accident at another NETV tower near Alliance, Neb., about 250 miles from Bassett. No one was injured in that accident, but NETV spokeswoman Dara Troutman said crew members had climbed the tower without NETV authorization. The crew then caused a power outage when they dropped a steel hoisting cable across an electric transmission line. The crew tried unsuccessfully to remove the hoisting cable. NETV officials had expressed concern about the lack of experience of the East Mississippi crew, concerns that were echoed by Hatten. The tower, 17 miles south of Bassett, is owned by NETV. Last fall, Culpepper's parents filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Mississippi against East Mississippi Tower and Pro-Com. Also named in the lawsuit was the general contractor on the job, Nationwide Towers of Henderson, Ky., and the tower crew that had abandoned the job, identified as "John Doe." In November, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) proposed fines totaling $24,100 against Pro-Com and East Mississippi Towers as a result of the accident. Pro-Com has appealed the $12,000 fines proposed against it. A hearing on the appeal has been scheduled for March 5 in Omaha.

Crane driver dies after 2000kg steel bars fell on him
16 February 2003 1604 hrs (SST)
A 61-year-old lorry crane driver died after a bundle of steel bars weighing 2000kg fell on him on Saturday. The accident happened at about 10.50am while he was delivering the reinforcements steel bars to the Nanyang Primary School construction site at King's Road. He and a few construction workers were unloading the bars from his lorry when a bundle slipped and hit his shoulders. The man, who was unconscious, was sent to hospital where he died almost two hours later.

MoDOT workers hurt in separate accidents
ST. LOUIS (AP) -- Two highway workers were injured Thursday in separate accidents in the St. Louis area. Neither injury was considered life-threatening, but police blamed both on inattentive drivers traveling too fast through work zones. A Missouri Department of Transportation contractor was clipped by a car as he put out safety barrels to close travel lanes on westbound Interstate 70 near Mid-Rivers Mall Drive in St. Charles County. The worker, William McGhee, 27, of Cedar Hill, suffered minor injuries. The car then struck another vehicle. Two people in that vehicle were hospitalized with moderate injuries. The second accident happened on Interstate 44 in Eureka, where state highway worker Jeffrey Hillis was in a truck that was fixing potholes in the center lane when it was struck from behind by a tractor-trailer, MoDOT spokesman Megan McEntee said. Police say the tractor-trailer careened off the road and down an embankment. The MoDOT worker was in stable condition with broken bones. The semi rig's driver suffered minor injuries. A Missouri State Highway Patrol spokesman said a ticket would be issued in the I-44 wreck. He didn't know if one would be issued in the I-70 accident.

Construction Worker Killed as Roof Collaspes
From Newsday.com February 14, 2003, 1:46 PM EST
A Queens man died yesterday when a portion of a roof collapsed on him as he and others were working on a construction project at the United Artist movie theater in East Meadow on Hempstead Turnpike. James Monrie, 28, of Woodhaven, was struck by a 40-by-20-foot slab of sheet rock at about 2:15 p.m., Nassau police said. He managed to crawl from beneath the debris by the time emergency workers arrived. He was pronounced dead about a half an hour later at Nassau University Medical Center. The cause of the collapse is still under investigation.

Accident Shocks and Kills Worker; Another Contractor is Hospitalized
Clifton Heights- February 13, 2003 — A bizarre accident in Delaware county left one man dead Thursday morning. It happened just after 10:30 at 462 East Baltimore Avenue in Clifton Heights. 2 contractors were installing an aluminum liner for a chimney when they were shocked. One worker was on the roof feeding liner down the chimney to a second worker, when the liner came into contact with a 13-thousand volt power line. The worker inside the home was electrocuted. The second worker was shocked, and remains hospitalized. PECO crews were called out to the scene, they say the lines are in working order.

Man falls 40 feet after construction accident 2/13
By TODD HARPER For The Lebanon Reporter
Zionsville -- An Indianapolis man working on the construction of the new auditorium at Zionsville Community High School is in critical condition at Methodist Hospital after falling approximately 40 feet. Alivio Moralis, a construction worker for Verkler Inc., was finishing work on the roof portion of the construction when the accident occurred, said Brian Miller, deputy chief of administration for the Zionsville Fire Department. The accident took place just before 2 p.m. Miller said Moralis suffered head injuries due to the fall, but was unsure of the severity of the injuries. He assisted medics in transporting the victim to the ambulance. It is not apparent what caused the fall. ZFD crews immediately cleaned up the accident scene and gathered all personal items left behind. Verkler is the general contractor for the school's project, which has recently been delayed due to the cold weather. It is scheduled to open for the 2003-2004 school year. A response from Jeff Rowland, the contact person for Verkler was not available at press time and ZCHS assistant principal Chris Willis said he was unsure of the exact details of the accident. "I had gotten word that there had been an accident and that a rescue crew had been called," he said. "By the time I had gotten down there they were taking him away." Bill Payne of Fanning/Howey and Associates, the architect and designer for the project, said late in the afternoon that his company had just learned of the incident and was waiting word on further details. More information in the accident will be provided as they become available.

Worker airlifted after 30-foot fall
2/13/2003 11:48:24 AM By: Megan Butler, news14.com
The worker fell about 30 feet off a platform. CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A construction worker was airlifted to the hospital Thursday morning after falling from a platform at UNC Charlotte. A coworker said the man fell 30 feet and paramedics said his injuries were serious. MEDIC workers said the worker was as subcontractor working for Buckner Steel in Graham, N.C. He was taken to University Hospital and then airlifted to Carolinas Medical Center. A fellow worker told News 14 Carolina that the injured man was working on a building on the campus when he fell about 30 feet to the ground. news14.com will continue to update this story as new information becomes available.

UPDATE Highway death settled for two-point-five million dollars
(New Haven-AP Feb. 13, 2003 7:30 AM)_ A lawsuit involving a fatal crash on Interstate-95 more than seven years ago has ended with a cash settlement. A North Haven contracting company will pay two-and-a-half million dollars to settle the case from the fiery truck crash in Milford. LG DeFelice Incorporated has agreed to the settlement with the estate of Stephen Hutchinson of Massachusetts. Last week a New Haven jury found that the construction company and the driver of one of its dump trucks caused the fatal accident through negligent and unsafe practices. Hutchinson was killed instantly when the tractor-trailer he was driving hit the rear of the LG DeFelice dump truck on October 20th of 1995. The accident shut down part of I-95 for nine hours.

Construction worker injured
By Michael Knox Independent Tribune
A Hispanic male was flown to Carolinas Medical Center Wednesday afternoon after an accident at a construction site, Cabarrus County Sheriff's Deputy K.P. Troutman said. The 26-year-old man was working on the frame of the building, where the roof is, and fell about 12 feet, Robinson said. The accident happened around 12:20 p.m. in the Rocky River Crossing development, at the intersection of Rocky River Crossing Road and Willow Glen Road. Troutman declined releasing the man's name until the family was notified. He said the man suffered from a concussion while he was working for Carolina Framers. Harrisburg Fire and Rescue Firefighter Tim Robinson said it's unclear exactly whether he received the concussion before or after he fell. The 26-year-old man was working on the frame of the building, where the roof is, and fell about 12 feet, Robinson said. Cabarrus County EMS also assisted and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration will investigate.

Howell iron worker killed by fallen piling
By carolyn o'connell Staff Writer
LONG BRANCH — An iron worker from Howell lost his life in a construction site accident last week. Greg Larsen, 35, was pulled from a stream in Elberon on Feb. 4 after he was struck in the head by a steel piling while working on the construction of the Wood-gate bridge shortly before noon, according to Long Branch Police Department Lt. Bruce Johangten. Johangten said the crane which moved the steel piling may have malfunctioned, allowing a cable to slip and setting the piling free to fall vertically. According to witnesses who spoke with police, several co-workers who heard the piling fall scrambled to get out of the way, but Larsen was not able to get out of the way in time. "The piling was transported vertically, and when it fell, it was like a tree falling on him (Larsen), knocking him off the bridge falling 8 to 10 feet before falling into the water which is approximately waist deep," said Johangten. The first officers to arrive at the scene were Robert Korn, Joseph Graziano and Sgt. Jason Roebuck. They found Larsen in the water being aided by co-workers who were supporting his neck until emergency medical services and the Long Branch Fire Department water rescue arrived. When the Elberon First Aid Squad responded, Johangten noted, that Larsen was still breathing but unresponsive. Larsen was transported to the Jersey Shore Medical Center Trauma Unit, Neptune, and died at about 9:35 p.m. after surgery due to blunt trauma to the head, said Johangten. According to Johangten, this is not the first tragedy to strike the Larsen family. Thor Larsen, Greg's brother, lost his life in a similar tragedy almost two years ago in February while he was on the job as an iron worker in South Brunswick. Paul Larsen, also a brother to Greg, had been working at the Woodgate bridge construction project just two weeks ago. Johangten said the accident will be investigated by the Long Branch Police Department Detective Unit, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Adminis-tration and an independent company hired by E. Sambol Corp., Toms River.

Construction Worker Dies
A Mason construction worker who complained of eye and throat irritations after a day of work died Wednesday morning. Clifford Ilbeck, 40, and other workers say they felt sick after working on a new construction site in Amberley Village Tuesday. Ilbeck was a subcontractor installing tile in a new home. The Montgomery County coroner is awaiting autopsy results to determine the cause of death.

Construction Worker Shot
Wednesday, February 12, 2003
Shrevport police have charged a 16 year old shreveport male with illegal use of a weapon. The incident happened at a drainage ditch near looney and pierre streets in shreveport. The teenager told police he was shooting at birds not trying to harm anyone. Investigators say one of the bullets fired from the 22 caliber rifle hit 48-year-old richard ryan in the side. Ryan, along with at least three other sub contractors with blount construction, were doing drainage work for the city by building a flood wall behind saint paul methodist church. Ryan was sitting in an excavator truck when he was shot. He remains in LSU Hospital.

UPDATE Bridge collapse suits seek millions
Thu, Feb 13, 2003 By TOM LAMBERT Observer-Dispatch
Two lawsuits totaling more than $80 million have been filed against the state in the aftermath of the Marcy pedestrian bridge collapse. Deborah L. Couchman, widow of Scott Couchman, a construction worker who died during the collapse, filed a $50 million lawsuit Jan. 22. Frederick T. McNeil, a construction worker severely injured during the collapse, and his wife Emma McNeil filed a $30 million lawsuit. Couchman and McNeil were working for Tioga Construction Co. of East Herkimer, the project's general contractor. Couchman was killed and McNeil and eight other workers were injured when the 170-foot bridge twisted, buckled and collapsed 20 feet to the ground Oct. 10. According to the lawsuits, filed in the state Court of Claims, Couchman's death and McNeil's injuries were a result of working "in an unsafe, dangerous and hazardous condition and location." The workers weren't adequately trained in safe and proper construction site procedures and weren't harnessed or provided with safety nets/railings to prevent falls, the lawsuits said. The lawsuits also claim a flaw in the bridge design caused the collapse. Jennifer Post, a state Department of Transportation spokeswoman, said that because the matter is in litigation, DOT wouldn't comment. "We are in the process of doing a thorough investigation of what happened at the bridge to make sure nothing like that happens again," Post said. She said state DOT officials hoped it would be done by this summer. Marc Violette, a spokesman for the Attorney General's office, wouldn't comment on the case before it goes to trial. The lawyers representing Couchman and the McNeils, Eva Brindisi Pearlman and Louis Brindisi, also couldn't be reached Wednesday. Brindisi, however, has said under state labor law the owner of the property is strictly liable for any negligence on the part of the contractors/subcontractors when an injury or death occurs as a result of a fall from an elevated height. The state owns the site where the bridge collapsed. Meanwhile, at 10 a.m. Friday all parties involved in the case will return to state Supreme Court Justice Robert Julian's chambers in Utica to work out a schedule for inspection of the site. A date of April 15 has been targeted for the pedestrian bridge to be removed so work can resume on the Utica/Rome Expressway, state DOT officials have said. Portions of the bridge would be shipped to a facility at the Oneida County Airport for further testing.

Gas Line Break Forces School Evacuation
PANHANDLE -- Construction workers frantically try to mend a pipe broken by machinery. Within minutes of the leak, highly flammable gas had engulfed the school and homes that sit just yards away. City manager Loren Brand said, "I knew we could smell gas as far as the other side of the football field." Detection tests show vapors hadn't entered the school, but any ignition outside would have caused an immediate explosion. That's why officials were instructed to walk -- not drive -- the kids away from the school. "That was a concern that it would collect or get contained in like a hallway, a doorway, something of that nature. It could also be under a group of cars that were parked together," said Brand. Teachers and students admit it was a successful evacuation despite the seriousness of the situation. "If it had really been something, they would have told you to leave everything as is, you know, don't turn anything off, but they did tell us to turn everything down and let's go ahead and leave so I knew at that oint we needed to just get out," said Panhandle Middle School teacher Pennie Ward. So, now all that remains is figuring out why workers felt so free to dig as deep as they did. "It's just going to take an investigation of to what actually took place. Was there a miscommunication, or was there a misunderstanding, or was it just a pure accident that happened. I don't know," said Brand. As soon as Atmos Energy found out about the situation, they quickly shut off the system. City officials are confident most of gas had dissapated within a few hours. They say they're thankful the wind today was blowing north on Tuesday, otherwise, the entire city might have been engulfed by the leak. The city's was attempting to widen the highway leading from Panhandle to Borger. Contractors are only a few weeks into a project scheduled to last almost 16 months. They say as long as the leak is contained, construction will continue, but they admit workers will be a lot more careful with the machinery. City officials say all Panhand schools will start at the normal time Wednesday morning.

Bobcat operator dies after contruction accident in Miramar
A 42-year-old Bobcat operator was pronounced dead after an early morning construction accident in Miramar left him trapped underwater for 30 minutes. The accident took place 8:35 a.m. Wednesday morning at S.W. 185th Ave. and 50th Ct. in Miramar, where new housing contruction is taking place. The worker had just finished clearing debris and was inside his Bobcat, rinsing off the front end in a nearby lake, when it rolled over and sank into 30 feet of water. He was transported to a local hospital shortly before 9: 20 a.m. where he was pronounced dead.

UPDATE Council fined over worker death
Belyando Shire Council, in central Queensland, has no plans to appeal against a $40,000 fine for failing to ensure the safety of workers. The council was found guilty of breaching the Workplace Health and Safety Act, after council worker John Noel McLennan was killed by a tree that fell while being replanted. Moranbah Industrial Magistrate's Court heard the replanting was not supervised, the backhoe operator did not have the required ticket and council had only given general safety information. Mayor Matthew Athanassiadis says workplace health and safety standards have improved since the incident. "Of all the bad things that have come out of it, the one good thing is I think it's woken everyone up, and I think not only is our message getting out there to our workforce, but I think our workforce, too, have sort of grasped it and I think are making some big improvements in the workplace health and safety area," he said. The Australian Workers Union has declined to comment.

Worker Dies in Trench Collapse
Tracey Christensen 2/12/2003 12:32:12 PM
A construction worker died late Tuesday morning after a trench caved in on him in Walton County. Officials say he was not buried alive but likely was killed when he was hit by falling debris. It took three hours for rescue crews to dig him out. Monroe police investigator Diane Campbell says the man had been working on roadside sewer line, near Highway 11, when the 10-foot deep trench collapsed. Monroe police officials were investigating the accident, as well as officials from the Occupational Safety & Health Administration. OSHA officials said the contracted company -- Harrison and Harrison Incorporated -- did not have a record of violating safety regulations. The worker has not been identified.

UPDATE Construction worker killed in fall from house is identified
LYNNWOOD — A 64-year-old construction worker who died Monday after falling about 10 feet from scaffolding at a construction site has been identified as Duane E. Marberg of Lynnwood. The accident occurred at about 2 p.m. in the 160th block of 60th Avenue West. Marberg, part of a crew building a single-family home, was guiding a hose for a cement truck driver when he fell, police said.

Man dead after factory roof fall
CAT BARTMAN February 12, 2003 17:29
An investigation has begun after a man fell 30ft through a skylight onto a concrete floor at a factory in Diss. The accident at the Norfolk Feather Company happened at about 11.30am today when the man was replacing roof lights that were damaged in storms last year. He was taken by air ambulance to the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital with multiple injuries and skull fractures, but died just after 2pm. No details about the dead man have been released, but he was working for Reads Construction, based in Harleston, and was aged between 40 and 50 years old. The Health and Safety Executive confirmed that its investigators were at the factory in Park Road this afternoon. It is understood the man fell through the roof into part of a processing area where staff were working. No one from Reads Construction was available to comment late this afternoon. Mike Whittemore, managing director of Norfolk Feather Company, said they had offered staff counselling if they needed it "Obviously the staff are all very shocked, it's an absolute tragedy," he added. A land ambulance was already at the scene when the air ambulance arrived at 11.36am, and police were called just before 11.45am. A spokeswoman for the HSE said: "Our investigation has started into the accident in conjunction with the police."

UPDATE I-75 Construction Worker Dies from Injuries
A local construction worker died Monday morning from injuries he suffered during a chain reaction crash on Interstate-75. Ron Gambrell and Bonnie Mills were installing a barrier system in the median last Wednesday, when a pair of cars smashed into their truck. Gambrell passed away Monday morning and Mills is in serious condition. Police cited the drivers for following too close to one another. The Department of Transportation set up additional flashing signs to alert motorists near the construction site.

UPDATE Billboard company's latest sign didn't match design
By LARRY HARTSTEIN The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
The company whose billboard collapsed last year received a "stop work" order during installation of its latest Snellville sign, city officials said Monday. Snellville lifted the order after two days, and the 672-square-foot billboard should be up today at Mellow Mushroom Pizza on U.S. 78. City engineer John Ososkie said work was stopped because Trinity Outdoor's sign did not follow the engineer's design. The billboard was supposed to be anchored by a seamless 60-foot pole, Ososkie said. But last week, an inspector found a 40-foot pole had been welded to a 20-foot pole instead. "That weld is under an extreme amount of pressure," Ososkie said, noting the billboard's mounting pole is designed like a flagpole. "They showed us a solid pole in the drawing. We never thought they'd splice it together in the plant." The city cited Trinity for failing to get the modification approved. Snellville let work proceed after the engineering firm approved the design of the welded pole, and an independent inspection certified it was safe. Morgan Hudgens, co-owner of Buford- based Trinity, said the violation resulted from a misunderstanding. For steel pipes longer than 40 feet, it's standard to weld two pipes together, Hudgens said. But he conceded that the weld should have been shown in the drawing. "I was a little upset with my people," Hudgens said. He stressed that "every single weld on the sign was inspected before it ever left the shop." Faulty welding and design led to the fatal billboard accident last year, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration concluded recently. On Aug. 1, a 35,000-pound billboard going up on Ga. 124 collapsed and killed three workers. OSHA, the federal workplace safety agency, did not blame Trinity for the accident, saying the company had no way of knowing it had bought a defective billboard. Since the accident, Trinity has hired an engineer and a welding inspector to check every billboard before it goes up. Trinity does not make billboards. The company buys them, finds places to put them and leases the advertising space. Last week's violation, discovered by building inspector Steve Carter, was disturbing, Ososkie said. It reminded him of what the city found after the collapse when it checked Trinity's other billboards: They didn't match their designs. "I just don't understand why they can't do what they're supposed to do," Ososkie said. "That level of confidence continues to go down every time they don't follow the rules. It's just a constant battle to keep [them] on their toes." Trinity holds seven billboard permits in Snellville. The only permitted site where there's no billboard is the scene of the collapse. Hudgens said he's not sure whether he'll try to put up another sign there.

1 Dead, 2 Injured In I-10 Construction Accident; Workers Electrocuted By Power Line
February 11, 2003
NEW ORLEANS -- One worker was killed and two others were hospitalized Tuesday morning after a construction accident on Interstate 10. The accident occurred at about 9:30 a.m. at I-10 and Richland. Police said three workers in a bucket truck were electrocuted when the truck accidentally came in contact with a live power line. The three were rushed to East Jefferson General Hospital, where one man died of his injuries. His name is being withheld pending notification of his family members. The condition and names of the other men have not yet been released. The workers were independent contractors out of Baton Rouge, police said.

Man dies in fall at Lynnwood construction site
Herald staff
LYNNWOOD -- Authorities are investigating a death that occurred Monday on a construction site when a man fell from some scaffolding. The accident occurred about 2 p.m. in the 160th block of 60th Avenue W., where workers were building a single family home, Lynnwood police spokeswoman Trudy Dana said. A man in his mid-50s was on a catwalk guiding a hose for a cement truck driver who was pouring a concrete foundation. The driver saw the man have some difficulty and apparently lose his balance. He looked away for a moment and then realized the man had fallen to the ground, she said. The Snohomish County medical examiner is investigating.

UPDATE Broadcaster files $7 million lawsuit over fatal tower collapse
MARK THIESSEN Associated Press
LINCOLN, Neb. - A $7 million lawsuit has been filed over the collapse of a 1,965-foot television transmission tower near Hemingford that killed two people. Duhamel Broadcasting of Rapid City, S.D., is suing Structural Systems Technology Inc., of McLean, Va., for $4.5 million to replace the tower and the $2.5 million in risk insurance it claimed the company failed to purchase even though required under their contract. Duhamel is the parent company of Scottsbluff television station KDUH. The tower south of Hemingford had been used to transmit the ABC affiliate's signal throughout the Nebraska Panhandle. The tower collapsed Sept. 24 while a work crew was attempting to strengthen the structure for the addition of a digital transmitter. Two workers died and three others were hurt. Duhamel claims in its federal lawsuit that Structural Systems Technology was negligent by not using temporary braces on the tower as it worked to strengthen the structure. Duhamel's insurance carrier determined that was not covered under the broadcasting company's policy and it refused to pay to rebuild the tower, which was the tallest structure in Nebraska and 500 feet higher than Chicago's Sears Tower. Fred Purdy, president of Structural Systems Technology, did not immediately return a phone message left at his office Tuesday by The Associated Press. Calls made to Duhamel Broadcasting President Bill Duhamel and his Omaha attorney, Jack Douglas, also were not immediately returned. To replace the tower's signal, Duhamel is constructing a new 1,500-foot transmitter tower 2 1/2 miles east of Angora. By moving the tower 32 miles to the southeast and shortening it, KDUH will have nearly the same coverage area and can save more than $1 million, Bill Duhamel has said. Before the collapse, the Scottsbluff station's signal reached viewers from the Colorado state line to southwestern South Dakota and eastern Wyoming. The tower collapse caused viewers throughout the region to lose their only ABC affiliate. KDUH last month said it had restored service to about 70 to 80 percent of its former viewers. The station's service to cable subscribers had not been interrupted.

Early morning accident causes delays
By Monica Sattley February 10, 2003
An eight-hour delay occurred in the northbound lanes of Interstate 30 Monday morning as the result of a tractor-trailer charging through a concrete barrier, hitting construction equipment and finally skidding to a halt in two pieces. The driver suffered a minor cut, the Arkansas State Police reported. No other vehicles were involved. At 2 a.m. the driver of a truck carrying epoxy resin from Freeport, Texas, to Huron, Ohio, "lost control of her vehicle," said ASP Trooper Quinn Best. The road was not icy, Best said. "There were no road conditions whatsoever," he said. When the truck struck the concrete barrier, it then bounced off equipment owned by the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department's contractor, PBS&J. The equipment included a generator, a skid-loader, a crusher and a front-end loader. "When it hit the front-end loader, it ripped the trailer in two," Best said. The tractor half "continued on and the trailer straddled the concrete barrier." Traffic was re-routed to the service road while the tractor and trailer were towed away and 75 gallons of diesel fuel were cleaned up. "There's a lot to clean up in an accident like this when it involves a commercial vehicle," Best said.

Accident kills man at City Hall work site
By Brent Flynn , Staff writer 02/08/2003
One man was killed and another was injured when a forklift backed into two workers at the Lewisville City Hall construction site on Wednesday. Duane Pope, 43, of Carrollton was pronounced dead at 1:30 p.m. at the 100 block of West Church Street. Pope was a supervisor for one of the subcontractors on the project, Dallas-based Don Burden & Associates. Chief Executive Officer Don Burden said Pope had been with the company for 1-1/2 years and was a "very nice guy." Pope was reportedly talking to Randy Davis of Invensys, another subcontractor on the project. An employee of Rowlett-based CMD Masonry, whose name is being withheld by authorities, was reportedly using a 10-ton industrial forklift to lift stone arches for use on the front of the building. He then lowered the boom and started backing up. When he backed away from the building over a curb and turned back to the right, he hit the two workers, officials said. Davis was hit on the right side and fell to his left, suffering five broken ribs. He was taken to the Medical Center of Lewisville and released later that day. The major question being asked by city officials and investigators after the accident is why the two men did not hear the forklift's back-up warning alarm. Invensys project manager Robert Mintor said that after speaking with Davis, he still does not know how the accident happened. "The only thing Randy has told me is he didn't hear or see anything," Mintor said. "He said he didn't have a clue what was going on until he was on the ground looking at the tire getting ready to roll over him. He said, 'First I was walking and talking, then this thing was on top of me.' He's emotionally very upset over what happened. They had just met, and (Pope) was showing him around the job site. He had only been there 10 minutes when it happened." Mike Talmont, Occupational Safety and Health Administration assistant area director, said that as far as he can tell, the warning alarm and horn on the forklift were functioning at the time of the accident. "The back-up alarm worked when I got out there and the horn worked, so I'm not sure why they didn't hear the back-up alarm," he said. "When I had them back up for me, it was working." Talmont said he is waiting to see additional documentation on the extent of the forklift operator's training before he can determine whether or not a safety violation was to blame for the death. "They are supposed to be trained and certified to operate the vehicle," he said. "I saw his card that was dated August 2002. I was asking for a little bit more documentation on what that training entailed." City of Lewisville spokesman James Kunke said police investigators are waiting for a toxicology report on the forklift operator and the deceased. A preliminary report is expected in mid to late next week. Commercial Structures and Interiors of Lewisville is the construction management company overseeing the building project. Company spokesman John Peveto issued a statement Wednesday about the accident "This is a very unfortunate accident that saddens us all," he said. Mayor Gene Carey expressed his condolences for Pope's family. "It was a tragic accident, and our prayers and thoughts go out to their families," he said. This was the second fatality associated with the construction of Lewisville's new city hall. Brian Keith Cummings, 27, of Howe, Texas, was killed on March 14, 2002 when he was caught between a large drill bit and a counter weight on the back side of a crane.

Crane falls on Anaheim home; None are hurt, but about 400 residents lose electricity as power lines snap.
By ZAHEERA WAHID The Orange County Register
Anaheim The boom on a 65-ton crane crashed onto the roof of a house Friday when the machine tipped, taking down power lines and leaving about 400 residents without electricity, authorities said. No one was injured in the accident, which was reported at 2:20 p.m. in the 2300 block of Seville Avenue. The 185-foot crane, which had been erecting poles for the Anaheim Public Utility, tore a long, deep hole through the middle of the roof, Fire Department spokeswoman Maria Sabol said. The end of the boom landed in the back yard of a second home. All four tires supporting the crane's deck were off the ground as the machine balanced on two extended legs and the roof of the single-story house. "It was kind of an eerie sound," said Mike DeMore, who lives next door. "A nice crashing sound and a snapping of wires. I was on the phone at the time and the phone went dead." No one was inside the damaged home at the time of the accident, Sabol said. DeMore was among the neighbors evacuated for several hours while the situation was assessed, and a 300-ton crane was brought in to right the smaller crane. Crews secured the tipped crane and brought it upright at 7 p.m. About 80 people remained without power Friday evening, but their electricity was expected to be restored by midnight, Sabol said. The contractor on the project, Pouk & Steinle of Riverside, sent investigators to determine the cause of the accident, Sabol said. Pouk & Steinle had hired the crane through a subcontractor, city spokesman John Nicoletti said. Pouk & Steinle moved the residents of the damaged home into a hotel, Nicoletti said.

Fatal accident at Target Distribution Center Thursday; Worker killed after fall at Midlothian roof site
By ROB WILLIAMS Daily Light staff writer
MIDLOTHIAN – A worker was killed Thursday after falling from a roof at the construction site of the Target distribution center in Midlothian. The accident occurred around 2:34 p.m. at the distribution center, which is in the RailPort industrial park, Midlothian Deputy Fire Chief Tom Montgomery said. The worker was adding roofing materials to the metal roof and apparently fell 30 to 35 feet onto a concrete slab, Montgomery said, where firefighters found him upon their arrival. "When the firefighters got there, they did not detect a pulse and did not detect any respirations from the worker," Montgomery said. Firefighters immediately began efforts to revive the man, but were unsuccessful; the worker was transported by ambulance to Baylor Medical Center-Ellis County where he was pronounced dead, Montgomery said. The cause of the accident is under investigation, Montgomery said. The name of the worker was not immediately available for release. Company officials were not available for comment by press time.

UPDATE Worker Struck On Tri-State Highway Downgraded; Victim Listed In Critical Condition
MONROE, Ohio -- One of the two people struck by a car Wednesday morning while working in a highway median has taken a turn for the worse. Ron Gambrell and Bonnie Mills, employees of Security Fence Co. of Northside, were installing safety fence on Interstate 75 near Monroe when they were hit, WLWT Eyewitness News 5 reported. Gambrell, 52, was flown to University Hospital. He was listed in serious condition initially, but was downgraded to critical condition Thursday morning, according to WLWT. Mills was flown to Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton, Ohio. She is listed in serious condition. The stretch of roadway on Interstate 75 between Interstate 275 and Dayton has seen its share of serious accidents. Workers were out Wednesday to help make things safer, but ended up caught in the middle of danger, WLWT's Tony Gnau reported. One driver slowed down for the construction workers, but, according to police, the car behind him failed to stop in time because the second driver was following too closely. "A (vehicle) swerved to avoid other vehicles that had already collided with each other," Ohio Highway Patrol spokesman Lt. Michael Black said. "It swerved into the median and hit two workers that were working in the median there." As the victims were flown from the accident scene, they left behind mangled wreckage that symbolically served as a cruel irony, Gnau reported. The project was to improve safety on that stretch of highway. "We were installing a cable rail system for this exact reason," worker Darryl Winningham said. Black said that such accidents can be avoided by putting more space between your car and the one in front of you. "Vehicles, when they're following too close, they don't have enough time, they don't leave themselves enough time to react," he said. "And then they have to swerve, and once you start swerving at 65 mph, you leave yourself nowhere to go except out of control." Construction workers are, unfortunately, quite familiar with the orange cones, which they say are out there for an important reason. "You've got 2-ton cars coming down on you," Winningham said. "You're helpless, just defenseless." Added Black: "We always ask if people leave enough distance in between vehicles so they can react to something that happens in front of them, so this does not occur." Winningham said Wednesday's wreck had more to do with general driving habits than the particular stretch of interstate that's being repaired, Gnau reported. "It doesn't matter the stretch of road, really," he said. "It's all the same. (Interstate) 71, 75, it's just all the same. It's just as dangerous as it gets." Stay tuned to WLWT Eyewitness News 5 and ChannelCincinnati.com for updates to this story as they become available.

Allison Martin
A CONSTRUCTION worker was rushed to hospital with major head injuries after an accident on a site at Heron Quays. The incident, involving a French speaking cladding installer in his 30s, took place at 2pm on Tuesday (January 28) at HQ1, Morgan Stanley's new office building. The man - who is believed to have been hit by falling plywood - has now been released. An air ambulance was scrambled and the man was treated by security first aiders until paramedics arrived. A spokesperson for the London Ambulance Service said: "We received a call just after 2pm and three road ambulances and an air ambulance attended an incident at Heron Quays. "The road ambulance found a man in his 30s with major head injuries and unconscious. "It appeared he had been hit on the head by building site debris. "The road ambulance then called for an air ambulance which has a doctor on board," she added. The man was taken to the Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel. Fallen site worker's firm fined £9,000.

UPDATE $100,000 fine over fatal scaffold fall
By Olivia Hill-Douglas February 8 2003
A water tank company was fined $100,000 in the County Court yesterday for unsafe work practices after an employee fell to his death when a scaffold collapsed. Father of two Phillip Mahoney, 36, of Geelong, died on June 8, 1999, after the mobile scaffold on which he was standing collapsed while it was being moved three metres. Another man, James Greenslade, then 44, of Ballarat, fell to the ground with the scaffold. He was seriously injured. Mr Mahoney, who had been working on the construction of a large water tank in Broadmeadows, grabbed the edge of the tank after the scaffold tipped over, but lost his grip and fell nine metres to the ground, striking his head on the scaffold as he fell. Geelong company E. Brockman and Son had earlier pleaded guilty to providing an unsafe workplace and system of work. Judge Roland Williams said moving scaffolding while workers were on it had become accepted in the company. "It had become an accepted system of work... throughout the construction of this tank and, I imagine, o thers," the judge said, adding that the rules were flouted to save time. "Brockman knew the rules yet, for what it considered to be pragmatic reasons, knowingly connived to breach the rules," Judge Williams said. Shortly before Mr Mahoney's death, Mr Greenslade had recommended to the company that workers be off the scaffold while it was being moved, the court heard. Mr Mahoney's wife, Melanie, said in a victim impact statement tendered to the court: "He should have come home that night as usual." The court heard that moving scaffolding while workers were on it was common throughout the scaffolding industry. E. Brockman and Son had been operating since 1921. It had won industry awards and made contributions to charities, the court heard. No other deaths had occurred at the company. The court was told that since the accident Brockman had made workplace safety a priority. WorkSafe Victoria executive director John Merritt said the $100,000 fine should be a warning to employers to make sure that employees abide by safety rules.

Restoration efforts drown in flames
With work almost complete, Buxton Inn owners face fire, smoke damage to century-old home
By BRIAN MILLER Advocate Reporter
GRANVILLE -- A fire on Thursday caused $25,000 to $30,000 damage to a home that the Buxton Inn's owners were restoring. The two-story home at 128 S. Pearl St., caught fire after a torch being used by a worker in a second-floor bathroom ignited a wall, said Lt. Tom Bowman of the Granville Fire Department. There was damage to interior walls on one side of the home and smoke damage throughout the home. No injuries were reported. The home is one of several built by the five children of Major Buxton, who built the Buxton Inn in 1812 on East Broadway, the main avenue of downtown Granville. All the homes are on the same block as the inn. Buxton Inn owners Orville and Audrey Orr have been restoring the homes one by one and then renting them. Restoration work on the South Pearl Street home was almost done when the fire broke out, Orville said. The worker was attaching a fitting on a water line using a torch and accidentally ignited a piece of wood or fiberglass, Bowman said. The wall caught fire and flames traveled through an interior wall up to the attic and down to the first floor. The workman had gone downstairs when he realized there was a fire upstairs and called the fire department at 10:20 a.m. The fire was extinguished at 11:15 a.m. The Orrs had taken pains to bring the century-old woodframe home back to its original state, Orville said. "The hardware and the floors are all original," he said. The job was nearly finished when the fire broke out. Orr said he wants to complete the project if the damage permits. The Buxton Inn, Ohio's oldest operating inn still using its original building, is known for its gardens and courtyards.

UPDATE Firms Fined In Collapse Of Greensboro Wall That Killed Three Workers
POSTED: 9:43 a.m. EST February 6, 2003
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. -- Five companies were fined a total of $32,900 by the state for a wall collapse that killed three men last August at a Home Depot construction site in Greensboro. The state Department of Labor spent six months investigating the accident. It ruled that the 40,000-pound wall was standing without any type of support before it fell and crushed the three workers. Officials say the wall should have been attached at the roof, floor and to other wall sections before braces were removed. Four companies were cited for failing to properly train employees and for not properly supporting the wall panels. Perry Construction Group, Steel Performance and Carolina Steel and Stone were fined $7,000 each. Carolina Tiltup Construction was fined $5,600. A fifth company, Professional Service Industries, was assessed a $6,300 fine because its welding inspector didn't ensure all welds were complete and wasn't properly trained.

Kerala: One killed, 4 hurt in construction site accident
Thiruvananthapuram: One person is feared dead and four people have been injured in an accident at a construction site in the Overbridge locality of Thiruvananthapuram city. The dead has been identified as Ganesan (28), a native of West Bengal. The injured have been admitted to the Medical College Hospital. The accident occurred at 12:30 pm today when soil caved in at the site where work was on to remove earth for the foundation of a building. The workers were employed by a contractor who had taken up contract for removing soil. All the workers are reportedly from Bengal. Search and rescue operations have been launched by the police and fire force.

Area man injured by sand
By Patricia Breakey Delhi News Bureau
DELHI — A man loading sand into a pickup truck was trapped when a one-ton frozen chunk of sand pinned him against the bed of his truck, Delhi emergency workers said. Gary Rosa and George H. Cochrane Jr. had just completed loading Rosa's truck with sand at the Delhi Town Shed on Sherwood Drive, when an overhanging section slid down and trapped Rosa, according to Delaware County deputies. Cochrane called 911 on a cell phone, but the call went to the state police in Albany, who called the Delaware County 911 Center. The local 911 dispatcher called the Delaware County Sheriff's Department with limited information about the incident and the location. The deputies were sent to the Delhi Highway Department on Sherwood Road in Delhi while the Delhi Village Police headed for other sand stockpiles in an attempt to locate the victim and the caller. Rosa, 32, of Delhi was pinned against his truck for an unknown length of time Wednesday morning, before help arrived at about 11:30 a.m., according to Glenn Morrison, Delaware County deputy director of emergency services. "He was out there for a lengthy amount of time," Morrison said. "And it was cold." Deputies said it took more than an hour to extricate Rosa. Morrison said it was necessary to carefully remove the sand to free Rosa without bringing more down on him. Rosa was pinned from the waist down, with the upper part of his body lying in the bed of the truck. "We used everything from picks to shovels and anything else we could get our hands on to dig him out," Morrison said. "We tried using big machinery, but it was too precarious, although it looked like the majority of the overhang had already come down." Shawn Kauffman, captain of the Delhi Emergency Squad, said moving Rosa's truck wasn't an option because sand would have slid, pinning Rosa more. Rosa suffered from hypothermia and had injuries to his legs, Morrison said. Rosa was transported to O'Connor Hospital in Delhi and was then transferred by ambulance to Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital in Cooperstown. A Bassett hospital spokesman said Rosa was in stable condition but was being kept overnight for observation. Kaufmann said requests for a helicopter went out to transport Rosa, but the Albany Med helicopter ran into a snow squall as it neared Delhi and had to turn back. The Guthrie One helicopter was in the air, but was canceled after Rosa reached O'Connor Hospital. Robert Howard, Delhi town highway superintendent, said Rosa is not a town employee but that he couldn't make any other comments. Deputies said Delaware County residents and homeowners should contact highway superintendents or town supervisors to obtain permission before they remove sand, cinders, salt or gravel from stockpiles. Delaware County Sheriff Thomas Mills said callers using cell phones to report emergencies should be careful to report their exact location and to give the dispatcher their cell phone number so they can be contacted if more information is needed. Morrison said assistance at the scene of the accident was provided by the Delhi Fire Department and Emergency Squad, the Delaware County Sheriff's Department, the state Department of Environmental Conservation police, the Delhi Village Police, the town of Delhi, Cooperstown Medical Transport and Clark Co. employees. The Bovina Fire Department set up the landing zone for the helicopter.

UPDATE £40,000 fine for death of worker Feb 6 2003
By Graeme Whitfield, The Journal
A demolition firm was yesterday fined £40,000 for the death of one of its workers at Blyth Power Station. London-based Brown and Mason, which has a £12m contract to demolish the power station, was fined £35,000 for failing to ensure the safety of its employees and £5,000 for failing to prepare a proper risk assessment following the death of Jimmy Hall, 21, in May 2001. After the case, Mr Hall's mother Pat Henderson, from High Barnes, Sunderland, said she had hoped for a bigger fine to act as a deterrent to other construction companies. Newcastle Crown Court was told the company had not made a proper risk assessment before an operation which led to a 400kg junction box falling and crushing Mr Hall, the father of a young child, to death. It also emerged yesterday that the site supervisor - who was a member of the family that runs Brown and Mason - was not sufficiently trained. Before the accident, Brown and Mason had an unblemished safety record, and had won awards and a personal commendation from Prime Minister Tony Blair for its commitment to safety. Mrs Henderson said: "It was the first year Jimmy had been on the job and I don't think he was trained properly. "The £40,000 is nothing to a company that size, they haven't had to go through what I've had to suffer. Jimmy's son was given compensation, but he'll never get the love Jimmy would have given him. "This is not about the money, it's the devastation it's caused. I wanted justice for Jimmy, so that nobody goes through what I had to go through. I hope this will act as a deterrent." Mr Hall was killed in May 2001, when assistant site manager Richard Brown - the son of one of firm's directors - cut a wire supporting a junction box that fell on to Mr Hall. But David Rowlands, for the Health and Safety Executive, said the company had not raised possible risks posed by the job with specialist engineers who were on site every day. John Evans, for Brown and Mason, said Mr Hall's death was a totally isolated incident, and was not a case of a company that was profiting by cutting corners or ignoring warnings. Judge Guy Whitburn ordered the company to pay £3,750 costs.

Fire causes minor damage in Coweta courthouse
By RALPH ELLIS Atlanta Journal-Constitution Staff Writer
A roofer's torch accidentally ignited a fire Monday afternoon in a small section of the Coweta County Courthouse, causing minor damage to the 99-year-old building in Newnan. Tom Corker, county spokesman, said torch flames ignited a section of dry wood near a window about 52 feet off the ground. Fire extinguishers were used to fight the blaze until Newnan firefighters arrived and extinguished the fire. The building was evacuated and nobody was hurt. The county is repairing the historic courthouse, which houses several local government offices, including the clerk of court. The county is building a new judicial building several blocks away.

Man killed, seven injured in roof collapse
Staff Report
LAHORE: A man was killed and seven injured when the roof of a factory collapsed in Baghbanpura area here on Monday. According to reports, the height of the roof of Butt Lathe factory was being increased and once the supporting pillars were removed, the roof collapsed killing one Nadeem Akhtar, a Haroonabad resident, and injuring seven others. The injured were rushed to a local hospital where two of them namely Irfan and Aslam were in critical condition. The factory's owner, Amjad Butt, said the labourers were busy in increasing the height and suddenly the roof fell on the workers. The body of the deceased has been handed over to the family without autopsy.

Story of Interest Quick-draw nail guns fire requests for safer triggers
By Virginia Baldwin Gilbert Of the Post-Dispatch 2/02/2003 10:17 PM
Some leaders in the construction industry want workers and contractors to change their trigger-happy ways — nail gun triggers, that is. A study of carpenter injuries in St. Louis region found that for every 100 apprentice carpenters working in residential construction in a year, nearly four are injured seriously enough with a nail gun to seek medical care. Some carpenters have nailed a foot to the floor, shot 2-inch nails into a co-worker's thigh, nailed their knuckles together, shot a nail into their own knee or head. Employers and workers alike have a new tool for improving safety — a study that collected data from 875 carpenters injured on the job in the St. Louis region in the last three years. The study prompted the Carpenters District Council of Greater St. Louis and Vicinity to increase apprentices' training. "What we found was that people new to a job site, in particular, were being put in precarious situations," said John Gaal, director of training and work-force development for the carpenters union. To reach beyond apprentices, the District Council has published safety articles in local and national publications for carpenters. Behlman Builders Inc., one of the region's larger carpenter subcontractors, requires all its workers to pass written and hands-on safety tests before they are allowed to use nail guns. If a worker has an injury with a nail gun, he or she must pass the test again. But the two men who interviewed hundreds of injured fellow carpenters haven't stopped at training and work habits. They want the tools changed, and a tool manufacturers' trade organization agrees. One type of nail-gun trigger, called a contact trigger, allows the user to press the trigger and fire a nail by hitting the end of the tool against a surface. Many carpenters "bounce nail," by holding the trigger down and repeatedly hitting the nose of the gun to the surface to be nailed. In contrast, a sequential trigger requires that users place the gun in position, then pull the trigger each time they want to shoot a nail. More than half the nail-gun injuries in the study could have been prevented with the safer trigger, said Hester Lipscomb, the Duke University professor who led the St. Louis study. Many contact-trigger guns are capable of firing nine nails a second, said Jim Nolan one of the carpenters who conducted the interviews for the study. "Why would you need to do that?" said Nolan, who built houses for 42 years without ever using a nail gun. Paslode, a division of Illinois Tool Works, developed the nail gun nearly 40 years ago and is still the No. 1 manufacturer. It has sold more contact triggers than sequential triggers, "because that's what the market wanted," said Pat Ryan, a spokesman. "In the last 12 to 18 months, there's been a change," Ryan said. "A lot of big contractors want the sequential trigger for safety." Paslode will be changing its nail guns to comply with new safety standards recently developed by the International Staple, Nail and Tool Association, based in LaGrange, Ill. John Kurtz, executive vice preident of the trade association, attended a construction safety conference in Chicago last spring where Lipscomb, Nolan and his fellow interviewer, Denny Patterson, presented their data and urged design changes. The new standards "probably do what they would like," Kurtz said. Members of the association approved the standards in December, and they are set to go into effect May 1, he said.

I-95 Accident...Worker Hit by Vehicle
The accident happened just before 9:30pm Sunday evening. The victim was directing traffic on I-95 where it meets the beltway in Baltimore County, when a vehicle allegedly struck him. The accident involved 2 vehicles, and no one else was injured; however, the construction worker was taken to Saint Agnes Hospital. So far, there is no word about the victim's condition.

Firefighter treated for burns
A Cincinnati firefighter was treated and released from University Hospital Saturday for minor burns to his face he suffered fighting a house fire at 3425 Beekman Ave. Lt. Robert Beckroege had burns on his cheeks when metal clips on his mask heated. The fire destroyed the second floor of the home, causing about $35,000 in damage. It was started by a worker inside the house who was soldering copper joints with a blow torch.

UPDATE Employer Cleared In Accidental Deaths
Blythewood, S.C. -- South Carolina officials say they won't press charges in the deaths of two teenage boys, who were killed in a workplace accident last week. The brothers died on Tuesday when an eight-foot trench they were digging at a new school collapsed. Investigators say both boys gave their employer valid green cards with incorrect birth dates. The two claimed they were in their twenties, though they were actually just 15 and 16 years old, respectively. State law prohibits people younger than 18 from working on construction sites.

UPDATE OSHA cites, fines S.C. contractor for crane collapses
Associated Press
COLUMBIA, S.C. - A South Carolina contractor has been cited and fined by the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration for two crane collapses at the company's Maybank Highway Bridge construction site. Republic Contracting Corp. was cited Monday and could pay $66,500 in penalties. Republic employees were constructing support columns for the new bridge near Johns Island when the first accident occurred Aug. 16. A crane collapsed while lifting a reinforced steel cage weighing about 100,000 pounds from a barge to the inside of a bridge column form. Parts of the crane fell into traffic lanes of the two-lane Stono Rover Bridge. Federal OSHA conducted the investigation because the accident occurred on a floating barge located in navigable waters. The investigation determined that the crane had not been attached to the barge; equipment required to safely lift the load was missing from the crane and the crane's computer warning system had been by-passed. On Sept. 12, another Republic crane at the same construction site overturned, narrowly missing several yachts and injuring the operator. Federal officials found that this crane also had not been secured to the floating barge. The company has 15 days to contest the federal citations and proposed penalties before the Independent Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission.

Workers hurt when wall falls at Alsip eatery; Crew was working on new addition to Chateau Bu-Sche
Wednesday, February 5, 2003 By Brent Watters Staff writer
Two construction workers were injured Tuesday after a wall for an addition to the Chateau Bu-Sche banquet hall in Alsip collapsed. The two workers, whose names were not released, suffered injuries to their legs, backs and possibly necks, Alsip Assistant Fire Chief Joe Schmidt said. "They were stable when we got to them. They didn't appear to have any life-threatening injuries," Schmidt said. The two injured workers were taken to St. James Hospital in Olympia Fields. Information about their conditions was not available late Tuesday. The incident occurred about 2:30 p.m. while a crew of about six construction workers were erecting walls for a 2,400-square-foot addition being built on the north side of the banquet hall. The Chateau Bu-Sche is at 11535 S. Cicero Ave. One of the injured workers was straddling the top of the east wall of the addition applying mortar when the 20-foot cinder block wall collapsed. "When the wall fell, one of the workers rode down with the bricks. Both workers were thrown forward in the direction the wall fell," Schmidt said. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is investigating. Fire officials believe that high winds may have contributed to the walls collapse. Jeff Bussean, the owner of the banquet hall, could not be reached for comment. Construction of the addition began in November and its completion is scheduled for May. The village had tussled with Bussean for more than a year about his plans for an addition. In Spring 2000, Bussean wanted the village to allow him to allow two large, tents outside the banquet hall for five years while he planned the addition. The village board denied the request, and gave him two years to begin construction of a permanent structure that would be approved by the village.

Workers Struck On Local Interstate; Victims Flown To Tri-State Hospitals
MONROE, Ohio -- Two people working in the median of a local interstate were struck by a car Wednesday morning. The accident happened just before 9 a.m. on southbound Interstate 75 near state Route 63 in Monroe, WLWT Eyewitness News 5 reported. Ron Gambrell, 52, of Northside, was flown to University Hospital, where he is listed in serious condition, WLWT reported. The second victim, Bonnie Mills, was flown to Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton, Ohio. Her condition is not known. Both victims are employees of the Security Fence Co. of Northside, WLWT reported. The northbound and southbound lanes of I-75 were shut down for about an hour. They reopened at about 9:45 a.m., WLWT reported. The victims are part of a crew installing barriers in the highway median because of a rash of accidents in which cars traveling one direction crossed the median and slammed into oncoming vehicles. When completed, the 14-mile barrier will run from Hamilton-Mason Road in Butler County to just south of state Route 73 in Warren County, WLWT reported. Stay tuned to WLWT Eyewitness News 5 and refresh this ChannelCincinnati.com page throughout the day for details.

Firefighter burns ear in Monroe blaze
John Colvin / Police Reporter Posted on February 5, 2003
Monroe Fire Department investigators say a construction accident ignited a fire Tuesday at a house owned by a local businessman. The department received several calls at 2:38 p.m. Tuesday, and about seven trucks spent the majority of the afternoon and evening combating the fire at 1200 University Avenue. Investigators say the origin of the fire appears to be traced to a worker sweating pipes together in the attic. "The fire started accidentally," said Kenneth Gibbs, chief arson investigator. "A spark ignited surrounding material." According to the Ouachita Parish tax assessor's records, Eddie Hakim owns the property, valued at nearly $250,000. He is one of three brothers who own Luv N' Care, a company that does business in more than 80 countries and has warehousing or manufacturing facilities in North America, including Monroe, and in Asia. Its products - everything from baby bibs to bottles - are sold by major retailers like Wal-Mart, Kmart, J.C. Penney, Sears, Toys R Us, Rite Aid and others. Firefighters quickly set up a defensive line to fight back the blaze, which had concentrated in the northern section of the almost completed house. Fire Chief Jimmie Bryant said the size of the residence -27,000 square feet in area - proved to be a hindrance. "The accessibility to the structure posed a lot of problems," Bryant said. "This is one of the largest homes. This is one of most significant stories because it is a residence." One firefighter was injured, said David Coco, chief of emergency medical services. As first reported at thenewsstar.com, he suffered third-degree burns to one of his ears and was taken to St. Francis Medical Center, according to Coco. "The firefighter was treated and released," Bryant said. Although there were about 10 construction workers inside the house when the fire started, none of them reported injuries, Coco said. Emergency officials remained on the scene into the evening Tuesday but said the fire was under control. At about 8 p.m. Bryant said they were wrapping up operations. The chief said they requested help from the Ouachita Parish Fire Department if any other fires were reported while city crews battled the fire at the residence next to the University of Louisiana at Monroe. "The parish was called to help at some of the fire stations because of the number we had out here," Bryant said.

Concrete floor collapses atop propane tanks; No one injured in Bedford accident
A freshly poured section of concrete floor collapsed into the basement of a new condominium just off the Bedford Highway Monday, sparking fears of a propane explosion. "About 20 square metres fell in the basement on top of seven or eight 100-pound tanks of propane," Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency Services spokesman John Blandin said yesterday. The floor section, the size of a large living room, fell about three metres shortly before 5 p.m. No injuries were reported. Most of the workers on the Larry Uteck Drive site had finished for the day. A team of firefighters using a device that sniffs out propane fumes entered the basement of Hemlock Park Place about 6 p.m. to check for leaking propane. Although there was a small leak, the gas was dissipating in the air, and firefighters said it posed no threat of explosion or fire. "What we are going to do is put security on the site and deal with it in the morning when we can see what we are doing," Blandin said. Firefighters said they weren't sure what caused the collapse. The propane tanks were being used to fuel large heaters at the construction site. Hemlock Park Place is a four-storey condominium complex overlooking Bedford Basin near Hemlock Ravine Park. Condos are advertised for sale between $179,000 and $272,900. The foundation for the large building is complete, but work has not progressed above the first floor. The floor was poured earlier in the day and left to set. Fire officials said damage to the building will likely be assessed today when inspectors are able to enter the construction site.

Gas line rupture forces evacuation of Bloomington buildings; Construction crew hit line; firefighters called to 3rd incident this year
by Adam VanOsdol Indiana Daily Student Published Tuesday, February 4, 2003
A construction crew digging at the parking garage on the corner of Sixth and Morton streets ruptured a natural gas line Monday afternoon, forcing the evacuation of area businesses and the Monroe County Justice building. The Bloomington Fire Department said there was little danger posed by the rupture but closed off the surrounding city block while workers scrambled to shut off the pipe. The leaking gas sailed north and drifted into open windows at the Monroe County Justice Building down the street, causing nausea and dizziness to those in the building. Except for the 227 inmates, everyone inside was evacuated and went home early. In the end though, the wind actually did more to control the situation, Vectren Energy Company supervisor Mel Williams said. Monday's stiff breeze quickly dissipated the leaking gas, defusing the potentially explosive situation. "Oh, we're glad for the weather," Williams said. "The wind helped more than anything." An hour after the accident, Vectren workers had successfully blocked the leakage. Fire Department Captain Tim Richards said the city block between Sixth and Seventh streets and Walnut and Morton streets was shut down mainly to keep repair workers safe from traffic. The rupture, which was in a low-pressure line, would have been more worrisome if it had been high pressure, Richards said. "It wasn't that bad," Richards said. "It was outdoors, and it was a low pressure line." The rupture disrupted local business for an hour, but owners didn't seem too bothered. Firefighters who went around to area businesses to check for gas accumulation forced the employees of Little Zagreb's Pizza to evacuate. Manager Mark Conlin said he couldn't do prep work as a result. And owner of the Yellow Cab Company John McNeeley said, "It was an honest mistake." At the nearby law office of Kelley, Belcher and Brown, bookkeeper Deena Anderson was preparing billing statements when she smelled gas coming in from an open window. When firefighters arrived, they told her she didn't have to leave, but she did anyway. "They said we weren't in danger," Anderson said. "One of our bosses told us to go home." Williams said he could not comment on the amount of gas that leaked, the cost or whether the pipe was marked. Bloomington Fire Department Captain Roger Kerr said the pipe was unmarked. By 4 p.m. the Justice Building was unusually silent. The only person who stuck around was security guard Don Bennitt, who kept busy by telling confused people that the building was closed for the day. Monroe County resident Charles Bomgardner knocked on the locked door at 4:15 p.m., expecting to pay a small claims fine. Bennitt told him everyone had gone home. "I work the rest of the week," a frustrated Bomgardner said. "It's going to be very difficult for me to come back." Ruptured gas lines have become a common incident for Bloomington's Fire Department. This is the third since the beginning of the year, Batallian Chief Terry Williams said. "Gas is a scary thing," he said.

OSHA begins investigation of fatal construction accident
By PAUL MEYER , Staff writer 02/05/2003
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has begun its investigation into the death of a construction worker killed Monday afternoon along Spring Creek Parkway when the trench he was working in flooded with water and collapsed. Fort Worth resident Adrian Gutierrez, 22, was working in a 10-foot-deep trench when he apparently tapped into a pressurized city water main and became trapped for at least 30 minutes under water. Gutierrez was an employee of Irving-based JCM Contracting Co., hired to work on a city road-widening project along Spring Creek Parkway. "He was tapping into the city water main, and when he released the cap, the pressure was not off," Fire Department spokeswoman Monique Cardwell said. "The water shot back at him and filled the trench with water. "Because he was under water and it was so cold, once we got him out, we did initiate resuscitation efforts before transporting him to Presbyterian Hospital." Fire officials received the call for help at 3:14 p.m., arriving at the intersection of Spring Creek Parkway and Communications Parkway at 3:20 p.m., according to Cardwell. Another worker in the trench managed to escape and suffered only minor leg injuries. He was taken to Presbyterian Hospital and released. Kathryn Delaney, OSHA's area director, said Tuesday that the investigation into the worker's death will include a systematic look into both the physical circumstances and the employer's safety record. "On these matters we do not merely look at the physical conditions and circumstances," Delaney said. "We plan to study the employer's safety programs, training, and conduct a systematic investigation of the situation." Delaney, however, refused to speculate on the cause of the accident. "It's unfair to the family of the victim to speculate at this point about the cause or causes," Delaney said. "I anticipate it will be at least two months before the investigation is complete." City Engineer Alan Upchurch, who supervises contracting work throughout the city, said Tuesday that the worker was part of the road project to widen Spring Creek Parkway. Weir Brothers is the listed general contractor for the project, according to Upchurch. Officials with the company did not return calls for comment. "What occurred was a tragedy with the death of the construction worker who was working on a road widening project along Spring Creek," Upchurch said. "I'm sure there will be some investigating to determine what went wrong, but at this point in time it appears the contractor made a mistake in determining whether the water was shut off." Typically, Upchurch said, contractors will call the city Water Department to confirm that water in a construction area has been shut off. It was not known if that protocol was followed Monday. "We will typically hold preconstruction conferences before work starts to go over a list of things that need to be done," Upchurch said. Monday's events were the second time in recent memory a construction worker has been killed in the city while working on a project. It was over two years ago that a worker was killed near 2600 Central Expressway after the trench he was working in collapsed.

Worker Dies After Falling Into Well
February 5, 2003
PINEHURST -- A man working at a Habitat For Humanity site was killed when he fell head first into a 55 foot-deep well Wednesday morning. The accident happened around 10 a.m. near the city of Pinehurst on Juniper Lake Road off of Highway 211. Thirty-five-year-old Jack Henry King of Lake View was working for a well-drilling company. He was working on the well that he fell into. The well and nearby sandy ground had to be stabilized before any rescue efforts could be attempted. Once the well was stabilized, rescue crews lowered a camera to check the victim. When crews couldn't view any movement through the camera, they sent a rescue worker down to retrieve the body. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration will visit the site.

Construction worker killed in Lewisville
02/05/2003 By LESLEY TÈLLEZ / The Dallas Morning News
One construction worker was killed and a second was injured Wednesday afternoon when a forklift apparently ran over them at the site of the new Lewisville City Hall in Old Town. The injured man was transported to Medical Center of Lewisville, where he was listed in stable condition. The victims' names were not immediately available, officials said. All three men involved were employed by a contractor, whose name was not available Wednesday. The cause of the accident remained under investigation. Police, firefighters and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration were to be involved in the probe. "We are just interviewing workers to try to find out what happened," city spokesman James Kunke said. "We just don't know yet." This was the second fatality at the site. Last March, Brian Keith Cummings, 27, of Howe was killed while working below a crane. Mr. Cummings worked for N.L. Schutte Foundation Drilling Inc., a company subcontracted to do foundation work on the new $12 million City Hall.

Man Rescued From Water Tower
Some Round Rock firefighters had to maneuver through tight spaces to rescue a man Tuesday afternoon. He had fallen while working inside a water tower. Firefighters were working a rigging system with ropes to lower their patient. He was about 128 feet above ground painting the inside of the water tank when he fell off scaffolding. "He fell approximately 10 feet, striking his head and complaining of severe back injuries," Lt. David Kieschnick with the Round Rock Fire Department said. Round Rock firefighters used this basket to secure the patient before bringing him down. Tight confined spaces is what rescuers like Lieutenant David Kieschnick had to work in. "The initial area getting him out was only 16 inches in diameter that we had to get him out of the reservoir," Kieschnick said. "Actually they had disassemble some of the the scaffolding to do the patient care and patient assessing," Round Rock Deputy Fire Chief Ronald Garzarek said. Then they brought the patient down a ladder inside the long tower was not a straight shot. "Three or four different levels that the ladder changed on the way up. About every 30 feet they'd change, change direction from wall to wall," Kieschnick said. It took about two careful hours to bring the injured man down the water tower. Williamson County paramedics say he was in stable condition. Round Rock's deputy fire chief credits the rescue to some of the intricate training firefighters go through. "And this is the scenario you paing when you have high angle resuces, or potential high angle rescues. You can look at this tower itself and see it's fraught with danger," Garzarek said. The patient is about 30-years-old, and he was taken to Brackenridge Hospital from Round Rock. The lieutenant who was one of the rescuers said the man was alert and talking to them as he was brought down.

Man falls to death at college
Sunday, February 2, 2003 By Angela Sykes Madera Tribune
A Tulare man fell to his death while working with a construction crew at the Madera College Center Friday morning. Samuel Fidler, 22, a construction worker with Harris Construction of Tulare, was working two stories up at the construction site at the Madera College Center when he lost his balance and fell 28-feet, head first, landing on a slab of cement, according to Erica Stuart, Madera County Sheriff's Department public information officer. According to Stuart, Fidler died instantly. A source who works at the Madera College Center heard one of the construction workers yelling "Oh - - - -! Call 9-1-1" from across the campus about 9 a.m. Friday morning. Officials from the State Center Community College District, Madera Center declined to make a statement about the incident. Attempts to contact Harris Construction officials for comment were unsuccessful as of press time.

UPDATE Billboard company says no defects in design
LAWRENCEVILLE - The Tennessee company that designed the Snellville billboard that collapsed and killed three workers last August claims it did not contain any defects. An attorney for the Thompson Engineering Group of Athens, Tennessee -- Tracy Wooden -- made the statement. It came after the Occupational Safety and Health Administration said Tuesday that the structural design of the billboard did not conform to steel industry requirements. Wooden says the company provides an engineering plan for signs but does not make them. OSHA also sent a letter to Phoenix Structures and Services, blaming the company for ``extensive flaws'' in the welding of the billboard. Phoenix -- also of Athens, Tennessee -- could not be reached for comment. OSHA's area director -- G.T. Breezley -- says he wants the billboard industry to check every sign made by Phoenix or designed by Thompson.

Johnston County Worker Killed In Accident
Location: Milburn Posted: January 31, 2003
A Johnston County road worker has been killed in an accident while co-workers were trying to pull his road grader out of a ditch. John Black senior of Wapanucka died in the accident yesterday at Milburn, east of Tishomingo. Road foreman Danny Lowe says Black was spreading gravel when his grader became stuck. Lowe says the co-workers were stretching a heavy-duty tow rope, a shank snapped and crashed into the cab of the grader, hitting Black in the head. Lowe says the rope is made especially for towing and the procedure has been used numerous times.

UPDATE Illinois man had his doubts about surviving cave-in
By Terry Hillig Post-Dispatch 01/30/2003 09:26 PM
The man who was buried for 20 minutes when a trench collapsed Monday in Bethalto says he wasn't sure he would make it out alive. "It was wet," Wes Smith, 19, said in an interview. "There was water in the ditch. I thought it was 3 or 4 inches from my chin." As soon as the 17-foot trench collapsed, five or six of Smith's co-workers at Design Excavating of Edwardsville began frantically digging. They were joined by eight or nine volunteer Bethalto firefighters. "I knew they would try their best to get me out," Smith said of his rescuers. "I knew they wouldn't give up but I'm sure glad I made it, though. I'm just grateful to them big time." An air pocket around Smith's face may have saved him from suffocation. But there was considerable pressure on his chest and it was increasingly difficult to breathe as the minutes passed, he said. Smith was part of a crew installing sewer lines at the Patriot's Crossing subdivision. Smith suffered bruises and a partly collapsed lung but returned to his home in Girard, Ill., 65 miles north of St. Louis, after spending Monday night at St. Louis University Hospital. He said Wednesday that he was "still sore all over" but knew he was very fortunate. Smith said he had worked for the company for four or five months. He said he liked the job and planned to return to work after Feb. 7 but wonders whether he will feel safe working in a trench. Bethalto Fire Chief John Nolte said Monday that Smith was working without any safety precautions, in apparent violation of federal regulations for sloping or shoring or use of a trench box for work in trenches 4 feet or greater in depth. Robert Plummer, owner of Design Excavating, said the company emphasizes safety and said he was "sick" about the accident but relieved that Smith's injuries were not more serious. "It's just really fortunate," Plummer said. "He is really a nice young man. We look forward to him being back." The accident is being investigated by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Building Collapse Forces Temporary Shut Down Of Metro North Service Into, Out Of Grand Central
A partial building collapse in Harlem forced the MTA to temporarily suspend Metro North Train service into and out of Grand Central Station Friday afternoon. Officials say a partial building collapse at 1672 Park Avenue, at 118th Street Friday afternoon left remainder of the building unstable. Because of this, Metro North trains on the Harlem, New Haven and Hudson Lines were not allowed to pass through the area. Service was shut down for about an hour before being restored at about 4:20pm, according to a spokeswoman for Metro-North. The trains were observing 15 mph speed restrictions through the building collapse area late Friday afternoon. And officials expected service to return to normal by about 5:00pm. Officials said subway service in the area was not affected. The building collapsed shortly after 3:00pm. The FDNY said no one was injured or trapped. Officials from the city buildings department, Office of Emergency Management and the FDNY were on scene early Friday afternoon.

Construction worker hurt in Weston fall
By Evan Hessel
A 33-year-old Naples construction worker broke both heels and injured his lower back when he fell 18-feet off of a ladder in Weston. The man was working at a house in Woodmill Ranch Estates in the 3300 block of Fairfield Lane, said Todd LeDuc, spokesman for Broward County Fire Rescue. He was standing on a fiberglass ladder leaned against the roof when the ladder collapsed, LeDuc said.

Graycor settles injury lawsuit; Worker will get $3.75 million after falling from ladder
Friday, January 31, 2003 By Jennifer Martikean Staff writer
A Homewood construction company will pay more than $3 million to a subcontracted worker who was severely injured when he fell off of a ladder at a job site. Graycor Construction Co. settled the personal injury lawsuit Tuesday in Cook County Circuit Court for $3.75 million. Graycor was sued by Charles Gates, a member of Laborers Union Local 96 who was working for subcontractor Weiss Construction doing masonry work at the time of the accident, said Gates' attorney, Larry Weisman of the Chicago law firm Goldberg, Weisman & Cairo. "The ladder on the job site violated several (workplace regulations) and despite complaints, the general contractor permitted the ladder to be used and Mr. Gates fell," Weisman said. Gates fell off of the ladder in December 1997 as he was climbing it to work on a project at the University of Chicago Hospitals, Weisman said. Because of the design of the ladder, workers had to carry their lunch and tools under their arms as they climbed, instead of putting them in a container that could later be hoisted up to the work site. When he fell, Gates was attempting to carry his lunch under his arm. "The ladder was built on the job site and it was the only means of access to a certain point of the construction site," he said. Gates, who lives in Kane County, was hospitalized for about two weeks after the accident and was in rehabilitation for many more months, Weisman said. Gates suffers from vision and memory problems, and needs assistance to perform daily tasks, Weisman said. Graycor was represented by William J. Cremer and Thomas R. Pender of the Chicago law firm Cremer, Kopon, Shaushnessy & Spina. Pender said he could not comment on the case because of a confidentiality agreement.

Worker run over by dump truck; Victim hospitalized after levee accident
Thursday January 30, 2003 By Mary Swerczek River Parishes bureau
A 32-year-old Marksville man was in stable condition after being run over by a dump truck on the Mississippi River levee across from Ormond Boulevard on Tuesday afternoon. Jonathan Dauzat was pinned under the truck until East St. Charles volunteer firefighters lifted it with air bags and freed him, St. Charles Parish Sheriff's Office spokesman Capt. Pat Yoes said. Dauzat was airlifted to West Jefferson Hospital. Dauzat was working for James Construction Group LLC marking lines along the levee when Joseph Berryhill, 46, of Westwego, who works for Miller Excavating Service, accidentally backed over him, Yoes said. The accident happened at about 1:45 p.m. "He was bending over marking lines," Yoes said. "The driver didn't see anyone behind him and backed up." Another worker ran to the truck and told Berryhill that Dauzat was pinned underneath it, Yoes said. Yoes said he did not know how long Dauzat was trapped under the truck. Dauzat and Berryhill are among workers pouring asphalt on the levee to build the first eight miles of an 18-mile bicycle path. The first section of the route will tie into the existing path at the St. Charles-Jefferson Parish line and extend to Ormond Boulevard.

UPDATE Firm cited over death at skybox work site
A Jacksonville subcontractor involved in the construction of a new skybox at the University of Florida's Ben Hill Griffin Stadium is facing citations in connection with last year's death of a construction worker. The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration noted problems with bolts used on a brace system and also with fall protection for employees, paperwork filed by the agency shows. A representative for Summit Erectors Inc. could not be reached for comment Wednesday. OSHA records show the business is contesting the three violations noted by the agency. A hearing on the matter has been scheduled for late February. OSHA investigated circumstances surrounding the death of James Sudak, 45, of Jacksonville, an ironworker for Summit Erectors Inc. He died July 24 while setting a concrete column at the stadium. Sudak was struck by a steel brace supporting the column, University Police reported. He fell about 60 feet, landing on a concrete platform. OSHA said bolts used on the brace system were not appropriate and a torque wrench was not used to install bolts onto the brace system. "This could cause the brace to separate from its anchor point on the concrete column and fall onto an employee," OSHA's report stated. A cable guardrail system also had been removed so concrete columns could be brought into the site, but an alternative fall protection was not used, creating an 80-foot fall hazard, OSHA found. A wire rope perimeter guardrail system also was loose, creating a fall hazard, OSHA reported. The violations are categorized as serious, meaning they can result in a serious injury, illness or death, said James Borders, director of OSHA's Jacksonville office. "I don't think any construction site, large or small, should have any violations," Borders said. "They're designed so any employer can meet them." Borders said OSHA employees spend most of their time at construction sites because of the large number of fatalities reported in Florida. Falls accounted for 23 of the 43 construction-related deaths investigated by OSHA in the state between Oct. 1, 2001, and May 31, 2002, the agency reports. OSHA has proposed the business should pay $9,800 as penalty for the violations. No final determination on the case will be made until the business has a chance to contest or appeal the citations. Borders said the construction project's general contractor, Turner-PPI Joint Venture, is considered the "controlling employer" at this site and was involved in the inspection. But there was no finding that it violated OSHA rules in this case. Shortly after Sudak's death, his son and several of his co-worker had said safety standards were ignored. They said the brace had come loose from its bracket and a cable barrier along the ledge over which Sudak fell was not up at the time. Instead, they said, it was put up immediately after the accident. Workers said precautions that could have been used would have been safety walls, harnesses and secondary lifelines - anchored cables with a tether long enough to allow workers to move freely but short enough so they would not fall far in an accident.

UPDATE OSHA points to faulty design in billboard collapse
SNELLVILLE - The Occupational Safety and Health Administration says faulty design and manufacturing led to a billboard collapse that killed three workers in August, a federal agency concluded. OSHA's area director G.T. Breezley said the design by Thompson Engineering Group of Athens, Tenn., did not conform to steel industry requirements. He blamed Phoenix Structures & Service, also of Athens, Tenn., for welding flaws. Breezley said he wanted the billboard industry to check every sign made by Phoenix or designed by Thompson. He's also notifying billboard companies and industry trade journals, but OSHA won't issue citations. The workplace safety agency can impose punishment only when companies knowingly expose employees to a hazardous situation, Breezley said. Trinity Outdoor of Buford bought the 35,000-pound billboard, and Fowler Sign Co. of Lilburn employed the workers who were killed.

4 workers injured when crane collapses at Pompano apartment site
By ARDY FRIEDBERG sun-sentinel.com January 29, 2003, 11:31 AM EST
POMPANO BEACH – Four people were hurt – one critically – when a crane collapsed and snapped at a construction site for the new Laguna Pointe Apartments complex, city officials said. None of the injured were immediately identified in the 7:55 a.m. Wednesday accident on the 900 block of West McNab Road just east of Interstate 95. Two of the construction workers were rushed to North Broward Medical Center, and one of those suffered from multiple fractures and other injuries. Another worker was sent to the nearby North Ridge Medical Center and another was treated at the accident scene, said city spokeswoman Sandra King. The reason for the crane collapse was not immediately known, King said. Witnesses said the crane, which had a Zeiger Crane Rental sign on its side, was lifting what are called tunnel forms to the second floor of a building under construction. The forms are used in building floors, King said. For some reason the crane collapsed dropping its load onto the construction area. The worker with the critical injuries was working on the second floor, she said. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration was notified of the accident.

Work site cave-in kills two brothers; Trench collapse at future Blythewood High is under investigation
By LORA HINES Staff Writer
Two brothers died Tuesday in a torrent of dirt that poured into a trench where they were working at the Blythewood High School construction site. Rigobeto Xaca Sandoval, 22, and Moises Xaca Sandoval, 22, both of 1515 Busbee Road, Gaston, probably died instantly, their skulls crushed by the soil that buried them, Richland County Coroner Gary Watts said. They were in what appeared to be an 8-foot-deep, 2-foot-wide trench, he said. The brothers were identified by resident alien cards, Watts said. He did not recall their nationality. They recently had moved in with a couple in a mobile home in Gaston in Lexington County. Before that they had lived in the town of Denmark, officials said. Neighbor Calvin Brown, 34, said they had lived there about two weeks. The brothers spoke little, if any, English, Brown said. The Latino friend they lived with, who would not give his name, said he was overwhelmed by the tragic cave-in. "They were good people," he said tearfully in Spanish. Someone at the site called for help about 8:20 a.m. as construction workers scrambled to dig the brothers out. By the time rescuers arrived the brothers had been uncovered, Watts said. At least 40 people were at the site working on different projects, said Ken Blackstone, Richland 2 School District spokesman. Crews started work about 7 a.m. The Xaca Sandovals were part of a Burriss Electrical crew that was installing an electrical conduit, Blackstone said. The trench for the conduit had been dug in a compacted area that will become the high school's foundation. The soil is mostly sandy with some clay, Blackstone said. Burriss is one of six contractors at the site. No one from Burriss Electrical in Lexington could be reached. "The Burriss Electrical family of employees send out our prayers and condolences to the families involved in today's tragic accident," company officials said in a written statement. "We are still investigating the accident and are cooperating with authorities." The state Occupational Safety and Heath Administration, part of the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, is investigating, said LLR spokesman Jim Knight. Knight said the investigation could take six weeks. Investigators will interview employees and witnesses to determine what the Xaca Sandovals were doing when the trench collapsed, Knight said. Investigators also will examine equipment and look at how the task was being done to determine whether an OSHA standard had been violated. Construction will continue while investigators work, Knight said. For the last six months, crews have been preparing the site off U.S. 21 for construction, Blackstone said. A two-story, 390,000-square-foot building, costing about $50 million, should be ready for the start of school in 2005, school district officials said. "As early as we are in the construction phase, I don't know that (the cave-in) will significantly alter the schedule," Blackstone said. Burriss Electrical, which was awarded the contract to install electricity with a $3,043,400 bid, has been cited nine times in five planned inspections since January 2000, LLR records show. "They have not had an accident," Knight said. "They have a clean record as far as accidents go with OSHA." In August 2000, OSHA cited Burriss for failing to make daily inspections of excavations and protective systems to prevent cave-ins at a site at Stivers Chrysler Jeep Inc., 5215 Sunset Blvd., Lexington, LLR documents show. No one knowledgeable in soil analysis or trenching systems and analysis was on that site, records show. Burriss was not fined and the violation was not listed as serious because it involved a 4-feet deep trench, Knight said. OSHA regulates trenches 5 feet and deeper. Richland 2 school board chairman Bill McCracken said the board wants to console the victims' families. "Our concern is to make sure we do whatever we can to make sure this doesn't happen again," he said. Staff writers Clif LeBlanc and Nicole Sweeney contributed to this article.

Worker, 19, is injured when trench collapses around him
By TERRY HILLIG Post-Dispatch 01/27/2003 10:30 PM
A 19-year-old worker survived being buried for about 20 minutes after a trench collapsed Monday morning in Bethalto. "It's a wonder he wasn't killed," Bethalto Fire Chief John Nolte said of Wes Smith, who was flown by helicopter to St. Louis University Hospital after the rescue. Smith was working at the bottom of a trench when it collapsed about 9:30 a.m. He and three co-workers were installing sewers in Patriots' Crossing, a subdivision being developed along Moreland Road about a mile north of Illinois Route 140. Nolte said Smith, of Girard, was working in a trench that appeared to be 18 to 20 feet deep without any shoring or other protection. Nolte said such protection was required for work in trenches deeper than shoulder height. The workers were joined by eight or nine Bethalto volunteer firefighters, and Nolte said they dug Smith out by hand, "one shovel at a time," in about 20 minutes. The rescuers were themselves in substantial danger, he said. Smith told his rescuers he had worried about drowning because of rising ground water. Nolte said that loose soil around Smith's face allowed him to breathe, and survive. "He's a very lucky person," the chief said. Smith was listed in fair condition later at the hospital. A spokeswoman said he had no life-threatening injuries and likely would be held for observation overnight and discharged today. Smith worked for Design Excavating of Edwardsville, owned by Robert Plummer. Plummer said Smith was in good shape when he visited the injured man in his hospital room Monday night. "He's shook up, no doubt about it," Plummer said. "But there's no broken bones, and he was walking around." Plummer wasn't at the job site when Smith was injured and said he couldn't comment on the details of the incident. "We stress safety, we stress making proper decisions," he said. "We're sick about this." An investigator from the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration was dispatched to the site after OSHA personnel in Belleville learned of the mishap from a reporter. Peggy Zweer, OSHA director for 81 counties in Illinois, said the accident was not one that the employer was required to report. Zweber said federal regulations require sloping or shoring or other protection for work in trenches 4 feet or greater in depth.

£500,000 damages for 22ft fall
10:49 Tuesday 28th January 2003
A LABOURER who suffered brain damage after a devastating fall from scaffolding at the Glades shopping centre in Bromley has won £500,000 compensation. Brian Tighe, 54, suffered skull fractures, a broken back and broken ribs when he fell 22 feet while constructing the Glades in December 1989. His head injuries resulted in severe memory loss and general mental impairment. Mr Tighe is now living in a care home but for much of the past decade he was cared for by his brother Michael who lives in Alderwood Road, Eltham. His counsel, Gerwyn Samuel, said Michael Tighe had taken on his brother's care "in an attempt to avoid him being institutionalised" but his own marriage had suffered in the process. "For many years they never even had a weekend together," he told the court. "Michael Tighe was intent on looking after his brother, who really did need full-time care but wasn't getting it from the social services and so the family stepped in," Mr Samuel added. But Brian Tighe's condition had worsened over the years culminating in his final admission to institutional care. Mr Tighe was not a trained scaffolder but on the day of the accident was sent aloft to help lower a space heater to the ground with the aid of a rope. While doing so he overbalanced toppling 22 feet to the ground below. Michael Tighe claimed damages on his brother's behalf, suing former employers, Tarmac Construction Ltd, of Cornwall Terrace, north London. Mr Samuel told Mr Justice Treacy, a settlement has now been agreed whereby Mr Tighe will receive £500,000 for injuries. The judge approved the providing of a £48,000 settlement to Michael Tighe as some compensation for his past care and expense.

A 35-year-old West Valley City man has died from injuries suffered in an accident at a Park City construction site Friday. Bidal Banuelos-Castaneda fell about 20 feet from a scaffolding at a construction project at Deer Valley, injuring his head and neck, according to a Park City police report. He was transported by air to University Hospital in Salt Lake City where he later died.

Parent Category: Incident Alert Archives
Category: Construction Accidents

Construction Accidents Page #1

This page was last updated on  05/06/2010

Construction worker hurt in fall
Jan. 26, 2003 Post-Tribune staff report
CENTER TWP.— A construction worker is still listed in serious condition a day after falling 35 feet Friday while working on a multi-unit building in the Aberdeen subdivision. Oscar Sauceda, 44, of Lake Station fell onto a concrete sidewalk while working at the building on South Marcliffe. Sauceda was taken to Porter Memorial Hospital and is still being held there. Valparaiso firefighters said another man working on the ground suffered minor injuries from falling objects. Police officers covered Sauceda with coats and blankets to keep him warm until an ambulance could find the accident site.

UPDATE Safety scrutinized in November construction death
By EILEEN ZAFFIRO Staff Writer Jan 25, 11:49 PM
DAYTONA BEACH -- A crumbling wreath of flowers and a goodbye scrawled on weathered paper defied the ocean wind for weeks, clinging to an elevator shaft where 23-year-old Florencio Mendoza was crushed from the waist down in November. endoza's weekend was an hour away the Friday afternoon he slipped off the top of an elevator, became entangled in a metal tower and was pinned beneath a multi-ton counterweight for 20 minutes. Doctors fought to save the construction worker, but he died three days later. In the weeks since the fatal Nov. 15 accident at the Ocean Walk Resort North high-rise, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has been trying to figure out why the DeLeon Springs man fell. It's not the first time OSHA has investigated the two companies in charge of the 25-story time share project for fall-related problems. Together, the two companies have racked up at least 57 fall violations and have been fined $60,000 over the years. A Daytona Beach News-Journal analysis of OSHA records showed Welbro Building Corp., a 24-year-old company based in Maitland, has been cited at least 21 times since 1984 for fall-related violations at its Florida work sites. Welbro, which also has a South Carolina office, has been fined about $30,000 over the past two decades for fall-related problems, including one $18,700 fine for a repeat handrail violation. Foley and Associates Construction Co., a 28-year-old Daytona Beach-based business that is Volusia County's largest general contractor, has been cited by OSHA at least 36 times since 1975 for fall-related violations at its Florida work sites. Foley also was fined at least $30,000 over the years for conditions that created a danger of falls, according to OSHA records. Both companies' citations, most of which were not spurred by accidents, were for such violations as failing to provide fall protection, deficiencies in guardrails and scaffolds and dangerous openings in floors and walls. James Borders, area director for the OSHA office that covers Volusia County, said both companies' tallies sound like more than the accumulation of routine slip-ups. "To me, they appear high," said Borders, who is based in Jacksonville and has been with OSHA since 1975. "But that's just a comment from the gut." A search of some other companies' records might turn up similar results, Borders said, but added, "Companies should not have to be cited that many times for fall-related problems." Luis Santiago, area director for OSHA's Fort Lauderdale office, said, "If any company had five or six violations of fall problems in a five- to 10-year period, it would concern me." Welbro and Foley's fall citation totals also sound high to Mike Williams, state president of Florida Building Trades. "But that doesn't mean those companies are any worse than the one next door," Williams said. "They just got caught." Both Welbro and Foley vehemently defend their safety practices, and point to their successes. Welbro has built a major hotel, sports complex and school buildings in Orlando, while Foley helped build the Justice Center on Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona USA, parts of Stetson University and the Hilton Garden Inn near the Daytona Beach airport. "We continue to strive to do the best we can in a fragile world," said Foley President and CEO Arthur Simpson. All building contractors wind up with some fall protection violations, said Bruce Holmes, executive vice president of Welbro, Mendoza's employer. Considering Welbro has been inspected about 140 times over the years, getting slapped with 21 fall-related violations is not so deplorable, Holmes said. "A work site is a very dynamic place," he said. "You can have all safety barricades in place, and 20 minutes later someone can move one and you're in violation. It's not an unnecessary standard, but it's a tough standard." Officials at the North Atlantic Avenue construction site say no one witnessed Mendoza falling as he greased parts of the hoist, which was carrying people from floor to floor as he worked. It's still not known exactly how the Mexican native's 6-foot safety strap failed to keep him on top of the elevator he was in charge of operating and maintaining. A site supervisor said OSHA inspectors "didn't find any discrepancies in the building or the hoists," which have been back in use for about seven weeks. On the day of the accident, there was speculation that the counterweights broke, but that theory has not been confirmed. Project leaders say they're sincerely baffled. "It's an unusual occurrence unprecedented in our careers," Holmes said. "We've never had a death of a worker. We're rather traumatized by this." About 10 years ago a man working on a Welbro project was killed by electrocution, but he worked for a subcontractor, Holmes said. Foley has also lost only one other worker on a past job site, a man who was killed by a lightning strike several years ago, corporate officials said. "I'm as mystified as anyone," Simpson said. "We're still in shock about this."

Wentworth worker is hurt in fall
By Christine Gillette
NEW CASTLE - A worker on the renovation of the Wentworth by the Sea Hotel in New Castle was injured when he fell from the fourth floor. The worker fell either through a window or an opening in the wall of the hotel's fourth floor last Friday, according to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration, which is investigating the accident. The worker was injured in the fall, but not fatally, according to OSHA and others with information on the incident who did not wish to be identified. The construction worker is an employee of Court Con, a general contracting arm of Ocean Properties, which owns the hotel and is renovating it to be reopened later this year. Ocean Properties refused to comment on the job-site accident. Neither Ocean Properties, nor New Castle police would release the identity of the injured worker. Information on his condition was not available, although he reportedly sustained leg injuries in the fall. OSHA's investigation is expected to continue until at least Monday, according to Paul O'Connell, acting OSHA area director for New Hampshire. "When that's done then we'll have to put all the facts together and if it's appropriate, if there have been some OSHA standards violated then we could issue some citations to the employer," O'Connell said.

Tank Explosion: Three Killed in Lagos
By Chris Anucha
No fewer than three persons died from a tank explosion in a building on Victoria Island Annex Extension, Lagos on Thursday night. The incident, which occurred at about 8.30am- 9pm at the old building under reconstruction, was said to have claimed the lives of the three workmen while trying, on the orders of the contractor handling the project, to set ablaze an underground water tank in the premises. The three persons were said to have died in the hospital where they were rushed for medical attention for the severe injuries they sustained from the explosion. Contacted last night for confirmation, both the State Commissioner of Police (CP), Mr. Young Arebamen and the Area Commander, Area 'A' Command of the State, Police Command, Mr. Felix A. Ojiri, said the bodies of the three persons, who died in the incident, have been deposited in the mortuary at the Lagos Island General Hospital, while the Contractor to the building was being held at the Maroko Police Division for questioning. Ojiri, who described the incident as purely accidental and an act of stupidity on the part of the contractor and the men, said the contractor had found the underground tank in the building after demolishing it for reconstruction. "They tried to remove it but they could not because the iron rods around it would not allow it to be pulled out. Then, they thought of putting fire on place to melt the iron rods. They heaped up tyres there, tried to put fire on them, they did not catch, then they put petrol and set fire on them. Just as the fire was burning, the tank suddenly exploded, and pieces of it hit the workmen, who were severely injured. They were rushed to the hospital where they eventually gave up the ghost. It was an act of stupidity" the Area Com-mander said.

Salinas restaurant evacuated for fire
ASalinas restaurant was evacuated Friday when a small fire broke out in a ventilator duct on the roof. Elli's Restaurant, a new business at 1250 S. Main St., was cleared out at 1:40 p.m. after someone noticed smoke billowing from the roof. Salinas fire Capt. Brett Loomis said roofers were using a torch on a repair when a spark caused a small fire in a filter. Loomis said the heat melted a plastic motor casing, burning a filter inside. The business was evacuated for about 20 minutes, while firefighters put out the fire. Damage was minimal.

Two construction companies are being cited by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration for safety violations. The violations were discovered after an accident at a construction site in Brunswick in November of 2002. Workers were putting together the frame for a new medical office building when several large wooden trusses collapsed bringing the workers down with them. Four workers were injured. OSHA has proposed $5,700 in fines to Maple Leaf Construction of Waterville and $3,500 to Alliance Construction of Scarbourough. The companies are expected to appeal.

Two labourers die as trench caves in
Express News Service Ahmedabad, January 24
TWO labourers died when the trench they were digging near Bhilwas area of Sardarnagar here, caved in on Friday afternoon. They were laying a sewerage pipeline for the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC). The deceased have been identified as Suresh Bhanji (25) and Devilal (30), both hailing from Banswada in Rajasthan and residing at Majoorgam near Geeta Mandir. While, Assistant Engineer of AMC, Ashok Patel also fell in the trench, he lived as he fell on an underground electricity cable on the upper part of the trench. According to Shankar Valji Damor, a fellow labourer who is also the complainant, they were working at the spot since Thursday as they had been employed to dig an 18-feet deep trench for laying drainage pipes. ''About an hour before the incident, we asked permission from the contractors to widen the trench as the earth was loose and damp. But he denied permission as this would have prolonged the work by half a day. It would also have led to an increase in our wages,'' alleged Damor. ''We knew that the earth was loose and would cave in anytime. And that is exactly what happened,'' he added. According to Damor, the deceased were at a depth of about 10-feet which made it difficult for the other three labourers to dig them out in time. ''The municipal officer was lucky but not the workers. The supervisor was quick to inform the fire brigade but by the time they arrived, it was too late,'' said Shakra Kalyan, another labourer. Sardarnagar police have registered a case against labour contractors Jayanti Nagji and Jetha Amra for causing causing death due to negligence under Section 304 (A).

UPDATE OSHA investigates work-site death
By:B.J. O'Brien January 24, 2003
The Bethel Police Department has deemed that the recent death of an employee of Earthmovers, Inc. at the construction site of the Old Hawleyville Road sewer last week was accidental. Bethel Police Captain Robert Cedergren said that the Occupational Safety Health Administration is still working on the case to determine whether there were any safety violations at the work site. "We investigated to the point that we found it was accidental," Capt. Cedergren noted, adding that the deparment is not pursuing the case any longer but that it would help OSHA if needed. Ricardo Silva, 25, of Division Street in Danbury was in an excavation ditch Jan. 14 when steel reinforcing plates tilted and hit him. Emergency personnel from the Stony Hill Fire Department arrived at the scene and extricated Mr. Silva. He was then brought to Danbury Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Earthmovers, Inc was unable to be reached for comment. First Selectwoman Judith Novachek said that she had been attending Siting Council hearings on the Northeast Utilities transmission line proposal that day and did not hear about the incident until she returned to her office. "I was devastated," she said. "I was heartbroken." She pointed out that Earthmovers has a very good record concerning the care of its employees. "It was something that should never happen," Mrs. Novachek said. "Nothing we can do will bring him back." The town's top official said that the Mr. Silva's family is being taken care of. "The company I know has done everything it could do for the family," she said. Mrs. Novachek said that work on the sewer line had ceased for a time following the accident. "I would imagine they were looking at a series of things," she pointed out. "I can't fault them for that."

Equipment Traps Construction Worker, Injuries Not Yet Known
January 23, 2003
HOUSTON -- Emergency crews responded to the scene of a construction accident Thursday afternoon, when a worker became trapped in a 14-foot hole that had been shored up, officials said. Authorities said that the accident happened around 3 p.m. in the 14000 block of Hillcroft near Chasewood Drive in southwest Houston. Officials said that a concrete pipe hit the 20-year-old worker, causing him to fall into the hole. He then became wedged between the pipe and concrete. It took about an hour for rescuers to free him, stabilize him and place him on a rescue basket so he could be pulled out of the trench with a crane. He was taken to Ben Taub Hospital in stable condition. His exact injuries are not yet known.

Plumbing accident sparks 2-alarm fire
William Kaempffer, Register Staff January 23, 2003
NEW HAVEN — A plumbing mishap sparked a two-alarm fire in the city's Hill section that left five people temporarily homeless. The blaze at 126 Plymouth St. caused considerable damage to the 2½-story house and began in a second-floor closet, fire fighters said. Neighbor Angie Castillo said she saw the heavy smoke outside and saw heavy flames after she opened her window. "I opened the window and I saw fire, so I called 911," Castillo said. Assistant Fire Chief Michael Grant said the fire started in the closet and quickly extended to the third floor. Five residents, including three children, were put up by the American Red Cross. A plumber using a torch to work on pipes apparently started the fire accidentally. Leith Fraser, the plumber, said water pipes froze and then burst after the furnace stopped working. The owner hired him to fix the plumbing and he was doing that when the fire started. He said he was welding in a new section of pipe when he started smelling smoke. They tried to put out the flames with water but called the fire department when they were unsuccessful.

Gas leak forces UF students out of 2 houses
About 12 University of Florida students were jostled from their morning routine on Wednesday when a construction worker operating a backhoe ruptured a gas line near their residence. The incident occurred about 10 a.m. as Gainesville Regional Utilities' Water Department workers were installing a new water main underground at the corner of SW 12th Street and SW 7th Avenue, said Thor Wishart of GRU. After the backhoe cut through the 1-inch natural gas pipe, GRU evacuated the residents of the Pilot and Badcock Scholarship houses on SW 12th Street across from UF's Norman Hall. Gainesville Fire Rescue spokesman Stuart Schwartz said the alarm of a natural gas smell first was received from UF, and firefighters deployed hoses in case of an explosion, but the morning breeze helped disperse the gas. The students were able to return home after about 2 1/2 hours of waiting for the repairs, said Valerie Wright, head resident at the Pilot Scholarship house. Two blocks of 12th Street were blocked off and bus routes were rerouted while crews worked to repair the gas pipe.

Fires ravage two homes
Tuesday, January 21, 2003 By SEAN C. McCULLEN Staff Writer
BRIDGETON -- Two house fires in the city Monday afternoon were quickly brought under control by the Bridgeton Fire Department, but both have left the victims displaced for the time being. The fire department received their first call to duty Monday at 12:13 p.m. when a neighbor reported a fire at 131 South Ave. The fire was declared under control at 12:45 p.m., according to fire investigator Gene Shelton. "The quick response from the fire department and the fact that a neighbor called in the one on South Avenue saved it from totaling the whole house and pretty much kept it to a small area," Fire Chief David Schoch said. No one was home at the time of the fire, which Shelton said has been ruled accidental. The fire department was once again called to action at 3:21 p.m. for a reported trash can on fire at 19 Rose St. But once firefighters arrived to the scene, they discovered it was more than a mere trash can on fire -- the blaze had quickly spread to the rear wall of the house. The Rose Street fire was declared under control at 3:53 p.m., according to Schoch, but left a large section of the wall and a window severely damaged. Two children and their baby-sitter were at the Rose Street residence when the fire started, but no one was injured. "The fact that the smoke detectors were there and in working order helped avert a much bigger problem," Schoch said. The South Avenue fire started when tar, which had been applied to the roof earlier in the day, leaked down through cracks in the roof into the home's walls. Schoch said the residents finished sealing the roof with a blow torch, which apparently caused the tar to catch fire. The tar leaked down into the walls, slowly burning, and was further fueled by the home's wood. The South Avenue victims were given contact information for the Red Cross in the event they could not find a place to stay while the necessary repairs are made to their home. Shelton said five adults and two children live there. A Red Cross spokesperson said Monday afternoon the organization had not been contacted. The victims of the Rose Street fire were supposed to begin staying at another residence owned by realtor Bob Thompson today. "We usually have enough empty houses to put them up," Thompson said. "In an emergency, we can take care of people, too." Thompson, who said he is also providing temporary lodging to a family displaced Saturday by a fire at a property of his on Cedar Street, said the victims were planning to stay with friends or family last night. He said the victims could move into a property he owns on Bank Street once city officials inspect it for occupancy approval. Schoch said the fire department was assisted at both fires by the Bridgeton Emergency Ambulance Association and the Office of Emergency Management. The Hopewell-Stow Creek Fire Department joined the effort at the South Avenue fire and the Gouldtown Fire Department assisted on Rose Street. Schoch said the two departments, as well as the Fairton Fire Department and Upper Deerfield Fire Department No. 3, are part of a mutual aid agreement with his department. The agreement requires four departments to respond to any fire within a designated quadrant of the city between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. The city fire department likewise responds to any fires in those municipalities during the 12-hour span. After 6 p.m., the departments call in any additional help they may need.

Independence man dies in accident
By The Examiner staff
An Independence man died Tuesday at a downtown Kansas City construction site when his concrete truck slipped from a dirt ramp and fell into a 6-foot-deep ravine. The weight of the truck crushed the cab. Earl F. Bean, 64, was killed instantly, authorities said. Bean had driven to the site to pour foundation footings for a new medical center building. He had been employed by the construction company, Fordyce Concrete, for 18 years. Bean was a lifelong Independence resident who worked hard and spent his free time with his five grandchildren and watching baseball games, said his 20-year-old daughter, Melanie Bean. Melanie Bean, who had lived at home with her father, said he worked long hours but when he was off, they enjoyed driving around looking for new places to eat. "I don't know what I'm going to do now," she said. As of this morning, Melanie Bean was making funeral arrangements.

UPDATE, Conectiv must pay injured house painter $5.1 million
By RENEE WINKLER Courier-Post staff
A jury awarded $5.1 million in damages to a Gloucester County house painter who was partially paralyzed on the job when an exposed electrical line shocked him. Tom Litka, 44, was painting the exterior of a home down the street from his own Franklinville residence when the accident happened June 10, 2000. He fell from a ladder and was shocked by an uninsulated power line attached to a utility pole at the house. Litka broke 15 bones, including several ribs, his backbone and sternum. One bone severed his spine, paralyzing him from the chest down, said his attorney, John Mininno. After four months of hospitalization and physical rehabilitation, Litka must use a wheelchair to move around and rely on friends and family for his care, according to testimony at the trial before Superior Court Judge Charles Little. The power line was installed and maintained by Wilmington, Del.-based Conectiv, which provides electrical service in the Franklin Township area. The company was the defendant in Litka's suit. Litka expressed gratitude after the verdict Friday that New Jersey doesn't impose caps on judgments in civil cases. "He needs constant care, professional care, and this will pay for it," Mininno said. The attorney declined further comment. Conectiv also declined to comment on the suit. The Camden County jury awarded damages of about $7.2 million - $4 million for pain and suffering and the balance for Litka's medical expenses. Jurors found that Litka was 30 percent responsible for his injury, reducing the amount Conectiv must pay to $5.1 million.

No one hurt as debris rains down from condo under construction
By ARDY FRIEDBERG sun-sentinel.com
FORT LAUDERDALE -- Just before 11 a.m. Tuesday, a crane dislodged a section of scaffolding on the 18th floor of a condominium under construction in the 100 block of East Las Olas Boulevard sending timbers and metal tumbling to the ground around the base of the crane. Emergency units responding to the accident said no one was hurt. The general contractor of the Riverhouse Condo Tower is Suffolk Construction of West Palm Beach. A representative of the Occupation Safety and Health Administration said an investigator was being sent to the site.

Man survives 18-foot fall in Saratoga Springs
JIM KINNEY, The Saratogian January 21, 2003
SARATOGA SPRINGS -- A worker hanging drywall for the new CVS drug store building along Congress Street survived an 18-foot fall from a scaffold Monday morning. Bruce Kilmartin, 41, of Boylston Street in Glens Falls, was in stable condition Monday afternoon at Albany Medical Center, Saratoga Springs Police Investigator John Catone said. A state police helicopter flew him to the medical center right from an adjacent parking lot. ''He's going to make it,'' Catone said. ''He is very lucky.'' Kilmartin injured his head and neck. Catone said the hospital told him Kilmartin didn't break his left leg as firefighters originally thought. ''He hit his head and neck on the scaffold on his way down,'' Catone said. Catone said he doesn't know why Kilmartin fell. No witnesses saw him fall, and everything about the scaffolding seemed to be in order. ''There was snow on the victim's shoes,'' Catone said. ''He might have just slipped.'' Kilmartin wasn't wearing a safety harness, though, police later said. Catone said he has referred the case to the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration office in Albany, a standard procedure for workplace accidents. Kilmartin works for subcontractor Niatrast Drywall, Catone said. The Pike Companies of Clifton Park is the general contractor, he said. City Fire Capt. Robert Williams said Kilmartin fell onto a concrete sidewalk. Kilmartin was conscious, but not alert, soon after the accident at about 8 a.m. Jeffrey B. Post, 42, of Ballston Spa, died Dec. 8 of head injuries suffered a day earlier when he fell 12 feet from a scaffold at a Jelenik Building and Renovations job site on Vanderbilt Avenue in Saratoga Springs. Catone investigated Post's death as well. ''He didn't fall as far as Kilmartin, and he died,'' Catone said. ''It just depends on how you fall.''

Falling lumber crushes construction worker
By Staff report
VALLEJO - A construction worker suffered major trauma Friday and was transported by helicopter to John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek after being struck by falling wooden boards, according to the Vallejo Fire Department. The accident occurred at 2:44 p.m. on the 400 block of Redwood Street, Firefighter Matt Fenzl said. he fire department Saturday would not release the name of the injured man, described as being in his 40s, until family can be notified. A spokesman for John Muir Medical Center would not release the current condition of the man.

One worker seriously injured in collapse of 20-storey tower crane
By Dominique Loh
A 20-storey tower crane collapsed on Friday afternoon along Tiong Bahru Road, trapping two workers for more than one and a half hours before they were rescued by Civil Defence officers. One construction worker is believed to have suffered spinal injuries while the other may have broken his leg. Two other workers suffered only minor injuries and were seen hobbling to an ambulance at the accident scene. All four were taken to the Singapore General Hospital. Tsao San, a witness, said: "The first thing I heard was the sound, a very loud crashing sound, much louder than what is normally heard, so you know something extraordinary has happened, so I came and when I got here, everything was as it is, already the crane and the boom were twisted out of shape." Witnesses say the workers were trying to dismantle the crane at about 4.30pm when the structure gave way, trapping the two workers within the main structure. It took about 30 minutes for Civil Defence officers to rescue the first worker, who may have suffered spinal injuries. Major Eric Yap, Commander, Ist CD Division,said: "One of the casualties sustained serious injuries, suspected spinal injuries so we had to be very careful with the rescue and we had to stabilise his condition to ensure his injuries do not get worse when we transfer him down." After the first rescue, officers turned their attention to freeing the other trapped worker, who may have broken his right leg. It is still not known how the crane structure could have given way.

UPDATE Saw injury firm must pay £5,000
By Bridget Ballance
A Staffordshire window manufacturer has been fined £5,000 after a 17-year-old worker was badly hurt using a saw which did not comply with health and safety regulations. Philip Betts was left permanently scarred by the accident at Enterprise Glass and Glazing Limited, formerly of Unit 10, Landywood Enterprise Park, Holly Lane, Great Wyrley. Director Paul Gillion, told Cannock magistrates that the firm admitted failing to ensure the safety of people using a manually fed pivoting head circular saw. Mr Guy Dale, of the Health and Safety Executive, said on April 8 Mr Betts, one of two employees, was using the saw, which was usual practice. His hand slipped off the lever, under the blade causing a serious laceration and severed tendons. He said he still had limited feeling and permanent scarring and arthritis. Factors leading to the accident included a missing spring and safety switch and a guard held in place by sticky tape. Mr Andrew McGuire, defending, said the firm stopped trading two months after the accident and had £6,000 in profits. Mr Betts was now work-ing in another job. Mr McGuire said the tape was an attempt to protect workers a saw bought from a firm which had gone into receivership meaning it was hard to quickly find a replacement spring. Magistrates chairman Graham Jones said the offence warranted a fine of £10,000 but he took into account the firm's finances and it was fined £5,000 and ordered to pay £850 costs.

Whittier man dies from fall into elevator shaft
By Kristopher Hanson
Thursday, January 16, 2003 - LONG BEACH -- A 24- year-old Whittier man was killed early Thursday after plunging nearly 40 feet into an elevator shaft at a Port of Long Beach construction site, officials said. Edward Ulloa fell into the opening while working on the elevator's door frame in a parking structure being built adjacent to the Queen Mary, said Long Beach Fire spokesman Scott Clegg. Paramedics answered a 7:15 a.m. accident call at 1126 Queens Highway and found Ulloa suffering from massive head injuries and chest trauma. "He had minimal signs of life upon our arrival,' Clegg said. Ulloa was rushed to St. Mary Medical Center, where surgeons attempted to stabilize him. However, his injuries were too severe and he died just after 11 a.m., said hospital spokeswoman Kristin Eichelberg. An initial investigation indicated Ulloa was working atop a lift with another worker on the third floor of the parking structure when he leaned over a protective railing and fell, Clegg said. The new 1,450-space parking Structure is being built to accommodate the new Carnival Cruise terminal next to the Queen Mary. It is expected to open this spring. Cal-OSHA, the California branch of the Occupation Safety and Health Administration, will investigate the incident.

1 Dead, 1 Injured In 9th Ward Sewerage Line Accident
Wall Reportedly Collapsed Into Hole
NEW ORLEANS -- An accident Wednesday at a 9th Ward sewerage line repair site has killed one worker and injured another. The accident happened at about 2:30 p.m. in the 1300 block of Kentucky Street, where investigators said a wall collapsed into a 10-foot hole where workers were repairing the line, covering two men with dirt and debris. Brian McGee was taken to Charity Hospital, where he is listed in guarded condition with a broken leg. The name of the man who was killed has not been released pending notification of his family. Both were employed by JLJ Construction, which was contracted by the Sewerage and Water Board. The cause of the accident is under investigation.

Risky rescue at construction site
By Annette Phillips
Local News - Firefighters teamed up with a construction crew yesterday afternoon to pull off the risky rescue of a man who had fallen four metres and lay injured on scaffolding two storeys above the ground. Firefighters, co-workers and ambulance attendants climbed the scaffolding, placed the injured man face-down in a basket and used a small crane called a zoom-boom to lift the basket from the second floor to the ground. It was a precarious rescue for firefighters, who have limited training in "high-angle" rescues, said George Harris, assistant deputy fire chief. Had the crane not been nearby, firefighters would have moved to Plan B – likely lowering the stretcher to the ground with ropes and straps, Harris said. The department has long dreamed of developing a high-angle rescue team to undertake missions like the one performed yesterday, Harris said. Funding has been a problem and firefighters rely on their wits, training and resourcefulness to make do in sticky situations, he said. "For 25 years, we've tried to muddle along, but in this day and age a lot more is expected of firefighters." The injured man, whom police and firefighters could not identify, was working on the construction of a new residence for Queen's University less than a block from Kingston General Hospital. Staff Sgt. Greg Sands of the Kingston police said last night the man's injuries were minor and that he had never lost consciousness. Elio Pira, one of the site foremen, was on the other side of the building when the man fell. Pira orchestrated the rescue. He directed the crane rescue and rode to the ground steadying the stretcher. He said he did not know what caused the fall. Ministry of Labour investigators were on the scene late yesterday looking for clues to the cause of the accident and for any contraventions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, said Belinda Sutton, a ministry spokeswoman. A spokesman for Aecon Corporation, the lead contractor on the site, said the injured worker is employed by a Kingston masonry subcontractor. Santin Mason Contractors on Clyde Court is working at the Queen's site, but a spokeswoman there said she could not confirm whether the injured worker is an employee of the company. Kingston firefighters' high-altitude capabilities were last put to the test in May 1998 when one side of a suspended platform gave way under a couple of window washers high up the outside of the Harbourfront condominium. In that incident, the two men were eventually able to haul themselves up the listing platform and clamber into a window to escape uninjured.

Man severely burned in accident
Last Updated: Jan. 15, 2003
Town of Delafield - A Dousman man was in serious condition Wednesday after he was severely burned in an industrial accident, officials said. Michael J. Mogensen, 54, was taken to the burn center at Columbia St. Mary's, Milwaukee Campus, with second- and third-degree burns to his face, hands and arms, Fire Chief Dean Richards said. Richards and Waukesha County Sheriff's Detective Steve Pederson gave the following account: A crew from Ideal Masonry Inc. was pouring a concrete basement for a home near Lexington Lane and Fairfield Way. An oil used to pour over the frames during the construction process was too thick to use because of the low temperatures. So Mogensen, the company's owner, was in a truck about 10:45 a.m. using a torch connected to a 100-pound propane tank next to the truck to warm a 50-gallon pressurized tank containing 25 gallons of the oil. The heat caused the tank to ignite. Mogensen's employees pulled him out of the truck and away from the fire. They also put out the flames burning his upper body. "This man is the luckiest guy in the world," Richards said. "A little bit more fire or if his employees hadn't been there to pull him out, he wouldn't be here."

Worker pulled out from tonnes of debris
PENANG: A 49-year-old construction worker survived despite being trapped beneath tonnes of rubble and debris following the collapse of two adjoining pre-war houses in Jalan Dr Lim Chwee Leong here yesterday morning. Hashim Mohd Din was pulled out from the rubble by several of his colleagues who had witnessed the collapse at 10am. He was rushed to the Penang Hospital in an ambulance with serious head and body injuries. Hashim was preparing to start work when the roofs of the two houses, including its common wall,came crashing down. His colleagues, who were outside, cheated death as they were just about to enter the premises at that time. Hashim, who suffered serious concussion, facial cuts and head and body injuries, was unconscious when wheeled out of the hospital's X-ray department. A neighbour, who declined to be named, said he was having a late breakfast when he heard a very loud crash. "I thought that an accident had occurred. I ran outside and saw a huge cloud of dust coming from the next house. "The top portion (roofs) had collapsed and I could hear someone groaning in pain beneath the rubble. "Three men suddenly began digging the rubble and managed to pull a man out in a few minutes. "The man was covered in dust and his head was bleeding," he said, adding that the victim was later taken away by an ambulance. Kampong Kolam assemblyman Lim Gim Soon said this was the second time that such an incident had happened at the same premises, the first happened about six months ago shortly after the residents moved out. "I wrote to the Penang Municipal Council about the dilapidated state of the two pre-war houses which are owned by a Singaporean. "The council wrote to the owner who then instructed a construction company to renovate the premises and work started about two months ago," he said.

Fire breaks out at Taiwan's skyscraper under construction
TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP): A fire broke out Thursday at the construction site of what architects say will be one of Asia's tallest skyscrapers. No one was injured as workers were quickly evacuated, officials said. Smoke belched from the ceiling of a shopping mall that is part of the partially built Taipei Financial Center, which will be 408 meters (1,347 feet) tall when completed, officials said. Vice Taipei Mayor Ou Chin-der said the fire might have been ignited when workers using welders let sparks fall on waterproof materials in the structure. The mall is scheduled to open in September. "The fire is under control. No one was injured,'' Ou said. Last April, five construction workers were killed when a magnitude 6.8 earthquake dislodged two cranes from the top of the 60th floor. The 101-storey building is supposed to be completed in about a year. So far, 78 floors have been built.

Worker seriously hurt in fall
Palm Beach Daily News
Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2003 -- A construction worker at the 400 South Ocean Boulevard Condo was seriously injured Tuesday after falling between 40 and 50 feet from the building to the pavement, according f+z f-z to Palm Beach Fire-Rescue officials. Fire-Rescue workers were called to the scene at 11:12 a.m. They took the worker to St. Mary Medical Center. His name and condition were unavailable Tuesday evening. The general contractor at the building, Aquashield Corp. of Hollywood, declined to comment on the incident.

Refurbished building floor collapses, one worker injured
Freddie Ng
The first floor of a building under refurbishment Jalan Dr Lim Chwee Leong here collapsed this morning, bringing down with it a contract worker who was seriously injured. Hasim Mohd Din, 49, sustained head and bodily injuries when the first floor of the old building collapsed at 10am. Hasim, who was reportedly working on the ground floor when the incident occurred, was sent to Penang Hospital by passers-by. Kampong Kolam State Assemblyman Lim Gim Soon who visited the scene soon after said it is believed that the building and the adjacent one, were owned by a Singaporean. Work to refurbish the two shophouses had begun about a month ago after the owner received permission from the Penang Island Municipal Council to do so.

Man in collapsed building uses cell phone to summon help
Ouaquaga, New York-AP -- It's a good thing Steven Brown had his cell phone with him when he was dismantling an old storage building. Brown became trapped yesterday afternoon when the building collapsed. With the temperature in the mid-teens, Brown was pinned between the building's roof and foundation. But he managed to dial 9-1-1 on his cell phone. Emergency dispatchers kept him on the line while fire, police and ambulance crews tried to find him in a rural area about 15 miles east of Binghamton, New York. After about 15 minutes, a local fire chief spotted the collapsed building. Crews used special air bags to extricate Brown. Brown is in fair condition at a Binghamton-area hospital.

Libyan man dies on place of work
by Charlotte Bonavia, di-ve news (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Birkirkara, MALTA (di-ve news) -- A 28-year-old Libyan man from Tripoli lost his life when he fell a height of three storeys in a construction site at Birkirkara, on Tuesday afternoon at around 1300CET. The accident happened when the man was plastering and painting in a new building in Triq il-Qanpiena l-Kbira, Birkirkara. The man was taken to St. Luke's Hospital by a private vehicle where the doctor in the Emergency Department certified him as dead. Duty Magistrate Jacqueline Padovani Grima was informed about the case and appointed several experts to assist her in the inquiry. An autopsy on the body is expected to be held on Thursday morning at around 0815CET by Dr Ali Safraz, Dr Maria Theresa Camilleri, Dr Mario Scerri and Dr Mario Sammut. The Police investigations continue.

Oilfield accident leaves one dead
Odessa American
SEMINOLE — The Gaines County Sheriff's Office is investigating an industrial accident that killed a man Monday morning. The identity of the man, who is from New Mexico, was being withheld pending family notification Monday evening, said Deputy Robert Alvarado of Gaines County. At 10:40 a.m. Monday about three miles south of the intersection of Farm-to-Market Road 303 and County Road 124, the man was crushed between two sets of 16-inch pipe, Alvarado said. The man worked for Saulcon Construction and was laying pipe when the accident happened, he said. The man was pronounced dead by Gaines County Justice of the Peace Tammy Clark, Alvarado said.

Jackhammer Accident In Waterbury
Waterbury - A workman remains in critical condition after an accident in Waterbury. Authorities say Otamir Cordera was using a jackhammer to dig a trench across Phoenix Avenue yesterday, when he struck a power line. Cordera suffered severe electrical burns to his face. He was rushed to St. Mary's Hospital. Cordera worked for Green Mountain Communications. The accident is under investigation.

Construction worker electrocuted
By a Staff Writer
JEDDAH, 13 January 2003 — Yahya Saleh, a Yemeni national, was killed by high voltage electricity while working on a building site in Jizan, Okaz daily reported yesterday. He was climbing a ladder when he touched the wires and then fell, seriously injuring his head. Firefighters rushed to the scene to investigate and assist Yahya, but he was dead when they arrived. His body was taken to a nearby hospital. By a Staff Writer

Demolition mishap
One worker injured: A construction worker was taken to Tallahassee Memorial Hospital on Thursday after a portion of a metal roof collapsed on him. Contractors were tearing down the roof of the old Winn Dixie on West Tennessee Street about 3 p.m. when part of the roof fell on the worker and another man driving a tractor, according to Lt. Jimmy Butler of the Tallahassee Fire Department. The man on the tractor was not hurt, but the other worker, whose name was not released, received severe bruises and complained of back and neck pain. Fellow workers pulled him out of the debris before rescuers arrived. Crews plan to dig a trapped excavating machine out of the rubble today.

Worker Killed While Directing Traffic Laid to Rest
A state highway worker killed while directing traffic near a fatal accident was laid to rest Saturday. 20-year-old Christopher Mills was hit by a pickup truck, while flagging cars at the crash site three miles east of Manchester on the Daniel Boone Parkway on Tuesday. Mills was taken to Manchester Memorial Hospital, where he died from his injuries. Workers were removing a tractor-trailer that had been involved in a wreck Monday night, resulting in one death. In that wreck, police said a car driven by 33-year-old Robert L. Rucker, of Bulan, crossed the center line into the path of a tractor-trailer loaded with coal and driven by 44-year-old Cary J. Logan of Wooton. Rucker was pronounced dead at the scene. Logan was taken to Manchester Memorial.

Accident reported day after training
Matt Swearengin January 11, 2003
One day after an emergency training exercise at Big Lots construction site, emergency personnel were out there again, this time for the real McCoy. About 8 a.m. today, an emergency call was made about a worker trapped under a beam at the site on Enterprise Boulevard. Durant Fire Department and Bryan County EMS were dispatched. "When they called us, they said they had a man with a beam on his leg," said Durant Fire Department Assistant Chief Stacy Reid. "But we didn't have to get anything off of him. We just helped the ambulance crew load him up." Randy Barnhill, project supervisor for Haskell Co., said this morning he could not provide details of the accident or the name of the victim because it is company policy to first complete an accident report. He did say the worker, a subcontractor, has a twisted knee from falling backwards over a beam. Barnhill said the injury is not serious. "He'll probably be back to work in the morning," he said. Tuesday morning, Haskell Co. held an emergency training exercise in which rescue crews removed a training dummy from the roof of the building. In this exercise, the "victim" had a heart attack while working on the roof and was removed by crane and loaded into an ambulance. The accident this morning was the first for the Big Lots site.

Bridge worker killed in accident
By Sean Holstege STAFF WRITER
Friday, January 10, 2003 - A man working on Bay Bridge seismic improvement projects has died in a Texas factory explosion. Metalworker Ernesto Moreno, 26, was killed Monday, reportedly as he worked on a steel casing for the bridge pilings. He is the third worker to die in the course of the retrofit. The accident in Ingleside, Texas, comes one week before pile driving is set to begin on part of the new Bay Bridge. One motorist was killed on the bridge during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake after driving into a gaping hole that appeared in the upper deck, when strong ground shaking collapsed a section of road and prompted the seismic retrofit. The Texas explosion reportedly occurred when sparks from Moreno's grinding tool mixed with leaking gas fumes from a nearby welding torch. Federal workplace safety regulators have shut down manufacturing of the steel casings, Caltrans spokesman Greg Bayol said. He added that it remains unclear if the stoppage or the resulting safety probe will affect the construction timetable in Oakland. In the meantime, some pre-fabricated steel piles have been assembled in the construction staging area near Burma Road, which is known colloquially as "Camp Kiewit" for the prime contractor, Kiewit/FCI/Manson Joint Venture. The Omaha, Neb.-based Kiewit is building a $1 billion skyway, the first leg of a new $3 billion bridge to run parallel to and replace the quake damaged eastern span. Moreno worked for a Kiewit subsidiary. This week's accident follows a string of problems involving the retrofit of the western span and painting subcontractor Robison-Prezioso Inc. In 2001 a construction panel collapsed onto the lower deck and killed passing motorist Anthony Menalosco of San Jose. Last year a scaffold buckled, pinning Oakland painter Darryl Clemons to the underside of the top deck. The freak accident killed him and hurt three co-workers. One of those colleagues, Nate Castilleja, filed suit in Alameda County Superior Court last week seeking damages from prime contractor California Engineering Contractors/Modern Continental Construction and from the New York firm that built the scaffold, Beeche Systems Corp.

Balcony falls, injuring 2 workers
ORMOND BEACH -- Two construction workers using jackhammers Friday to drop a concrete balcony onto the ground wound up going along for the ride and fell more than seven feet. Both men survived the fall at an Ormond Beach condominium complex without life-threatening injuries, but each suffered multiple cuts, bruises and possibly broken bones, emergency workers said. "It's a good way to jump-start your heart in the morning," said Lainey Durgin, the rental manager at the Ormond Ocean Club, where workers are replacing aging balconies. John Rapp and Mike Schaffer, who work for R & J Coatings and Waterproofing, were standing on a beam of the balcony on the southeast corner of the building at 855 Ocean Shore Boulevard, said co-worker John Bickel. A little after 8:30 a.m., they started using their jackhammers on a crack they hoped would break free the second-floor balcony, Bickel said. The plan was to tear down the weak sections of balconies at the 30-year-old, 47-unit oceanside building Friday, and begin replacing th Monday, Bickel said. Rapp, 23, and Schaffer, 45, both of Daytona Beach, were standing side by side and leaning forward as they drilled into a section of concrete about a foot in front of them, Bickel said. "When it gave way, they both fell forward," said Bickel, who watched helplessly as he stood on a ladder beside them. " . . . It just broke faster than they wanted." Bickel said Rapp fell on top of Schaffer, with a jackhammer in between them. "They both jumped up immediately, and I told them Lay down on the grass, both of you, until paramedics arrive,' " Bickel said. The balcony was attached to a unit that was to be home for a couple from Ohio throughout January. They moved to another townhouse in the complex Friday. Barbara Downey, who had been living in the unit since Jan. 1, said she was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee, and her husband Carl was upstairs. "It was just a big thump, an ungodly noise," 67-year-old Barbara Downey said. "You knew something bad happened. My husband is in construction and he knew what it was. He yelled down for someone to call 911." Rapp was taken by EVAC ambulance to Halifax Medical Center, where he was treated and released, medical officials said. A sheriff's helicopter transported Schaffer to Halifax, where he was admitted and in stable condition later Friday. "Thank God," Bickel said. "It could have been a lot worse." The helicopter was dispatched before the seriousness of the workers' injuries was determined, said EVAC spokesman Mark O'Keefe. He said an ambulance took Schaffer to the helicopter, which landed in the parking lot of nearby St. Brendan Catholic Church. An Ormond Beach city inspector arrived about an hour after the accident, asked about work permits and ordered work stopped at least until next week. Inspectors from the Occupational Safety & Health Administration will check the work site, rental manager Durgin said.

Crane arm crashes through dental clinic
The arm of a crane broke through a window of a dental clinic after the vehicle rolled over on a national highway in Tokyo on Saturday morning, police said. The arm of a crane leans against the wall of an office building in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, after breaking through a window of a fourth-floor dental clinic. Nobody was injured in the accident. Police are questioning construction workers and their supervisor in a bid to determine the cause of the accident. At around 8:40 a.m., a crane lost its balance and rolled over as its driver was loading it onto a trailer parked on Route 246 in the Taishido district of Setagaya-ku, police said. The vehicle's arm broke through a window of Hirano Clinic on the fourth floor of a nine-story office building along the highway. The crane was to leave the site after dismantling a neighboring building. The 20-meter-long arm had been folded down to 15 meters at the time. The scene is located in an area about 200 meters away from Sangen-Jaya Station on the Tokyu Denen Toshi Line. (Mainichi Shimbun, Jan. 11, 2003)

OMI employee injured
Saturday, January 11, 2003 BY RACHEL GALLAGHER
An Operations Management International employee was injured Friday night while trying to repair a main sewer break just southeast of Atchison Casting Corp. OMI Project Manager Mike Mathews said a large rock and some soil from a wall in a trench gave way and fell on Jesse Smith. Workers had dug a trench about 50 to 75 feet wide to get to the break because raw sewage has been flowing from the area since about 5 p.m. Thursday. OMI staff members began working on the break early Friday morning. The sewer line runs parallel to the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. Because of the proximity of the break to the tracks, Mr. Mathews said, safety concerns prevented workers from beginning repairs until Friday morning. Mr. Mathews said OMI workers were about to finish working on the break before the incident occurred. "It's kind of a freak thing that happened," Mr. Mathews said. According to Mr. Mathews, the debris fell on Mr. Smith's lower body. OMI workers called for emergency help at 5:45 p.m. but were able to dig Mr. Smith out before emergency and fire crews arrived. "He was all out before EMS got there," Mr. Mathews said. Mr. Mathews said it looked as though Mr. Smith's left leg was badly injured but everything else appeared to be fine. He was taken by ambulance to Atchison Hospital. Despite the accident, Mr. Mathews said his crew was going to press on to complete the repair of the sewer line Friday night.

Broken piston rod blamed for High Point crane accident
The Associated Press
HIGH POINT, N.C.(AP) - A fatal crane accident occurred in September when a piston rod broke, causing the crane's boom to move downward and hit a wall, dumping steel rafters on the victim, the state Labor Department has ruled. Juan Jose Mayo Uyoa, 30, of Randleman, was crushed to death Sept. 16 at a Samet Corp. construction site in High Point. Neither Greensboro-based Samet nor Contract Erectors, the Randleman firm operating the crane, will be cited or fined because the rod is not something that's expected to be checked, the department said Friday. "It was not part of the maintenance routine," said Juan Santos, a department spokesman. A broken rod is rare, he said. Contract Erector Operations Manager Mark Stinson said the rod acts similar to a breaking system on a car and prevents the boom from moving up or down when working properly. The crane boom was lifting the five tons of rafters over a wall when the accident occurred. Santos said department investigators determined the rod was either worn and had broken before or during the accident. A Contract Erectors inspector reached the same conclusion after a separate inquiry, he said. The mishap was one of two deaths at the building site within three weeks. Charles Edward Weiss, 55, of Randleman, died Oct. 2 when police said he lost his balance and fell from the roof of the building. The building for Deep River West Co. was completed in December. Information from: High Point Enterprise

Construction accident kills Henderson man
By Gleaner staff
A 46-year-old Henderson resident died Thursday afternoon in a construction accident on Janalee Drive. According to the Henderson County Coroner's Office, Randall S. Kitchens died from blunt force trauma when the industrial forklift he was operating overturned on him. Henderson Police Department reports said that Kitchens -- who owned Randall Kitchens Construction -- was running the forklift and doing masonry work about 1:15 p.m. at a house located at 101 Janalee Drive. The forklift was on a steep slope and when Kitchens raised the boom the machine tipped over on him, authorities said. Kitchens was married and had three children. He was a hunter and spent a lot of time coaching girls softball and baseball.

Man dies after construction accident on E-470
BROOMFIELD, Colo. (AP) - An iron worker was killed Thursday when about 1,500 pounds of rebar fell on him at a construction site here. The accident occurred at about 4 p.m. when the 43-year-old man was working on a portion of the E-470 toll road., which encircles the east metro area. Authorities said he was about 18 feet above the ground when his safety harness worked loose. The man fell and between 1,000 and 2,000 pounds of rebar, or reinforcing steel, toppled on him, said police spokesman Sgt. Dan Schuler. The man's name wasn't released.

Trapped construction worker rescued from building
By Cheryl Conner
HAGERSTOWN, MD JANUARY 10 - Some tense moments occurred at a construction site in downtown Hagerstown as a worker was trapped between floors of a building. The accident happened at the Baldwin House in downtown Hagerstown around 8:45 in the morning. That is when a construction worker fell between floors and was stuck for about two and a half hours. Hagerstown Fire Department and Community Rescue Service worked for an hour and a half to get the man down safely. His right leg fell through a weak spot in the wooden floor so he was stuck with his left leg on the upper floor and his right hanging below. "We put a harness on to protect his spine because of his potential injury from the fall. We lifted him up out of the floor with a tripod lifting device with his harness, and then placed him on a back board, placed him on a basket, and then, as you saw, placed him on a ladder to get him outside," explained Chris Amus of the Community Rescue Service. Rescue workers are not releasing the man's identity at this time, but he had complained on numbness from his waist down. Also, Washington Street has reopened. It was shutdown from Prospect Street to Potomac Street as many people stopped to watch the rescue.

Forklift Accident Injures Two Workers in Knoxville
KNOXVILLE (WATE) -- Two construction workers are in a Knoxville hospital Thursday after a forklift fell 45 feet and trapped them. The incident happened on Weisgarber Road at the Bush Brothers construction site. Just before 11:30 Thursday morning, the Knoxville Fire Department got a call that a construction worker was trapped underneath a forklift at the Bush Brothers site. But they found something different. "We discovered that it had not fallen on top of a person, rather two people had been in a bucket on top of the forklift and it had fallen over with them in it," spokesman Charlie Barker says. The two workers, Steven Ball and Pedro Libardo, fell and were partially pinned underneath the bucket. "The temperature had heated up some and on a construction site, you can get a little loose dirt," Barker explains. "So there may have been some cushioning there. But that's an awful long fall." As the men were rushed to the UT Medical Center with severe injuries. Then safety inspectors arrived on scene, trying
to piece together what happened. Lockwood Greene, the construction firm in charge of the site, says the men were installing window frames when it tipped over. TOSHA has launched a full investigation into the accident. Both workers are recovering.

1 Killed In Falls County Construction Accident
One person is dead and two others hospitalized after a construction accident in Falls County. It happened around one o'clock Wednesday afternoon near Highway 14 six miles South of Kosse. The three workers were digging a trench when the walls collapsed. 29 year old Jesus Torres Martinez of Waco was pronounced dead on arrival at Scott and White hospital in Temple. Pedro Pizano of Bellmead and Ledio Zuniga of waco were injured. They are both in stable condition at Limestone Medical Center in Groesbeck with internal injuries.

Woman killed, four hurt in Madinah building collapse
By Badr Al-Nayyef, Arab News Staff
MADINAH, 9 January 2003 — A 45-year-old Saudi woman died and four other people were injured when a two-story residential building collapsed here Tuesday. Rescue teams from the Civil Defense and the Red Crescent Society quickly arrived at the scene on Al-Salam Street. The injured were rushed to King Fahd General Hospital, and an informed source told Arab News that the dead woman had suffocated. Lt. Col. Ali Atallah Al-Otaibi, director of the Civil Defense in Madinah, told Arab News that a committee has been set up look into the reasons behind the collapse. Otaibi pointed out that locals had already reported that the building seemed to have become unstable as a result of construction work, which was being carried out nearby. Maj. Gen. Yousuf Al-Binayyan, director of police in the region, commended the professionalism of rescue workers who saved those who had been trapped in the debris. There have been two other similar incidents in Madinah recently. The collapse of a building in the Maghareba district resulted in the death of a girl. And a six-story building also suddenly collapsed, although no one was hurt

UPDATE, Hole Caused Collapse, but Who Did the Digging?
he cleanup and investigation into the collapse of a wall at a Crown Heights apartment building on Tuesday is becoming a whodunit, with no one sure who dug the hole that officials say caused the collapse. "I've never seen anything like it," said Ilyse Fink, a spokeswoman with the Buildings Department. On Tuesday, residents of the building, at 1549 Prospect Place, were sent running out the front door when the back wall sheered off and fell in a cloud of dust. No one was injured. Next door, at 177 and 179 Buffalo Avenue, workers had been building foundations for two new homes. The Buildings Department said that preliminary investigation showed the excavation had gone too deep, causing the foundation of the apartment building to cave in. Witnesses said the work crew left immediately after the collapse. They had not posted the required sign identifying the contractor, said Sid Dinsay, a Buildings Department spokesman. A work permit identified the general contractor overseeing the project as Penta Housing Group, but that firm's owner, Sanjeev Bedi, said yesterday that he had never worked there and did not even know of the existence of the building lot until hearing news accounts of the accident. He said his signature on the work permit was a forgery. "We are victims of fraud," Mr. Bedi said. The Buildings Department is investigating "exactly who the contractor is," Mr. Dinsay said. "We're looking at all possible causes of this confusion." In the meantime, no one will be working on the project. The department issued an order to stop work, along with nine violations. They included failure to protect the sides of an excavation, failure to post a sign or a permit and failure to protect an adjoining property. Mr. Bedi said he had first learned his company was listed as the contractor when a reporter called him. "Somebody actually fraudulently used our information and insurance," Mr. Bedi said. "It looks like somebody got hold of our tracking number." The forms for a work permit require a tracking number, which is awarded to companies with proper insurance. The number is not public record. The forms also require the owner's signature, notarized. Mr. Bedi said he looked at the forms yesterday. "It was a forged signature," he said. The Buffalo Avenue lots where the workers had been digging are owned by D & S Holding Corporation of Queens, according to the Buildings Department. A lawyer for D & S, Stephan J. Siegel, declined to comment on the general contractor the owners had hired. He said the excavation was done by a subcontractor, Bulldog Construction Limited of Amityville, N.Y. But he said he had been unable to reach anyone with the company yesterday. The Buildings Department would not confirm Bulldog's role, if any, at the site, as the collapse is under investigation. The company did not immediately respond to a telephone message yesterday. Mr. Siegel said the collapse might have been caused by the apartment building's age and condition, not the digging. "The excavation causes a certain amount of vibration,"he said. "That very well could easily have created this chain of events, without ever having excavated too far. I don't think it's a good idea to jump to any conclusions at this point."

UPDATE, State investigating trench collapse
By Kara Richardson
Lansing State Journal
State investigators are looking into whether a trench collapse that buried a man alive Tuesday in a Holt subdivision could have been prevented. Arthur Krass, 43, of Portland was trapped 15 feet below ground when a ditch's dirt walls collapsed. He was installing plumbing after sunset at a Beechnut Trail home that was under construction. Nine fellow workers tried to dig Krass out but failed. Later, it took firefighters three hours to unearth his body. Officials from the state Department of Consumer and Industry Services' Bureau of Safety and Regulation will investigate whether the company Krass worked for, Precision Plumbing of Grand Ledge, took proper safety precautions, said Lori Donlan, a department spokeswoman. The bureau reviews all fatal workplace incidents, she said. "Sometimes an accident is an accident," Donlan said. Investigators will visit the scene and interview witnesses to see if the trench was properly supported, sloped or shored up, said Maura Campbell, also a consumer and industry services department spokeswoman. The investigation, which could take several weeks, should determine whether any Michigan Occupational Safety & Health Administration regulations were violated, she said. No one from Precision Plumbing or Krass' family could be reached for comment. Precision Plumbing of Grand Ledge has not been cited for workplace violations in the past, Campbell said. If the employer knew there was a problem and didn't take steps to correct it, a citation could cost the company up to $70,000 in fines. "The penalties are not set up to equate to injury or loss of life," Campbell said. "It's to underscore the importance of safe work sites." Only one of the 24 Michigan construction-related fatalities in 2002 was trench-related, Campbell said. The Ingham County Sheriff's Office is still investigating the incident's cause, Detective J. Verhougstraete said. Contact Kara Richardson at 267-1301 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

A roofer had to be rescued from 20ft up, after toppling off a rooftop and onto a three-foot wide scaffolding gangway. The man was laying tiles on a semi-detached house at Sandiacre. He fell face-first, from the roof's apex, onto the gangway, landing on top of an upright scaffolding pole. In a dramatic rescue, fire crews lifted the worker to safety using a high-rise platform. "He was lucky, it could have been much worse," said sub-officer Bob Hudson, based at Long Eaton, who was first on the scene in Stanton Road. "He tried to break his fall by reaching out but ended up on top of one of the scaffolding poles." The man, in his late 30s, - from a company sub-contracted to Mansfield building firm Baggaley and Jenkins - suffered chest injuries and was taken to the QMC. He fell 10ft before hitting the gantry. An investigation will now be carried out by the Heath and Safety Executive. Firemen said the man was not wearing a harness but an HSE spokesman said he did not believe there was a rule saying workers in such conditions must wear one. The spokesman said: "When we carry out an investigation into such a matter we will look at the circumstances. Questions we ask include whether people are properly trained and if safety guards were in place." Stuart Caddy, managing director at Baggaley, said he would not have thought a harness was needed for such a job.

Brooklyn Building Wall Collapses
By Josh Robin Staff Writer
The rear wall of a Brooklyn apartment building crumbled Tuesday, leaving two young children and their sleeping upstairs neighbor teetering before relatives snatched them to safety. "I woke up because I felt hands grabbing me," said Tenique Chung, whose husband, Pete Roell, 29, might have saved her life when he plucked her from their falling bed. Their mahogany bed frame could be seen hours later hanging out of the exposed building. Officials said shoddy construction work nearby likely triggered the 9:30 a.m. collapse at 1549 Prospect Pl., slicing open the four-story brick building in Weeksville like a knife through a gingerbread house. Sid Dinsay, a spokesman for the city's Department of Buildings, said workers digging a foundation at 177-179 Buffalo Ave. excavated too far. "They dug a little deeper than they were supposed to," Dinsay said, adding that the contractors, Penta Housing Group Inc. of Secaucus, N.J., could be cited for violations. There were no injuries in the collapse. One woman was treated for anxiety hours later, when she returned with firefighters to collect her belongings. The 23-unit building, which also has an out-of-service restaurant and doctor's office, will be off-limits until the foundation is restored. Neal Gorman, a spokesman for the Red Cross, said 20 adults and seven children would be housed in an area motel. He said it appeared everyone in the building accepted the Red Cross' offer. It was the city's second structural collapse in less than 12 hours. Early Tuesday, a stone retaining wall in Riverdale collapsed onto two parking garages, crushing six vehicles. The garage owners were cited and ordered to repair the 30-by-60-foot retaining wall, Dinsay said. In Brooklyn, residents of the Prospect Place building said they noticed long-standing cracks in their walls grow Monday night, and at least two called an owner of the building, Al Weiss. They did not receive a call back, Weiss acknowledged. "You know what? They call me all the time for something," Weiss, of Flatbush, said at the scene. "If you cry wolf all the time, what should I think?" Tuesday morning, the cracks had widened, and when work began at the adjacent site, apartments shook and dust fell, residents said. Roell, the building superintendent, said he told the crew to stop but they didn't listen. Within seconds, the wall tore from the building, and his children's empty fourth-floor bedroom floor buckled. Roell dashed into his bedroom, grabbing his wife as the bed slid toward the exposed edge of the building. "I was scared, boy," said Roell, whose two children, ages 5 and 6, were in school at the time. "I just wanted to get out of the house. I'm the husband, but I didn't know what to do. The whole living room was gone." On the second floor, Sarah Straker was in her apartment with her daughter Natasha, 13, and two children, Laqura, 3, and Nigeria, 14 months. Straker said she didn't have time to run to the children, but Natasha grabbed the two as the floor fell. Sarah Straker said she held on to Natasha to keep her and the other children from falling. "I see the crib going out with the baby inside. My daughter grabbed on to the side," Sarah Straker said. "We could have been dead." With the young children safe, mother and daughter then bolted out of the apartment to safety. According to several witnesses, the contractors fled the scene immediately after the accident. Dinsay said the buildings department had no immediate plans to investigate that claim, but he said a company could be cited if a foreman was not at the scene to present investigators with construction plans. A representative from Penta did not immediately return a call. The owner of the property under construction, identified by authorities as Dilip Ramcharan of the D & S Holding Corp. in Richmond Hill, could not be reached. Tenants also criticized Weiss, the building owner, whom they blamed for not taking their concerns seriously enough. "They didn't return no phone calls," Straker said. "They didn't get here until after the apartment has gone down. I mean, everybody could have been dead, if I didn't grab onto my children."

Fall critically injures roofer in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea
Staff report
A roofer was critically injured on Tuesday after falling 14 feet from the top of an oceanside motel in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea and landing on his back, authorities said. The victim, Jesus Valasco, was working with five or six co-workers from Extreme Unlimited Roofing when he fell from the top of the Seaside Motel, 4605 N. Ocean Blvd, said Broward Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Liz Calzadilla. None of the co-workers saw the accident. Paramedics from Broward County Fire-Rescue rushed the unconscious man, whose age was not available, to North Broward Medical Center at 3:20 p.m. He was in critical condition Tuesday night, a nursing supervisor said.

House Explosion Injures Workers
OTTAWA COUNTY -- One man is in the hospital after a house exploded in Ottawa County. Construction workers were putting a 3000 square foot addition on 18777 Fruitport Drive in Spring Lake Township, when a propane heater they were using, ignited. "We believe they had a leak on one of their propane cylinders and that ignited," said Spring Lake Township Fire Chief Rick Nuvill. "The walls had just been treated with a foam spray and that ignited the walls." Two men were injured, one was treated on scene, the other was taken to Blodgett's Burn Center. The Chief says they're lucky to be alive. "From all we've heard, the guys were just running from their lives," said Nuvill. The homeowners, Mike and Nina McKeeough, were not living in the house at the time, but planned to move in after the house was remodelled in March. They had to stand and watch as their three-story, 1.8 million dollar dream home smoldered in the wind. Their plan is to rebuild.

Construction accident kills N.J. man, 59
A construction worker died Tuesday after he was caught between a building and a piece of construction equipment in Bridgeville. The victim, a 59-year-old man from Bridgeton, N.J., was taken to Nanticoke Memorial Hospital in Seaford, where he was pronounced dead shortly after arrival, said Tedd Winneberger, Sussex paramedic spokesman. The man was working at the site of the new Woodbridge Middle School on Church Street about 3 p.m., Winneberger said. The worker was on a scissor lift on the roof when the lift suddenly moved, Bridgeville police Sgt. Chuck Manuszak said. "Somehow he hit the lever and got pinned," Manuszak said. The man suffered severe head trauma, Winneberger said. The victim's name was not released Tuesday because his family had not been contacted, police said. The man's body was turned over to the state Medical Examiner's Office for an autopsy, police said. Kevin Carson, superintendent of the Woodbridge School District, said he did not know which company the man worked for. Members of the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration will arrive today to investigate. The police investigation is continuing but no foul play is suspected, authorities said.

Gas Line Accident Forces School to Evacuate
Dozens of people in South Sioux City have been evacuated after crews hit a gas line Wednesday morning. The city's water department says crews were trying to fix a water main break along 23rd and C streets when they accidentally hit a gas line. Everyone on the block, including a nearby school, was evacuated. MidAmerican Energy was on the scene to fix the leak. City leaders didn't know how long it will take to fix the problem, or how much it will cost.

Workers Hurt in Building Collapse
At least two workers are being treated for injuries after a construction accident in Westmoreland County this afternoon. Some workers on the scene told KDKA that a steel beam collapsed at the Westmoreland intermodal facility, a building under construction in an industrial park off Route 119 in East Huntingdon Township. According to the workers, one man who was on top of the beam actually rode it about 25-feet down to the ground below. Another man was also injured, but it's unclear how he was hurt. The collapse reportedly caused nine beams to rip out of the concrete base. Other workers at the scene say the collapse came without warning. Now officials are trying to determine what caused the accident.

UPDATE, Safety violations cited in elevator fall
By Warren Cornwall Seattle Times Eastside bureau
State regulators say two companies broke safety rules in an accident that sent three construction workers in an elevator plunging 60 feet to the ground at a downtown Bellevue construction site. The state Department of Labor and Industries said yesterday it has cited the maker of the elevator and the workers' employer for several "serious" violations in the June accident, which left one man with a broken back, one with a broken pelvis and a third with two broken legs. Each company faces $3,900 in fines from the agency, which investigates workplace accidents. The early-morning accident happened as workers were mothballing the $360 million Lincoln Square development. The project's backers called a temporary halt to construction because of concerns about the region's economy. The three workers had ascended to near the top of a partly finished concrete structure destined to become one of two towers. They were in a small construction elevator that ran up a track attached to the side of the building. The accident happened after a part of the elevator went off the top of the track and derailed as it came back down, said Michael Wood, a senior manager for Labor & Industries' workplace safety program. If a safety device had been properly installed, he said, it could have prevented the derailment. The workers' employer, Northwest Tower Crane Services, didn't make sure its employees were trained to safely put up, dismantle, or operate the hoist, according to the Labor & Industries citation. The agency also alleges the company lacked an adequate accident-prevention program. Company officials did not return calls for comment yesterday. The state also alleges that the Houston-based elevator maker installed a safety mechanism backward. That company also was cited for not having a complete accident-prevention program. Jeff Dunbar, an attorney representing the manufacturer, declined to comment on the citations. "It's really not the company's policy or practice to comment on matters that are still under investigation," he said. The companies could appeal the citations. Richard Leider, project director of Lincoln Square for Lend Lease Real Estate Investments, the London-based company backing the towers, said he hadn't read the citations and couldn't comment on them. Lend Lease was not cited. The company is awaiting revised permits from the city before restarting work, Leider said. "We still remain committed to receiving those permits and recommencing construction as soon as we possibly can," he said.

Construction worker dies from accident
By: News 14 Carolina
CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is investigating a fatal construction accident that occurred Monday at 5th and Pine Streets in Charlotte. The victim, Javier Donjuan, was elevated in the bucket of a back hoe, trying to attach something outside a window when the bucket tipped pinning him to the side of the building. Donjuan was rushed to the hospital, where he later died.

Plumber Trapped When Walls Of Trench Collapse
Firefighters Free 81-Year-Old Man
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Joe Whitlock has worked with pipes and wrenches for 44 years, but his experience didn't prepare him for what he encountered on Monday. Whitlock, owner of Joe's Plumbing, was helping to repair a sewer line in south Oklahoma City when the walls of a trench in which he was standing collapsed. Whitlock, 81, was buried up to his waist as dirt clogged the trench. A co-worker driving a trackhoe carved a snaking trench from the back of a house to the edge of the yard. The trench was about as wide as a man's shoulders. Whitlock was partially inside the trench, using an extending tool to probe for the sewer line about 1:15 p.m. when the collapse happened. "His legs are tangled up, one behind the other one," said fire Maj. Brian Stanaland about two hours into the rescue. "We have a harness on him, but there's a void beneath him. ... The area is just so small it's hard to dig. It's about the size (width) of a manhole cover." Whitlock's feet were at the original bottom of the trench, about 10 feet below ground, Stanaland said. Shovels or garden trowels were too large to work, so rescuers used their bare hands to claw earth into a coffee can that was then raised above-ground and emptied over and over. Some of the firefighters, including those trained in trench rescues, worked in 15-minute shifts. Even Whitlock, his face covered by an oxygen mask, helped with the digging. "We wanted to keep him warm because there were obvious concerns about hypothermia," Stanaland said. Whitlock was freed just before 4 p.m. He refused to be carried to a waiting ambulance and walked over to paramedics instead. After hugging his wife and daughter, Whitlock was taken to the University of Oklahoma Medical Center for a checkup and observation.

Roof worker impaled on metal spikes
A Shropshire teenager became impaled on two metal rods after plunging through the roof of a former dairy. Demolition worker Adam Waddington fell 15ft from a roof at the former Goodwin's Dairy site, Wrexham Road, Whitchurch, just before 3pm yesterday. He landed on two metal poles. The 19-year-old pulled one galvanised metal tube from his buttock while colleagues dialled 999. But it took firefighters 40 minutes to cut around the 10ft long bar which had gone completely through his right thigh. Ambulance crews transferred the victim to the North Staffordshire Infirmary by air ambulance on a spinal board specially adapted to fit around the severed pole. Mr Waddington was today described as stable and comfortable - he is believed to have undergone emergency surgery. Sub officer at Whitchurch Fire Station Mike Beach said the teenager had been conscious throughout the rescue and in extreme pain. "He was given painkilling drugs as we used hydraulic cutting equipment. He was a brave lad." Contractor coordinator Billy Pownall, for Heritage Demolishers Services, said he could not comment until health and safety inspectors had visited the site.

Five workers unharmed in gas explosion
Norma Mendoza, Of the Intelligencer January 07, 2003
Five employees of RAL Painting and Drywall, Inc., had a narrow escape Friday when a liquid propane tank exploded in the basement of the house where they were installing dry wall. According to Glen Carbon police, the workers were using the propane gas to fuel a heater in the house under construction by Bertels Development Group on Wolf Creek Court in the Timberwolf subdivision. The workers had been in the house approximately an hour when someone heard the tank's release valve break and warned the others to get out of the house. All escaped without injury. "God was smiling on us," said Rich Ligman, owner of RAL. He said when the release valve gave way a piece of it shot off, alerting the workers to the escaping gas and giving them a chance to flee. The force of the explosion blew out the windows, frames and all, from the house and buckled the panels of the garage door. A spokesperson for Bertels said construction was about five weeks from completion. He said the explosion and the damage it caused probably pushed that date two or three weeks into the future. About 80 percent of the windows and doors blew out, he said. Early estimates place the amount of damage at $50,000. The Bertels spokesperson said they are working with engineers to assess whether there was any structural damage to the building that will also need to be fixed.

Trapped Construction Worker Dies
Plymouth Twp., Pa. - January 3, 2003 — Lukens Steel in Plymouth Township was the scene of a deadly industrial accident Friday morning. Rescue crews were called out to the 9-hundred block of Conshohocken Road around 6:30 Friday morning for reports of a trapped construction worker. Officials were told it was a high angle rescue, which means the victim was not on the ground. Hours later, police confirmed that the victim did die in the accident. No other details are being offered.

Cave-in claims 1: Bluefield city worker killed in trench collapse
By CHARLES OWENS of the Daily Telegraph staff January 04, 2003
BLUEFIELD - A city employee died Friday after being buried under several feet of dirt, mud and rock in a tragic construction accident on Rogers Street. The veteran employee of the Bluefield Sanitary Board was trapped in the trench collapse shortly af-ter 3 p.m. Doz-ens of rescue workers braved frigid temperatures and snow for more than four hours in the desperate rescue mission. "He was completely buried with a large amount of dirt, mud, water and very heavy pieces of concrete," Bluefield Rescue Squad Chief Robert Youther said. "It was a cave-in of the walls and the structural integrity of the ditch." It took rescue crews until 7:20 p.m. to remove the man's body from the site. Youther said the trench was 6 to 8 feet long and 2 to 3 feet wide, "It's just a sad day when a construction worker dies in an accident like this," Chandler Swope, president of Swope Construction Company of Bluefield, said. "It just breaks my heart when an accident like this happens, and I hope it will never happen to any of my people." outher said officials knew almost immediately that the man didn't survive the accident. The collapse occurred just above McDonald's on Bluefield Avenue, which prompted officials to order an evacuation and closure of the restaurant for safety reasons. The man's identity wasn't released late Friday pending a notification of next of kin. "We haven't found his wife yet, and we need to contact his next of kin," Bluefield Sanitary Board President Terry Honaker said. "We've already notified OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration)." Honaker said the crew was asked to repair a sewer line on Rogers Street damaged by a recent slide in the area. Honaker said he had just ordered the construction site closed prior to the accident. "I don't know at this point why he (the victim) went back into the ditch," Honaker said. "I just know we had made a decision to shut it down. We had already made up our minds about this, and we were going to go home for the weekend." Because the construction site was closed, a trench box- or device used to prevent the sides of a ditch from collapsing - wasn't immediately utilized at the time of the accident. Honaker said he didn't know why the man went back into the ditch. "For one reason or another, he stepped back in the ditch," Honaker said. "This crew is really close. It's been together for a long time." Honaker said the victim was a 16-year veteran of the Sanitary Board, and the backhoe operator was a 26-year veteran employee. He said a crew of four men were working on the sewer line at the time of the collapse. Swope said his crews responded to the accident as soon as they learned of the tragedy. "It's my understanding that the city Sanitary Board was relocating a broken sewer line below the McDonald's building," Swope said. "There was some type of problem in the ditch. I'm certain OSHA will come in and investigate very promptly." The Bluefield Rescue Squad, Bluefield Fire Department and Bluefield Police Department also assisted in the recovery. "A rescue of this type is extremely dangerous," Swope said. "The rescue workers have to be very cautious." Honaker said the OSHA investigators are expected to arrive at the site of the accident today.

UPDATE, State labor officials investigate death
BEAUFORT — The state Department of Labor is investigating this week's death of a man who fell while doing repair work at a Carteret County business. An employee with Anchor Roofing and Remodeling of Morehead City died following an accident Tuesday that occurred while he was doing work at Atlantic Veneer plant in Beaufort, said Juan Santos, a spokesman for the Department of Labor. Kenneth Jenkins, no age or address available, reportedly fell from a roof while doing repairs, said Capt. Franklin Fulcher of the Carteret County Sheriff's Department. "He was finishing up a roofing job on one of Atlantic Veneer's buildings, sealing the edge of the roof with caulk," he said. Fulcher said Jenkins was working alone and an Atlantic Veneer worker coming back from lunch noticed him laying on the ground. Rescue workers were called to the scene and transported Jenkins to a local hospital. Jenkins died the following day, Fulcher said. Details about the accident are still being collected by the Labor Department, which had a representative at the scene of the accident on Friday, Santos said. Preliminary information reported to the North Carolina Labor Department did not indicate from what height Jenkins fell. Santos said it will likely take at least four to six weeks for the investigation to be completed.

Man falls from roof
MICHAEL HOLTZMAN, Staff Writer December 31, 2002
BELLINGHAM -- A 42-year-old laborer was airlifted yesterday to the trauma center at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester, after falling from a condominium rooftop, rescue workers said. The man, who was not identified, suffered "multiple system trauma" from the fall, said fire Lt. Steven Gentile. He said the man was a laborer for a construction crew expanding Maplebrook Condominiums on Maplebrook Road toward the Blackstone Street end of the site. The Fafard Companies in Ashland is the general contractor completing several buildings for the first phase of a condominium project started more than a decade ago, officials said. Fire officials received an emergency call at 3:48 p.m. and paramedics stabilized the man and transported him by ambulance to a nearby landing zone at Bellingham Middle School. He was transported to Worcester by a Life Flight helicopter at 4:31 p.m., Gentile said. "When we reached him he was lying on a 2-by-4 in a garage area of the construction site," he said. He said a language barrier inhibited rescue workers from obtaining full details of the accident, nor did Gentile know the man's name. But to the best of Gentile's knowledge, the laborer fell from the roof onto a wooden landing and rolled onto the concrete in the garage area. He thought the fall was about 10 feet but was uncertain of that information. Because he couldn't walk, his co-workers placed him on the 2-by-4 to make it easier to transport him, Gentile said. He said the man was conscious, and the official could not say whether his injuries were life threatening. "That's why we sent him to the trauma center," he said. Without his name, the man's condition could not be obtained last night from hospital officials. Gentile said the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) had been notified about the accident. According to Deputy Fire Chief Thomas Guerin, there had been previously several less serious construction accidents at the construction site. He said about three buildings of the re-started projct had been completed and framing has been underway with several additional buildings.

2 workers killed, 5 others hurt as building collapses in Subic
By Carrie T. Aspa, Correspondent
SUBIC BAY FREEPORT — Two construction workers at the P360-million Tacoma Inc. fertilizer facility here were killed yesterday afternoon when the steel frame of the building they were working on suddenly collapsed after their co-workers had removed a supporting beam. Five other workers were injured during the incident, initial reports from the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority Law Enforcement depart­ment said. The fatalities were identified as Zaldy Orcales and Salvador Padalin in a report received at Camp Agui­naldo in Quezon City. Those injured were identified as Alex Arecela, Jing Argute, Ramil Orosco, an engineer Galang and Noel Gantan who sustained only minor injuries and was released from the James L. Gordon Hospital in Olongapo City where the victims were rushed. The accident happened at around 1:15 p.m. when workers tried to remove one of the trusses near the entrance of the building, causing the rest of the roofing frame to collapse. Workers who were doing welding jobs on the roof portion fell with the frame, witnesses told The Manila Times. "Most of them were able to jump away from the falling frame," one worker recounted. "But those who were doing the welding were clipped by safety belts to the steel frames, and they were not able to jump." "It was all over suddenly," another worker said. "We still are not sure of how everything happened. The crane was pulling one of the beams, and there was a strong wind, and then like a domino, everything collapsed." The victims were all employed by the Federico So Construction Co. engaged by Tacoma to build its facility at Boton-Boton, Cubi Point here. SBMA authorities immediately stopped the construction pending the results of an investigation into the cause of the incident and to determine if the construction company had followed the design specifications and procedures.

Slam! Pile driver topples onto building
By Hillary Chabot / Journal Staff
A $3 million pile driver crashed into a Columbia Street building Monday, narrowly missing a used auto parts dealer who watched the nightmarish accident only feet away. "I thought I was dreaming," said Ron Titelbaum about watching the machine fall. Titelbaum owns A.T.S. Used Jeep Parts in the back of the 495 Columbia St. building that was hit by a wayward pile driver. "Then I went running into the building just to make sure no one was hurt." According to city officials, no one was hurt during the accident, which left the pile driver tipped onto its side and a 4-foot hole in the roof and wall of the concrete auto parts building. Somerville Inspectional Services shut the power off and evacuated the building until the structural damage could be assessed, mayor's spokesman Bill Doncaster said. The reason for the crash is a mystery, according to David Apposian, owner of Union Place, a mixed-use development being built at the site that includes residential and office space. "We don't know why it happened yet," said Apposian. "I'm just grateful that no one was hurt." One construction worker at the scene said the pile driver was at too much of an angle. The visibly shaken worker said he had grabbed the operator of the pile driver out of the operating box after the machine fell. "I grabbed him and got him out of there," he said. "Then we took a body count." The team was working on a five-story parking lot for the Union Place project, Apposian said, and were building a foundation on the land. G. Donaldson Construction Co. Inc., the company working the pile driver, are sub-contractors of Hybrid Parking Solutions, the construction company building the parking lot. Gus DelFarno, operations manager for G. Donaldson, would not comment on the accident and refused to release details about the pile driver. Although Apposian said he did not know the value of the building damage, he said he will do everything in his power to reimburse Bob Souza, the owner of the main Columbia Street building that was hit. "This is a case of bad things happening to good people," Apposian said. "Souza is one of the best people in the world, and we'll pay whatever it takes to get things back to normal." As of Tuesday the pile driver had not been removed, which left Titelbaum - who had been putting a small mirror on his white pickup truck only 15 feet away from the crash when the accident occurred - without wheels. His truck is in the back driveway, trapped behind the massive machine. "I guess I'm going to have to look for another ride home," Titelbaum said at the site.

Fire Sparks Concerns
By John T. Anderson TIMES RECORD
The city may more closely monitor renovation of historic buildings in light of Thursday's fire that took down two historic structures, a city employee said. The loss of two buildings along what is known as Produce Row is the latest fire to claim historic buildings in Fort Smith. Matt Jennings of the city Planning Department said preliminary reports from firefighters indicated the fire started while construction workers were using a cutting torch to remove old pipes. Apparently, insulation near the pipes ignited, Jennings said. "They believe it started in the basement," Jennings said. He said old structures warrant increased precautions. The Eads Brothers Furniture Co. Building at 414 Garrison Ave. and The Josiah Foster Building at 222 Garrison Ave. were destroyed by fires following a tornado that struck Fort Smith in 1996. The tornado sparked a move to expand the city's historic grid, which today more or less encompasses an elongated rectangle-shaped area running from just east of the Arkansas River along Garrison and Rogers avenues. The west end of that rectangle ends near Cisterna Plaza. Jennings said the city may need to watch over construction workers, especially when older structures are involved. "It hasn't come up at this point," Jennings said. "I wouldn't doubt that there will be some conversations about that." Thursday's fire comes as the city seeks to revamp the dilapidated downtown area. The changes really began with the establishment of the amphitheater at River Park, located on the banks of the Arkansas River. Shops and restaurants have followed and more are planned. The Produce Row area is significant to Fort Smith historically because produce from area farms was graded and shipped from the structures, which are located near a network of railroad tracks and the Arkansas River.

UPDATE, Trench collapse fatality probed; Warm temperatures may have contributed to Highland cave-in
By Mike Martindale / The Detroit News
HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP -- A worker's death in a trench cave-in this week is under investigation by the state of Michigan and the Oakland County Sheriff's Department. William C. Amolsch, 43, of Novi was working in a 15-foot hole outside Aqua Marine Pools and Spa on Highland Road about 3:30 p.m. when the walls collapsed. "They had set one pipe in the ground and had just set the second one when he went down in the hole to unhook the chain from a backhoe," said Lt. Mike Sutton of the Sheriff's township substation. "He was bent over working on the pipe when there was a cave-in, and he was forced against a concrete pipe, buried to the waist." Sutton said co-workers and bystanders tried to dig Amolsch out, and the township fire department was called. Amolsch was pronounced dead at the scene. Amolsch's co-workers were interviewed by investigators, and a preliminary investigation indicated that Monday's warming temperatures may have contributed to the walls' collapse, Sutton said. An autopsy Tuesday by the Oakland County Medical Examiner found that Amolsch died from a blunt-force injury to his head. In January 2001, a man working on a sewer line in Huntington Woods died after being buried under 20 feet of dirt, just one month after a similar death in Detroit involving a Redford Township sewer worker. Two workers in Warren were injured that same month in yet another trench cave-in but survived. In 1999 four Michigan workers died in cave-ins, including a Wayne County death in which a company was charged for having workers inside an 11-foot-deep trench without the appropriate support walls. Lt. Sutton said Amolsch was married with four children, ages 7, 8, 17 and 18. "It's my understanding the family had no insurance, and contributions would be appreciated," said Sutton. Anyone wishing to contribute to the family can do so through the William Amolsch Fund c/o Fifth Third Bank, 411 Town Center Drive, Highland, MI 48356.

Construction workers hit natural gas line
From staff reports
Construction workers digging a trench behind Boonsboro Shopping Center punctured a gas line Wednesday morning, spreading natural gas fumes through the neighborhood. The Lynchburg Fire & EMS Department cordoned off the affected area behind the shopping center but didn't close traffic on adjacent Boonsboro Road. Two nearby stores were evacuated but most were allowed to stay open, including Food Lion. "We just told the workers not to go out back," said Anthony V. Smith, battalion chief of the Lynchburg Fire & EMS Department. "You don't really want someone stepping out for a cigarette." Natural gas rises into the atmosphere, Smith said, making it less dangerous than a propane gas leak. He said propane gas is heavier than air and stays low to the ground, increasing the odds for an explosion or fire. "Propane really scares me more than natural gas," Smith said. "Natural gas is lighter than air and it rises." Humidity prevented the natural gas from rising, though, so fire department workers remained on the scene, monitoring gas levels throughout the afternoon. Gas could be heard escaping from the pipe as Columbia Gas of Virginia workers fixed the leak. The leak was sealed at 2:30 p.m. The construction workers were doing sewage work for Forehand Inc. Property Management, which owns the shopping center. There were no injuries, Smith said. Phone calls to Columbia Gas of Virginia representatives were not returned.

Construction worker crushed by forklift at WalMart construction site in Montgomery
By: Erika E. Durhan, Courier staff December 25, 2002
A construction worker was transported via LifeFlight to Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston Tuesday morning after being crushed by a forklift while at work on a local construction site. It was the second serious construction accident in Montgomery County within a week. t about 9:30 a.m. Tuesday emergency workers responded to a call from the Wal-Mart store under construction at Texas 105 and Walden Road. According to Mark Schwind of the Conroe Police Department, the unidentified man was crushed between a forklift and the ceiling of the building, causing him severe chest injuries. Apparently he was on the forklift while it was moving and it kept moving toward the ceiling," Schwind said. Brian Hurst, of the Montgomery Fire Department, said he did not know how severe the injuries were except that they "were enough to warrant LifeFlight." uperintendents at the construction site failed to comment about the details of the incident or the man's identity. ther agencies involved also would not release the man's name. uesday morning's incident is the second severe work related injury to occur in the county within the last week. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is currently investigating the death of a man who fell Friday through the roof of a medical facility under construction at 1501 the Riverpointe Drive.

Construction worker killed in fall; 5 men in crew were building new water tower
SMITHTON - A man fell to his death Tuesday afternoon as he worked a new water tower. Police didn't release the man's name Tuesday. Chief Brian Vielweber said the man was one of five working on the new water tower more than 100 feet above the ground at Village Park off Memorial Drive. He fell inside the tower about 1 p.m. "Apparently what happened is he slipped and landed inside the water tower," Vielweber said. Smithton Fire Chief Dan Arras said the Fire Department was initially called at 1:03 p.m. Arras described the man as being in his mid-30s. Arras said he believes the man died instantly. "When we got there, they were performing CPR on him," Arras said. "We could never get a pulse on him." Vielweber said the crew had been building the new tower for the past two months. He said the men were contracted from Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., a global engineering and construction company. The St. Clair County coroner's office is investigating the accident, and Vielweber said the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration also has been contacted.

6 workers injured as brick wall falls
CP Monday, December 23, 2002
Six construction workers were injured yesterday in Rosemont - three of them severely - after a platform supporting them collapsed, causing a brick wall to topple onto them. The most severely injured workers required treatment for internal injuries, spinal injuries and head trauma, emergency workers said. All were brought to a hospital. One worker was reported to be fighting for his life last night. The accident happened as the tradesmen were working on the three-storey brick wall of a building at Masson St. and 18th Ave. The platform beneath them collapsed and brought the wall down, crushing several workers. Alain Champagne was passing by when the scaffolding went down. "I saw a big cloud (of dust)," he said. "When I saw that, I called 911 and ran over. "I saw the injured men. There were people there helping them to get out from under the bricks. I think there were at least five and two had gotten out. There was one who had a bad head injury and he was being comforted. They put a blanket on him." Fire department crews and investigators from the provincial workplace health and safety board have not yet determined the cause of the collapse. They poked at the rubble where the scaffolding lay twisted among the piles of scattered bricks. A large white tarpaulin flapped off the top of the building as emergency crews milled around.

Worker Survives 30-Foot Fall From Elementary School Roof; Roofer Fell From New Souderton School
December 24, 2002
A roofer was injured Tuesday when he fell 30 feet from the roof of the new Vernfield Elementary School in Franconia, Pa., in Montgomery County. Randy Crocker, 39, of Catasauqua was flown to Lehigh Valley Medical Center after he fell from a two-story section of the Souderton Area School District's new building shortly after 9:30 a.m. A hospital official says his condition was upgraded from critical to satisfactory Tuesday night. Franconia police Officer Dave Klepfer says Crocker, an employee of Allan Kunsman Roofing and Siding of Freesburg, was conscious after the fall. He apparently misstepped while on the roof of the building, which is slated for completion in the spring.

Plunge kills worker at waterfront tower; Probe looks at safety at Goldman Sachs site
Tuesday, December 24, 2002 By Michaelangelo Conte Journal staff writer
An elevator worker fell 21 stories to his death yesterday morning while working on the giant Goldman Sachs building under construction on the Jersey City waterfront, officials said. The death prompted a major investigation that included federal agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms because of other "incidents" at a nearby high-rise being built by the same company, officials said. But Hudson County Prosecutor Edward DeFazio said yesterday that according to a preliminary investigation, the death of Daniel McQuillen, 41, of Staten Island, may have been accidental. At 8:27 a.m., McQuillen, a foreman for the Otis Company, was working on the roof of an elevator car installing a cable when the car gave way and plummeted from about half the height of the 876-foot-tall building, according to police reports. McQuillen's fall ended 10 feet above the floor of the building's main level. The first officer on the scene climbed onto the elevator platform and found three of McQuillen's co-workers standing arund his body, and McQuillen had no pulse and was not breathing, reports said. The report said McQuillen was wearing no safety harness. Officers of the Hudson County Prosecutors Office's Homicide Unit, investigators from the federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration and the Jersey City Police Department, as well as a doctor from the state Regional Medical Examiner's Office, all went to the scene, DeFazio said. The doctor pronounced McQuillen dead at 10:32 a.m., reports said. The Goldman Sachs building and the twin 30-story Liberty View towers, located at Hudson and Essex streets, are both being built by Turner Construction company. DeFazio said incidents, including two fires and a bombing at Liberty View, prompted police to take a close look at yesterday's incident to rule out foul play. In July, Jeff Hays, 25, of Pennsylvania, a laborer at the Liberty View project, was charged with detonating a bomb in an elevator shaft there in July, officials said. No one was injured in the blast, but about 40 construction workers were evacuated, officials said. According to police reports, investigators found a second explosive with potential to emit shrapnel. In June, a massive fire broke out on the 29th floor of Liberty View's west tower, and officials are investigating that blaze as a possible act of arson. The week before the bombing, a broom had been set on fire in the east tower, officials said. DeFazio said OSHA is investigating McQuillen's death. Tara Novembre, assistant area director for OSHA, said OSHA investigators remained at the Goldman Sachs building yesterday afternoon and had not yet written a report on the death.

UPDATE, Man who died in bid to save friend honored as hero; Victor Mills jumped to aid man who had passed out in manhole
2002-12-26 by Nora Doyle Journal Reporter
There was no other option for Victor Mills on an August day last year. When he saw his friend suffocating in a manhole at the construction site where they were working, Mills had to do something. Mills died trying to save him. ``He was the type of kid that knows right is right, and wrong is wrong,'' said his father, Mel Mills. ``When that situation came up, he just did it. He knew he had to try and save his friend. That's the kind of kid he was.'' His friend, Jason Moore, survived. Mills, 34 at the time of his death, was recently named by the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission as a recipient of the Carnegie Medal. The medal is given to people who risked their lives to an extraordinary degree while saving or attempting to save the lives of others. Mills was one of three of this year's recipients who died in the performance of an heroic act. ``I was very proud. He very well deserved it for what he did,'' said Mills' mother, Sharon Brehmer. Victor Mills was one of four people working on an excavation project at a construction site in Newcastle on Aug. 29. Moore had begun to act strangely after climbing into a manhole on the site, probably from a lack of oxygen inside, said a Bellevue Fire Department spokesman right after the accident. Mills jumped in to help Moore, but fell 20 feet headfirst. After a few minutes, Moore regained consciousness and climbed out, but Mills was declared dead at the scene. Mills was raised in Auburn and attended Auburn High School, where he was a good student and played soccer, his parents said. Later living in Enumclaw, Mills and Moore became friends. It was Moore who encouraged Mills to take a job with Robinson Construction Inc. ``They were a team,'' Mills' mother said. They worked together about seven weeks before Mills' death. Mills was one of four children, the last and the smallest of the group. But, at 6 feet 2 inches tall and 212 pounds, he grew up to be the biggest, his mother said with a smile. Mills was fun and well-liked, and he followed his parents' advice to become indispensable to his employer, working nights and weekends, and learning to operate every piece of machinery, said Mel Mills. ``I'm honored that he's getting this award,'' he said. One hundred and eight people were awarded the Carnegie Medal in 2002. Each winner or their survivors receive a $3,500 grant.

UPDATE, Feds probe worker's death at railyard; OSHA seizes firm's records as Railway's safety comes under increasing scrutiny
The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration has seized safety records from the Sunnyside-based construction company whose employee was killed last week as he worked on Staten Island Railway property. Safety records for a period of a year and a half were taken from the M. Ferrante Construction Co., a subcontractor working under Granite Halmar of Ossining, N.Y. Both companies were contracted by New York City Transit to install a $100 million signal upgrade on the Railway, a four-year project that has come under fire for being too ambitious and unnecessary on a two-track, enclosed, 14-mile passenger railroad. The move indicates a possible widening of the probe. OSHA authorities were unavailable for comment due to the Christmas holiday. Mensur Capa, 41, of Willowbrook was killed Thursday when the boom lift he was operating toppled over, crushing him under its heavy arm. After the incident, the city Buildings Department issued Ferrante a violation for "unsafe construction practices." In March, the firm was fined $46,800 by OSHA for eight previous violations. That fine was later reduced to $16,770 after a settlement was reached. Michael Ferrante, the firm's owner, did not return phone calls for comment. The news of the seizure came as rumors began circulating that Capa was not a union member. Marissa Baldeo, a Transit spokeswoman, disputed those rumors, noting the company is a union shop. However, the agency does not require its contractors to hire only union workers, she said. "We do require them to pay the union rate, though," she added. It is also still unclear if Capa was licensed to operate the machine. A Buildings Department spokeswoman said a permit was not required, but construction industry experts say OSHA mandates that all boom lift operators be licensed and properly trained. "There is a minimum training required, and you have to have the [certification] card in your pocket. It's a federal law," said R last night odney Mason, a construction safety coordinator in Ohio. "It's not something they can supersede." The equipment Capa was operating is called a "Pettibone" [for the company that makes it] all-terrain lift. The truck-like machine has four tractor-trailer-sized tires and a crane-like boom arm, which extends out in front of the vehicle. Capa was working on the building that once housed the Railway's substation. The structure is being converted into a new train dispatch and control center. The project -- which also includes new electrifying track switches and fiber-optic installations along the tracks -- is now moving into its third year. In what Transit officials are calling an unrelated move, Michael Downer, project manager on the signal upgrade, was moved to a new project the day before Capa's death. Criticism of the Railway's safety record is mounting. Earlier this month, a young woman's foot was caught in the door of a train as it left a station, dragging the 19-year-old for several feet. Railway employees have also questioned whether safety regulations are being followed by the contractors who work along the tracks. Michael Wagner covers transportation issues for the Advance. He may be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

UPDATE, No foul play seen in elevator mechanic's fatal plunge
Friday, December 27, 2002 By Michaelangelo Conte Journal staff writer
Investigators now say the death of an elevator mechanic who fell down an elevator shaft in Jersey City on Monday was probably an accident and unrelated to suspicious incidents over the summer at a nearby construction site. Otis Elevator Co. mechanic Daniel McQuillen, 41, of Staten Island, was originally believed to have fallen 21 stories while working in the 40-story Goldman Sachs building under construction on the Jersey City waterfront. But Hudson County Prosecutor Edward DeFazio said yesterday that investigators determined he fell from about six stories. "As of this time, our investigation leads us to believe that there was no foul play involved in McQuillen's death and that it was a tragic accident," said DeFazio yesterday. However, DeFazio said the case is still under investigation by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration. The Goldman Sachs building is located at 30 Montgomery St. After McQuillen's fall Monday morning, investigators launched a massive investigation to rule out foul play. Over the summer, a construction site at the 30-story Liberty View towers, located at Hudson and Essex streets, suffered several suspicious incidents, including a bombing and two fires. Fire officials said one of the fires was arson. Both the Goldman Sachs high-rise and the Liberty View residential buildings, only blocks apart, are being built by the Turner Construction Co. DeFazio said McQuillen was standing on top of an elevator between the sixth and seventh floors, attaching a temporary cable to elevator, when the elevator suddenly plummeted. DeFazio said it appears the cable or clips McQuillen was using "gave way." Because McQuillen was working on an elevator that operates between the first and 23rd floors of the building, investigators originally thought he had fallen the entire distance. The state Regional Medical Examiners Office in Newark said McQuillen died of "impact trauma" to the torso, resulting in severe internal bleeding, said DeFazio. The first officer on the scene reported that McQuillen wasn't wearing a safety harness, but yesterday an OSHA spokesman said he could not comment on whether that was true. The OSHA spokesman said investigators could not interview construction workers yesterday because of the snowstorm. McQuillen was a second-generation elevator worker; his father and brother both worked in the field. He has three children, sons Daniel Jr., 10, Michael, 8, and daughter Casey, 6. His wife, Ann Marie McQuillen, spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with her children at her sister's home. "I don't think my two little ones realize what happened," she told reporters "I don't think it's really hit them yet." Although Daniel McQuillen had been on the job 21 years, the risky work still troubled his wife. "He's taken us there to show us where he worked," she said in a Christmas Day interview. "I was never too interested because I knew it was dangerous. Every day, I told him to be careful."

UPDATE, Injured Nevada highway workers slowly recover
ELKO - Four Nevada Department of Transportation workers seriously injured when a car plowed through a construction zone on Interstate 80 are slowly recovering. But the agency said all have a long way to go. The crew was repairing a guardrail Nov. 27 about 25 miles east of Battle Mountain when a car slammed into a heavy equipment loader. The driver of the car died instantly. The loader spun around, striking three workers who were standing nearby. The legs of two workers were partially amputated. Mike Anderson, 38, lost a portion of his left leg and will be fitted with a prosthesis in the near future, NDOT said. Steve Werner, 47, remains hospitalized. He suffered the partial loss of a leg as well as head injuries, but officials said his is making steady progress. Patty Griffith, 41, suffered broken ribs and a fractured knee and may require further surgery, and 44-year-old David Dyer, who was operating the loader, suffered back and head injuries and is receiving physical therapy. All four workers are from the Elko area. Co-workers set up an account to help the families with incidental expenses during their long recoveries, and so far nearly $8,000 has been donated and distributed to the workers, the agency said.

Workers dig up triple trouble; Phone, gas, water lines broken in day of errors
By MARDEE ROBERTS The Leaf-Chronicle
A trio of errors resulted in the intersection of Madison and 10th streets being blocked to traffic for hours Thursday while gas, water and telephone crews worked to fix a cascading set of problems. Clarksville Gas and Water Department and BellSouth workers faced the triple threat of a leaking gas main, a broken water main and a severed telephone fiber optic cable that serves businesses along Madison Street and Memorial Drive. Utility officials on the scene Thursday afternoon were still trying to sort out what happened. Initial reports indicated a Murfreesboro company installing a new traffic signal pole for the city hit the fiber cable in front of Kiddieland with an auger sometime before noon. Jeffrey Reed, foreman for S&W Contractors, said when BellSouth employees arrived, his crews moved across the street toward the front of a car wash to continue their work. "Then we hit the water line," Reed said. "It wasn't marked." Complicating matters, all the Gas and Water service telephone lines were out because of the fiber optic problem. Employees had to work out a communications plan, including using cellular phones to dispatch water crews to fix the leak. Meanwhile, BellSouth brought in a contractor to dig around the cable break, and the contractor may have hit a gas line. "It's possible. We had a contractor digging a hole for us and then we started smelling gas," said Pat Hooper, a BellSouth network manager. Firefighters and police blocked Madison and 10th streets while gas crews worked to stop the leak. Traffic was rerouted down Greenwood Avenue and down Commerce and 11th streets. Clarksville Fire Rescue Assistant Chief David Clinard said officials could smell a strong odor of natural gas when they arrived. Also, rerouting traffic and blocking the road is department protocol whenever natural gas leaks are present, Clinard said. The fiber cable problems knocked out phone lines and checkout debit card readers to some businesses on Madison Street. Crews hoped to have the problems fixed Thursday night, but were still on the scene with the road blocked at 11 p.m.

Worker drowns, 2 hurt as construction ditch caves in
By Essam Al-Ghalib, Arab News Staff JEDDAH, 29 December 2002
An expatriate worker was killed in an accident at a construction site in the Al-Ruwais district of Jeddah yesterday evening. Shukun Mia, a 28-year-old Bangladeshi, was pumping water out of a ditch in this working class residential area with two others when its sides collapsed, burying them all. While two of the victims were able to keep their heads above the three-feet-deep water, Mia became completely submerged and remained stuck underneath a landslide of mud and rocks. The sewage project on which the three workers were engaged is being undertaken by the Bin Samar Construction Company. Civil Defense personnel quickly arrived on the scene to free the two men who survived the accident, and they were transported to King Fahd Hospital with minor injuries. However, it took rescuers one and a half hours to remove the dead man's body using heavy lifting equipment. Rescue efforts were complicated by a continuous flow of water into the ditch. Majid Abdullah Al-Ghamdi, a civil defense officer, was lowered into the ditch and used his hands to remove the rocks that were on top of the victim. He then tied a rope under the dead man's shoulders, and a crane was used to lift the victim's body out. Almaz Hussein, a co-worker of the dead man, told Arab News at the scene: When the ditch collapsed, we tried to get the men out. We were able to keep the heads of the two workers above water until the rescuers arrived. But we could not get Shukun out. He struggled to free himself for almost two minutes, but then lost consciousness. Mia has been a construction worker in the Kingdom for five years, and had just returned from vacation after visiting his family in Bangladesh. Over 300 people gathered to watch the rescue efforts and extra police personnel were called in to control the crowd. There was a danger of further landslide conditions being created by the crowd trying to peer into the ditch to watch the rescue efforts. Police officers used wooden sticks and threw stones to keep the crowd back. Police took in five people, including the project manager and an engineer, for questioning. There are more than a million Third World immigrants in the Kingdom who work in the construction industry, and they earn as little as SR150 a month. Safety standards on construction sites are often poorly enforced.

Local Father Dies In Construction Accident; Crews Were Repairing Parking Lot
December 31, 2002
HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP, Mich.-- A local father was reportedly killed in a construction accident in Highland Township Monday afternoon. Construction crews were repairing the parking lot in front of Aquamarine Fiberglass Pools on West Highland Road, according to the Oakland County Sheriff's Department. As workers placed cement pipes into a large hole, witnesses said that the 43-year-old victim jumped into the hole. The pit then collapsed, according to the Sheriff's Department. The worker was then reportedly crushed by one of the mammoth pipes. ther workers reportedly jumped in to save the man, but it was too late. The man was pronounced dead at Huron Valley Hospital, the station reported. The Sheriff's Department is coordinating a fund to help the family get through the tragedy, Local 4 reported.

Gas line break cuts service to Mannford
2002-12-31 By The Associated Press
MANNFORD -- Hundreds of households and businesses in Mannford will likely be without natural gas service until Wednesday after a construction crew broke the town's supply line, the city manager said. The crew digging for a new activity center in the town about 15 miles east of Tulsa snapped the 4-inch line about 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, city manager Jim Whitlock said. About 500 to 600 households and businesses will not have natural gas, which they use for heat and cooking, until Wednesday afternoon, Whitlock said. Workers are repairing the line, he said. "We regret it happened, and obviously we have had a lot of calls, some understanding and some not so understanding," Whitlock said. "We're doing what we can to fix it, but its an unavoidable construction accident." The city is the natural gas provider for the 2,600 residents who live in the Creek County town, buying gas from Oklahoma Gas and Electric and distributing to its roughly 800 to 900 households and businesses. Whitlock said the natural gas line is typically buried 4-feet under the ground but was only about 2 1/2-feet below at the construction site because of shallow dirt over a bed of rock.

Worker critically injured in fall at construction site
Sunday, December 22, 2002
CLIFTON - A construction worker was critically injured Saturday morning after falling three stories from a Colfax Avenue town house he was helping to build, police said. The man, whose name was not released, was walking along a wooden plank when it broke around 10:30 a.m. at the Cambridge Crossings condominium complex, police said. He fell, hitting his head on the ground. The man was taken to St. Joseph's Regional Medical Center in Paterson, where he was in critical condition hours after the incident, police said. Workers for Town & Country Developers - the Woodcliff Lake company that is building the complex - would not comment. Several hundred town houses are being constructed on the 42-acre former Shulton Industries site. - Scott Fallon

UPDATE, Firm to pay £21,000 after worker's fall
Dec 23 2002 By Jane Yelland, The Huddersfield Daily Examiner
A TEXTILE firm has been ordered to pay more than £21,000 in fines, compensation and costs after a worker fell 25ft through a roof. David Wilson suffered a fractured skull and other injuries after falling while carrying out roof repairs. Managing director Stephen Moorhouse and finance director David Midgley pleaded guilty to failing to ensure the health and safety of employees at Stork Brothers, Bay Hall Mills, Bay Hall Common Road, Birkby. Huddersfield magistrates fined the firm £15,000, and ordered it to pay £5,000 compensation to Mr Wilson and court costs of £1,272. Sarah Lee, prosecuting for the Health and Safety Executive, said Howard Heap, chief maintenance engineer at Stork Brothers, had told Mr Wilson and Rex Earnshaw to clean the guttering before the summer break in July. They were told to use a ladder on one side of the building and gain access through a window on the other side. Ms Lee said the accident happened at lunchtime, when Mr Wilson crossed the roof to climb down the ladder. As he went across the roof he fell through a skylight and crashed 25ft to the floor. He suffered a fractured skull, bruising and a dislocated finger. Ms Lee said the firm had a full-time health and safety officer who did risk assessments on jobs, but had not performed one on cleaning the guttering. She added that there was copious information produced by the Health and Safety Executive on the dangers of working at heights. And Stork Brothers had failed to provide a safe platform for people working on a fragile roof, added Ms Lee. Mr Chris Foulkes, for Stork Brothers, said the firm employed 85 people and had been in business since 1863. He said the firm took health and safety very seriously. They had ordered a full review of all working procedures since the accident and had pleaded guilty at the first opportunity. He said the health and safety officer had attended courses to improve her knowledge of the relevant issues. Mr Foulkes said the accident had occurred through an oversight and not as a result of money-saving. He said Mr Wilson was an experienced employee who had worked for the firm for 15 years. He had been told not to cross the roof and to use the window and ladder for access. He was also back at work after three weeks, said Mr Foulkes.

Montreal construction workers hurt in collapse
CTV News Staff
Six Montreal construction workers are in hospital after a platform supporting them collapsed Sunday. Three of the men have life-threatening injuries. The scaffolding collapsed as the men worked on a three-storey building's exterior brick wall, which appeared to have cracked, fire department officials said. Witnesses said it appeared that the brick wall, being demolished by workers, fell into the scaffolding, causing the platform to collapse. Alain Champagne was passing by when the scaffolding went down. "I saw a big cloud (of dust)," he told Canadian Press. "When I saw that, I called 911 and ran over." All six workers were conscious when emergency crews arrived on the scene, and no one was buried under the rubble. Most were presenting head and internal injuries, according to CFCF News. Fire department crews and Workers' Health and Safety Commission investigators had not immediately determined the cause of the collapse.

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Drawing of Kid Sitting With Ballcap From Behind

Source: https://www.safteng.net/index.php/33-incident-alert-archives/construction-accidents

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